#nicki gallardo
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caffeinektn · 4 years ago
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Nicki’s first day in her own apartment was unexpectedly fun! She made friends with her new neighbor, Salim, and found a new roommate in Alex Moyer! The trio ventured out to the flea market where Nicki tried a few new things and picked up some snowglobes to decorate with. She made some great memories! And to her surprise, Alex is quite a flirt... When she isn’t busy pulling pranks.
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scenesandscreens · 5 years ago
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Planet Terror (2007)
Director and DoP - Robert Rodriguez
"I DO believe in you, always have. I believe you could be better. You deserve better, even better than me. Right now, I need you to become who you were meant to be. Stand!"
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gbhbl · 2 years ago
Horror Movie Review: Planet Terror (2007)
Horror Movie Review: Planet Terror (2007)
Planet Terror is a 2007 American action horror film written and directed by Robert Rodriguez. Set in Texas, the film follows the survivors of a biochemical outbreak as they battle zombie-like creatures and a rogue military unit. The film was originally released theatrically as part of Grindhouse, a double feature that combined Planet Terror with Quentin Tarantino’s Death Proof. In rural Texas,…
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vincent-paolo · 6 years ago
Client: The New Originals Director: Rutger van Leeuwen Executive Producer: Merel Blom, Deniz Alkac DOP.: Woutair Koomen VHS, video8, fotografie: Sophie Hemels VHS, video8, fotografie Producer: Stijn Meijer 1st AC: Jurrien Kemp 2nd AC: Rohwel de Rot Gaffer: Leon Valero Art Director: Jesse van der Kolk Production Design: Circo Duclos Styling: Suze Kuit PA: Kogob Selase Editor: Rutger van Leeuwen Animatie: Rick Kcir Composer: Vincent Paolo Corputty Sound design: Danny van der Lugt Mixer: Nicky Gallardo Grading: Erik van den Heuvel @ De Grot
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nadie me preguntó pero las responderé igual
1. igor
2. una montaña
3. weon
4. no
5. leo
6. si
7. en algún lugar donde me sienta cómodo
8. cuadrado bien organizado
9. no
10. ropa que me quede chica porq me incomoda
11. no tener presión de nada y nadie
12. 2:50 rmx
13. mi lealtad
14. si
15. desde el 2012, 9 años
16. hola-que-tal-soy-sebastian
17. poder teletransportarme
18. de vez en cuando
19. feliz
20. forever alone - paulo londra
21. no
22. darme cuenta de las cosas xd
23. arrancarme de la casa en la madrugada
24. sebastian gallardo, la autobiografía xd
25. que soy pesado, si lo soy, pero depende de la persona
26. si
27. con buen sentido del humor
28. no me gusta mentir, siempre evito hacerlo, pero mentiría que no he mentido antes para zafar de algún problema
29. no
30. en decadencia xd
31. uuh no se, me han dicho ambas
32. si, llego a tiritar de nervios
33. si, pero no mucho xd
34. woody
35. tumblr
36. crema
37. en nada
38. si, y mucho
39. no veo muchas películas
40. viajar al futuro
41. si
42. la verdad es que si, me han pasado varias weas
43. si
44. sacrificaría mi propia vida
45. buena pregunta, no sé
46. otra noche mas - rusherking
47. cualquier tema donde pueda reírme junto con la otra persona me interesa
48. no, me atrevería a decir que hay no mas de 5 fotos en mi vida en las que salgo sonriendo xd
49. dos veces más feliz
50. sí, a pesar de me pierda y no sepa lo que esté pasando me gusta
51. no
52. inseguridades
53. no, todo es tan distinto
54. no
55. incomodidad
56. 8 de julio
57. si
58. algunas veces dejo cosas importantes para última hora
59. ficticio no se, pero real con nicki nicole
60. mm si, pero no
61. no dejes de pasar oportunidades, puede que hoy estén, pero mañana no
62. anonimato
63. si
64. 1,75
65. descansando
66. pocas veces
67. power rangers
68. las mentiras y cuando me ocultan cosas
69. no
70. so so
71. perdón
72. música fuerte
73. matemáticas, física, esas cosas
74. si
75. si
76. alta facha rey
77. una vez me retaron por sacarme un 6,8 en una prueba (nota máxima era un 7)
78. invierno
79. si
80. incomodidad
81. marvel
82. seba, sebita
83. cada vez que entro a tumblr aparecen sus post porno
84. cada vez que me mienten y/o ocultan cosas es una desilusión gigante
85. su sarcasmo xd
86. no
87. no
88. hay varias xd
89. no
90. uuh no se, que soy buena persona
91. cuando me invitan
92. no
93. no, nunca he visto
94. no
95. futurama
96. no, pero una vez inventaron que estuve en una relación y yo ni conocía a la niña y fue incómodo
97. si
98. si
99. +1600
100. el que la sigue la consigue
Pregunten culiaos.
1: Segundo nombre.
2: Fondo de pantalla actual.
3: Garabatos más frecuentes.
4: ¿Haz hecho estupideces por alguna apuesta?
