#nick sturniolo nation
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muwapsturniolo ยท 4 months ago
๐™š Camera roll as Nicks bestie ๐™š
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sturniolostars ยท 27 days ago
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Iโ€™ll never get over his arms
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bellxx9 ยท 1 month ago
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mattswrinkleton ยท 15 days ago
I will never forget when nick was so into the idea of getting fucked on a tractor. like HE GETS IT
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flggnaw ยท 3 months ago
๐‘๐€๐๐๐„๐‘!๐‚๐‡๐‘๐ˆ๐’ ๐“๐‘๐ˆ๐„๐’ ๐‘๐๐ / ๐‚๐‡๐‘๐ˆ๐’ ๐’๐“๐”๐‘๐๐ˆ๐Ž๐‹๐Ž
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๐€๐‹๐๐”๐Œ ๐๐€๐Œ๐„ : ๐†๐„๐๐„
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cutesyrobyn ยท 6 days ago
sorry.. ๐Ÿ˜
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sturnioloszn ยท 4 months ago
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summary; you and chris are reminiscing on the day you adopted trevor and how everyone has grown old together.
warnings; noneee, it's a fluff!
a/n; it was bound to happen that i'd write a oneshot with trev. also, i'm gonna try to write a few more fluffs for NNN (lmaoo, i'll still do a few smuts, i wont starve u sluts dw) but yeahhh, enjoy!
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The triplets were finally back in Boston, and they asked if I wanted to hang out and have a movie night with them. Of course, I accepted. The triplets and I have been friends since elementary, and we used to see each other every single day. But ever since they moved to La, we've seen each other a lot less. So, whenever the opportunity presents itself, we hang out as much as possible.
Nick and Matt were currently out grabbing the pizzas and snacks for the movie night, whereas Chris and I decided to stay back. We were sprawled out on the couch, mindlessly talking to each other. I missed this. I miss being able to come over whenever and just hang out. I missed their company. I missed them.
After a few minutes, the conversation died down, and we were enjoying eachothers comfortable silence until a soft snoring was heard from the left of me. Chris and I both look up from our phones and look to see who was snoring even though we already knew who it was.
Trevor was curled up under a grey blanket on his dog bed, which was kept on the couch. God, this dog is sooo spoilt. We watch as he sleeps, his gentle snores being the only noise in the room. Chris and I exchanged a small glance and laughed under our breath, trying not to wake up Trev.
"Do you remember when we first got him?" I ask, looking back to Chris. He had his phone in his hand, recording Trevor as he slept.
"Of course I do. How could I forget?" He smiles, ending the recording.
"Come on, Nickkk, it'll be fun," Chris whines. We had just finished the school day, and Chris and I were begging to go to the animal shelter, but Nick and Matt were not convinced.
"No, mom said to come home straight away," Nick states. He looks over to Matt before speaking again, "Isn't it mom said that?" He asks, raising his eyebrows at Matt.
"Um... yeah. Chris, let's just go home," He pleads, not wanting his brothers to fight. Chris stomps one of his feet and shakes his head, his blond hair falling into his eyes slightly.
"Y/n wants to go too, and mom won't care if we come home like ten minutes later," He says, looking over to me. Now, all three of them are glarring at me, waiting for me to pick a side.
"How about me and Chris, go to the shelter for a couple of minutes, and you guys go home?" I say, trying to stop the fighting and make everyone happy.
"Fine, when mom takes your playstation away, I'm going to laugh at you," Nick says, sticking his tongue out to Chris and grabbing Matt's hand before walking away. Now it's just me and Chris standing outside the animal shelter.
"Are you sure we won't get in trouble?" I ask, looking into his innocent, blue eyes. He looks back at me before shaking his head and grabbing hold of my hand. We walk to the door of the animal shelter and struggle slightly to push it open, but when we do, a small bell rings.
As the bell stops, a girl with long brown hair comes out to the front. She looks at us before giving a warm smile, "Hi kids, what can I do for you guys?".
We both smiled back before I opened my mouth to answer her, "we were wondering if we could look at some doggies?" I question, with a hopeful gleam in my eyes.
"Of course," She chuckles, leading us to the back where all the animals are kept. There's a few dogs, cats, and even a bunny. But before she could explain anything the bell to the front of the shop rang again. "Sorry guys, give me a sec," She says hurrying to the front.
We take the opportunity to start looking at all the animals. There was a small white dog but it looked a bit crusty and next to it was a really big black and white dog.
