#nick sturniolo nation
muwapsturniolo · 2 months
✯𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐌𝐞 𝐀𝐭 𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐒𝐩𝐨𝐭✯
IN WHICH...Nick is confronted about his actions in freshman year by an ex-best friend. Feelings are brought up and they both come to a conclusion.
WARNINGS... small bit of angst, mainly fluff, mentions of homophobia, feelings that were never said, that's about it.
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Nick was exhausted, but for some reason, he could not fall asleep. He's tried everything, turning on his fan noises, drinking a warm cup of milk, and even counting sheep.
But nothing worked.
He figured it was the jet lag, the time difference between California and Boston throwing him off... But he knows deep down that's not the reason. This has been happening every day since that moment in high school, never being able to sleep well after it. That single moment had a domino effect in his life, keeping a firm grasp on his brain and never letting go.
It was an endless cycle that he now has become used to.
He thought as time went on he would forget that moment, his mind would push the memories to the back and he would forget about it, unfortunately, that's not the case. Every single day he thinks about it, when he's in the shower, when he's eating breakfast, even when he's filming videos with his brothers.
It's all he can think about.
He sighs as he tosses and turns in his bed, eventually covering his face with a pillow and sighing as he hears Chris's faint voice yelling. He and Matt were in Chris's room playing a game, Nate being with them.
His phone chiming makes him remove the pillow from his face, grabbing the phone with a sigh. He figures it's Chris asking him to bring him a drink and or snack, but he was wrong.
a simple text notification is on his screen.
xxx-xxx-xxxx: meet me at our spot.
His stomach drops seeing the number and text on his screen. The number wasn't saved in his phone, but he knew who it was.
How could he forget Y/n? His best friend and crush since middle school.
Memories of that day in freshman year flash through Nick's mind.
"Nick what's going on? Why have you been ignoring me?" Y/n asks in annoyance, the two of them standing outside Nick's home after coming from school. Nick huffs and and avoids eye contact with the boy in front of him. "Nothing's going on, I've just been bus-bullshit! You're lying!" Nick becomes frustrated and lashes out at the boy.
"I don't want to be your friend anymore! Ok?! gosh, I thought you would have taken the hint!" It hurts Nick to see the hurt on Y/n's face, the boy's brows furrowing in confusion.
"W-what? But we promised each other when we got to high school we would always be friends...It was us against everything."
"Yeah well, I lied, get over it!" Nick storms into the house, pushing past Matt and Chris, and straight to his room.
Nick is brought out of his memories by his phone dinging once again, this time a location being shared. He debates, does he go and meet up with Y/n after all these years? Or does he stay home in a restless slumber?
"Fuck..." Nick stands from his bed and throws on a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie, his Birkenstocks being slipped on before he leaves his room. He exits the home through the back door and begins walking down the familiar streets of his childhood.
He soon arrives at the park and walks into the woods, looking around in fear.
"I swear to god if I get murdered I'm going to haunt whoever-Shit!" He grunts as he trips over a tree stump. He sits up and glares at the stump in annoyance, his eyes softening when he notices the markings on the tree.
both his and Y/n's name carved onto the stump.
That was the day they made the pact to be friends no matter what.
Y/n grunts as he uses the scissors to carve Nick's name into the stump. "You're going to hurt yourself!" Nick cringes as he watches the boy stick his tongue out in concentration. "Shut up, no I won't!" Nick rolls his eyes and crosses his arms in annoyance. Y/n soon finishes and smiles at his handiwork.
"Nick look!" He says in excitement. Nick peeks around the boy and smiles seeing their names carved into the stump. "It looks like Trevor did it- Hey!" Nick shouts as he rubs his leg, Y/n swatting at it. The older boy (by two months) turns to Nick fully, looking at him with a determined gaze.
"We need to make a pact!"
"A pact? For what?"
