#nikumi chan
pmeraki · 4 years
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sanny-chan5 · 4 years
The hell’s with today? There’s so many B-days again?! xD
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Conan-kun/Shinichi (from DC).
Ishilly (mermaid from OP). Koushiro (Zoro’s master from OP).
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Sunao Nako-chan (from Hitori Bocchi no OO Seikatsu) <3
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Nikumi (from SnS) :)
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alexiethymia · 4 years
regarding souma
title: regarding souma
erina and another slumber party
When Erina agreed to host the next girl’s night at the Nakiri mansion, she’d been expecting some ‘girl bonding’ as Yoshino-san and Sakaki-san would put it. Before she would have denied being excited, but now she admits her anticipation. 
She did not sign up for this however. 
“Soooooooo~ ladies, any love stories to share?”
Mito-san and Tadokoro-san blush, while Alice looks like she’s having fun. Hisako as expected looks scandalized, while Kinokuni-san looks disgusted. It would be such a shame if she stormed out now after finally getting her to agree to go, not without a lot of influence from Tadokoro-san and Alice. Not to mention that one just couldn’t say ‘no’ in the face of Yoshino-san’s enthusiasm.
Erina wishes she could be as serene as she pretends she is normally. How is it, that she can face businessmen, politicians, and the nouveau rich without batting an eye, but in a group of girls her age she’s helpless in fighting down the heat that creeps to her cheeks? She sincerely admires Sakaki-san’s composure. 
“How about you Kinokuni-senpai? Aren’t you and Isshi-”
With that empathic and figurative knife to the neck, Yoshino-san’s momentum is cut even before it begins, but then Kinokuni-san doesn’t know that what happens next...
“I-I just w-want to encourage my friends with their love lives. I m-mean all we do is cooking! Are we even teenage girls anymore?!” 
...is the waterworks. 
Yoshino-san blubbers and Kinokuni-san for all her harshness doesn’t seem to know what to do in the face of a crying kouhai. 
“There, there, Yoshino Yuki-chan. Based on their reactions, doesn’t it seem like Nikumi-chan and Tadokoro-chan have someone they like?” Alice looks positively devious and Erina would like nothing more than to save Tadokoro-san and Mito-san, but then Alice says, “God knows I’ve tried my best with Erina. Can you believe she’s never even had a crush yet? Admiring Chef Saiba doesn’t count.”
Erina is a lady. She will not dignify that with a response.
“Or is it,” Alice giggles with a twinkle in her eye, “Perhaps Erina likes people who are like Chef Saiba?”
She really can’t help it then. “Alice!”
As if a shark having scented blood, Yoshino-san pounces, “Yeah Erinacchi! Didn’t you tell us your ideal type before?”
Now everyone seems to be interested, even Kinokuni-san, though from what’s left of Erina’s frazzled nerves, she notices that Hisako and Tadokoro-san seem to be looking at her contemplatively. 
“I have no idea how to tell when one likes someone,” she admits, clutching her pillow like a safety net. 
“It’s not as complicated as cooking, or maybe it is. But I think when a face immediately comes to mind, that’s when you can tell, don’t you think?” Sakaki-san always seems so wise beyond her years.
Surprisingly, even Mito-san contributes. “At first he was just some nobody, a person to crush. But he teaches you things you don’t even realize yourself, and what starts as a passing interest suddenly transforms into something you can no longer control. Sure, he makes you angry, but he also makes you happy.” With each word Mito-san’s ears become redder and she sinks into her pillow as if hiding herself. Erina thinks she is adorable and that the person Mito-san likes is lucky indeed.
So why this feeling of dread?
As conversation restarts around her, she furiously tries to deny that there is an image forming in her mind - has been forming for quite some time now. She refuses to look at who it is. 
When almost everyone is asleep, she finds that she has trouble doing so and goes to make some tea for herself. No need to wake up Hisako, since her best friend needs her rest. 
On the way back, she notices Tadokoro-san on the balcony and gazing up at the moon. Together, they enjoy their tea in the cool, night air. 
“Who could have imagined all that would happen, huh Nakiri-san?” Tadokoro-san laughs softly. “Yuki-chan was disappointed, but besides the shokugekis, I almost thought we were in a shoujo manga. You were suddenly proposed to by Suzuki-sensei, who turned out to be Saiba Asahi-san.”
