#niall horan headcannons
makeupinthedrawer · 2 years
richkid!niall x tutor!fem!eader | college au
authors note: hi!!!!!! i’m back!!!!!! i know it’s been a criminally long time since i posted something but i really love this and hope you love it to :) if you do please leave a comment and/or reblog. likes are so nice but actual feeback really encourages me to post and makes me feel like it’s not just bots liking my posts lol. as always my reader can be of any height, weight, or race pls let me know if any of the language used is isolating.
prompt: A and B are casual college friends when the holiday season rolls around. A plans to go home to their luxurious life but decides to stay when B tells them they can’t go home for christmas. A decides to keep B company and give them the most amazing christmas ever.
word count: 6.4k
upcoming content: fluff!! mentions of financial issues
series masterlist | full masterlist
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the snow seemed to be falling in time with the clock ticking, noting every passing second that your professor went on and on about something Austen, something Shakespeare. london quickly became a blanket of white, the flusters blanketing the entire city in frost. your stare was glued to the window, your professor totally drowned out as your pen lightly tapped against the blank notebook page. it was a shame it really was, that you couldn’t pay attention because you were hoping that English lit would be the distraction that could keep your mind off the upcoming holiday season that was destined to be spent holed up in your studio apartment, props to student affiliated housing that came in your scholarship, with holiday movies lightly playing in the background of your wallowing.
a slight wave passed through your glance but your brain disregarded it, you’d get the notes from someone anyways. it wasn’t until it happened two, three times that you managed to blink out of your dazed state and look in the direction of whatever brought you back to reality. directly across from you sat niall horan. leaned back in his seat, subtly just enough to keep him out of view from the professor. his big blue eyes quirked at you as he mouthed “you okay?” it was hard to not get lost in his gaze like you did earlier but you had more self-conscious this time and just nodded, sitting up and facing the board, robotically writing down whatever the professor was saying even if it had no context. despite that, his stare lingered and it took everything in you to not snap your eyes back.
niall horan. you didn't even know why he was taking English lit in the first place if he was here for football, but he was… and he wasn’t doing the best. which resulted in him rushing up to you one day during the second week of classes and spitting out his begging for tutoring as fast as he possibly could. you were so startled you agreed without really thinking about anything other than increasing the amount of space between you because the wall of spiced cologne mixed with what you think is vanilla on some days when you get lost in a daydream, and sweat, and just him, took over your senses. along with his large hands outstretched toward you in a plea. “r-really?” he asked, an incredulous look passing over his face as his george elliot book that was just passed out to everyone dropped from his grip. you opened your mouth but quickly snapped it shut, just nodding at him. his gape turned into a smile, and a glint entered his eye that reminded you of the one you saw in the reflection of the charm on the old necklace you thought you lost. “how could i be so lucky?”
“oh wow, that’s great! thank you so much! okay, so… i can give ya my number and we can discuss when to meet? or you can send me your schedule like? honestly, whatever works for you.” he said, pulling a pen out of one pocket and rummaging through his other for what you assume was a piece of paper.
“oh wow, that’s great! thank you so much! okay, so… i can give ya my number and we can discuss when to meet? or you can send me your schedule like? honestly, whatever works for you.” he said, pulling a pen out of one pocket and rummaging through his other for what you assume was a piece of paper.
“oh here,” you spoke, reaching around to unzip your bag and tear a piece of your notebook, but suddenly your head whipped around at the feeling of your hand engulfed in his. before you knew it his name was scrawled in loopy handwriting against your wrist, along with his phone number. the sight of his long fingers against your skin was the final push of this situation going from odd to overwhelming so you looked up and straight ahead, only to see a lighter-haired boy smack his forehead with his palm at the sight of you both. you recognized him as sean mullholland, having seen him and niall together often. 
“alright, just message me whenever! whenever you have time! but not too late y’know? i really can’t afford to fail this next exam.”
you opened your mouth again and just found yourself nodding, watching as his head tilted at the repeated action. god he probably thought you were fucking mute. “i- i mean yeah, no problem.”
the confusion on his face quickly turned to one of relief and pure gratitude. “thanks so much! so i guess i’ll see ya around.” he said, and with a final smile he turned and walked back to his friend.
“wait… niall!” you called, noticing his book was still on the ground.
he spun around quickly, “yeah?” 
“your book, you’ll need it… y’know for the test.” his eyes widened as you bent down to pick it up, his shoes quickly coming into our eye line as he reached for it, but it was already in your hold.
“aw, jesus, ‘m already messing up. thanks, thanks again.” the trepidation in his voice was a large contrast to who he was, or who you thought he was to be more accurate. you saw him every day in class talking to his friends with a smile on his face, and he was part of the university's football team so his name was overheard in conversation often, along with his picture or him with other members of the team in the school’s newspaper. he seemed to be regularly happy, confident. and that’s without the fact that he was… quite handsome, in your opinion. and the opinion of many people on campus. i mean, it’s just undeniable. thick brown hair that would fall across his forehead, that would sometimes curl by the ears if he hadn’t cut it in a while, paired with a perfectly sculpted nose and the smallest hoop earrings that were so endearing you thought about them all day when you first noticed them. but the kicker was the oceans he kept behind his irises. seeing him nervous before you, both hands gripping his book like a stress ball lessened some of your initial intimidation.
“you’re gonna be okay, niall.” you said simply, looking up at him through your lashes, keeping your face as blank as possible. he looked down at you, eyes tracking every inch of your face and it involuntarily heated up. it was as if he was searching for a lie, but he didn’t seem to find it.
“yeah, yeah.” he remarked, hand going up to scratch at his neck as he dropped his eyes to the ground. he started walking back to his friend, but backward this time so he was still facing you. “hopefully. thanks again, really, i’ll see you around?”
you raised your wrist revealing his name and number still printed there with a smile that he replicated and sent you a nod of approval and disappeared around a corner, allowing you to let out an immense breath.
that was six weeks ago, and you’re now halfway through the semester. you’ve met with niall dozens of times already, holed up in a study room in the back of the library. you’ve learned a lot about him: how he takes his coffee, that he’s color blind, that his favorite band is the eagles and he saw them when he was four and that’s why he learned how to play the guitar, you couldn’t think about that one for a long time because it made you lightheaded, and that he was “well off” as he’d put it, but the soft, cashmere cardigans he always wore and the vintage car that was parked outside proved he was more than,
“when me ma and da got divorced she moved here to london and started her own business, she’s worked really hard for a long time, to send me to school and stuff ya know?” he revealed once, during a late night study session turned game of twenty questions. he was always doing that, studying for an hour then getting bored or burnt out and asking you questions or digging through your bag to find the snacks you hide in the back pocket. when you caught him the first few times he would wipe his mouth with the back of his hand and shove your bag away, now he just sends you a smirk and pull the cellophane baggie out for easier access.
you would consider him a friend. he’s carried the title of your crush as your roommate would put it, but it all sounded too childish, too middle school, it didn’t sum up the uniqueness of how he made you feel, how no one had made you feel before. along with tingly fingers and a rapidly beating heart, he also made you feel a tad… jealous. you could relate that your parents also worked really hard for a long time to send you to university but if it wasn’t for the scholarship you got, you definitely wouldn’t be here in the heart of england studying literature with some of the best professors in the world. 
bitter sadness crept into your heart as you snapped your notebook shut and placed it in your bag, class ending was just another sign of time moving on and the closer christmas came where you would have to be here, in a new continent all alone because your parents couldn’t afford a plane ticket to get you home and back in time for classes again.
walking out of class, a presence you became all too familiar with loomed behind you, you could recognize him based on the feeling of the hairs on your neck sticking up. he didn’t make you nervous anymore, but the nerves that turned into feelings of longing seemed worse, in your opinion. “hey ya” he spoke, voice low and accent thick.
