#night train to rigel
skyrigel · 4 months
Call it what you want || A.B x reader
Pairing: Anthony bridgerton x reader
Summary: hiding in Anthony's study doesn't help when you are bane of his existence, ofcourse he would know and get mad for driving him crazy.
Warning: injury, blood, heavy makeout, mutual pinning, no use of y/n ( ew.) Gn!reader, mild angst :)
Rigel's note 🪩: am I reading bridgerton books again ? Yes, will anything stop me from fretting over lord bridgerton ? Nope.
Words : 1.4 k ( of Anthony being unholy)
My other fic
Anthony bridgerton angst
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" You seem distracted my lord." Her voice was smooth and furry but it was almost too good to be, a pretendence. You clamped your mouth even harder when you heard Anthony groan, he was clearly irritated at something.
The table under which you were hiding creaked as Anthony might have stomped his glass. With the force it hit the wood, it cracked and must have drawn blood because Anthony huffed and the other woman almost screamed.
" My lord ! " The woman exclaimed, her tone was half concerned half frustrated, she must have been coming to his aid because lord Anthony cleared his throat soundly.
" No, no...you go outside, I will be back." He said curtly, " please." He added as a small tsk escaped his mouth.
You prayed to every god, every almighty you knew to make Anthony go out too, why was he staying back and if she had also then what would have happened to your holy heart—
You thought train came to an halt when Anthony's voice boomed across the room.
" Get out." Anthony was calm but it was only the calmness that followed before a catastrophic storm, oh shit.
Maybe it's not you, maybe it was meant for someone else and maybe—
" Are you coming out on you own or do you want me to come and get you ? " You swore you heard a glint of amusement but that could be trick of your heart as it was so close to exploding, it punched against your ribs and your breath almost hinged in your throat as you dipped your head to come out from your confined space.
Stupid, so, so stupid, thinking to escape your feelings as lord Viscount smiled and winked the night away only to end up in his office and it was so close to watching your own heart broke into a thousand small pieces.
Your knees buckled as you stood straight, smoothing your dazzling attire as Anthony gaze peirecd you, something dark covered his iris and he looked so smug with his bloodied hand tending to a glass full of whiskey, his legs sprawled across the couch in the most unholiest way but you shouldn't think about that, also, he looked very, very, mad.
" So-"
" It was a mistake! " You beat him, blurting as heat crept up slowly and you wished it wasn't as shaky as it sounded.
" Mistake ?! " He drawled unamused, his brow furrowing together as he stood up, you missed the display but there were other pressing matters.
" Your hand—"
" You, you and your lavender scent ! " He snapped, " what do you think you were doing here ? " His mouth was parted as if he was experiencing something wrecking inside him.
" What—" you began but his eyes snapped at you, like a predator and he fisted his hand that was too painful to watch as drops of red hot fluid dripped down.
" Why do you torment me ? You like it, don't you ?! " His eyes were shining, he swallowed hard at the lump forming in his throat and you felt your mouth going dry, instinctively you licked your lips and that may have fueled whatever Anthony was accusing you of, another entire torment.
" Do not." He bellowed, anger, maybe, something blazing reached his eyes and it was bright enough to turn your bones to ashes and blood a mere vapour, " don't do this to me, no, no, no ....day and night, whenever and forever, stop this torture, stop this haunting ! "
" What have I done Anthony ? " You felt your chest heaving and a soft choked noise escaped your throat, Anthony gave a strangled laugh as he mouthed, what have I done, so smugly that you felt an almost urge to wipe that from him, tear it from his lips with your own and it scared you so much that you tore your gaze from his burning eyes to his bleeding hand, still bleeding.
" Stop." You told him as he tried to pull away from your touch, " you will hurt yourself my lord." You hoped it was a glare you were aiming at, Anthony gave you a humour me look but gave in to you.
You slid out your handkerchief, folding it in a triangle as you pulled it around his palm, whatever noises he made were too distracting.
" I beg you." It came as whsiper, a pleading.
You tied a knot not hard and not loose as you glanced at Anthony, already drinking you in.
" What have I done Anthony ? " You asked him again, feeling the coiling in your stomach as it latched when Anthony brought his other hand, the uninjured that wasn't in your hands, to caress your jaw.
His thumb curved around your chin as his lips parted in a gasp, " You ask me what have you done ? Yet you do it all the time, drive me crazy..." He exhaled as you looked at him with blown eyes and heavy lids, his thumb ghosted the corner of your mouth, your face was suddenly too close to him and it was just mere inches, the distance was everything and nothing and you were suddenly too aware of everything that was pressing into Anthony and the rest hardly mattered.
" You look at me with those pretty eyes and say those mean words of yours with that soft mouth...how can I stop you ? Invading all my dreams and turning my world upside down ! " His thumb pressed upon your closed mouth as you reflexively parted, his soft pink pad wet from the salvia gathering up.
He smiled ans hummed along, his knuckles lifting the base of your base, where your chin met your throat.
" Do you have any idea ? " He almost mocked, his word were almost whsipers while your breath were apology shot in the dark, did he not know how much he was to be blamed ?
" You torment me just the same." You looked at him with stars in your eyes, your light fingers caressed his injured hand's wrist as Anthony raised a brow. He was very amused.
" You don't understand, you never do ! " You almost cried as tears swelled up in your eyes, you hated the way your bones tugged at your skin, Anthony shaked his head as he tried to speak, open his mouth only to close it again.
You watched him desperately as you wanted this torment to end now, no more of this ache that your carried with in your soul.
" My lord....Anthony." you croaked, plea, begging, asking, needing, and somewhere between sinning and wanting, call it what you want, the space between you and him disappeared as his lips found yours and it was as if kissing the sun, it burnt but oh the glea, the feeling that nothing mattered but this, like fireworks bursting in thousand orbs of sparkle and something inside you wavered but Anthony held you, like it would be over, gone and dead between void if he let go of his hold on your waist and you felt the same as you pressed your lips closer and closer, a moment of cosmic love. Anthony knew what he was doing as you flicked your lips to part with his tongue, licking over your lower lip as if it were his religion, so sacred and holy, his hands pulling you closer and it wasn't even possible the way he swooped you in.
" An..thony ! " You half moaned, half yelped as he nipped at your lower lip, not hard to draw blood but hard enough to swell the soft skin, his nose grazed your cheeks, sniffing over the lavender's scent that short circuited his brain.
He tried to tease, to deprive you the taste of his lips as he pulled for a breath but he was too intoxicated and dipped for another passionate kiss that felt like flying too high and just dropping, down, down and down.
" Stop this torment..." You exhaled as his hand pulled your whole body in his lap, another carding through your hair, whispering soft words of praise that shouldn't have the effect it was having own you.
Anthony pulled to look right into your eyes, his eyes were dazed a similar flush bloomed across his beaming skin.
His uninjured hands slowly crept along your thighs as he mouthed with the devilish mouth of his, " I will."
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valdomarx · 1 year
Roy’s first month of managing Richmond, he still wakes up at 4 a.m. every morning. 
There’s no reason for it; work doesn’t start until 8 and he doesn't need to do extra training sessions with Jamie any more. But his body can’t break the habit, so he lies in bed and stares at the ceiling.
