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lost-locket-antiques · 7 months ago
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Nezchelit the Basics
Nezchelit (neh-shel-eet) are the third species discovered by Nijezdo, a semi-aquatic, sturdy people who get along quite well with Nijezdi.
Their planet Prilinewo (pree-lee-neh-voh) is one that is known for it's extreme tides, created by the close proximity of its 3 moons, nearly 3/4 of the planet is affected by tides. This leads almost ever single animal on their planet to be semi-aquatic in one way or another, and of course, nezchelit are no exception. Despite what you first may suspect, they are actually covered in very dense, very short fur covering most of their bodies. Leaving the only thing hairless being their fins and eyebrows, this is to keep them warm when swimming.
Their sexual dimorphism is, oddly enough, very similar to that of Humans, Fae, and Pixies. Having the men be larger, hairier, and all around physically stronger than their women. While the women are generally smaller, more agile, and "softer" looking than their men. However, the most common way of knowing if you're looking at a male or female nezchelit is to look at their tail: if the tail seems short and stocky; it's a man, if the tail is long and slender; it's a woman.
Though, most Nijezdi seem to be able to tell by face structure alone.
Now, of course is the part where I start talking about reproductive biology, so:
⚠The section under the cut talks about sexual reproduction. While it doesn't go into grueling detail, it is spoken about in a semi-scientific lens: Reader discretion is advised⚠
TLDR: Nezchelit reproduction is damn-near the same as Nijezdi (i.e. Human, Fae, and Pixie). Being monogamous, women are considered the "fairer sex", and child-rearing is a duel parent responsibility, though the mothers are considered the primary caregivers, while the fathers are considered the providers. The biggest difference (besides the obvious) is the fact that they are hyper carnivores, meaning that the vast majority of their diet is made up of meat. They also feed their liti (the common term for babies) the same way penguins do
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Romance and Children
Due to how many different countries an cultures exist on Prilinewo, it is hard to pin down what is considered a normal romantic relationship. However, there are some noticeable similarities. Men are (very generally) considered attractive if they are large, strong, and have some semblance of status. The want for a husband that can provide for the wife and their children is a strong one.
On the other end, nezchelit men tend to find nurturing, emotionally loving, and gentle women the most attractive, after all, if he's out providing, he needs someone to care for their children while he's gone.
Now, of course, these are very generalized statements that don't encompass everyone. Due to the fact that nezchelit are people, there are many different ideas of what is considered attractive, both culturally and personally.
But, assuming, a man and a woman decide to have a baby, things tend to be a little more simple. Child-making is the same as a human, the male producing sperm and the female produces eggs. The egg stays in the mother for about 3 weeks (giving her time to "nest build") before it is ready to be laid.
During this time, the mother is rather aggressive, purposely finding a safe place to make a nest and lay her egg. Even her husband can be an unwanted presence during this time, but this is rather rare, and commonly temporary.
When the mother finally lays her egg, she still tends to be rather broody, only letting her husband near her. She very rarely leaves her egg's side, the only exception being to relieve herself. And even then she "force" her husband to watch over their unhatched child until she returns (it is very common for most nezchelit houses to have a "nesting room"). Due to this behavior, it is usually necessary for the father to not only have paternity leave until the baby hatches, but also be the one to provide food and water to his wife until hatch day.
Hatching and Infancy
The baby (commonly known as a liti) is born completely blind, deaf, and small enough to fit in both palms of the mother's hands, making them entirely dependent on their mother. Nezchelit have no mammary glands, so they feed their babies by, well, the bird method. The mother, and father, will regurgitate pre-chewed food from a secondary stomach specifically for feeding young. This will continue until the liti is 3 months old.
Before the age of 1 the liti already knows how to swim.
A nezchelit is considered a child until it's around 10 years old, beginning puberty at around that time. They (normally) are very curious, and adventurous, finding anything, and everything to play with and explore.
Most cultures tend to see a teenager as a time to truly explore, both yourself and the world. It's common for them to get jobs, or help more around the house/ranch/family business/what have you. Play time's over, time to start becoming an adult!
16 is considered an adult in most countries, and they are about as social as Nijezdi are (common to live alone, but still require social contact from time to time, at least). They will tend to have a job at this point, whether it be with their parents, or someone else, this is the time where independence is given, and they learn to live on their own.
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emerald-dragonflame · 2 years ago
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(Nijezdi) Centaur Pinkie Pie
While horses (as we know them) don’t exist on Nijezdo, there is an equivalent; the kepi-kepi. Pinkie Pie, here is specifically a Show Kepi.
