#night lightkin
dragunheart · 1 year
other night fury/light fury/night light kins, reblog with an image of your kinself and i might draw it as a warm up
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stealingyourbones · 1 year
Submitted Prompts #99
Jazz went to Gotham to finish her degree away from her parents, as their obsession with Ghosts started becoming dangerous to everyone. So, of course, she brought Danny with her, so he's also far away from them and the GIW.
Danny held out a whole year without going out on patrol, just establishing his haunt in the new city. Lady Gotham was very happy to be able to show them to their new place, almost giddy that the little King and his Queen Mother have come to live in her beloved city.
Of course, the first time Phantom floats out of his window and into the night, he has a new suit, made of padded black leather, and a fluffy white cape with a hood (imagine the Lightkin Cloak from Destiny2, but snow white, rather than black and grey), along with a facemask engraved with a fanged design. New haunt, new look, and the new look fit right in with the viciousness of Gotham City.
And, as luck would have it, his first Gotham Rogue was Poison Ivy. Thinking back to his fight against Undergrowth, Pantom opened with his ice, forming a double-sided axe to better cleave her vines apart, and locking Ivy herself down with ice.
To further distance himself from his identity as Phantom, in case the GIW somehow became smart at some point, instead of blasting ice like most ghosts fire ectoblasts, Danny asked Pandora for lessons on fighting with weapons, and Frosbite taught his how to channel his element as an aura, or a freezing breath. He even sat down to listen to Nocturne speak as they wove spells and ectoplasm, and the Personification of Dreams softly taught him how to use his powers through objects acting as catalysts, or as manifestations of his will, rather than throwing his affinities around by brute force.
With his new abilities and look, rather than fight like a feral raccoon, Danny took to fighting more like a spellblade, slinging around ice shard and spells to enhance his physical strikes, controlling the pace of a fight to get the upper hand on his enemies.
Suffice to say, Poison Ivy hadn't expected the Avatar of Icy Vengeance to lock her in a pillar of ice up to her neck while her vines withered into frosty sculptures.
Gotham's newest hero got awarded a new name by the news the next day: Ymir, Frozen Progenitor.
Danny thinks it's too pretentious for a random ghost, or random halfa, like him. Joke's on him, the perception of Gotham's people slowly starts empowering him, slowly enough that the only reason he notices his oncoming Ascension to myth as a Protector Spirit is when a terrified kid begs for his help, and he hears them loud and clear out of nowhere.
The Bats are confused by this Entity. Constantine stepped one foot in Gotham, felt it's cleaner air, the sharp bite of ice in his nose and lungs, and the overwhelming pressure of the new Godling training under Gotham herself to control his new powers, and ran out screaming about not getting paid enough to deal with divine beings. Zatanna is trying to contact Ymir to ask them to join the Justice League Dark.
Jason is vibing with the tall redhead Amazon he's met at Babs' library, and her feral little brother who cured his Pit Rage by biting his arm when they first met. One time Jason is in a pinch after a stakeout gone wrong, Bellona (Ancient Roman Goddess of War) takes the fight to his captors to free him, dressed in golden armor and wielding a spear Pandora and Firght Knight made for her. Nocturne and her brother worked together to imbue a spell into her back to give her wings she can use to fly or fight with. The fact it left a badass tattoo on her back, is just another way Jazz rebels against her parents. It also has Jason weak in the knees when he first sees it.
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Hi, I recently found out that I'm either a nightlght or lightfury, how does one correctly figure out which one it is? /genq
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An interesting question that most who are trying to identify their kintypes ask either themselves or others and really, the best thing I can tell you is this. Patience.
The waiting game can be frustrating, but it's important not to jump the gun on self-discovery. Take your time because this journey isn't about getting from Point A to Point B. It's about the journey itself and you, nor I, nor anyone else will probably ever see "Point B" because that's not how life works and that's the best part about it. There is no "final point" because you will always be discovering new things about yourself and this is true to your kintypes as well.
So while you listen to your inner self and let things settle naturally until you can really "see yourself" and which kintype you are, there are some things you can do that may help.
Watch/indulge in things that include the kintypes you are "kinsidering" such as School Of Dragons where you can actually ride (or hide your human avatar and pretend to be the dragon itself because that's what I do to better connect", tach the movies/series, ect.
If you're an artist, maybe draw yourself as these possible kintypes and see if something "feels right" and work with that.
Look at other people's works as well that involve the possible kintypes.
Basically, anything that can help you see if something is feeling right/familiar/true to yourself. Just remember to try to separate what is actually "you" with what might just be projection or a fondness of a thing.
Then there's always meditation, dream work, ect, but I'm not good with those so I'm afraid I can't offer much in terms of that. If anyone else has any other suggestions to help Anon find their kintype, feel free to leave them in the replies.