4 a.m. is when night is over but morning has not quite begun, when the world is quiet and distant and there is room for thoughts which would otherwise be unthought and feelings which would otherwise be unfelt.
4 a.m. is Jamie flinging open his front door with a big grin and a stupid head torch, saying, “Morning coach!” and bounding off with such enthusiasm that Roy has to scramble to keep up with him.
4 a.m. is the team finally calling it a night after celebrating a tough win, Isaac and Colin with an exhausted Sam between them, Jan Maas giggling, and Dani coming tearing out of the club yelling “Back to the hoteeeeeeeeeel!” and everyone running joyfully after him. Everyone except Jamie, who is leaning against the wall of the club and watching Roy with a hint of a smile.
“Fucking what?” Roy growls.
“You’re doing good. At this manager thing, I mean. The boys like it when you come celebrate with us.”
4 a.m. is sunrise over Richmond Park, the trees swaying in the breeze, deer leaping away in the distance, a blanket of silence muffling London’s ever-present hum of traffic. It is Jamie’s contentment as he runs, the way he springs forward to meet every step, with the rays of the rising sun painting streaks of red and gold through his hair.
4 a.m. is the time the team bus breaks down and strands them in a field in the middle of nowhere, and most of the lads are asleep in their seats but Roy finds Jamie sitting a little distance away on a grassy bank, looking up at the sky.
“Proper good view of the stars here, innit?”
Roy cranes his neck to take in the view of bright white points splashed across the darkness. He hums and lowers himself to sit next to Jamie.
“That one’s Rigel.” Jamie points. “And over there, that’s Betelgeuse. About to go supernova and everything. It’s gonna explode and take out everything around it, but after that, it’ll leave behind a cloud of dust n shit which’ll make new stars. Mental, right?”
Roy glances at him sideways. “How d’you know all this shit?”
Jamie shrugs one shoulder. “Me mum used to take me to the observatory as a kid. Said it was good for my cultural development. But I think I just liked the view.”
Jamie is staring up at the stars, but Roy is looking at Jamie’s face, soft, open, and full of wonder.
4 a.m. is a stupid time to be doing this. Roy stands in front of Jamie’s door and hesitates before knocking. Who the fuck shows up out of the blue at someone’s house at this hour? But he’d woken up early again and the world had seemed grating, like something important was missing, and almost against his will his feet had carried him here.
He knocks and, much quicker than he expects, the hallway light flicks on and footsteps thump down the stairs. Jamie opens the door fully dressed and wide awake, and beams.
“Morning coach! You want a cup of coffee?”
Roy blinks. “Aren’t you going to ask me why I’m here at this ridiculous time?”
Jamie's forehead wrinkles. "I'm sure you've got a good reason."
“I couldn’t sleep. Can’t sleep, I mean. I still wake up at 4 a.m. every morning."
Jamie nods. “Yeah. Me too.”
"I -" Roy squirms, hating feeling so visible. "I miss this."
Jamie looks up at him, surprised. 
"I miss you."
Jamie blushes, then fidgets with his sleeves. "You see me every day."
"It's not the same though. I miss starting my day with you."
"Oh." Jamie's cheeks are blotched with pink. "We could go for a run together? Do some training?'
It's tempting. Roy could say yes, and they could jog around the park, and it could be like it was before. A little piece of familiarity in a season of changes. 
But that's not what Roy is here for.
"I don't want to train," he says, and Jamie's face falls.
He steps closer, right up to the doorway, a mere few inches between them. He reaches out, stopping himself just before his hand lands on Jamie's chest. 
He looks up, meets Jamie's eye, makes sure he knows what Roy is offering. His hand meets Jamie's chest, solid and warm. "I want something else."
"Oh." Jamie scarcely moves, has to remind himself to breathe by the looks of it, and then one of those soft, beautiful 4 a.m. smiles spreads across his face and he steps back to open the door. "Then I guess you'd better come in."
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haydenigmatic · 9 months
Hanniel (HAYN-yell) Amlinger (Connell)
Meet Hanniel, acknowledged but illegitimate, his lineage bears both the prestige of a Duke's blood and the stigma of a bastard's birth. His journey weaves through the courtly dances of power and prejudice, guided by the shadows of his parentage.
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His face and voice claim are none other than Henry Cavill of course.
Family Dynamics:
Duke Gerard- The Father
Hanniel holds a strong physical resemblance to him, for which he is favoured over his other half-siblings. However, the favouritism has strained the Duke's relationship with his legitimate children, especially Roderick, the heir.
Lady Myrah- The Loving Mother
His primary source of love and support. Lady Myrah shielded him from the harsh realities of courtly life, fostering a deep bond until her untimely demise.
Baron Matous - The Strict Grandfather
Strongly disapproves of Gerard for dishonouring his daughter. Initially distant from Hanniel due to the circumstances of his birth, but later provides support when his mother passes away.
Lord Rigel- The Understanding Uncle
Served as a mediator between Hanniel and his grandfather, providing a link to his maternal side.
Duchess Naraina - The Hostile Stepmother
Hanniel's stepmother, adds to the family tension. She holds animosity towards him and contributes to the hostile environment within the Connells.
Roderick (Half-Brother, Older): Gerard's heir and the half-brother who feels the weight of his father's expectations. He harbours resentment toward Hanniel for being favoured and sees him as a possible threat to his inheritance.
Dreana (Half-Sister, Younger): The younger half-sister who, influenced by the family dynamics, shares the resentment towards him. Their relationship is strained, and she struggles to understand her father's preference.
Ulric (Half-Brother, Youngest): The youngest half-brother, caught in the tension between the older siblings and the family dynamics. Ulric is still impressionable, and his feelings toward Hanniel are influenced by the prevalent animosity.
Some details about him:
He possesses an exceptionally keen sense of smell. This heightened olfactory perception, though not widely known, allows him to discern subtle scents and detect changes in his surroundings, making him unusually aware of his environment.
Is renowned not only for his exceptional swordsmanship but also for his courtly manners, a juxtaposition to his internal struggle with the shame of his bastard status.
Despite his prowess in combat, often avoids bloodshed when possible, having a distaste for unnecessary violence.
Apart from his pet hawk, is an expert falconer, having trained various birds of prey.
Struggles with confidence issues, especially when interacting with those of higher social standing or women he finds attractive.
Takes meticulous care of his sword, meticulously polishing and maintaining it. The blade, a symbol of his prowess as a knight, holds sentimental value beyond its practical use.
is more active during the night. Whether it's training, reading, or reflecting, he finds a sense of peace and solitude in the quiet hours after sunset.
In childhood, struggled with a stutter, especially when overwhelmed or anxious. Though he overcame it with time, the occasional stutter reappears in moments of extreme emotion or when he's at a loss for words.
His deep connection with his mother shaped his values and ideals. Her death served as a catalyst for his determination to prove his worth.
Despite the familial discord, his father continues to provide for him through his uncle, ensuring Hanniel's well-being without his grandfather's knowledge.
Firmly believes in redemption and second chances, an ethos he carries both on the battlefield and in matters of the heart.
Shares a deep bond with Damon, considering him a close friend. Unlike the societal prejudices that often accompany bastards, Damon sees him as a true companion, transcending the labels imposed by noble birth.
