tvshowscouples · 7 days
If you love Navid Shirazi (90210) and you want reblog or like,this is the link of my reblog character :)
thank you!
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Season 2: Liam/Naomi, their relationship deteriorates when Naomi's lying becomes out of hand, and her ignoring of Liam and his family issues. Annie, the person who is there for Liam, the shoulder, and he inevitably dumps Naomi.
Season 3: Ade/Navid, their relationship is hitting a rough patch because 1. Ade has been lying about the details of her music career, and 2. Her vanity and superficial attitude to being the center of attention, and not recognizing how much she leaves Navid high and dry. Silver witnesses Navid's family issues, becomes a friend, and their bond deepens on both ends. It's only time Navid is breaking up with Ade.
Parallels in both situations. Also, I'm not a Liam/Naomi and Navid/Adrianna shipper. Liam deserves better than Naomi while she deserves better than Liam. Liam was an Ozzie replacement for Naomi since Michael Trevino left 90210 for The Vampire Diaries. Ozzie wasn't an ass to Naomi, though. Navid's crush on Adrianna came out of nowhere in the first season since he was talking about wanting to date women who weren't Adrianna before she overdosed on drugs. I never bought their relationship.
I think Navid has more things in common with Silver than he does with Adrianna. They didn't need to destroy some of Adrianna's character in order to make Nilver happen. I prefer Liam's bond with Annie since it doesn't make him look like an Ozzie Cardoza replacement, but at the same time, I didn't like how it enforced the whole Naomi/Ethan/Annie element to it. Liam didn't need to be put as an Ethan replacement in that regard, especially since both characters ended up having a thing for Silver after being done with Naomi and Annie. Naomi's character shouldn't have been made annoying to prop up Liam/Annie. It's unnecessary to have the first girlfriend be "bad" in order to prop up the 2nd girlfriend.
Another parallel is that the writers had to have Jen sleep with both Ethan and Liam. I don't know why it had to be implied that Jen slept with Ethan since there wasn't any background story to it, meaning what drove Jen to even do it? How did Ethan manage to keep that a secret from his first serious girlfriend? With Liam, I understood since it made for the storyline in Season 2.
Ethan and Liam ended up being like a brother figure to Adrianna while their time being on the show. Ethan didn't appear to keep any contact with the characters after his departure and the whole thing between him and Silver.
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radiofolkperu · 2 months
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Nilver y los huecos de la esperanza http://dlvr.it/T67WXn
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realidadpe · 9 months
Puno busca posicionar su gastronomía y crear el día del ancestral plato kankacho ayavireño
Autoridades y representantes de diversos sectores de Puno buscan posicionar su gastronomía legal y promover la creación del Día Nacional del kankacho ayavireño, un ancestral plato típico cuyi ingrediente principal es el cordero y hierbas aromáticas como el orégano, entre otros. El alcalde de la Municipalidad Provincial de Melgar, Rosell Nilver Mamani Hancco, encabeza esta iniciativa y anunció…
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hard-rock-music · 2 years
NIlver Pérez - Living In Desire 2022
NIlver Pérez – Living In Desire 2022
Available September 30, 2022, Here are the new CD from Revlin Project keyboard player NIlver Pérez, with special guest from the melodic rock scene from south america and Spain. Must Have! (more…)
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sarahg170194 · 6 years
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Navid: It's just how I pictured it. Silver: It was better. Navid: You thought I was a rotten kisser? Silver: Oh, yeah. The worst. I thought you'd bite and drool. Navid: Drool? You thought I'd drool? Silver: Ha, ha. Navid: You're terrible, you know that? I'm crazy about you. I wanna be with you. Silver: Me too. Navid: Really? Silver: Yeah, but- Navid: Yeah, I know. You're worried about the drool. Ha, ha. Silver: Don't. She's my friend. I don't wanna be the reason her boyfriend breaks up with her. Navid: But you're not. Yes, I wanna go out with you, but my feelings for Ade are separate from that. I just I don't wanna be with her anymore. Silver: Then why do I feel sick to my stomach?  Navid: But what if I wanna break up with Adrianna, not because of you, but because I want to?
https://twitter.com/tvshowquote1/status/986597501259182080 https://twitter.com/tvshowquote1   sarahg170194 
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linhardts · 2 years
heart gold / soul nilver
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hollowslantern · 2 years
heart gold soul nilver
thanks finn
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hgsn-moved · 2 years
heart gold soul nilver
hikaru ga shinda satsu
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turnedarchive · 7 years
90210 for the tv series meme !!
  my all-time ultimate fave character:  annie  wilson.   a character I didn’t used to like but now do:  erin  silver.  ashley  saved  her  for  me.   a character I used to like but now don’t:  jen  clark.   a character I’m indifferent about:  dixon  wilson.   a character who deserved better:  ivy  sullivan,  ethan  ward,  and  erin  silver.   a ship I’ve never been able to get into:  liam  x  silver.   a ship I’ve never been able to get over:  LANNIE.  shocking,  i  know.   a cute, low-key ship:  i  really  still  think  annie  x  austin  could  have  been  good  together.   an unpopular ship but I still enjoyed it:  naomi  x  austin.   a ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened:  NILVER!!   my favourite storyline/moment:  i  love  the  ending  scene  so  much.  but  i  love  annie’s  book  arc  as  whole.  and  naomi’s  whole  development  arc.    a storyline that never should have been written:  the  whole  adrianna  stealing  music  storyline  and  the  swapping  pills  stuff,  god.  ALSO  SILVER  HAVING  CANCER  IN  THE  FINALE  WTH   my first thoughts on the show: i  loved  it  from  the  very  first  minute.     my thoughts now:  i  wish  we  would  have  gotten  a  sixth  season.  but  i  can  see  now  just  how  problematic  it  was  and  i  am  not  sure  i  would  be  so  into  it  if  i  started  watching  now.  but  it  is  still  an  important  show  to  me  and  i  love  it.
re:  @boyscurse​  /  meme  /  accepting.
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tvshowscouples · 7 days
If you love Erin Silver (90210) and you want reblog or like,this is the link of my reblog character :)
thank you!
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Navid Shirazi&Erin Silver from 90210
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romanlightman001 · 4 years
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luismaxdesign · 7 years
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En Pucalpa tengo mi amigo Nilver! #pucalpa #peru #urban #moda #pack #look #zuperblahz (en Lima, Peru)
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basckctcase · 6 years
playlist: poison & broken glass (*winks everywhere*)
send “playlist: title” and i have to pick 5 to 10 songs i think would go on it
ok but i already love this one !!!!!!!!!
1. $ting // The neighbourhood2. Slave // Yeah yeah yeahs3. I think I’m paranoid // Garbage4. Itch // Nothing but thieves5. Night drive // Jimmy eat world6. Erase/Rewind // The cardigans7. So far from your weapon // The dead weather8. Hostage // Nothing but thieves
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kvvsmurthykoripella · 4 years
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