justapigeonn · 8 months
i keep saying this and it will keep falling through despite my endless praying because i am delusional but with the current set ups in the thunder excerpt there's still a chance for the writers to give sunbeam the agency she deserves with nightheart's set up disappearance and journey with frostpaw and the insecurity planted in her mind by her mother and have all her faith in nightheart collapse the moment word breaks out that he's 'disappeared'. probably won't happen and things'll be all flowery between the two of them by the time the arc ends but one can only dream
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rastoltcevanna · 1 year
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ryllen · 4 months
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sonjabysonjamorgan · 2 years
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lua-magic · 2 months
Third lord and your past Life skills
Third House is house of courage and initiation, that is why malefics are good in it, especially Mars is exalted.
Third Lord shows which area you will use your courage to manifest your desires.
Third Lord in first house 🏠
Such people are extremely hard working and get everything in their life only through hard work .
Natives love to learn new skills and start new projects in their life, only thing they should care is not to rush into anything and use your logic as well before starting any projects whether they are capable of finishing it as well or not
Third lord in second house
Such natives are good with communication and especially in cooking skills and has great financial knowledge as well. Native shows lot of courage to gain wealth in their life.
Third Lord is considered as malefic planet because wherever it sits it creates problems, so be careful about your family and communication. Choose your words carefully.
Third lord in third house
Good placement, as Native will show courage to fulfill their desires and to earn Money from their passion.
Such natives are extremely artistic in nature and loves to keep learning new skills. .
If you have siblings then keep healthy relationship with your siblings this will help you in your professional life. Such natives desires lot of material wealth in their life.
Third house is if travel, so short travels are good for manifeing their desires.
Third Lord in fourth house.
Fourth house is of comfort and luxury and native will show courage to earn comfort and luxury especially, they have subconscious desires towards owning a cozy home and vehicle and decorating it
Such natives sometimes suffer from anxiety and mental issues. Such natives should be careful about relationship with their mother.
Native has good skills when it comes to cleaning and decorating their cars and House.
Third lord in fifth house 🏠
Native will be skilled in teaching and show courage for romance, native have desire to earn name, fame and success.
Native would be attached to their kids.
Native should be careful with regards to kids as there could be misunderstanding and separation.
Third lord in sixth house 🏠
Native will use his/her skills in job and nitpicking and finding faults.
Native will show courage in solving other's problems and will serve others.
Native will be attached to pets and animals.
Native should be careful about his career choices
Third Lord in seventh house
Native has subconscious desires for relationship and show his courage in buisness and partnerships .
Native is skilled in buisness and public dealings.
Native should be careful about their marriage.
Third Lord in eighth house
Native has highly active subconscious mind and great Intuition.
Native is skilled in research, occult, astrology, and such natives are great spy, secret service agents as they can sense and hidden things
They will show lot of courage in understanding secrets and revealing truth.
They should be careful with relationship with their in laws
Third lord in nighth house
Native is highly skilled in counselling and mentoring and in higher education
Native will show courage towards travelling especially to religious places.
Native should be careful about their relationship with their father.
Native subconsciously seek righteousness and morality.
Third lord in tenth house
Native will show lot of courage in their job, but as third Lord is considered malefic, it does gives trouble in in professional life and won't let native to settle for long time and native desires job satisfaction.
Native should be careful about the profession especially, the boss under which they want to work, so don't choose company but rather choose the boss
Third lord in eleventh house
Native subconsciously desires lot of sudden gains in their life.
They will show lot of courage to create multiple sources of income.
Native would skilled in earning good amount of money.
Native should be careful, as sometimes native becomes too lustful and greedy and loose their wealth so always follow strict moral values while earning money and don't run behind quick money.
Third lord in Twelfth house
This also makes native subconscious mind active, and sometimes disturb night sleep.
Native desires to go spirituality, yoga and meditation and foreign land settlement.
Native will show lot of courage to move away from his mother land or settle away from birth place.
If native is religious then will be devoted to their deity and will see dreams regarding to to their deity as well.
Native may suffer from overthinking and anxiety as well .
Native also carries some past life memories or traumas or special skills that native can come to know through their dreams .
