#nikkie tutorials save me nikkie tutorials
what's your makeup routine??
Face cleanser followed up with eyeliner & some lipstick. Contour my cheekbones and dust on some shimmery eyeshadow if I’m feeling particularly dramatic.
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marabarl-and-marlbara · 9 months
i think i saw you talk about picayune a bit on your twitter! i was wondering about it if you’re willing to give your thoughts. i heard it was similar to that one game that’s called the void rains upon her heart, at least from a friend of mine.
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hi anonymous; although i say i could gush about it: i mostly said everything i:d want to on the twitter already, but yeah: i love it, it:s a sneaky "top game of the year" for me, i think, and is one of those passion-projects (?) that just feels as though it carries with it a-lot of love for game design and just the act of creating games; i:d put it like this: i really enjoy survivors-type games because they:re dopamine-traps that just give me skinners-box gratification when i:m struggling to get through a day, but as a genre the games are very formulaic and usually seem like they:re 1) cynically made because the formula is hot + can make some easy cash for little effort since the game-design aspect is just laid out like clean providence 2) made a little more earnestly but usually for a developer as an exercise which happens to also be probably decently lucrative -- and both of these prior points lead to pretty stale experiences, but dopamine-trap experiences that i like all-the-same, as-well: due to me just not having a lot of money outside of my weekly grocery budget, i don:t really let myself spend money on non-grocery things, so: looking @ picayune dreams i was hit with this mix of "this looks awesome" and "i know this formula and the gloss is just going to be another stale 100% achievement grind that:ll eat up my time but leave me mad at myself for wasting $5 when i need groceries" -- but it had a demo, and (happily) the demo betrayed my cynicism and just oozed with sincerity on behalf of the developers, so: i bought it.
it:s a very good blend of shmup/bullet-hell type gameplay and the standard survivors-genre, and although i don:t think it:s the best gameplay in either genre, the experience as one whole is executed perfectly for what it is: it unfolds and never seems lazy in its effort or gameplay; the obtuse mechanics are fun to figure out; the story segments (while super iterative of yume nikki type rpgmaker stuff) have this razor-sharp conciseness for the vibe it wants you to feel that i really enjoy (it reminds me of scientology, archangel:nemesis in a weird way: because the breadth of the plot centers around being selected to save a humanity that is trapped down here on earth, sort-of indifferent to your mission -- and i think it creates this plot really beautifully despite using very little words or demanding a lot of your time (<- this point here is key for me, cause i have northernlion syndrome of nearly no-longer having patience for games that want me to stare at some story for a long time, or hit you with tutorials before gameplay, or whatever: picayune dreams just goes and trusts you to figure it out)).
i haven:t played it much lately, cause (if it had one fault, which is more just my user-experience than the devs) the runs can get to be longer than i have patience for (you can loop and at this point you:re getting close to an hour run), so i end up self-destructing when i get bored;
i:d encourage anyone to give the demo a try, or just look at the steam-page and take in the art direction -- it:s a game that probably won:t let you down if it even /slightly/ looks interesting to you, & i still feel a rush of goosebumps when the final song comes in during the last boss; it:s just solid (void rains upon her heart is another one of these great games for me but i 100%'d it earlier in the year and have just been waiting for the dev to add more content; that:s another game that i think more people should give love to because it blends shmup+roguelite formula better than any other attempt i:ve played and also never really let my expectations as a player down as i trusted it to unfold with content and excitement -- because that:s what i like about this trend of roguelite/meta-progression in games: games that use these are like constantly wanting to award you with more because it:s like they are just so eager to spend time with you and don:t want to let you down (at the least cynical)).
at the moment though i:m just playing DCSS cause i:m back in a "everything feels pretty dull and colorless at the moment" spell -- but again: that:s why i love stuff like picayune dreams and sci-fi harry; occasionally stuff surprises you with its love, its passion, and you can:t help but let yourself be affected, and i like being affected.
take care.
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tvwriteups · 3 years
Yay, no commentary! (I'm watching on PeacockTV)
Lithuania I feel so bad for these guys. Not only did they not get to perform their song for last year but then they have to open this year's contest. Well, at least they got to represent their country... which is more than what some of last year's competitors got to do. It's an okay song though.
Slovenia It's like singing with a Windows XP screensaver.
Russia The Russian entry that Russians don't like because she's Tajik? Is this correct?
Sweden The lyrics are so trite. I can predict half the lyrics.
Australia I f*cking have no idea what's going on.
North Macedonia Staging really boosts this song even if it is a bit on the cheesy/smaltz side. (Which is another way of me saying that I don't rate the song even though it's very sincere.)
Ireland It's like Ireland listened to me and went 200%...which is trying too hard to be cute with staging and not presenting the song that well. Should be more colorful than this. And then they show their work in the end in a "Hey guys, we're really trying" kind of way.
Cyprus Oh yeah, the Gaga-esque song. At least it's staged [and framed!] to the beat a lot more precisely than the previous songs.
Norway I started laughing when I realized this fallen angel song followed a song about the devil. This is actually kind of cute.
Croatia I swear half these countries have the same choreographer.
Belgium This is nicely staged for a musical performance on a music awards show. But the ESC is not a music awards show. Like, they're in the wrong place.
Israel I like it. It's just a weird time to like Israel though.
Romania I don't like it. I don't hate it like I hated last year's song but ... don't like.
Azerbaijan I was expecting something more interesting than this. Makes me feel less bad about them not getting to perform "Cleopatra" last year.
Ukraine I appreciate that they completely avoided epilepsy-inducing graphics. This song is really rhythm/beat-oriented.
Malta Women empowerment... but not "Toy."
Were there a bunch of technical issues? Obviously there was at least one right before Ireland went on but there were a lot of odd bits between postcards and performances later on in the competition as well.
I have no idea. I really have no idea how this will go.
Sometimes I wish Il Volo won in 2015 so we wouldn't get Mans all the time.
Interval act about the power of water. This opening narration was a lot more intense than it needed to be. All I'm thinking of right now is Denmark's stage and the "Rainmaker" song. And 80s era Epcot Center World Pavilion country-sponsored exhibits. And the Sistine Chapel. And now there's pyro in a song about water? I'm.... sweet, sweet water? Isn't that "syrup"?
I don't... I... um...
Johnny Logan again. I'm still bitter about "Why Me?" beating "One Step Out of Time." LOL. (I didn't know what a Eurovision was until 1997 so...)
Nikkie "Tutorials" de Jager is a really good TV presenter. And huge! Or maybe she's the only Dutch-sized person on that stage.
I guess I also like Italian rock.
And the German aesthetic is cute. The key to those things is to just go all out.
Dutch performance gives off a more interesting vibe than the video did.
Did Jon Ola Sand retire? (Quick google search. Why yes, yes, he did.)
Norway, Israel, Russia, Azerbaijan, Malta, Lithuania (ahhh), Cyprus, (oooh, getting dicey now), Sweden (nooooo! it's probably because of juries), Belgium! (well, I do like Hooverphonic but wasn't certain about that; maybe a jury thing too though because Hooverphonic), Ukraine (whew!). Can't believe they saved Ukraine for the last reveal. Or maybe that was the point -- get people concerned about the streak.
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wingsofninewheels · 4 years
Diamond Farming Guide
After several months of stam hoarding, I cannot recall which Nikki tuber(s) have suggested Debbie-format as the cornerstone of dia farming, but I can tell you that day 1 of skipping the Debbie-format suit in favor of the NPC’s sweet sweet diamonds yielded me about 550 diamonds--and I haven’t even cracked into my comp box stockpile yet. (This stuff is probably a fusion of wisdom from both Effie and Viv in the past year, but I follow at least four Nikkis on YT, and they all have great gameplay input and tons of experience.) I’m just so impressed with the efficiency of it, that I wanted to do a write-up for it!
Hoard stam and Competition vote boxes. (Optional, but also helpful for accumulating even more stam and dia: Lots of Corridor voting, too.) Anytime you participate in a Hell event that drops stam, keeping it for later is a great base for hoarding, ‘cause it typically works out to several hundred per suit.
Skip a Debbie-format suit that you’re not 100% in love with. Thus far, they always return for crafting/store. Instead of accumulating the currency to exchange for the suit, give it all to the NPC. (Optional: Hunt easter eggs. I don’t do it, so I don’t have a breakdown on how to. Many players swear by it, though, and there’s lots of tutorials out there.) If you don’t have things to farm crafting materials for--though I can’t imagine many are lacking for things to craft right now, ‘cause V2:Ch6 is so huge--Maiden V1:7-7 is ideal for decomp purposes, as it can drop a ♥♥♥ and a ♥♥♥♥, often both: and you’ll always need more Earrings & Necklaces.
(Alternately, of course, you can always finish a Debbie-format suit, then continue this farming guide as normal. Depending on your V-level and how much stam you tend to hoard, you’ll usually get at least a day and a half to two days of dia-farming on top of acquiring the suit, if you so desire.)
Use the extra gold from the NPC and stam usage to buy pull 100s in the Pavilion of Mystery. Now couldn’t be a better time to do all the extra pull 100s you can, because 95% of the crafting materials for Starsea can come from the Mystery House, and we’ll likely (hopefully?) be getting the Starsea recolor on LN server sometime this year? I usually keep around 500k-1mil on hand for crafting purposes and spend the rest.
Decomp everything extra. (If you were farming V1:7-7 that’s Lampwick Brown hair and Silent Rose coat.) Revel in dozens of decomp chests, which can yield Tarot pieces, dia, dyes, star coins, and gold--and doing so doubles as Reconstruction suit farming, so you’re likely to get massive progress on any you’re working on.
If you want to be extra thorough, you can weed out all the Mystery House recolors that you’ve already finished. The ones I find easiest at a glance are from Tower of Zen: the “lucky red” pieces and the gold ♥♥♥♥♥ pieces. (I compiled a full list below, for if you’re ever feeling like cleaning up your wardrobe dupes.)
There’s a hyper-intensive third degree of decomp where you assess whether you’ve crafted every single thing an item might be used for, then decomp them from that point on--but it takes hours upon hours of cross-referencing on Nikki’s Info, and I’ve never in the three years I’ve played completed a full inventory purge. It’s not necessary, but it’s a major extra push for decomp chests if you’re so inclined. (I once saw Viv decomp over a thousand items this way.)
If you’ve got a surplus of Mystery House currency, you can always spend it on pieces you can buy, then turn around and decomp those too. I see lots of people cash in their Cinderella Shoes for decomp material, for example, if there’s not any Lifetime suits they’re saving up for. I personally always aim to complete all Lifetime suits (and eventually, all their recolors... except Grice, that restored Yoke can stay in the bin RIP) so I keep my Cinderella Shoes, where I prefer to buy extras with my 150-dia pav currencies, if I’m doing this.
I’ve also seen people during pick-and-choose Debbie-format events spend any surplus currency last day on whatever item(s) they can afford, for extra decomps. Ideally, though, you’ll never have that much leftover on the last day, following this strategy.
Following this strategy during a Debbie-format event, you essentially get dia from your dailies, from voting in the Competition and Corridor, from the NPC, from decomp chests, and from completing suits. It all racks up very very fast!