5: Signo zodiacal.
6: ¿Te han dejado en la friendzne?
7: ¿En qué lugar transcurrirían tus vacaciones perfectas?
8: ¿Me puedes describir tu dormitorio?
9: ¿Lees por elección propia?
10: ¿Qué tipo de ropa no llevarías puesta en ningún caso?
11: ¿Qué es para ti la libertad?
12: Canción con la que has estado últimamente pegado.
13: ¿Cuál es el aspecto sobre ti que más te gusta?
14: ¿Crees en las segundas oportunidades?
15: ¿Cuanto tiempo en tumblr?
16: ¿Recuerdas tu primer URL?
17: ¿Qué superpoder tendrías?
18: ¿Te drogas?
19: ¿Cómo te gustaría ser en un futuro?
20: ¿Qué canción serviría para resumir tu personalidad? ¿Por qué?
21: ¿Perdonas fácilmente?
22: ¿Qué habilidad te gustaría perfeccionar para llegar a dominar totalmente?
23: ¿Qué es lo más alocado que has hecho?
24: ¿Cuál sería un buen título para tu autobiografía?
25: ¿Qué es lo que la mayoría de la gente suele pensar de ti y no es cierto?
26: ¿Te gusta ser besado en público?
27: ¿Qué tipo de personas te parecen especialmente atractivas?
28: ¿En qué situaciones estarías dispuesto o dispuesta a mentir?
29: ¿Tardas en responder mensajes?
30: ¿Cómo definirías tu tipo de sentido del humor?
31: ¿Aparentas mayor o menor edad de la que tienes?
32: ¿Te cohíbes frente a la persona que te gusta?
33: ¿Te consideras una persona supersticiosa?
34: ¿Con qué personaje de ficción te identificas más?
35: Si tan solo pudieras tener una red social ¿Cuál seria?
36: ¿De que color es tu cuarto?
37: Si supieras que vas a morir exactamente dentro de un año, ¿cómo cambiarías tu forma de vivir?
38: ¿Te sientes vulnerable cuando comienzas a querer a alguien?
39: Frase favorita de alguna película.
40: ¿Preferirías viajar al futuro o al pasado?
41: ¿Te han robado un beso?
42: Si escribieras todo lo que te ha ocurrido hasta ahora en un libro, ¿crees que la gente lo querría leer?
43: ¿Superaste a tu ex?
44: ¿Eres de los que sacrificaría la vida de una persona para salvar a cien?
45: ¿Cuál es la mejor y peor cualidad de tu género y del contrario?
46: Una canción.
47: ¿Cuál es tu tema de conversación favorito?
48: ¿Sonries en tus fotos?
49: ¿Preferirías ser dos veces más inteligente o dos veces más feliz?
50: ¿Te gusta la adrenalina?
51: ¿Te gusta hacer enojar a ciertas personas?
52: ¿Inseguridades o autoestima?
53: Hace 1 años ¿Veías la vida de la misma forma?
54: ¿Celas a tus amigos?
55: La historia detrás de tu primer beso.
56: ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que estuviste muy nervioso por hacer algo?
57: ¿Has sentido la frustración de no ser correspondido?
58: ¿Cuál es tu peor hábito?
59: ¿Con qué personaje ficticio tienes un crush?
60: ¿Crees en el destino?
61: Si pudieras regresar en el tiempo, ¿qué consejo te darías?
62: ¿Disfrutas ser el centro de atención o prefieres el anonimato?
63: ¿Te gustan los niños pequeños?
64: ¿Cuanto mides?
65: ¿Que se supone deberías estar haciendo?
66: ¿Con que frecuencia te sacas fotos?
67: ¿Serie que marco tu infancia?
68: Razones por las que te enojas.
69: ¿Cantas en la ducha?
70: ¿Dominas el inglés?
71: ¿Pedir perdón o pedir permiso?
72: ¿Escuchas música muy fuerte o a un volumen razonable?
73: Si hubieras sido un niño prodigio, ¿en qué área te habría gustado destacar?
74: ¿Te has declarado?
75: ¿Te gusta que te celen?
76: ¿Que opinas sobre los tatuajes?
77: ¿Qué historia vergonzosa, de ti, siguen contando tus amigos?
78: Tu estación del año favorita.
79: ¿Crees en el karma?
80: La historia detrás de tu primer beso.
81: ¿Marvel o DC?
82: Sobrenombres.
83: ¿Ves porno?
84: Mayor desilusión.
85: ¿Algo raro que te atraiga de una persona?
86: ¿Has sentido una atracción física por un desconocido?
87: ¿Le gustas a alguien?
88: ¿Una canción cursi que te sepas de memoria?
89: ¿Puedes ser completamente tú cuando estas con tus familiares?
90: ¿Lo más amable que alguien pueda decir de ti?
91: ¿Fumas?
93: ¿Te gusta el anime?
94: ¿Te comerias con tu mejor amigo?
95: ¿Series favoritas?
96: ¿Has tenido una relación con alguien con la que en realidad no estabas interesado?