Native should be careful about their mental health and must learn about healing and spirituality.
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nyxire · 2 years
I literally have a post that i accidentally drafted like 2 days ago about how I was missing irl georgebur content and here they are
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444names · 3 months
Names generated from fish described in 1758
Acker Actus Afrin Afrister Agreammus Almord Almotus Ammook Ammus Anessum Angred Anius Anodo Anosehor Anosus Anter Anulland Anurna Apinus Apoleog Appedio Apread Aptus Arfly Arpinfis Ascrab Asiammer Aspinodus Aspio...
Bacown Bactyan Balbut Balkinax Balon Baralus Bared Barich Basehook Baspianus Bategoby Bater Batum Belish Berly Berrand Bertic Bited Blacke Blagon Bletus Blutomish Bongenth Boste Botus Boxock Brounnake Broyal Bulam Bulatus Butarpin Buttaint Buttex Butus Caemon Caentail Calongris Canget Cannead Carionose Carlus Carys Cascyclus Cater Catethra Catray Catub Catus Cephad Cephalmus Ceporhova Cepratook Charksus Chtnor Ciang Ciaspia Ciceps Cichus Cicil Cicompain Cited Citen Clagremus Cloack Clougase Cocea Cocel Cocephi Cocorgy Cocormis Codaculan Combateye Combelly Conus Coptus Coraen Cored Coria Corias Coris Corix Corna Cornus Corse Corsed Costatlin Cosus Cowfis Creabreye Creatsh Credio Creedow Crena Cyllheria Dabon Dachtus Daschurse Derus Dionot Diosund Donfis Dragleber Drairrhus Dreellone Drente Eadfish Eagobish Eatlish Eatsh Eenchian Eenis Eennose Euras Eurgurus Fiscatus Fivela Fiver Flacens Flathys Flodo Flyint Fosad Founny Fouta Foutteus Fulvell Ganus Gibbol Gibbown Gibulatus Glessead Goork Grawlecus Grego Gremus Greprish Grosted Grounice Guiterger Gurus Haenefish Halbureps Halmoo Halus Haray Harighog Heammus Hecus Hetzer Hiver Hooper Horpiond Hosax Hostus Iderfis Idian Imackbel Imajorth Imaneich Inactatus Inaphord Jackoo Kypharga Kyphins Kyphray Kyporse Labbima Lanipte Larionus Latsh Latub Laturba Laturn Latus Lecodon Lecomus Lespot Libbow Libutum Licalkine Lingens Listed Lomus Lonetula Longeheps Lonostrus Lonus Lopectise Lophol Lopteelar Lorase Lorctoma Lorns Lothatat Loutterus Lowfis Macow Malla Malloray Malueed Mansh Meakife Mearlans Melemus Melled Menbaturn Misolish Moorped Moraent Moredonus Morns Motte Mulon Myrus Myruting Nicaemula Nicorsead Nigargy Nighth Nodus Nostes Ocelus Oceps Ockernife Ogetzern Ogfis Ogfish Ophaena Ophius Ophretus Ophrys Ophter Orichtus Orilith Orpikern Ostus Paeck Paemon Paillio Panichean Parchark Parus Peaddle Pecus Pental Perfin Perfis Perlyine Perus Phalone Phited Pineio Pinny Pinus Placrey Plailus Plaris Pletrio Plodo Plown Polla Pophirus Poret Posum Pothry Puffefish Punarys Punfish Punna Quatla Quatub Rabreio Rabrourus Raecornus Ralmus Rassea Ratus Reabboond Reatus Reenna Regol Renated Retlack Rightet Rilio Rilue Riostorin Romus Rophia Rophthus Rosot Rostee Rostoma Rosus Rourbel Ruttal Sadfish Sadnosus Salead Salis Sallish Sallon Sallown Salmoorn Sargerish Sarow Sarus Saxingin Schthet Schthre Scocke Scoragon Scorys Scras Scred Scuparilt Seadnodus Seagrens Searfish Seascre Sedongrey Shalise Shall Sharix Sigree Skater Skife Smacus Smaecult Smell Snabrill Snaxil Sniceps Snife Snoring Snosus Somus Sotrab Spargene Sphak Spholfish Spilus Sping Spinna Spintatum Spish Spius Spolipte Spoora Spord Spranus Sprey Spreyel Spriga Squalmus Squalue Squata Squate Squatus Squatylus Squee Stapperk Steed Steluck Steonna Sterhin Swolla Sworn Synch Tabre Tatus Tautinead Taxan Tetfish Thadd Tichlatum Tinostice Togfis Tomus Trail Trand Trientey Trighth Trocke Trophth Trosomus Tulatus Tumblatus Tunder Vagoot Vatus Verive Vipot Virrovy Virroyand Virted Viveren Walmot Walowfish Westingin Whiderfis Whiliper Whingon Whiny Whius Winot Witatus Wolfis Wormyclus Worpens Wraniish Xanus Xatchepot Zanthar Zingetzer
