enchanted-flowers · 5 years
Hey, you! I'm glad you're back, but don't feel pressured to stay back, okay? So, I guess since you want asks, do you have any new thoughts about Underswap Sans or Papyrus?
Hey Pastry! Thank you! 
Sans (Blue)
Before, I always saw Blue as lawful good
But lately, I’ve been leaning to the idea of a chaotic good Blue
He’s still a very sweet, energetic, bubbly little skeleton, buuuutt under all of that, he can be quite mischevious. 
Before, I made Blue quite naive and someone to baby, but now, he’s a lot more mature. 
He’s happy to help people out, but when he recognizes that he’s being used and manipulated, he gets out of that relationship fast. 
He knows that the world isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, but that doesn’t stop him from making the world a better place.
Papyrus (Stretch)
Stretch is a vegan now. 
“Is it vegan if I suck dick or eat a pussy?” 🤔
There’s no particular reason why he stopped eating meat.
It’s not like he’s suddenly an animal activist or cares about eating meat. 
He still cheats sometimes though. Like eating Cheetos or dairy products. 
But mainly, he considers himself a vegan and relishes in the look of disgusts some people give him. 
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cocofinny · 5 years
So Sans has this air about him that's just OLD. As in, I know he's an adult, but he's just aged way too much way too quickly. When you think about that, a lot of his behavior makes sense. He's just toooooo old to deal with bullshit.
I mean…SF sans is just tired of everything tbh :’D
You can try to get friendly with him…maybe tell him a joke, but only if you’re cool with receiving a verbal thrashing for wasting his time!
And don’t even get him started on his brother…
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lifesanssin · 5 years
17 for Melody~!
17) What was your character’s favorite toy as a child?
Despite being a rather violent little wriggler, Melody has always been calmed by the sound of music. Whenever she’d get into a spell, her lusus would bust out one of the several musical devices they kept and play it for her. She loved being able to turn the key (gently!) and have music come out! It was her favorite game… until she accidentally broke one, and went on a little tykes rampage.
She still has a music box to this very day (or did, depending on the timeline). It’s one that her matesprit gave to her, back when they were younger teens. It’s a heart shaped, golden locket that also has a wind-up on the back of it that plays a soothing melody.
Even in timelines when it’s broken, she still keeps it and tries to tinker with it to get it working again.
💜 Ask Me About My Characters (Hard Mode) 💜
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devilsroost · 6 years
Are you disappointed by the ending at all?
Somewhat, but that was always going to be the case, no matter what they did. With so much time and hype and theory behind each chapter release it was bound to happen. I was hoping for more clarification but I appreciate why they left it open. They want people to continue to delve, theorise, become excited for squeals which they’ll no doubt do. I feel like I got a lot of stuff hella right though! ;) 
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tyranttortoise · 6 years
Edge not so subtly just shoves Lady into his ribcage. Okay. Got it. XD
^^^^^^^   This is the real canon as far as I’m concerned.  I almost wrote it, but then I decided to leave it to interpretation instead of smearing my weirdness into the fic even more than usual.  xD  
But I’m just saying, if someone wants to draw that, I’ll scream.
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msmkcreates · 6 years
Hey y'all, listen up--
If you were following nihilismpastry, their blog was locked out for some reason!
You can now find their content under nihilism-pastry instead! Hopefully this gets fixed soon ❤
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shinyzango · 6 years
Someone has been asking a TON of blogs abuse related questions recently, my dude. Just thought you should know.
There is a lot of stuff going on in this website lately. And honestly speaking, I don’t want to get involved in any of it.
Just let me have fun with my own things gdi
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momolady · 6 years
Nameberry is an amazing site for looking up names.
I love Nameberry. I use it a lot. But sometimes names just suit characters so well. Plus Jack happens to be a favorite name of mine. I just thought Jack suited the infected boyfriend so much. I wanted a name that was simple yet strong at the same time. It’s a classic and that’s what I wanted him to have. Since, yes, this story was indeed based on Venom, I wanted to give him a name like Eddie Brock. I try to get creative and clever with my names but hey, sometimes people have the same name lol.
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enchanted-flowers · 7 years
Okay, so headcanons for yandere horrortale bros if they had to share their s/o.
Ohh no. It’s a bad. 
Yandere Horrortale Bros
Hatchet is loves his brother, and is normally cool with him. 
He gives everything to Teeth, but on this issue, it drives him crazy. 
Hatchet does not want to share you, this is the one thing that he believes that is is entitled to. 
It’s the only time where he’s felt selfish. 
Teeth on the other hand, is oblivious to Hatchet’s feelings
In fact, he doesn’t even see his obsession and Hatchet as “together”
If his obsession doesn’t want to spend time with him, Teeth gets angry. 
Often times, Teeth will seriously hurt or even kill his obsession because they aren’t paying attention to him or leave him. 
Before Teeth kills their mutual obsession, Hatchet gives him warnings to back off. 
When the obsession dies though, that’s when Hatchet loses it. 
He never really cared about his “love” he was preparing them, fattening up, so he could eat them
When Teeth takes that away from him, Hatchet rages, and abandons his brother, refusing to take care of him and provide. 
Teeth can survive his on his own, but without Hatchet to keep him in check, he becomes monstrous, and will attack anything to eat it.
Meanwhile, Hatchet goes on a rampage, kidnapping and eating everyone that he sees. 
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lifesanssin · 5 years
💋 Melody!
Tumblr media
*Insert typical picture of Mimel in a sexy bunny girl costume here*
*Insert Sollux wiggling his eyebrows like a smitten FUCK here*
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hibernalbeast · 6 years
Weird thing
So Nihilismpastry’s blog was just suddenly terminated - no emails from the staff, no nothing, just WOOSH *gone*. What the everliving hell? That’s not how it’s supposed to work, is it?
I don’t know much about the inner workings of Tumblr, but that just sounds like shifty AND shitty. Anyone have any knowledge about these things?
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tyranttortoise · 6 years
Here's a normal ask: Favorite skeleton/reader story cliche. Doesn't have to be romantic, but just a cliche you see in most fics.
*I missed this ask completely, Pastry D;  Just saw it while I was cleaning out my askbox.
Hmmm, this is a tough one.
Skeles with sensitive ribs, and skeles blushing in the dark and lighting up the room.  
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Could you use your not so dwarf dahlias for prisms or something bigger?
Well my prisms are only about 4″ high and about a third as wide so they can fit bigger things, for sure, but a cursory image search (and looking for specific size comparisons for flowers, especially cultivars, is really difficult so it could be misleading) makes it look like these guys (”Unwin’s Dwarf”) are still the size of a human fist.
At the moment I don’t have anything bigger than that for molds, unfortunately.
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I KNOW a guy that looks like your version of Sans. I shall have very conflicted feelings whenever I have to see his face. 0_0
Yeah you’re not the only one lol
is the guy’s name jesus that seems to be the popular one though i’ve also gotten ‘my friend’ and ‘my dad’ XD
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momolady · 7 years
Have you tried a Wa Nyudo? They're pretty cool, and there's a lot you could do with them.
You talking Hell Girl? I know that’s not exactly it but she’s the best example I know. But yes, that’s an awesome idea.
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enchanted-flowers · 6 years
Dead kids? I mean he's into the dead, so please tell me this is beyond him...
No, he won’t fuck dead children either lol because they are still children haha. This doesn’t really count though because it still falls under the “children” category. 
Guess 1 thing that Scum isn’t into, and you’ll win a small drabble
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