If you’ve found this useful, I'd super appreciate a like and reblog. Share it with your fellow Nikkis. You’re free to link to this list elsewhere! Just make sure to credit me, please, as this write-up took several hours. I don’t have a Reddit account, so it’s totally cool if anybody wants to cross-post!
♥♥♥♥♥♥ Enjoy swimming in dia, lovely Nikkis. ♥♥♥♥♥♥
(If I’ve made any errors or missed items, totally let me know so I can edit this!)
Below the cut is a breakdown of the Mystery House items that have recolors, sorted by rarity and tab. Anything you have finished all the recolors of is prime decomp fodder--you are almost guaranteed Recomp jewelry drops from them. (The way I usually go is, skim through Customize with a list like this one, and write down anything that has a “Get” on it. Anything you still need to color something of will show at the very top of the list, without a “Get” on it. Then, I take the list I compiled, and apply that to the Decomp menu.)
Autumn • Gold ♥♥♥
Traditional Bride • Brown ♥♥♥
Evergreen Flower • Black ♥♥♥
Resonance ♥♥♥
Cresent ♥♥♥♥
Countryside Girl • Brown ♥♥♥♥
Dynamic Summer • Silver ♥♥♥♥
Cute Animal ♥♥♥♥
Dark Tomb ♥♥♥♥♥
Messy Cute ♥♥♥♥♥
Fine Creation ♥♥♥♥♥
Holy World ♥♥♥♥♥
Bond in Distance ♥♥♥♥♥
Emmy ♥♥♥♥♥ 
Young Warbler • Verdant ♥♥♥♥♥ 
Light Tone ♥♥♥♥♥
Pinky-white Curls ♥♥♥♥♥
First Encounter ♥♥♥ 
Kapok ♥♥♥
Elegant Dress • Beige ♥♥♥ 
Bright Future ♥♥♥
Star Shadow ♥♥♥
Pink Gauze Dress ♥♥♥
Teddy Bear • Brown ♥♥♥
Sentimental Regret ♥♥♥♥ 
Jade Yard ♥♥♥♥ 
Cloud Dance • Red ♥♥♥♥ 
Pastoral Pearl • Red ♥♥♥♥ 
Light Feather • Gray ♥♥♥♥
Flower of Sin • White  ♥♥♥♥
Docile Alpaca ♥♥♥♥
Snow White Kitty ♥♥♥♥
Stygian Death ♥♥♥♥♥
Auspicious Clouds ♥♥♥♥♥
Phoenix of Genesis ♥♥♥♥♥  GOLD
Dragon of Apocalypse ♥♥♥♥♥  GOLD
Pearl Girl ♥♥♥♥♥
Fairytale Stars ♥♥♥♥♥
Chocolate Teddy ♥♥♥♥♥
Duo Moon ♥♥♥
Silk Coat • White ♥♥♥
Lace Coat • White ♥♥♥♥
Iron Rose ♥♥♥♥
Cloud Flower ♥♥♥♥
Nice Pistil ♥♥♥♥♥
Gentle Care ♥♥♥♥♥
Flourish Peach ♥♥♥♥♥
Revival Sound ♥♥♥♥♥
Fortunate Flowers ♥♥♥
Cloud Blouse • Blue ♥♥♥♥♥
Sweet Dream ♥♥♥♥♥
Lucky Star ♥♥♥ 
Star Shatters ♥♥♥
Sandal Branch • Red ♥♥
Elegant Rendering ♥♥♥♥
Cloud Pants • Blue ♥♥♥♥♥
Fantasy Sleep ♥♥♥♥♥
Radiant Joy ♥♥♥
Teddy Footprint • Brown ♥♥♥
The Rivulet ♥♥♥♥ 
Soft Socks ♥♥♥♥
White Kitten Tale ♥♥♥♥
Sweet Garter ♥♥♥♥♥ 
Snowy Night ♥♥♥♥♥
Honey Star ♥♥♥♥♥
Peep-toe Heels • Gray ♥♥ 
Running Shoes • White ♥♥ 
Cradle of Snow • Blue ♥♥
Smooth Career ♥♥♥
Bloch’s Labyrinth • Brown ♥♥♥ 
Rubber Boots • Pink ♥♥♥ 
Kimi’s Rose • Black ♥♥♥ 
Black Patent Leather ♥♥♥ 
Obedience ♥♥♥
Pastoral • Brown ♥♥♥♥
Blue Porcelain • Shoes ♥♥♥♥
Pale High Heels ♥♥♥♥
Cute High Heels ♥♥♥♥
Glamour - Brown ♥♥♥♥
Oceans Conquer • Blue ♥♥♥♥
Dream Envoy ♥♥♥♥♥ 
Propitious Buckle ♥♥♥♥♥
Phoenix World ♥♥♥♥♥
Emperor of Universe ♥♥♥♥♥
Stars • Pink ♥♥♥♥♥
Sweet Teddy • Black ♥♥♥♥♥
Scorching Sun ♥♥♥
Auspiciousness ♥♥♥
Gold and Jade ♥♥♥
Goodbye to Nian ♥♥♥
Joyful ♥♥♥
Embrace ♥♥♥ 
Shining ♥♥♥ 
Lonely Star ♥♥♥ 
Fireflies ♥♥♥
Red Riding Hood’s Bracelet ♥♥♥♥ (after crafting Tender Charm)
Beach Wristband ♥♥♥♥ (after crafting Rose)
Rose Necklet • Brown ♥♥♥♥ 
Garden Headband • Brown ♥♥♥♥
Goofy Face ♥♥♥♥
Warm Companion ♥♥♥♥ 
White Kitten Earrings ♥♥♥♥ 
White Kitten Gloves ♥♥♥♥ 
White Kitten Tail ♥♥♥♥
Blue Porcelain • Bag ♥♥♥♥♥ 
Rosy Dream ♥♥♥♥♥ 
Sweet Choker ♥♥♥♥♥ 
Bow Ribbon ♥♥♥♥♥ 
Auspicious Knot ♥♥♥♥♥
Bird Pilgrimage ♥♥♥♥♥  GOLD
Dragon in Heaven ♥♥♥♥♥  GOLD
Phoenix Crown ♥♥♥♥♥  GOLD
Great Heaven Crown ♥♥♥♥♥
Soft Pink Choker ♥♥♥♥♥
Flowers in Summer ♥♥♥♥♥
Star Hunt • Red ♥♥♥♥♥ 
Prince Teddy • Brown ♥♥♥♥♥
Queen Saint Phoenix ♥♥♥♥♥
King Saint Cloud ♥♥♥♥♥
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veroniicaflores · 4 years
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task 001: character introduction.
(admin tangerine, 21, est) ☼ who’s that hottie, standing outside the love hotel? it’s VERONICA FLORES, a BISEXUAL CIS FEMALE, who looks a lot like NATHALIE KELLEY! NIKKI’s insta bio says SHE is a STYLIST and is looking for a fun time this summer. SHE is into DADDY KINK & GROUP SEX, but not into SCAT & BLOOD PLAY. by the way, SHE reminds me of ORANGE POPSICLES & COLORFUL SUNSETS.
quick infos:
full name: veronica eleanor rosemary flores (i swear i have never watched dynasty EVER and i was told this is the last name of nat’s character.... too late)
dob: august 23rd 1988 (she’ll turn 31 this year)
pob: las vegas, nevada.
kinks: daddy***/mommy kink, mild roughness,  group sex, public sex, receiving oral (eat her out good and she’ll marry you... too soon) although she enjoys giving oral to girls and/or strap-ons/dildos, mutual masturbation, nipple play, hair pulling squirting, spanking, consensual somnophilia.
anti kinks: blood play, wax play, electric stimulation, bondage, very rough sex, scat, foot play, humiliation & extreme anal (fingering and butt plugs are fine, but there will be very rare anal sex).
3 favorite things: dancing naked at 2am to some electronic music or old rock songs, italian gelato (she’d give you a handjob for a raspberry gelato) & puppies videos on instagram.
3 things she hates: spiders or bugs of any sorts (excluding spider man or ant man or black widow wink wink), people who lack of respect & compassion, bad hair days.
+2 positive traits: easygoing & compassionate
-2 negative traits: gullible & jealous
wanted connections:
ex-husband: idk where i’m going with this, but i have a feeling this would be so interesting if he’d come back to the hotel and they’d reconnect after a few years of being apart and not speaking. bonus points for high sexual tension and cute stuff! 
daddy and/or mommy: just that “caring, loving but also can please all your needs” vibe. spoiler alert, she won’t be the mommy, she’s too much of a sub for that.
femme fatale: just a woman, preferably younger whom nikki just can’t resist. someone with dominant tendencies. or someone around her age too! 
friends with benefits: GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS 
sexual tension: it says it all. 
childhood + teenage years + early twenties:
only child of a loving family of restaurant owners, veronica inherited the best conditions to become a traditional girl from a just as typical and traditional family. she was loved by her parents, she loved them. she learned to cook at a very young age and had a noticeable talent. she was the preppy girl from the picture perfect family. she had a dog, alfredo, that she rescued from the streets and who became her only friend for most of her childhood.
in high school, she bonded with a pair of twin siblings who came from a completely different background. from what she knew, their parents were big gamblers and lost most of their savings in casino nights. these people had that edge and gave that down to earth vibe nikki admired yet could not completely comprehend. they were a dynamic trio that balanced one another perfectly. jack (npc) was a total artist who encouraged nikki to express herself, valerie (npc) was very analytical and had a talent at reading through nikki while nikki herself was that sweet figure who was easy to please and could easily please everyone.
when they graduated, valerie confessed she had no idea what she would be doing with her future with no money at all. they were sitting in nikki’s family restaurant and drinking beer in cask with nostalgia and a part of sadness. jack had big plans, he found an apartment in san francisco and wanted to become a graphic designer. nikki, however, was torn between taking over the family business or making a living of her own. that was when valerie drunkenly suggested to work at one of the newly opened strip clubs nearby their neighborhood.
so she did.
she turned 18 when she realized she had lost so many years to living in a mold she no longer fit in. she was more than just preppy church outfits and cooking sundays with her mother, she was more than a daddy’s girl who washed tables when the restaurant was closed. what did adults always say? a good education promised a good future, so, veronica applied to the college of southern nevada for a degree in communications with a minor in women’s studies. she had no idea where she was heading, but it was a start.
her parents contributed by driving from class to home every day, they paid her more adult looking clothing and they finally gave her the freedom she never knew she needed until she reached majority.
although jack disappeared from her life, valerie remained very present. they did as they agreed and found a job at a high end strip club in vegas. they made good money instantly without having to do nasty stuff nikki had never been introduced to. within a few months, they saved enough to get matching tattoos, new jewelry and pay for valerie’s apartment. the club provided a living area a few blocks away, but valerie felt better living on her own. nikki tried to mingle and fit in with the other girls, but they were too different. maybe it was the education, maybe it was the background, but the trashy side of this job did not interest the italian girl more than that.
veronica worked as a stripper during college until she graduated with a degree that would soon become irrelevant and useless. with contribution from her parents who never even judged her for her job (it was true nikki did tell them it was just a dancing studio) and with her savings, veronica moved out of nevada and headed to california.
she worked in clothing stores, in malls and eventually in expensive boutiques. the other sellers and all the clients noticed she had a talent for matching outfits, accessories and every details making sure the person who wore them would be at their best. eventually, she started doing this as a side line. she promoted her skills on social media and got quite the hype. she worked for magazines and influencers. she became a private stylist as well. no rest for the wicked! 
