undekoo · 2 months
Mothku yes!!1!1 yes!!
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dragonlapis · 2 years
The fate of this magical girl rest in your hands..
I thought this would be fun little thing to do..remember not to take it seriously
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dogfogcoggg · 2 years
staying up late just to see what ittl do to my mental health. come yell at me in room three normal transformice
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worldofgoo · 1 year
spent homestuck day taking a fat nap
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unsinkable-thinkables · 3 months
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troughtonmedia · 1 year
It's our 4th try at this thing check it out
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ice-cube13 · 7 months
erm erm request if you want it
STARS Chrisker mayhaps? I like the whole fanon that Chris isn’t really a “showing feelings by talking” guy but more of a “showing feelings by actions” guy
so idk maybe Wesker pulled an all nigher working for Umbrella and Chris just kinda knows and sneaks into Wesker’s office with coffee and a breakfast bagel and sneaks back out before Wesker can yell at him
idk I think it’s a cute idea 🤷‍♀️
I think Chris is both! He'd tell Wesker how much he loves him AND show it with his actions.
Also...I learned one point perspective for this(by watching a 10 min video lmao), just wanted to try drawing a room/background for once. I was thinking about simply coloring it too but was distracted with other ideas...
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"You seemed tired."
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lovelykil · 1 year
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「 All Nighter 」
main 4 x reader older ver.
cw; silly 😭😭
note; someone requested this and I am here to deliver, also this is what I would see with the main 4 lacking slumber from an all nighter... chaotic
Your eyes hung low, blinking slowly.
Kyle's eyes twitched, his hair in a mess looking like he was going insane.
Cartman fell onto Kyle's shoulder closing his eyes to rest but then opening them back up and shook his head awake.
Stan was spiraled out on the ground, his eyes looking up at the white ceiling in thought soon letting his eyelids close on their own while Kenny read through a playboy magazine, laying down with one leg over his knee 'oohing' every once in a while with a flip of a page.
It was around 3 and it looked like 2 or maybe 3 people were going to throw in the towel.
"Cartman stop laying on me."
"I'm not even laying on y‐"
"Yes you are quit it and go sit somewhere else!" Kyle poked Eric's shirt with a harsh tone. Fighting the urge to get some sleep in was making him crankier than ever.
You rubbed your face chuckling a bit, "Yall all are like an old couple fighting all the time." You snickered, sitting up on your bed. The two looked at you almost like you were insane.
Kyle just rolled his eyes as Cartman folded his arms.
"He started it."
"No fuck you, you did."
"Nuh uh."
"Yeah huh."
"Nuh u-"
The ginger groaned out loud having enough, he pushed Eric away from him causing him to tumble off the small bed.
He crashed to the ground with a thud that was so loud it immediately made Stan wake up from the noise and the floor shifting some bit.
"YOU started IT FATASS"
"What the HELL WAS THAT?"
"BAHAHAAH" the sound of cartman hitting the floor so rough made you burst out laughing to the point where you couldn't breath, curling up into a ball as your stomach ached.
Lord the lack of sleep was really getting to you lmafo (me)
"WHYD YOU PUSH ME ASSHOLE?" Cartman picked himself up, standing infront of Kyle. Kyle explained himself yelling at the fatass which made Eric yell back pointing his finger in his face. They both went back and forth, using the last of of their energy to bitch at each other.
You rolled around in your bed holding onto your stomach for dear life hollering for help.
Stan rubbed his eyes, groaning from all the rucks, he gave up on the all nighter challenge and just deciding to crash but now he wanted to leave your house and sleep on the street than deal with this shit.
With tears in your eyes you pleaded to Stan for help, Kenny was quite literally in his own world at this point being so unbothered by what was happening behind him.
"Oh my god.. Y/n stop laughing please."
"I AMM-... FUCKING.. TRY- INGGG HELP MEEE PLEASE." Stan watched as you held out your hand for him to grab. He looked at your hand then at you.
