Explore tagged Tumblr posts
nightfaze-archive · 1 year ago
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Prints and stuff here (Threadless shop)
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thewirewitch · 4 years ago
My other Tumblr Blogs
1. https://supersmilyface1.tumblr.com/ - Art blog
2. https://asksmolme.tumblr.com/ - Original ask blog
3. https://the-blank-place.tumblr.com/ - Original ask blog (Reboot maybe?)
4. https://dr-blog-107.tumblr.com/ - Danganronpa blog
5. https://nightfaze-archive.tumblr.com/ - Aesthetic blog
6. https://just-delta-ing-the-runes.tumblr.com/ - Deltarune blog
7. https://askamethystaddisonandassociates.tumblr.com/ - Deltarune OC ask blog (Discontinued)
8. https://m-is-for-marketing.tumblr.com/ - WIP original story
9. https://dream-diary-of-a-random-person.tumblr.com/ - Dream diary
10. https://nori-s-reblog-dump.tumblr.com/ - A place where I reblog basically anything I want to.
11. https://plushies-in-situations.tumblr.com/ - Images of plushies in situations.
12. https://www.tumblr.com/the-devious-blog - Don’t worry about this one.
13. https://the-suburban-hell-alchemist.tumblr.com/ - Magic posting blog.
14. https://noris-food-and-drink-thoughts.tumblr.com/ - Food stuff
Other sites:
1. https://spacehey.com/deaths_smile - SpaceHey
2. https://deaths-smile.bandcamp.com/music - Bandcamp
3. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOzqS9I_KR-7iml5G1Rrrpg - YouTube
4. https://starlitarts.threadless.com/ - Online shop (Threadless)
5. https://deaths-smile.neocities.org/ and https://neocities.org/site/deaths-smile - Neocities
6. https://www.fiverr.com/deaths_smile - Fiverr, currently 2 slots open for experimental/dark ambient music.
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nightfaze-archive · 11 months ago
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nightfaze-archive · 3 years ago
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nightfaze-archive · 3 years ago
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It’s a long walk back.
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nightfaze-archive · 3 years ago
Introduction to Nightfaze
This is going to be quite the long post, so all details will be under the cut. (as well as this, new points and rules may be added depending on how things go and what new developments may occur)
The beginning:
I love the dreamcore and weirdcore aesthetics, however the photos, videos, and sounds I was always drawn to were the darker ones, which seem a bit harder to find by chance. These are the ones I want to focus more on and center Nightfaze around. My first introduction to the dreamcore/weirdcore aesthetic was the YouTuber Baphometkun, more specifically the video “Dr. Fluer.” The darker videos, some of which are now privated or deleted, are my main inspiration for this.
The Idea:
Essentially, this new aesthetic will have some aspects of weirdcore and/or dreamcore, but have a different premise. There will most likely be an overlap on occasion depending on how intense the images are. I want there to not be much limitations for this aesthetic to allow as much creative freedom as possible. There will be some things that aren’t allowed (more details later), however most of it should be common sense.
The Details:
The main points of this aesthetic are -
Low-quality/degraded/grainy images. Location and inclusion of people are up to you. Indoors, outdoors, liminal spaces, common places, new, decayed, all are accepted. Areas can be devoid of or completely packed with people. As well as this, pictures don’t need to be photographs. Illustrations and rendered subjects can be used as well, as long as the overall look is poor in quality and fits the atmosphere.
When including people, obscure identifying details (faces, mainly). This can be through blurring, scribbling-out, covering, or any other form that feels appropriate to the image.
The feeling of emptiness/unease/overwhelment/desperation/dread are the main target, however peace and tranquility with a sense of dark mystery are allowed as well. Think of it as walking alone at night in a damp neighborhood after it rained, some outside lights on every few houses or so. Slight sleepiness and paranoia in your mind. You may feel all alone, existential, or like someone is watching you. On the opposite end, you could create an atmosphere as though you are in a crowded area full of stranger, unsure of where you are, what’s around you, or how you got there. Disoriented.
Dark undertones/atmosphere. As well as the feeling it puts off, images themselves should be literally dark as well. High contrast and odd colors are also encouraged.
As for music, lower-toned music (such as slowed or naturally low music) is the main focus. Lyrics that can be interpreted in a dark light (if that makes sense) are also more encouraged. However something cheery can always be manipulated to sound more sinister with audio edited. Music quality does not matter.
Videos and gifs should contain some type of movement, whether it be grain, shaking components, frame-by-frame differences, fades, or something else. Static (non-moving) components can be used as well.
The “Do’s” of this aesthetic are -
Creating dark atmospheres.
Venting emotions.
Being creative in general.
The “Do-not’s” of this aesthetic are -
Using inappropriate material (NSFW/NSFL).
Using actual pictures/recordings containing sensitive material (self-harm, abuse, gore/injury, etc.)
Glorification of harmful ideas/actions.
Anything malicious towards a real life person.
This is a sub-category that focuses more on aspects of horror. While Nightfaze itself is more about subtle unease, Nightmarefaze is more up-front about it. Unsettling apparitions and figures, places more perilous and much more decayed, something ominous staring you in the face. This category is much more reminiscent of dreamcore, but instead of odd, dream-like qualities, it’s more like a nightmare: disturbed. Eyes, mouths, jerky movements, danger, terror, and all the like fit in here. More stress and anxiety, some fight-or-flight. Things such as blood and violence are allowed in moderation. Limit the amount that is used and do not show any real gore or anything explicit. Rules still apply in terms of sensitive material and subject matter (above) if you choose to go this route. Expressing certain fears are also encouraged in Nightmarefaze.
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nightfaze-archive · 3 years ago
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It’s almost night time.
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nightfaze-archive · 3 years ago
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Walking in a hallway, the sound of your own footsteps and the quiet buzz of the dim fluorescent lights. What lies ahead is unknown. No one else is around. It’s only you. You think.
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nightfaze-archive · 3 years ago
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nightfaze-archive · 3 years ago
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nightfaze-archive · 3 years ago
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There’s a faint sound of footsteps on the hardwood floor.
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nightfaze-archive · 3 years ago
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