along the way, she met the man who would become her husband. they really had a perfect marriage. being career driven and uncertain of being able to meet her parents’ expectations, she could not lie to herself. the marriage ended in a peaceful and respectful divorce. she is still convinced he is the love of her life. 
at 26, she started a youtube channel when she became a bit bored of her casual job. on her channel (youtube.com/user/floralpatternslover), she does a lot of hauls, diy accessories, storytimes, recipe tutorials and various challenges. she has 2 millions subscribers and just as many instagram followers. nikki lives off of that more nowadays. she tries to post at least once a week on youtube to keep the ad revenue coming. 
she makes a lot of money, but she really doesn’t act like it. she thrives on late night trips to 7/11 or on dollar store snacks and stuff. she gives a lot of money back to charity, and clothes back to other organizations as well. similar to chris klemens, 
BIGGEST SUB AND BABY ENERGY YOU HAVE EVER MET. she’s just... so willing and vulnerable, it’s crazy. make sure your muse can handle that!
she will never take the lead, or, well, almost never. if she feels really needy, she might initiate things and suggest certain positions and actions, but otherwise, you choose and she obeys.
she works with clothes all the time, love clothes, sleeps on her bed covered with clothes because she’s too lazy to put them back in her walk-in closert... yet she would live naked 24/7 if she could. she goes from 0 to 100 real quick when it comes to exhibitionism!
she LOVES sex. passionate sex. sex for sex. group sex. watching sex. she’s really into it. it takes her mind off everything else. 
once again i repeat i have never watched dynasty and now i’m playing two fcs from the show TALK ABOUT A COINCIDENCE i’m sorry about the last name thing, i just thought it fit 
alsoooooo i was very attached to lea as a fc generally, but especially for nikki. it was hard choosing someone else :( i hope nathalie can fit!
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cosplayinamerica · 5 years
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The thing I found most interesting was the biggest fans of Prince John weren't the little kids, it was the adults! I was stopped constantly for pics and had people telling me how much they loved the movie growing up.
When deciding what cosplay to do, I consider several factors, First, how much is it already done? Second, how to I feel about the character I want to portray? Third, how will people respond to seeing it done, especially kids? Little kids and their reactions are one of my favorite things about cosplaying.
Growing up, Robin Hood was one of my favorite movies! I had a mad crush on Robin, but always got such a kick out of Prince John and his bratty behavior. He is the ultimate younger sibling, always competing with the older brother, trying to be the favored one. I had yet to see a Prince John cosplay done at any con I have attended and thought it would be fun to pull together.
I admit I cannot sew to save my life, not even buttons! All of my cosplays are put together by an amazing team of friends. For Prince John, my normal seamstress was busy with her day job, so I had to find a new magician with a needle and thread who understood that cosplay is about the details and not just a Halloween costume that can be slapped together. I put out a request for recommendations on the Twin Cities Geek Facebook group looking for help and was matched up with the amazing Michelle Lucas by her husband.
Michelle not only sewed my Prince John robe but also Sir Hiss' (who I found on Amazon) cape and hat. My crown was put together by another talented friend of mine, Matt Feikema. He has done other prop work for me in the past including my Flash Gordon green egg and Jayne Cobb's Vera. Matt had the crown printed in a 3D printer for me, sanded it down, applied gold leaf and his wife Nikki, who is a jeweler, applied the stones, as well as made the rings for my fingers.
Under the robe, I wore a blue nightgown from Amazon and gold sandals from Walmart. Makeup was much easier and a lot of fun. I surfed Pinterest for ideas on various ways to do cat/lion makeup. The most difficult thing to figure out was the whiskers. While I could have drawn them on or used a pair that clipped to my nose, that wasn't the vision I had. I wanted to figure out how to apply a whisker to my cheeks. I wanted to look like Prince John but still on the slightly realistic side.
After lots of googling, I found a great YouTube tutorial by Luka. She showed how to create whiskers from wig hair and attached them using eyelash glue. It worked amazing! I was shocked at how well the whiskers stayed on all day long with no touch ups. Much of my makeup was covered up with my posing (after all, John does love to suck his thumb), but I was extremely happy with how everything turned out!
I started cosplaying about 8 years ago, after my first time at Comic Con. Since then it has become an important part of my Con experience and my life. My friends and I spend the better part of the year planning and deciding what to do, how to do it, when/where to do it. We have lists of characters we want to cosplay but have not yet attempted. It is so much fun to see how happy it makes people when they see a character they recognize and love, especially one that is more obscure.
Most people I meet are shocked that I am a cosplayer. I guess I don't have the stereotypical "look" that they would expect a cosplayer to have. But what they don't realize is that cosplay is for everyone and anyone who wants to try it!
My favorite thing is their reactions when they see photos of me as Prince John, Ursula, Jem, whoever I have become in the photo. I love that my own daughters, as well as nieces and nephew are so into my cosplay. They often dream about what they would like to do themselves when we might be able to cosplay together (hopefully this November at a local Con!). I think it is teaching them it is OK to be different, to stand out, to be silly, and to just have fun, not worrying about how you look or what others might think. Cosplay teaches that kind of confidence and independence.
--- https://www.instagram.com/sisustylegirl/
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megaera-of-pigeon · 6 years
Love Nikki now offering Horseback Riding Tutorials! Learn to do tricks like these:
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A knight in shining armor saves a damsel:
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(Thanks for letting me use HER, @rev-plays-nikki !)
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lovenikkilibrary · 6 years
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So the Wonder Museum Event is Kinda Cute????
Not only do they have a guaranteed 9 draw system (9x40=360 Amber Fossils needed to catch the first limited souvenir), but the story is cute too and there’s a secret girl and I am actually more okay with this now lol! Just like Ultimate Race, there is NO MINUS attempt for failing a quiz (not sure yet about styling stage).
5 stages per day x 15 (assuming S ranking 3 times in all stages) x 5 days = 375 Free Amber Fossils
S in styling battle gets 5 fossils
A gets 3 fossils
(not sure about B and C but guessing 2 and 1 respectively)
So basically, you can get a limited item free. Then you’ll have to use diamonds (reset 3 pulls for 30 dias) to continue pulling for the pjs and other limited stuffs. 
1 pull = 40 Amber Fossils for now, but after unlocking the next part, it will cost more Amber Fossils to pull. There are also Amber Fossil Packs in the pay-to-play User’s Shop going at: 
$3.99 for 100 Amber Fossils + 200 VIP EXP
$7.99 for 210 Amber Fossils + 500 VIP EXP
$15.99 for 440 Amber Fossils + 1200 VIP EXP
I recommend saving your money and using diamonds instead because it looks like we get guaranteed no repeats. I haven’t pulled that much yet, BUT that is the vibe the Souvenir Shop + Rules are sending out. If you have a different experience please let me know. 
Now here’s a quick guide to help you get your S scores. And I agree with one of the quiz questions about Momo’s uselessness at a dig, (though is Momo really useful anywhere??? Think about it.)
EDITED TO ADD: @lilithkingdom‘s awesome S scores lol! Get inspiration dear Stylists. And edited again to add this new information about the second level based on a post from @love-nikki-queen (60 Amber Fossils per pull and more math and stuff). And here is the official FB Tutorial w/ main attributes vs. side attributes. 
(And note that I might be editing this post a bit to make room for new information. Please do let me know if you have related tips/ info/ news!)
Wonder Museum Event Guide
Stage 1: Appointment of Museum Style Battle (with Cali)
Tip: Pigeon Classic Style
Attributes: Gorgeous, Mature, Sexy, Warm, Elegance
Stage 2: The Trial of Souvenir Quiz (with Momo)
Stage 3: Go! Into the Rainforest! Style Battle (with Ace)
Tip: Cool clothes
Attributes: Lively, Cool, Simple, Pure, Cute
Stage 4: Rainforest Adventure Style Battle (with Secret Girl)
Tip: Small Animals Theme
Attributes: Cool, Cute, Simple, Lively, Pure
Stage 5: Confusion of Fu Su Quiz (with Fu Su)
Have Fun, Stylists!
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For more info about today’s events and this fun-fun weekend, you can check out this useful poster with all the deadlines and info I’ve gathered up thus far. 
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tvwriteups · 3 years
ESC 2021 GF
Opening was okay. Think that's the largest the stage has looked.
Watching on PeacockTV. No commentary. This time I'm watching through my speakers and not through headphones. Not gonna do a rundown since a lot of the songs are familiar.
I did not watch any of the big 5 or the Dutch rehearsal/jury videos so I'll be watching those whole for the first time. (I probably should have watched them. Oops. Too late now!)
I really have no idea who will win. Kind of makes it exciting!
What's a little weird with my setup is how much "sharper" the music sounds on my speakers.
Let the Grand Final of the ESC begin!
1. Cyprus
2. Albania
3. Israel
4. Belgium
What's funny for me here is that the Belgian song is growing on me on this third listen. I like it more each time. (This might actually make my Eurovision AND Hooverphonic playlist!) With the other songs I was... like I didn't feel the level of "excitement" I felt when I watched them earlier this week.
5. Russia
Oh yeah! This is another one I'm liking more on a second viewing. I like her expressiveness. This is never not interesting. And an enthusiastic response there.
6. Malta
Maltese Lizzo. I know this is very popular with the ESC crowd and I get it but it doesn't personally register with me. I think it's the speed. It's like the same fast speed and mostly same level of "noise." Crowd really loooooves it though. Might just be my own autistic sound processing issues.
7. Portugal
I still am impressed with how well-structured this is. I'll probably forget the song next week but when it was being performed I never lost interest.
8. Serbia
They seem so wholesome in their postcard. Hmm, singing doesn't sound as good on my speakers. This is like the first 3 songs for me.
And now a break.
Kind of sucks performing early because it hurts you with the vote but at least you get to sit back easy and watch the rest of the show.
I still feel very conflicted about how to feel about Junior ESC. Lots of pressure to put on children.
Jamala, Emmelie de Forest, Duncan Laurence on where they keep their awards... nope, Nikkie, I'm not gonna check out the live blog. I like the ESC but even I have to draw a line somewhere.
9. United Kingdom
First time watching. I don't understand these British songwriters who perform their own songs and yet... like, it doesn't sound ideally suited to their own voices. It was okay but it's another one I'll forget in a week.
10. Greece
Well, I didn't get to watch this properly the first time so here goes: I don't like the huge reliance on effects but it's BEHIND her so it's completely acceptable to me. I think this would've worked better for me if the dancing was "more [active?]" since it's a fast song about dancing.
The hosts briefly have to tell us something for some reason.
Hmm, apparently a lot of my sound issue is that the rear speakers are coming through louder.
11. Switzerland
This is playing much better for me today than it did the other day. The overall performance is better. I don't like the epilepsy-inducing light though. That's my only complaint. Well done!
12. Iceland
Well, literally the same exact performance we watched the other day but it was fun so... and my viewing experience is slightly different so... Hmm.. what I'm really feeling right now is a song placement thing. We went from intense to chill and that energy change is a bit much for me.
13. Spain
This song does not have a strong hook. I ... can't remember the song and it only just finished.
14. Moldova
I honestly don't think this song would've made it through the first SF. I just don't care for it. I think I spent most of the performance looking at the dancers when that was an option.