“hey, niall.”
the two of you walked in step for a few beats before he started up again, “i- i just wanted to see if ya were alright like… you seemed a little spaced out there for a sec, thought ya were checking me out with how ya were staring at me but-”
“oh god i’m so sorry niall, i wasn’t- i- i wasn’t staring at you i just… i just got lost in my head!” you exclaimed with wide eyes, of course you dazed out staring directly at him, unblinking and dead-eyed, you wanted the floor to fall from underneath you. but all he did was laugh, joyful and boisterous, pale cheeks tinting red with emotion.
“no need t’apologize darling, quite like it when ya look at me anyways,” he smirked.
you rolled your eyes, refusing to let yourself take his banter as anything more than what it was. “well… us both being distracted is going to make tomorrow’s tutoring a bitch then huh?”
he laughed again and nodded, “yup! but we’ll figure it out together, right?”
“of course” you replied, with a smile that didn’t really reach your eyes but you couldn’t bring any more positivity out of yourself, the homesickness was too powerful.
his cerulean iris’s tracked down your face, as they always seemed to do when you found yourselves in these little staring matches. “y’sure you’re okay? we can skip tonight if ya want.”
“no, i’m okay. anyways, like you said, we need to teach each other the material.”
“yeah… well, i’ll be there usual time, kay?” with a nod you went your separate ways and you began the ten-minute walk to your apartment. 
“hey! oh, watch out!” your roommate cried as you nearly tripped over an overstuffed duffle bag.
“sorry! i was going to move it, but then i just got all wrapped up!” she cried from her cross-legged position on the floor, hands sticky with tape and clumps of discarded wrapping paper sat around her.
“it’s okay… do you want any help with that?” you offered, kicking your shoes off. she nodded vigorously and you both dissolved into laughter.
“thanks so much, i don’t know why wrapping is so hard! i mean… i love when the scissors do the glidey thingy against the paper, literally so satisfying right? but after that i realize i cut off too much or too little and then i tear it when i try and fold it and it’s just all going to hell!”
you just nodded and measured out an appropriate piece of wrapping paper for the doll box and slid the scissors against the dotted lines, folding the ends into triangles and holding them down, allowing her to stick the tapes on the end. “i’ll do the actual wrapping, you man the tape.” 
the two of you sat for around ten minutes, creating a decent-sized stack of neatly wrapped boxes. “do you wanna watch a movie later? we can watch the holiday episodes of that cartoon you like.”
“i’d love to but i have to meet niall later for tutoring.”
“ahh, still teaching the football star how to read then?”
you rolled your eyes with a laugh, “he knows how to read! cut him some slack, shakespeare is hard for anyone.”
“tell me about it, i barely passed when i took this class last year.”
“so yeah, i’ll be gone for about an hour or so. when do you head home?”
“i’ll be at the train station tomorrow around two, then i should be home at like six, i’ll keep you updated though.”
you nodded approvingly. your roommate was from england, but lived a while away from london. you’d seen pictures of the quaint countryside home she grew up in and it reminded you of a storybook.
“you know… my offer still stands. we can totally just buy you a ticket now and you can spend the holidays with me. it’ll be fun, i promise! we have the spare room and my parents already love you for getting my calculus grade from a D to a B!”
you just laughed again, dismissing her offer once more. “i appreciate it but really, i’ll be fine here, i swear. i’m not just saying that, i just… even with your family, i’m still going to feel lonely, if that makes sense. i just don’t think i’d be able to enjoy myself, and then i’d just beat myself up all over again for not being in the moment”
she nodded understandingly, “i get that.” 
 “don’t worry, really, have a good time! and i’ll have a bunch of cookies here for you when you get back.”
“ugh! that’s what i’m going to miss the most while i’m away!” she groaned and started packing the presents away in her bag.
the time rolled around when you had to go meet niall so with a quick goodbye you laced your shoes and head out the door. your arms wrapped around yourself as your sweater did little to block out the frost. with quick steps you hurried inside the library, allowing the slight heat to relax your muscles.
the peace that came with the library only lasted a few moments as the familiar clambering of niall’s entrance began, the boy could never be quiet. twisting past chairs and shelves, donned in his football kit, he pressed his face against the small window sending you a grin that made his cheeks push up. you smiled up at him and unlocked the door.
“‘ello darlin’, sorry ‘m late, practice ran long” he breathed out, collapsing into the plastic chair beside you, resting his head against your shoulder, catching his breath. this wasn’t the first time he showed up from practice, but he hadn’t ever invaded your space like this. it was impossible to not get lost in his scent or his panting breaths fanning your skin and his shorts exposing and stretching out against his thighs.
“woo! needed to catch my breath! got ya all sweaty, sorry.” he whipped his towel in your face, making you scrunch your nose up. he giggled and did it a few more times until you yanked it out of his hands.
“niall.” you said sternly.
“yes.” he repeated in the same tone.
“we need to study or not have a towel fight!”
“right, right. maybe another day then.”
you both started taking out your books and laptops. “we have so much stuff lined up for another day, don’t we?” it’s what you guys would say whenever you got distracted by some random activity.
“oh yeah, this towel contest comes after our who can eat the most cookies contest and me teaching ya how to play football, right?”
you giggled and he felt his smile widen and the tips of his ears turn red. “god, i’m gonna be so awful.”
he scoffed and shook his head, “‘m sure ya won’t be! and even if y’are, i’ll be your coach! and y’know i’m pretty fucking good if say so myself!” he tipped his head back with his nose in the air. you laughed again, he always made you laugh. 
“i dunno ni, i saw that yellow card!”
“don’t bring up the yellow card!” you said at the same time
“i- i don’t know what you want me to say! why’d you get a yellow card?” you teased, watching him grow annoyed at the penalty he got at last weeks game.
“that was a stupid call and you know it! you know that ref hates me! that shite was so fucking stupid.”
“i know, i know, i’m just teasing ya.”
“yer mean when you wanna be, darling! do people know that?”
“nope! i have a very carefully curated my english major image.”
niall kicked the chair back so it rested on its back two legs as he threw his arms behind his head. you always marveled at the way he took up so much space. or maybe that was just how you saw him. he peered down at you as you packed up your things. niall loved these secret moments where he could just bask in observing you. the tremors running up his fingers was a sensation he was used to, as they twitched by his side with the urge to brush your hair out your face. this happened often, the first time he was taken aback, shaking off the unfamiliar feelings, but it was already out of his control. the day he clamored towards you, his being became yours. his courage had yet to follow, though. so for now, he settled for the moments he could make the heat rise to your cheeks.
“niall?” you drawled slowly, taking in his half-lidded gaze. he blinked a few times and cursed himself for getting lost in his daydreams.
“s-sorry darling, what were ya saying?”
“oh nothing, just if you have anything exciting planned for the break?”
“oh yeah! my brother just had a baby, wee little thing, so me ma and dad and i are flying to ireland to go spend christmas with them. theo’s first christmas and all that!”
“i didn’t know you were an uncle, ni.”
“yeah, a few months ago” he said, showing you a photo of him cradling a tiny baby in his arms and you couldn’t stop the awe that escaped you
“niall that is literally the cutest thing i’ve ever seen!”