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pxrxmoore · 4 months
just a normal. n Ormmal nighth here for me on. the old tumblr dot com
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wuntrum · 1 year
watching hellraiser for the first time! getting super wild on a wednesday nighth
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catkip · 8 months
playing around on white board last nighth with some friends, thought it'd draw my silly guy and i really liked these hehe
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carmenized-onions · 24 days
okay i’m usually not one to leave messages but i feel like im going INSANE– so please feel free to ignore this vomit of words but i need to talk my shit so i can have PEACE😭 YOU’RE SO TALENTED, ITS SICK🫵🏾okay but seriously, i haven’t felt so feral over someone’s writing in a longggg time so im feeling a lil crazyy
AGAIN PLEASE FEEL FREE TO IGNORE ME but that latest chapter with carmy’s pov had me rolling!! he’s so real, feelin all jealous of tony but also of mikey because ngl i would too! like whatdoyoumean im late to the party and everyone has already built in life long memories with this person??? BUT ALSO, im not special?? crazy. like the thought of realizing that your person might just be everyone’s person (does that even make sense idk)?? yeah i would feel sick and twisted too😀and and it makes me feel more insane when he had that subtle thought of being mikey’s fill in, LIKE??? plus tony’s mysterious ass past with rich and mike?? i’ll never be free omggg
i wish i could articulate my point better in way that makes sense but im running on 2 hours of sleep and goldfish so i’ll spare you the rest of my delirious spiel– GOOD NIGHTh🤙🏾
I need you to know so bad, I WOULD NEVER IGNORE THIS!!! This made me so happy to read last night, and as I read over it again, with shattered wrists from CPR/First Aid training, eating an overpriced pizza in my grandmother's bed, this is like, such a balm to the soul bb. Please please please continue to yap in my inbox, i cannot define to what end how happy it makes me (and frankly, not to guilt trip, but how sad it makes me when people like but don't say what they thought ;-; but i get it, i lurk too)
YES!!! I'm so happy to hear someone say they also vv much get Carmen's point of like fuck, i missed this. It's such a tough emotion because it feels like-- You shouldn't be allowed to feel that way? AND SAME WITH THE YOUR PERSON IS EVERYONE'S PERSON-- EXACTLYYYYYYY
It's like, I can't be mad that everyone else also knows how incredible my person is-- But like, they're my person-- What do you MEAN they were your person first??? I'm gonna EXPLODE!!! Sick and twisted, fr.
I mean, I agree, yes, quite.
Please please please, continue to send in thoughts!!! But also GET CONSISTENT SLEEP!!!! I'm not one to talk i really need to go to bed now i'm already looking at 6 hours square in the face but i didn't get to WRITE TODAY and i'm gonna be GRUMPY if it STAYS THAT WAY!!!
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pizzaback · 2 months
also discovered last nighth that the people who owned my xbone last are definitely smokers 🤧 i don’t care on a moral level but maybe warn me. god damn
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jup1tersparx · 1 year
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doorrobloxstuff · 1 year
Stares at you in guiding light kin
-Jasper, the 0-5 council
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inactive-339944 · 2 years
Literally sorry for the person i became when they played boy division last nighth
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stufanka · 2 years
Buona notte. Good nighth
Buena noche
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