15. Germany
This feels like a cross between a Moldovan and a San Marino entry. I dunno, I enjoyed it. I wouldn't watch it again though.
I do also understand that part of watching this as an American is that I don't ever have to feel embarrassment that I'm being represented through any of these performances.
16. Finland
Now that I know that this is like this I'm totally not interested. I'd probably feel very differently if I was in the same space as these guys because it's a SHOW!
And another break. Oh, the broadcaster boxes. I always assume that they're going to harass Graham Norton but they're actually visiting the Danes right now. And the Russians.
Hosts talking about orchestras now.
17. Bulgaria
I remember this postcard from the other day because of the menagerie this girl has. This song is also growing on me. I was confused about the lyrics the other day but now am experiencing them as playful. Feeling the "production" of this one.
18. Lithuania
It's hard for me because I really liked "On Fire." I'm really enjoying this the second time and a really great, entertaining performance. And maybe it's in a better place during the night.
Hosts talking about the app. They're really hammering this whole "clap along" thing (which I haven't found on the app because I'm probably too old to care).
19. Ukraine
This song is a trip. Bangy-est banger of the night. You just never know.
20. France
You know, this comes off as something the juries would love to award. Damn, girl! You know, I wasn't impressed when they showed the short clip at the end of the SF. You really have to watch the whole thing.
21. Azerbaijan
Seems more appropriate to sing about Mata Hari than Cleopatra in the Netherlands when you think about it. It could be because I've already seen this before but I'm still processing France. There's also something about this staging that makes them look small on the stage to me.
22. Norway
I don't know why I find him adorable but I do. This song feels like a hug. (Or it's the "feathers." LOL)
Mini-break about what's upcoming.
23. The Netherlands
I was into it until the last 30 when it got really repetitive but that's still an overall like.
24. Italy
I really can't predict anything. I dig this but we've sort of filled a quota for intensity for the night.
25. Sweden
I'm just kind of like....of course Sweden has the Rijksmuseum postcard. It's like the most recognizable place in all of these postcards. And be near the end of the show. I'll be honest: I'm just predisposed to be against Sweden. Ugh, epilepsy light. I can't even look at the screen. Also, I liked Russia's "A Million Voices" in 2015. I'm guessing this song did not look like this at Melodifestivalen because it's really looking terrible on my tv. This is the worst visual presentation of the night.
26. San Marino
Honestly wondering how well San Marino is gonna finish this year. This felt more awesome the first time. Well, also Flo Rida delightfully surprised me the first time.
And how our hosts telling us about the importance of voting. I have no idea how these are going to pan out. I just know that if I was voting I think I'd throw my votes at Ukraine and France...while feeling bad that I'm not throwing some at Bulgaria, Iceland, Lithuania or Switzerland. (I also liked Russia but I wouldn't vote for them.) I mean, I liked Italy but... I don't know. I think I ran out of energy by then.
Really think it's that Ukraine and France just zapped my energy for energetic songs. The only one I felt after those was the hug of Norway. Or maybe Norway lulled me. LOL.
Would be interested in the televotes for some of these countries.
Recap. Ooof. France doesn't work in short recap clip.
"Music Binds Us"....because we've heard of Afrojack here. I swear every other major city has one of those bridges. I'd otherwise dig this but we've had so much intense music tonight.
I'm guessing we're listening to "Titanium" because Afrojack wrote and produced it.
I'm sitting here wondering if ANYONE is going to vote for the UK at all. Or, really, how many of the Big 5 are going to be in the Bottom 5.
Another recap.
Another Nikkie ESC Tutorial segment. This is actually kind of annoying.
And now a behind-the-scenes montage while the voting numbers are displayed at the bottom.
Catching up with past winners now.
ESC honoring itself again. Enjoying how much they're not overemphasizing the whole "in front of a live audience" stuff like they were doing the other nights.
Another recap.
Oddly, I think Moldova annoys me the most. It feels like the emptiest song in the final.
How quickly are they going to burn through the votes. It's already feeling like this show is long.
65th anniversary stuff. Rock the Roof. Måns again. I don't like this song. I think 2015 was a great overall year (even if I was able to predict the top 10 (except for Latvia) but I still listen to a lot of songs from that year... just not "Heroes." I resent that I have to hear it every year now.
Teach-In....because Dutch and because we need a song with 'Ding" and "Dong" in it.
SANDRA KIM!!!!!!!! Forever the youngest winner of this contest.
Lenny Kuhr.
Helena Paparizou. LOL, totally sticking to the choreo.
Lordi. Probably had to choose their roof first to get the permission to shoot the pyro off it.
So are they saving Duncan Laurence for when they calculate the votes? It feels like the voting window has been open forever now. I keep looking for a countdown clock.
This sounds like a way of saying Duncan Laurence has tested positive for COVID without saying that he tested positive for COVID.
Are they emphasizing that the Netherlands is below sea level?
New song... I'll take anything as long as it's not "Nana Banana."
The voting still isn't closed!
Oh, they have a special countdown dance is why. How very Paparizou of them.
Oh, that weird part where they banter with the delegations.
Malta. Just Malta?
Martin Österdahl. Because Swedes. Jury time. I forgot that revealing votes this way eliminates the performances during the vote calculation. They calculate the televote during the jury stuff.
Jury Votes
Israel, the least popular child in the room right now gives their 12 points to Switzerland.
Poland goes to San Marino.
San Marino goes to France.
Albania to Switzerland.
Malta to Albania.
These are going all over the place. But then it's juries.
Estonia's 12 to Switzerland.
Switzerland and France popular with juries so far.
North Macedonia to Serbia.
Recap. Switzerland, France and Italy in the Top 3.
Els and Nikki or however you spell their names. Azerbaijan throws their points at Russia of course.
Norway to....Malta.
Spain to France.
Austria to Iceland.
Ooof, UK, Spain and Norway totally blanked right now.
The UK....with Amanda Holden...and 12 points for France.
Italy gives its 12 points to Lithuania. No points for Switzerland from them!
Now it's just the UK blank.
Slovenia to Italy.
Juries don't like Ukraine. :-(
Greece...making us try not to boo by having a child tell us that the points are going to Cyprus.
Latvia with Aminata of course. 12 points go to Switzerland.
Ireland to France.
Moldova epic saxing us. Epic saxing Bulgaria too.
Serbia to France.
Bulgaria to Moldova. Ugh.
Cyprus ...should've used a child. Even the crowd is all "Greece, duh."
Belgium to Switzerland. It's almost like they have something against France, LOL.
Banter with Switzerland. Banter with France. No cringe. Practically no cringe in these interviews. They're adorable.
On a side note, my HVAC is dying on a 90 degree day.
Germany to France.
UK still sitting on a jury egg.
Australia to Malta.
Finland to Switzerland.
Portugal to Bulgaria.
Ukraine to Italy. Love the 0 points to Russia there.
Iceland. LOL. LOL. LOL. Of course a "Jaja Ding Dong" reference. Switzerland for them.
Romania to Malta.
Without televotes this stuff is almost meaningless. I can't imagine France getting the televotes.
Croatia to Italy.
Czech Republic to...like who would they.. oh Portugal. Of course. LOL.
Georgia to Italy.
Lithuania to Ukraine.
Denmark to Switzerland.
Top 5: Switzerland, France, Malta, Italy and Iceland.
"A Million Voices" Polina telling us Russia is giving their points to Moldova. Lots of side-eye from me.
France can't give points to themself so.... Greece. I... I... don't know.
Sweden with Carola. OMG Carola....why so much talking? Did she take something? Or drink something? She's on something. Gives their points to Malta.
Switzerland gives point to France. Most anticlimatic points reveal.
The Netherlands gives its points to France.
UK with ZERO points from juries.
Switzerland, France, Malta, Italy, Iceland.
We don't see the jury performances so...like... I dunno.
Gonna waste time in the Green Room again before the televote reveal. Talking with Switzerland... meaning that Gjon gets to replace John Lundvik as the face of losing if they don't get enough votes.
I hope this goes fast. And they're revealing these in the order of jury votes, least to most. So maybe a different face of losing.
UK with 0 points. OUCH! And they didn't genocide anyone this year! James Newman being a sport.
Germany with 0 points.
Spain with 0 points.
Netherlands with 0 points.
LMAO. I don't think I've ever seen this.
Norway with 60 points.
Serbia with 82 points.
Albania with 35 points.
Azerbaijan with 33 points.
San Marino with 13 points...even with Flo Rida!!!
Sweden with 63 points?
Cyprus with 44 points.
Moldova with 62 points.
Lithuania with 165 points!!!
Belgium with 3 points. Hooverphonic with only 3 points. Better than zero. But totally a jury thing their SF result was.
20 points to Israel.
Finland with 218. Shocker that. For me. Not the public, of course. Now in first.
Greece with 79 points.
Ukraine with 267. Into the lead.
Russia with 100 points.
Portugal with 27.
Bulgaria with 30 points.
Iceland with 180 points...and in 1st.
Italy with 318 points.
Malta with 47 points.
France with 251 points. Into 2nd.
Switzerland with 160 points.
Winner is Italy. So Switzerland is the new face of losing.
Televote alone it's Italy, Ukraine, France, Finland, Iceland, Lithuania, Switzerland, and Russia with 100 or more points. Serbia and Greece rounding out the top 10 in televote.
Surprised and delighted that the public gave all those votes to France. I was not expecting that at all.
In the breakdowns I really would like to see if their are any public correlations between folks who votes Italy/Finland or France/Switzerland.
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redhotchilisimblr · 7 years
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Some of you showed interest in one of my recent creation called the Nikki. I thought it was interesting to show you step by step how I proceed - especially because it was my first Dutch Colonial house. The Nikki is a small lot built on a 20x15 lot in Willow Creek.
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First, I decided to do not build the lot in the direction preset by the game. I always thought it was a shame that most simmers do not try to build differently than how the game force you to. I used the “highlight floor” from Spa Day to delimit the pathway (blue) and the landscaping zone (red). My plan was to surrounder the house with an amazing garden, even if it doesn’t have any backyard.
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The Nikki’s layout is entirely based on a TS2 creation I saw a few weeks before. I tried to replicate it the best I can. There’s 3 different parts in this structure : the main one - which is where the entrance will be, the one on the right and the one on the left (which is another small porch area).
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I added another “landscaping zone” (yellow) where I’ll put flowers from another palette. Then, I deleted the walls to make room for the porches area. I replaced them for the regular sized half walls. I also elevate the house a bit, added the white stairs (Base Game). The hardest part was to start the second floor... I placed them at random (to be honest) just to have a global idea on the shape of the house.
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The most time I spent on this house was the roof. It was really tricky because they’re from different sorts. For the main ones (the Dutch Colonial’s signature), I used a combination of the regular one and the inclided one. When done, I used the copy tool to duplicate the roof on the second part of the house. Even if these two parts are not the same size, I can do some adjustment rather than start from the beginning.
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The other roofs were quite simple : I just placed them and make them a little bit flatter. (Hope it makes sense, lol). Don’t forget to press the Alt key to have them at the perfect heigh ! The columns are from City Living. These are my favorite columns in the game so far *o* Perfect for suburban builds !