“awe thanks babe, yer pretty cute too” he said, throwing his arm around you, dissolving into laughter as you rolled your eyes.
“i’m talking about the baby and you know it”
“whatever ya say!” he quirked an eyebrow up at you and you mirrored his smile.
“well, it sounds like you have a great couple of weeks ahead of you.” you replied, turning away from him and starting to fiddle with your worn copy of Hamlet, little pieces of the page edges flaking off.
“hmm yeah… i mean i hope so, you know how it can be, family drama and all that.”
the way his tone sloped into something melancholic before he lifted it up again “what about you?”
you took a deep breath, words stuck in your throat. you knew niall came from money, lots of people on campus did, and a lot of people didn’t. no one really cares. you knew you had no reason to be embarrassed, you earned your spot here just like, or even more so than anyone else, plus it was college, not high school, and there weren’t any bullies or rumors. but it was easier to say that logic than shake off the insecurity that crept up your spine whenever your differences came to light. the period of silence followed by people awkwardly backtracking to take back their words about their new things or vacations as if they offended you. it didn’t at all, as long as people were nice, you didn’t care how much or how little money they had. but it was still embarrassing and niall heightened all your feelings by just being him. you figured the best thing to do was just be honest and casual, if you didn't make it a big deal then he wouldn’t either.
“oh… i’m just staying here.”
“what?” niall let out, the chair falling forward so the front legs hit the floor with a resounding clang.
you squeezed your eyes shut, so there was that whole casual plan down the drain,
“yeah…” you murmured, not really knowing what to say.
“why?” he asked. a voice far in the back of his head that sounded all too much like his da or mully was telling him to shut the fuck up and mind his business, but the image of you spending the holidays all alone, and you often complained about how shotty the dorms heating was, so you’d most likely be cold too, was very troubling for him.
you pulled at the adjusting strap of your bookbag, twisting it around your fingers. you took another deep breath, you were an adult and niall was your friend and any comments about your situation would reflect more on him than you is what you told yourself as you finally looked over at his wide eyes and lips slightly parted, concern written across his features.
“well,” you began, silently curing yourself as you turned your head again, the weight of his stare was too much to bear. “it’s just- kinda expensive to like get a flight home and back in time for classes again.”
and there it was, the silence that you tried so hard to avoid. the silence of people trying to scramble for the right words to say, as if they could offer up the perfect solution when it was just life.
niall felt the silence eating away at the two of you, feeding off the palpable energy. “say something, anything” his brain shouted.
“come with me” what?
“what?” your head snapped up.
“c-come with me… if you want.” his brain was still trying to make sense of his sudden invitation, but it felt right in his heart.
“no niall. i can’t.”
“why not?”
you sighed, your body tired of having this conversation with your roommate the week prior. “niall you just told me about all your plans, with your entire family and their newborn baby. i’m not gonna crash that.”
“y’won’t be crashing! i swear! mully’ll be there, he ain’t family!” he was drawing at straws and you both knew it, but it seemed his heart sent him on a mission.
“sean mullholland? you mean your best friend since you were five? that’s not the same.”
his palms grew damp as he wiped them against the polyester shorts. he couldn’t stomach the idea of you being alone. not when you could be with him. something sick licked at his chest at the news that you couldn’t be with your family. he was devastated for you, having coaxed many crazy childhood stories from you when he managed to carve out a break from studying. but he very much wanted you all to himself. outside of the four walls of the library study room, and this was his chance. 
“well yes, but, it’s not-”
you sent him a sad smile, putting your arm through one of your bag straps. he hadn’t even realized you packed up.
“you’re sweet niall, but seriously, it’s gonna be fine. it’s not a big deal. you said and honestly, you’ve been saying that so much over the past few days that you were starting to believe it. you just wanted the holidays to be over at this point.
niall threw his bag over his shoulder and followed you out of the library. the cool wind hit your skin as you pulled your sweater sleeves down your hands. niall was bounding down the street, wracked with nervous energy. he was counting down the days until christmas but now it was coming too fast. as was your residency hall. “b-but… don’t you want to spend time with me? i mean, hanging out with me for the holidays won’t be so bad.” he murmured and you stopped in your tracks. it took you back to the day you first met, the vulnerability. he looked down at you, his big blue eyes glistening with gold flecks.
the two of you spent time together outside of studying every now and then, but rarely jus the two of you, and never outside of school, save for that one time he rescued you from a bad date last season. his car picked up the autumn leaves as he spotted you walking home, miles from the school, eyes full of unshed tears. it was the first and only time you ever sat in his car, the leather seats and his comforting words cushioning you after a terrible night.
ever since then, things between you shifted.
“of course that doesn’t sound bad at all. i just… you don’t need to feel bad for me, okay? and we’ve never really hung out outside of school before yknow? i wouldn’t want to make it awkward. besides, it’s one christmas, spend a good time with your nephew, uncle niall.” you joked pulling out your keys. niall’s chest deflated as he nodded.
“you did good today, ni. you’re gonna be fine on the next exam.” you spoke, before sending him a smile and closing the door behind you.
always so nice, he thought. that’s what you are. nice. smart. funny. beautiful. his system was overwhelmed with feelings for you. the idea that he made you feel bad killed him. he heard enough from his friends that he needed to man up and just ask you out already, that he was going to lose his chance. niall sighed as he walked into his apartment, mully sprawled out on the couch, suitcases packed by the front door. “oi mate, how’d the reading lessons go? y'know the alphabet yet?” he called, eyes not leaving the screen.
“almost, lad.” niall replied half-heartedly.
“”aye, what’s wrong? did you do bad?” mully asked, looking over the couch at his friend. growing up with niall, mully quickly learned that he was one of the funniest people he’s ever met, and also that he was very sensitive.
niall sat down beside him and told him about your situation and tried to explain his feelings that he couldn’t fully admit to himself. 
“well why don’t you just stay here, then?” mully offered.
“i dunno, just stay here for christmas, or just move your flight and fly in christmas eve instead of this weekend with me. you can have yer alone time and do a bunch of romantic shit.”
niall began to think about it, his earlier dread melting away. “that could work but i think yer forgetting that i can barely speak around her, mate! what would i even do?”
“i don’t fucking know! just give her a nice christmas, pull out all the stops! lord knows you can afford it.” mully remarked.
“yeah, yeah… you’re right! this is good, this is gonna be good.” niall said, jumping off the couch.
“where ya going?” mully called.
“i have to start planning!”
it was december 20th and break had started four days ago. it wasn’t so bad at first. the first day of coming home to an empty apartment was relaxing. it was nice being able to take a long shower and cook leaving the kitchen as messy as you wanted. the second day was the same as well, playing your music as loud as you wanted and putting on your favorite cartoon for hours then pigging out some more. it was the third day when it started to get old. your younger brother had been calling you every hour with whatever new development happened at home and you appreciated the updates but the dial tone filled you with loneliness and each call was just a signifier that christmas was almost here and your family was all the way over there.
the day was easy to be distracted by, walking around the city and seeing all the light displays, stopping at the fancy bakery more often than not because you needed it. but the night came and the snow whistled loudly but it was drowned out by the echoes of niall’s soft and pleading voice that played in repeat on your head and his crestfallen and all too soft face was projected behind your eyelids. sometimes you’d dream against your will of being in his parent's big house, wrapped up in a blanket that he slept under for years, his accent even thicker due to being around his family. the two of you laughing together lying in the snow that probably wasn’t dirty and mushy like it was outside your window. but then you woke yourself up and forced yourself to remember that once the semester ended, which was on the horizon, the two of you would go your separate ways and you’d be nothing more than the girl who helped him pass a required english class that he’d never think of again.
pulling your sweater out of the dryer you quickly put it on, letting the warmth overtake you. walking laps around your small living room as if something new would appear the next time you went around. “oh god, this boredom really is going to kill you.” you muttered.
the sharp raps at the door had you shooting up staring at the wood. “i’m going crazy.” you whispered and then the knocks were heard again. you looked through the peephole to see your favorite brown haired football player leaning against the doorframe. dressed in dark grey trousers and a white turtleneck, you took a second to take him in. “‘ello? ya in there darling?” he asked, looking through the peep hole on the other side. this brought you back to earth and you jumped back. niall? niall was at your door. five days before christmas when he should be in another country, you yanked the door open, eyes trailing down his figure as if to check if he was real.
