#nicholas carew
fideidefenswhore · 3 months
Whilst Mary's and Elizabeth's supporters nailed their colours to the mast, Richmond's activities give little clue as to his inclination. At the Chapter of the Order of the Garter held in April 1536, Richmond voted both for Anne's brother, Lord Rochford, and for Sir Nicholas Carew, who was no supporter of the Boleyns. His action probably reflected the mood of much of the court as they waited to see which way the die would fall.
The Life and Political Significance of Henry Fitzroy, Duke of Richmond, 1525-1536. (Murphy, A. Beverley)
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historicconfessions · 2 years
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lacharmante · 2 years
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Hans Holbein d. J., 1497 Augsburg – 1543 London, Werkstatt/ Nachfolge des - PORTRAIT DES SIR NICHOLAS CAREW (1496 – 1539) - Öl auf Holz. Parkettiert. - 91 x 70 cm.
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edmundhoward · 5 months
“Jane was not in attendance at the May Day jousts and both she and Henry took great pains to ensure that her name was kept out of the fall of Anne Boleyn. A few days before the arrest [2 May], Jane moved to Beddington, the large country estate of Nicholas Carew at Sutton in Surrey. Jane found it a comfortable house and, as an honoured guest, she was lodged in far better rooms than she would ever have been used to. For Jane, the stay at Beddington was a precursor to what she could expect as queen and she was treated with all the deference due to a future queen as she waited anxiously for news.”
— Elizabeth Norton, Jane Seymour
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ednyfedfychan · 4 months
“Her brother Edward Seymour, the future Protector Somerset in the reign of Jane’s son Edward, seems a somewhat unlikely ‘conservative’, even in the mid-1530s. If these conservatives were really dangling Jane in front of the king, could they be sure that she, and her family, would be their allies? Were there no young ladies from the families of those named by Chapuys? And how sound a scheme was it? How confident could Sir Nicholas Carew be first that Henry would be interested in Jane Seymour and secondly that if Jane became Henry’s mistress, that would lead on to political advantages for the conservatives, especially the downfall of Anne Boleyn?”
— G. W. Bernard, Anne Boleyn: Fatal Attractions
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handfuloftime · 2 years
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Happy Battle of Cape St Vincent Day! 
Nicholas Pocock, The ‘Captain’ Capturing the ‘San Nicolas’ and the ‘San Josef’ at the Battle of Cape St Vincent, 14 February 1797 (1808)
John Hayter, Sir Benjamin Hallowell Carew (c. 1833)
George Jones, Nelson Boarding the ‘San Josef’ at the Battle of Cape St Vincen4, 14 February 1797 (1829) 
John Hoppner, Admiral John Jervis, 1735-1823, 1st Earl of St Vincent (late 18th/early 19th c)
Daniel Orme, Nelson Receiving the Surrender of the ‘San Josef’ at the Battle of Cape St Vincent, 14 February 1797 (1799)
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queenmarytudor · 4 years
I am told the cause of [Nicholas Carew's] arrest was a letter found in the coffer of the Marchioness [Gertrude Courtenay], by which he informed her of some conversations held in the King's chamber. [...] I know not what letters of mine could have been there for I never wrote any to anyone in this realm that I would not like published, except to the late good Queen and to the Princess, who would take good care to burn them. And seeing that of late, they wished to blame the said Marquis [Henry Courtenay] and others executed because they had found no letters in their possession, saying that they had burnt them lest the wickedness therein contained should be discovered, it might easily be suggested that I had several times written to the Princess. To avoid that suspicion I have sent her a dozen letters which she can show if necessary; and for my part I should like if some occasion offered for the King to see and read them.
Eustace Chapuys to Charles V, 9th January 1539
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Durham: Ok, so listen, I know about your diabolical plan. Surrey: What?! Diabolical plan? I wouldn’t even know how to begin a— Durham: *holds up several sheets of parchment, with the front page entitled “My Diabolical Plan, by Nicholas Carew, The Knight of the Shire for Surrey.”*
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marriageandthecrown · 4 years
Dan jones:
"But Anne grew too confident and paid for the crown with her life."
It just makes me roll my eyes so hard when historians still point the finger at Anne for her own downfall, as if she wasn't surrounded by enemies, (including her own kin - fck you very much Norfolk, Carew, Bryan etc - ), had a husband who had changed towards her, had lost two likely male heirs and all this in an extraordinarily short amount of time.