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Time to place the windows ! I always thought it was one of the most difficult part of building (with roof and landscaping). Because most of the time you either have too much of them or either not enough...
After hours of building in the sims 4 I came to the conclusion that the best way to do it is to have miss-matched windows with different size. I usually placed the widest one at the first level where you usually have all the common rooms (kitchen, living room etc) and the narrow on the top level for the bedrooms.
Here, I used a set of windows from the Base Game (which are one of the most used pieces in my save, lmao), 1 window from the Vampire Pack (at the top right), 2 windows from Get To Work. Same for the main door. The second door on the porch area (not in the pic) is also Base Game. I’m always surprised to see pretty and underated items from BG!
As for the sides of the house, I only used the BG windows. I switch from a combination of 1 and 2 and usually leave 3 wall spaces in between.
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I often place the wallpapers at the very end. Personal choice. It’s easier for me to do so because I can see more easily if a window isn’t at the best place with the blank ones. For the Nikki I used the beige-thingie from the BG, the rock walls from Bowling SP, and as for the foundation the rock ones from Get Together. I was amazed how the two rocks walls matched each other during the process of picking the perfect walls. I added Get Together thin white columns at each end of the walls to make a contrast with the beige walls. I also used a brown roof border (I don’t know it real names, lmao. Excuse my french).
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Now, time to landscape ! It’s time to show you how much the “highllight floors” are useful. I picked a Vampire GP floor for the path, just press Maj and then the whole blue zone is remplaced!
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I’ve put fences all around the landscaping zone (red) and then I’ve deleted the floor. I think it’s a fence from the Base Game too, not sure. But it’s one I used the most for my suburban builds. 
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Deleting is a 20 seconds job but you have to make sure you didn’t buldoze a fence piece by accident - which is really annoying. Also, for the porches floor I used 2 ones from the BG. I love to miss-matched the floor. I think it’s more realistic and add a neat touch to your build.
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The terrain paint is a part you shouldn’t skip if you want a cohesive build. I used to say : “Yeah, I’ll pass. I don’t see the need to spend times on something I won’t even see or notice” But I was all wrong. From certain angles you can actually see if the landscaping was done properly or not. From now on, I always do it. I usually used 3 differents brushes and add light brown touches here and there.
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Also, this item from Get Together is a real gem when it comes to pathways. There 6 or 7 different swatches and it’s perfect to make the floor looks more “urban” and not totally out of the blue. I don’t know how to explain but I somehow hate how the floor look superficial outside without a proper boarding.
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For the landscaping itself, I only used pink and white flowers to stress the contrast with the house walls. I sized up some of them a bit, overlap by using the Alt key, combine them... The possibilities are endless. I mostly used flowers from the Base Game and some from the Backyard SP. Try to squeeze the trees in an a place where you can still have a good view on your house. I often use the trees to hide the part I like the least, the unflaterring angles. ;)
Don’t forget the outside lightings ! Hide them in each corner of your landscaping zone but keep them 6 square apart far from each other. It’s a suburban street not Las Vegas, lmao. Play with the outside lightings color. I personaly really like the orange and dark yellow shade ;). Oh, and I love to place a wall light above the main door and 2 or 3 one the other sides of the house. I tried to have the “main light” different than the others for realistic purpose, lol.
Later, I used a liberated wood fence from plasticbox but the build is mostly cc-free.
Well, I think we’re done ! :))
If you’re interested in more “How to build this”, let me know ! If you’ve spotted something in my build you’re curious to know how I did, or if you want something special...tell me !
You can also check my previous tutorials *here*
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aoifesfatvagina · 5 years
Nikkie Tutorials on Ellen made me cry
She’s so strong
and beautiful
and she knows her privilege
from the get go she’s trying to save lives
well done beautiful angel
we are so proud of you
0 notes
atestyglamour-blog · 5 years
 I reviewed some products of the month of October, same way I did in September! :) Here are some of my final thoughts, recommendations and comparisons for you guys! :)
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Mac Strobe cream (Shade: Peachlite):
At the beginning I was so curious about this product as many beauty influencers have raved about it, in particular Nikki Tutorials! I love this product and it in my opinion is definitely worth the $56 in my opinion as you really do not need much for it to give you the fully glowy effect. It doesn't effect other products it used with and honestly it looks just as stunning by itself as it does under make up. If you feel like splurging, this is honestly a winning product because it is a primer and illumanizer in one so you're getting ideally two products in one! :)
- Don’t need to use a lot of product to get full effect.
- Doesn't effect other products and the way they sit on the face.
- Different colour options available.
OVERALL I give this product 10/10! <3
 Tarte shape tape concealer (Shade: 22n Light neutral): 
For me this is the perfect concealer, for the price you will only need to buy 1 or 2 tubes a year due to the fact you really do not need much at all! This product in my eyes is on the heavier side so definitely not the best for natural looks but for more glam looks. It lasts but you definitely need to set it with a powder because it will be cakey if you don’t! Honestly more of a matte concealer so if you’re looking for a more hydrating product this probably isn't for you! :) In my opinion Tarte have absolutely outdone themselves here and I love this product, definitely understand why it’s a favourite in the beauty world. <3
- Product will last you ages!
-Value for money.
- Huge shade range! :)
- Can be cakey.
- Not very hydrating.
- Only available at SEPHORA.
OVERALL I give this product a 9/10! <3
Revolution loose baking powder (Shade: Lace):
This powder impressed the hell out of me. Doesn't make my undereye area look dry after I bake which sometimes other powders do. It's the perfect colour for my skin tone as well which is a massive plus. I used this all over my face as I’m quite oily. It works through out the day without any touch ups and is perfect for the price point and honestly I recommend it to everyone, very affordable and you get a huge amount of product. This can be compared to the Ben Nye powders, but honestly I do believe this powder is better as it sets but also brightens plus has multi uses! :)
- Affordable!
- Value for money
- Perfect for baking the face or just dusting.
- Big shade range!
- All colours not available in stores yet.
- A bit messy leading to loss of product.
OVERALL I give this product 10/10! <3
Anastasia Beverly Hills Novina palette:
Save your money guys, as much as I love the formula and how it blends you definitely can get cheaper palettes with similar colours. $76 for 14 shades is honestly a bit steep and I think you’re just paying for the brand :)
- Blendable formula.
- Expensive
OVERALL I give this product a 5/10! <3
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- Riley xx
0 notes
nyrator · 7 years
So, now I want to make an Effect, but oh my god RPG Maker 2003′s Event Systems are so intimidating, how do I start? A Yume Nikki fangame reference
WELL, you’ve come to the wrong right A place.
Now this tutorial’s gonna require a liiittle bit of familiarity with RPG Maker’s mechanics, but you can brute force your way through it and learn along the way (that’s what I did~) I’m going to be using the Not-Steam version of RPG Maker, because it’s a lot more condensed (and because I don’t want to port Yume Nikki to the Steam version)
Now, of course, the best way to learn how to make a fangame in general, is to see how Yume Nikki itself works. Feel free to explore the game, both inside AND... deeper... inside. Yeah. Go through the maps, see how things are made, and ohhh man if only they weren’t all Japanese-oh wait, that’s what I’m for.
(I’ll also be releasing an English version of Yume Nikki’s coding eventually, I was going to release it with this but decided to wait and see how much I can clean it up)
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So if we look at this page, in Database > Items, we see all the list of Effects.
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So, it’s as simple as just writing a name here and pixelling up a CharSet for it, right?
Haha... ha... ha...
Well, first thing’s first. You should notice that the Effects are each listed twice. Why is that? What’s different about the two? Well, the only real difference is that one is marked for FIELD activation (aka, can be used on the overworld map of the RPG), while the other isn’t able to be activated at all. Why would you want that?
Because in Yume Nikki, there’s Dream, and there’s Reality. In Dream, you go into bed and can use your wonderful effects on the Field. In Reality, you’re stuck in your Bedroom and your Veranda. However, if you pause and check, you still can see all your Effects, but you can’t activate them whatsoever. So, that’s why. Dream is activate-able, Reality isn’t.
But, what does that other stuff mean, anyway? Why should I have it like that?
Name and Description are simple, they’re the name, and the description of the item. Simple. I’m gonna name mine “Ball”. There’s number of uses (you’ll want to keep it Unlimited, unless you want some kind of durability or consumable or something). Price means nothing, unless there’s a shop in your game, in which case, that’s the price you have to buy the Item for.
There’s also the Type, which for an Effect, you’ll want to keep as a Switch (no, you can’t make a Knife and call it a Weapon, unless you’re actually messing with the RPG side in which case more power to you). Most of those elements are for, as I said, the actual battle system in RPG Maker, which who needs when we just want to explore a dream and/or dream-like area?
Now, what’s a Switch, you ask?
Well, a Switch is currently the latest system created by Nintendo, in which the system can be considered a hybrid by combining TV and handheld play...
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A Switch is like... an On/Off Switch. It’s a huuuge part of your game. Like, seriously. Switches and Variables will make up the bulk of your scripting, so you’ll have to learn them.
So in this scenario, using the Item turns the Switch On. But we have to choose which Switch it’ll turn on, in the “Turn on Switch” tab. Here will give a list of all the Switches that are or will be in your game. For clarity, you might want to plan ahead of time where you want your Items to go, because you’re going to need a lot of Switches and organization can be tiring. So, we just turn on the “Ball” switch, yes? Name the Switch “Ball”, turn it on, and we have an Effect?
But wait... if we look at Yume Nikki’s Switch list...
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There’s at least five sets of Effects!
Why is that? Well, each one has a purpose. It’s own little job to in the grand scheme of Effects. In order of how Kikiyama places them:
Finding the Effect - How to get the Item
The Effect is in your Possession (for Egg)
Equipping the Effect - How to turn your sprite into the Effect
The Effect is Active - What happens when the Effect is on
Removing the Effect (as an Egg)
There’s also a few of these for certain Effects
[A]ction Switches - Secondary abilities for Effects
Depending on how you want to go about doing this, not all of these may be needed (the Egg ones). There’s also three sets of Common Events, dedicated to the meat of the Effects
[E] How the Effect gets Equipped
[X] How the Effect turns into an Egg
[A] How you can perform Actions
but we’ll talk about those later. Let’s step back from the Item Menu for now, and explore each one in order and see how it works...
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These Switches determine whether or not you have found the Effect. Say, you just started, you have zero Effects. You find the “Ball” out in the wild, interact with it, and now “You Got Ball appears!” And now the Switch is on.
Why is it important to do that? Well, let me interact with the “Ball” again. Oh boy, I got another one! ... And another one, and another one... oh wait, now I have twelve Balls when each one has an unlimited use anyway. Uhh.
That’s why we have the Switch to tell the engine we already got it, and we don’t need another one. But you also need to tell the Game “Look, when this Switch is on, that means I don’t want any more of your “Ball”s, got it?”. For that, you’ll need a Conditional Branch, another thing you’ll be using a lot of in your game. Let’s take a look at the steps for the Frog Effect for a nice visual representation.
Okay, so, the Branch is like a “what if” scenario-izer. Do you meet the conditions of the branch? Then it branches. If not, you can make something ELSE happen, or you could just not do anything (instead of putting Else statements without anything in there~). In this scenario, we have one thing to figure out- whether or not we found the Effect.