97: ¿Eres capaz de comer chocolate moderadamente?
98: ¿Compartes abiertamente tus gustos musicales?
99: ¿Cuantos seguidores tienes?
100: Frase favorita.
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shakirabrasil · 6 years ago
Gravadora de Shakira nos EUA troca de Presidente
A Sony Music Latin, divisão latina da Sony nos EUA, anunciou na última segunda-feira (28) uma mudança importante na sua cadeia de comando. O até então Diretor de A&R , Alex Gallardo, assume a Presidência, no lugar de Nir Seroussi. A companhia é a atual casa discográfica de Shakira, debaixo de um complexo contrato 360º, que envolve ainda a Live Nation e a RCA. A mudança impacta diretamente a carreira da colombiana, que ainda tem planejado o lançamento de novos projetos pelo selo.
Gallardo é um velho conhecido de Shakira. Ele já trabalhou no A&R de alguns álbuns da artista. O A&R (Artistas e Repertório) é um setor de uma gravadora responsável pela descoberta de novos artistas. No caso de estrelas já consolidadas como a colombiana, o foco é supervisionar o desenvolvimento artístico, sessões de gravação, encontrar produtores adequados e analisar tendências de mercado no que tange ao repertório. Em comunicado à imprensa, Shakira chamou o novo Presidente de “profissional” e que “está em contato com a paisagem musical e entende os artistas”.
A Sony é hoje a gravadora mais exitosa no segmento latino nos EUA, segundo a Nielsen Music. Shakira é a sua principal estrela, com seu último álbum em espanhol sendo o mais exitoso do selo em nível e projeção mundial. Nos EUA ele brigou de igual para igual com os trabalhos de Ozuna, Nicky Jam e Romeo Santos, artistas latinos que mais vendem discos no país atualmente. Até o o momento, El Dorado possui certificação Diamante ( a mais alta) no programa latino da RIAA por suas 600 mil cópias equivalentes vendidas.
Os próximos passos da carreira artística da colombiana estão intrinsecamente relacionados com a mudança na direção de sua casa discográfica. A julgar pelo entrosamento de Shakira com seu novo chefe, podemos apostar em lançamentos que vão abalar a indústria fonográfica e logo.
Os chefes de Shakira
Shakira é uma estrela global e por isso, diferente da maioria de nós relés mortais, não possui um contrato convencional de trabalho. No entanto, isso não quer dizer que a colombiana não tenha um “chefe”. Na verdade, ela tem vários. Existem algumas pessoas em altas cadeias de comando do show business a quem a colombiana deve reportar suas ações laborais e artísticas. O SBR fez uma pequena lista dos poderosos chefões que comandam a carreira da cantora e são responsáveis por manter o seu talento sempre em alta no mundo dos negócios.
Alex Gallardo Como já mencionamos nessa reportagem, Gallardo é o Presidente da gravadora de Shakira. Portanto, todos os lançamentos da colombiana serão reportados a ele. A frente da direção artística da companhia nos EUA, é ele quem vai definir a nova cena musical da colombiana e, principalmente, quando novo material dela poderá ser editado.
    Afo Verde Afo Verde é o CEO da Sony Music Entertainment Latin America Iberia. Ele é o responsável por todas as operações dos artistas dos selos Sony no segmento latino dos EUA, na América Latina, além de Portugal e Espanha. As estratégias e cronogramas de lançamento de Shakira nesses mercados partem do aval dele. Ele foi o grande responsável por unir a colombiana a jovens astros da música latina em El Dorado, focando em uma visão de mercado que deu certo.
  Peter Edge CEO da RCA. Se a colombiana resolver lançar um novo trabalho discográfico em inglês, deverá se reportar a Edge. “Shakira é uma artista e um ser humano extremamente talentosa, com habilidades incríveis de composição, um estilo vocal único e incomparável e uma qualidade estelar sensacional. A parceria da RCA com a Sony Latin Iberia fortalecerá nossa capacidade de alcançar novos fãs e abraçar seu apelo mundial já maciço.”, disse o CEO após seu primeiro trabalho com a colombiana.
  Doug Morris Ele é o poderoso chefão de Shakira no que tange à gravação. O cara está acima de Gallardo ,Verde e Edge, pois é o Presidente Global da Sony Music. “Shakira é uma super estrela de fama mundial e um talento surpreendente. Estamos muito contentes porque ficará com a família Sony Music. Foi uma batalha complicada e a concorrência era enorme”, disse Morris na época do lançamento do primeiro álbum da colombiana com o selo RCA/Sony Latin Iberia.
