#nimue lore
togepies · 1 year
ok so Nim gets along *really* well with Shadowheart & Lae'zel despite the fact that all 3 of them argue with each other constantly and after doing the 16 personalities quiz for my girl (ENTP, scarily accurate), I GET IT I understand why she gets along with them so well
"Loyalty, support, emotional feedback – these are not what Debaters look for in their friendships."
"Debater personalities are quick-witted, and their primary means of expressing this is in the form of arguments and discussions, where they will easily spend an entire evening debating an idea they may not even believe in. These debates are never taken personally, no matter how heated they become or how striking the disagreement."
"The epitome of Debaters’ friendships is when someone can hold their ground in these arbitrary debates with valid, rational arguments."
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mirrists · 3 months
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unrest / memory
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mmhawkes · 6 months
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March to Camelot - Love
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atlasspade · 5 months
Nynyve fell for Pelleas’s sad wet cat energy if you think about it
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aetherose · 1 month
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NAME — Layla Ceridwen
PROFESSION — Fugitive, Wanderer
WHERE THEY CAN BE FOUND — Quiet places. Libraries particularly, but also parks, museums, and so forth. Her location shifts quite a lot due to her position but she tends to stay away from anywhere crowded as a general rule of thumb, and mostly goes around places during the evening or night.
FAVORITE FOOD TYPE — Sweets. All the sweets. She loves chocolate flavored sweets in particular, but all sorts of confectionaries she really likes. Fluffy soft pastries she particularly likes as well.
FAVORITE ALCOHOLIC DRINK — She doesn't really drink alcohol, preferring either just plain water or chamomile tea.
WHERE THEY WOULD GO ON A DATE — Somewhere simple, quiet, and a bit secluded, like a nice spot by a lake or on a hill beneath a tree. Or, alternatively, a library date is always a very good option with her. She'll probably be fine with anywhere that's not crowded, overall.
IDEAL GIFT — Books. Any kind she'll probably appreciate, but horror, history, generally informative nonfiction, or intriguing stories are her favorites. She also really likes make-up, so getting her that also works. She'll also appreciate you just making her a nice meal.
HOW MANY DATES UNTIL THEY KISS — There's no real consistent number, but it'll definitely take a long, long time for her to initiate a kiss herself, if she ever will. She's very hesitant to trust, let alone she's very nervous about entering a romantic relationship, so you'll need to probably do a lot of initiating yourself and do so with a lot of care. Her heart is a very fragile thing, so when she finally gives it to you, hold it in your hands very gently.
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NAME — Lily Thirteen Radiata
PROFESSION — Grade 1 Fixer; Color of the Crimson Lily.
WHERE THEY CAN BE FOUND — There is effectively no consistent location you can find Radiata at. She is constantly traveling across the City according to both her whims and for jobs. If you're lucky, you may find her at her house in District 11's Nest, but this is rare due to her most times being out and about elsewhere.
FAVORITE FOOD TYPE — Spicy foods! She loves spicy things. Anything with a strong taste she'll probably quite like, but spicy is her favorite. Also meat. She really likes meat.
FAVORITE ALCOHOLIC DRINK — Probably something really strong but classy. She'd certainly have a high alcohol tolerance, as she'd previously have ups and downs of using it as a bad coping mechanism. However, in recent years she's refrained from it, because it's stopped having all that much effect and just her interest generally wavering.
WHERE THEY WOULD GO ON A DATE — She's very versatile overall; as long as the place is interesting enough, she'll probably be willing to go there. She's not much for conventional date places beyond restaurants if they're fancy enough, so think outside the box overall with her.
IDEAL GIFT — Flowers works as a go-to if you can't think of anything else, but she'll also really like fancy clothes or accessories...spoil her a bit, give her interesting or fancy stuff, and she'll be pleased.
HOW MANY DATES UNTIL THEY KISS — Ok. So. Radiata is terrified of getting genuinely close to someone, and as a consequence she operates under doing everything typical of a romantic relationship except acknowledging it as a romantic relationship. So she'll operate under the dates being casual more friends-with-benefits sort of things, therefore being willing to kiss you and do all kinds of romantic gestures very fast, but she'll immediately pull back and start pushing you away the moment it all turns genuine. So, yeah; she's a mess, an arguable nightmare.
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NAME — Nimue Winterbell
PROFESSION — White Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer, De-Facto Leader of the "Nautiloid Adventurers"
WHERE THEY CAN BE FOUND — Depends on the time, but I'll mostly stick to during and post-game because of the nigh-impossibility of dating her pre-game. Post-game she's in the Lower City of Baldur's Gate, mostly either going to Bloomridge Park or staying home. During the game, she's traveling with her companions to get the tadpole out of their heads, so you'll either most likely find her in various places around the Risen Road as they head to Baldur's Gate, or in her and her companions' camp, wherever they set it up.