This is a far more canon version of a Nijezdi Centaur, with her short upper-body fur merging with her lower-body. So yes, she could be found in the background of one of my graphic novels.
I imagine that Pinkie Pie’s job wouldn’t change all that much, being a party planner, and the most excitable of the group.
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honeybadger-hibachi · 3 years ago
I've made a worldbuilding (and storytelling) blog for those of you interested in fantasy (epic, urban, historical, and romantic alike).
If you're interested in my stories, but don't what any of the extra stuff from my art blog, here ya go!
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lost-locket-antiques · 5 days ago
I just want to say that I really appreciate your fantasy worldbuilding, especially when it comes to fantasy races/species/peoples and one day would love to explore fantasy worldbuilding. Do have a questions
1.) Firstly I love how you put each group of fantasy people into a different classification, such as “faery” and “human”, as well as the fact that “humans” aren’t just basically regular humans like in real life or most common fantasy settings. Do have a question, how come you decided to have elves as a type of human instead of a type of fae/faery? Always thought elves were a type of fae/faery when looking up to folklore, mythology and fairy tales as well as certain similarities.
2.) What is the lifespan and age stage for each fantasy race/species/peoples, including humans, fae/faery and pixies?
3.) What makes each fantasy race/people unique or interesting in your world compared to other fantasy settings.
4.) When it comes to world-building and choosing fantasy races/peoples for your world, what would say is the reasonable number of fantasy races/peoples why? Is there such thing as too little or too much?
Thank you for taking the time to read them
Thank you! I'm really happy that my art and worldbuilding has interested you so much! ヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノNow, to answer your questions:
That's related to how Nijezdo was first conceived. Originally, the Lost Locket was a fantasy Earth that (through the discovery of the Americas) created different Human races, Fae, and Magic. The reason why specifically Elves are Human and not Fae is because of the fact that 1) stereotypical elves look way too human and 2) I had/have a story where an Orc and an Elf have a kid, and in my mind they need to be at least a little related to one another (species-wise, not Sweet-Home-Alabama-wise). When the Lost Locket became it's own world and universe, the relatedness between the 5 Human races (Humes, Elves, Orcs, Dwarves, and Gnomes) stayed, and (through lots of symbolism and figuring out what exactly I wanted) decided to have two other neutral species to make Nijezdo feel more fantasy-esc without compromising my own writing style. Which is why the other 2 species also has 5 races each (Fae having Centaurs, Merfolk, Trolls, Goblins, and Harpies. And Pixies having Terram, Vita, Mortem, Solis, and Lunae Pixies). This is the shortest answer I could give to this question, as this world has been about a decade in the making.
Lifespans on Nijezdo are about 50 years longer than normal human lifespans, give or take. Mostly due to Magic, but there have been some stories of people living up to 400 years old. This is rare though. This also means that childhood tends to be a bit longer, and maturity a bit slower, but not by much. There really isn't a noticeable difference between the species when it comes to age progression. The different stages however, can be quite drastic.
Mostly how the Magic is intrinsic to each race. In most fantasy series magic is either something you learn, and anybody can access it, or it's something only a select few people. Due to blood, or a pact, or what have you. I decided that it would be a mix of both on Nijezdo, and how it works makes how each race reacts quite different. Human Magic is put in everyday life; Elves heal, Orcs are technically psychic, Dwarves are cognoscente, Gnomes control nature, and Humes are a jack of all Human Magic trades, but masters of none. Leaving Humans to need to work together the most. Almost every single Human country has all 5 races living together. Fae are far more individualistic; leading them to keep to their own race (while still creating different countries even in that). They are far less magically indentured then their Human counterparts, but it still changes how they interact with the world. Centaurs are able to run faster than anything living or inanimate, and have a special connection to their Spirit animal (the animal that their other half is), leading most Centaur countries being animal and speed-centric. Merfolk can control aspects of water, and have a siren song, leading most Merfolk to live near water (also because they start out as their aquatic form, before they gain legs), and have a reverence towards song. Trolls are the strongest things living or inanimate, and, like Merfolk, have siren music, if you will, leading a lot of intermarrying of Trolls and Merfolk, and Troll homes being very sturdy. Goblins can camouflage better than octopi, and can teleport, having most of there cities hidden or integrated into other societies. And Harpy are not only one of the only consistent flyers, but also can control weather, and produce any kind of venom from their beaks. Not only are most of their cities impossible to get to without wings, but their homes almost always tend to be oasis in deserts that they created. Pixies are a little harder to define, since very very few of them can speak the words of Humans or Fae, and due to that, their Magic is hard to know. They live with Humans and Fae as trusted luck charms, and humming companions. And this is the stuff only relating to Magic, I also tended to try and make each race distinct as possible, from both each other, and from what most people think when they think of those races (Elves have overly huge ears, that help with sexual dimorphism since they're pretty androgynous, Fae all have cat-like faces [except Harpies, because they're bird people], all Orcs have horns, male Trolls have antlers, etc.).