  Michael Rapino Deixando um pouquinho os direitos autorais de lado, todo o resto que envolve a carreira de Shakira é reportado a Michael Rapino. Ele é o CEO da Live Nation, que detém hoje os direitos globais da cantora no que tange à patrocínio, marketing, merchandising, redes sociais, direitos de imagem, e turnê. “Nesta indústria todo mundo quer um pedaço de você. Essa forma metafórica do canibalismo moderno é compreensível, mas é precisamente por essa razão que você pode confiar apenas em algumas [pessoas]; e apenas algumas são capazes de deixar uma marca. Michael Rapino tem sido uma dessas pessoas muito seletas, com as quais eu me sinto verdadeiramente abençoada por ter coincidido neste momento. Eu o respeito pelo empresário inteligente e estrategista que ele é, mas eu particularmente o admiro por sua humanidade. Quando eu estava em uma encruzilhada em minha carreira, ou passando por tempos difíceis – como recentemente com minha lesão nas cordas vocais – fui até o Mike e saí n��o só com conselhos sensatos, mas o mais importante, com a certeza de que não estava sozinha naquele momento”, disse Shakira no início do ano passado sobre chefe.
  Jay-Z Não, ele não é chefe da Shakira, apesar de ser o Presidente da Roc Nation. A companhia cuida apenas do marketing e gerenciamento artístico da colombiana, como contratada. Assim, a Roc Nation atende as exigências de Shakira e não o contrário.
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revistapuntodevista · 2 years ago
Con cartelera en Teatro del Pueblo, FENAPO espera 4 millones de visitas
Con cartelera en Teatro del Pueblo, FENAPO espera 4 millones de visitas
El Gobernador Ricardo Gallardo dio a conocer el cartel completo de agrupaciones y cantantes que ofrecerán los mejores conciertos a potosinos y visitantes; entre ellos J. Balvin, Nicky Jam, Residente, Maná, Banda MS y muchos más. San Luis Potosí SLP.- Del 5 al 28 de agosto, la Feria Nacional Potosina (Fenapo) 2022 se engalanará con una de las carteleras musicales más sorprendentes en el Teatro…
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vtopica · 5 years ago
Nombra tus 3 canciones favoritas
En este momento tengo 7 favoritas ajaj
Plegarias y Recuerdos - Nicki Nicole
Que seas felíz / pena negra / vuelvo y Tú siempre - Camila Gallardo
A otro lado - Natalia Lacunza
Pero de todas esas Tú siempre totalmente♡
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kentonramsey · 5 years ago
OMG! Look at Her Butt
Stress and self-esteem are related because stress worsens all emotional and medical conditions. It’s important that you take a vacation to relieve this stress. Having a break at least once in a year brings vitality to you psychologically and also has physical benefits. For both men and women, taking a break will lessen the risk of coronary heart disease or heart attacks which is caused by stress. It also improves general wellbeing.
Before you set off on a tropical gateway, you should consider getting butt lift in Turkey. Butt lifts have become hugely popular that the American Society of Plastic Surgeons recorded a 36% increase from 2015-2016. Several people get a shapely butt either by buttock implants or fat grafting. A buttock lift shapes the figure of your butt or buttocks. It has no downtime, it’s quick and you can get it done before a holiday or event. It enhances your self-image and self-confidence, making you feel beautiful. 
But what is a good butt lift, where can you get one, and what can it do? 
Over the last five years, a new trend has engulfed our planet. People have become more educated and open to the advancement of plastic surgeries (which keep on improving), and the result is many people have found solutions through and have gotten themselves feeling better by having their dream appearance. To cap it up, these surgeries are easier physically, financially and emotionally than most persons think. While the trend has really become popular, a particular type — the butt lift, has become the toast of all plastic surgeries among women. From top women around the globe to women without popularity, the numbers of women who have accepted butt lifts are continuously increasing. A few of note are Nicki Minaj, Beyonce, Cardi B, Jennifer Lopez, Kim Kardashian, Iggy Azalea, Amber Rose and Virginia Gallardo.
Butt lift is the best route to getting bigger butt compared to other measures like dieting and exercises (not all women get lucky with squats). Butt lift uses your own body fat to give you a shapely butt, and the results are quick.
A good butt lift is a butt lift gotten in Turkey either by buttock implants (silicone-filled devices that are surgically placed deep within the tissues of the buttock) or fat grafting (the transfer of fat from one area of the body into the tissues of the buttocks) or sometimes a combination of the two. The size, shape and contour of the buttocks are significantly improved whenever any of these are carried out. A buttock lift increases the fullness, roundness and projection of your buttocks, improves the balance of your figure and enhances your self-image and self-confidence.
Turkey is in high demand for butt lift surgery. A lot of people who seek to get their butt lift to go to Turkey because it has a lot of board-certified surgeons who have carried a great number of procedures over the years. Many of them have training in top schools in the world and are leading surgeons in their field. But while the country’s plastic industry has this pass mark for manpower, the top-notch medical facilities are another convincing factor that makes Turkey a unique destination for your butt lift. Butt lift, as well as other plastic procedures, is cheaper, in Turkey, than in the UK and other areas in Europe. 