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acewithwords · 1 year
hello, hope you're having an amazing day!!!! i feeling extra angsty today, soo artw boys being in love with mc who is in love with someone else? basically unrequited or one-sided love lmao
also if it's not too much, can we have rigel too?
please make it extra angsty i want to cry today 😭😭
have a nice day! stay safe! lots of love <3
Wooo better be ready for this.
Genre: Angst (You've been warned)
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☆ Arcatus:
- He's completely heartbroken about it
- But he would try not to show it at all. There would be a few who noticed that there was something wrong though.
-He'd probably cry a bit at night but then act all smiling the next day.
- You two had spent a lot of time together ever since you had arrived in Bound Aralyn. He thought you were absolutely amazing. You had helped out a lot in the Guide committee and stood up for him when needed. He was absolutely smitten for you!
- He wanted to be completely honest with you about his feelings but then you told him that you were in love with someone else before he could say anything.
-He was upset for a brief moment before putting a smile back on his face and telling you how much he'd want to do to support you.
-Deep down he was crushed but to him you were more important!
-You were incredibely important to him but if you didn't reciprocate how he felt he still wanted to be with you no matter what.
☆ Spica:
- He won't show it at all but you can tell he's crushed when he realizes you don't love him back.
- In the beggining, you seemed to be another person with a lot of potential.
- Slowly but surely you began to work your way right into his heart.
- He always loved the little things about you and the moments you two shared together.
- You often spent time together in the meeting room while waiting for the others whether it be through conversation or just sitting together in silence.
- He planned to talk to you about it until he noticed the way you were acting with someone else.
- It was clear you were in love with them.
- His eyes widened in shocked before he brushed it off and walked away.
- He'd eventually confirm with you about your relationship with them and when you told him that you were in love he remained silent before assuring his full support.
- He cares a lot about you but if you truly don't reciprocate his feelings then that's fine.
- He buries himself in his work just to avoid his feelings.
- Even if he cannot be the one by your side he'll set aside his feelings for you out of respect and make sure that you're doing alright.
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☆ Vega:
- He stays silent when he realizes you're in love with someone else.
- He's in a lot of pain (emotionally).
- It's clear that he's hurt about it. So, he's mostly in his head trying to process his emotions.
- He keeps himself busy with training. But, he couldn't avoid you.
- Even if his love is unrequited, it won't stop him from staying by your side to protect you. At the end of the day, you're someone who has played an incredibely important role in his life. Even if he can't be with you romantically he refuses to lose you again.
- It hurts every time you leave him behind to spend time iwth your lover. He desperately wishes that it could be him instead.
-He stays silent though, as you wave him goodbye. He knows you'll never feel the same as he does, but he'll keep quiet if it means you're happy.
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☆ Alpheratz:
- He tries avoiding you for a while by sleeping in a lot of places barely anyone could find him.
-It does not work that well. Somehow, you still manage to find him.
-He understands you don't feel the same way as him and he won't force you either. But, it hurts him deep down even if he tries to act calm about it.
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-He's not really sure how to deal with all the emotions he's feeling with. Sure, he's been alive for hundreds of years but he's rarely ever had to deal with a broken heart himself.
- He's never been the type to fall in love easily so it stings a lot more than he thought it would
-He will never force you into anything, but it won't stop him from gazing at you lovingly from a distance.
☆ Pollux:
-He's feeling confused, sad and frustrated all at the same time.
-He could never hate Summoner but he hates that even if you aren't in love with him he's still infatuated with you.
☆ Sirius:
-He's had crushes before! This isn't the first time he's dealt with being rejected...but why does it hurt so much more with you?
- He admires you a lot. You were his friend, even more than that actually.
-He tries to push you away, trying to isolate himself away. But, it doesn't work. It never does when it comes to you,huh?
-A part of him wants to lash out but he does his best, even if it's clear that he's upset.
-At the end of the day, you're Summoner, a friend of his. He'll take some time to think it over though. Sometimes, there are things he just wants to deal with alone.
-You did so much for him. So, let him stay by your side, even if you don't feel the same.
☆ Rigel:
- Plays it off casually.
- He acts incredibely calm and suave but internally he's a mess.
- He knew this would happen He was already infatuated with you since the beggining. So, why must you be so cruel?
- This won't stop him from saving you from yourself though.
- He can't force it though that's a given obvious.
- But, a part of him wants you to be in love with him as much as he's in love with you.
- You've spent so much time together. It was incredibely painful how hard he fell for you even if he wouldn't admit it
- He acts the same way as he does usually. If, he can't be your lover, then he'll be someone else to you.
-As long as he gets to be there in your life, whether good or bad. That's enough for him.
- He already knew you wouldn't feel the same way he did.
- You rarely ever got a chance to interact after all. But, everytime you managed to spend sometime together he can't help but fall a bit more in love.
- So, why does it still hurt him this badly?
- You were nothing but a troublemaker honestly. Wherever you went, chaos always followed.
- At first, he ignored you. He really could care less about you unless it came to you hurting the people he cared about especially the Queen Tet members.
-And yet, here he was. He was an absolute mess even if he refused to show it.
- The first time you interacted, you just seemed to be another face in the crowd of students, until you went up to him directly with Pollux.
- You were a lot different from what he expected. You were a shining star, brighter than any constellation he laid his eyes on before. You had earned his respect with the way you were like.
- Now, how was he supposed to feel. You were the last person he expected to be in love with, for star's sake! All he could do was sigh.
- The only thing he can do now is watch from the distance. That was life after all. Even if fatehad different plans, he had to accept that his feelings for you wouldn't go away.
-He will love you even if he knows you won't look his way.
Author's note:
Sorry if it's a bit occ. Somehow several things kept happening while I tried writing this and I find it hilarious. I've been distracted by in real stuff lol. So, most of my requests are sitting in my inbox but I promise I will get to them. Thank you for your patience!!
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scvcnmore · 3 hours
†Hidden Washington Event 18 Plot/Starter Call!†
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¡Hola mi gente!