Depending on how realistic you want your fantasy to be, but I would say, yeah, there can be too much. DnD is a pretty good example (in my opinion) of way too many races to live on a single world, and worst of all, there is no differences between, say, a dwarf that lived in the cold North, where the sun could disappear for months at a time, and a dwarf that lives in a desert. Mostly because each DnD race all come from a single country, or area, and thus have no differences culturally between each other. It doesn't make any sense logistically, and it give players and DMs (possibly) way too many factors at play. DnD gets away with it because it's a game, and people like choices, but for a story you're creating, you do need to at least try and limit how many types of different people live on your world OR make your world massive. Even in the Lost Locket, where I have 15 different races running around, 1 species tends to work together to the point that the different races have more become different breeds, and another species that's so small that their cities tend to just exist in the big people cities with little to no issues. Most of the separation comes from country rather than race, and I would say that's the more realistic take on it... However, this is also fantasy that we're talking about, it doesn't have to make sense to the real world, but it does need to make sense in the confines of the world you created. If you want, you can have 100 different species running around, causing a ruckus, and most people wouldn't care, it really just depends on how close you want to follow real-world rules, and if it makes sense to the world you're making. This is fantasy after all, make it fantastical.
Anyway, I hope that was.... at least a little cohesive?? I'm not the best at putting my thoughts into written words (outside of actually writing stories), so I hope this didn't sound like the ramblings of a madwoman, lol.
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lost-locket-antiques · 10 months ago
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Pseudo-Centaurs, the Basics
The very first sapient alien species that was discovered by Nijezdo (specifically Humans), Pseu-Cens come from the planet Waldei. Historically speaking, Nijezdo's First Contact with Waldei was very peaceful, with no wars or battles to speak of. Which is rather surprising, considering...
Pseudo-Centaurian nature is rather similar to that of Humans/Fae/Pixies, with most of their differences stemming from how their bodies develop, and reproduce, leading to:
⚠️This section under the cut talks about sexual reproduction. While it doesn't go into graphic detail, the mentioning of body parts and mating seasons is written about as an explanation of Pseudo-Centaurian biology. That being said: reader discretion is advised⚠���
TL;DR: Pseu-Cens have a yearly mating season, have 2 puberties, and are sexless until their first puberty. The second puberty is when they become sexually mature, and and when they experience their first mating season. Despite this, they are a completely monogamous species.
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Most baby Pseudo-Centaurs (called kits) are born around the same time, simply known as the "Birthing Season", While it is possible for little ones to be born outside of said season, it is very rare, and some even consider them miracle kits. This is due to the fact that it is possible for a Pseu-Cen to get pregnant outside of mating season, they are far less fertile, and aren't as... sexually needy as humans are.
When a kit is born they are completely sexless until they go through their First puberty. It isn't really known why this occurs, but there usually is a correlation between what sex the child will become and how many of one of the sexes there are in a given population. Though, it still seems to be mostly random.
First Puberty
The young Pseu-Cen will begin to grow out their primary and secondary sex characteristics at around the ages of 9-14 on average. Their primary sex characteristics being anatomically similar to that of human (and I shall leave it at that). Secondary characteristics change depending on their sex, and usually come about after his or her primary grows in. However, unlike human puberty, the want to mate isn't something that comes with the First.
Male Pseu-Cens begin to grow slightly larger after their First, their feathers that cover most of their body becomes more vibrant and saturated, and their head mane begins to grow in. He becomes much stronger, and he begins to produce more testosterone.
Female Pseu-Cens on the other hand are able to produce milk, and thus begin to grow mammary glands during their First (they are far less prominent than human breasts, but they do grow when a Pseudo-Centaurian woman is breast feeding. Very similar to most mammals on Earth). Her antennae will grow to half their full length, and her body will most likely grow to it's full height. Her body will begin to produce more estrogen.
Second Puberty and Mating Season
Second puberty begins about a month before their first mating season, and will happen around the ages of 19-22. And most will never... indulge themselves during their first. Or their second, third, or even fourth. Mostly because of the fact that love making doesn't reduce the urges in the slightest, and most countries can't shut themselves down simply because it's "the Season", because depending on your geographical location, the Season takes place at different times. Meaning, especially during wartime, they are very vulnerable. Learning to continue on with life through The Season was, and is, extremely vital to the Pseudo-Centaurs. Most people wouldn't really notice the difference in most Pseu-Cen cities on and off season, other than people get off work earlier and nighttime is oddly quiet.