Otherwise, just be patient with yourself and really ask yourself some deep, inner questions. Try to imagine what you look like, try to imagine how you act, try to imagine 'you'.
Good luck!
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causticchaos · 3 years
The Longest Night, Pt. 1
It had been two full days since the attack.
The Eliksni quarters were left in ruins.
Their Ether tanks, smashed. Their sigils, defaced. Their flag, their symbol of hope for the future, torn.
A Titan, clad in armor provided by the Eliksni themselves as a gesture of good faith, gifted to him with the utterance of "Lightkin", leaned against a crumbled wall, fiddling with his hand cannon for what must have been the hundredth time for the last two days. The Eliksni knew Guardians were a force to be feared, but even they began to worry about the Titan who hadn't left what he was calling his post.
At first, they were worried he was there to threaten. To make them uncomfortable. His silence was overwhelming. But as the children often do, they became curious, and approached him. As the elders watched with baited breath, he knelt down, and showed the children his Ghost. It greeted them, and offered to play games of tag, and hide and seek with the children. After that, there was no doubt that this goliath was a friend.
Since he'd arrived, the elders would occasionally offer him snacks, or water. What little they had, they were willing to share. When they did, he would often pause, then shake his head. A couple of them would swear they could hear his breath catch.
Appearing in a shimmer of light, another Guardian seemed to materialize out of thin air, leaving a trail of golden dust and light behind her. A Hunter, this one was much closer to the height of the average Eliksni. Not as bulky, or tall, she seemed to move with a smooth grace the Titan couldn't, or wouldn't, emulate. Her clothes were soft fabrics that didn't make any noise as she sauntered into the light. Colorful, sleek, but her movements told that if she didn't want you to see her, you likely wouldn't. She looked around and waved enthusiastically to the onlookers, who waved back hesitantly, before trotting up to the Titan immediately upon spotting him.
"Always the last place you look. Purpose and I have been looking for you everywhere. When you left our Fireteam immediately after we came and saw the damage, we assumed you'd left to go track down who did it. It wasn't until Misraax called Ikora and mentioned a mute Titan did we even think to come out here."
The Titan's pose changed, and he scuffed his foot on the ground. He seemed embarrassed by the exchange, and produced his Ghost. The little floating eye manifested over his hand, it's neon shell spinning as it chittered mechanically, looking up at the Hunter and raising up to meet her eyes. It's voice was very nearly human, but sounded as though it were being fed through a voice modulator.
"Oh, Morgana! I told him you and Purpose-17 would be looking for him. But you know how he gets when he's upset."
The Hunter clicked her tongue. "You mean, quiet and sulky, as per usual, but with the added flavor of "Radio silence" for his friends? Y'know, the people who could probably help calm him down and help lift his spirits?"
The Titan definitely looked embarrassed now.
"Yes, that. Would you help me convince him to take a break? He's been here for two days, and I can bring him back to life, but I can't help him with exhaustion."
Morgana's helmet was aimed directly at the Titan. The watchers could almost feel the burn of her eyes staring a hole through the Titan's visor, and into his skull. The Titan tried desperately to pretend his shoes were suddenly fascinating.
"Excuse me? He's done WHAT?! Has he even sat down for a nap?!"
"Oh, he sat down alright, but as soon as he almost nodded off he stood up and started PACING."
The Hunter's voice dropped low, and dangerous. The Eliksni could barely hear what she said next, until her volume suddenly shot back up.
"-ASS BACK TO THE TOWER SO YOU CAN SLEEP I WILL SHOVE MY FOOT SO FAR UP YOUR-" suddenly, Morgana seemed to become aware that they had an audience. She turned to look at the Eliksni watching, and her helmet seemed to melt into light and fall away from her head, revealing the soft purple hues of her Awoken skin, and her best disarming smile.
"I'm so, so sorry about him. He's a bit of a dummy, but his hearts in the right place. Especially when he forgets that his Fireteam would probably be willing to HELP HIM keep watch if he'd only stop and think to ASK, now wouldn't they?"
As soon as she mentioned the Fireteam, the Titan's shoulders dropped. As her question continued, his posture became increasingly sheepish. She shot a quick glare at him, and he nodded, rubbing the top of his helmet and sighing.
"Oh, before you go, Ikora wanted to see you. She mentioned she may have a fix for your helmet... Issue."
The Ghost flickered and bubbled for a moment, a small mechanical chittering noise eminating from it before it excitedly spun it's shell.
"She can get it off, and fix the communicator? So I won't be the only one who can hear him talking anymore?"