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This is a quick starter call, with some info about what the clowns will be up to and some potential plots tossed in. Apologies in advance, this is my best attempt at 'keeping it simple'. There is currently no cap of requests per mun, and the cap on starters is something I'm flexible on if you really happen to want one form a specific loser lol If there happens to be something that isn't explicitly listed here, but you feel any of my muses would be able to fit for a plot you've got in mind for yours, by all means feel free to let me know! My DMs here and on discord are always open <3
Olivia Benson † She/Her † Law and Order: SVU † 35 † Unaware † 0/3:
Aware of a change to the city
As if the coming to terms with the fact that your entire life, as you remember it, may all be lie wasn't hard enough on its own, let's add sudden change in venue to the existential crisis. Ever the consummate professional, though, Liv has been quick to pivot and shift her focus to adapting to the current environment, making sure she's still more than capable of carrying out her duties, and doing her best to ensure that friends and family -both 'believed' to be true and those recently re-discovered- are and remain safe
Potential plots/connections: fellow lawmen, fellow folks aware of the sudden change, faux-life friends and family (I know that one's not really even specific, but it could be something interesting to play with in the new setting)
Eisa Rigel † She/Her † Star Wars(OC) † 34 † Unaware † 0/3:
Unaware of a change to the city
As far as Eisa is concerned, this is the Queendom that's been a part of her entire life. An orphan, she once used her 'abilities' to help out an ailing knight, and in return he took her in as a page and his personal squire. Her training held the added burden of also ensuring the same abilities that earned her a home, stayed secret from any other soul. The 'flip' on her personality now being the more emotionally detached one of her and her twin from being unaware has translated over
Potential plots/connections: fellow knights, a squire nearing their own knighthood, another force user or anyone with powers in general they share their secret with
Viktor Hargreeves † He/HIm † The Umbrella Academy † 30 † Unaware † 0/3:
Unaware of a change to the city
He's been able to remain just a lil guy, running a place where people come to have a good time, and still depending on borderline-toxic positivity to keep whatever curse he's been born with in check. If he can keep his own powers hidden, he can continue to use the tavern as a front, while providing a safe-haven for other powered individuals that might be seeking help
Tavern Keeper
Potential plots/connections: regular patrons of the tavern, merchants he has business with, powered people in his inner circle that help with the tavern's 'underground'
Helena Kyle † She/Her † Birds of Prey '02/DC Comics † 28 † Aware † 0/3:
Aware of a change to the city
Currently really wishing she could be ignorant to any other life, because knowing there's an alternative just peeves her off even more that she's stuck in this one right now. She's apparently inherited the title of Marquise after the passing of both parents, and while Hel's found it easier to just play the part during the day, at night she's taken to slipping past her small guard and taking back to the streets to play the outlaw. It's a bit harder to keep the ruse of prim and proper Marquise while not getting caught as the true face behind the masked face on a few wanted posters
Marquise/Secret Outlaw
Potential plots/connections: other nobility they'd know by virtue of station, friends -noble or not- that are a bit more aware of their actual disdain for their position, someone they'd have helped while behind the outlaw mask and then have to also interact with as Marquise while trying to keep their secret
Caden James † She/Her † Charmed '98(OC) † 27 † Aware † 0/3:
Aware of a change to the city
At this stage in the game, Caden has come to expect just about anything, but a real-life ren faire with equally real, era-appropriate consequences for being found out as having 'abilities' was not on her bingo-card. If she can manage to keep her powers under control just long enough to ride this one out, that's all she's aiming for
Potential plots/connections: someone she has to convince not to out her as a 'witch', arch-rival from her turn as a brawler
Rotta Tiure † He/Him † Star Wars † 26 † Unaware † 0/3:
Aware of a change to the city
If he was already suspicious of the city before, this is definitely cementing his theory that there's far more to this place than meets the eye. His position as a cleric gives him ready access to the material he needs to keep notes on anything and everything that he deems of note, and also gives him a slight in to speak with people who might have more information
Potential plots/connections: fellow peeps that are aware there was a change that they can bounce ideas off of or can attempt to talk him down from reaching full-blown 'conspiracy theorist' status, open to a change in memory status
Alice Hart † They/Them † Fear Street Franchise † 26 † Aware † 0/3:
Unaware of a change to the city
As far as they're aware, this is the version of D.C. they arrived to. They found themselves relying on the knowledge left behind by their old habits, and taking up a spot as an assistant at an apothecary shop. They've developed quite a knack for the compounding aspect of it all
Apothecary's assistant
Potential plots/connections: clients that come to her directly as opposed to the shop, people that she works with to help out those that can't afford the shop's services or any other kind of medical care
Vi Zaun † She/They † Arcane † 24 † Unaware † 0/3:
Unaware of a change to the city
I'm committing to the bit, and this one will continue to be clueless to anything even remotely out of the norm. This has been their entire life, growing up with their lovely sister, and now being on the cusp of their own knighthood
Potential plots/connections: a knight they serve as squire for, fellow unaware peeps that want a childhood idiot friend
Rachel Summers † She/They † X-Men/Marvel Comics † 23 † Unaware † 0/3:
Unaware of a change to the city
They've been living in the same Queendom since ever, as far as she's aware. Ray signed up to train for and join the Royal Guard at the first opportunity she had, feeling the training would help her keep a better handle on her powers, the position would be beneficial to keeping herself closer to and in-the-know of anything coming from on-high that will affect fellow 'cursed' folks, and hopes that in demonstrating a high-level of loyalty to the Crown and the royal family will help mitigate if she's outed, especially if she's using them to protect the Queendom
Royal Guardsman
Potential plots/connections: fellow royal guardsmen, if anyone wants an 'assigned' guard let me know, their mentor in the guard, 'childhood' friends
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hoovedrycal · 4 months
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As young Fawns, Cervids learn about the ecological environment of their planet, and the animals they live in. They also have to optional the Morphing Applicable Test. This is an exam in which young Fawns have the optional choice to learn the Basics of Morphing and if they pass then they are free to Morph whenever they want.
Fawns aren’t required to Morph, but it will help when they want to enlist in the military. Females and Males have the same subjects. Their subjects include Mathematics, Biology, Ethics, Social Sciences and Etiquette.
When old enough they can work in the city of find work in the Royal Hoof Palace. This is where the Royal family lives and governs the planet.
Cervids originally evolved to as vegetarians , as their lack of mouths prevent them from ‘ tasting ‘ however they became omnivorous as they sometimes would crush snails on their hooves and the protein would absorbed into their system. Cervids do not know the word of flavor such a sweet and savory. Cervids live in cities and their houses are huts and they sleep on hay beds like Earth Horses.
Females and Males are treated equally. Females are highly skilled for their science and spending time in their laboratories. Though they have smaller tail blades, they are still capable of being Warriors. Females are also the more natural when it comes to Morphing as they see it like a dance . Male Cervids are seen as soldiers ,knights.
They are taller than the Females. Males are skilled in making weapons in factories , and blacksmiths. They spar against one another during practice sessions during military training. Cervids have their own language and they have names for different things for friends, rivers, trees, and many others. They have a very strong concept of friendship.
This bond is a form of strong friendship which is called Amicus. In short it is what humans call a Best Friend or Soul Mate.
Even though the Cervids are mostly a science based society, they do have a two gods that they worship, which they saw stars as sacred. They see stars as a guiding light in the sky. The Goddess Ascella the Goddess of Stars & The God Rigel the God of Night. Cervids have temples in which they go to worship.
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stay-with-wonder · 1 year
Rigel: Orion's Brightest Star
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Rigel is a star you can easily spot in the night sky. It is the brightest star in the constellation Orion (the hunter) and the seventh brightest star in the night sky. But did you know that Rigel is not just one star but a system of four stars? And that is a blue supergiant, one of the most massive and luminous stars in our galaxy? I will be focusing on Rigel and its companions in this post.
What is Rigel?
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What are Rigel’s Companions?
Rigel is not alone in its orbit around the center mass of the system. It has three companions: Rigel Ba, Rigel Bb, and Rigel C. These are all main-sequence stars, which means they still burn hydrogen in their cores. They are also blue-white, with spectral types of B9 V. They have similar masses and radii, ranging from 2.94 to 3.84 times that of the Sun and from 2.5 to 3 times that of the Sun respectively.