When a male goes through his Second and final puberty he has reached sexual maturity. His head mane has grown in fully, as has his shoulder mane, and his body becomes more muscled. He usually becomes more aggressive as well, but that seems to calm down with every Season he goes through. That is, of course until he becomes a father, but we'll get to that in a minute.
A female will grow out her antennae to it's full length and have her body prepare to make children on her Second. Women tend to get far more flirtatious (and are more blatant with their attraction in general) before and during the Season, of course as an attraction method.
Romance and Child Rearing
Pseudo-Centaur courting rituals are surprisingly similar to Nijezdi, and really only differ due to time period and culture. Most differences come from their dimorphism. The men being far more flashy and considered beautiful, showing off mostly their shoulder manes as a way to attract a wife. And the women being very open and honest about their attraction towards a man (granted both of these things can be either immodest or downright sexual harassment in some countries, but I digress). Dating is rarely casual, and most don't even indulge the Season together until they are considered married, which is a concept in most, if not all Pseu-Cen cultures. It is considered immoral in most cultures to indulge the Season with someone who isn't your spouse. Most believe that you have no willpower if you can't endure.
After a Pseudo-Centaurian couple marries, however, it isn't too uncommon for them to have children right after their first Season together, and while birth control is very much a thing, most don't worry too much about it due to the fact that they won't be alone raising their children. And since a Pseu-Cen woman can only get pregnant around every two years (again depending on her lifestyle, the geography, etc.) having too many kids (if there even is such a thing) isn't too much of a problem.
Most Pseu-Cens live in either multi-generational or multi-close friends homes. Having many people outside of the parents raising the kits. They take the saying "it takes a village" very seriously, and will take turns raising and teaching the kit everything they know. Most kits will have at least 3 or 4 aunts and uncles that helped raise them, whether they be related or not.
Public schooling is considered a bit of a foreign concept to most of them, believing the best way to raise and teach children is for their parents, aunts, uncles, and grandparents to teach them, not some stranger.
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lost-locket-antiques · 7 months ago
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Azrail, Elîsa's Working Partner
During the time of Stardust Nibiru (both 1 and 2), Goblins are a very common sight to see out in space. This is mostly due to the fact that they are the reasons Nijezdo was able to travel the stars to begin with, using their teleportation magic. Having a Goblin on your starship's crew is damn near essential, if anything were to go wrong, your Goblin crewmate might be the only thing saving you from the vacuum of space.
Azrail (Aaz-ray-eel) wasn't given to Elîsa really as anything like that, but more due to the fact that, since she is a xenoarcheologist, she tends to get into a lot more trouble than she'd care to admit. In short, Azrail is Elîsa's handler.
At first, both of them hated this arrangement, Elîsa felt like she was being treated like a child, and Azrail felt like he was being forced to babysit a grown woman, and as he had way more important things to do when it came to his work in xenoarcheology, he felt that he was being punished. For what, he didn't know, but it had to be something.
Maybe he was too honest with one of his coworkers, she shouldn't have asked if that blouse made her look fat. If she didn't want the real answer then why ask?
Or maybe it was that one time he told his boss to get his own cup of coffee when he was asked to brew some. It wasn't his job, so what did his boss expect?
Either way, Azrail was none too pleased to be stuck with this... bubbly, chipper, lives her live on the edge, woman. And not to mention the fact she wasn't even from the same planet as him, so of course, he was more that angry at her daring to interfere with his life.
Until, of course, they started really working together. Discovering hidden truths and mysteries about long dead civilizations, realizing that their passions, and goals were the same... Let's just say, that the man fell, and he fell hard.
And he desperately wished he hadn't...
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lost-locket-antiques · 1 year ago
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Pseudo-Centaur Infant Development
These little babies can fit a who lot of SQUEAK into 'em. Probably the loudest of the Out-Worlder* infants, but also tend to be the happiest. While climbing and walking are a pretty important part of a pseudo-centaur's life, they tend to talk about as long as Centaurs to develop those particular abilities (though Centaurs don't usually climb as much when they are babies).
Despite the fact that pseudo-centaurs are a quadrupedal species, and the assumption that it would be a lot easier for them to learn to walk, it has been shown that just because you're a more stable walker, does not mean it comes more naturally to you. 4 legs just means more limbs to keep track off.