"Yeah, finally. I know Ikora and Zavala are busy people, but come on. How hard is it to fix a little Golden Age tech? AND SPEAKING OF, WHAT KIND OF-" Morgana takes a deep breath, and counts to ten before looking at the Titan. "What kinda dingus finds a mysterious helmet, abandoned in an old research facility and just... Slams it on his head?! If you'd just waited to the Cryptarch to take a look at it, you'd never have had gotten it stuck in the first place! Now shoo! Off to bed with you. I'm taking over. Purpose will come replace me when I need rest, but he's checking up on something. Apparently Lakshmi and Osiris have both gone missing, and they were last seen together. That can't be good for anyone."
The Titan nodded solemnly, stretching and turning to leave. Morgana knew it was most likely a figment of her imagination, with his communicator broken, but she could swear she heard a voice say "Be safe. Call if you need us." But then, she wasn't the only person who could swear they could hear him talking, either.
The Hunter posted up atop the wall the Titan had been leaning on. The children were much quicker to approach her, and she, according to them, told some of the best stories. The children laughed, and as she talked with them, the crowd of onlookers steadily got closer, until everyone was huddled together, telling stories and laughing together.
Misraax stood alongside a Warlock in robes resembling royalty. The robed figure's helmet's odd visor, filled with swirling smoke that changed color adding a low glow to the scene. He stood with a confidence that spoke of experience. Their perch on the third floor of a dilapidated building allowed them to watch the goings-on without much notice, as they quietly exchanged words.
Misraax seemed troubled.
"Couldn't find them? Are they simply gone?"
"I don't know, Misraax. But I have no idea where Osiris has gone, and for that matter, where Lakshmi is. Even my Future Cult contacts wouldn't, or couldn't, tell me."
"That... Is troubling." The large Eliksni shifted uncomfortably. "We've tried so hard to make our entry as peaceful, and quiet, as possible. We've made ourselves small, to make it as painless as possible for your people. The few of you who welcome us have been... Refreshing."
"I don't doubt it. The three of us had a lot of difficulty getting along with Saint-14, and even some of our fellow Guardians after our last few meetings. More than once we've had to remind them of Ikora's orders to treat you as our own."
"I do not expect an immediate shift, Warlock. Your kind and mine have been at odds for so long. But we are not the Old Houses. We are House Light. And we will do what we must to ensure the people of the Last City know we are friends. I just hope it is not too much. My people don't have much else to lose. I would not see them lose the little they have left."
"Nor would I, Misraax. Nor would I. We're far from the only Guardians to feel this way, but we are the closest to ground zero, as it were. So, if you ever find yourself in need, don't hesitate to call for us, alright? We'll get the message, and be there in a flash, if we can help it."
"Your words bring me peace of mind, Guardian. And somehow, I believe you mean them. Your sincerity and assistance have been noticed by the people. I only hope you know how grateful we all are for you three."
"The safety of your people is our top priority, Misraax. I have to go, but one of us will always be here in the Eliksni quarters until we can be sure things settle down. Don't hesitate to call us, okay?"
"Thank you, Guardian. May you walk in the Light."
"May you walk in the Light, Misraax."
The Warlock and Misraax turned away from each other, curtains of light letting them slide out of reality for a moment. The air hung heavy where the two had spoken, while down below, it was light, and filled with laughter and joy. The night was cool and long, the starless night sky's oppressive pressure felt lighter, for a time. The light of the city seemed to push back against the darkness, standing in defiance of the ongoing attack on the city.
The Guardians were intent on making sure the people of the city knew their job now extended to the newcomers. The Eliksni were welcome, and if the Guardians had to protect them, they would do so with the same fervor that they protected the rest of the city. Unfortunately, it wouldn't be long until the Guardians would be put to the test.
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yourladyindank · 4 years
You so pressed sis is it cause that McDonalds job ain't keeping them bills paid? You acting like every other Mchoodrat and you look miserable girl please exit center stage left. Get your lightkinned ass into some therapy and realized you fucked up your on life wasting it on your PhD that's clearly not helping you break down and be a teacher that is all. Xoxo Bannedandblackinaction.
I work as a teaching assistant at a university
But it’s cute you wanna message me so so bad
You wanna tuck me in? Give me little kisses?
And you pointing out my race just proves your ass is pressed and racist. This wasn’t ever about race. Disgusting.
Die mad. 🤙 I’ve got wine to drink and an early 3 year anniversary night to consummate ;)
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breakneckpeixe · 3 years
Peixe, have you ever had drinks with eliksni before?
"So, I managed to sneak into the Empty Tank once. I used a cloak and my Lightkin armor, and don't ask how I hid my scent. Trust me, you don't wanna know. Anyway, I actually managed to grab a few drinks and relax before someone figured me out. I'd been talking with a dreg and I tried to let her go, but she kept stabbing me. Went home sad that night. Drunk, but sad. Hm. Someone should open a bar at the Eliksni Quarters."
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