#nice labyuuuuuu
docsharifa · 7 years
so there’s this boy...
...who always hangs around the second floor of our building, who I always see with a gray or black bag, who I accidentally and don’t expect to encounter with; who is a Medical Technology student. 
Just an ordinary, handsome boy with a very chinese surname and an american name. His name could match his looks. I can die now (here goes my fangirling~)
So, I haven’t written or posted any entry about him because you know I was blind with lots of things and my eyes were preoccupied with visions of another guy who is really a waste of my precious retina. To see. Yep.
This boy has my eagle eyes on ever since I was a Second Year college student. Way too long bruh! And that time, I didn’t know his name. I just see his figure in a swarm of students anywhere and I wasn’t really interested until I saw a clear picture of him standing alone, detaching himself from people. Good-looking bes. Tall. Fair skinned. Yep. Yep. Yep.
Then, my investigation went on and on. I wanted to know his name and what a small world and really such a coincidence he is friends with my boy classmate. I also see him driving around with a car. (I stil remember my friends when we were eating some merienda outside the campus and his car passed by the stall, my friends, yes my friends, shouted “JAMES, SI SHARIFA DARAYAN.” Just when he turned the wheel, he looked to his side and gahd, I swear I almost want to punch them all. My baby could get into car accident because of them! #charot) And he has a girlfriend. such a loyal boy #cries
Well, I don’t care if he has a sweetheart. I just admire that boy which got my admiration for 2 years. (Hanggang saan aabot ang admirasyon mo? Hahahaha) Anyways, despite of knowing that, I didn’t go over my boundaries (Like pakita sa kanya na okay um crush kita, tayo na pls. yak heck no) A lady must be modest at all times. My friends are the ones who make laglag to you. Anytime. Anywhere. My day is complete even just one glance of him. I’m so happy even just to see him from afar. Haaayyyy, kakainlove. Charot.
But then the admiration goes rolling intensely, I seemed to find out so many flaws of him that makes him human. And I don’t really care tho. Who am I to judge? And who am I to tell him to change his ways? I am just one of those girls who admire him from afar. And again, I don’t mind. 
Now, I want to thank my friends. REALLY. SARCASM INTENDED. For always teasing me up front. For always being there and WOW SUCH A SUPPORT U GUYS HAVE FOR ME. Kulang nalang siguro ng isang malaking board na “James, Sharifa oh!” So, whenever I passed by (most specifically the second floor), he turns to look; he smiles. He ughhhh stop it jebaaaaal. He chuckles at the failed attempts of avoiding him and sometimes, making a fool out of myself. Hays, why self? Ang dignidad!
The reason why I can’t really let go of him (chars) as the person I admire the most is because he isn’t a snobby person nor a maarte one. He even wrote me a letter, a personal handwritten letter!! (Of course, credits to the help of Ms. Linda Masihul, my friend, without your effort, walang letter ngayon.) He also congratulated me at my Whitecoat and Pinning Ceremony!! Ayyyyyy nako nako, my heart. Really babe.
So there is this boy who stole a portion of my heart and I don’t mind. I let him have it. Even if stealing is bad, it’s fine. And even if I didn’t steal his for it was stole by another lady, It’s okay, I’m happy watching my heart goes on a ride in a one way street. And his name is James Dean Yee.
I wrote this post because I won’t be seeing him next semester (and it is my last semester na!!!!). So, hopefully when I see him again, he is already wearing a graduation toga. 
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