incorretc-mny · 4 months
Daniel: Maybe I’m dreaming. Pinch me!
Daniel: Not on the butt, Nikolaj.
Nikolaj: Sorry, it was just there.
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incorretc-mny · 4 months
Nikolaj: I don’t have anger issues! Do you think I have anger issues.
LukasZf: I wouldn’t call it an issue
LukasZf: An issue is something you can fix.
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incorretc-mny · 4 months
Nikolaj: Are you okay?
Tamara , crying: Yeah, it was just the onions.
NIkolaj: *Picks up an onion* What the fuck did you say to Senshi?
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incorretc-mny · 8 months
Daniel: you call it a near death experience…
Nikolaj: we call it a vibe check from the gods
Lukaszf: …
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incorretc-mny · 8 months
Nikolaj: ah, Adele. remember me?
Adele: are you questioning my memory or your relevance?
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incorretc-mny · 1 year
Nikolaj: We are going to change the world.
Lukaszf: For the better?
Lukaszf: Nikolaj?
Lukaszf, sweating: Answer me, Nikol-
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incorretc-mny · 1 year
Nikolaj: Hit me.
Ody: I’m not going to hit you.
Lara: Want me to do it?
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incorretc-mny · 1 year
Nikolaj, pulling out a knife: Here, use this.
Lukaszf: You just wouldn't be you if you didn't have a knife on you, would you?
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incorretc-mny · 1 year
Nikolaj: You're giving them hope. When did I ever give you hope?
Daniel: Well... never?
Nikolaj: Exactly. Nothing motivates more than withering criticism.
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incorretc-mny · 1 year
Yvi: May I get you something to drink?
Nikolaj: The tears of our enemies wrenched from their bodies as their bones are crushed.
Yvi: We have jasmine tea.
Nikolaj: Ooh, jasmine. Yes, please.
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incorretc-mny · 1 year
Isa: It’s just like chess. Sometimes to win, you have to sacrifice your king.
Nikolaj: That’s exactly how you lose-
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incorretc-mny · 1 year
Ody: There are seven chairs and ten kids. What do you do?
Lara: Have everyone stand.
Bojan: Bring three more chairs!
Nikolaj: The most important ones can sit down.
Kai: Kill three.
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incorretc-mny · 1 year
Nikolaj: A pessimist sees a dark tunnel.
Isa: An optimist sees light at the end of the tunnel.
Bojan: A realist sees a freight train.
Lukaszf: The train driver sees three idiots standing on the tracks
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incorretc-mny · 1 year
Nikolaj: All right now, everyone pay attention. I have an announcement to make and I only have a minute.
Nathalie: Why is that? Are you in a hurry?
Nikolaj: No, I was referring to your relatively short attention span.
Nathalie: That's fair.
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incorretc-mny · 1 year
Nikolaj: I will make you sorry you were ever born
Lara: Well for your information. I'm already sorry I was ever born
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incorretc-mny · 1 year
Lukas: You’re completely mad!
Nikolaj: Thank goodness I am, because if I wasn’t, this would probably never work
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