"Ooo, this one is a husky," Chris says, reaching his hand into the cage to stroke it. He pets the dog's head and it instantly gets super excited and starts to wag it's tail. I wonder if these animals ever get lonely? Thinking about this makes me sad and I feel tears in my eyes. "Y/n, come here, come pet it," he says, turning around.
That is when he sees that I'm are crying and instantly stops petting the dog. "Why are you crying? What's wrong?" He asks, putting his arm around my shoulders. I cover my face with my small hands, trying to hide the tears but they keep flowing.
"It's sad, what if they get lonely and nobody pays them any attention?" I sniffle and try to wipe my tears away. He looks at me for a moment as if deep in thought.
"I'm sure they're not?" he tries to reassure but it doesn't really help. I keep sniffling trying to fight any more tears from falling when the girl comes back in with a puppy in her hands. She takes a look at me before asking the same question Chris had asked moments ago.
Chris explains to her that I'm sad because I think the dogs are probably lonely and want some love. "Awhh sweetheart, it's okay. I promise they get plenty of love. Here, how about you hold this fella," she says passing the puppy that was in her arms into mine.
The small dog was brown with a little, black button nose. I cradle the dog in my arms and pet it softly. Chris reaches over to also show him some affection.
"What's his name?" Chris asks the girl.
"He actually doesn't have one yet, he was just brought in, he's a puppy," she says, watching me hold the dog close to my chest. A smile down at the dog, it is so cute. I wish I could keep him but my mom would never allow it.
"Chris, d'you think your mom would let you keep him?" I ask, mentally crossing my fingers and toes that he'd say yes.
"Hm, maybe? Let me go ask!" He says, before running out the door. I didn't even have time to react before he was already out of eye-sight. He was probably running down the street, back to his house to ask if they could keep him.
I kept cradling the doggy and the girl reassured me that all the animals are very loved even if they don't have a 'forever home' yet.
Before I knew it Chris comes speeding back, dragging his mom by the hand; Nick and Matt trailing behind them.
Me and the girl both move back to the front to meet with everyone else. "Look mom! Isn't he the cutest?" Chris asks, pulling the dog into his arms to give his mom a closer look. She closely examines the dog before turning to the woman behind the desk.
"How big will he grow?" She asks. Nick and Matt move closer to us to take a closer look at the dog.
"I guess he's kinda cute," Nick admits, still salty about the argument from earlier.
"Nick you can't lie, he's really cute," Matt agrees, coming to also pet him. We were now all surrounded by the dog petting him and showing so much love.
The dog didn't mind all of the attention, he just yawned and settled into Chris' arms.
"Not big at all, he's a pug and beagle mix, so he won't grow too much bigger than he is now," the girl explains. I watch their mom pull out her purse from her bag and take out a card.
The woman behind the desk smiles and looks back over to us before speaking, "hey guys, he's all yours,". We look back and forth between us before all running to hug their mom. She laughs and hugs as all back.
"But you guys have to promise you'll stop arguing now, alright?" She says, shaking her head with a smile. Nick must have told her about the disagreement the four of us had earlier. We all agreed to her condition before we began throwing names around so that we could figure out what to name our newest friend. Amongst all our chatter, Chris speaks up so he can be heard.
"Y/n and I should be the ones to name him because it's technically our dog, we wanted him!" He says, making all of us stop speaking. Nick goes to open his mouth to disagree but their mom stops him.
"How about we all agree on a name, hm?" She says, leading us out of the shelter and on the walk back to the triplet's house we agreed on the name Trevor. When their mom heard the name she laughed and questioned it but Chris said he randomly thought of it which made us all laugh.
We share a smile, remembering our childhood and how crazy it was that we've had Trev for so many years now. We've all grown up together which was almost enough to bring tears to my eyes again.
Out of nowhere, Nick and Matt burst through the front door, "GUESS WHO BROUGHT BACK PIZZAAAA!" Nick exclaims, as if we didn't know.
Matt follows behind him, shaking his head. We spend the rest of the night, laughing, eating, and enjoying eachothers company. It makes me sad that we are getting older and that we're leaving our childhood behind but I can't wait to continue to grow old together and see what the future brings us.
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a/n; thank you for readingggg, I hope you enjoyed it and lmk if u have any suggestions for future fics! love you all <33.
Taglist; @idrk2292 @mattsfavseason @aalicats87 @045696 @forgottxen @mattsturniolover
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thenickgirl ยท 5 months ago
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the way these are all from this monthโ€ฆhe would never let nick nation starve!