Rigel Ba and Rigel Bb form a close pair that orbits each other every 9.86 days. They are so close that they cannot be seen separately, even with powerful telescopes. They are called a spectroscopic binary because their orbital motion can be detected by measuring the Doppler shifts in their spectral lines.
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Rigel A and Rigel Bc form an even wider pair that orbits each other every 24,000 years. This pair can be seen with binoculars or small telescopes under good conditions.
There is also a fifth star that may be part of the system, but it is not confirmed yet. It is a faint red dwarf star of magnitude 15.3 that lies about 220 arcseconds* away from Rigel A. 
*(Arcseconds, also known as arc-seconds or arc seconds, are a unit of angular measurement used in various fields, including astronomy, geodesy, and navigation. They are a subdivision of an arcminute, a unit of angular measurement equal to 1/60th of a degree.)
How Did Rigel Form and Evolve?
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Rigel started as a massive main sequence star that burned the hydrogen in its core very quickly. As the hydrogen was depleted, the star began to contract and heat up, while its outer layers expanded and cooled down. As a result, Rigel became a supergiant star.
Rigel will continue to fuse heavier elements until it reaches iron, which cannot release any more energy by fusion. (Stars undergo fusion reactions in their cores, where lighter elements combine to form heavier elements, releasing energy in the process of fusion. A fusion process continues until the core contains predominantly iron. At this point, the process of fusing iron requires more energy than it releases, slowing down. This process poses a problem because fusion reactions provide the outward pressure that counteracts the inward pull of gravity, supporting the star against collapse. Without the energy generated by fusion, the star loses its means of support and can eventually collapse under its gravity.) At this point, Rigel will collapse and explode into a supernova. But this won’t happen for another million years or so.
The supernova explosion will destroy most of Rigel’s mass and eject it into space as gas and dust. The training core will either become either a neutron star or a black hole, depending on how massive it is.
The fate of Rigel's companions will depend on how close they are to Rigel when it explodes. If they are too close, they will be destroyed or disrupted by the shock wave and radiation from the supernova. If they are far enough, they will survive but may be affected by the change in gravity and radiation from the remnant.
Rigel is important for several reasons. First, it is a prominent star that helps us identify the constellation of Orion and find other stars in the sky. Second, it is a bright and nearby example of a supergiant star, which helps us understand the evolution and fate of massive stars. Third, it is a complex star that challenges our ability to observe and measure its components and interactions. Fourth, it is a potential supernova progenitor that may explode in the near future (in astronomical terms, of course) and provide us with a spectacular show and valuable data.
Rigel is also important for cultural reasons. It has been known and named by many civilizations throughout history, and it has been associated with various myths and legends. In ancient China, Rigel was called Shang Zuo, meaning "the left-hand seat of the king," and it was part of the Three Stars asterism that represented the emperor's throne. In Arabic, Rigel was called Rijl al-Jawza', meaning "the foot of the central one," referring to Orion as a giant. In modern times, Rigel has been featured in many works of science fiction and fantasy, such as Star Trek, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and The Chronicles of Narnia.
Rigel is a fascinating star that deserves our attention and admiration. It is not only a beautiful sight in the night sky, but also a rich source of scientific information and cultural inspiration. I hope you enjoyed learning about Rigel and its companions, and I encourage you to look for them the next time you gaze at the stars. And as always, this blogger has to sign out, Stay With Wonder!
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redhairedgirl95 · 2 years
Stella comforting Brandon about his insecurities in their different royal status? :))
Stella comforting Brandon about his insecurities as King Consort
Stella comforting Brandon about his insecurities as king consort
It hadn’t been easy. They – but mainly he – had struggled since the day they’d officially announced their engagement, three years prior. Stella was already queen and her being betrothed to a commoner, especially a foreigner, hadn’t sat well with the majority of her counsellors and fellow nobles. Oh, he had Radius’s and Luna’s support, but it wasn’t easy wearing a crown when you feel you don’t deserve it. And when you know the people think you don’t deserve it.
His mother had told him to ignore the whispers: if Stella had made him king consort, that meant she thought he was worthy of it. She could’ve given him any other title – count, duke, prince – and the people wouldn’t have complained. Yet, she had decided of her own free will to go against her own people, the fiery Solarians, and make him her king. Consort, of course. The final say would always be hers, yet he had power over the army, could speak in her name and was awarded every other honor a “full” king would have. Especially when the Queen was otherwise occupied.
- ­ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“Shnookums? Are you here?”
He wasn’t in their bed when she had woken up in the middle of the night for a trip to the bathroom, which had become quite frequent in the last few months. So, after her much needed trip to the bathroom, she had gone to look for him in the stables. He always went there when he couldn’t sleep. And there he was, the king consort of the realm of Solaria, sitting on an upside-down bucket, fixing a horse’s shoe. He had told her once that his grandfather – whom he’d never met – used to shoe horses for Eraklyon’s Royal Guard.
“It’s 3:27.” She informed him. She never needed a watch to tell the time.
To that, he seemed to notice her presence and looked up at his very pregnant wife. Had she climbed down all those stairs in her condition?
She anticipated his question. “I flew here. You know I can do that without transforming now, right?”
“I know.” He finished his work and led the horse back into his box, then he washed his hands in the nearest sink and reached her. “You should be resting.”
“You should be resting.”
“You know what I mean.” Brandon replied, leaning down to leave a gentle kiss on her bump, covered in the silk of her nightgown.
“The baby doesn’t want to go to sleep.” Stella said. “I guess she misses her papa.”
“She? Do you know something I don’t?”
She shook her head. “It’s just a feeling … like the feeling I have that you’re not telling me everything here.”
Brandon sighed and took her by the hands, leading her outside the stables and into the garden. He helped her sit down in their favorite bench and sat next to her.
“The Council Meeting today … was pretty harsh. Lord Orion kept throwing numbers at me. Some sort of approval rating. And General Rigel kept going on and on about how he doesn’t like my way of training the soldiers, how he would do everything differently if he were in charge, how we’re gonna lose every war …”
“Solaria’s not at war.” She reminded him.
“I know …”
“And General Rigel has never been in a war zone, has he?”
“No, he hasn’t. But …”
“And we’ve fought – and won – how many wars already?”
“I don’t know … seven?”
“Mmm … too many to count anyway.” She smiled at him, as she caressed her baby bump.
“I know, but I still feel that maybe … maybe we could ask your father to fill in for a little while … just until the baby is born and you get back on your feet.”
“Brandon …”
“It will be a perfect solution. Everyone loves Radius and …”
“Ah-ah.” She put her index finger on his lips. “I won’t hear it. They don’t hate you; they just hate that you are in charge and they aren’t. I remember my first Council Meetings: everyone tried to talk me down just because they thought they were smarter than me. It’s what they’re doing to you. They think you’re my trophy husband.”
“Your trophy husband?” Brandon looked shocked but amused too.
“And baby daddy.” She added with a smile.
Brandon smiled too as he put a hand on her belly and felt the baby kick. “He is feisty.”
“She is. And if she could, she would tell you that it doesn’t matter what a bunch of people thinks of you, because I … we know who you are and how worthy you are of this position. Got it?”
He kissed her on the lips. “You’re very good at cheer-up speeches, you know, my Queen?”
“I know.” She smiled and kissed him again. “They’re my specialty.”