"Yes a pact doofus! This pact is a promise for us to always remain friends when we get to high school!" Y/n spits in his own hand and holds his hand out to Nick. Nick gives him a dirty look, "That's gross! I'm not doing that!"
"Nick come one! This is important!" Nick grumbles and spits into his own hand, soon clasping it with Y/n's and cringing at the feeling.
Nick feels an ache in his chest as he recalls that day. The two boys had spent the rest of the day by their stump, making memories neither of them could forget...and Nick ruined it. He sighs and stands up, brushing off his pants and continuing his trek to their spot.
The spot was this abandoned gazebo they found in middle school.
The gazebo sat on the edge of this lake, vines of all kinds twisting around the pillars of the structure. It was so deep into the woods that you couldn't see or hear the bustling streets of Boston, it was peaceful.
They use to spend all their time there, hiding away from the world and never telling anyone where they were.
Nick remembers the first time he saw the spot, Y/n being overly excited to show the boy.
"Nicky come on! It's going to be dark soon and we will have to go home!" Y/n urges impatiently. Nick was a few feet behind, screeching at the bugs swarming around him and stumbling over roots and rocks. As soon as he caught up, Y/n grabbed his hand and yanked him the rest of the way.
The two arrive and Nick is instantly in awe, "how did you find this place?" Y/n giggles and sits down on the cement flooring of the gazebo.
"That doesn't matter, what matters is that this is now our spot! I'm thinking we can hang up those fairy lights and we can-" As Y/n rambles about ways to make the gazebo theirs, Nick is staring at him in amazement.
Nick is pulled out of his memories by the gazebo coming into view.
He begins to panic, his body tensing as he feels the anxiety settling in just from the simple thought of seeing Y/n again after all these years. "Fuck it, I can't do-OH MY GOD!" Nick screams in fright as he turns around and bumps into a person. Whoever it was grabbed onto him, but Nick jerked back, making both of them fall and roll down the small hill.
Nick groans in pain once they finally stop rolling. Nick sits up and looks down, his eyes widening once he recognizes the face under him.
"Well, I'm definitely sobered up now...Hey Nicky."
Nick swats at the boy's chest, a look of annoyance on his face.
"What is wrong with you?! Why would you scare me like that?" Y/n laughs and sits up, both his hands resting on Nick's waist. Nick tenses at the action before quickly climbing off of him.
"I wasn't trying to scare you, I was literally about to say your name before you started freaking out," he says standing up. He offers Nick a hand and pulls him off the ground.
Both of them examine eachother carefully, taking in the differences from their freshman-year bodies. "You uh...You look good Nick...I like the piercing."
"Yeah thanks... You look good too." Nick states softly.
The silence between them is loud, the tension thick before y/n breaks it, "Did you want to go down there?" He motions to the platform of the gazebo. Nick silently nods, being too scared to speak.
They make the short walk to the platform, memories of them doing this all the time flooding back.
They settle down, both of them sitting crisscross as they stare at the lake in front of them. The only sounds being heard are the rippling of the water, and the flickering of Y/n's lighter as he sparks a cigarette.
They sit in silence for a moment before Y/n speaks up.
"Why did you do that to me our freshman year?" Nick feels his heart fall to the pits of his stomach, not expecting to be confronted so bluntly.
"Wow ripping the band-aid right off..." Y/n gives Nick a look making Nick sigh.
"I'm... I don't know..."
"You don't know? You don't know why you told me you lied about us staying friends through high school? That's the biggest lie I've ever heard."
Nick becomes defensive, "ok well why are you still hung up on it? I moved on why haven't you?" Y/n scoffs at the response, his cigarette long forgotten.
"You're a fucking liar, you didn't move on. If you had, you wouldn't have showed up tonight!" Nick quickly looks down at the flowing water.
Y/n was right, he wasn't over it.
Y/n speaks up after a moment of silence, "You hurt me Nick... You were my best friend, and out of nowhere you switched up and I don't know why. I raked my mind trying to figure out if I ever did something to you to make you ditch me and I came up empty-handed. I didn't deserve what you did but I do want closure....You owe me that much."