Blinking slowly, his movements slow and tired.
"goodnight, I'm sleeping in your bathroom. Kenny wanna come?" Stan walked passed Kenny, his hand motioning him to follow along. Kenny shrugged, getting up to follow the emo with the magazine in his hands.
"I call tub!"
"What? no I want the tub."
"I called dibs on it first though." Kenny ran passed Stan to reach the bathroom first. Stan ran after him after standing still from shock.
"You are such a LIAR, FUCK YOU"
Eric and Kyle began to swing hands on each other now, the both of them standing up then falling onto the floor together.
You gripped your stomach, dying on your bed with tears trickling down your nose and onto the sheets.
"LORDD I'm gonna die here on this BEDDD"
Lesson learned you should NEVER have another all nigher sleepover with these 4 IDIOTS
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ghostflowerhotpotch · 10 months
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Okay, wait a minute, wait a minute.
We know why it may had been the last one, but Gwen isn't suppose to know that; what she planning to actually leave before the whole fallout? Was she packing clothes for that?
...I didn't think I would get more questions before reading this script but here we are.
Now I want to pull an all-nigher and study like today is Simchat Torah.
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theficblog · 2 years
HEARTS [chapter one]
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Pairing: Jeno x Reader [ ft. Jaemin, Haechan, Chenle, Renjun ]
Prologue: Jeno is just another friend, is all that you have been thinking, denying your feelings. It’s better to shut the emotions of the heart than to lose him. What happens when he learns a secret?
Genre: Friends with Benefits AU + Suggestive + Fluff + Angst 
Wordcount: 2,547
Warnings: Suggestive Content [ rough + angry sex + nudity + biting + making out + moaning ] Language
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And perhaps falling off a bridge would hurt lesser than falling for a friend. Your head and your heart would ultimately be confused and conflicted by an enigmatic companion. - The morning was unconcerned with the impending alarms, the warm yellow rays of the sun rising above the horizon were concealed by the heavy black curtains. An aura of sloth, sultriness, and wilderness floated in the room like the aroma of a freshly baked cake. The only source of light was the mood lamp that had been projecting the same seductive crimson and tuscany hues since the previous night.
Jeno hovered over you, placing kisses as he worked his hips just right. You gripped his face with your hands, soaking up every pleasure he gave you. It felt as though the world was dying since the two of you had been going about this business for so long and the only thing on your minds was getting each other to scream and react physically. You were familiar with every inch of his body like a road map that you had memorised, and you were also aware of the vital spots where even a light touch from your flesh would send him into a fit. Jeno was skilled in the same domain.
"How the fuck did you manage to cover me in so many hickeys?" Jeno voiced as he rolled over his side, engulfing you in his arms as he nuzzled his face into yours.
"I don't even like biting but there's something about you, I can't control myself." You replied, letting out soft moans as he brushed his fingers against your naked body.
"Why is it so soft?" He gushed, bringing himself nigher. He started to place kisses all over your bare arm.
"You really like my moisturizer, huh?" You made a joke, which caused the boy to giggle softly yet deeply.
The alarm went off, signalling it was too late and better for you to be out of bed. Yet, it was difficult to come out of the dreaminess of addictive acts with Jeno.
"You ought to go." He twisted his legs around yours and tightened the grasp after hearing what you said, which made him pout.
"Can we not just stay like this? I love it so much." Jeno tried his best to earn a yes from you but even after domestic dynamics between the two of you, what you had with him was still not bound by any official terms of a relationship.
"Lee Jeno, think of skipping one more class and you're dead meat." You declared, pushing him away by the chest. He finally got up, his back offered you a spectacular view as he put on his hoodie. He was hot.
The classes began as usual. The vibe of the weekend could be felt and seen on everyone's faces as they walked towards their lecture halls. College was about to end soon, unlike the day that would turn out to be a long one. 
Jeno came sprinting from behind, tapping you on the shoulder. "Lend me the notes from the past week. What did we do?"
