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mrlenords · 2 days ago
Lotta love
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charliehopper · 6 years ago
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5c [Neil Young Rabbit Hole] ...it’s a wonder tall trees aren’t laying down. Sometimes Neil wants you to enjoy the songs, sometimes he wants to confront you with the songs. These songs are meant to be enjoyed, mostly. Mostly. “How can people get so unkind?” is a resonant lyric this particular news cycle. #vinyl #vinylcollection #neilyoung #neilyoungandcrazyhorse #comesatime #nicolettelarson #ellipticalsoundtrack #treadmillsoundtrack #nowspinning #nowspinningonvinyl (at Noblesville, Indiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn5PFlJhXTj/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1x0hzoxd1a27q
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nasu-no-hana · 3 years ago
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Emmylou Harris / Luxury Liner (1976)  コーヒーとスコーンとエミルー・ハリス。 写真2  ご飯を食べたばかりなのに、スコーンをおねだり。 #EmmylouHarris #MikeAuldridge - dobro #JamesBurton - electric guitar #RodneyCrowell - acoustic guitar, electric guitar, high-strung guitar, backing vocals #NicoletteLarson - duet vocals #AlbertLee - acoustic guitar, electric guitar, mandolin, backing vocals #DollyParton - backing vocals #vinyl #vinylcollection #coverart #albumart #33rpm #lp #nowspinning #nowplaying #アナログレコード #records #countrymusic #americana #countryrock #poprock #classicrock #WarnerBrosRecords #1976 #宮古島 #coffee #ビール #cat #猫 https://www.instagram.com/p/CTyQYvlP367/?utm_medium=tumblr
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pointer8708 · 4 years ago
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#womenandchildrenfirst #vanhalen #alexvanhalen #eddievanhalen #michaelanthony #davidleeroth #nicolettelarson #tedtempleman #donnlandee #genemeros #chrisbellman #peteangelus photography: #normanseeff #helmutnewton Norman Seeff’s photograph on this cover really captures what this band was all about. It’s all built around Eddie and his guitar with all the other members holding him up, with that devious look on David’s face, as this is their third record and it so rocks with #andthecradlewillrock into #everybodywantssome Hands down this is Van Halen at its best. A story I heard years ago, was there was a “certain” #creem writer who went to do a piece on Van Halen and David Lee Roth thought he may not write a positive piece and he figured that the writer was more of a eclectic fan of music and threw a lunch bag of Colombian Marching Powder at he and what a great piece David got... as so the story goes... Enjoy (at Hollywood Hills) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPMueXqHMzw/?utm_medium=tumblr
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minstrel75itg · 4 years ago
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“Comes a Time” is the ninth studio album by Neil Young, released by Reprise Records in October 1978. Its songs are written as moralizing discourses on love's failures and recovering from worldly troubles. They are largely performed in a quiet folk and country mode, featuring backing harmonies sung by Nicolette Larson and additional accompaniment on some songs by Crazy Horse. My copy is on Reprise Records - MSK 2266 (included a separate Nicolette Larson picture) The album originally started out as a solo record, but when Young played it for Reprise executives they asked him if he would consider adding rhythm tracks to what he already had. Young agreed, and the end product was Comes a Time. Much of the album features harmony vocals from Nicolette Larson, who also shares lead vocals with Young on "Motorcycle Mama".[4] Two songs on the album, "Look Out For My Love" and "Lotta Love", featured Young's long-time backing band, Crazy Horse. #rockandroll #neilyoung #nya #neilyoungandcrazyhorse #nicolettelarson #theseventies https://www.instagram.com/p/CNAdFxHr_lW/?igshid=6la84og2txx8
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longtimegoneart · 4 years ago
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Happy 75th birthday to Neil Young, born 12 November 1945! #neilyoung #comesatime #nicolettelarson #jjcale #folkrock #countryrock #70smusic #70srock #onthisdayinmusic #albumart #albumcovers #vinyl #artonpaper #brushpen #watercolour (at Broken Arrow Ranch) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHd24Gbp5bG/?igshid=1fhnd1uuxr7hm
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shamefulclutter · 4 years ago
(via https://open.spotify.com/track/03LllwDLW6JtjGmPJBF9dP?si=TEy_eHkrQNG85HENnV_QMQ)
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el-saloon-radio · 5 years ago
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17 de julio de 1952: Nicolette Larson nacia en Helena, Montana. Mejor conocida por el éxito pop de 1979 "Lotta Love", su breve carrera en el Country se reduce un éxito a dúo con Steve Wariner, "That's How You Know When Love's Right". #countrymusic #nicolettelarson https://www.instagram.com/p/CCwuJ0SHHmy/?igshid=vefy7n9sj43u
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thrak576isback · 5 years ago
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Neil Young - American Stars 'n Bars #neilyoung #lp #vinyl #nowlistening #nowspinning #vinylcollection #33rpm #vinylrecords #vinylcollector #vinylcommunity #recordcollection #neilyoungandcrazyhorse #crazyhorse #thebullets #lindaronstadt #nicolettelarson #emmylouharris https://www.instagram.com/p/CBHD8C1pEJ3/?igshid=kltid6gvjjmr
