#nidus and helminth
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maybebovinity · 3 months ago
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Day 6: Sleigh
Nidus delivering a small gift to the Helmnith
I also just wanted an excuse to draw Nidus on his hands and knees. I need this man in a constant state of submissive and breedable
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wolfoflua · 1 year ago
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look at my warframe and say that again Helminth
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alteredsilicone · 1 year ago
Idk if you ever mentioned this, so imma ask: What would Viri's and Loid's dynamic be? How would they interact with one another? What are her thoughts on the Cavia? Does she have any overall opinion on the Murmur, Albrechts Labs,The Vessels, etc? Also, what's her opinion on Kalymos?
I'm pretty sure the most I've talked about the new content-adjacent things is just how Viri ended up being the Chosen Operator due to Wally targeting specifically her!
Viri and Loid - she didn't particularly enjoy being called a deserter, but it's not like Loid is privy to her sad and tragic backstory and how she was brainwashed into servitude. Viri has experience mediating with cranky people so she mostly let Loid lead her from task A to task B while watching out for his emotional reactions to the Indifference. Once the events of the quest pass, Loid apologizes to her for his initial hostility, but Viri assures him that they can mend that over a cup of milk coffee and a slice of cheesecake, so they keep in touch and Viri brings him snacks from the outside world and tells him of all that has happened since he went into cryostasis; including updating on what the Entratis are up to upstairs. Long story short - a bit of a rocky start but they end up becoming friends.
Cavia - broke her heart in a billion pieces! ESPECIALLY Tagfer. Viri's father, Amadeus, was a virmink breeder who was infamous for his attachment to his "specimens", he would give a name to each and every virmink he bred (even the failures that had to be put down) and was very attached to them. Tagfer's depression over losing Minn shook Viri to her core. She now sometimes wonders if the virminks she and her father looked after also shared such deep feelings within the recesses of their minds...
The murmur - since they function as Wally's minions she feels responsible for holding them back, especially due to her strong affinity for the Void. Sometimes they whisper to her and call her a traitor - the murmur sense the void angel within her, and think she is one of them but are confused as to why she attacks them or more importantly - why she can resist their master's call.
The lab and vessels - Viri has seen her fair share of weird science, her mother worked on infestation, but Viri never-ever found out what exactly she worked on since it was top secret. Albrecht is an Orokin and Orokin doing shady, dangerous shit was not something that surprised her in the least. She would just quietly catalog anything interesting, but mostly keep it to herself (usually she forwards all information to Ergo for Perrin safekeeping, but Viri promised Loid that nobody outside of a select few Tenno are allowed to know of the Sanctum's existence).
Kalymos - little known fact! Viri adopted a hyekka kavat whose name is Bacchus! She loves naked kitties! Circling back to the Cavia and her father's work, Viri is definitely an animal person; she is used to handling them and respects them almost the same way you would respect a person. The question is whether Kalymos would like Viri...
Here is a picture of Bacchus as a bonus:
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voids-damned-tired · 1 month ago
I have no idea what vanilla, lavender, or coconuts are but what I am smelling is nice.
lately ekeanor has taken to KIMing me random pictures of whatever she’s doing at any given time just cuz she likes sharing and knows i don’t mind and she’s literally always getting up to something new over there
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keoulkeech · 4 months ago
Entrati style goes so hard. I love you so much Xaku Prime!
Since Xaku is bringing Trumna: Lavos will bring Sepulcrum. source: trust me, Tenno
Some rambling about Xaku. I saw many posts and comments on other sites that them getting primed wouldn't "make sense" (...like anything in Warframe ever made sense!) [affectionate]
From what I gather the lore is that some warframe first models are Prime and some earn Prime after... Honestly for me the only warframe born prime was Nidus because he is symbolic and functionally the Infested frame so his prime is kinda of like the raw Helminth strain with the minimum "genetic" manipulation and stuff. All the others were Prime after, it makes more sense in my opinion.
Now with that out of my head... I can't wait the hear and see the special effects of Xaku's skills; their sounds and if there is any new detail for their "skeleton" mode... like I saw that they have a energy ponytail so the hair could untie while in skeleton mode or something of the sort. Can't wait!
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beebleworkshop · 7 months ago
Somehow I ended up with a helminth charger that is not only taller than my Operator, but almost taller than Nidus
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greisinger · 2 years ago
Knives: Obtained
In my previous post I shared my excitement about finally getting a Helminth invigoration for ability strength to unbind and apply to my Baruuk in pursuit of acquiring as many knives as humanly possible. I mentioned in the previous post that I was hoping I could reach 200 knives. However, I was joking when I said that. I didn’t think that was really attainable, and expected to see somewhere between 120-140 knives at best. It turns out I had set my sights far too low.