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meerkatzthings ยท 11 months ago
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guys i love nate with my whole entire heart โ˜น๏ธ
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angelcake-222 ยท 4 months ago
this is sending me lmao
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eeyoresturnz ยท 1 month ago
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MATT BABIES HOW ARE WE DOING ๐Ÿ™‚โ€โ†•๏ธ๐Ÿ™‚โ€โ†•๏ธ
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muwapsturniolo ยท 4 months ago
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๐‘ฎ๐’๐’๐’… ๐‘ณ๐’–๐’„๐’Œ ๐‘ฉ๐’‚๐’ƒ๐’† ๐Ÿ’ซ Nick sturniolo (m! reader)
"i-i made a mistake, please, please just..."
โœ˜ angst, i can't lie i had trouble writing this so I'm sorry that it isn't that good๐Ÿ˜ญ i promise i will do nick justice next time, angst isn't my strongest genre.
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It's dark in the bedroom, the only light being the moonbeams cascading down and illuminating a figure sitting on the edge of the bed.
He couldn't sleep, his mind toying with him and replaying his happiest moments that he took for granted and ruined - He felt guilty.
A soft shuffling is heard, his whole body tensing and his throat constricting. He slowly turns his head, his eyes landing on his sleeping wife.
She was a beautiful girl, she had a good heart and tended to forgive people too easily....and yet he found himself hating her
He knew it was wrong, the girl never did anything to harm him or make his life a living hell - He did that all on his own.
He was the reason he hates his life, not the woman he calls his wife.
He clenches his fists and faces forward, his eyes beginning to burn from the salty tears forming. He closes his eyes and lets out a shaky breath, his hands coming to his face as he rests his elbows on his knees.
"God, what is wrong with me..." He questions himself softly, the tears now running down his face.
He knew if anyone saw him they would think he was pathetic.
What kind of man sits on the edge of his bed in the middle of the night, head in hands as he cries next to his wife, all because he wishes he was with a boy?
A silent sob escapes his mouth as he recalls all the memories with him.
The day they met, the first time they hung out, the first time they got drunk, their first kiss, the endless nights of fooling around - He missed it, he craved it.
He couldn't believe he gave that all up to be nothing more than a husband in a picture-perfect American family.
He could hear Nick's voice as he replayed that day in his head.
"You can go and kiss 100 fucking girls Y/n, you can drink all you want and try to forget the feelings you have for me, but that doesn't erase the fact that you're gay!"
"I'm not gay Nick! I don't have feelings for you! This was a mistake o-A mistake? A mistake is spilling your coffee on your shirt when you're in a rush, not telling me you only want me to call you baby as your dick is shoved down my throat!"
The two males stare at each other, their breathing harsh as they try to come to terms with the end of their beginning.
Y/n sighs and allows his body to relax, "Nick...I'm sorry, ok? I-I...I'm sorry."
"Yeah well when you wake up regretting this choice, just know I told you so."
I told you so...
He was right.
He regrets everything.
His gold band glimmers softly in the moonlight, a reminder that heโ€™s bound to a marriage that he doesn't even want.
He couldn't take it anymore
Without a second thought, he rips the band off, setting it on the nightstand and jumping up. Heโ€™s quick to change out of his pajamas, stumbling out of the house as he makes his way to the car.
His heart thumps loudly in his ears, his breathing erratic as he swings out of the driveway, heading towards his destination.
It wasn't long before he arrived at the infamous bar "Pink Cadillac." It was mainly known for being an LGBT+ bar, a place where people of different genders and sexualities could be with their own, and feel safe.
He hadn't stepped foot in this bar since that night, attempting to erase all the memories and a part of himself.
he sits in the car with sweaty palms, staring up at the neon sign as he debates going in.
he knew it was too late to back out, he already left her and his ring at home - He didn't have a choice anymore.
He climbs out of the car and slowly makes his way inside, the interior of the bar starting to look and feel familiar. He finds himself smiling as he sees pictures plastered on the wall from 7 years ago, recognizing the faces of his old acquaintances. He stops when he comes across a picture of him and Nick, the two of them smiling as they were crowned the kings of the "Pink Cadillac Prom".
He remembers that night as if it was yesterday, but he doesn't have enough time to dive into his memories due to someone approaching him.
"Look at what the cat dragged in! Long time no see Y/n"
He turns around and smiles softly seeing the familiar face of Damon. he was dressed up, makeup covering his face and his neon green wig laid to perfection.
"Damon...hey," Damon gives him a quick up and down before crossing his arms. "Didn't think I would see your face here ever again after that night..."