Both knew that the road ahead was still long and hard, but they had each other, and a little one on the way. They could manage. They would do more than manage.
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elrielbaby · 2 years
Just sounding off don’t mind me -
We have the names of two Asteri members - Rigelus which appears to me to be a version of the name/word Regulus - which is one of the brightest stars in the night sky. Or it’s also a potential play on the word/name Rigel which is a blue supergiant star in the constellation of Orion. We also have Sirius - the Asteri who was devoured by Apollion - Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky. Then we have Orion (Hunt). Orion as previously mentioned, is a constellation.
We also have Apollion. He is the Prince of the Pit/Star-eater in CC. He ‘devoured’ Sirius. Apollion appears to be SJM’s play on the Greek word Apollyon which also has a Hebrew equivalent Abaddon. They appear in the bible as both a place of destruction and an Angel of the abyss. Apollion also has leathery wings.
So I have two trains of thought here. I’m thinking these things could be connected to Hunts father. So, either, Hunts father is an Asteri. There’s a lot of star connection stuff going on. OR, and I think this is the more likely, his father is Apollion. When I read HOEAB, I was struck by how we got an in depth explanation on Daemonaki by Hunt & how Hunt, literally, hunts these Daemonaki down. I thought, it would be very SJM for him to be Daemonaki himself & spend the vast majority of his life hunting them down. Apollion also says some very strange things during their meeting. He says -
‘Why do you not use the gifts in your blood to free yourself, Orion?’
‘I am not in your mind, though your thoughts ripple toward me like your world’s radio waves.’
‘You are impertinent as well. Do you not know where I come from? My father was the Void, the Being That Existed Before. Chaos was his bride and my dam. It is to them that we shall all one day return, and their mighty powers that run in my blood’
‘You’re wasting the gifts that were given to you.’
(Pages 237-239, HOSAB)
It is also mentioned three times, that Apollion’s wings are leathery. Now this is where I feel my theory takes a turn for the crack, but it’s fun nevertheless.
I think Apollion, is Enalius. Think about it. He’s Illyrian, Illyrians have leathery wings. Enalius, held the pass on Ramiel for three days, and is a warrior god. He was holding the pass against an enemy horde, who many people have theorised was the Asteri themselves - so this could be when Sirius died. Also, Apollyon/Abaddon often appear along side Sheol in the Hebrew Bible, which is the resting place of dead people.
Anyway, just a fun little theory. This may change as honestly I cannot remember anything about this book apparently!
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theofficersacademy · 1 year
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                                 Elincia Sephiran Alm Edward
                  F!Byleth Grima Rafal Mae Matthew
WEEK 2: in places deep, where dark things sleep
TAG: #SVRigel2023
The letter isn't marked with the king's seal, but the sight of a pegasus rider carrying it south to Chancellor Mycen should bring some relief to you all. Some of you set out for Fear Mountain, following well-trodden paths from your memories... but it's not long until you are ambushed and overwhelmed by witches and the cantors that control them. There is no escape from Valentian spells and Valentian cells.
With the departure of some of your comrades, this little village quiets down again, enough for you to truly grasp just how... small this place it. Many of the priestesses came from neighboring towns to assist with you all. As they leave, they expose the dearth of young adults in the village, fighting-age men and women. Some fled for Zofia at the war's end, hoping to start new lives in more fertile land. Most left long ago to fight for the war, only to never return. The faces of those who have should have been a blessing, but to see their visages twisted by fell magic is nothing more than a curse...
Edward, Sephiran, Grima, and Matthew have all decided to stay at Sheepshead Crossing. Many villagers despair at the loss of the group hotties, believing they've missed their only chance at love. The young priestess girls move on quickly to Edward, following him around like puppy dogs, and who is really more down-to-earth than Alm and Rafal anyways. Annika instead seems interested in Sephiran and Grima. She needs a little help with something... As a recap, witches have been sighted near the village performing erratic behaviors and coveting strange red stones.
Alm, Rafal, Elincia, Mae, and F!Byleth have all gone out to investigate Fear Mountain, where witches seem to be gathering. While Alm's directions are impeccable, they failed to account for everything that's changed since his last visit to this part of Rigel. Namely, that there would be cantors waiting in the bushes to ambush a group of perceived ladies (and Alm). All of you are captured and dragged the rest of the way to Fear Mountain. As a part of getting captured, Elincia and Rafal have lost their weapons and material possessions, replaced with a Training Sword and Training Axe respectively. F!Byleth and Mae manage to conceal their weapons, but any shields and rings get plucked from their hands. Alm's Falchion once again draws attention, but this time it is forcibly taken away along with Luna. He gets shoved into a cell with the rest of his friends, without a weapon.
STORY: While the witches are acknowledged, suffering a disease that cannot be cured, very few villagers can stand to look at their former friends and family in the eye and cut them down. This conflict has allowed Margret to keep her life, as miserable as it is now. You occasionally see her sneaking out of her house at night, wandering the town square. The older girls rat out Annika for wandering in the woods on her own. She insists that she hasn't done anything wrong.
COMBAT: Let me know when you are all ready to start the combat segment. I do recommend that you talk to your new cellmate beforehand, though, as he's the only one that does not want to kill you.
Ping Mod Bren for additional questions and information.