“‘ello darling!” he smirked.
“niall, what are you doing here?”
he just gazed at you, his stare unwavering as a look of adoration took over his face. now it was time for him to check you out. top half covered by an oversized sweater, falling just above the hem of tiny sleep shorts that he quickly looked away from for his own good.
“go pack a bag.”
your heart faltered, “what, why? ni- i told you i can’t go with-”
“not that. just, go get some change of clothes, or not. i quite like what you’re in now.” he drawled, accent dancing against your skin. but you couldn’t let yourself get distracted.
“how come?” you asked softly, “why are you still in london?”
his palm came down and rested against your cheek, his large hand pretty much covering the entire half of your face, his thumb resting at your jaw and his pinky just under your eye.
“i’m still in london because you’re still in london, my pretty darling. and i spent a shit ton of money turning my apartment into a christmas magazine spread and i don’t wanna sit there all by myself. thought you might like it… i know i would if you were there.” he said, hoping you couldn’t feel the tremor running through his fingers as he poured his heart out.
“i would like that, too.” you whispered and his smile split his face.
“okay, okay good” he said, as if he thought you;d say no. “alright well then, again, i’m a big fan of the shorts” you scoffed and tried to pull them down as much as you could, “but the other people in my building might not, if you want to get changed real quick.”
you nodded excitedly, “yeah okay!” you dashed back into your room, taking a moment to take a breath, then break out into a happy dance, practically bouncing around your room quickly packing your bag with a change of clothes, a charger, your toothbrush, and comb, and then the small, wrapped present you had tucked in the back of your drawer, niall’s name written on the label. you bought it a few months ago, just thinking of him, and now seemed like you could actually give it to him.
“alright, i’m ready.” you said, locking the door behind you. with your back turned, niall draped your bag over his shoulder and led you to his car. the snow had lightened, as if the weather knew you’d be speeding down the streets of london in niall’s ridiculously expensive car with the top down, cool wind whipping your hair back.
niall could’ve spent the entire weekend just driving around with you, the wind carried your giggles and light remarks at sights you’d never seen to his ears and in the middle of december, he never felt warmer. you pulled into his apartment complex parking garage. you walked off the elevator with wobbly legs, it was hard to believe this was real, that niall just came and saved you from your winter nightmare.
“home sweet home” niall muttered, turning the knob and revealing his decorated living room. the expansive room was decorated lavishly, complete with a shimmering tree in the corner of the room, dozens of blankets draped over the large, cushy couch. the kitchen was a different story, batter in places you could not figure out how or why it got there and it seemed like he ran out the door without closing both the fridge or the oven.
“don’t look over there!” he squeaked, covering your eyes with his hands, “focus on the nice set up niall spent hours putting together.”
you walked to the center of the room, taking it all in. hours earlier when he was setting it up, he couldn’t help but feel stupid, thinking that you would decline his advancements, or that he’d make the room look ugly, or that he’d royally screw up the cookies. but seeing you in his space, the gold light dancing across your face making you look even more cozy and inviting than ever, it was all worth it.
“this really is incredible, ni. w-was this all for me?” you asked meekly. you couldn’t fathom that he would ditch his family, and spend his money and time for you, but the way he was staring at you said differently.
“of course it was, i told you,” he said, lightly grasping both your hands and sitting you both on the couch. “i didn’t want you to spend the holidays alone, and i wanted to spend them with you even more. when we were talking in the library, you said i invited you because i felt bad for you, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. i invited you because i wanted to spend time with you, i want to spend all my time with you, if i’m being honest. i tried to get the entire break, but as romantic as me ma thought this was, she said i couldn’t miss actual christmas. so this little world is ours for the next few days, if ya want.” his voice was so soft and so sweet and he was saying things you hadn’t even dreamt of.
you always imagined your feelings for niall would be a distant memory you’d look back on fondly, or that if you did, it would be full of awkwardly polite rejections that would ring in your head on bad days. but here in niall’s living room, the snow building up outside, and his entire being overtaking you a hundred times over, you knew nothing could go wrong here.
“niall this is the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for me. y-you didn’t have to do this.” you began but he cut you off with a tsk.
“oh pretty darling, you just don’t get it do ya? you are the sweetest thing that’s ever happened to me. so nice and patient with me, making me laugh and putting up with all my shit. i want you here all the time and i want you as more than a friend.”
“i want you as more than a friend too.” you whispered and his eyes lit up like the lights strung above you both. “i think about you all the time. it makes my brain all fuzzy and my heart speed up, but i like it. and you showing up at my door today was the best- hmph!”
all you knew then was the feeling of niall’s lips on yours, one hand cradling your neck and the other resting laightly against your back. you placed both your hands on his chest and kissed him back, having no choice but to succumb to the feelings. as his tongue slid across your bottom lip, he pushed you back, falling onto the couch and his forearms held him up above you as he pulled away.
his smile was massive and you were sure yours matched.
“you make me crazy, baby.” he spoke, voice low and raspy, eliciting a gasp from you.
“i never want these days to end, i don’t wan t you to go.” you whispered.
niall looked between both your eyes, then back down at your lips, only for him to boop your nose, causing you to flinch. “yer so cute” he whispered under his breath, he knew how you felt, you’ve only been together for the past hour, but he was already addicted to the feel of you all around him.  but it’ll be okay, with you it always is.
“i don’t want it to end either, but we’re together now. and when we’re not, i’ll just visit you in my dreams.”
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fireflyinks · 1 year
vi’s official masterlist
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Here is my official masterlist for my fics
i am open for requests <3
“oh you got vibrator simulator 500?”
hamzah having a crush on content creator!reader headcannons
boyfriend!hamzah headcannons
girlfriend reveal (hamzah edition)
dream blunt rotation
soft!hamzah headcannons
nsfw headcannons
special guest
24 hour stream
need your attention
harry styles
“maple syrup, coffee, pancakes for two, hash brown, egg yolk, i will always love you”
happy tears
heart shaped sunglasses
niall horan
“if the whole world was watching, i’d still dance with you”
peeta mellark
“if it weren’t for the baby”
gentle love
flour fight
good boy
ryan gosling
“i want all of you, forever. you and me.. every day."
noah calhoun :
first time
colt seavers series :
part one - karaoke and cowboy hats
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“hiya darlin’, you look straight-up smashin’ tonight. stellar night out innit? almost as stunnin’ as you babe. won’t you stay with me awhile on this lovely evening?” ❤️
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sunsturns · 2 months
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꩜ hi! my name is nat !
eighteen, sagittarius, unlabeled, she/her.