FAVORITE FOOD TYPE — She mostly leans towards cool, softer, fruity foods, or just fruits themselves she quite likes. She also really likes ice cream.
FAVORITE ALCOHOLIC DRINK — She doesn't tend to drink too often, but she does quite like red wine. She tends to assign herself as the one to remain sober in the group so she can keep everyone from doing anything stupid, though, so she tends to just get herself water.
WHERE THEY WOULD GO ON A DATE — She usually likes the classic kind of date spots, like restaurants or parks. Staying home and just being in one another's presence is fine by her as well. Her absolute favorite would probably be going to the beach, though. She loves the sea and loves swimming.
IDEAL GIFT — Lilies are always a good option. Jewelry or books work as options as well. Beyond that though, she'd personally prefer things people make for her themselves, even though she'd feel undeserving of such effort put in all for her. Whether it's a love letter, a portrait, or something else entirely, it'd become one of her most prized possessions as something given to her by someone she holds dear.
HOW MANY DATES UNTIL THEY KISS — The chances of her initiating a kiss first is nearly zero. Once the other's initiated one themselves first though, she'll feel more willing to initiate, but tends to drown in hesitation. But unless pushed by third parties it's quite unlikely even after many dates she'll initiate the first kiss herself. Also, she's somewhat oblivious at times, especially to flirting, so even ignoring her lack of self-esteem, she'd probably miss every hint the person gives of wanting her to kiss them.
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Tagged By: Nabbed from @dnangelic! Tagging: Whoever wants to do this!
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nimue-hidden-lake · 2 months
I know I should be writing but there's an imagery in my head in regards to Akechi (and by that I mean Lukanjakechi)
Lukanja can break Akechi's facade and may have been able to do so a few times. Not by teasing but by being softly affectionate. Simple gestures, like caressing one of his cheeks with one of their hands or wrapping their arms around him softly. They say nothing, only looking up at him with a soft yet caring, sweet smile.
His brain needs time to process this yet once Akechi has processed it he notices that he has given in out of nowhere by leaning into their touch and not pulling away (perhaps even signaling that he wants more). On one hand he is shaking on the inside, terrified what they think of him in such a vulnerable state. But on the other he just can't get himself to pull away or tell them to stop.
Perhaps he even questions when the last time was that he felt someone embrace him in such a manner. He doesn't understand it either yet an answer would only make it more confusing for him. It will take him a while to truly accept this. He's not used to someone being this affectionate with him.
But that doesn't mean he hates it, no. He really likes it. He just feels a little overwhelmed and confused by it at the same time.
As for Lukanja... It is unlikely for them to pull away. What may seem like a sign of them seeking his attention is in truth an act of genuine care and affection. They want to be someone he can feel safe around and just be himself. At least that is their aim. They love Akechi himself after all, not this persona he puts up.
I'm sorry but this thought drives me mad. Maybe I write it at a later date... Maybe... Most likely... Akechi getting soft like this does things to me... Also the thought makes me sick. Ugh, it's too much...
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lake-archive · 10 months
A Shared Love Between Our Posse (Masterlist 1)
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Fandom: Hypnosis Mic
Characters (main): Ramuda Amemura, Gentaro Yumeno, Dice Arisugawa, Ann Wolff (OC)
Pairing(s): Fling Posse x Ann (Ramuann, Genann, Diceann)
Description: Collection of loredumps, headcanons and fanfictions involving each of the pairings
This is a polycule ship! The ships coexist with another!
These ships are only Canon x OC (or S/I) works! This is solely selfship/yumeship works! None of these is Canon x Canon!
If these things make you uncomfortable, avoid any of these works!