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ladykatakuri · 2 years
Stardust Reblog Challenge December Part 3
Soldier Boy: The Depth of Fear - Fives x Reader by: @zoeykallus
Wolffe x F!Reader by: @twistedstitcher27 SFW
Calling You - Crosshair x F!Reader by: @interstellarwraith SFW
Dincember: December 9 Lights - Din Djarin x Reader by: @dindjarindiaries SFW
Unreasonably In Love - Tech x GN!Reader by: @interstellarwraith SFW
Your Affection - Luke Skywalker x GN!OC!Reader by: @princessxkenobi Rating T or M
25 Days of Life Day 10 - Decorating Cookies with Fives - Fives x Reader by: @kaminocasey SFWish
All Along - Luke Skywalker x GN!OC!Reader by: @princessxkenobi SFW
Beyond - Prince! Luke Skywalker x Wife!OC Reader by: @princessxkenobi Rating T or M
Before Dawn - Luke Skywalker x F!Reader by: @princessxkenobi Rating E
In Command part 2 - Rex X OC! Senna Aven by: @wild-karrde SFW
Keep Me Warm - Wrecker x F!Reader by: @zoeykallus SFWish
The Things We Fight For - Hunter x Reader by: @arctrooper69 SFW
The Cottage part5 - Rebels!Rex X Reader by: @kaminocasey NSFW
25 Days of Life Day 9: Mistletoe - Crosshair x Reader by: @ladysongmaster SFW
25 Days of Life Day 11 - Matching Holiday Sweaters with Howzer by: @kaminocasey Suggestive language
Kix X Medic!Reader by: @wild-karrde SFW
Clone Effect-Rebels : Pivot Point - Rex X F!Shepard by: @clone-effect-nexus SFW
My Beloved Enemy: Harsh Words - Crosshair x Reader by: @zoeykallus SFW
Skinny Dipping - TBB /Cody/Fives x F!Reader HC`s by: @zoeykallus NSFW
Dincember: December 11 Frost - Din Djarin x Reader by: @dindjarindiaries SFW
25 Days of Life Day 12: Life Day Ballet with Fox - Fox X Reader by: @kaminocasey NSFW
It Started With a Vacation - Crosshair x F!Reader by: @monako-jinn-stories SFW
It`s a Wonderful Lie - Obi Wan Kenobi x F!Reader by: @firstofficerwiggles SFW and NSFW depending on Ch4 choice
Tech: Aurora Means Dawn - Tech& various other characters including OCs by: @wild-karrde SFW
Do You Hear the People Sing part7. - Fox X F!Reader by: @kaminocasey SFW
Gregar Typho x Hunter by: @wild-karrde Rated M
House of Sins & Pleasures VII - Oberyn Martel x F!Reader and more by: @princessxkenobi NSFW
Dincember: December 12 Tree - Din Djarin and Grogu by: @dindjarindiaries SFW
Crosshair x GN!Reader by: @wild-karrde NSFW
A Soft Touch - Echo x Reader by: @zoeykallus SFW
Must Love Massifs - Sergeant Hound x GN!Reader by: @kaminocasey SFW
Imperial Tech by : @wild-karrde SFW
Tech and Omega by: @wild-karrde SFW
25 Days of Life Day 13 - Decorating the Palace with Boba - Boba Fett x F!Reader by: @kaminocasey SFW
Training for Failure - Echo x Reader by: @arctrooper69 SFW
Dincember-December 13: Warm - Din Djarin x Reader by: @dindjarindiaries SFW
25 Days of Life Day 14: Snowball Fight with Din Djarin - Din Djarin x Reader by: @kaminocasey NSFW
Loverboy Part 4 - Echo x Sith!Reader by: @kaminocasey SFW
Bloodied and Bruised - TBB x F!Reader HC`s by: @zoeykallus SFW
Gar Cyare Chapter 9 - Alpha 17 x F!Reader by: @wanderinginksplot SFW
My Sunshine Is Sleeping - Kix x F!Reader by: @arctrooper69 SFW
Cold is the Night - Crosshair x F!Reader Chapter 2 by: @interstellarwraith SFW
Take My Hand - Obi Wan Kenobi x F!Reader by: @princessxkenobi SFW
Dangerous Seduction Imp TBB x F!Reader HCs - Imp!Echo x F!Reader Imp!Hunter by: @zoeykallus NSFW
Dincember 16: Family - Din Djarin x Astra Djarin by: @dindjarindiaries SFW
25 Days of Life Day 17 - Wrapping Gifts for the Corrie Guard with Thire by: @kaminocasey SFW
25 Days of Life Day 16 - Making Mulled Wine with Sinker by: @kaminocasey SFW
Dancing in the Rain - TBB/Cody/Rex X F!Reader by: @zoeykallus Slightly Suggestive
Taglist: @imabeautifulbutterfly@chaoticvampirejedi@hellothere-generalangsty@cyroku@reluctant-mandalore@uponrightful@zinzinina@saradika@galacticgraffiti@ashotofspotchka@dindjarindiaries@dinbeskarbaby@djarrex@djarinsbeskar@rowansparrow@photogirl894@rigelmoonshine@rigel-the-moonstrider@nahoney22@loth-wolffe@neon-junkie@bobafetts-princess@cyarbika@charnelhouse@zoeykallus@kin-rokku@jgvfhl@honestly-shite@here-comes-the-moose@dindjarindiaries@firstofficerwiggles@fictional-men-ruin-lives @ladysongmaster @lozalot @moonstrider9904@lorjukka@m-o-o-n-s-g-o-o-n-s @rain-on-kamino @monako-jinn-stories @middimidoris @wild-karrde @arctrooper69 @eyecandyeoz
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jazzy---j · 2 years
so this is a continuation of the Inner Circle Baby Names list I created, and I wanted to give characterization and details to these characters.
Oryon Rigel Avitas-Archeron: Pt. 1
Oryon Rigel Avitas-Archeron, of the House of Nox, First of his name, The Hunter. Second born son of the High Lord and High Lady of the Night Court. Prince of Velaris and the Night Court.
after Nyx's birth, Feysand (Feyre, specifically) would definitely have some postnatal PTSD, so it would have taken a long time for them to even begin to think about having another kid. it takes them 15 years.
like before it does not take them as long as other fae to become pregnant (probably because most fae are just so inbred that it's harder to conceive, and feyre added new DNA to the gene pool). and it is a smooth pregnancy, smooth birth (as normal and smooth as a pregnancy can be)
Oryon is a very peaceful baby. he just sat and observed the world around him. never fussy. never a handful. just content to be by himself with his thoughts.
he never showed any kind of magical ability either. until his fifth birthday.
waiting for his parents and the rest of his family the finish up on last-minute preparations for his birthday, ironically not much attention was given to him and he managed to leave and wander around the forest near the house.
being outside in nature, always calmed him. whenever he did get fussy as a baby a walk around the gardens of the River House always seemed to stop his cries.
as he walked aimlessly through the trees looking at all the pretty leaves (he was born in October, he's a fall baby), he gets to close to the river edge and he falls straight into The Sidra.
as he is swept down the rushing river, fear overwhelms all of his fae senses and triggers his magic.
his magic conjures a wave that pushes his body over the river bank and to safety. his sobbing and screaming can be heard from inside the house as feyre and rhys rush out to him.
after that trigger, his powers never seem to stop coming. ice from winter, fire from autumn, water from summer, and wind from day. all nature-based magic. seems fitting, doesn't it?
he gets a little night court darkness, and dementi magic but only just enough to be identified as a prince of night. defiantly not enough to be a contender for the throne. and oryon prefers it that way. he's a lover, not a fighter.
he likes the outdoors and spends most of his time in the forest learning about plants, animals, and how to stay alive. he is a real wild child like that.
he does go to Illyria to train but survives in his own way. he completes the rites as a Carthynian by using his survival skills to outmaneuver all the other competitors and made it to the top of the mountain by himself. he is not directly responsible for any death on that mountain.
Oryon is sensitive and does not like unnecessarily to take life, he will if he has to in the name of defending his family, or on a hunt. but he makes sure to hunt respectfully and ethically.
after some anxiety regarding his magic and wild demeanor (bringing all types of animals into the house, even feyre's laidback parenting style was straining) nyx introduced him to archery (to focus his mind and magic) just like feyre did when nyx was young.
he becomes even better than nyx and feyre, and when selena comes along they being practicing together. creating twisted obstacle courses for each other to complete.
Oryon was born with wings without the ability to vanish them. going on night flights with his mother.
in spite of the ease of his birth Feyre and Rhys are a bit overprotective. they especially hate it when he disappears into the woods for hours on end.
Feyre especially. to her, he is her little boy, her little hunter. and she fosters his love for the forest with camping trips and archery lessons.
he does his best to keep the peace in the house and obey the rules. but he sometimes wishes they would lay off him, and trust him to take care of himself.
as an adult he likes his solitude. he lives in a cabin in illyria. surviving off the land.
he visits Velaris as much as he can to do his duty as prince of the city and visit his family.