𖧧. some people i like/fandoms i’m in. sturniolo triplets, dominic fike, the cardigans, stephen sanchez, frank ocean, mac miller, the smiths, flipturn, smoking popes, phoebe bridgers, faye webster, niall horan, lorde, the nbhd, arctic monkeys, nessa barrett, billie eilish, hozier, paramore, 5sos, luke hemmings, emma myers, ryan gosling, coraline, nightmare before christmas, tmnt, ten things i hate about you, bobs burgers, gravity falls, supernatural, a good girls guide to murder, mamma mia, little shop of horrors, wall-e, pretty little liars, twilight, the hunger games, folklore, evermore, and so much more…
𖧧. my purpose on here. really i just joined here to follow some people i knew on wattpad, see some tumblr exclusive content! but i have thought about actually writing and maybe putting some stuff out on here? if i decide to do so, it will probably just be some things about the characters in my fics, maybe some oneshots, or headcannons? i’m not too sure, but stick around if you like the triplets or anything mentioned above bc i love talking about my interests!
𖧧. masterlist ! wattpad ! pinterest ! spotify ! #’s !
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hazzoranstories · 3 years
Niall Horan | Smutty ABCs
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A = Aftercare (What they're like after sex)
Niall is a full baby after sex. Whether it was slow morning sex or fucking the living shit out of you he’ll immediately fall out of any trances he may be in and will beg you to stay with him just a bit longer before going to clean up. But he’ll usually compromise by rushing to clean and/or change before you could even sit up.
B = Body Part (Their favorite body part of their's and also their partner's)
His favorite body part of his own is his arms but only once he got bulky in 2013. Before that he didn’t like too much of himself but if he had to pick something it was probably his hair. And his favorite of yours has to be your waist which he holds onto everywhere but if he were to be more true and dirty he’s got to say your ass (which he grabs a lot as well).
C = Cum (Where they like to cum / what they like to cum from)
Niall’s favorite place to cum when fucking has got to be inside of you. He loves the warm feeling. But he prefers to cum from a blow job or teasing rather than fucking. Most of the time he doesn’t get to but when he does he relishes in the feeling.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory)
Niall may act like the baby of 1D but he for sure isn’t that in the bedroom. Granted, he loves when you control him or passionate sex as much as the next guy. But most of the time it’s Niall absolutely destroying you to the point of tears.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they're doing?)
Niall is probably one of the least experienced boys (he isn’t a virgin though) of the group and he hasn’t dated many girls which you knew. So you enjoyed teaching him new things and let’s just say he picks things up quickly.
F = Favorite Position (Again. Self-explanatory)
The most used is definitely doggy which to Niall is the easiest position to get you in before pounding into you. But his favorite is backward cowgirl where he can see and grab at your ass all he wants.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc.)
When he’s fucking you fucking you then he is as cold as stone (which of course he makes up for after but you like both sides of him) but any case else he’s quiet smiley, cuddly, and will even laugh a few times.
H = Hair (How well-groomed are they?)
Niall doesn’t pay much attention to grooming. Obviously he won’t let it get out control but could care less about body hair.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment?)
Again, like the seriousness level, it depends. He doesn’t have time for intimacy when destroying you but other than that he’s usually very intimate and passionate.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcannon)
When he’s away on a trip or you’re gone he has to care for himself but it’s surprisingly low compared to how much he’s gone.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Hair pulling, size difference (his bulkiness), and lingerie
L = Location (Favorite place to . . . . ya know)
He loves fucking in hotel rooms because then he won’t have to deal with all the mess in the long run. Specifically the sink and bed.
M = Motivation (What turns them on?)
A lot of things fluster Niall but one thing he can’t resist is your competitive side. Whether you’re against him or someone else he always has to drag you away to pleasure you.
N = NO (Something they wouldn't do. Turn offs)
He’d never hit you during sex. That’s just a big no for him. He doesn’t see the point of proving your love through slaps even on the ass.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Niall is quiet messy with giving oral but you like how he does it and he does it so often you get butterflies every time his mouth comes in contact with your clit. But one of his other secrets is he loves receiving oral while pulling your hair and you gagging on him.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? Etc.)
Again. We’ve been over this several times. 
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Niall prefers full sex especially whole nights of fucking but when one of you is needy he’ll do almost anything to solve that problem. And quickies really help him.
R = Risk (Are they down to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Niall isn’t a big risk taker in general so he won’t do anything insane but he’s down to experiment if you really want to.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long can they last)
He lasts pretty long per round, usually reaching his high after you but his orgasms are so intense that he can usually only go for two rounds at most.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Niall doesn’t love toys but he’ll occasionally use butt plugs or small things like that.
U = Unfair (How much they like to tease)
Niall knows that if you were to tease him immensely he would get really frustrated so he doesn’t do it that often. He usually wants to get right to the good stuff but he will whisper teases in your ear while fucking you but you both know it’s all playful.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds do they make)
He is pretty loud especially compared to his ego. The boys have complained a few times about hearing you two from hotel rooms across the hall and they always like to joke with Niall that his low grumbles of moans were louder than you. 
W = Wild Card (A random and rather unexpected desire to the untrained eye)
Niall loves mutual masturbation. He finds it really personal that you’re not only helping one another but every time you do it it’s never rushed or in the heat of the moment. It’s all real and he lives for it.
X = X-Ray (How pretty are they down there? Do they lie, or is it straight and utter facts?)
Niall never lies about his good 7 inches. But he is so girthy you might as well add two extra inches for how much pleasure he can bring you.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
His sex drive surprisingly isn’t that high. It’s relatively average even when he was a horny teenager.
Z = ZZZ (How quickly they fall asleep afterward?)
The minute you are secured in Niall’s arms for good after cleaning up etc. he passes out in the deepest sleep you have ever seen. 
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To celebrate the release of Heartbreak Weather, how would y’all feel about a Niall day or sleepover thing??? I’m just gonna need to scream and freak out about it so how would you feel about a Niall day?
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itsallyscorner · 4 years
💌 Requested by @impossibleapricotlampbat
pairing: Harry Styles x reader, One Direction x reader (platonic)
Request: Hi love ❤️. i love your posts and i was wondering since you are taking raquests can you do a harry styles or anyone from one diraction where 1D is having a concert and the reader who is someone from the group’s gf being in front of the stage and them some random person flirting with her and trying to put their arm around the reader’s waist and they see it and say into their microphone put your hand down boy she’s mine and glaring at the person. sorry if its to much.
a/n: Thank you for the request my love! I really hope you enjoy it🥰 Every hour is missing them hours if it’s referring to One Direction.
Hands Off
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From backstage you could hear the screams and cheers of the fans. The boys were currently in their dressing rooms getting last minute things fixed.
“How do I look, love?” Harry, your boyfriend, asked as he stood in front of you modeling his outfit.
He was dressed in a silky button down that had a fair amount of buttons undone and black jeans with his Chelsea boots. Necklaces hung from his neck and rested against his chest where his swallow tattoo peaked from the collar of his shirt.
You tuck a piece of his hair behind his ear and tilt your head at him.
“Absolutely gorgeous, darling.” You sayin a fake posh accent while flicking your hair to the side. The action causes Harry to chuckle and shake his head.
“I love you, but the accent is rubbish.” He brought you towards him by wrapping his arm around your shoulders. You giggled and wrap your arms around his torso. The boys are currently on their On The Road Again tour. Since you were in Uni, you couldn’t tour with the boys, much to Harry’s dismay. Tonight was one of those nights where you would fly out to where they were and would stay with them a few days.