Lists below cut
Words total right now: 143,509*
Average reading time so far: ~ 18 hours*
*Shiplore and dynamic are excluded in the word count
The Basics
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Ramuann - Dynamic + Loredump
Genann - Dynamic + Loredump
Diceann - Dynamic + Loredump
The Story - I
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Just A Passerby (Ramuann)
'Hey Miss!' - 'I'm not a Miss!' (Ramuann)
Secret Archives (Genann, sort of)
Literary Genius (Genann)
Gambling Hobo & Kitchen Killer (Diceann)
Invitation (Ramuann)
Everywhere I Go (Ramuann)
The Start Of Their Story (Genann)
Gambling Buddy (Diceann)
Lap Seat (Genann)
You Like Me (Ramuann)
Surprise Kiss (Genann)
Sweet Kiss (Ramuann)
Kissing Jackpot (Diceann)
Money Or Marriage? (Diceann)
Meeting In Osaka (Ramuann)
Drabblecember 2023
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Cold Weather (Drabblecember Day 1) (Diceann)
Baking Together (Drabblecember Day 2) (Ramuann)
Decorating (Drabblecember Day 3) (Ramuann)
Learning Traditions (Drabblecember Day 4) (Genann)
Sharing Stories (Drabblecember Day 5) (Genann)
Wrapping Gifts (Drabblecember Day 6) (Diceann)
Snowed In (Drabblecember Day 7) (All)
Sharing Snacks (Drabblecember Day 8) (Ramuann)
A Walk Outside (Drabblecember Day 9) (Diceann)
Sleeping In (Drabblecember Day 10) (Genann)
Building A Snowman (Drabblecember Day 11) (Diceann)
Snowball Fight (Drabblecember Day 12) (All)
Movie Marathon (Drabblecember Day 13) (Ramuann)
Stealing One's Sweater (Drabblecember Day 14) (Diceann)
Being Sick (Drabblecember Day 15) (Genann)
Scrapbooking (Drabblecember Day 16) (Ramuann)
Laundry (Drabblecember Day 17) (Genann)
Winter Date (Drabblecember Day 18) (Diceann)
Hot Drinks (Drabblecember Day 19) (Ramuann)
Listening To Holiday Music (Drabblecember Day 20) (Diceann)
Staying Up Late (Drabblecember Day 22) (Genann)
Stealing Another's Sweater (Drabblecember Day 23) (Ramuann)
Big Get Together (Drabblecember Day 24) (All)
Gift Swap (Drabblecember Day 25) (All)
After A Party (Drabblecember Day 26) (Genann)
Cooking Together (Drabblecember Day 27) (Genann)
Doing Chores Together (Drabblecember Day 28) (Diceann)
Shopping Trip (Drabblecember Day 29) (Ramuann)
Morning Routine (Drabblecember Day 30) (Diceann)
Happy New Year (Drabblecember Day 31) (All)
The Story - II
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Well, It's A Lie (Genann)
Nasty Claws But Squishy Plush (Diceann)
Kiss Until You Drop! (Diceann)
First Meeting Of The Year (All)
It'd Be Unbearable Without You (Ramuann)
He's A Teasing Nightmare! But... (Genann)
Train Ride To Osaka (Genann + Diceann)
That's Not An Onee-San... That's My Partner! (Ramuann)
The Urge To Kiss (Genann)
Peaceful Moment (Diceann)
Cute (Ramuann)
Lucky Kabedon (Diceann)
Like A Slotmachine - I Love Ya! (Diceann)
A Moment In Secret (Genann)
Another Set Of Lovebirds (Genann)
Begging For Night Cuddles (Diceann)
Voice Talent (Genann)
Group Photo - But There Are Only Two Hands (All)
Chocolate Gift (All) (Ramuda Birthday Special 2024)
Adoribly Angry (Genann)
A Quick Shut Up Kiss (Diceann)
Hugs (Ramuann)
Me? I'm His Fiancée (Diceann)
Peaceful Rest... Right? (Ramuann)
Secrets & Trust (Genann)
The Story - III
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Sneaky (Genann)
A Crêpes Date (Genann)
An Outfit For You (Ramuann)
To Be A Catsitter (Diceann)
Emergency Lap Seat (Diceann)
A Fool For His Birthday (Genann) (Gentaro Birthday Special 2024)
A Forehead Kiss (Ramuann)
A Rather Sweet Time (Ramuann)
The (Last Minute) Concert (Diceann)
Fake Date... Right? (Genann)
An Unfair Game (Ramuann)
Our Choice (Diceann)
Ice Cream Date #1 - With Ramuda (Ramuann)
Ice Cream Date #2 - With Gentaro (Genann)
Ice Cream Date #3 - With Dice (Diceann)
Under The Stars (Diceann)
Wrist Kiss (Genann)
Loved Enough (Ramuann)
Sleepy Charms (Diceann)
Yearning For Affection (Ramuann)
more coming soon...
His Present (Diceann) (Dice Birthday Special 2024)
Masterlist Part 2
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thefinalbracket · 2 years
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TSUYU ASUI (My Hero Academia) vs. NIMUE, LADY OF THE LAKE (Arthurian Legend)
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dzvagabond · 11 months
Hello there! Hope you all are having a fun day! I have a question for Piccolo if that is alright! I'd be curious to hear how you met your partner! And what was your first impression during said meeting? @nimue-hidden-lake
It is quite alright, we just finished training for the day. I’m still getting used to using 13’s communicator so I apologize that this is a late response.
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Android 13 and I met not too long after the Cell incident. They had pretty much come out of nowhere and was unnaturally excited about meeting us despite the fact we had killed their “master” Dr. Gero. I was skeptical, immensely skeptical as was Vegeta. I didn’t trust them.
Come to find out, our instincts were right. And to make a long story short: they tried to kill us, it didn't work. Bulma reset them, and the rest is history.