*Out-Worlder is the most common term for all sophont aliens on Nijezdo. While you can use the term "alien" that word has mostly been used for anything that does not originate on Nijezdo... which happens to be most things
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lost-locket-antiques · 8 months ago
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Rezmal, the Basics
Possibly the oddest of all the Out-Worlders, Rezmal are the 3rd sapient species "discovered" by Nijezdo and her people. The Rezmal are considered a mostly matriarchal species, with their women taking most leadership roles, as well as historical figures. As their women are considered stronger, larger, and more protective over what she considers "hers", it's not too surprising. This reverse biology seems to be the most common on Bonora (boh-noh-rah), with the females of almost every animal being larger and more protective (or just generally more aggressive) than the males.
Which may be due to the way that Rezmal and other animals on Bonora reproduce, which leads me to:
⚠This section under the cut is going to talk about reproduction and the life cycle of Rezmal. While extreme details are not mentioned: Reader discretion is advised⚠
TLDR: Rezmal are like seahorses, where the female Rezmal deposits her egg into the male. They are ovoviviparous (eggs stay in the mother, or in this case, father and hatch in the womb), and monogamous.
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Major Biological Differences
Like Nijezdi (Humans Fae and Pixies) Rezmal women produce eggs and men produce sperm, however, the process of childbearing is... reversed. The females deposit eggs into the males the same way that Nijezdi males deposit sperm. I shall let you imaginations figure out the rest...
Rezmal children can be born at any time of the year, with Rezmal women having hormone cycles similar to that of Nijezdi, menopause and all, and Rezmal men only lose sperm count as the years go on.
When the child is conceived, the man will be pregnant for around 8 months before giving birth, and will (usually) be the main caretaker of the baby until they grow into full adults. With help of the mother, or course. The baby will have his or her first shed at around 5 months old, and will continue to shed every year for the rest of their lives.
Rezmal children will usually be pretty chubby and short for most of their childhood. They are very active and playful, but need to take many breaks after burst of energy. This is because, unlike Humans, Rezmal are not known for endurance. They will spend most of their days underground in most countries to protect them from the outside, and some children won't even see the sun until a certain age. Though, this does change depending on culture and tech.
A Rezmal is considered a teen around 14-19, not really reaching puberty until around that time. They can be identified by their very elongated body, and their large crest (for the boys) or big arms (for the girls). This is also when in some countries they're allowed above ground for the first time. Mood swings, teenage angst, and hormones are also very much a thing during this time, and something that every parent of teenagers can relate to, no matter the species.
24 is considered an adult in most Rezmal cultures, leaving adult to leave his or her home to make a name for themselves. Women will tend to go for jobs that require muscle (construction, maintenance, body guarding), are dangerous (oil rigs, deep sea welders), or leadership roles (politicians, business owners), while men would go for logistical lines of work (scientists, tacticians, accountants), or more care-giving work (teachers, nurses, housekeeping). While these are the most common for both sexes, and there was a time where it was considered scandalous for a man to be a leader or a woman to be a housekeeper, at this point in time it's far less looked down upon.
It's pretty common for a Rezmal to live by themselves for a time after moving out (depending on the economy, the person's money situation, and culture, of course), even leaving their home town completely in search for a new place to settle. Rezmal, on average, are a little more introverted than Nijezdi at least.
Romance and Child-rearing
The woman is usually the one to pursue the man in most Rez societies. Since she's the provider and the protector (from big threats) it's up to the man to determine whether she'd be a good match for him or not. Baring the obvious, like compatible morals and personality. If he finds her up to snuff, they'll go on to dating, and eventually marriage.
however there is a reason while only Rezmal men have claws and venom:
For a very large portion of their history, the men have often fought with each other, either by his own volition, or by the request of his wife, it is usually the men who spill blood and pump venom. Though surprisingly, it's pretty rare for a man to die during these, what they call, duels. Making it a very common way for countries to wage war by simply having the two warring leader's husbands duel it out. However, if that doesn't work... well, as the old saying goes "A man fights for honor, a woman fights for death of the other". When real war occurs, the death toll very commonly ending in the millions...
Leaving most women happy to have their men fight on their behalf, and find it quite appealing, and even romantic.
As a monogamous species, both the mother and the father care for their children. While the father tends to be more involved, the mother is very much an important part of a developing child's life. A typical Rez family usually only consists of a mother, a father, and their children, with family and friends helping out a little bit during rough years or if asked. While the Rezmal may be introverted, they still are a social species
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lost-locket-antiques · 1 year ago
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Kiss in the Rain
It's not really proper for an Orcish woman in work clothing to kiss someone. Since she's considered a man while wearing it.