No, you're right, all her own reckless and stupid fault. How dare she rise so high, right? Like it was only down to her that she was even able to in the first place and no one else had anything to do with it as well either 🙄
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artist-holbein · 3 years
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Portrait of Sir Nicholas Carew, 1533, Hans Holbein the Younger
Medium: wood,tempera
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fideidefenswhore · 6 months
In any event, it is important to point out that Carew's interest in securing Mary's position, reflected also in Bryan's deposition, came to nothing. The chief aim of this group seems to have been to restore Mary in the king's favour but this did not happen until members of the faction formed in her support had found themselves in significant trouble for their agitation on Mary's behalf, under suspicion of plotting against Henry. According to Chapuys, Mary herself was 'in the greatest perplexity and the most dangerous position that ever she was.' The aftermath of this episode did see Mary restored in her father's favour, but only after she had signed articles renouncing her previous defiance and consenting to the king's religious reforms and redirection of the succession, to her intense mortification. In no sense can the faction formed in support of Mary be seen as having achieved what they wanted.
A Europe of Courts, a Europe of Factions, ed. Ruben Gonzalez Cuerva & Alexander Koller
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ladiesoftheages · 3 years
Do you know any friends of the Boleyns in general, not just Anne? I think Richard Sampson was a friend of Thomas.
Well, a lot of the people who were loyal to Anne were friends of the whole family.
Thomas Cranmer, the Wyatt family, Thomas Wolsey (yeah in the early days he apparently liked Thomas very much).
I know that’s not much but those are the people I can think of off the top of my head. Francis Bryan, in the beginning, and I think Nicholas Carew as well (although he also turned against the Boleyns eventually).
There’s an episode of Talking Tudors about supporters of the Boleyns, I want to say it’s episode 75, so if you want to know more, I’d check that out.
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im-the-letter-t · 4 years
I just realized something
Anne Boleyn had a cousin named Nicholas Carew. Now, when I was reading about this fact, I wondered “hmm, where have I heard that name before?” and then I realized...
Like, from Jekyll and Hyde. 
Hear me out 
Emma is distantly related to Anne Boleyn. 
But she wouldn’t be related to historical Anne Boleyn. (Because she’s fictional)
She has to be related to a version of Anne Boleyn from a musical. 
This girl
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and this girl
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are distant cousins.
And they were both romantically involved with people named Henry.
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ednyfedfychan · 9 months
“While Anne was in the Tower courageously facing her judges, Jane was staying with Sir Nicholas Carew in a house a few miles from London. She was one of the first to learn of the Queen's condemnation and sentence; Henry sent her childhood friend and protégé, Sir Francis Bryan, with the news shortly after he received it, and himself called upon her in the afternoon. The ten days that elapsed between her betrothal to the King and the marriage in Whitehall were spent by Jane at her family home. The legend that the wedding festivities took place in the great barn at Wulfhall, which stood close to the house, may have had its origin in celebration parties given in honour of the future queen by her parents, for we can imagine the excitement among the Wiltshire neighbours and the pride of the jubilant Seymours. We do not know what dazzling gifts of jewellery Henry may have given to his bride as a wedding present - surely they must have included the precious stones that we believe she so demurely rejected a few months back - but in the matter of property he was certainly not ungenerous. No fewer than one hundred and four manors dispersed throughout nineteen counties were transferred to Jane, with five castles and a number of chases and forests, including Cranborne Chase, then a vast area of open forest concealing tiny hamlets, and still one of England's most beautiful stretches of down and woodland. In London she was given Paris Garden, a somewhat unattractive piece of land on the south bank of the Thames that took its name from a previous owner, Robert de Paris, and when not used for bearbaiting was the favourite venue for women of easy virtue.”
— William Seymour, Ordeal by ambition: An English family in the shadow of the Tudors
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queenmarytudor · 5 years
About the time that the King's council had sent to her [Mary] to Hunsdon, [Nicholas Carew] sent for me to his chamber at Westminster, bidding me welcome, saying that the cause he sent for me was for that he did know I did give my heart and service to her for her mother's sake, and he showed me a letter of his own hand to her, wherein he besought her for the love of God, and so in likewise did all her friends here desire her to follow the King's desire, and they were sure that his Majesty was minded at that Parliament to make her heir apparent till God should send his Majesty other issue. At which time I made answer, I durst not except I did know my Lord's pleasure, then being secretary [Thomas Cromwell], who bade me not fear for he would show him his self, saying that he was sure Master Secretary would give a hundred pounds that she would consent. And so thereupon I went with his letter to her Grace, who showed me that her Grace had received the same day a letter from his wife by her servant.
Anthony Roke interrogation, 1539
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Knight of the Shire for Surrey: Hate when people say I’m lurking in the shadows when I’m just chillin
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