All the bottled-up emotions Nick has been suppressing for years are about to explode, tears forming in his eyes.
"I-um-I... I'm gay..."
"Nick I already knew that, what does that have to do with you ditching me for no reason?"
Nick sighs and rubs at his eyes, trying to stop the tears, "N-no I know you know that, it's not that hard to notice, but I stopped being your friend because I'm gay." Y/n's eyes soften at the confession.
"Nick...Did you think I was going to hate you for being gay?"
Nick nods softly, "I umm... I didn't want you to hate me for being who I am, it killed me to think it would happen. I was already scared my own family wouldn't accept me, I couldn't handle it if you didn't... I was already pushing Chris and Matt away, I just figured I would do the same to you."
Y/n moves closer to Nick and pulls him into a hug, "Nick, I could never hate you for being yourself, you should have known that."
"I couldn't help it! So much was happening and I didn't know what to do!" Nick runs a hand through his hair in frustration, all the old memories and feelings coming back from that time of life.
"It's ok Nick...I get it. I know exactly what you were going through. When I realized I was gay, I com-You're gay?" Nick cuts Y/n off, pulling away from the embrace and looking at him in shock.
"Yeah, I am. I came out after we graduated."
Nick stares at him for a moment, this news shocking him.
"When-What made you realise?"
Y/n can't help but laugh at the shock on Nick's face. He knows his answer was very blunt and nonchalant, but it was the truth. He didn't see the need to lie, especially to Nick.
"M-me? What do you mean me?"
Y/n shrugs, starting to flick his lighter, a nervous habit he picked up when he started smoking. " For the longest time, I couldn't figure out why I never hated you after what you did. I was so upset, crying and constantly talking about it at any chance I got. My family and my friends couldn't understand why I was still so upset about our friendship ending, even after a couple years...It wasn't until you came out that I realized why I was so upset...It was because I was gay and I had a crush on you, but you pushed me away."
Y/n turns to Nick and gives a sad smile, " You were gay and pushed me away because you thought I would hate you, meanwhile I was gay and had a crush on you...Funny how that turned out."
All Nick can do is stare at him, his mind working a thousand miles a minute trying to comprehend what he just heard. Once it does register, he wants to slam his head against the pavement.
"I actually want to scream, I want to bite the curb."
Y/n scoffs at Nick's words, "damn, is me having a crush on you that bad?"
"No fuckface! I had a crush on you too, but I was too fucking dumb to comprehend my feelings and I pushed you away! God, I'm so stupid!" Nick hits his forehead a few times before covering his face with his hands.
Y/n laughs out, full-on cracking up. Nick slowly lifts his head from his hands, eyes squinted as he glares at the boy. "This is literally not funny, why are you laughing?"
"Because this is the most closeted gay conversation I've ever had." Y/n has tears in his eyes from how hard he's laughing, his stomach cramping.
Nick groans and covers his face once more, not being able to deal with Y/n's antics. After a few minutes of uncontrollable laughter, Y/n glances at Nick, a look of affection in his eye. He moves closer, his thigh touching Nick's. Nick tenses at the feeling, not knowing how to feel with him being so close.
Y/n gently pulls Nick's hands away from his face, both boys looking at each other.
Y/n feels something burst in his chest, the moonlight shining down on Nick, making his blue eyes shine brighter than they already are. He could stay here all night if he could, getting lost in the sea of Nick's eyes and enjoying being close after years apart.
The two of them slowly get closer, their breathing speeding up. they get so close they can feel each other's breath fanning over.
"Do you still have a crush on me?"
"I'm here aren't I?"
That's all the conformation Y/n needed to plant his lips against Nick's
Both boys kiss each other with ease, the old connection and knowledge of each other making it so much easier to do so. It wasn't stressful, it was not nerve-wracking,
It's right.