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takechas · 6 years ago
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\ WEB 更新致しました / : : タケチャス・レコーズWEB 更新致しました。
今回は、NW〜80's ROCK などの作品をオンライン・サイトに追加いたしました。
- ぜひタケチャスwebをチェックしてみて下さい。
・・・ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
#u2 #AlteredImages #CarleneCarter #NicoletteLarson #33rpm #vinylrecord #recordlover #rock #art #80s #エイティーズ #インテリア #レトロ #レコード屋 #12inchvinyl #レコードジャケット #アナログ盤 #音楽鑑賞 #レコード #レコードのある生活 #中古レコード #通販 #名盤 #札幌中古レコード買取 #レコード買取 #takechasweb掲載 #タケチャス新入荷
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ (レコード / CD 出張買取・宅配買取 Takechas Records / タケチャス・レコーズ@札幌) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzGB0d1ptV6/?igshid=6nn7no2md5k8
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lewonald · 6 years ago
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明日2月8日金曜日のPOPfREAKは急遽2本立てになりました! 一本目は 19:00~21;00「HITOさんの音楽遍歴 後半」 先月に続きHITOさんの1976年~1986年に出会った音楽をご紹介いただきます。 アメリカ建国200年祭以降の10年間、祭りの後のアメリカ音楽の変遷をお楽しみください。 2本目は 21:00~「クリムゾン宮殿マト3鑑賞会」 キング・クリムゾン デヴュー50周年、デヴュー版クリムゾン宮殿マトリックス3の初期盤をレーザーターンテーブルで鑑賞会です! 40周年記念ボックスに付属されていた「アメリカのラジオ局用に作られたモノ・ミックスLPからのアナログ起し音源との聴き比べもありますよ。 是非この機会に、クリムゾン宮殿の真の姿を体��ください。 参加無料 フラリと来ていただければ結構です #kingcrimson #arloguthrie #jenniferwarnes #artgurfunkel #barbrastreisand #carolebayersager #nickdecaro #rycooder #littlefeat #nicolettelarson #popfreak宇都宮 #宇都宮 #utsunomiya (Utsunomiya, Tochigi) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtlGVM7AI5x/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1lcv7ete5tb65
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karolycarolnovak · 6 years ago
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I had a great time photographying singers Nicollet Larson and Jimmy Buffett. #throwback #nicolettelarson #and #jimmybuffett #music #aspencolorado #aspen #aspenpeakmag #aspenlife #photographer #kcnovak #photography #musiclovers #aspenpeakmagazine #photooftheday #love #singers #photobykcnovak #aspenartmuseum #35mm #aspennews #aspentimes #35mmmagazinei #aspennightlife #jimmybuffettconcert #photojournalism #photooftheweek https://www.instagram.com/p/BsaljDdjw0G/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5me0ol2w4tww
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georgiabrownreal-blog · 6 years ago
LOTTA LOVE - NICOLETTE LARSON Full Video Link: https://www.smule.com/p/1005469507_2793770135 🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤 Vem #cantar comigo no #Smule! @GeorgiaBrownReal 🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵 Geral, #SmuleWithGeorgiaBrown A partir de agora, sempre postarei videos da galera no #duet! Lembrando que os duetos que vou compartilhar serão os que tiverem com a função de video ativado, pois queremos ver vocês!!! 💋💋💋💋💋💋 #GeorgiaBrown #InstaSmule #Sing #Singer #Vocal #VocalRange #WhistleRegister #Belting #Falsetto #Voice #ChestVoice #HeadVoice #NicoletteLarson #Music #Song #70s (em Naples, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuS8SAOn75B/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1eoc3raf0v8yo
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nasu-no-hana · 3 years ago
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Emmylou Harris / Luxury Liner (1976)  コーヒーとスコーンとエミルー・ハリス。 写真2  ご飯を食べたばかりなのに、スコーンをおねだり。 #EmmylouHarris #MikeAuldridge - dobro #JamesBurton - electric guitar #RodneyCrowell - acoustic guitar, electric guitar, high-strung guitar, backing vocals #NicoletteLarson - duet vocals #AlbertLee - acoustic guitar, electric guitar, mandolin, backing vocals #DollyParton - backing vocals #vinyl #vinylcollection #coverart #albumart #33rpm #lp #nowspinning #nowplaying #アナログレコード #records #countrymusic #americana #countryrock #poprock #classicrock #WarnerBrosRecords #1976 #宮古島 #coffee #ビール #cat #猫 https://www.instagram.com/p/CTyPwNmvaF3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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donhornsby · 7 years ago
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It has been busy weekend and it's time to wind down for a #VinylAndBeerSunday. I have been on the road enjoying the time with new friends in an inspiring environment. I have been mulling over the conversations and learning while driving home this afternoon. And it was time to wind down a bit to some mellow tunes from NEIL YOUNG. I was able to get a used copy of his 1978 album COMES A TIME. And it is good to spin these tunes which hearken back to his HARVEST album. I am enjoying hearing the late great NICOLETTE LARSON singing on this great disc. The album included COMES A TIME and Neil's version of LOTTA LOVE. I am enjoying the acoustic sounds of this album while winding down. I have accompanied the tunes with a new (to me) IPA from DOUBLE MOUNTAIN BREWERY out of Hood River, OR. Their SWEET JANE IPA is sweet up front and finishes with a satisfying hoppy bite. I am impressed with the taste and quality of this great brew. It fit perfectly with the music of this great album. Great music deserves equally great beer. So....what are you listening to tonight? What are you drinking? #neilyoung #comesatime #vinyl #vinylrecords #vinylcollection #1977 #nicolettelarson #lottalove @neilyoung #sunday #beer @doublemountain #doublemountainbrewery #sweetjane #sweetjaneipa #ipa #craftbeer #beerstagram #beerselfie #beermusic #untapped #traveling (at Salem, Oregon)
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yebisuneko · 7 years ago
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#今日のおめざ #ばんばひろふみ #Coast #JayGraydon #NicoletteLarson #nowplaying #vynil
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