#nieré posts
nintenderniere · 3 years
Cody hating Anakin is such a broke take lmao. Actually Cody loves Anakin and he and Obi-Wan are both his dads <33 no I will not be elaborating
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nintenderniere · 3 years
Do you think Obi-Wan ever felt at his and Anakin’s severed force bond? What if he did and he actually somehow managed to communicate with Darth Vader on complete accident
Obi-Wan: ...
Darth Vader: ...
Obi-Wan: ...that wasn’t supposed to work-
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nintenderniere · 3 years
As much as I love short Obi-Wan posts I can’t help but think that- Obi-Wan isn’t even short, everybody around him is just abnormally tall
Padawan!Obi-Wan: Master, please, I understand that the negotiations are short and that if we don’t hurry up they’re going to end without us but you must take into consideration my teeny tiny legs. Compared to you I am an ant. I cannot keep up with you. When you find yourself running ahead please remember to take my itty bitty legs into account. You fucking mammoth.
Qui-Gon: oh for force sake Obi-Wan we don’t have time for this just put on a pair of roller skates and hang onto my sleeves as tight as you can we need to go
Obi-Wan, more then ten years later, struggling to keep up with Anakin: oh no not good, not again
Obi-Wan, twenty more years later, facing off against Vader on the Death Star: *tilting his head straight up to look him in the eyes* okay I think this is getting quite a bit out of hand
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nintenderniere · 3 years
I love rexwalker because it’s literally just that one troubled birds quote, y’know the one
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nintenderniere · 3 years
Obi-Wan, throwing off his outer robe and turning on his lightsaber, a fuck-around-and-find-out smirk on his face as he rushes into battle:
Padawan! Anakin, running up and picking up Obi-Wan’s robe, already carrying 8 other articles of clothing: NOTHINGS EVEN HAPPENED YET GOD DAMN IT
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nintenderniere · 3 years
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Star Wars: The Clone Wars (movie) + letterboxed reviews
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nintenderniere · 3 years
By far the best headcannon I ever created was that everybody from Tatooine has a Russian accent
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nintenderniere · 3 years
The original trilogy but Vader sends Luke letters to try and get him to join him.
Dear Son,
Hello dear one, how have you been? It's me, your father, Darth Vader. I hope you're in good care, and that Artoo hasn’t convinced you to destroy an empire station yet.
You left quite suddenly during our last conversation, which is really a shame because we have a good lot of things to talk about, like you joining me and ruling the galaxy, and destroying all the lies my decrepit former master placed in your mind. I would have appreciated it if you hadn't jumped on bespin so that we could be having this conversation in person, but rest assured I forgive you, young one.
Have you eaten today? The future imperial prince needs to be healthy, because that's what you are, the future prince to my new empire. You should come with me actually, so that we can finally be a family
I‘m eager to hear your response
Your dad, Darth Vader
P.S : I am truly sorry about your hand, but to be fair you attacked me first. Your smuggler friend says hi by the way
Dear Father,
Fuck off <3
- Luke
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nintenderniere · 3 years
So I was listening to Hard Boy by Frawley the other day, and that eventually led me to that one scene in ROTS. You know, that one where Anakin swings Obi-Wan over his shoulders after the Dooku fight? Yeah well for a while I didn’t actually know the context of that scene so I just assumed it was a guy carrying his bro back home after he had too much to drink or something, and with the context and with Obi-Wan’s whole drinking issue that somebody should really do something about, it just...seemed like something that probably happened before.
I just can’t get the image of Padawan Anakin, age 16, angrily stomping into a bar at like 5 in the morning, and just- slinging his master over his shoulders and storming out again because Obi-Wan called him, a drunk blubbering mess, asking for Anakin to pick him up because he can trust Anakin to always be there to pick him up when he has a moment of weakness and breaks and he lets himself go, and even if Anakin threatens not too, threatens to leave him in a dumpster in a bar alleyway Obi-Wan knows he wouldn’t do that. Also Obi-Wan is Anakin’s master and if Anakin ever actually did leave Obi-Wan in a dumpster he probably wouldn’t ever be knighted in his life.
And Anakin tell’s Obi-Wan that this can’t keep happening, that one day Anakin won’t be there anymore to cover Obi-Wan’s ass and pick him up at at a moments notice, and Obi-Wan brushes him off because Anakin will always be there. Obi-Wan drunkenly slings an arm around Anakin’s neck and says where there is Kenobi there will always be Skywalker is such a loving way that only an incredibly drunk man can achieve. And for the most part he’s right. Anakin’s still slinging Obi-Wan over his shoulders during the clone wars, long after he’s been knighted and they shouldn’t be this close to each other, although Anakin definitely only does it just so that he can see Obi-Wan’s face turn green, just to laugh as his former master desperately tries not to puke in the ship.
And then I thought about Obi-Wan, post order 66, in the Tatooine cantina, 10 years later. Drinking because it’s easier then dealing with the pain. Getting so drunk he doesn’t think as he dials Anakin’s number. Simply listening to Anakin’s voicemail, knowing that his Padawan, the boy he raised, will never pick up the phone again. Obi-Wan, getting up and trekking through the sand, missing Anakin’s wild and terrible driving, for he would’ve taken it, would’ve thrown up a thousand times, just to have him again.