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togepies · 1 year
no but listen
nim casually trying to get gale's attention in camp by reading boring ass magic books (she likes romance novels ok), looking up every few seconds to see if he's watching (he isn't and it drives her up a wall, so she goes to drink wine with shadowheart and rants about how oblivious he is but tbh she couldn't be more subtle if she tried so i mean what do you expect)
gale watching nim practice with lae'zel from his tent, quickly turning his attention back to his boring ass magic books when she looks over at him. but they lock eyes once and she smiles real big and waves at him while she's holding a big sword (and then gets knocked to the ground by lae'zel who immediately chastises her for getting distracted)
both of them getting incredibly embarrassed at the tiefling party when everyone points out how cozy they looked.......
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fereldensheroes · 23 days
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How many times can I watch the LOTR trilogy in a row without adding LOTR verses?
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eldritchdemonfox · 2 years
Name: Nimue Faelen
Nicknames: Guppy (Fox), Little Cub (Phantom/Matthew), Ghostling (Fox), Little Fish, Nym, MueMue, Princess (Moby), Nymmy, Primhino (Quincey), Sweetling (Taylor), Baby, Quarlani'har (Taylor)
Age: 15 at death (around 800)
Birthday: 2 February, 1205
Date of Death: 15 February, 1220
Gender: Genderqueer (Xe/Xer)
Race: (formerly) human/fae hybrid, (currently) poltergeist
Height: 5’ 4”
Power: controls water, chooses who can hold/wield the legendary sword Excalibur, healing magic, talented chef, singer, artist, and medic, shapeshifting, minor illusions, connection to nature
Affiliation: The bloodline of The Lady of The Lake, Excalibur, Fox, Taylor, Matthew, James, Phantom, Spirit (basically xer family), Dorren (formerly), Quincey, Salem, Terry, Siren
Extra: poor cursed lil ghost baby bound to the legendary sword Excalibur. Loves xer family and xer fish, Merlin. Has a lot of squid-like characteristics. Asexual. Descendant of the South Wind
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aetherose · 2 months
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I think a lot about the three cornerstones of Nimue's character, and that being...
The theme of confiding in others, of not bearing everything alone lest you crumble beneath the pressure.
The theme of love of all forms, of companionship and how it can make all the difference.
The theme of acceptance, but not toxic acceptance. Like, rather than going 'I accept you for all you are, go embrace your urges and be the worst,' to Nimue...you go 'I accept you for all you are, but I'm also going to be here and help you cope and become your best self,' in a sense.
These ultimately all go very hand-in-hand and highlight companionship as being incredibly important for Nimue, especially companionship that is supportive in a helping her be better way, rather than being a yes man to every impulse or encouraging her to be terrible in general.
I just think it's really neat.
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nimue-hidden-lake · 3 months
I just had to look up something about irl Osamu Dazai and then come across posts discussing the actual Osamu Dazai and Dazai from BSD - Said analysises give me another plotpoint idea which can be used for Annzai, shortly before they are making things official.
Yeah, more Annzai loredrop. Typed half asleep, don't worry about it. Dazai from BSD get outta my head aaaa!
So... I will keep a long story short. Dazai is known to be a womanizer and yet he seems to be afraid to attach himself. So at first he just literally messes with Ann because it's funny and to get them out of their shell. However, he accidentally makes them fall for him and when being made aware he slows down... Not just that but when he feels growing attachment towards them as well he just stops and becomes distant.
This has Ann uneasy and both are distant in their own way... Yet Ann shows clearly that they do not want things to stay that way. The ending to this is obvious but it is interesting to look at it like that.
Also here is another Karl (Ann's Dad) parallel! This is still funny to me.
Sorry that it is rather short I'm sleepy... I might expand on it while writing the Annzai story so fear not, I will showcase it in practice over time one way or another!
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lake-archive · 5 months
Loved Enough
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AO3 Link - A Love Shared Between Our Posse (Masterlist)
Fandom: Hypnosis Mic
Characters (main): Ramuda Amemura, Ann Wolff (OC)
Summary: It all started with a nightmare. A nightmare Ramuda didn't expect to be haunted by in his everyday life... But here he is, unable to brush it aside... But why? Why now!?
Total Words: TBD
Average Reading Time: TBD
Track List Below Cut
Track 1 - Track 2 - Track 3 - Track 4 - Track 5 - Track 6 - Track 7 - Track 8 - Track 9 - Track 10
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monsturvival · 4 months
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No Longer You | Animatic: I see a man who gets to make it home alive But it's no longer you YNP and i are kindof obsessed with EPIC right now... so lovin' that i could mishmash things a bit to make a Monsturvival Virtue animatic whee!!! there's lots of little details in this one folks~
Follow our Artist's Youtube channel for more!
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