Another major factor that makes Turkey a unique option for butt lift is the vacation opportunity that comes with choosing the country. The country’s tourism industry is highly rated with really nice places to visit. Istanbul, for example, is rich with culture, history and contemporary appeal. It’s one a kind as a city in Turkey that is one of two continents; it has the East and the West at both sides and has soaked up both continent as much. Located along the Bosphorus, in between the Black Sea and Sea of Marmara, Istanbul offers a tantalizing view of nature’s splendour. With historical sites as the magnificent Byzantine architecture in the Sultanahmet area, the splendid Hagia Sophia, the impressive Topkapi Palace built in the Ottoman era, and the famed Istanbul Archaeology Museum, you get a cruise through ancient civilisation.
Compared to India and other places, Turkey is very affordable both for plastic surgery, and it also offers exciting vacation opportunities. The affordable prices it offers is mostly because employee wages are a lot lower in Turkey. It is the best vacation location and the best place to get a butt lift. 
OMG! Look at Her Butt published first on https://normaltimepiecesshop.tumblr.com/ OMG! Look at Her Butt published first on https://mariakistler.tumblr.com/
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caffeinektn · 4 years ago
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Allow me to formally introduce myself.
Dis mah sim, Nicki, and her Maine Coon kitty Bitty! They’re versions of me IRL and my senior cat. She’s gonna be my legacy sim and I feel the need to document her journey. And yes, I did indeed feel the best way to introduce my sim self was in her pajamas. It’s my natural state and thus hers.
Nicki is a freelance illustrator born and raised in the city. She’s just moved into her very own apartment and is on the hunt for some new roommates ( because freelancing is not easy money. ) She’s addicted to coffee and loves her kitty and likes to crank the music up while she works, it helps her focus.
A few things of note:
I’m not committed to the legacy challenge here. I’m more looking to commit to a Sim family for a long time.
I’ve only recently started using CC and mods and I’ve never shared my gameplay before, so this is all new to me. Welcome to my journey.
I have a story laid out in mind for Nicki that parallels my own a little bit.
This is basically what I wish my life was like, okay. No judgment.
Anyhoodles. Let the story begin! : D
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cryptodictation · 5 years ago
Mexico, Altered Carbon and more news …
Spoilers in Narcos: Mexico, Locke & Key, Altered Carbon and more…
In Spoiler Alert thinner this week, we have a lot of news. Since Narcos: Mexico, whose second season is now available on Netflix, going through the still unprecedented return of Altered Carbon; from newbie Locke & Key, and the always delicious and wonderful RuPaul’s Drag Race. So I count on your reading of Spoiler Alert this week, as well as your comments, criticisms and suggestions for news.
Your turn to shine
Who is a fan of the franchise Narcos, you know the second season of Narcos: Mexico recently debuted on Netflix. If you are one of those, just like the one who writes to you, who has already devoured the episodes, continue with the question of the moment: what about the third year? In conversation with TV Guide, executive producer Eric Newman said what should be dealt with in the new episodes if the streaming order them.
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“I think that, if you look at it chronologically, the next big name in a post-Felix Gallardo world would be Amado Carrillo Fuentes. He was Lord of Heaven and head of the Juarez cartel. It is a very rich world to be explored. In addition, El Chapo's reign will still take place in twenty years, perhaps a little less than we are doing in the series. Yes, Chapo will be a factor, but I think another likely suspect is Amado Carrillo Fuentes, ”he concluded.
It might be
One of the most fascinating stories about its design in recent years (on here), Locke & Key could become one of Netflix's new hits. However, while this proposal does not come true, there are already plans for a second season due to an early renewal. Asked about the possibility of exploring (and creating) new keys, the executive producers, Carlton Cuse and Meredith Averill, they do not hesitate to indicate that they do.
“I don't know if we can talk about them in a specific way, but yes,” admitted Averill. “If you look at the comics, there are some that, I think, that you haven't seen in the series yet. Therefore, it can be said that such keys appear in the second season, ”added Cuse.
No time to waste
We are not promoting other sites and portals, but TV Guide did an excellent report on what to expect for the second season of Altered Carbon (on here). As this space we use to tell you about future events, we will highlight the main points of the interview given by (new) showrunner Alison Schapker. According to the producer, the new episodes will bring the protagonist ‘in a very different emotional state’ since the last time we saw Kovacs. In addition, Schapker promises greater 'accessibility' for all those who decide to watch the series from the new season.
“We created the second season in a way that honors fans who watched the first year, but also invites new subscribers to watch it for the first time. Because it is a new mystery, on a new planet with Kovacs in a new body, then it is possible for a beginner viewer to dive in, ”he explained. “If you want to start in the second season, we make everything more accessible without losing that previous development. We built upon the first season, ”he concluded.
New Times
Last week, The Good Fight got a return date (hallelujah, right?). But what do we know about the new season? Only that it will not be as focused on Donald Trump as the second and third year. In conversation with Entertainment Weekly, Robert King said the new episodes will bring ‘a little more nonsense’ compared to past seasons.
In addition, the new year will bring Boseman & Lockhart at a new time. That is, they lost their main customer, ChumHum (an alternative to Google, in the series), while Reddick's name became toxic for obvious reasons. To survive the new times, the firm is forced to be bought by STR Laurie, a multinational network of law firms led by Gavin Firth (John Larroquette).