Erina’s face heats again, but this time it has nothing to do with Saiba Asahi.
“And then,” It might just be Erina’s imagination, but Tadokoro-san sounds wistful, “Souma-kun made that dish for you. You were just like a princess, or even better!”
There it is, the reason Erina has trouble sleeping, the reason Hisako checks if she has a fever more often than not. She finds she doesn’t know what to say in reply. 
“What did you think of the dish Nakiri-san?” Tadokoro-san smiles at her kindly, and Erina for some reason feels the need to turn away.
“...It was acceptable,” she mutters.
Tadokoro-san laughs. “Souma-kun isn’t here so there’s no need to worry. I promise I won’t tell.”
Erina swallows, then gets lost remembering the taste of it. “It was...” sweet, so very sweet that Erina had thought she might cry again after having tasted it. But then Tadokoro-san might think she means sweet like a pastry. Or she might know exactly what Erina was talking about. The possibility terrifies her. “Good,” she finishes lamely instead.
Tadokoro-san nods knowingly then goes back to gazing at the moon again, “Souma-kun never does what you expect, does he?”
Erina snorts. “That boy would sooner give up cooking than do anything following anyone’s expectations.”
“But you wouldn’t have him any other way?”
Erina stays silent because she can’t very well lie. 
“And you’re a bit wrong Nakiri-san. I think I know Souma-kun pretty well.” For some reason, a complicated feeling grips hold of Erina’s heart hearing that, as Tadokoro-san continues, “And while you’re right that he doesn’t care about anyone’s expectations, I think, even if he doesn’t admit it, he’s always cared about what you think, even back then.” 
Back then, as in before Erina deigned to step down from her throne. She never thought she could laugh and smile again like she has these past year since her family broke to pieces, and all because of all the people she’s met, and the one at the center of it all - him. It marvels her how a boy who frustrated her - still frustrates her - could have changed her world so thoroughly.
“I’ve seen it myself, how hard he works. He’s always wanted to go beyond your expectations Nakiri-san.”
Tadokoro-san must see the question written all over her face but unlike how obliging she usually is, the other girl decides not to answer, only smiles that knowing smile of hers. 
“I want to tell you a secret Nakiri-san.”
Erina listens with bated breath.
“I like Souma-kun.”
Her heart stops.
“And I like Nakiri-san too.” All the while she keeps gazing at the moon. “Souma-kun is straightforward. He’ll go farther and farther in his cooking, and he’ll never waver and stray from his goal.” At that Tadokoro-san swings to look at her, hands clasped tightly. She’s looking straight at Erina, and Erina knows instinctively that she mustn’t look away. 
“He’s looking straight ahead, Nakiri-san,” she whispers. Softly, like a mother’s embrace, she brings her arms around Erina. 
“And I hope you do too,” she says to her kindly, and Erina with no words, but so many thoughts running around her head and feelings she cannot name in her heart, cannot help but seek comfort and embrace her dear friend back. 
part 2 of snapshots in the life of an ice queen and a demon king
next; the secret
souma is out of his depth
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senrinoa · 5 years
Final Chapter Spoilers
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Hisako: “Erina sama! You want to reach out to the attendees right? I will message them asap.
Erina: “Fufu…You are quick Hisako.“
Hisako: “I wonder how many will attend this time. I wonder how they’re all doing…’
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Isshiki (26 years old): “What did you say! He will come back!? Oh no…if you had told me sooner, then I could’ve closed the store and go to Tokyo!”
Kuga (26 years old): “Sorry sorry Sooooory. I can’t come this time. I’m just about to depart to China~~~”
Megumi: “I see…Looks like you came up with another new creation. So amazing…’
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Hinako: “Well then! Megumi chan Nene chan. Please get the store ready to open.”
Megumi and Nene: “Yes!!”
Hinako: “I wish I could’ve met you sooner. I’m counting on you Nene chan.”
Eizan; “Can’t you give us a bigger discount, Miss Mito Group? Isn’t this all for the customers? Ah?”
Nikumi: “I already gave you a big enough discount. You’re only thinking about your own share.”
Yoshino: “Well well let’s get along. Huh…? A message from Hishoko-chi!’"
The 3 have recently started their own meat business and Ibusaki and Sakaki are also participating as culinary advisors. 
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Despite being just 25 years old, Hayama has become a professor and is giving a lecture at the moment.