You handed him a folder as you both kept walking. "Only if they taught football." He thanked you. 
"Even if they did you'd barely come to class." You commented as you took his hand in his. He wore a plain blue shirt over a white tee and that was enough for the rest of the onlookers to feel jealous of you. 
Business Majors was as dull as it sounded.
Where had the last three years gone? It would sound cliche to anyone but it in fact did feel like yesterday that you bumped into this athletic guy, the exchange of glances and phone numbers gradually led to things heating up between you. Matters started to range from baseball games to bedrooms.
But who was Jeno? A lover? A friend? An acquaintance? That's the complicated part. Friends with benefits. 
What everybody else thought was contrasting. For them, you two were the hottest couple on the campus. After all, you did everything a couple would do and the best thing to do when unfounded rumours keep coming up like a creeper is to ignore them and take pleasure in the drama.
"Had you been three minutes late I could've won a new pair of headphones?" A young boy who had donned a red jacket with fluffy brown hair, seated right in front of your row cried.
"Don't you already have more than enough?" You questioned seating yourself and placing your supplies on the desk.
"Renjun, explain." He elbowed the other one beside him.
"He made a bet. Lost again, of course." Another boy in yellow explained. He didn't seem to be in the mood to skip the lecture and squander it engaging in the gossip and petty bickering that you and your friend loved.
"Haechan! Grow up!" You jokingly hit his head.
"Over there!" With a harshness in his voice, the professor snapped his fingers. "Lee Jeno! Explain this." He called him out as he pointed toward a phrase on the screen.
Jeno, who was seated to your right, glanced at you momentarily in an attempt to pick up a cue, but the timing didn't seem appropriate.
"This.." He began. "I kind of don't know." He earned a roar of laughter from the rest of the class, every single one of them but you.
"Out!" The professor shouted, his brows wrinkled.
You turned to face Jeno once more, this time with worry reflected in your eyes, but he did the exact opposite of what you expected. He gave you a wink and grinned as he slung his empty backpack over his shoulder and exited the hallway regretlessly.
This made you think about the Jeno you met three years ago, he wasn't at the top of the class, but he did secure one of the highest grades, never missed a class, and turned in assignments on time but that only lasted for a semester or two. It was like slow poison, it would start to spread slowly and gradually, taking its time in the best way possible until one day would come and everything would cease. Serene yet explosive.
This was what had you concerned.
There were other occasions when people criticised you, saying that you were ultimately responsible for doing this to a sincere young man like him, that you were taking advantage of him, and that it was not for the talks, but the fact that they did, in fact, ring true to you was onerous. 
Given your social and financial status, you didn't think much of college and didn't care if you passed or not. If you fished a decent job placement or not. If your professors liked you or not and this was what had been going on ever since you could recall memories, things that appeared to be a hard-earned necessity to others were insignificant to you.  There were a dozen more methods, good or evil, to do things, and if you didn't succeed, your family would step in and fix them for you. This was how life went by; the only reason you went to this esteemed university was to have it documented on a piece of writing that you put some work into. Worse things may be anticipated in a society where paper was valued more highly than the human conscience. Money was paper, after all, it sure was different from the other kind of knowledge-stuffed papers the others applied with, but well, it was paper and your family did not mind spending racks to fit you into an image that was not yours.
"Y/N? The class got over ten minutes ago." Haechan attracted your attention by abruptly waving his hand in front of your eyes.
"Oh, yeah." You murmured. 
"This is why they say people go crazy in love." He commented.
"Shut the fuck up!" You were annoyed. Picking up your bag, you left the class, still in deep thought.
Life did not make any sense at that point and your heart was not helping either, you were a walking puzzle.
Love was not what you two shared.
Together, you did spend days and nights. Every time someone else looked at him, you grew envious, and Jeno too. You'll never forget how he pouted whenever you spent time with someone who wasn't him. There was a natural sense of belonging that you two had developed for one another, but perhaps that's what friends did. Every time Haechan brought in new acquaintances, you did experience jealousy; it wasn't as strong or as intense, but it was enough to persuade your heart. Only if hearts came equipped with remote controls would the world be a simpler place to live.
