tubbo--updates · 18 days
Tubbo quote retweeted Twitter user @FearedBuck's tweet on his private at 1:17 BST
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hasanabiyoutube · 13 days
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Not to throw more gasoline on the fire but, I stand with Nick and entirely back up his statement. What he said was the absolute truth and more people should listen -if they did, the world just might be a slightly better place.
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OK just a quick rant and I'm off again at least until later:
All of these people coming out and saying "keep the LGBT stuff away from children"...WHY?!?! Like I'd understand if it was explicitly sexual but someone saying they are any letter in the LGBT or promoting LGBT rights is not inherently sexual.
Meanwhile, straight people have been putting all types of romantic heterosexual stuff in front of kids. Literally every disney movie and many shows have some types of heterosexual romantic storyline at some point. So now it's a problem if it's regarding people from LGBT community. Y'all telling me the new Little Mermaid movie is fine as it is but would somehow change into being less appropriate if it was two people of the same gender? If it's inappropriate it's inappropriate regardless of the gender of the people involved.
This is just a new way to express Anti-LGBT sentiments while pretending you're not and you're just against one specific conduct. The problem is for some reason y'all see LGBT as inherently sexual (and also sexually deviant) while also seeing them as inherently dangerous to children (and basically being child predators without explicitly saying that part out loud).
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sudden-stops-kill · 2 years
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nickmercs v timthetatman
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ricciardover · 4 days
hi! i wanted to ask- how do you know liam lawson is a david seymour supporter or is that just based off vibes (valid though)? i have a friend who's a big fan of his for some reason and im trying to get her to realize he's a conservative asshole. unfortunately the only argument i have so far is that his gf is a trumpie and anti-vax (which is concerning for an pre med student..) but i haven't managed to find anything concrete on him yet
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yeaaahh he’s following seymour on ig, idk if he’s actually engaged with any of his content but just following him is telling enough for me
i’ve never understood people taking the position of “oh well it’s his gf’s opinion, not his!”. i mean idk about you but i would want to surround myself with people who’s beliefs were in conflict with my own
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statestories · 4 months
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gengamer110 · 1 year
PlayStation Boss Admits Their Objection Isn't Over Call of Duty
According to private emails, Jim Ryan admits that Sony’s objection is not about exclusives. Ryan specifically mentions Call of Duty. I’m not a fan of the way he has run the PlayStation brand. According to the Verge: “It is not an exclusivity play at all,” said Ryan. “They’re thinking bigger than that and they have the cash to make moves like this. I’ve spent a fair amount of time with [Phil]…
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FaZe Nickmercs
They should leave little
children alone. That's the
real issue.
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doomalade · 1 year
Lol get fucked NickMercs
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lifeofjigga · 1 year
I support TimTheTatMan for standing with his friend and asking Activision to remove his operator AS WELL since his friend was cancelled. To hell with em and respect to all the streamers who deleted the game in support of Nick I absolutely love it.
Imagine being a parent and wanting to teach your kids your own morals and values and people have an issue with that.
Some of yall parents taught yall to be racist from home and nobody cared.
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tubbo--updates · 17 days
Tubbo replied to Aimsey's quote retweet on his alt at 3:15 BST
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hasanabiyoutube · 8 hours
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What’s this Nick Mercs situation about?
Due to a statement he made -in especially young children's favor- concerning some specific things children are taught in schools, Activision decided to remove his recently added operator skin from the game.
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wowally360 · 1 year
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hungwy · 1 year
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nickmercs accusing gay people of being pedophiles moments?
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