“Ye gonna be okay with Mum and Gemma?” He quietly asked as he rested his chin on your head.
“Yeah, I’ll be alright. We all flew out here together, Har.” You reassure him pecking his chin.
“I’m jus making sure.” He hummed as he continued to hold you until Paul told them it was showtime.
The boys were given their ear pieces before they were called to the stage. You stood by the side with Lou, Gemma, and Anne as the boys did their little chant. When they clapped they moved towards the stairs that led to the stage.
“Goodluck guys! Break a leg!” You yell after them. A chorus of “thank yous” came from the boys except Niall who yelled, “Wait don’t say that I have weak knees!”
“Goodluck Niall!” You laugh as he sends a thumbs up towards your way. Harry rushes down the stairs calling you. You meet him halfway, “What? The show—.”
You’re cut off by Harry smashing his lips onto yours. You’re caught off guard but come back to your senses to kiss him back. He pulls away with a smack as he runs his thumb past your bottom lip.
“I needed my goodluck kiss.” He cheekily smiled before catching up with the boys at the top of the platform.
The boys were now halfway into the concert. The fans were loud, singing along to the songs, and laughing at the boys’ antics on stage. You were watching by the side with Lou, Lux, Gemma, and Anne. A few fans noticed you guys causing you all to wave. Lux, who was in your arms waved at them as well. The area you guys were at had a good view of the stage and security nearby.
“It’s uncle Louis!” Lux pointed as she tapped your shoulder. Louis made a silly face at her before running off in another direction. You laughed as your eyes moved around the venue. A few feet away from you was a guard, he must’ve worked for the arena because you didn’t recognize him. For the whole first half of the concert you could feel his eyes on you instead of doing his job. You tried to avoid his stare, moving to the side, sticking next to Gemma and Lou, even shamelessly hid behind Lux while you carried her. But his eyes would always catch you.
“I think Lux and I are going to move backstage to watch, it’s too loud here and I don’t want her to go deaf.” Lou said as held her hands up for Lux. You passed her baby to her and remained beside Gemma.
“I think I’m gonna tag along with them, you girls gonna be alright?” Anne questioned as she moved to follow Lou.
“Yeah, we’ll be fine!” Gemma answered for the both of you.
The boys moved to sit on the center of the walkway, preparing to sing Little Things. Harry searched the crowd for you and his sister. When he spotted you both he waved, putting on a little show that made the crowd giggle.
“What a clown.” Gemma snorted as she nudged your shoulder. You chuckled at her comment.
“Unfortunately he’s our clown.”
While the boys sang Little Things you felt a presence beside you. You thought it was Anne joining you and Gemma again but it turned out to be the security guard who kept staring at you. You visibly move closer to Gemma trying to listen to the boys sing.
“What do you say we sneak backstage and fool around a bit?” He whispered into your ear invading your personal space.
“I’m not interested.” You quickly shoot him down. The guy tisked and leaned against the barricade.
“C’mon baby, I know you’re bored watching a bunch of lil boys playing around on stage.” He tried to coax you as he ran a finger along your arm.
“I already told you I’m not interested. I have a boyfriend.” You snapped at him before yanking your arm away from him.
From the stage Zayn and Liam noticed the altercation. Still singing, Liam roughly nudged Harry while Zayn moved towards the part of the stage nearest to you. Harry looked to where Liam was pointing at. An irritated look was on your face as the guy wrapped his disgusting arm around you. Harry saw you push on the guy’s chest but he still wouldn’t budge. Gemma now noticed what was happening and was trying to tell the guy to fuck off.
“OI! GET YER HANDS OFF MY GIRLFRIEND!” Harry yelled as he ran to where Zayn was. The guard who was harassing you jumped as he looked towards the stage. Above him was Zayn and Harry challenging looks on both their faces.
“Has your mother not taught you any manners? Did she ever tell you not to touch a woman without permission?” Harry’s voice boomed in the mic as he moved to jump off the stage. Harry gripped the guard’s arm and ripped it off your body. Security had now moved to where you were and took the guard who was harassing you.
Harry glared at him as they took him away. He turned back to you, his eyes softening at the sight of you.
“Are you alright? Did he hurt you?” Harry questioned you as he inspected your body as best as he can in the dim arena. The boys were now concerned as they stood near the side of the stage where you all were gathered. The fans were now curious to what was happening.
“I’m fine, Harry, he didn’t do anything. I told him I wasn’t interested and—.” You tried to explain but Harry cut you off.
“No, you don’t need to explain yerself. You told him to fuck off and he wouldn’t, he came onto you.” Harry reassured you as he smoothed his hands across your arms in comfort. You look around the see everyone looking at you guys.
“Get back on stage. I’ll head backstage where Lou and your mom are.” You tell him before pressing a kiss on the corner of his mouth.
“Are you sure you’re fine?” He asked again staring into your eyes.
“Yes, I’m fine. Now go back on stage before the fans get upset.” You tell him before pushing him towards the stage.
“They could wait, but if you say so.” He mumbled.
“I love you.” He kissed your temple before motioning Gemma to go with you. She nodded and looped her arm with yours.
“Love you too, Haz.” You tell him before walking backstage.
“Can you escort them backstage, please?” Harry asks a security guard. The guard nods and follows you and Gemma.
The boys help Harry back up the stage before asking if everything was alright. Harry quickly explained what happened before resuming the concert.
“Sorry about that everyone! Just a reminder to my girls here tonight. Your body is yours and no one should feel the need to touch your body without your permission! You get a say in who touches you and who doesn’t, remember that!” Harry announced to the audience. The crowd cheered in praise and agreement.
The boys nodded along before getting back to their spots.
“Someone’s getting fired tonight!” Louis sang as he danced in his seat making the crowd laugh.
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pasiveagressive · 4 years
Livestream Accident // N.H.
Warnings: Language, A lot of fluff like alot alot
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“Hey angel I am doing a livestream later.” Niall Informs you  and kisses your temple
“Okay I will make sure that I am not seen.” you smile up at him. You and Niall had agreed that enough of your lives are in the spotlight, and you wanted to try and keep your relationship out of it for as long as possible. That was three years ago, and you had been very successful so far. Of course there is a steady stream of people who believe that you are hiding a relationship, but that had always been something that was happening even before you and Niall got together. The media especially just can not believe that there are strong women out there who don’t find it necessary to date someone new every other week. 
“Come cuddle me?” He asks as tempting as that is you decline
“If I don’t make dinner now then we won’t be eating until midnight. Sorry babe.” you peck his lips and go back to the task at hand. He whines about it for a bit but knows you are right so leaves it at that, “How was writing today?”
“It was good, lots of ideas flowing.” He responds “You need any help?” 
“No, I think I am good. Oh actually would you pass me one of the sauce pots please?” he reaches down to grab one from the cupboard right below where he was standing. “Thanks.” after passing it to you his phone starts ringing.  He walks by dropping another kiss on your temple as he answers,
“Lewis hey mate.” you smile, he and Lewis talk almost every day, their bromance had gotten worse over the quarantine. While he is out you decide to put on some music to cook to.
“Alexa, play me some music.”
“Okay here’s a station you might like, Today’s Top Hits.” You laugh to yourself when Niall’s song is the first one on. 
“When you're with me no judgement, you can get that from anyone else.” you sing along not hearing Niall come back into the room. He watches you for a minute before wrapping his arms around your waist and swaying with you. 