Meanwhile, the Aldini brothers are in Italy and are about to go back to Japan. They then get a message from Arato and hear that he’s also back in Japan.
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Tsukasa, Rindo, Megishima, Momo, and Saito all have their own restaurant and even obtained a WGO star. They’re right now acting as judges for Tootsuki’s training camp.
Dojima gets a message that Soma has returned and says that he’s the same Jouichiro.
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In New York, Jouichiro continues his career as the strongest chef. 
In the Nakiri family’s garden, Alice is talking about he will return and tells Ryo that they will attend too. Ryo says that they already have an appointment. 
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Ryo continues his role to support Alice, but he’s also contributing in the filed of marine biology. 
Alice: “It’s fine. We can just participate for a bit. You will come too right, big brother Asahi?”
Asahi: ‘I have 3 classes that day so I can’t.”
Asahi has retired from the noirs is currently an instructor for middle and high schoolers and quite popular.
Asahi: “More importantly, when will my young sister Erina come back? I’m hungry~~~’
Azami: ‘Ehem…’Asahi kun. Stop sitting in such a shameless posture. We’re here for lunch.” 
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Erina is with Soma’s grandfather.
Grandpa: “By the way Erina chan, when he says, “I’ve come up with a new creation!” and comes back. You have no obligation to always help him out…If it’s too much trouble, you can just decline it.”
Erina: “Huh…? N…no. It’s not really any trouble to me…Also…right! He’s a former first seat. I’m required as the director to do this.”
Grandpa: “Ha…is it so? Well then, make yourself comfortable.”
Erina: “It’s of course part of my role as the director…but is it truly just that? At that time…when we were still in our 3rd year. And I found out that you suddenly went overseas, the reason why I got so irritated…now I know why.
Translation by bakadata
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saki-daimon · 8 years
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Pics I took with my friends or with people cosplaying characters I like (?)
Click in the images for extra coments (?)
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recentanimenews · 7 years
Attention Sis-cons, "Nisemonogatari," "Nekomonogatari (Kuro)" And Second Season Soundtrack Collection Art Previewed
Discovered Monogatari anime lately? Been holding off on collecting the music? Well, today it's time to get it in big, Hanekawa-bust sized bundles. Nisemonogatari & Nekomonogatari(kuro)'s music by Satoru Kosaki is out in a 2-disc set (3780yen), while Kosaki and Kei Haneoka's work on Monogatari Second Season is out in a 4-disc set (4,104yen).
  Shaft provides the art with Karen and Tsukihi Araragi on the former and Hitagi Senjōgahara and Tsubasa Hanekawa on the latter.
  7/26(水)発売 「偽物語&猫物語(黒) 」及び「〈物語〉シリーズ セカンドシーズン」サウンドトラックのジャケットイラストを公開しました! 偽&黒→https://t.co/LGjhMqI7P7 2ndシーズン→https://t.co/JIVkx3ibOK#物語シリーズ http://pic.twitter.com/mcW1BsWfyj
— 西尾維新アニメプロジェクト (@nisioisin_anime) July 23, 2017
  Nisemonogatari & Nekomonogatari (Kuro) 
Disc 1 