So, make a Branch if we DON’T have this Effect. In other words, if the Switch isn’t ON. This means something will happen if we don’t have the Effect. And here we have all the little details:
Sound Effects, Animations, the Message Box, the Message Text saying the item you picked up, erasing the Message Box once you’re done reading the Text... And then turning the FIND BALL Switch ON, so next time it tries to read that Branch, it’ll skip right over all this code stuff, as well as the POSSESSION BALL Switch ON, since you now have it in your Possession. There’s also the Level Up command (which Kikiyama uses to keep track of the Number of Effects you have), as well as, well, giving you the Item itself. The Field/Dream one, specifically. How do you get the Reality one?
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Kikiyama just swaps the items (depending on whether or not you already own said item). The Branch checks for the Dream Switch, and the Else Handler checks for when you’re not dreaming (aka, Reality). So this is a case where the Else Handler comes in handy.
Simple? No? Welllll, you’ll get the hang of it! Maybe!
Fun thing to note: Kikiyama uses Call Events for several things. They call on certain Common Events since, well, they’re Common. Things like, “Oh hey, I play this same Sound Effect every time I get an Effect, let’s save all the settings of that sound in this Common Event”. That way if you wanted to, say change a graphic, or replace the sound effect, you don’t have to do that in every single instance of that graphic/sound.
Speaking of...
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Now, what are Common Events? Well, in short, they’re Events that you can use at any time. They have a Name, a Number (which is how they keep track of it since you can change the name at any time- Changing the NUMBER will require you to go in and change said number for any time you use that Common Event, so pick your numbers wisely).
There’s also the Trigger. That’s how you, well, trigger the Event to occur in the first place. There are three ways you can Trigger a Common Event:
Call, where the Event is simply off hidden away, doing nothing, until you call it over and say like “yo buddy let’s hang out at my Event”, which, as it has nothing better to do, usually will come right over.
Auto Start, where the Event will start as soon as it can. It’ll stop everything else that’s going on and jump right in and take center stage, it’s all about this Common Event. So you miiight want to pull on the reigns a bit, and give it a Trigger Switch. This means that it won’t start the moment you boot up the game, it’ll start whenever the Switch of your choice is ON. Then, it’s all about that Event again~ ... of course, if it’s all about that Event, then nothing else will happen BESIDES that Event. So, You gotta make sure to turn that Trigger Switch to OFF within the Event Page once you’re done doing everything you want the Auto Start to do.
Auto Starts are useful, as they stop everything else going on around them, but you have to make sure to specify when they start and when they end.
Last is the Parallel Process, aka the “I’m always here, running alongside you, never getting in the way... except when I do. Sorry about that”. They start automatically, but they don’t interrupt anything directly- The player can do whatever they want while it sits in the background. That sounds good, but you can easily clash with it by doing something that conflicts with the idea “oh, you want to move left while I say to always move right? We have a problem”. In general, Move Events and Parallel Processes never get along, so be wary about that.
Parallel Processes are good for when you want to passively wait for some kind of Input or something. Like, it can do variable operations like determine your current location, count your steps, weird things like that that I won’t get into detail about right now. For Effects, they’re good for Key Inputs, where “okay, the Effect is on, so that means whenever they press a button, this thing will happen”.
It’s a bit tricky to get the hang of at first, which is why you’ll have to experiment a lot with the three different types and see how they work for you.
Of course, to make things even more complicated for you, let me point out something: The three sets of Common Events dedicated to Effects! We’ll label them something simple, the [E]quip Event, the [X]/Removal Event, and the [A]ction Event.
So what do these do? It’s a little more simple (to keep track of, at least) than the Five Switches, and the names give a good idea.
[E] events are the ones used from the Item Menu. It does the transformation sequence, it sets your move speed, turns on any Switches it needs to depending on the Effect, stuff like that.
[X] events are tied to the Egg Removal Events, which will talk about soon.
[A] events are related to the actions you can do with an Effect. Each one of these is different, and some Effects have multiple [A] events. They’re really complicated to explain, but it’s mostly related to Key Inputs, which allow you to bind certain events/actions to whatever Key you push.
So now, time for the thing you’ve allll been waiting for.....
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Remember the whole Item Switch? Yeah. That’s this Switch. The Switch to say “Hey, I wanna hold a Ball and use it.”
Okay, so we turned the Switch on, but what do we have it turn on to tell the game to do all the Effect things, like the animation, changing your sprite, etc etc?
That’s where the Common Event comes in. These babies are what define what the Effects do, and so the Trigger Switch will be the switch the Item turns on- the Equip Switch.
We’re also going to need the Active Switch as well for this Common Event. The Equip Switch is like lighting the pilot or something, while the Active Switch is like, the car engine running, or some other simile that makes more sense.
Because this is a direct, one-time action, we want to make the Trigger an Auto Start. Now it’ll stop everything else that’s going on, and focus solely on our Magical Girl transformation sequence.
Let’s break down what’s going on in this page. There’s a Branch with an Else Handler. First, it wants to know if the Effect is already OFF. Of course, we’re turning it on right now, so it’s OFF at the moment. It may be hard to keep track of all the branches and Else statements, just know that clicking on the source shows you the entire area it covers, and to keep an eye out for the connecting Else statement (the Steam version also color codes everything but it’s also much bigger and thus a lot less on the screen at once!)
So yeah, the Active Switch is OFF. So, since it’s off, we want to turn it on. But we also want to make sure that anything that might conflict with it are off, which Kikiyama has in a Call Event. Once that’s done, you can turn ON the Active Switch.
There’s also the other details, like when you first grabbed it. Tint screen, turning on a Switch that says “Effect is currently in use, please wait your turn”. Kikiyama also has a Branch for the FC worlds, so that it changes the aesthetics appropriately. You only need to worry about this if your character’s graphics change at all depending on the World.
In that Else Handler, there’s the thing we want to see: Change Sprite Association, which changes your character’s sprite to whatever you choose. Kikiyama also has an Animation for each individual Effect, though most look the same to me. Animations are tricky business, usually used for particle effects, and something you can experiment with in your own time in the Animation tab.
Now, it does another Branch immediately after that one, checking to see if the Removed Switch is OFF. Since it is, you’ll also change the Face graphic (aka, the preview graphic of the Effect in the menu). More on the Removed Switch later, but it’s pretty much there for when you turn an Effect into an Egg.
There’s a Wait Command, Wait Commands are good for timing based things, and as shown here, a 0.0 second wait command helps let everything above it finish up so things don’t all happen at once. Like catching a breath, except with no actual pause. And because Kikiyama’s checking the same Switch twice, he wants to pause so he doesn’t confuse the game. And with this next Branch, he has a Switch to turn off Blocked button inputs. This is something I like, but can be confusing to newer people, it’s pretty much a bug-proofing thing (so that you can’t say keep pressing the Sit button while transforming into an Effect and glitch them together somehow).
Now the confusing thing is, why check those two things separate, and why does the Egg being dropped have anything to do with it? That, honestly, I’m not sure. There may be a reason, it might just be superfluous, who knows, I’m sure I’ll eventually understand.
But finally, he caps off the whole thing by turning the Equip Switch OFF. Why turn it off right away? Because, it’s an Auto Start. That Switch was meant to start that event, and turning it off gives the player reigns again.
Of course, there’s always the original Else Handler from way-back-when. If, say, it WASN’T off, then that means it must be ON. Aka, you have that Effect equipped kiddo. So we want it so that using the Item again would automatically revert to the Hero’s default state. Kikiyama has the whole thing saved to a Call Event, where it pretty much reverts any changes the Effects have done, and turns off any Switches they might have turned on. The only other Switches he needs are something to turn the Active Event OFF (since it’s different for every Effect), and to turn the Equip Switch OFF, because, again, y’know, Auto Start.
And there you have it! An overtly indepth look at how these Event pages work.
Important to note: That’s only a generic Effect. Some Effects have special passive quirks about them when they turn on that you’ll want to add. Take a look at Kikiyama’s pages to get a good idea. Umbrella creates Rain., turns off a Snow Switch, and turns on a Rain Switch for Events that only work in certain Weather to understand (like Lightning from the Demon).
Some also Increase or Decrease the Hero’s Move Speed. Move Events can be tricky to keep track of, it’s a series of adding and subtracting depending on what Effect is used. There’s only six Speeds, but you can’t set them specifically by number or anything (Frequency is something completely different), what Kikiyama does is have a Normal Move Speed Event to Call from, where he Decreases the move speed to the absolute lowest it can go, then Increases it by Two. And also an alternative one for when the player is in Water that slows them down
and even then Kikiyama still has the Bedroom Chair glitch, thus never allowing the Speed to revert, aka infinite Speedddd
There’s a looot of checks to make sure nothing clashes, more than you know. But for a good tl;dr:
Conditional Branch to make sure you’re not already using the Effect (if you are, it’ll revert you back to normal in the Else Statement).
Turn on the Active Switch saying you’re currently using this Effect
Do whatever you want to make it fancy with animations and tints and whatnot
Change your CharSet and your FaceSet
Turn off your Auto Start Equipped Switch
Okay, so that’s the main thing people like to see. But y’know, that’s not all there is to an Effect. Some, maybe, but not all.
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We’re gonna skip the [X] section for now, and focus on the [A]s.
This here is what the Effects do besides look pretty or slow you down. These are the things you need to press a button to say, “yes, do this when I press a button”.
Some Effects have them, some don’t. Some even have more than one!
Now, this is when you need to really learn RPG Maker to make what you want happen, because Effects can be anything the program can create for you. They have a variety of Triggers and a Trigger Switches. Most are a Parallel Process, triggered by the Active Switch. Some have a secondary function, and are usually an Auto Start, triggered by a sixth Switch, the [A]ction Switch.
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Now, like I said, there’s a variety of things you can do with the Effects. But let’s focus on some core details for these [A]ction Events.
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This is probably the simplest of the [A]ction Events.
The first thing we notice in the Commands, is the Key Input Processing. This nifty tool lets you activate a Switch with the press of a button
... Well, kinda. For a more technical definition, it allows you store a number in a Variable. Oh boy, Variables. I haven’t gotten into depth about them yet, but they’re kinda like a Switch... except instead of an ON/OFF feature, they deal with numbers. So like a dial, kinda. When the dial is set to the right number, the thing you want happens. You can set things to a certain range of numbers, or if things hit a value higher or lower than a specific amount- Variables are super useful guys.
So, anyway, the Key Input.
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Don’t worry, it’s not so bad.
First, you want to choose the Variable to act as your “Button Input number”. The numerical value of the key you press will be saved here. Aka, if I press SHIFT, Shift equals 7. So that variable is now 7.
The Options are a bit trickier to understand. Wait Until Key Pressed means that your Command list won’t continue until a Key is actually pressed. I thiiink. It’s best to leave it checked for now. The Store Amount of Time it Takes to Press Key, meanwhile, I believe is meant for holding down the button. It times how long you took to press the button, and records the number in another Variable. You can mess with it if you want, but I wouldn’t worry about it for now.
Keys to Process means what keys you want to be read. I’m not sure why Kikiyama has every key read for the Bicycle, other than he probably copy-pasted it for every Event (or maybe that’s the default state, I forget). Either way, the important one here is Number Keys 0-9. That’s the Numpad on the right.
