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ambernim8 · 2 months ago
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On this blog 8 is a special number...so in celebration of reaching 8 followers (hi @vividthembo <3), I wanted to share a little something in thanks!
Here are eight pictures from this past month of my writing journey, as you can see my writing emotional support cat, Mr. Loaf, is a central figure. Indispensable. Nothing like purrs and soft pets to quiet any doubtful thoughts <3 Also indispensable: my Sun-Beam electric heating pad, so comforting! Of course not much outlining would get done without a guide, so I have my favorite craft books at the ready: SAVE THE CAT! WRITES A NOVEL by Jessica Brody & How to Write a Novel Using the Snowflake Method, by Randy Ingermanson. I am always drinking water or tea, my new favorite cup from Daiso reminds me to take breaks so I don't get too carried away...how kind :) I am still at ground zero on my novel project: Follow Me, but as I stumble my way through outlining, I find that I enjoy pen to paper the most?? Totally unexpected for me, as I only write by keyboard. What do you usual need in your writing space? Anything super indispensable for you?
Thank you to everyone who has hit follow, I really appreciate the support and your company! See you all next time!
Later, lovelies! xoxo
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watcheraurora · 5 months ago
Your Ice Walls AU has fallen into the category of “fics that make me dissociate into the stratosphere”. This is a good thing, it means that you wrote so realistically that I fell into the world. Good job! Only three MCYT fics have managed to do this
Oh my goodness! Thank you so much! That's actually really flattering that you thought it was that realistic! <3 I'm glad you liked it! :-D
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bananna-threads · 2 months ago
Hiya, sorry for clogging up your notifs a bit there, but I just found your blog and I love it!! So many wonderful things and so much to learn! I eagerly await anything you do in future, keep making awesome stuff and thank you so much for posting it <3
🥺🥺🥺 Thank you so much!!! I loved all of your comments immensely. I hope to post again soon about my pattern drafting journey, so hopefully you'll also find something useful in that (there are so many other tutorials and such on the process, but I figure it might be a bit different coming from a complete nööb).
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aesethewitch · 10 months ago
Honestly I found your lilac post via screenshots on insta and I am Honestly a little disappointed to find out that it's a recent post and not an old one because I wanted to find out if there were blooms although I am excited to be on the journey with you to find out if your tree blooms next year 💜🌱
It... huh?
I don't think any of my writing has ever been screenshotted to be shared elsewhere before??? I'm kind of flattered?? I mean, so long as my URL hasn't been cut off the post, that's kinda cool!
Anyways! I'm glad you and so many other folks enjoyed it. The tree is a real tree, and the story is true! If it does bloom next year, there will definitely be pictures! But it's also very much a true story that's not about a lilac tree at all, so it's very cool that so many folks have gotten the core message of it. (:
No matter how long it takes, I hope everyone gets to see flowers.
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a-wolf-at-the-door · 10 months ago
Hi Lia, it's the anon from a few weeks ago. It's my birthday! Nothing really that big just turned 23, but if you're still up too it I would love a preview of the next story in the verse. Maybe, something happy? Thank you very much for taking the time to answer!
Hello returning anon and happy late birthday!!! Sorry it took me a few days to get this to you, my notifications have been on the fritz. Not 100% sure this fits the word "happy" but it's definitely hopeful/positive, here's an excerpt that takes place at the end of the "Planet of the Ood" storyline, hope it makes up for the wait:
The freedom song of the Ood Sphere was like nothing the Doctor had ever heard.
From the very moment he’d emerged from the TARDIS, he’d sensed something was very, very wrong in the planet’s psychic field, a feeling only intensified as he and Donna held the dying Ood Delta 50. So close to the suffering Ood, so far from the protective balm of the TARDIS’s telepathic shielding, he’d hardly been able to concentrate on anything at all other than the agony of the Ood’s collective trauma howling through him. A younger him, a more naïve him, might not have been able to cope at all. This Doctor had had time immeasurable to develop a resistance to specieswide telepathic despair. So he’d soldiered on, seen the light go from Donna’s eyes and swallowed back bile as she insisted she wanted to go home.
And then the circle was broken, the Ood Brain freed. And the weight of their triumph nearly bowled him over. It was rich and pure, simple and multifaceted, soaring with the sort of joy only felt by those who have known great sorrow. Relief and respite, succour and solace. A balm to the spirit, to the mind.
His cheeks were strained from grinning, his eyes burning with tears. This, he thought, bizarrely and against all reason, was what it must feel like to be human.
The subtle tunes and twitches in the melody revealed wordless truths to him, and he understood at once that Oodkind were being summoned home, that they were boarding rockets to comply. A sour thing twisted within him, a reminder of the last time he’d answered such a summons, but he pushed that feeling aside. Now was not a moment for grief or bitterness. He’d had plenty of that and would surely have plenty more. This was a rare, bright moment for hope.
Outside, as the Ood emerged and joined hands in song, he explained to Donna the scale of what they’d done. “The Ood are coming home.”
Donna opened her mouth to say something, but before she could, Ood Sigma approached.