They eventually pull away, huge smiles on both of their faces.
The happiness in their system gives them a sense of adrenaline, y/n pulling Nick up and dragging him through the woods, just as he used to do when they were kids. They both climb into Y/n's car, not knowing where they are going but just wanting to enjoy whatever the night brings.
They spend the rest of the night driving around, pulling off the side of the road to occasionally make out before hitting the streets once again.
They soon stumble inside Nick's home, bursting through the backdoor. They stop in their tracks seeing Chris, Matt, and Nate in the kitchen.
"Where the hell have you been Nick?! It's 5 am!"
Nate looks down seeing both boys holding hands tightly. He looks back up at Y/n and smiles,
"You finally came clean?"
Y/n laughs and ushers Nick into the bedroom, closing the door and locking it before one of the three boys can say anything else. Nick's lips instantly find his, both boys moving back to the bed.
As the two make out for the millionth time, they can't help but think about how happy they are being back in each other's arms. The years of being away from each other not mattering anymore, the thought of the future not even crossing their minds,
All that matters is now.
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im apologizing for the ending, i couldn't figure out a way to end it
𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨 𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 🍑: @mattslolita @thenickgirl @guccifrog @luverboychris @zayyluvz @mrsmiagreer @chrisssluttywaist @78yaz @hoesformatt @freshloveforthefit @3lizaluvs @mattsturniolosgirlfriend @jetaimevous @luxy-nyx @ts-is-my-spirt-animal @iihrtsturniol0 @idontexistman @katw4shereee @madisturn @starlace111 @zivall @adoreindie @imwetforyourmom @sturnsxplr-25 @sturncakez @theyluvme-2315 @moonk1ss3d @@babyalliah-777 @sturniololol @oliviasturniolo21 @ariithereyet @blahbel668
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meerkatzthings · 6 months
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guys i love nate with my whole entire heart ☹️
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colbie-sturns206 · 18 days
no lube, no protection, all night, all day, from the kitchen floor to the toilet seat, from the dining table to the bedroom, from the bathroom sink to the shower, from the front porch to the balcony, vertically, horizontally, quadratic, exponential, logarithmic, while I gasp for air, scream and see the light, missionary, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, doggy, backwards, sideways, upside down, on the floor, in the bed, on the couch, on a chair, being carried against the wall, outside, in a train, on a plane, in the car, on a motorcycle, the the bed of a truck, on a trampoline, in a bounce house, in the pool, bent over, in the basement, against the window, have the most toe curling, back arching, leg shaking, dick throbbing, fist clenching, ear ringing, mouth drooling, ass clenching, nose sniffling, eye watering, eye rolling, hip thrusting, earthquaking, sheet gripping, knuckles cracking, jaw dropping, hair pulling, teeth jitterbug, mind blogging, soul snatching, overstimulating, vile, sloppy,moan inducing, heart wrenching, spine tingling, back breaking, atrocious,gushy, creamy, beastly, lip biting, gravity defying, nail biting, sweaty, feet kicking, mind blowing, body shivering, orgasmic, bone breaking, world ending, black hole creating, universe destroying, devious, scrumptious, amazing, delightful, delectable, unbelievable, body numbing, bark worthy, can't walk, head nodding, soul evaporating, volcano erupting, sweat rolling, voice cracking, trembling, sheets soaked, hair drenched, flabbergasting, lip locking, skin peeling, eyelash removing, eye widening, pussy popping, nail scratching, back cuts, spectacular, brain cell desolving, hair ripping, show stopping, magnificent, unique, extraordinary, slendid, phenomenal, mouth foaming, heavenly, awakening, devils tango ever.💕
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elegantnapkinnpie · 2 months
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floralsturniolo · 2 months
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oh matt how you’d love the new forest national park in england 🥹🥹
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sunrisemill · 2 months
The air is tasting a little bit salty today…
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thenickgirl · 3 months
scrolling through my instagram and wishing that i still edit 😔
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stevelacylovebot · 6 days
nothing screams teenage girl like relying on another teenage girl to update a fanfiction about your current hyper fixation that is consuming every bit of your mind at every second of every day
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sageluvsjoel · 23 days
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Masterlist Tag list
🌿Follow me on Tiktok @alovestlou🌿
About me:
my name is sage and i’m from ireland
i’m 18 years old and i love: the last of us, the sturniolo triplets, life is strange(all games), until dawn, the walking dead (game and show) bojack horseman, breaking bad, better call saul, arrested development, znation, suburb talks, dress to impress, detroit become human, RDR, fast and furious and valorant!!!