The one time you could not control your heart was when you told Jeno you loved him, drunk.
"I love you too, Y/N~" He replied back, not even in a sense of distinguishing colours or shapes, let alone feelings.
Because you were certain Jeno had no memory of it, and because you knew it would be terrifying to dig out the dead, you gave up trying to think about that time. Losing a friend as valuable as he was was not on your list because the only ghosting that could occur was from his end to yours.
This took you back to another night in your bed. You and Jeno were cuddled up, wrapped in blankets as he laid his head on your tummy, trying to watch Netflix but the only thing you could ever do was smile at each other's face, for no reason whatsoever.
"What?" You giggled, interlocking his hair in your fingers, trying to focus on the screen projected in the front.
"Can't I just stare at my-" He cut the sentence halfway, turning his face away to the movie. A scene of love confession was going on, the two main leads were oblivious, still in a denial, and you could swear that watching porn instead of that would have been way easier for you.
At least five times, if not more, Jeno looked up at you in the hope that you would say something, but you chose to ignore him like life troubles, as if they went away with your ignorance. And wasn't romance trouble too? You thought to yourself. No matter how bad you wanted Jeno, the more you thought of confessing, the more you denied your feelings.
No, it would still not count as love.
"Be careful where you go!" Someone's screams jolted you back to reality. "I'm sorry." You walked away.
"Y/N!" You turned your head toward the source, Jeno. He was already outside, waiting for you.
"Here!" He shouted.
You began to move in the direction of the blanket, pillows, and woven basket of food that he had already spread out on the floor.
He patted on a spot, asking you to take a seat.
"Jeno, this is a study date." You asserted while raising one of the soft pastel green pillows loaded with fur.
"Because of the way the brain functions, we need to get some rest before engaging in any kind of mental training." He laughed.
"How do you plan to sleep here, it's 11 am?" You pushed him away, laying beside him.
"Hmm because you kept me from getting any sleep last night." Right near to your ear, he whispered.
"I could say the same." You exhaled.
"Yo! Lovebirds, and then you guys say you are not in love." You cocked your head to the side only to see Chenle.
"Come, sit." You said getting up.
"I'm in a rush, Jeno I needed you to help me." He declared.
"With?" You questioned.
"You already forgot? Do you need a second invitation?" Chenle teased you while you were still confused.
"I told you I'm throwing a party tonight, nothing too fancy." 
"Will there be booze?" Haechan jumped into the scene, startling you. 
"Everything, Jeno!" He pulled him by the arm until he succeeded in taking him away.
"Hmmm." Haechan hummed.
"What now?" You questioned.
"I don't know what kind of kinks you have but sleeping under the open sky here at the campus is definitely a bad idea." The only thing holding him up was his elbow, he said as he laid down.
"You don't get to speak crude things just because you're single." You flicked at his forehead.
"You are also single." He was obviously on something today since everything he said struck you right in the heart; if it weren't for the luxury of being your closest friend, he may have gotten into trouble.
"Whatever." You shrugged him off.
You were in your room later that evening, contemplating what to wear to the party. Other significant life decisions were open questions for someone who struggled to make decisions about their clothing.
You saw a text from your mother when the phone's alerts appeared, but you chose to ignore it. Knowing what it would be, the wisest course of action was to ignore it once again.
Haechan also phoned, but because you were adamant that nothing would spoil this evening and Jeno was on the way, the two of you chose to go together.
KNOCK KNOCK! The door signalled a visitor, your favourite one.
"Jaemin Na—who the hell is he?" Before you could even see Jeno's face, he hissed. You were taken aback. How did he know about him? You never told him, did you?
"What- who told yo- Jeno what?" You sounded muddled.
"Come inside, let's sit down and speak about it." You suggested it after noticing the others in the hallway, and he stepped in.