However, in the glow of the fire-bright bugs, and the downpour of rain, Amelija took the silly, dangerous, task of kissing her faux-husband, Jekzün.
It had been literal years since the Dwarvish man had let anyone dare touch him... this marriage was supposed to be façade... right?
This is a redraw of a of a picture I did a couple of years ago, when The Reaper's Rose was still called Mochi Turtle, Nijezdo wasn't created yet, and this story was based off the 1960s rather than the 1920s. It's crazy how much things have changed.
Original under cut
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lost-locket-antiques · 1 year ago
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I was going to turn this into a full piece, with clothes and everything, but I really just wanted to get the idea down.
This is a male pseudo-centaur, the first sophont species that the people of Nijezdo discovered after becoming a space fairing planet.
They were originally an arboreal species, living in large, ancient trees until technically recently. Despite being named after one of the largest sapient species on Nijezdo, pseudo-centaurs are relatively small. No larger than about 3 feet tall, but are very strong relative to their size (this is due to the fact that their bodies are perfectly designed for climbing and keeping balance in trees).
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emerald-dragonflame · 1 year ago
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Agent Franks (Lost Locket Antiques design idea)
Because I have brain rot, I decided to draw a couple of the MHI characters and just kinda... slide them into my original story. Man, stress does weird shit to people...
Anyway! The Story!
Without getting too spoiler-y (as if the comparison picture isn't spoiler-y enough, but oh well), Franks is a bit of an oddity. Being a Centaur-Harpy Hybrid is not only unheard of, it's almost wrong. Centaurs are considered the Hume of the Fae, being the race that is most likely to have hybrid children, but Harpy? Oh, hell no. They do not mess with anyone other than other Harpy, considering the non-flying races to be inferior to them, so having any hybrid between them is a rarity, to say the least.
That being said, Franks does not follow either of his parent races thoughts, good or bad. Quiet, strong, and a bit of a hard ass, his personality has not changed in the slightest, really only his arsenal of natural weaponry.
While monsters are real on Nijezdo, everyone knows that they exist. However, that doesn't mean that there isn't a need for them to be controlled.
Agent Franks works for the Lorocodan government (during the time of Blood of the Halfbreed), while monsters have been a problem for peoplekind since the beginning of people, modern times they have been pushed back, by the work of both the government, and private monster hunting companies. While Lorocoda's version of the MCB doesn't kill people who speak about monsters, they are extraordinarily unforgiving when it comes to people "poking the bear" as it were. Keeping an eye on private companies, and people who stray too far from the "flock".
"Yes, monsters do exist... but you are safe as long as you stay within these walls". Whether they mean safe from the monsters, or safe from them is really anyone's guess...
This is making it very hard for me not to put these characters in Blood of the Halfbeed, because the whole thing is a magical girl killing monsters story, and they would fit so well, but I don't want to steal characters, and these motherfuckers would totally steal the spotlight, omg, what am I doing this is bad--
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lost-locket-antiques · 2 years ago
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Keenôree*, Second Child of Aharen Jacison*
A later addition to the Tippicenù crew, little Keenôree (not his birth name, but given to him by Aharen so he would stop calling him “boy” or “child”. It is the equivalent of calling your son “bird”*), was meant to only be a foster until he could be integrated into a permanent home. However, due to Aharen parental instincts, and his daughter, Elîsa’s pushing, he became the latest member of the Jacison household.
Little one had quite the rough childhood. The type of rough that you would never wish on anyone, especially a little kid. But with a lot of love, and patience, he became quite the wonderful young man.
Razmal are still a pretty new species, and not much is known about them at the moment. This is mostly due to the fact that they are not only “new”, but also due to them being very secretive. Which is a bit of a problem for an adoptive father…
*Aah-haah-rehn jaah-kih-sahn
*the “birds”, commonly known as ari’al (ah-ree-ahl), on Nijezdo actually look pretty similar to rezmal (rehz-mahl), just with wings and feathers. They are mostly ambush predators that like to hide in trees and capture prey, most having some kind of aggressive camouflage. Aharen’s native tongue of Remoninee (reh-mah-nihn-ee) call these ari’al, keenôree.
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lost-locket-antiques · 1 year ago
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Nezchelit* Species Sheet
"Nijezdo, as a planet, has encountered around 5 different alien species since we started traversing through space. While the Nezchelit people were not our first contact, they are possibly the closest to us whenever it comes to culture, beauty, and even sexual dimorphism. While of course there are many very noticeable and obvious differences between a Nijezdi and a Nezchelitan, there seem to be just as many similarities, too. To this, I think it's perfect that we decided to call them 'water dragons'*."