01  Doku 02 Koibitodoushi 03 Monogatari 04 Imouto-tachi 05 Yuuwaku 06 Otona 07 Toshi Densetsu 08 Mashu 09 Aizuchi 10 Tetsu Kamen 11 Yuuki 12 "Okorareru no wa Kowai desukara ne" 13 Jikai, Karen Bee (Senjyogahara Hitagi ver.) 14 Maegami 15 Zenra 16 Moeru Onna 17 Bracelet 18 Aijin Kankei 19 Fukitsu 20 Hitsuu 21 Douyo 22 Sondai 23 Kaii no Ou 24 Kakoi Hibachi 25 Kizuna 26 Jikai, Karenbi~ (Araragi Karen ver.) 27 Kenka 28 "Niichan. Ato wa, Makaseta" 29 Nisemono 30 Uso 31 Jouken 32 Kairaku 33 Hisshouhou
Disc length 70:50 Disc 2 
01  Batsu Game 02 Onmyouji 03 Yuutousei 04 Shikigami 05 Natsuyasumi 06 Donuts High 07 ''Reigou no Hou ga Ooi Kisoku'' 08 Shi de no Tori 09 Kyoudai 10 Hakai 11 Jin'i 12 ''Platinum Mukatsuku'' 13 Jikai, Tsukihi Phoenix 14 Yandere 15 Koi Kami Shirenai Nanika no Hanashi 16 Amanojaku 17 Rocket Zukuri 18 Touch Naranu Catch 19 Tsukihi-chan 20 Karen-chan 21 Golden Week 22 Aka no Tanin 23 Yakusoku 24 Saitei no Otoko 25 Nagori 26 Bokunenjin 27 Ienai Koto Igai no Koto 28 Black Hanekawa 29 Old Fashioned 30 Shousui 31 Usabarashi 32 "Futsuu no Onna no Ko" 33 Youtou ''Kokoro Watari'' 34 Kishutsu Kibotsu 35 Gojitsudan 36 Koi 37 Jikai, Tsubasa Family
Monogatari Series Second Season 
 Disc 1 
01 Watashi no Monogatari 02 Shinjitsu kara wa Hodotooi Sonzai 03 Kako 04 Toutotsu na Toi 05 Kazoku Kaigi 06 Kantetsu 07 Tamikurasou 08 Shitagokoro 09 Joshi Doushi 10 Kegen 11 Tegami 12 Sousou Fuitsu 13 Wagahai wa Tora de Aru 14 Hanekawa Tsubasa wa - Hitei Suru. 15 Kokuhaku 16 "Tadaima" 17 Jikai, Tsubasa Tiger 18 Magaimono Sonomono no Onna 19 Trivia 20 Iwakan 21 Umarekawari 22 Eishou 23 Time Warp 24 Haikyo no Machi 25 Yatsuatari 26 Juuichi Nengo no Sugata 27 Tegami 28  Shinsetsu
Disc 2 
01 Bokutachi no Tatakai 2:28 02 Shuurai 3:07 03 Tada no Onegai 1:53 04 "Watashi wa Araragi-san to Aetandesu kara" 1:26 05 Jikai, Mayoi Kyonshi 0:48 06 Sengoku Nadeko, Juuyon-sai. 1:17 07 Hebikami Musume 2:11 08 A-kyuu Fushin Jinbutsu 2:58 09 Ninen Nikumi 3:33 10 Shitsugen 2:19 11 Kuchinawa 2:13 12 Muri na Soudan 2:42 13 Chuugakusei Life 2:48 14 Shitai Sagashi 3:29 15 Dowsing 1:55 16 Jeanne d'Arc Kidori 4:01 17 Katte na Hanashi 3:21 18 Ryuutoudabi 4:09 19 Torihiki 3:07 20 "Youkoso Koyomi Oniichan. Kawaigatte Ageru ne." 1:56 21 Jikai, Nadeko Medusa 0:54 22 Kimagure 1:21 23 Kurayami 1:52 24 Akashingou 0:15 25 Genshou 2:15 26 Rifujin 2:37 27 Fuiuchi 1:59 28 Mukashigatari 2:53 29 Kami Atsukai 2:33 30 Ijou Jitai 2:15 31 Kamikakushi no Shoutai 1:13
Disc length 71:48 Disc 3 
01 Kodokukan 02 Tenbatsu 03 Omitooshi no Senrigan 04 Dangen 05 Gaen-ke no Kettou 06 Yuurei no Yuurei 07 Jibun no Kotoba 08 Hanamuke 09 "Rokudemonai, Oni no Monogatari ga" 10 Jikai, Shinobu Time 11 Namakemono no Sekku Bataraki 12 Haragei 13 Roubashin 14 Shiraketa Hannou 15 Warui Joudan 16 Faint 17 Haaku 18 Manshin Soui 19 Tekizai Tekisho 20 "Arigatou Gozaimasu. Tasukarimashita" 21 Jigoku no Sata mo Kaneshidai 22 Jikai, Hitagi End 23 Watashi no Hanashi to, Kanojo no Hanashi 24 Kanbaru Suruga no Jinsei 25 Imadoki no Kouhai 26 Akuma-sama 27  Youki na Choushi
Disc 4 
01 Chapatsu no Akuma 02 Chouhatsuteki na Monoii 03 Ijiwaru Quiz 04 Shukuteki 05 Tomadou Kimochi 06 Ponytail 07 Shozai Fumei 08 Toosenbo 09 Niku Bugyou 10 Nostalgie 11 Shinsetsu na Ojisan 12 Hitamuki na Kigai 13 Basketball 14 Jamakke na Atogaki 15 Akuma no Rifujin 16 Fukou no Shuushuu 17 Number 01 18 Numachi no Jinsei 19 Timing no Ii Yatsu 20 Nattoku 21 Souteigai 22 Sotsugyou 23  "Watashi wa Aitsu ga — Urayamashikattanda"
  There's also a preview of the Nisio Isin Daijiten exhibit celebrating the 15th anniversary of the series author debut. 