“Have I ever told you that I love it when you sing and even more when you sing my songs?” you smile
“You may have mentioned it once or twice.” 
“Hmm.” is all he responds with. 
“Okay lover, dinner is just about ready so would you get us out some bowls and silverware, pretty please.” he sighs
“I guess I can do that.” 
“Thank you Niall.” you kiss him as he walks away. After you dish out your food you sit down to eat.
“Any scripts come across that caught your eye lately?” He asks you
“Um, maybe I don’t know. There are a few that look promising but nothing that is really speaking to me you know?”
“Yeah and there is no rush so make sure you really like the part.”
“Have I ever told you that you are the best, most supportive boyfriend in the world?” 
“You have but I could stand to hear it more.” He smiles at you with some basil in his teeth, causing you to laugh. “What?” he asks, genuinely confused.
“You have something.” you point to your teeth as you say it
“Where here?” he misses it and you shake your head “Here?” again misses it “Come on help me out Y/N.” you reach over and scrape it out for him, after all you swap salvia on a daily basis what is the difference. “Thank you.” you just smile and nod having yet to regain your composure. 
After dinner he does most of the cleaning since you made the meal. Once that's done he gets ready to go live.
“Hey babe I am just going to watch some criminal minds in bed, I might be asleep when you are done so just in case,” you kiss him  “goodnight.” 
“ ‘gnight angel.” he gives you a sleepy smile.
“Hey don’t be too late.”
“I know, I know.  I love you.” 
“I love you too.”  you went back the small hallway to your bedroom.  You change into one of Niall's old shirts and a pair of spandex shorts. Laying in bed you turn on Criminal Minds falling asleep way faster than you should.
When you wake up it is only about an hour and a half later, but you don’t realise that or even bother checking the time. You crawl out of bed not registering that Niall isn’t next to you and you go to the kitchen to get a glass of water. You walk right behind Niall, in full view of the camera A.K.A  the livestream. 
“Babe?” Niall calls out 
“Hmm?” you answer still partially asleep, your brain turns the whole way on a second later. “Oh shit! I mean shoot, no I mean shit.” Niall laughs
“Well we were just talking about when to take it public.” you attempt to make it look a little less like you were just sleeping then walk over to the livestream. You give a shy little wave
“Hi everyone.” The comment section goes crazy.
I Knew it!
Omg thats @y/n.y/l/n
Niall and Y/N omg my life is complete
I called this years ago
Tell that bitch to get away from my man 
I am the biggest Y/N fan her movies are so so good
She’s prob only with him for clout 
“Okay so let’s clear some things up I guess.” Niall says and you agree
“So Niall and I have been together for three going on four years.”
“Neither one of us is using the other for fame.” He adds “I love Y/N with every fiber in my body.”
“And I feel the same about Niall.” you read another comment
“Are all of the songs on heartbreak weather about Y/N?” Niall reads out loud “Um not all of them no, a good chunk of them are though yes.” 
“When exactly did you guys get together?” you read “Um we went on a couple dates in late  2016, but things really started in 2017, around the time that I was filming on Dark Phoenix and he was wrapping up / releasing Flicker.” 
“So does that mean some of the songs on Flicker are about y/n?” you look at Niall as he speaks “ Uh there is one yes. No, I will not tell you which.” you answer a few more questions before yawning. 
“I am very sleepy so I am going to go back to bed.” You kiss Niall lightly “Night lover.” you then wave to the camera catching one last comment before you walk away. 
She calls him lover I am dying  
You hear Niall telling the fans goodbye as you walk into the bedroom, him following moments later. 
“Well that was not exactly how I imagined going public.” you grimace crawling into bed for the second time that night 
“Yeah but I think that overall it went nicely.” he says from the bathroom as he brushes his teeth.
“Yeah,” you think for a moment “I guess it did.”
The next morning you are lying in bed having woken up before Niall. You decide that you don’t want to leave the warm embrace of your boyfriend quite yet so you reach for your phone. Turning off do not disturb, your phone goes crazy.  Twitter, instagram, your manager, Niall’s manager, your mom, Lewis.  You groan and throw your phone to the side, leaving yourself to face the madness later, right now you are just going to enjoy the peaceful moment with your boy. 
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1d-one-direction · 4 years
Niall Horan Headcannons
➵ Being Niall’s Best Friend
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makeupinthedrawer · 3 years
i feel bad that i only post fics like once every two months so if you guys would be so lovely as to send in headcannon requests that i can answer in the mean time :] fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, suggestiveness is fine too but no smut
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imthebadguyyy · 3 years
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Pairing - One Direction x Reader (platonic) [sixth member!fem!reader]
Summary - Headcannons for being put together in a band on X Factor.
Okay you were a nervous, stuttering mess on the stage, as you sang Rihanna's 'Don't Stop The Music'
You could see the slight wince Louis Walsh gave in your direction, as your note wavered. But through some miracle, he saw potential, and you moved through with 3 yeses.
Then came bootcamp. Phew. That an experience you'd never forget. For your performance, you picked 'Survivor' by Destiny's child, and you were quite proud of your performance. But when the time came, your name wasn't called
At the auditions, you had met a blonde haired Irish boy, who you had quickly learned was named Niall, and you two had sort of stuck together.
He hadn't gotten through either and he made his way over to you, eyes red rimmed and watery. The two of you were turning to leave, when one of the management team made their way over and called out some names
"Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik, Harry Styles, Niall Horan and Y/N L/N"
Niall had turned to you and grabbed your hand, and the two of you had stumbled to the stage, with a curly haired boy with a beanie on his head, a tall boy who had sung a Justin Timberlake song and had blown the judges away, the boy who hadn't come to the dance session, a boy with a strong Doncaster accent and Niall.
As Simon spoke, the tall boy, Liam, put his arm around you, and so did Niall. You reciprocated and waited with bated breath.
When he said you guys were safe, and in a band, you let out a shocked gasp and felt your knees go weak, and the Doncaster boy, whose name you learned was Louis jumped and hugged you, and soon you were engulfed in a group hug.
From that moment on, it was the best thing that ever happened to you.
The 6 of you sharing a house together was CHAOTIC, but boy it was fun.
Out all of all the boys (except Niall) you became very close to Louis, who began treating you as another one of his sisters. Together, you two caused Liam a world of pain induced fun.
Speaking of whom, Liam absolutely adored you. Even though you could be crazy and fun, you were very shy in real life. Liam thought you were one of the kindest, sweetest, and most talented people he had ever met. He was always looking out for you, defending you when the producers wanted to make you wear skimpy clothes for views yes, x factor does that. Poor LM : (
As for Harry, you were a little younger than him, and he loved that he had someone to talk to about all sort of things, someone who was closer to him in age and maturity.
With Zayn, you had a wild dynamic where the both of you were shy, with bold voices. While he had a more badass personality with a voice that stunned the souls out of people, melodic and harmonious, you looked like one of the sweetest people on the world with the voice of a lion.
As for Niall, you two were probably the closest in the band. He had your back from day one, and ultimately, when it came to it, he was the one you went to for telling your secrets and for the occasional cuddle or hug.
You also trusted all of them with all your heart, having intimate heart to hearts with them, talking to them about anything and everything.
Rehearsals were also fun, and singing Viva La Vida was one of the best experiences of your life. You had an incredible voice, ranging from high to low, with an incredible amount of power in your voice.
The first time you sang Make You Feel My Love by Adele, Louis fell of his chair, while the others watched in awe. It was almost like you didn't even try to hit the high notes, they just came to you effortlessly.
