#nia's fruits basket
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6okuto · 7 months ago
🧺 #1 “please? i can’t sleep without you.” with osamu for @etoiile from my fruits basket :D
warning: fem!reader is called "princess" once
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“yer still down here?”
osamu’s groggy voice jolts you from a daze. it’s past midnight, you’re sure as you turn to look at him standing at the bottom of the stairs. despite the drowsiness kicking in, you try to shoot him a smile. “sorry, samu. i’m almost done, i promise.”
he hums and makes his way to your desk, grey slippers that match your own padding against the wooden tiles. you note the pitch black he walked through to get to the study. “do i haveta stop you from overworkin’ again?”
“i’m not overworking.”
“sweetheart,” he warns with a sickeningly sweet mumble to your temple—one you hate, one he always uses when you’re at your weakest and he knows his win is inevitable—followed close by arms wrapping around your middle. 
“i’m not, i’m just–” you huff defiantly anyway, but the black size 12 letters start to bleed and blur on your screen, and you have to rub your eyes before looking at him. “i’ll be in bed soon.”
“soon as in now?”
his fingers make a slow path beneath your shirt, a gentle hand landing on your stomach. he takes a deep breath, and warm air fans across your skin as he mumbles again, “please? i can’t sleep without ya.”
the text cursor blinks at you—faster than your own have been for the past 5 minutes—as he wets his lips and presses against you.
“...damn you, osamu miya.”
osamu’s act falls as fast as it came, his pout morphing into a smirk as he chuckles and nips at your neck. “is that how you wanna talk t’your sleepy, doting husband?”
“oh shut up, i’ll go brush my teeth.”
“yeah?” he tilts his head and smirks. “need me to carry ya, my tired princess?”
“no, i do not, thank you.” you roll your eyes as you turn off the monitor and stand up.
“m’kay, i’ll still come with you.”
you snort, trying and failing to suppress a smile, “wow, so needy tonight.”
“needy?” he pinches your cheek as you turn off the monitor and stand up (and breathes a laugh when you whine his name). “more like i need t’make sure y’don’t fall asleep at the counter.”
“oh come on, that happened once—”
“yeah, and i’m making sure it won’t happen a second time. because i love you,” he both teases and reminds you, the sparkle in his eyes half amusement, half worry and affection.
so you lean against him, let an arm wrap around your shoulder and lips kiss your forehead, with little to say but “i love you too.”
you’re sure the work can be done another day.
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multifandominfj · 1 year ago
A New Beginning: A Supergirl 6x20 Re-Write
Chapter 13: A Night To Remember
Lena had managed to sneak out with a garment bag and the ring just before Kara had gotten home. Part of the plan for tonight was to not get ready at Alex and Kelly’s place, but to make sure Kara was pampered before the party. Just before Kara got home and she left, she decided to leave a little note.
“Hey Sunshine,
Sorry I didn’t catch you when you got home. Alex and Kelly needed a last minute sitter for Esme for their solo crime fighting date. Don’t worry, I got you a little something to pamper yourself before our date night tonight: your favorite chocolates, your favorite wine and spirits…and a little something for our anniversary…”
That something, a simple gold necklace with Celtic Tree of Life as the adornment to be around her neck. It was Lena’s way of telling Kara they balance each other, and that they work harmoniously together.
“I know I didn’t have to, after lunch today, but I wanted to thank you for helping ease my fidgeting and nerves. You always know how you settle whatever uneasiness that plagues me. You may be National City’s Girl of Steel, but your my precious Sunbeam. See you tonight. Xx”
Kara had been out with Nia and Brainy, taking out the bad guys with ease and finesse, per usual. When she got home, the first thing she saw was the basket full of goodies Lena had left. Reading the note, she couldn’t help but feel giddy and excited. Seeing that she had a good few hours before the “party”, she decided to relax and pop open the wine Lena had got her, and decided to watch a new show Alex had introduced her to about an All-Girls Baseball team during WWII.
“This show better be all Alex said it would be.” Kara plos down on the couch with her wine chocolate. “I was promised fruits.”
*National City Suburbs*
Meanwhile, at Alex and Kelly’s place, the rest of the Super Friends we’re getting ready, finalizing plans and making sure everyone on the guest list makes it to the restaurant.