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muwapsturniolo · 3 months
I miss my followers- @thenickgirl cuz she on vacation. She wanted me to tell yall!!
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foolish1-tv · 1 year
july has given us so many things 💕
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highlight of the summer fr
(talking abt Speak Now TV, i care so much that i don't care at all, Barbie, brittany broski's royal court, a sequel to going to every rainforest cafe, and blonde nick)
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deareststurns · 14 days
Nick and his drama rn.
Listen I know I'm probably gonna get some hate for this but I don't even care tbh. Nick needs his shit clocked so badly and Imma do it (even if it he's not gonna see it I wanna inform you guys and just speak my opinion). Nick has been such a shitty human being recently. 1. I want to talk about how he is going to be the absolute downfall of Sturniolo's nation. He needs to start respecting his fans better number one, simply because without us he wouldn't be where he is now. I get that some fans go absolutely over the top and I get that, but saying his chat is “Helen Kellers” and just being downright negative towards them isn't okay. 2. I want to talk about how not just him but all of them have a tendency to not speak about anything. They choose to ignore everything. 3. Speaking of that lets talk about his abelist comment. Whether he had the intention or not for it to sound that way, it was damn right not okay to his brother at that too. Now Chris has mentioned he feels like he has ADHD or such, but he's not diagnosed. But still, that doesn't mean anything, it's still highly offensive to others. And I feel like if he DOES decide to talk about It 1. He's gonna act like he's hot shit and be all like “I don't care what you say.” or he's just not going to speak about it at all, but he needs to apologize to fans, and his brother in my opinion. I'm excited about Twitch streams with Nick simply because you cannot cut anything out and i do feel as though other things will be said and i don’t believe this will be the first or last time this happens. And speaking of Twitch streams, I feel like the energy is so much better without him there. That's just a hot take of mine. Matt is more energetic, and chris can honestly be more himself without Nick constantly talking down on him, they actually talk to fans more. And honestly, I'm a Matt girl at heart but I feel like he seeks Nicks's approval in stuff and just follows his lead in things. In my opinion Chris is the only real humble and grateful one of the group and I love that for him. And Chris I feel like is always the odd one out if that makes sense. Nick is highly rude to him. And I know that they're “brothers” and its going to happen but its like constant in Twitch streams. Anyways I just feel like I needed to speak on this because its been pissing me off.
All in all he just needs to calm his shit and what he says on stream and in general and they’ll be fine. 😬
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skeelly · 9 months
"when im fat and old and my kids think im a joke"
"who cares if im pretty if i fail my finals??"