"Who is he?" Jeno was tearing up, gripping you by your arms. Meanwhile, you thought of a thousand different excuses. There was no way you wanted Jeno to know who Jaemin was. 
He was sobbing when you glanced up, but he was in a subtle rage. Why? Not as if he was yours. The two of you had nothing official, only lingering feelings and this would be the complete opposite of whatever was, and would happen between you and Jaemin.
You kissed Jeno impulsively, not knowing what else to do. And he kissed you back, roughly.
Two bodies breathing heavily, crying, yet never breaking the tongue contact. You were so mad at him, and surely he felt the same.
You pushed Jeno onto the bed, his eyes never meeting yours as you straddled him, sitting on his lap, forcing him to lay on his back.
"This is all because of you." He grunted.
"Oh, so now you are going to say this too?" You bit his neck, earning a groan from him. His hands rushed up and down your waist all the way back.
You ripped apart his black shirt, and moments later his pants met with the same fate. 
You kissed and bit every part of his body like some bloodthirsty vampire, with zero control over yourself. The bed was a weird mix of fluids, including the sweat from the heat and the tears from the pain. Maybe they were right when they said sex was a great escape mechanism. 
"Fuck you!" Jeno cursed, you had not seen him like this anytime before.
"You literally will." 
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nouearth · 2 months
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new theme is finally up and running! i've finally put my design degree to use (don't judge, i swear i'm actually good at what i do) and designed my own assets, LOL (thank you to cafekitsune for holding the fort down).
i'm... kinda in love with it. not kinda. REALLY in love with it. something about the green and pink together just makes my soul so happy.
i should be sleeping as it's currently 7 am as i'm about to post this, but pulling an all-nigher and working on this was worth it! a few of the navigation pages had a little overhaul, but not much! 🤩
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stormblessed95 · 2 months
Wouldn't be surprised if they pulled another all nigher like they pull many times like ITS and ITS2.
I wish I could accommodate my schedule to sleep from like 4am till 10 or 11. That would work perfectly for me actually 😂
Honestly though, when DO they sleep, and I just know they could always use more of it 😂
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dogfogcoggg · 2 years
hour 6: all iknow is mice. OMG WHAT IS THAT....
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ever-leaf · 6 months
i am very eepy
i pulled an all nigher lol. imma sleep now gn
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[id: a light green slugcat is sleeping while lying on his back. end id]
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ashesmemes · 2 months
Sentence starters using lyrics from songs I enjoy #7
Feel free to change words as needed, and remember to specify the muse for multimuses!
"Your soul is connected to the world you're in."
"Your sick and sinful lives will build a funeral pyre."
"I've seen the end is nigh, and damnation's nigher!"
"There will always be worse days, but I'm not sure if I can carry you."
"Oh you will never, ever stop me, 'cause I'm never gonna quit."
"I saw beauty, spat in its eye. I saw the light, and all it saw was my phlegm."
"I just wanted to rage, but all I got was tired."
"I ran away from the security guard because secrity guards dishearten me."
"Well, I'll find every sick fuck I can and I'll make them a deal."
"You show me how to see that nothing is whole and nothing is broken."
"Just a moment, dear, I hear someone at the door."
"Save yourself, I am far beyond repair."
"They're shooting the wolves from helicopters- can you believe that?"
"It won't be the witches that are burning this time!"
"The time has come for you to face your darkest fears."
"Don't let moments pass along and waste before your eyes."
"I wasn't missed or mourned, my body never found."
"They say the devil you know is better than the devil you don't."
"Oh, you're a big shot here, but nobody else knows."
"I can tell who's fault it's gonna be."
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distortedidentity · 14 days
I accidentally stayed up til 5am... I really wanted to finish my tasks. Do I go to bed and best case scenario, wake up at 10 with only 5 hours sleep? Or, worst case scenario (and most likely), waste my entire day oversleeping into the afternoon? Or do I just pull an all nigher
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