The exhibit will be presented from July 27 - August 07, 2017, at the Event Square venue on the 8th floor of the Matsuya Ginza department store in Tokyo, and from August 09 - August 21, 2017, at the Event Hall venue on the 14th floor of the north building of the Daimaru Shinsaibashi department store in Osaka.
★開催まであと5日!★ 今回は展示物の一部をご紹介! 会場では忍ちゃんが皆様をお待ちしています! 「化物語」時の忍ちゃんなので、話しかけても答えてはくれませんが・・・(笑) 是非、忍ちゃんに会いに来てくださいね。 http://pic.twitter.com/suOb9bSI1C
— 西尾維新大辞展 (@nisioisin_ex) July 22, 2017
★本日より8/7まで開催!★ 会場ではたくさんのキャラクターがお待ちしております! 写真実際では迫力が違いますので、是非その目でご覧下さい!! http://pic.twitter.com/XSg8FCxyUz
— 西尾維新大辞展 (@nisioisin_ex) July 26, 2017
  And some of its Monogatari merchandise
★開催まであと2日!★ 【グッズ情報】 ねんどろいどセットの忍は「西尾維新大辞展」を記念したスペシャルカラーでご用意! 数量限定ですので、お早めにご購入くださいね。 http://pic.twitter.com/I369yKCNCu
— 西尾維新大辞展 (@nisioisin_ex) July 25, 2017
「西尾維新大辞展」記念グッズその②!「選べる!ハンドプリントTシャツ」ハンドプリントのため、1点1点風合いが異なります!「忍野忍」柄と「〈物語〉モチーフ」と個性的な6カラーをご用意!https://t.co/yEJJDTdZnL http://pic.twitter.com/ItfbRFIWBr
— アニプレックスプラス (@aniplex_plus) July 22, 2017
「西尾維新大辞展」記念グッズ①は「選べる!ワンポイントステッチシャツ」!かわいいドットSDの刺繍入りのシャツは、7キャラと3カラー、刺繍位置も3か所からお選び頂けます!https://t.co/yEJJDTdZnL http://pic.twitter.com/m7OEk7TYBB
— アニプレックスプラス (@aniplex_plus) July 22, 2017
★開催まであと4日!★ 本日のグッズはもう一つスペシャルグッズを公開します! 西尾維新大辞展開催を記念して、過去発売した「ねんどろいど忍野忍」とアクリルプレートをセットにした記念グッズです! http://pic.twitter.com/7B0WcL4zb9
— 西尾維新大辞展 (@nisioisin_ex) July 23, 2017
★開催まであと7日!★ 会場で販売するグッズのご紹介! 大阪会場限定グッズとなります! 東京会場とは別で、忍野忍が〈物語〉シリーズのキャラクターのコスプレをしたイラストを使用しています。 http://pic.twitter.com/TW1ydwWK8q
— 西尾維新大辞展 (@nisioisin_ex) July 20, 2017
★開催まであと8日!★ 会場で販売するグッズのご紹介! キャンディ、クッキー、せんべいです! 是非お土産に! http://pic.twitter.com/kSMCfoBw2q
— 西尾維新大辞展 (@nisioisin_ex) July 19, 2017
★開催まであと8日!★ 会場で販売するグッズのご紹介! 〈物語〉シリーズより、八九寺真宵のリュックをモチーフにした、 失礼、噛みましたティッシュです! http://pic.twitter.com/nJ5TgCFd2R
— 西尾維新大辞展 (@nisioisin_ex) July 19, 2017
    ------ Scott Green is editor and reporter for anime and manga at geek entertainment site Ain't It Cool News. Follow him on Twitter at @aicnanime. 
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sanny-chan5 · 2 years
ushilly y Koushiro op
nako-chan (sunao)
ikumi mito = nikumi
0 notes