“We thank you, Doctor and Donna, friends of Oodkind. And what of you now? Will you stay? There is room in the song for you.”
For a fraction of a picosecond, something inside him almost considered the offer. To be among a telepathic race again, a peaceful space… but immediately, reality set in.
“Oh, I’ve… I’ve sort of got a song of my own, thanks,” the Doctor stammered. It was a lonely tune these days, just him and the TARDIS, but it was his. All he needed, all he deserved.
Ood Sigma blinked at him with those incisive, bulging eyes, then said, “I think your song must end soon.”
It was the way he said it, so matter-of-factly, like he was reading a weather report or surveying a picked-over platter of middling nibbles, that unnerved the Doctor more than the words themselves. Of course his song was ending; his song had been ending ever since the most important chords in it had fallen into the Void. It was a tuneless thing now, only the rhythm of his heartsbeat and the TARDIS’s breathy sighs to propel it forwards, but generally this sort of observation, if someone were to make it, would be made with an abrasive reverence, some grand acknowledgment that they were witnessing the death knells of an ancient and magnificent being from an even more ancient, even more magnificent race.
“Meaning?” he asked, a note of acid in his tone he wasn’t even sure he meant.
“The wolf is at the door,” the Ood said, that same infuriatingly pleasant, neutral tone colouring his voice.
The whole universe narrowed to that utterance. Time ground to a halt. The Ood went silent. The sun extinguished. Even his hearts fluttered in the space between a pulse.
The wolf is at the door.
He was jarred back to reality by Donna grabbing hold of his shoulder and shaking him a little. Ood Sigma was long gone, with no footprints in the snow to indicate where he’d been. It could have been seconds or hours, though likely it was on the shorter end of that scale considering Donna’s typical patience levels.
“Doctor, are you alright?” When he didn’t immediately respond, she added, “What did he mean, the wolf is at the door?”
Hearing the words again snapped him out of his haze and he shook his head violently as though dislodging a knot of flies. “I don’t know,” the Doctor said. “But we’re going to find out.”
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friend-crow · 1 year ago
hi i think you're cool and your posts are awesome. have a good day
Hey, thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying my nonsense.
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alvfr · 8 months ago
I’m reading your spider-verse fix with dick Grayson and oooooommmmmmmmgggggggg it’s so good I would sell my kidney for you good
ahahaha thank youuuu, I'm so happy you're liking it!
not gonna lie, I'm having a lot of fun writing it at the moment too, it's distracting me from all the other wips I was planning to finish 👀
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sonseulsoleil · 8 months ago
Send this to ten other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile!!! <3
Awww thank you!!! 💜💜💜
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shesailsships · 11 months ago
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purplelupins · 10 months ago
My deep-seated religious trauma and desperate need of a father figure in my life has led me to being absolutely obsessed with John Pruitt
I have like…lack of religious trauma. I have like a “no guidance at all” trauma but the need for father figure…*holds your hand* we’re in that together. John Pruitt is…God there’s something about the soft eyes and open heart.
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ambernim8 · 3 months ago
My first followers! Just know I would wrap you in the BIGGEST hug if we were face to face :) It warms my heart to see such familiar faces, thank you so much @opiwest @just-kent-ing-around @nillabean for joining me on my novel writing journey <3
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blmpff · 1 year ago
💌 Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome. 💌
Thamks Belovedestest uwu 💞🫶 and right back at you 💞❣️
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as-a-matter-of-whump · 2 years ago
Just rereading Written in Blood and oh my god, Vincent is so delusional. I think he’s one of the few whumpers who literally gives me shivers
Hey there!
I'm so glad to hear that, that's exactly how I wanted him to be :3 Thank you for re-reading, I'm amazed that people still like the story even though I'm probably never going to finish it XD
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aesethewitch · 9 months ago
Hi! First of all, I would still like to thank you for doing a reading for me. It's actually amazing since it's my first time also getting a reading which has nothing to say. Hahaha! However, with the card that kept falling, I actually think it reasonates with my situation. I've previously been told that this year will bring me abundance and good things in general. There will be lots of changes in my life this year. I guess my spirit guides keep on reminding me to be patient because I sometimes get caught up in the idea that I don't see it physically manifesting in my reality yet.
Anyway, thanks again. Have a good day! 😊
That does make sense! Sometimes, no response is a very clear response after all. I'm glad it made sense, even if no cards came out! And I'm doubly glad it seems like it's a good thing!! I hope those good things come to you in obvious ways soon enough. (:
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a-wolf-at-the-door · 2 months ago
Hey, I just saw you hadn't updated in a few weeks and I just wanted to check in and make sure everything was ok
wishing you the best
That’s so kind of you to check in, thanks anon! I’ve had some health stuff come up and was unemployed for a few months which added up to some depression-adjacent vibes so I cut back on my time online for the past month or so to try to tackle all that. But things are looking up now! Got a job, and have some medical appointments set up to address the health stuff, and re-focusing on self-care so I should be feeling better and back to bopping around here soon :)
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