"who's your daddy?" (IYKYK ;))
"im tired and it's winter"
"i wish i could block me out"
"wanna die"
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hi!! welcome. i suggest putting a seatbelt on and i will pay for your therapy, dont worry. :)
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☘ "hi, it's me. im the problem it's me.": im kristen! you can call me kristen or kris. minor (im 14 if you really wanna know). she/her. intp-t. ambivert. 🇵🇭. reader (sort of). notes app writer (sometimes). i could not care less about my dumb typos so deal with it. i suck at math. biiiiiggg ophelia wilde fan. delulu swiftie no.9273737277. rodrigoxpartidge's biggest supporter. claire rosinkranz is the reason for my existence. gracie abrams ily. "how long can we be a sad song?". im married to grayson hawthorne. mirrorball//tolerate it girlie 4 life. stromboli fan until the day i die. nick girlie by heart. pjo stan at this point. harry potter simp. hermione granger is my mother. sherlock and enola holmes stan. "no body, no crime". haylor (sorry not sorry). one direction is my life. FREE PALESTINE. kenji, my spirit animal. jude is so ughhhhh perfect. javery shipper cause jameson for avery, grayson for me :3. massive k!nye west hater so if you like him, please leave. but i love rap. certified professional procrastinator. capricorn (not a believer in those things though). i love reading poetry. correct grammar = non existent. i can (technically) fluently speak 3 languages. i can speak (basic, not much) about 5 languages?. piano enthusiast. very big sport girly (football *soccer. america football can kiss my toes. that sport sucks*, f1, volleyball, badminton, basketball, tennis and hockey fan). walker scobell is perfect and i love him. c²>>>>. sharl leclerc. max the axe. oscar paistry. ankara messi. sewy. leah is my bestie. dior is the best artist no cap. pookie nation frfr. charlie's luke is best luke. andrew is underrated. olivea is jusssttt.
☘ rappers i like//listen to: eminem, lil skies, ysbtril (does he count?), nicki minaj, doja cat (:3), cardi b (rarely), dominic fike (does he count? yk, melodic rap). tbh idk who else lol.
☘ all around favorite artists: taylor swift, olivia rodrigo, claire rosinkranz, gracie abrams, the weeknd, doja cat, lil skies, ysbtril, selena gomez (?), harry styles, niall horan, louis tomlinson, zayn, liam payne, one direction, clairo, conan gray, lana del rey, one republic, why don't we, the neighborhood, billie elish, ariana grande, abba, michael jackson.
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☘ navigation?:
rambles: #kristenstedtalk
anything i don't proof read: #i didn't proof read this lmao
grayson hawthorne: #loml
cringe posts that idk why i posted: #/j or #post to delete?
asks: #askaroo or #ty for answering <3
sturniolo triplets: #stombolis
☘ follower count (as of march 20): 313 (im actually not sure lol)
☘ DNI: racists, homophobes, sexists and anyone that's ok with any form of discrimination
✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼   ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼   ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼
☘ safe space for: everyone lol
☘ my other accounts: @crysten my writing and other stuff @skeellymellows book rants (AAAH I CANT TAG)
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☘ books/movies/series: harry potter, pjo, aggtm, tig, sherlock/enola holmes, little women, black beauty, tsitp, better than the movies. hp, pjo, enola holmes, tsitp, gilmore girls, gossip girl, mean girls, legally blonde, little women, hunger games (haven't read the books), marvel (barely lol), secretariat (my favorite :>>). tbh idk what else lol
☘ my people:
@stvrgirl111//@stvrlighhttt (mare) #maree
@urbanflorals (em) #walkers wife
@gergthecat (scouty) #evil batman sourdough guy #bread man #george
@mqstermindswift (quason) #nickyy
@nqds (NADS) #nads! or was it #NADS! ??