Nezchelitans are a semiaquatic species, who prefer to spend their time close to water. Their planet is quite humid, having very few arid places like deserts (we, nor they, really know why that is), thus if they do travel outside their home planet, their room/starships tend to be quite humid as well.
They lay eggs, and begin eating meat as soon as they hatch. They are hypercarnivores, with a diet consisting mostly of fish, and land meat. The men are larger than the women, seemingly able to grow fur around more parts of their body compared to the women, who have noticeably less (this is, in fact, due to testosterone).
Surprisingly, Nezchelit cultures, when it comes to gender roles, customs, and even religions, are very similar to that of Nijezdi's. Unlike other aliens that have been encountered, what is feminine, what is masculine, what is considered a desirable trait in a Nezchelit are almost identical to that of a Human, Fae, or Pixie. Making them one of the easiest off world people groups to understand in the early days of space travel.
*Translated form Lorodan (the language used most commonly on Nijezdo) Nezchelit means "water dragon"
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lost-locket-antiques · 9 months ago
Just so you know:
Human races (on Nijezdo should probably specify that) are entirely genetic. In the same way hair color is on Earth.
Two Hume parents could have a Dwarf baby and it be 100% biologically both the parents'.
I will elaborate on this... eventually
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emerald-dragonflame · 2 years ago
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Twilight Sparkle the Centaur
Had a silly idea to transform the Mane 6 into Nijezdian Centaurs, because I thought it would be fun. (And I can do it in between art attacks)
Fun little fact, the Fae on Nijezdo all have very short, very dense, and very soft fur, very similar to horses (just softer). Meaning that the color of the Centaurs upper body will bleed into the lower animal body if the fur is short enough. And while horses, ponies, and alicorns don’t exist on Nijezdo, unicorns and pegasi do, so this design is… like 70% canon compliant (once I get to both Pinkie Pie and Applejack they’ll be less so).
Anyway! I can still try to think up a story for out dear Twilight here. First off, she’d be a King and not know it yet, she was born an alicorn, but doesn’t really know how to fly, since the skies never interested her. The stars, however… after learning about some crazy prophesy, and warning Queen Celestia, she’s told to not worry about it, and head to a small town and work on festival preparations (so basically, exactly like the first episode with some slight differences).
If I really wanted to get into it, I would change her name to be more canon compliant, and even change up her design a little bit. If you all really want that let me know and I’ll whip up a 100% Lost Locket canon compliant Mane 6. But for now, I’ll continue on with the 70% line.
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lost-locket-antiques · 2 years ago
The Pixie Species and its Races
Pixies on Nijezdo are a strange people. They do not speak with sounds, but with scents, their language being aptly named Pheromona by Fae and Humans alike. As a result, very little is known about Pixie culture, habits, or even their life-cycle in general. However, what we do know is that unlike both Humans and Fae, Pixies are very androgynous. Having no mammary glands to speak of nor any sense of masculine or feminine features, it is quite difficult to differentiate between male Pixies and female Pixies. However it is still possible.
Addendum: Due to the impassible language barrier (Humans and Fae being physically unable to speak, or even comprehend, Pheromonan at this time) most of the "Nature" sections are nearly entirely speculative, and are to be taken with a grain of salt.
While Pixies are known to have the same cognitive functions as Humans and Fae, it is nearly impossible to prove consent for any kind of study. While most Pixologist have tried their best to make their subjects as comfortable as possible, the study of Pixies has been constantly questioned over the years if it is, indeed, ethical to study sentient creatures like this.
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Terram, Pixies of Nature
Height Average: 20 cm (the women are minusculey smaller than the men)
Weight Average: 145 grams
Physical Description: The biggest and the broadest of the Pixies, Terram are based off of beetles. They are covered in hearty carapace surrounding most of their body. Most males have some sort of horn protruding from their head, whether it's on their nose, both their cheeks, or forehead, females do not.
Magical Affinity: Enchanted plant and animal growth: No one know entirely why, but the only way to properly cultivate anything with magical properties, whether it be a plant or animal, is nigh impossible without the help of a Terram Pixie. While Gnomes are the Cultivators of non-enchanted flora and fauna, Terram are the Cultivators of enchanted flora and fauna.
Nature: Studies find that Terram Pixies are quite territorial. Most only live in small communities of no more that 40 people. They live in large family houses that seem to be patriarchal in nature. Of course, like other soulbound (Human, Fae, and Pixie) people, they live in houses made of anything sturdy they can find that is close to them, as they live anywhere that plants and animals live.