Sashay Away
Unsurprisingly, the last time we posted about RuPaul’s Drag Race it was an overwhelming success. So, we will give the people what they want, right? Well, VH1 confirmed this week the celebrities that will be sworn guests in this 12th season. They are: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Nicki Minaj, Leslie Jones, Jeff Goldblum, Whoopi Goldberg, Chaka Khan, Daisy Ridley, Robyn, Normani, Thandie Newton, Olivia Munn, Rachel Bloom, Daniel Franzese, Jonathan Bennett and Winnie Harlow.
So, what did you think of our column this week? Leave it in the comments and keep following the news of your favorite series here on Series Mix. Yet. Thus. Also. The Flash. The Flash. However The Flash. Yet. On the other hand. Like this.
The post Mexico, Altered Carbon and more news … appeared first on Cryptodictation.
from WordPress https://cryptodictation.com/2020/03/25/mexico-altered-carbon-and-more-news/
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hittveu · 7 years ago
Indy Dontje will ersten Podestplatz in der “Liga der Supersportwagen”
Renger van der Zande und Nicky Catsburg unterstützen Titelkandidaten
SPORT1 überträgt beide Rennen live und in voller Länge
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München. Mit Indy Dontje (24/NL, Mercedes-AMG Team HTP Motorsport), Nicky Catsburg (29/NL, BMW Team Schnitzer) und Renger van der Zande (31/NL, Callaway Competition) starten drei Lokalmatadore an diesem Wochenende in Zandvoort im ADAC GT Masters. Die drei Niederländer haben sich für den vierten Lauf der “Liga der Supersportwagen” viel vorgenommen. Die beiden Rennen auf dem Dünenkurs werden am Samstag (ab 13.30 Uhr) und am Sonntag (ab 13.00 Uhr) bei SPORT1 live und in voller Länge übertragen. Online sind die Rennen im Livestream unter adac.de/motorsport und sport1.de zu sehen.
Dontje bestreitet in diesem Jahr seine erste Saison in der “Liga der Supersportwagen”. Sein bisher bestes Rennergebnis ist ein vierter Platz im knallgelben Mercedes-AMG GT3, den er sich mit Marvin Kirchhöfer (23/Markkleeberg) teilt. Ebenso wie der Deutsche kommt Dontje aus der ADAC Formelschule und gewann Rennen im ADAC Formel Masters. “Ich bin mit dem bisherigen Saisonverlauf ganz zufrieden”, so der Niederländer. “Marvin und ich haben gezeigt, dass wir schnell sind. Leider haben kleine Fehler und etwas Pech bisher einen Podestplatz verhindert. Es wäre natürlich toll, wenn mir dies in Zandvoort gelingen würde. Der Kurs wurde für 2017 fast komplett neu asphaltiert. Nur die letzte Kurve ist so geblieben. Mal sehen, wie sich das auswirkt. Aber eigentlich sollte der Kurs dem Mercedes-AMG liegen.” Das vierte von sieben Rennwochenenden des ADAC GT Masters kann er kaum erwarten: “Ich freue mich auf mein Heimspiel, auch weil es eine wirklich coole Strecke ist. Es gibt sehr viele schnelle und teilweise auch blinde Kurven und nur eine relativ kurze Gerade. Nur an wenigen Stellen kann man sich daher etwas ausruhen. Ich kenne Zandvoort sehr gut, da ich dort schon oft als Instruktor gearbeitet habe.”
Dontje wird am Wochenende von seiner rennsportverrückten Familie unterstützt: “Mein Bruder Milan startet in diesem Jahr im Audi Sport TT Cup und mein Vater fuhr selbst Kartrennen. Er ist ein großer Fan der 500 Meilen von Indianapolis. Deshalb habe ich den Namen ‘Indy’ bekommen. Seine erste Idee war ‘Enzo’, aber das fand meine Mutter nicht so gut.” Abseits der Rennwochenenden ist Dontje viel beschäftigt. Im rund 45 Minuten von Zandvoort entfernten Lelystad betreibt er eine Kartbahn und ein Fahrsicherheitszentrum: “Dort kümmere ich mich auch um den Rennsportnachwuchs und gebe Kurse für junge Kartpiloten.”
Anders als Dontje bestreiten seine Landsleute van der Zande und Catsburg nicht die komplette Saison des ADAC GT Masters, sondern vertreten auf dem Dünenkurs zwei Stammpiloten. Van der Zande springt bei Callaway Competition für Tabellenführer Daniel Keilwitz (27/Villingen) ein, der nach einem Unterschenkelbruch pausieren muss. Der ehemalige DTM-Pilot teilt sich die Corvette C7 mit Jules Gounon (22/F). “Ich werde mein Bestes geben und werde Jules helfen, die Tabellenspitze zu verteidigen”, so der in Amsterdam lebende van der Zande, der 2014 und 2015 auf dem Nürburgring insgesamt vier Rennen im ADAC GT Masters bestritt und dabei einen Podestplatz einfuhr.