You and Zayn were often given the high notes and you to had a sort of seamlessly perfect balance, the combined melody of both your voices was enough to put angels to shame.
When you guys placed third, you were sad. But you also knew that you weren't going to give up on the band. When you got offered the record deal, you were ecstatic. When What Makes You Beautiful went No.1, you did cry.
Touring was the best part, undoubtedly.
The Where We Are tour was your favourite, and so was filming alongside touring.
Your families like adoring each other, all of their siblings treating you like their own. (Girl talks with Gemma and Lottie and Ruth and Safaa, because YES)
Niall teaching you how to play golf, and Harry tagging along because,"Stop hogging Y/N, she's my best friend too"
Getting a hole in one on your first shot, while wearing heels at the golf course. Niall's jaw dropping while his friend bursts into laughter.
Liam teaching you to beatbox (big mistake) and regretting it when all you did was make weird swishing sounds and spit on him "Sorry Li" 'Ah well, I shouldn't have tried anyway, its hopeless" "Hey!"
Harry constantly reminding you he worked in a bakery, until you asked him to bake a cake for you and he bought a cake mix packet and somehow messed it up? "No thanks, I don't want food poisoning" "I tried!" "And failed, now clean up this mess. Some bakery you worked it"
Louis teaching you how to make the perfect cup of tea, and also how to constantly annoy Liam and Zayn. But also being a shoulder for you to cry on, and a person you could talk to no matter what.
Zayn being the biggest teddy bear for you, completely wrapped around your little finger. He could never say no to you, and quite frankly the others couldn't either. You wanted icecream at some ungodly hour ? He was getting his wallet. You wanted to go shopping in Japan even though management said you couldn't? He was already sneaking away with you.
Them being protective, holy hell.
God bless whoever dated you. They had to sit through 5 extremely threatening conversations, and then of course your parents or guardians as well.
It's safe to say you were single for a while.
Staying awake till 4 in the morning, recording or song writing, or sometimes just chatting.
Defending you from the ridiculous amount of hate you received, just for living your dream
One time, Harry found you crying over some stupid hate tweets, and Liam had to physically restrain him from kicking some ass.
Liam eventually joining Harry to kick some (verbal) ass on twitter.
Niall calling out hate accounts on stage and in interviews.
Zayn deleting your twitter for a few weeks, letting you heal, and protecting you from nasty haters.
Louis yelling and cursing at Paps that got too close, not hesitating to call them losers or idiots, and always holding your hand in tightly packed crowds or at airports.
All of them definitely got a little emotional when you spoke up about how much the hate got to you, and how you struggled with your body image and anxiety.
Louis talking about it in the One Direction film and tearing up.
Liam actually crying on camera
Zayn helping you overcome your nerves and anxiety.
Harry learning how to bake a decent cake and cookies to cheer you up on bad days (soft boii)
Always going to Niall with relationship trouble (Liam was your second choice) because he was the only one that didn't threaten them.
Niall being very worried when you went on first dates with your partners, staying up all night, till he was sure you were home.
Becoming a really good golfer and shocking them all because "Holy hell that was good" "how long have you been playing?" "About a year" "I beg your fucking pardon?!"
Always having someone to talk to and rely on.
Gaining 5 best friends, who would always be there.
tags - @zaynkissbot @cordensangel57 @gucci-hazza @bxtchboy69
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hazzoranstories · 3 years
One Direction Smutty Headcannons
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A/N: You don’t have to agree with everything it’s just my opinions
If you want more comment/message :)
Kink levels are from 1-100% (100 being super freaky and 1 being vanilla)
Harry Edward Styles
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Relation: Switch/Top
“Shoe Size”: 8 & slightly girthy
Favorite Position: Standing from behind
Favorite Time/Place: Late night against the wall
Kinky level: 70%
Hair pulling
Extravagant pet names
Domination (from both sides)
Liam James Payne
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Relation: Switch
“Shoe Size”: 9 & long
Favorite Position: Missonary
Favorite Time/Place: Afternoon in bed
Kinky level: 10%
Subtle pet names
Hair pulling
Subtle choking
Louis William Tomlinson
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Relation: Top
“Shoe Size”: 7.5 & girthy
Favorite Position: Doggystyle
Favorite Time/Place: Midnight / Very early morning in the bathroom, his dressing room, or anywhere with a mirror
Kinky level: 90%
Rough choking
Rough hair pulling
Subtle exhibition
Subtle Voyeurism
Male domination (Louis himself)
Pet names
Daddy calling
Rough edging
Zayn Javadd Malik
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Relation: Top
“Shoe Size”: 8 & slightly girthy
Favorite Position: Leg up on the counter
Favorite Time/Place: Late afternoon / Early night on the counter or edge of the couch / bed
Kinky level: 35%
Rough hair pulling
Subtle slapping
Pet names
Clothed sex
Niall James Horan
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Relation: Switch/Bottom
“Shoe Size”: 7 & very girthy
Favorite Position: Riding
Favorite Time/Place: Morning in bed or the couch
Kinky level: 40%
Hair pulling
Breast play (females only)
Butt plugs
Pet names
Male submission (Niall himself)
Hope you enjoyed :)
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OKay bro genuinely I’m so phyched for both this sleepover AND that you’re gonna be writing for Niall and Harry 😍😍 I love the idea of the music headcannons so, if possible, would you please be able to write one for Niall with This Town?? I love your stuff so much me I’ve loved reading the 3K blurbs 😍😍😘
Awww thank you so much!! Of course I can write this man I’m so excited to start writing properly for Niall and Harry after the celebration 😂
So okay you and Niall dated a while ago. You were seventeen, he was eighteen, the year was 2012 and Niall was still in One Direction having just released Take Me Home
The relationship was innocent and sweet and provided the normality he craved away from his celebrity lifestyle
You met in your hometown at a pub your parents owned and so you worked at, Niall asked you out and that was that
Though it was a secret relationship as he was worried about the reaction of his fans
You were the first girl he ever loved
Shortly after your first year anniversary you broke up as you were leaving for uni and neither of you could deal with all the distance it would bring with him being touring all the time as well
Fast forward to 2016, One Direction were on hiatus on Niall found himself, by chance, at your home town
He couldn’t stop himself from going to the pub despite knowing that you were almost certainly not going to be there having moved on with your life
But there you were, stood behind the bar with the biggest smile on your face as you spoke to some of your childhood friends who Niall recognised
And he wondered if you were with anyone, because it seemed to him that you hadn’t changed in the slightest and Niall wanted to go over and talk to you again
Just as he was about to talk himself out of talking to you, you looked right at him and everything just stopped
The moment that he saw you there and imagined you with someone else was he minute he started writing This Town in his head
The chorus came to him when you rushed over and hugged him, whispering about how much you missed him
And he knew that there was no way he was letting you out of his life again
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itsallyscorner · 4 years
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𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐄𝐝𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐒𝐭𝐲𝐥𝐞𝐬.
That’s it.
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Hi! This is just something about my page. I write blubs,one shots, headcannons and imagines. I do male reader and gender neutral reader but I will not do female reader. I can do smut, fluff and angst. I can do Enimeas to lovers, friends to lovers but I will not do student x teacher it just doesn't sit right with me . I will do all fandoms and male and female characters. That's all I think thank you
Anyway Stan Niall Horan I love him so much<33333
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strawberriezaynie · 7 years
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outfits for the cutie <3
🐏 @spaceziall , @zayniebabeh 🐏
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