The smile on Y/n's face falters, his eyes now cast downward as he feels an ache in his chest. Damon sighs and drops his arms, pulling Y/n towards the bar.
"Whiskey coke?"
Y/n chuckles dryly, nodding his head as he sits at the bar. Damon whips up the drink before sliding it over to the male, Y/n taking a long sip before sighing. The two sit and talk, catching up on the years of missed events and laughing with each other over old memories.
It wasn't long before Damon finally questioned him, "What are you doing here Y/n?"
"I...I need to see Nick..."
Damon sighs and places his hands on the bar, "Y/n I don't think that's a good idea.... It was 7 years ago, you need to forget it, you're married!" Y/n shakes his head, refusing to give up.
"I-I'm not married anymore."
A lie.
A big fat lie.
He was still married to her, but he planned to get a divorce after tonight.
"I-Is Nick here?"
Damon stares at him for a moment before nodding, "he is, but Y/n I don't think you sh-Where is he?" Y/n cuts him off, eager to see his long-lost lover. He notices the tense look on Damon's face and finds himself begging.
"Damon, please... I messed up, I-I need to apologize and tell him I'm sorry.โ€
โ€œHeโ€™s on the patioโ€ฆโ€
Y/n has never moved so fast in his life, maneuvering through the bodies of dancing couples and heading straight towards the patio exit.
He makes it outside, his eyes darting around before they land on him,
It was like a scene out of a movie, the fluorescent lights shining on Nick's face as he laughed loudly with his friends, unaware of the person walking up to him and prepared to spill their heart out.
"so I told hi-Nick?"
The shorter boy whips around at the familiar voice, his brows furrowed in confusion.
"Y/n? What are you doing here?"
he goes to answer but stops seeing Nick's friends looking at him, "Can we talk...In privet?"
Nick scoffs and sets his drink down, "No, I don't want to talk to yo-Nick please...?" Nick stares at him for a moment before sighing and standing up from the table. He walks off, motioning for Y/n to follow.
The two boys stand off to the side of the patio, hidden from the curious eyes and in their own world.
"Speak, what did you want to talk about?"
Nick's dismissive tone was expected, Y/n had hurt him. However, Y/n couldn't help but be hurt himself.
"I... I miss you."
Nick chuckles and shakes his head, " Nick please! Just hear me out! I'm sorry ok? I fucked up, I fucked up big time, I know that. I-I hurt you and I'm so so sorry."
Nick can see how distraught the man is, the bags under his eyes evident and the tone of his voice proving such, but Nick doesn't feel bad at all.
He felt smug.
He knew Y/n would come crawling back, claiming he was sorry and crying because he knew he was lying to everyone and himself when he claimed he was straight and getting married to a girl.
"I hate to say it, but I told you so," Nick states, his arms crossed right across his chest. Y/n couldn't even be mad at the words thrown in his face, he knew Nick was right.
"I-I know. You were right, you are right. I-I was struggling Nick, I-I'm-" He struggles to find the right words to express his feelings and thoughts.
"I'm sorry...What we had wasn't a mistake. I did - No I do, have feelings for you. I was just scared Nick, it was one thing to be gay in private with our friends here, but it was another for me to be gay in public, and I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry for being a coward and lying to you and myself-" Y/n moves closer toward Nick, slowly trapping him between his chest and the pink-painted bricks of the club.
"-B-but I can handle it now, I-I want to try again...I want to try us again." Nick begins to look uncomfortable, the words and closeness of Y/n being too much. Nick gently pushes him away, his mouth dry as he tries to speak.
The taller male could already feel the tears forming in his eyes, he knew by the way Nick pushed him back and said his name that he was being turned down. He shakes his head, pleading softly with Nick as he holds his arms tightly.
"Nick please"
"Y/n let go..."
"Please just give me a chance!"
"Let go!"
"I-I made a mistake, I just-"
Silence stands between the two, Nick looking away awkwardly as Y/n feels the bile rise in his throat. He's lying, he has to be lying. There's no way he was engaged...Right?
Nick holds up his hand, "I'm engaged Y/n.... "
he looks at the shiny diamond ring, the ring reminding him of the one currently on his nightstand.
"D-don't say that...D-don't marry him, please!"
Now Nick was angry.
How dare Y/n show up and expect him to forgive him right away and live happily ever after. How dare he demand that he not go through with the marriage.
"That's rich coming from you! You're a fucking hypocrite Y/n, you left me to get married to a girl! A girl! Now you're telling me not to get married to the person who helped put me back together after you broke me?! Fuck you!"