Nicky Catsburg startet in Zandvoort im BMW M6 des BMW Team Schnitzer an der Seite des Tabellenzweiten Philipp Eng (27/A). Der eigentliche Teamkollege des Österreichers, der BMW-Junior Ricky Collard (20/GB), wird am Wochenende bei der DTM in Moskau vor Ort sein, um im Rahmen seiner Ausbildung Einblicke in die Abläufe eines DTM-Wochenendes zu erhalten. Gleichzeitig bekommt er die Gelegenheit, das BMW-DTM-Renntaxi zu fahren. Catsburg absolvierte bisher zwei Rennen im ADAC GT Masters: 2015 startete er ebenfalls in Zandvoort, damals jedoch in einem Lamborghini Gallardo, und wurde einmal Zweiter.
Zandvoort ist übrigens ein gutes Pflaster für Lokalmatadore: Mit Jaap van Lagen (zwei Siege) sowie Jeroen den Boer und Simon Knap gewannen bereits drei Niederländer Rennen der “Liga der Supersportwagen” auf dem Dünenkurs. Und mit DB Motorsport war dort bereits ein niederländisches Team siegreich.
Für die Zuschauer gibt es vor Ort eine ganz besondere Aktion: Sie können das Rennwochenende auf dem Circuit Zandvoort, bei dem außerdem die ADAC TCR Germany, die Spezial Tourenwagen Trophy (STT) und der Renault Clio Cup Central Europe antreten, auf den Stehplätzen in den Dünen rund um die Strecke gratis verfolgen. Mehr Informationen gibt es unter: www.circuitzandvoort.nl/en/events/adac-gt-masters#event-tab-gratis-tickets. Karten für das Fahrerlager und für die Tribünen können im offiziellen Ticket-Shop des ADAC GT Masters unter adac.de/motorsport bestellt werden und sind an der Tageskasse erhältlich.
ADAC GT Masters-Kalender 2017
28.04.-30.04.2017 Motorsport Arena Oschersleben 19.05.-21.05.2017 Lausitzring (mit DTM) 09.06.-11.06.2017 Red Bull Ring/Österreich 21.07.-23.07.2017 Circuit Park Zandvoort/Niederlande 04.08.-06.08.2017 Nürburgring 15.09.-17.09.2017 Sachsenring 22.09.-24.09.2017 Hockenheimring Baden-Württemberg
Quelle: ADAC Motorsport
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Schnelle Niederländer wollen ADAC GT Masters-Heimsieg in Zandvoort Indy Dontje will ersten Podestplatz in der "Liga der Supersportwagen" Renger van der Zande und Nicky Catsburg unterstützen Titelkandidaten…
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caffeinektn · 4 years ago
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It started out like any other spring day. Nicki woke up early - not that she had to, it was a habit formed purely from sharing space with her mother - and began her usual routine. Toilet, shower, skin, teeth, food. A monotonous array of morning tasks. Bitty did not make it any more interesting at first, either. He was busy sleeping, burrowed under the blankets in his own little cave. Cave Cat, Nicki called it, and usually found it amusing. This morning, however, she could have used his persistent meows for attention.
Salim was not who she thought he was.She could have overlooked his playboy attitude when all they did was flirt, but he assured her he was serious and wanted a real relationship. Nicki should have been more skeptical, but she was trying to be open to the idea of romance. That was not her idea either, but that of her friends. Janae insisted, saying Nicki was not getting any younger and if she really wanted a family, she best start looking for the right man.
Nicki all but slammed the bag of cat food into place under the cupboard. “Who needs a man,” she grumbled, unwilling to admit Salim actually hurt her.
Nicki glanced down to find Bitty staring up at her with big green eyes, his mane of fur fluffed up around his head. “About time, Fluff,” she admonished, but there was no fight in her words and she stooped to pat his head.
At once the Maine Coon began to purr and when Nicki pulled away, he sat up to reach for her receding hand. Massive paws the size of her palm swatted the air and his tail flicked across the floorboards.
“Oh, you’re playful are you?” Nicki grinned. It always made her happy to see her senior cat be so playful. A few fatty tumors here and there made no difference to him, and aside from that he showed little signs of age. Even his eyes remained clear and bright, free from the milky film of age many cats developed. “Alright, let me grab the wand.”
For a few minutes her playful cat took her mind off the sting of anger and hurt that plagued her for the better part of the night. He made her laugh as he hopped around like a little kitten - minus the overgrown fluffy head - and Nicki was content to bounce the jingling cat wand above him.
A knock at the door made her look up. Through the tinted glass she caught sight of a familiar figure and at once her mood clouded again. Salim stood there, peering in at her with that irritatingly faux friendliness she had fallen for. Well, he could continue standing there. Nicki was not opening the door.
“I can see you, you know.”
Any hope she stood out of sight vanished and Nicki heaved a sigh. “I don’t want to talk to you.”
“Yeah, I figured. I’ll just-- talk through the door, then.” A pause, then; “It’ll probably be a little louder, though, gotta make sure you hear me.”