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By the time all was said and done, my pacifist was running around the stage with 644 knives.
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My brother, who had joined the squad to help with this endeavor, described it as both a “hula hoop” and the “rings of Saturn”, both of which are wholly accurate descriptions.
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My Shade, on its own, had more than double the knives I originally thought it was even possible to obtain by the end of the mission.
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In case anyone is interested, here is the math for it all:
Baruuk ability strength (mods + archon shards): 428% Helminth invigoration: 200% Growing power + 8 drain Coaction drift: 28% Empower: 50% Zenurik Hardened Wellspring: 20% Equinox Peaceful Provocation: 80% Similarly strength-buffed Nidus Parasitic Link: 313% Madurai chained sling: 40% Molt augmented at full buff: 60% Molt vigor: 45% Power Donation x2: 60%
Total before void corruption: 1,324% ability strength Total with void corruption: 2,648% ability strength
There are some things we could have done to squeeze out just a little more ability strength. A fourth squad member running Power Donation, a couple more tau-forged crimson archon shards to replace the basic crimson shards, and Energy Conversion on Baruuk, for example. If I ever feel possessed to do this again, I have a whole list of things to do differently. But I think I’ll be riding the high of having nearly 650 knives for a long time.
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space-ninja-fashion-show · 2 years ago
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Giving Limbo a blackboard and chalk in an age where everyone uses glass tablets and holograms is so so so endearing to me. Quills and parchment type of guy. He just needs to write an entire blackboard full with one equation as enrichment. I think Ordis can handle the dust just fine as far as filters go but maybe less so in terms of mental fortitude
(Operator becoming the rubber ducky for extremely complicated multidimensional math they don't understand in 3, 2, 1... )
You see, according to my lavos (Higgins), the correct amount of containers into which to put science is "one more." He also has shitall concept of personal space and a tendency to forget that his complicated thought processes are not universal, so now he's banned from mugs. Luckily the mug that North (drifter) had grabbed only had yeast in it that Higgins got from an ostron for science reasons, but it's still not a fun thing to knock back instead of the chimurr you were expecting at like 6 in the morning
so we have previously established that limbo & lavos would be science besties, right
i propose:
limbo has cat energy: acts like he knows everything but is in fact a bit of a dumbass outside his exact field of expertise, will nap in weird places
lavos has dog energy: will lick the science, outdoorsy (science field trips), makes friends easy
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spidersface · 2 months ago
okay im writing this out
i need to get this out of my brain, and this is what tumblr is for. personal theories on future protoframes/viability of frames getting protos/other nonsense relating to these ideas/headcanon shlock (used wiki/leverian/CorgTheMighty's videos on youtube)
Xaku: I would be absolutely blown away if they decide to give Xaku a protoframe/1999 treatment. Excal, Volt, Mag, Trinity, Nyx, Cyte-09 (only cuz he was made for this,) Rhino, Loki, Oberon, Saryn, and Wisp are perfect for the Protoframe/1999 treatment because they're a little lore light, and purportedly originate from one individual. I think IF they wanted to do Protoframe things with Xaku they should do some knife twisting: give us doomed timeline of three friends, where only the Drifter/Operator knows who they become eventually- maybe even tease us with who the original three frames were. Getting to know what the names/designs would've been for the three would be so sick.
(rest of my musings under the cut)
Nidus: I think if and or when we would ever see anything for Nidus in this regard, it would be a rewrite/update for his lore and showing us what the process of being infected by the Helminth strain is like/the unique circumstance how it fucked up during the creation of Nidus. Again I think we've seen/know what happens with being infected by the Helminth strain, but idk. I think DE would seize an opportunity like that to really stretch their ick ability. I imagine Nidus pre-helminth/during experimentation is already sickly or had a job/exposure to large amounts of what eventually would've become Helminth before it was called that. Maybe even helped originate Helminth, was then drafted by the Orokin to fight.
Hydroid/Yareli: [[this is some heacanon stuff,]] the Aquaframes are weird in my brain. Their aesthetic/vibe seems so different from the rest of the frames, and in my mind also would lend themselves to having unique Protoframe treatments. I kind of almost want like a completely random side quest where we get to see their originator/proto forms at sea? Something, something fused with ocean beasts during Helminth infection, something, something, Sevagoth was the reason Hydroid was infected, betraying their light banter they had before/leading to their rivalry as frames.