Kikiyama likes to have the actions be bound to the 1 Key on the Numpad. So, that’s considered equal to 11. So if you made a Conditional Branch for a Variable, and have it branch if its equal to 11...
Well, first it does a check (is the “I’m not supposed to let you put in button inputs” Switch on?), and then it does the action- which is play a sound effect.
A nice little bicycle bell.
There’s also the Wait 0.0 here again, which I imagine is so that you don’t press the button so fast that it equals 22 or 33 (or press say 5 and 6 at the same time and have it equal 11). Though, I highly doubt that would happen, since the variable wants to be set equal to the ONE key you pressed, so it’s probably just some kind of spam prevention thing, because Parallel Processes are weird. 0.0 waits are nice to have on them.
But yeah, there’s a LOT you can do...
One more thing to note, is that there are also certain Effects that affect NPCs. The Cat and the Knife come to mind. If you look at an NPC’s event page, they have pages dedicated to certain Effects. If you use the Cat Effect, you can turn on a Switch that makes NPCs walk toward you. If you use a Knife, just having it on with the Active Switch will make NPCs walk away from you.
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And of course, you can even stab someone if need be.
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wait is Seccom Masada like legit a reference to Michael Jackson I thought that was just a fan interpretation
So yes, from there on it’s a lot of effort and hard work and trial and error. The best way to learn from here is to browse the in-game files (which again I will be releasing an easier-to-read English version eventually unless someone already beat me to it without me realizing it)
I think you have all you need to know about making an Effect. I’m proud of you. You did it, you. You read through this entire thing that I typed in a day. You did it. The power...
is yours
Or maybe you just skimmed your way down here, I dunno.
... ohhh right.
One more bonus thing about Effects.
As I mentioned earlier, you turn a Switch on to say you have an Item in your Possession. But, doesn’t the Find Switch kind of cover for that? Both are saying you own the item, the Find Switch just stops you from getting more of that item.
So what does the Possession Switch do? Well, you may not even need it. But the reason Kikiyama uses it is specifically for the Eggs. Let’s go take a look at one in the Door Room, shall we?
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It’s simply more of what the first Switch did, except now it’s using Event Pages. The first page is blank, for all intents and purposes, it’s a nothing space. You wouldn’t even know it existed. And this only exists when the Possession Switch is on. But wouldn’t it not exist even if the Possession Switch wasn’t on?
Well, yeah. But then we realize there’s a Page 2
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 (ooo, aaaa)
So what happens on Page 2? This one only appears if the REMOVAL SWITCH is ON. So why does it exist? Well, if the Possession Switch is OFF, then you don’t own the Effect anymore. But you can’t just go back to the same NPC or whatever and pick it up again, otherwise you’d just use the FIND Switch. So, when the Possession Switch is off, it allows you to pick up the Effect from the Egg, just like when you first got it from an NPC (or whatever). And so it’s back in your Possession, the Possession Switch is turned ON, the Removal Switch is turned OFF, and so the Egg disappears once again into the Page 1 void.
Pages are funny. They’ll always go to the latest page (in this case, Page 2). If you turned off the Removal Switch, well, it’ll still be there. You need to force it to remember Page 1, by going back with the Possession Switch again. It’s weird, I know, but trust me it works somehow.
So, to see where that Removal Switch comes from, let’s take a look at the [X] Common Events...
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For the most part, they all look like this. A few add things like movespeed adjustments and the like, but for the most part this is it.
Now, these are Parallel Processes. They’re passively waiting for you to do whatever. In this case, they’re only active when you have the Active Switch on. The first thing they check with a Conditional Branch is, “are you in the Door Room?”
If so, then it adds a new Key Input Process (with a different variable than the Action ones). Then, to be safe or to get the input to work (I think), Kikiyama does another Branch exactly the same. And then another Branch, where if this Key Input Variable equals 15 (aka, 5 on the Numpad), it will lead to one MORE Branch, just to make sure you aren’t doing anything weird that would interrupt the Egg Dropping process (like trying to sit down or something). Again, these little things are a pain to find but they’re great to have in a game and make a game seem so much more polished (at least to someone like me, who goes out of their way to break RPG Maker games as much as possible when I play them)
And after ALL THOSE BRANCHES, finally, you do your little animation. You block the player from going to the menu, you turn on the Removal Switch (thus the things that happen earlier with the Possession Switch happen), change items, memorize the location and change the hidden Egg Event to said location (so that the Egg will always stay in the spot you put it in), move the player out of the way, some Call Events, you get the picture. And of course, the Active Switch turns OFF.
And there you have it! My browser’s about to explode, but that’s a lot of words I typed and tumblr I swear to god if you fail to upload this I will flip
I lost the Ball Effect analogy somewhere down the line, and also had to deal with a very very needy cat (that I am allergic to) stepping on my keyboard every ten minutes as I typed this because he misses my mother and has not stopped stepping on my keyboard every ten minutes all day every day in almost a week
For a summary of what these Switches do:
FIND SWITCH: Turned ON by the Event that gives you the Effect, so you can’t get the Effect a second time
POSSESSION SWITCH: Turned ON by the Event that gives you the Effect, used in conjunction with the REMOVAL SWITCH to say whether or not an Egg will appear
EQUIP SWITCH: Turned ON by using the Item in your inventory, triggers the [E] Common Event
ACTIVE SWITCH: Turned ON by the [E] Common Event, used in general whenever you need to know if this Effect is active (like when trying to switch to another Effect, trying to Wake up, or Effect-specific things, like being able to speed up in water as a Frog), as well as triggers some [A] Common Events and the [X] Common Events
REMOVAL SWITCH: Turned ON in the [X] Common Event, used in conjunction with the POSSESSION SWITCH to say whether or not the Egg will appear
Have fun, and happy fangame-ing!
Additional Material:
How I learned to recolor a sprite and called it a fangame protagonist- A Yume Nikki fangame reference
638 notes · View notes
foxholidays732 · 3 years
Forex Tester For Mac
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Moreover, there are 2 possible speed modes:
The Mac version of Ctrl-Alt-Delete: Mac computers have a similar three-key keyboard shortcut for. On a Windows PC the CTRL-ALT-END key combination can be used to send the CTRL-ALT-DEL sequence to the remote session. As you rightly point out this is not possible on a MAC keyboard. For a MAC the key sequence to use is actually CTRL-ALT-DEL. https://foxholidays732.tumblr.com/post/653074583967121408/ctrl-alt-for-mac.
Ticks per second - ticks are uniformly distributed in time, for example 2 ticks per second or 10 ticks per second.
Real-time - ticks are distributed in the same way as they were distributed in real life. Of course, you can also speed it up, just like a video recording.
You can also tell the program to pause the simulation automatically on certain events:
Hitting SL or TP
Execution of pending order
Reaching a defined price level
Rewind the simulation
Starting from version 1.6 of the simulator you can easily go back in time if you need to. Every chart is now equipped with a button which lets you move back bar by bar. All your trades, pending orders, stop losses, take profits, trailing stops, account details and even statistics will be restored.
If you miss the opportunity or you simply increase the speed too much, it is not a problem. The simulation can be rewound by a minute, an hour, a day or by any other timeframe you choose.
Risk-based position sizing
The simulator lets you use either lot-based position sizing or risk-based position sizing. For example, you can set it to risk no more than 2% of your balance or no more than $100 per trade. Risk-based position sizing requires setting a stop loss to work properly.
Automatic trade management
Following automatic rules can be applied to any trade:
Stop Loss and Take Profit
Trailing stop
Automatic break-even
One-cancels-other (OCO) rule for pending orders
Moreover, you can use order templates to work faster and avoid repeating the same steps. A template can be used to save your trade management settings and load them at any time.
Visual trading
Forex Simulator lets you place pending orders, stop losses and take profits by simply dragging lines on the chart. You can also modify existing orders in the same way.
Save as HTML report
With Soft4FX simulator you can save the history of your trading as an HTML report. It is formatted in exactly the same way as Metatrader account statements, so it is very easy to import it to any third-party tool for further analysis. An example of such tool is Quant Analyzer. It offers quite a lot of useful statistics and features, even in a free version.
Export to Excel
It is possible to save your trading history as an Excel sheet, allowing you to study and analyze it in more depth.
Detailed statistics
The simulator displays statistics similar to ones offered by Metatrader, including:
Balance/Equity graph
Absolute, relative and maximum drawdown
Maximum, minimum and average spread
Profit factor
Expected profit
Largest winning and losing trades
Longest/Largest winning streak
Longest/Largest losing streak
You can access your current statistics at any time during the simulation, not only after it ends.
Basic operations can be done very quickly using hotkeys:
Ctrl + Space - Pause/Play
Ctrl + Up Arrow - Increase speed
Ctrl + Down Arrow - Decrease speed
Ctrl + Right Arrow - Next bar
Ctrl + Left Arrow - Previous bar
Ctrl + B - Buy
Ctrl + S - Sell
Ctrl + C - Close last trade
Ctrl + A - Close all trades
Hotkeys work only in the main window of the simulator, so this window must be currently active (must be the last clicked window).
Free updates
Updates are free. All you have to do is to download and install a new version. Your activation code will still work with new versions.
There is no special procedure of updating. You can install the new version in the same way as you installed the program for the first time.
Current version is: 1.89 (Download)
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Windows 7 / 8 / 10 (will not work on Mac)
Installed Metatrader 4 (not Metatrader 5)
4 GB of RAM
Internet connection (the faster the better - downloading tick data may be time-consuming)
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 (Check and install)
Recommended: a few GB of free hard disk space for storing downloaded tick data
Recommended: Full HD screen
Download Forex Simulator
The simulator is not a standalone application. It is an add-on for Metatrader 4, so you need to have Metatrader 4 platform installed in your system. Metatrader 5 is not supported yet.
By default the software is locked and works in demo more. Demo mode has two limitations:
You can take only 5 trades per simulation.
You can not load saved simulations.
You need to buy the license to unlock the software.
(EX4 file, approx. 1.5 MB -> see installation)
Demo - test the program for free
You can test our software for free as long as you want. The download button is just above.
When starting the program please leave both e-mail and activation code empty. It will start the simulator in demo mode.
Buy the license
Payments can be made by PayPal and Skrill (MoneyBookers). Most credit and debit cards are accepted.
License is lifetime.
It lets you use the software on 2 Metatrader accounts (demo or real).
There is no limit for the number of computers in use. What limits the use of software is the number of Metatrader accounts.
More information about payments and the license can be found in License, payments and refunds section.
We strongly suggest to test the demo version of the simulator with your favourite indicators before buying it. All standard MT4 indicators work fine, but not every custom indicator works correctly on the simulator. Read more about known problems with custom indicators and possible solutions in Troubleshooting section.
Buy Forex Simulator
99 USD
One-time payment
Lifetime license for 1 person
2 Metatrader accounts (with transfer possibility)
14 day money back guarantee
Analysis toolpak for excel mac. Follow these steps to load the Analysis ToolPak in Excel 2016 for Mac: Click the Tools menu, and then click Excel Add-ins. In the Add-Ins available box, select the Analysis ToolPak check box, and then click OK. To install Analysis toolpak in Excel for Mac, follow below steps. Goto tools or Insert menu. Locate Add-Ins and Click on it. You’ll be prompted to choose from available add-ins. Select Analysis Toolpak. Analysis Toolpak is added.