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periwinkle-picots · 2 years
8 and 24 for the fanfic ask? :)
Hehe, you picked some fun questions! 💖
8. Is there a story idea in your mental vault that you’ve never been brave enough to try writing? Is this the year? Can you tell us about it?
Before I answer this, let me provide a little background info for those who might not be familiar with the recursive fandom my idea takes place in.
Murkybluematter's The Pureblood Pretense (collectively known by fans as The Rigel Black Chronicles) is a fusion of Harry Potter and The Song of the Lioness Quartet where because Tom Riddle became a politician instead of a Dark Lord, Hogwarts only accepts purebloods as students. And so halfblood Harriet Potter decides to switch places with her boy cousin Arcturus "Archie" Black in order to go learn Potions from her idol: Professor Snape. Meanwhile, Archie takes Harry's place at the American Institute of Magic in order to study to become a Healer.
Neither Archie nor Harry (known as Rigel while at school) could have imagined how big of a political firestorm their decision to switch places would create, but us fans have hope that they'll find stars worlds on the other side!
Now that you know a little of the setting, I can tell you of this idea I had back just before RBE4 (Rigel Black Exchange Round 4) that I put up as one of my requests for the exchange.
My idea was for a fic where because the marriage law passed earlier than expected, the Potters decided to flee to the halfblood and muggleborn friendly United States of America in order to protect Addy from getting snatched up in a marriage contract.
But unfortunately for Rigel, the Blacks are unable to follow the Potters to America for reasons (Regulus totally plays a role in those reasons, as does Remus' inability to move to America due to his lycanthropy).
This leads to the ruse becoming permanent, so Rigel has to figure out how to keep her true identity as the Potter Heiress hidden from those who would use her having committed Blood Identity Theft as leverage to trap her into a marriage contract— as additional laws connected to the marriage law would allow for her betrothal to Archie to be dissolved should she be found guilty of the formerly-Azkaban-worthy crime.
Back when I first dropped this idea into the exchange as a request, Laurels and I talked about it in our DMs (I believe she called it heartbreaking?). As we talked about the worldbuilding that this AU would require, it really, really grew on me.
Yet at the same time, this AU has so much potential to get super dark and mega sad.
...which, while intimidating, kind of makes me want to write it more? Unfortunately, I'm certain that this AU will be so very long, and veer so far away from canon that I'd need to figure out changes for at least two full years, if not three. And that's not even going into what Harry's summers would look like, or who will find out about the ruse despite her best efforts to remain hidden beneath the mask of Rigel, or how Archie is going to tell James and Lily that their eldest is stuck pretending to be a pureblood boy back in Britain.
It is a really interesting idea that keeps whispering to me in the dead of night, but I'm not sure if I'm the right person to write it, you know? But it sure would be terrifyingly fun to try.
I'd love to say that this is the year Project PR comes to life, but I'm afraid that would be a little too optimistic of me, given how behind I am on updates for my currently posted WIPs. Still, I can tell you where this AU will diverge from canon: chapter 8 of The Serpentine Subterfuge, on the evening before the students leave for winter break. After all, wouldn't it be nice if Rigel decided to go to bed early that night and just give the twins back their book on the train, instead of going up to the Gryffindor common room and then having to go through the Entrance Hall on her way back to the dungeons? :)
24. By the end of this year, you want your fandom to think of you as “that author who _______.”
"...actually can consistently write short and silly ideas." :facepalmcry:
In all seriousness, though, I'd just like it if the stories I write this year were able to leave their readers feeling happier for having read them. Even if some of my ideas might strengthen V's claims that I love whump. -_^
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thearcanafanfan · 2 years
Apprenticember 5 & 6
DAY 5 
Do they have any other friends outside of canon? What about the minor characters? 
Rigel have a few friends outside of canon. ( Most of those characters belongs to other people~ )
Canon minor characters:
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Rigel appreciate her being honest and straightforward. 
Staying at the palace from time to time, whenever the Satrinavas visits, they would cross path and just talk. He was the one who asked the favour to train him how to be a better fighter physically, if she knows how. They don’t meet often or train as much though, but they do get along well.
Rigel just likes being with people who are direct and blunt at times.
Rigel always enjoys hanging out with Selasi when he can. He likes listening to Selasi talk while eating pumpkin bread. Rigel always been grateful for him, even more when he tried to help out Asra and always being supportive. Overall a good friend to both him and Asra. 
Rigel’s still a little overwhelmed and don’t really know how to act around Asra’s parents but he’s really trying his best. He would help them whenever he can and they would do the same back if Rigel needs it. Aisha and Salim do make it easy to approach them, and Rigel’s appreciates it and would try to adjust quicker. He prefer if Asra’s there than to be alone thought.
Rigel’s aloof childhood friend who have always been there for him. Sigmund helps Rigel out with patrolling in the past, and would fight along side him. More on physical combat while Rigel with magic. They have been close since the beginning but then falls apart after the resurrection. Rigel doesn’t remember him, only a bit. Sigmund is still willing to help out even then.
Now, do they have any rivals? Maybe even a WORST ENEMY!? Spill the deets now!
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Rigel have a lot. Since he interfere with anything dangerous/illegal that’s been going on only at the dead of the night and disappearing without a trace, a lot of thugs and others more are always cautious and more careful now. Especially when Rigel actually got a few members caught and are now in the dungeon under the coliseum.
No one has seen Rigel’s face, but they’re aware of him and will always have a look out to try and capture Rigel. There are some that would follow Rigel during day time, suspecting him. He would notice it right away. It’s easy for him to get out of there. If Asra’s with him, he’ll stand where Asra would be blocked from those people’s sight and get out of there fast while making sure Asra won’t notice too.
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tigertaurus22 · 4 months
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For this AU, I decided to take the canon version of Eclipse and make it so he could switch between his three personalities seamlessly.
He gave himself the name Rigel E. Clipse, keeping to the celestial theme.
While no longer an attendant, as Daycare Manager he is responsible for training any new attendants and making sure things are running smoothly. He wears the jester get-up as part of an act to entertain the toddlers and give the attendants a break.
When night falls and the Daycare closes for the day, he becomes the Chief of Night Security, taking over for Roxanne until dawn.
What you see here is his default form. When he’s in Sun mode, his hair turns blonde and his outfit matches the colors on his right side.
When he’s in Moon mode, his hair turns black and the colors shift to match those on his left. It is no longer determined by the amount of light in any given area. He switches at will.
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nevinslibrary · 6 months
Mystery/Thriller Monday
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In the Retrieval Artists world Humans and various different aliens have a government together, sorta kinda, called the Earth Alliance. But, this isn’t your Federation (or even your Empire or Republic) because one of the terms of these treaties is that if humans are on alien soil, then they are subject to alien laws. One problem with that. Uh… some of those laws make no sense to us humans, and, honestly, are just horrible. Miles Flint is a part of the Moon police who is trying to balance working within the system and solving the cases given to him and his partner, but also while maybe working the system a little too because some of these punishments are very, very wrong.
There was a police procedural murder mystery, and science fiction, and quite a few things to think about when it comes to legality vs. right and wrong too. All of the above pulled me in and didn’t let me go. I think that I’ve read some of Rusch’s media tie ins (she has done both Star Trek and Star Wars) and in this she does just as great with her characters as she’s done with others’ characters.
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