Mirage: Considering the little we know about her process/what happened as she was being transformed into Mirage, i'd be interested to see her in a 'second batch/team' from 1999. The Harley Quinn/Therese Voerman of originators would be an interesting angle for her I feel, clown woman that was a scientist in sedation, twisted by Entrati.
Rhino: I just want a big hunky muscle man, and him to be part of Mirage's '1999 mk2' team. Maybe a fat guy would be cool too. Idk, when I see rhino my serious thinking brain turns off. Considering he's a protector, maybe he was part of a mission elsewhere in the universe of Hollvania where Entrati enacts some other secret third thing that causes a Hex pt.2 (Dream 'Hex Team Two' would be: Mirage, Rhino, Saryn, Loki, Equinox (counting them as two sep people before framification,) and Chroma or Caliban (since both have weirdly similar elements lore wise.))
Qorvex/Xaku: Considering these two are some of the explicitly "non-Ballas/Orokin" devised Warframes to have been created, I'd be interested in just more insight as to how they came to be. My personal headcanon is still that these two represent Albrecht and Loid somehow, or are derived from them in some fashion. Especially considering how we are introduced to Loid/how Loid exists in current lore. Is it too out there to say that Xaku is alternate alternate timeline Loid, stuffed into a frame with other important members of Entrati's lab/team in desperation to create a frame? I feel like Dante + Lavos would fit into this group as well...
Citrine: I just find her interesting because outside of her ALREADY existing by the time she's assigned to protect Belric + Rania, what do you mean she can turn living organic tissue into crystal??? or encase said tissue in crystal? what during proto/origination caused her to be able to do that, or conversely what happened during her infection with the hstrain?
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infestedslime · 2 years ago
"#taking this to mean all the other frames are made from guys the orokin pulled off the street" Can confirm, my Volt Prime was a rebel leader so his approach to guns is probably 50% improv, and my Nidus Prime was an infested scientist who prefers to just throw shit at people as a means of combat. Between the Orokin method of "you were too cool to be friends with us so we're giving you infested juice" and a bunch of teenagers with magic powers, gun safety is probably an ancient, half-forgotten myth
Oh man, sorry I never noticed this. I guess I should check my inbox a bit more often lol. But yeah I love thinking about who frames might’ve been before being infected with the helminth. I also appreciate that some of the prime trailers give little hints about their personalities/backstories but never say anything definitive so you have room for interpretation.
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gaogaigar-the-king · 1 year ago
15. How do you come up with titles for your fics/chapters?
19. Give us a small teaser from one of your WIPs.
15. How do you come up with titles for your fics/chapters?
Staring at the fic/chapter ready to publish it, desperately hoping some idea of what to name it will come to me. The only exception to this is Among Us Gone Wrong where I named the chapters in advance because I'd pre-planned where I wanted the base story to go.
19. Give us a small teaser from one of your WIPs.
"Wake Nidus up." They instructed. There was another moment of unresponsiveness, but then the Helminth gurgled something. The thin tendrils receded, disappearing from sight.
Nidus twitched. Slowly, his senses woke one by one. Likely touch first, feeding him information about the cool metal under his left arm and hands, contrasted with the patch of Helminth's Infested growth he was lying in and the warm air in the Infirmary. After that would be sound, the sound of the Helminth gurgling, their soft breathing and other things only his senses could pick up. Smell would probably come next, his perception battered by the unfamiliar scents of the Orbiter.
A confused, disorientated whine came from under Nidus' armour as he moved, weakly pushing himself up onto his hands and knees. They could tell the moment that he saw them. He froze on the spot, his fear clear in his body language before he pushed himself off the floor, stumbling backwards and plastering his body against the wall.
They raised their right arm, holding it outstretched in front of them, palm facing upwards. After that they didn't move, just waited.
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edgygayguy · 2 years ago
nidus prime prepared me for everything ill take the helminth infection even if it kills me 🧎
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umbraltales · 1 month ago
Wassup fuckers despite asking yall what I should work on I've made two new stories in the last 48 hours, the lucky part here is that if excalibur wins it'll tie in beautifully to what I'm writing right now
And since I'm not a complete asshole here's a snippet :3
From criminals to living mountains, huntresses to dice masters of fate, Sevagoth had brought warframes from every corner of the budding and rebuilding societies of the origin system post-Tenno uprising; among these new additions to their hidden void sanctum was his latest recruit, an enigma to the others who was found on a derelict Orokin ship covered head to toe in infestation. He called himself Nidus, king of the Helminth strain and ruler of all infested aboard. While it was a hard-fought battle to bring him back, Sevagoth had somehow, against all odds, managed to succeed. The only issue regarding the situation was that since Nidus had arrived, no one had heard so much as a peep from him. Like a cowering, beaten dog, he ran to the room prepared for his arrival and locked the door. That was months ago, and while others assumed he just preferred his personal space like Dante, Sevagoth had other suspicions. After hours of attempting to get through the remarkably well-encrypted security for the door, he had finally managed to stumble in, the sounds of the door slamming shut behind him ringing out across the unusually large-looking space like a cannon in an echo chamber.