Requires Microsoft Windows and Metatrader 4
More information
Forex Simulator
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Worth The Hype? RCMA No-Colour Powder
Firstly, Hiya, it's me again. I know it's been a while but I'm a part timing bitch who gets distracted easily. I'm back now, for real this time...maybe.
I've been going through one of those "what am I doing with my life" stages again. Im currently lying in bed in the dark, tissues stuffed up each nostril, sucking on a soother and feeling sorry for myself. I don't wanna be dramatic but I think I could actually be dying. I even got up, ready, had an argument with my lad about how "I'm not that ill"and "i'll be fine its only a 10 hour shift!" before I realised (half way to work might I add) that I actually am that ill and I need to stop being so stubborn and give myself some time to rest and recover. Does anyone else feel major guilt when they have to ring in sick to work?
So here we are again, I'm lying here thinking that if I worked from home I could be as ill as I wanted and still get the job done. I've always known I want to work for myself I just don't know what it'd be doing. When I lived with my parents my dad used to work from home, sometimes in his pyjamas, the crocs and socks would make an appearance more often than not. There was never a "business attire" dress code or any rules about eating at the desk or how much personal time he was allowed to take. You do you boo. THAT is the type of job I want. You wanna take 10 to make yourself a hot chocolate with squirty cream and marshmallows? You do that hun! Mother nature come to visit? You get your jimjams on, hot water bottle out, bit of Jezza on the telly and get comfy. I don't think that any work would actually get done, but it would be lovely wouldn't it.
So here's where the blog begins again. I've decided i'm gonna be the Nikkie Tutorials, Manny MUA or Sophdoesnails of Wordpress. I'm gonna be so famous and write some absolutely banging content that I don't need to go to work because people are just gonna pay be for being amazing. You read that here first, that's gonna happen. So yeah. Here it goes again.
I've decided I'm going to start a new feature, a "Worth The Hype?" type thing where I'll basically just review some of the new & most sought after beauty products and let you know whether they're actually worth splashing the cash on or if they're just hyped up shite that influencers get paid to push on their naive followers (i.e. me) That's right, I'm gonna spend my hard earned money so you don't have to. I deserve more credit really.
My first blog in this series will be about the RCMA No-Color Powder because if you're a basic bitch like me then I'm sure you know theres a whole Laura Mercier vs RCMA rivalry over which powder is better. Similarly, if you know me you'll know I have no self control when it comes to makeup so obviously I just had to buy both. Maybe I'll do a comparison blog when I've had the chance to try them both properly but to be honest, I'm just gonna put it out there that personally I think all powders are pretty much the same and do the same thing. All the MUA's out there are probably pulling their sleeves up going all keyboard warrior ready to teach me a thing or two after reading those words. Sorry not sorry x
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The RCMA No-Color Powder is a loose setting powder, famously used on the world of Youtube for 'baking'. If you don't know what baking is (if you've been living under a rock for the past few years) it's basically throwing on a load of powder on your face, usually on the areas you want to brighten such as the under eye area and on the lower cheek to create a more defined contour. You pack the powder on and go about your day for the next 10 or so minutes and then dust the excess powder off your face. The term 'baking' is used because the heat from your face is supposed to set the foundation/concealer in place. I don't know the science behind this or whether or not it actually works but they do it on Ru Paul and that's good enough for me.
I bought the powder on Beauty Bay for £13 and then obviously I had to buy something else because it's free delivery on purchases over £15 and it just makes sense really... Well, that's my excuse anyway and I'm sticking with it. For anyone interested I bought the Zoeva 144 as well that P.Louise buzzes off and I actually LOVE it but that story is for another day. I usually always buy my beauty products from Beauty Bay because the delivery tends to be free and pretty fast but I've noticed some goodies on Cult Beauty that I've got my eye on so I might have to transfer my loyalties over to them.
Beauty Bay describes the powder as "a lightweight, finely milled powder ideal for all skin tones." They had me at all skin tones tbf. Not that I hadn't already done all my research and watched 35854 Youtube videos to confirm that this powder would work for my colour and skin type. The product comes in a decent sized plastic tub containing 85g of powder. For those of you that don't know you, I must admit you do get a fair amount of product but I would bloody hope so for 13 quid!
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The lid of the product lifts and the product is poured out through a few holes, a bit like a big pepper shaker. Fat life, soz. I think this is a bit annoying because it means you have to pour the product out onto a surface in order to use it, covering yourself, your surface and everything bloody else in white - sorry, No-Colour powder.
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At first I noticed the powder looks exactly like talcum powder and upon reading the ingredients I noticed the product contains talc & silica. I did feel like RCMA had fully had my pants down and ripped me off for £13, de potting some bloody Johnsons baby powder and charging 10 times the going rate. I don't know the first thing about ingredients but those used to make the RCMA powder are verrrrry similar to those used to make Johnsons baby powder. Now I know they're not the same product, otherwise Youtube would be going crazy, John Kuchian would be shook creating "EXPOSED: RCMA TALC SCANDAL" videos and throwing shade left right and centre.
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Ignore the make up all over the talc bottle, I'm a massive tramp we all know.
To compare I poured out some baby powder and some of the RCMA, the two are noticeably different in texture and appearance. The RCMA is a more finely milled, soft to the touch powder (if that makes sense) that blends out to nothing when buffed into the back of my hand whereas the baby powder has a chalky texture and leaves a white hue in colour when buffed. If you have a light skin tone and were only planning to use powder as a light dusting to set all over the face then the baby powder would probably  work just as well. I would imagine that the "No-Colour" feature of RCMA would be more inclusive to a wider variety of skin tones.
There are noticeable differences between baby powder and RCMA so if you're looking to save a few quid, be prepared to see a different finished result. In the words of my mother, you buy cheap you buy twice.
Even so, I use baby powder everyday to set my eyelids and even after adding RCMA and Laura Mercier to my collection, neither products would replace the trust cheaper alternative. Admittedly, I won't use baby powder to set the rest of my face, but it works well on my hooded eyes. It doesn't crease, doesn't move any product around and isn't heavy on the eyes. For £1 a pop in Asda you can't complain.
I naturally have really dark circles and I crease like crrrraaazzzy above and below my eyes so it is essential for me to pile on the makeup and set these areas, if I'm feeling extra then i'll bake as well to brighten my under eye but it's not necessary for an everyday look I don't think. If you've got a decent coverage concealer then that's all you need really.
For my 'out-out' makeup looks I would usually use a full coverage concealer like Nars or Kat Von D (because my pale ass can't use much else) but recently I've been using one of the new Makeup Revolution Shape Tape dupe concealers in shade C1 (the palest shade, obviously.) Usually I'd use a cheap pressed setting powder such as Collection or Rimmell and a dry beauty blender and use light pressure to apply a layer of powder to set the concealer in place to ensure that I don't crease throughout the night. I find using powder just makes your face feel less greasy and if someone was to hug you you don't have to worry about getting makeup on their clothes (guilty of this, sorry Tez x)
To test the RCMA powder I began my usual makeup routine, pretending I know what I'm doing and caking my face like a pro. Time to bake... here goes nothing. At first I tried my usual technique of applying the powder with a dry beauty blender underneath the eye, pressing the blender into the loose powder poured out all over the surface in front. From what I've seen from the vast array of videos i've watched about "how to bake" and "the best way to bake" you're supposed to generously apply the powder in the desired areas in a thick layer. The beauty blender technique that I usually swear by just doesn't seem to work. Because i have no patience I quickly give up and pick up a makeup brush and pack on the powder under my eye and below my contour. I was looking in the mirror the same way you look at yourself when you're sat in the hairdressers chair thinking wow have I always been this ugly.
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Guuuurl I wish I looked this good pre and post baked. I followed this tutorial to learn where and how to bake my face.
I wait a while until I've had enough of waiting around because I'm inpatient AF and use a clean brush to dust off the excess powder. Although the powder is called No-Colour, there is a slight white hue on my skin in these areas. It's not that bad because i'm pale anyway but anybody with a darker complexion might find the powder washes the face out, leaving a skeletal, OTT brightened look.
Fast forward to the next day, hungover Lizi is on deaths door and wakes up to the nightmare of the Snapchat story of the night before. Do my eyes deceive me or do I see FLASHBACK???? In fact, majjjjjjor flashback. Admittedly, I am that pale that the unknowing eye probably wouldn't notice too much, but to me my under eye area was looking verrrrry bright. Some people will probably like this, giving them a more awake and contoured face structure. I wouldn't mind but the bloody tub itself specifically states "It will set your make up with a flawless finish that won't cause flashback." I CALL BULLSHIT.
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The flashback is real
Whilst we're on the negatives, I must admit, the powder is verrrrry drying. My under eye area felt very tight after baking. This can be ideal as it ultimately means the concealer underneath is set and won't crease or budge which is perfect for a night out, but it also felt like if I was to blink my skin was going to crack. After a while (and a few drinks) I didn't notice how dry my skin felt and kept looking in the mirror at my new brightened look thinking slaaaay gurrrl! I have since used this technique again before a 10 hour shift in work and the dryness was a lot more noticeable. My eyes didn't feel sunk in but I could definitely feel them if that makes any sense. It probably doesn't but I know what I mean.
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Dem bright under eyes tho
The product definitely does what it says on the tin. No creases & leaves a flawless base for the rest of my makeup. Would I use the RCMA No-Colour Powder on a daily basis? Probably not, no. In fact, thats' a lie. I would be partial to a light dusting across my T-zone and chin when I'm working a long shift as these problem areas can become a bit oily after a while. The powder is definitely ideal for oily areas because it is super drying but this is also the products down fall on other areas of the face where it can be too drying.
If you're umming and arring about this product I would say get yourself on Youtube, type in RCMA No-Colour powder on ... (dry/oily/combo/whatever bloody else) skin and watch people with the same skin type as you review the product. If you've got dry skin like myself that can be a little bit oily on occasion then i'm your girl, take my advice, if not who knows. For the sake of £13 you'd probably still use it even if it didn't work the best anyway. Waste not want not.
Packaging: 8/10
Easy to store but would prefer a lid that could be taken off to pour some of the product into maybe?
Product 7/10
Does what it says on the tin but is a little bit too drying for my skin.
Overall 8/10
Would recommend.
Bye loves x
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mk-design-domain · 8 years
JOURNAL - DAY FOUR (24/02/17)
Today based on my feedback from the tutorial I began to research phrases associated with instinct. I found some very meaningful ones and also some that were less serious. These are some of my favourites that could be potentially used in my workshop. I found them on this webpage: http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/instinct
“You've got the killer instincts of a houseplant.” - Josephine Angelini
“In art as in love, instinct is enough. ” - Anatole France
“instinct leads me to another flow” - Queen Latifah
“I said, but I have to go, there are so many places calling my name.” - Nikki Rowe
“Instinct seeks for ways to survive.” - Toba Beta
“Instinct recognizes no justice.” - Toba Beta
“I don't care what anyone says, the stars give you hope on a dark and gloomy night.” - Nikki Rowe
“Illusion is seed of instinct.” - Lailah Gifty Akita
“What saves us from succumbing to utter meaninglessness is not reason but instinct.” - Marty Rubin
“Insanity is intuition.” - Lailah Gifty Akita
“We are optimists by instinct, pessimists by thought.” - Marty Rubin
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