@reminiscentreader (JAS) #theworldneedsmorepeoplelikejas
@sophiesonlinediary (fifi) #fifi <3
@myster3y (kiaraah) #kiaraah
@regisdvmb(reggggg) ✶ @coco6420 (cocoo) ✶ @eddiethebanished (finn :)) ✶ @themidnightarcher ✶ @starchasers-stuff ✶ @what-about-wendy (wendy <3) ✶ @lucinda-008 ✶ @foaming-sea ✶ @lonelycatsblog ✶ @good-old-fashioned-lover ✶ @my-mind-is-frozen ✶ @dandelions-fly-in-summer-skies ✶ @baboland ✶ @blocked-zombieartist ✶ @sturn-wrld ✶ @swiftieannah ✶ @weeping-in-the-willows ✶ @s1xseasonsandamov1e ✶ @the-red-archer ✶ @svnflowermoon ✶ @helpimhopelesslyinlove ✶ @doyoujustnotwantto ✶ @atwtmvftvtvsgavralpsss ✶ @oh-whale13 ✶ @bonesofnixie ✶ @art-of-fools (stephanieee) ✶ @percabeths-blue-cookies ✶ @imthatweirdratinthecorner (a rat <3) ✶ @letmeseeallthefrogsinthecity ✶ @that-multi-fandom-hijabi (novaaa) ✶ @rachellelizabethhdare ✶ @sluttypoetsdepartment ✶ @kimu-dem ✶
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mattslolita · 2 months
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🎵.𖥔 ݁ ˖🎶๋࣭ ⭑👾🎵.𖥔 ݁ ˖🎶๋࣭ ⭑👾🎵.𖥔 ݁ ˖🎶๋࣭ ⭑👾🎵.𖥔 ݁ ˖🎶๋࣭ ⭑👾🎵.𖥔 ݁ ˖🎶๋࣭ ⭑
001. white mustang!
002. summertime sadness!
003. ultraviolence!
004. the other women!
005. high by the beach!
006. art deco!
007. cherry!
008. summer bummer! ft. asap rocky, plaboi carti
009. norman fucking rockwell!
010. young and beautiful!
011. video games!
012. fuck it i love you!
013. born to die!
014. carmen!
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𐙚‧₊˚🧡✩ ₊˚🎧⊹♡𐙚‧₊˚🧡✩ ₊˚🎧⊹♡𐙚‧₊˚🧡✩ ₊˚🎧⊹♡𐙚‧₊˚🧡✩ ₊˚🎧⊹♡𐙚‧₊˚
001. off to the races!
002. diet mountain dew!
003. million dollar man!
004. lolita!
005. west coast!
006. serial killer! ( unreleased )
007. doin time!
008. venice bitch!
009. dealer!
010. jealous girl! ( unreleased )
011. radio!
012. black beauty!
013. groupie love! ft. asap rocky
014. cola!
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✩°🌊⋆⸜ 🎧✮🫧✩°🌊⋆⸜ 🎧✮🫧✩°🌊⋆⸜ 🎧✮🫧✩°🌊⋆⸜ 🎧✮🫧✩°
001. trash magic! ( unreleased )
002. national anthem! ( @angelbrainrot i giggled )
003. ride!
004. body electric!
005. pretty when you cry!
006. music to watch boys to!
007. in my feelings!
008. lust for life! ft. the weeknd
009. you can be the boss! ( unreleased )
010. love!
011. shades of cool!
012. happiness is a butterfly!
013. say yes to heaven!
014. peppers! ft. tommy genesis
( lilly's section 💌 )
i love making these so much, & i love lana so much. anyways i love u guys, u can always request an artist if you'd like !💌
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sunrisemill · 3 months
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ilovealiceosemann · 5 months
About Me 🤍🤍
Name : Alice ( Ik big coincidence )
Nationality: Australian 🇦🇺
Age : Teenager
I like : reading, TikTok, Alice Oseman, tv shows, Sturniolo triplets and lollies.
I dislike : Homophobic people, rude people, tomato’s, science and social gatherings.
Facts about me : I’m a Virgo, I’m a dancer, I spend a lot of time on my phone and My favourite author is Alice Oseman.
Favourite Books : Solitaire, Heartstopper 1,2,3,4 and 5, Nick and Charlie, This winter, I was born for this, Loveless and Radio Silence.
Favourite tv shows/ movies : Heartstopper, Murder Mystery 1 and 2 and Modern Family
Favourite actors/actress : Kit Connor, Joe Locke, Adam Sandler, Margo Robbie, Jennifer Aniston and Sofía Verga
Favourite Singers/Bands : Waisa Project, Billie Eillish and Kayne west
sorry there’s a lot on there but that’s all about me
love you guys 🤍🤍
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