How come you're only calling at five in the morning
Just 'cause you're lonely out in New Orleans
Lucky I picked up, I wasn't busy
One day I will be
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nintenderniere · 3 years
Living for an au where Anakin is actually a well respected and responsible Jedi. He’s Mace Windu’s Padawan, he’s one of the youngest Jedi on the counsel and one of the youngest to be made a Master, he absolutely loves meditation and the stress relief, he probably braids his hair, he’s skilled in vaapad, infact he probably created a whole new form that’s just a combination of Djem So and Vaapad, he’s just all together a very responsible and trustworthy guy, very much a poster boy for the Jedi and he follows the code to a tea. And he wears white. Because I want to make this as uncomfortable as possible.
Meanwhile Obi-Wan’s a full on Sith lord, he is a separatist leader he is full on count Dooku-ing it out here. Infact he probably cut off Anakin’s arm. He is evil he is rocking those yellow eyes and the red lightsaber and the sexy black robes and is LIVING for the dark side. Was he raised as a Sith?? Did he leave the Jedi and become a Sith?? Who knows? Not me, all I know is that he’s really doing the most.
Now even with all this, even with Anakin being this top tier Jedi who probably follows the code like it’s the one thing that’s holy, and even with Obi-Wan being this evil Sith Lord who probably kills babies on the weekend after tea time, they’re still somehow best friends.
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nintenderniere · 3 years
All I want for Christmas is~ a role-reversal for Anakin and Obi-Wan please god I want to see Anakin going back to his birth place to be an edgy hobo who’s also a kickass uncle and I want to see Obi-Wan lose his mind because he somehow became a Sith Lord and he?? Fucking lost to ANAKIN?!? WHO USED HIS OWN FUCKING MOVE ON HIM?? Maul’s never gonna let him live this one down
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nintenderniere · 3 years
There is such a lack of feral Anakin content or at least I can’t find it like where is it. Why can’t I find it anywhere.
This man is a wild animal, he is raw and insane. He was fighting rancors and racing pods at nine running solely on spite and adrenaline junk. He saw a grown man using some weird levitating magic and when that grown man asked him if he wanted to be a space wizard too he said ‘I’m in lemme get u ur shit’ and annihilated other racers into the ground in pure survival of the fittest style and for what?? The good will of his heart?? No please he lived on Tatooine he wanted the thrill. When he’s 20 I refuse to believe he isn’t downing 14 monster energy drinks a day and living off of 4 hours of sleep trying to fight in the Clone Wars. In Revenge of The Sith that man is on his last legs, he’s tired the bags under his eyes are huge he thinks his wife is gonna die when she goes into labour he is functioning off of spite, anger, hate and fear ALONE.
Like I can just SEE him getting captured by a separatist leader only for him to pop up out of nowhere, like completely silent, he’s just suddenly there and it’s like:
Seppie leader: How the actual FUCK did you get out of those chains I cut off your connection to the force
Anakin, who just detached his metal arm and slipped out of his handcuff, then destroyed the other one: Look, see? *shows the seppie his nub of an arm*
Separatist: uhm, yeah what-?
Anakin: I bit my arm off
Separatist: ex-excuse me
Anakin: I ripped my arm off. To kill you.
Separatist: ...
Anakin: pussy. Tis but a scratch.
And the separatist doesn’t think for a moment that ‘hey that arm has obviously been like that for a long time now’ NO that man gets himself out of there so quick. Fuck his plan. The guy he just kidnapped is high off of his rocker and is not afraid of god INFACT god is dead and this man right here actually killed him and he is not sticking around to see how this plays out.
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nintenderniere · 3 years
Who’s your favourite anakin? Is it rat tail Padawan aotc Anakin? Is it mullet anakin? Is it angry crying alone in his room anakin? Is it Darth Vader? Is it samurai jack Anakin? Is it 3D pixel Anakin? I’ll go first, my personal favourites are tiny baby fetus anakin and that one Eldritch version of Anakin from the Vader comics.
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nintenderniere · 3 years
I just think that Anakin’s name should’ve been spelled as Ana-Kin so that it would match Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon is that so bad
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nintenderniere · 3 years
Remember when I complained about all the writing I lost? Yeah this is that <33 pls read it I’ve spent so much time on this story.
Anakin likes to think that he's a decent person, most of the time. He also thinks that he's a perfectly normal guy.
He still thinks that he's decent, but he might have been wrong about the normal part.
Or, Anakin just wants to go to work. Unfortunately, his millennia-year-old lover is very insistent on being a part of his reincarnated darling’s life, even if he's human now.
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nintenderniere · 3 years
I love this fandoms relationship with Obi-Wan. Most people are worshipping the ground he walks on like he’s the most incredible and well written character to have ever popped out of George Lucas’, no, the entire galaxies head, and then I’ll stumble upon somebody who doesn’t like him/doesn’t care about him/despises him with a burning passion and I’m like whoa 😳, forgot you guys existed for a sec there <33
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