#nicolina limbus company
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mothhuuny · 1 month ago
i love slowly becoming obsessed with a side character because im working on a side project that includes them. anyways nicolina i loooooooooove youuuuuu
the has a mini pair of scissors on her neck. while also holding her massive pair of fuckoff scissors. i love her
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shes so pretttyyyyy I Wuant Her
please please please ask me about my Really Specific Headcannons revolving her
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dimensionshredder · 4 months ago
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Okay? 2
(edit) sancho is here now too
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rep-emitter2848 · 3 months ago
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Bloodfiends of La Manchaland!
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camelliadeath · 2 months ago
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i love you la manchaland trio you will always be famous
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thearsonistofarland · 4 months ago
Fell Bullet Yi Sang and Fell Bullet Heathcliff go on a date to the La Manchaland shooting range and the Barber HATES them because THEY KEEP BEATING HER SCORES
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sunshades · 2 months ago
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okayyyy been talking with some friends about how pm is def better at making women in suits than women in dresses, so i tried a couple redesigns for fun. more clearly flamenco-inspired barber and la dulcinea valenciana since we were thinking it'd be cool to have more spanish inspo in canto 7, then a catherine in georgian era fashion cuz what the hell is she wearing, and a matching nelly just for fun.
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knoxise · 1 month ago
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reaching for the unreachable stars
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mothhuuny · 1 month ago
my nicolina post went over rwally welll so now im going to be insane about her sniles so sneetly
okay. so. nicolina. the barber. woman going through the worst manic episode ever.
all of the bloodfiends have one form or another of "i cant be honest with my feelings or else everything will go wrong" and nicolina's from of that is "i need to always be silly and unserious or else people will think i'm able to experience negative feelings and if i experience negative feelings the people around me will feel Bad" and she also projects this onto the bloodfiends around her, which leads to the whole mask thing
in her prime, she was actually quite smart and level headed! (esp since its established that she helped create the hemobars. girl is smart!) of course, 200 years being denied your basic necessities will drive a bitch insane so thats why she is the way she is during canto 7. my personal headcannon is that she was a researcher or doctor of some kind, which is also why she's partial towards the plague mask. she's still a doctor, but with a fun little flair now!
when sancho and don quixote aren't around, nicolina becomes the de-facto leader. we can see this in the story, actually. she seems to be the one who thought up the plan in the first place, and in preist!greg's uptie story we can also see that she was most likely the one that actually recruited members for the plan as well. not to mention being the person that took the initiative and sewed masks on everyone. thanks girlie.
i mentioned the fact that nicolina has a pair of scissors on her necklace in my previous post. personally, i think that those are the scissors she actually uses when shes sewing. the big scissors are for show/combat. her workspace tends to be hectic and she loses stuff a lot, so she keeps the smaller ones her necklace so it doesnt get lost as easily.
bonus abt the scissor necklace. i pointed that fact out to my polycule and my boyfriend said "her chewelry..../most likely not" in response and i think he's actually SO FUCKING TRUE ABOUT THAT. nicolina has a tendency to chew on things when focusing or stressed, and her most common victims are her dress, her fair or her scissors. basically anything nearby that isnt herself. the scissors have the worst texture to bite down on but also they dont leave fibers in her mouth like fabric or hair. she's definitely ripped her dress before by biting down on it and accidentally tearing it.
more of a character analysis thing but i find it SO FUCKING TELLING that she literally BEGS to die with her mask on. the mask is both the representation of their suffering, as well as, you know, an actual mask that hides their feelings. she doesn't want anyone to see the ugliness hidden underneath. she wants everything to be in control. if she's still happy, if she's still alive, then that means some of this is salvageable. she can fix this. they will suffer for years and years on end because they is what they deserve but they will survive and she will make sure of it because she need to fix this. it's her job.
the reason she goes insane and basically forces herself into a constant manic state is because she can't be sad or else she'll have to acknowledge to herself and those around her that they are royally Fucked. which, of course, leads to her losing herself even faster becaue of the pressure she placed on herself.
i think the resentment she holds for sancho is merely because she desperately wanted a connection between the two, but sancho denied her at every chance. not consciously, mind you, but because of how scared sancho is of connection. even in the world where she chooses the family above her father, she keeps them all at arm's length.
i believe all of this because, when nicolina saw sancho again, as don quixote, above all else she was excited. don quixote herself describes nicolina as giddy.
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you could say it's because she's actually trying to hide her anger, or that she's hallucinating quixote senior over sinner quixote, but i dont think either of those are the case.
i think it's because she knows its sancho that she's so excited. shes aware of where quixote senior is, still on the windmill where they all left him to rot, there's no reason for her to *not* know that. we can also see that she's prone to moments of lucidity, as seen here:
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but i also don't think... she's really hates sancho? sure, sancho left them all, and she seems angry at her later for abandoning them and never wearing her clothes, but i think that may be just what she's telling herself. i think she's moreso angry at the idea of sancho. or at least what she did. she hated the fact that father clearly loved her more, but also that, of all people, shes the one that got off scott free. she should be just as guilty ad the rest of them!!!! shes a bloodfiend too!!!! but no!!!!!!! apparently she's perfect and innocent just because she was father's favorite!!!!!!!!!!!
but now she's back and she's going to pay the price all of them did! together!! as a family!!!!!!!
nicolina..., i miss you girlie.
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lemon-pilled · 18 days ago
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i dont think ill ever manage to finish this one just cause really like the sketch and i doomed myself by merging all the sketch layers lol
(full version under cut its long as fuck)
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roastedbreadfruits · 4 months ago
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I'm sorry, Father.
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dimensionshredder · 4 months ago
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redforiaa · 6 days ago
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Burning Desires but it's the Barber (I have a brainrot now)
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tomatosmoothie · 4 months ago
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tfh-arts · 29 days ago
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Happy Lunar New Year 2025!!! 🐍🧧🎆
A bit (more like quite) late celebration
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ratlesshonret · 4 months ago
Top 5 Limbus Side Characters (In My Opinion):
Number 1 - Jia Xichun
(do people ship her and Sinclair? i feel like they'd be cute together. or maybe that's just me thinking that the vertically-challenged members of the cast would get along. i've always enjoyed the "sassy child" characters.)
Number 2 - The Barber
(what would happen if they somehow made Kromer hotter AND gave her a personality i found genuinely likeable and hilarious. sorry Dulcinea, but if your beauty is "second to none" then i think i found kid named none.)
Number 3 - Bari
(dadqui: haha bari you are banging my daughter)
Number 4 - Queequeg
(i miss my wife., i miss her a lot.)
Number 5 - Nelly or Dongbaek
(they're tied in my eyes. love them both.)
Number 15 - Burger King Foot Lettuce
(the last thing you want in your burger king burger)
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amourcherie606 · 4 months ago
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Dulcinea wearing Nicolina's outfit ... hrhghrgh I LOOOVE DULCINEA SM CHAT YOU DONT GET IT....
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