Edit: if any of you wanna read the rest I'll put the link but I warn you it's explicit okay? No like NSFW don't click the link and come whining to me
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/62314840
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alteredsilicone · 6 months ago
Thinking of Warframes who retain their humanity/personality but they're still not the person they used to be, the Orokin made sure to brainwash and break the person to make them succumb to the Helminth. Even if you retain your sense of "self" you will be a subjective interpretation of yourself. Some cases are exceptions, like Umbra, Ballas made sure he is powered by one intense memory (the death of his son). Jade can be a similar example - she was powered by her desire to see her son be born, which is why she forgot what her real name was but clung to her child as an anchor to her old self. Annd I can use this to rotate sentient-frame OCs in my mind.. how did the person who got Warframe'd morph into a different persona. Voland the Nidus is an Umbra case, where he overcame the infestation and retained his memories and original sense of self. He was initially vengeful but learned to channel his powers in a less destructive way by co-existing with the Myconians. Eir as Dante retained his desire for writing… but he forgot that he used to be a composer, so he instead he became a Scribe, but his artistic and melodic way of writing was preserved through the transformation.
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devonaddams · 8 months ago
【Warframe】 死去活来(Nidus/Drifter)
1.设定有舍取,不要太较真 2.Nidus是prime 3.不存在指挥官
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riftwalker-limbro · 2 years ago
original character post
names are links to all posts tagged with That Guy on this blog
Kelth (they/them): leader-figure tenno who is also a giant nerd. has permanent cryosleep exhaustion & a messed up knee so walks with a cane. callsign: Hyena
??? (they/them): kelth's drifter alter ego. anger and powerless frustration incarnate. might have been raised by krubies, might eat dirt for fun. callsign: Roach
Tirse (she/her): verica's rebellious tenno who played a key part in the tenno rebellion that toppled the orokin empire.
Enas (she/her) [deceased]: pule's tenno. was stationed with Pule on Earth during the old war as guards to an orokin settlement. friends with tirse.
Vince (he/him): mess of a walls-up cat energy limbo with a phd in theoretical mathematics and being an idiot. likes to fall over and hang out with his wife and best friend. needs whiteboards in his room for enrichment. (ART)
Sufford (he/him): disciplined and patient excalibur who will always let you meditate with him if you need it. arsenal master of ordis' orbiter since he's good at weapons. if he ever has to herd cats he would be so good at it from his extensive experience at having the single braincell on board. do not try to nonsense him
Bruiser (he/him): blunt rhino who is the type of "brutally honest" that's usually only valued as entertainment in reddit comment sections. lethal duo when teamed up with pule but not in the way you're thinking. actually socially/emotionally intelligent from his time as solaris community cornerstone before he got apprehended for rebel efforts.
Kali (it/she): chaotic-good chroma who has no patience for assholes and a vengeance style from your nightmares. may have a history with ordis. friend of kelth, frequently helps out with random shit. always up for beating hunhow into the dirt
Verica (she/her): self-confident and impulsive octavia who used to be a singer and will kick your ass. vince is her fiancé. loud and fun.
Pule (he/him): best friend of vince from Before. nidus. absolute clown with a degree in biology/chemistry who worked on the warframe project as a helminth researcher. was called Malapert before he got his pre-warframe memories back and decided to go by his old name again. very helpful but not with the best judgment at times - tends to be too optimistic/forgets to calculate consequences sometimes.
Helver (she/her): garuda who serves as tirse's frame before verica finds them again. bathes in the blood of her enemies as a berserker on the battlefield but is dignified and calm outside of that.
Cephalon Efurat (he/him): a series-2 who got his start running an escape room complex and later became the ship cephalon to Tirse & Verica.
Cephalon Yura (she/her): Series-3 cephalon of Kali.
Raga (they/them) & Tala (he/him): guitarist/bassist & drummer of Octavia's old band from Before. twins.
Deimos Triad: Vince, Verica and Pule's group tag.
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