That was the last thing Nicki wanted, Salim airing out their drama for the whole complex to hear. Loathe as she was to cave in to him, she yanked the door open and leveled a withering glare at her golden skinned neighbor. “Fuck you want,” she snapped.
“Er...” Salim grimaced. “I, uh, wanted to apologize.”
“I don’t care for your apology.”
“Well, that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t give it, right?” Salim shrugged. “May I come in?”
He looked taken aback by that, but shrugged it off again. “I should explain--”
“I’d love to hear how you explain the maid dress,” Nicki said with a wicked grin.
“That needs no explanation,” Salim replied. “And you’re the last person I expect to kink shame me.”
Nicki eyed him. “Fair point,” she admitted. “Fine, come in.”
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Salim stepped in and wasted no time launching into his explanation. “We met at a pretty rough time for me,” he said. His feet carried him to the couch as usual, probably out of habit by then. He spent weeks doing just that almost every day. “I just got out of a bad relationship. And I mean bad. That’s no excuse,” he added hastily, catching the look Nicki threw him.
“Damn right it’s not.” Nicki turned her back to him and filled a glass of water, more for something to do than out of thirst. Her fingers tapped the glass as she stood there, staring at the wall.
“Well, we were engaged. And to be honest, part of me will probably always love her.” Nicki could hear the sound of Salim settling onto the couch and the quiet sigh that followed. “That was her last night, by the way. She’s had it pretty rough all her life, and this break up hit us both pretty hard.”
“So you break up only to bang each other some more?” Nicki turned to face him with a frown. “What kind of explanation is that? Sounds pretty toxic to me.”
“Oh, it is.” Salim nodded and spread his arms in a helpless gesture. “And I wasn’t thinking. I acted impulsively and it’s been my impulse to put her first for years. Habits can be hard to break. It’s no excuse, just the truth.” His shoulders drooped and he slouched backwards. “I shouldn’t have tried to do more than I was ready for.”
“Probably not.” Nicki could feel her anger fizzling out. She would be a hypocrite if she could not understand and forgive Salim’s behavior seeing as she had been guilty of the same in the past. It was hard sometimes o judge when one is ready to date and when one just needs to feel wanted.
“Anyway, I don’t expect anything.” Salim stood and rolled his shoulders back, an embarrassed look on his face as he looked anywhere but at Nicki. “I just didn’t want you to think what happened had anything to do with you. It didn’t.”
“‘Course it didn’t, I’m awesome.” Nicki forced a small smile. “Clearly you’re just defective.”
Salim looked taken aback and finally met her eyes.
Her brows rose. “I’m joking, Salim.”
“Oh.” He grinned, sheepish. “Right.”
“Joking aside, I know how that is.” Nicki took a breath and headed out of the kitchen to sit on the couch, gesturing with one hand for Salim to join her. “I’ve been there. It’s not pleasant. I can forgive that once, but don’t expect another shot.”
“I figured.” Salim nodded, looking a little dejected but not surprised. “Ruined that chance and I wouldn’t dream of trying again, it’d be too mortifying.”
“But hey-- I’m here if you ever want a friend.” Nicki offered up a smile, small but true. “Friends I can do. It’s not like we were anything super serious after only one date.”
“Friends.” Salim said the word like he only just discovered it. “Right, that-- that would be great, actually. Friends have been hard lately, Mina and I shared our friend pool.”
“Ouch.” Nicki grimaced, but laughed. “That’s a hard one to cope with. Who do you complain to?”
“The internet,” Salim admitted and hung his head in shame.
Okay, so this is the first bit of real writing I’ve done for this blog and it’ll suffice as the start. From here you’ll meet all of Nicki’s friends and the upcoming Jaxen. This is a little shaky, but I’m trying this thing where I just go with an idea and don’t second guess myself.
In case you’re wondering, Salim is actually taking a back burner ‘cause I realized I wanted all original characters for this story. But the maid outfit and infidelity thing actually happened in game lol. There’s a previous post about it here.
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caffeinektn · 4 years ago
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After the debacle with Salim, Nicki didn’t have high hopes for romance in the coming weeks. Which is why meeting Jaxen really only led to friendship. He seemed lost when she spotted him in her apartment building and as any good neighbor would do she stopped to ask if he was alright. Turns out he’s new to the city and doesn’t have a soul to help him acclimate! Nicki took it upon herself to help him out. She has plans to drag him to the next flea market to pick up some furniture for his apartment. Even moody musicians need a couch!
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caffeinektn · 4 years ago
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So Nicki's neighbor is Salim and they've been hitting it off. Went on a date, everything was going well, he asked her to be his girlfriend. Then that same night he's being way too loud, so Nicki heads over to tell him to be quiet (with Alex following along) and Salim comes out flushed and dressed like this. And he has the nerve to get angry and break up with Nicki! After she goes to sleep finally at 3am, Salim sneaks into her bedroom in his maid outfit, checks himself out in her mirror, steals some food, then leaves.
Needless to say, Nicki feels she dodged a bullet there.
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caffeinektn · 4 years ago
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Ahh yes, the curls are out proper! And there’s a fluffy cat that says hello. :)
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