While their culture is unknown, it has been seen in most larger Terram settlements that they have made as many technological strides as Humans/Fae have. Places of government, work, leisure, and worship have all been found in most, if not all of their territories.
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Vita, Pixies of Life
Height Average: (male) 13 cm/(female) 11 cm
Weight Average: (male) 105 grams/(female) 98 grams
Physical Description: Tall, thin, and light, Vita Pixies are the most colorful of the bunch. Unlike their Terram and Mortem cousins, they are able to grow a hair like substance on their body, both sexes able to grow a head of hair, and males able to grow beards. Due to this, Vita Pixies are more sexually dimorphic compared to their cousins.
Magical Affinity: Life: Vita are attracted to living things that are either healthy, pregnant women/female animals, or that are just being born. It is speculated that they help with the birthing prosses, and give extra strength to those who are healthy. Though, the latter may just be a placebo,
Nature: Vita Pixies like to live along side Humans and Fae. They make their homes in gardens, attics, birdhouses, or any place that they can live near people without bothering them. Thankfully, most cultures on Nijezdo consider them good luck, so most people aren't bothered if a Vita decides that their garden is now also the Pixies garden. Though, there is still the problem of the Vita taking Human/Fae food without asking...
Vita tend to either live along or with a family of a married couple and their children. While they do seem to have territories of sorts, along with places of work, leisure, and worship, they do not seem to have any noticeable governing body. They seem to be the only Pixies to live this way...
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Mortem, Pixies of Death
Height Average:(Fly) 8 cm/(Ant) 10 cm
Weight Average: 80 grams
Physical Description: The smallest, and least loved of all the Pixies, Mortems have nearly no sexual dimorphism. Other than females having slightly wider hips, and Ant Mortem males having wings, it is very difficult to tell males and females apart based of physiology alone (thankfully, like most cultures, they tend to have masculine and feminine clothing). They are also one of the only Pixies that can be born naturally without wings, though only the female Ant Mortems have this, all Fly Mortems have wings.
Magical Affinity: Death: Whether on you deathbed, have an injury, or are just ill, a Mortem Pixie is not far behind. While most had assumed originally Mortem were only there to impede the healing process (and as such may Pixies were murdered in the past because of this superstition), it has been discovered that they help keep infection and death away, rather that hinder. They seem to know when a person is just ill, or when a person is on death's door. As a result, they seem to give the dying person peace in their final moments.
Nature: Despite their skittish nature in front of Humans and Fae, Mortem tend to live in settlements of thousands or even millions. They prefer the safety of underground and live in very tightknit, seemingly rigid, communities. Sadly, due to the fact that people have demonized these people for centuries, they are the Pixies we know the least about culturally.
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Solis, Pixies of Day
Height Average: (male) 12 cm/(female) 14 cm
Weight Average: (male) 120 grams/(female) 125 grams
Physical Description: Either very round, or very slim, Solis Pixies have the most attitude out of all their cousins. They are the only Pixies that always have some sort of fur on their body, mostly on their chest and legs. All of them have a stinger on the end of their abdomen, and thankfully, using it does not kill them.
Magical Affinity: Solar: they get stronger during the day, and weaker at night... we do not know why, nor do we know the purpose of such magic.
Nature: Like Mortem Pixies, Solis tend to live in large colonies, though instead of underground, they prefer the trees. It is not uncommon to see a large portion of a forest get taken over by a settlement of Solis Pixies. While they are not actively hostile to Humans or Fae... Don't walk into their territory if you are not actively friends with one of them... they may not die from stinging you, but you will.
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Lunae, Pixies of Night
Height Average: (male) 11 cm/(female) 17 cm
Weight Average: (male) 123 grams /(female)134 grams
Physical Description: The only Pixie with 8 limbs and eyes, Lunae Pixies also don't have wings or antennae. They seem to be the only pixie race that has a major size difference between the sexes. With the males being at least 6 cm shorter on average. They all naturally grown hair from their scalp, and for males, grow beards.
Magical Affinity: Lunar: they get stronger during the night and weaker during the day. Like Solis Pixies, we do not know why the Lunae are like this either.
Nature: Lunae Pixies are quite solitary, usually only having a spouse and their children living with them at the most. Lunae seem to prefer being alone outside of that. They make their homes out of the silk that comes from their bodies, and tend to be entirely carnivorous, instead of omnivorous like their cousins.
While less overtly territorial than Solis Pixies, they still do not like it when Humans, Fae, or other Pixies invade their space, and have quite the venomous bite.
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