"I'm not married to he- I don't fucking care Y/n!" Nick shouts. He sighs and removes his glasses, rubbing over his face in annoyance.
"Look... I'm happy now Y/n, I actually love myself now to not keep up with your bullshit. You coming here was a mistake....Go home."
Y/n swallows harshly as Nick's words hit him harshly.
He was right once again, this was a mistake.
"I-I...should go...Sorry for bothering you...'' He whispers softly, slowly backing up before turning around and starting to walk away. Nick's voice calling out for him makes him stop, hope filling in his chest.
"I'm glad you finally stopped lying to yourself...I hope you find the love you deserve...Good luck, babe."
Y/n smiles faintly despite feeling like shit. With a heavy heart, he leaves the bar, his whole body feeling numb as he drives back home.
He silently walks through the door and throws his keys back in the bowl, dragging his feet against the carpet as he enters the bedroom.
She's still sleeping.
He strips himself of his clothes and slides the gold band back on his finger. As he climbs into the bed, she awakens, her eyes fluttering open softly.
"Babe? Where did you go?" She questions.
"Needed some water...Sorry for waking you." He lies effortlessly. She hums and curls into his body, missing the grimace on his face due to the darkness of the bedroom.
"I love you," she mutters as she begins to go back to sleep.
"Yeah...Love you too...."
Another lie.
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sturniolostars ยท 1 month ago
๏นซJerking Off๏นซ
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In which: Matt has been horny all day and all he wants is to take some of the edge off
TW: being horny, jerking off, dirty talk (kind of?), grinding
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Iโ€™ve been so fucking horny all goddamn day. Iโ€™ve had to drive Nick and Chris all over and had to pick shit up for them when all I wanted was to be alone in my room thinking about you.
Finally after a whole day of errands and running around, Chris was at a friendโ€™s house along with Nick leaving me alone.
I beeline to my room and plop down on my bed face first. I could feel my erection straining painfully against my pants. I lazily roll my hips forward grinding into my bed.
I let out a pathetic whine. God I really was desperate. I thought of how youโ€™d degraded me. Howโ€™d call me a little slut for grinding into my bed like a little bitch in heat.
I grind faster not even realizing how close I was until my hips were bucking into my mattress. With a load moan I feel myself tip over the edge. โ€œSuch a pathetic boy cumming in your pantsโ€ I heard your voice taunt in my head.
I quickly rolled over unzipping my jeans and pulling them down with my boxers my cock springing up. I use the leftovers of my previous orgasm and spread it around my cock.
I squeeze my base letting out a moan before starting long slow strokes up and down my already sensitive dick. My pace increases as I keep thinking of you.
I think if you teasing me until Iโ€™m crying, or cumming all over your face and tits after you suck me off. I thrust up into my hand needy whines and whimpers echoing off my walls.
โ€œPlease mommy I needโ€“โ€œ I whine circling my tip โ€œplease let me cumโ€ I beg out to your ghost. And with that I feel my second orgasm crash over me. My eyes roll back as my thighs shake.
Once I come back to my senses I clean myself off and change my clothes feeling much better than before. Until I look at my phone and see your new post on instagram.
Fuck this was going to be a long night
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a/n: this isnโ€™t proofread so sorry if there are mistakes I might go in and fix them if I catch them later. And Iโ€™ll have a similar Chris version of this out soon along with maybe one or two more parts of pucking around tomorrow!
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bellxx9 ยท 22 days ago
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mattswrinkleton ยท 5 days ago
I love sub matt so muchhhhhh like thatโ€™s my little baby boy what do u meannnn๐Ÿ™ˆ
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flggnaw ยท 3 months ago
๐‹๐Ž๐’๐„๐‘!๐‚๐‡๐‘๐ˆ๐’ ๐Ž๐ ๐๐ˆ๐๐“๐„๐‘๐„๐’๐“ / ๐‚๐‡๐‘๐ˆ๐’ ๐’๐“๐”๐‘๐๐ˆ๐Ž๐‹๐Ž
๐๐ˆ๐‚๐“๐”๐‘๐„๐’ ๐Ž๐… ๐‚๐‡๐‘๐ˆ๐’ ๐Ž๐ ๐๐ˆ๐๐“๐„๐‘๐„๐’๐“ ๐“๐‡๐€๐“ ๐‘๐„๐Œ๐ˆ๐๐ƒ ๐Œ๐„ ๐Ž๐… ๐‹๐Ž๐’๐„๐‘!๐‚๐‡๐‘๐ˆ๐’
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