“You going to be okay with a panicked Lena while we finalize everything?” Kelly asked as she finished strapping on her black heels with gold studs. What she was wearing was a black lace jumpsuit with a gold belt to emphasize her muscular curves with her luscious black hair swept and pinned to one side.
Alex came out wearing a dark, almost like she was wearing hellfire itself, mahogany suit with a charcoal lace bodysuit underneath. Her short hair was in loose curls and pinned at both sides. Her black booties gave her a couple inches, making her slightly taller than Kelly. “I think she needs me. She was in full blown panic mode the moment she got her. Maybe a sister-in-law, heart to heart is what will help.”
As Alex was talking, smoothing out her suit and checking to see if she looked put together enough, Kelly was eyeing her in the mirror, like the snack she was.
“Nothing…you just look…” Kelly comes up from behind to hug her around the waist, resting her chin in the indentation between her neck and shoulder. “You look stunning.”
“So do you.” Alex took one last deep breath before turning around. “You think things will go according to plan?”
“We have to hope they will. Even if they don’t, it’s Kara and Lena. They could be having this party in the middle of nowhere, and it still would be an amazing night.” Kelly reassures with a comforting hand squeeze.
“Guys.” Nia pokes her head in after knocking. “Hate to break up the clearly cute moment you two were having, but we should probably go pick up everyone to bring them to the restaurant.��
“Go.” Alex gives Kelly a kiss. “Keep me updated.”
With the others out the door, Alex knew a trick that would work. With two cold glasses of Bourbon, she headed to the room Lena was getting ready in. “Lena? You decent?”
“Come in Alex.” Lena was sitting at a vanity, finishing the final touches on her half up/half down style. She was wearing a two piece navy suit with a white blouse with a built-in ribbon bow tie. The pearlescent copper makeup with dark garnet smoky corner on her eyes really made the ocean blue tones really pop. And she was wearing her mother’s pendant, just as an extra good luck charm.
“Lena.” Her future sister-in-law took her by surprise. “You look.”
“A mess?”
“No, you look…radiant.” Alex hands over the second glass of Bourbon. “But I figured this glass of liquid courage could help.”
If there was one thing Lena learned, it is that her soon to be family was very good at reading people. Graciously accepting the glass, she nursed the drink so as to not get tipsy before the biggest night of her life. “I just want tonight to go well, Alex.”
“Hey, you have nothing to worry about.” Alex didn’t know how wrong she was at that moment. “And even if; that’s a big if, you know Kara isn’t going to care. Even as a kid, if something with our plans went wrong, she would be the one to offer an alternative. And anything she did offer…turned out pretty great. Whatever happens tonight, it’s going to be great because you two will have your whole support system there to celebrate you.”
Finishing the last of her Bourbon, she takes a deep exhale to herself before standing to swing on her blazer. “I really appreciate our talks, Alex. Looking back at how far our relationship has come…”
“Past me wouldn’t have believed it either.” Dusting off the shoulders of her future sister-in-law, she then tied the ribbon into a bow around Lena’s neck, the final thing, in her eyes, that would cement their bond. “Lena, without a doubt, you have been the best thing that has happened to Kara. Because of you, she’s been able to love every part of her life again.”
“The feeling is mutual.” Lena blushed, a shade of pink that was near identical to the shag rug beneath her feet, that seemingly took away the rest of nerves just by standing there.
“Come one, let’s get you and my sister engaged. I’ll even drive you.”
“Alex, you don’t have to.”
“Lena, I’ve got time before I have to get to the restaurant to help with the rest of the preparations. Plus…it gives you time to text Kara.” With a wink, she shut the back door of the car, and then drove off the building where they would take their helicopter ride over the city.
*National City — Big City Eats*
Kelly had taken up the mantle with getting the restaurant ready for the party. The atmosphere in the place was hectic but filled with excitement. Kelly had made sure the bar was fully stocked because she knew not only Alex would be partaking, but Sara and Ava would be as well. Her main priority: everyone was relaxed and having a good time.
Nia was put in charge of the Photo Booth area, getting all of the silly props and paper party favors together. Did she get this idea from Mariah and Tessa’s engagement party on Young and the Restless, and show that clip to Lena who also ended up loving the idea? Absolutely. She was a sucker for the cheesy moments in life, and she wanted to make sure Lena and Kara had plenty to look at fondly in their future.
Brainy was surprisingly in charge of the music. Having learned a little bit about what everyone’s tastes were, and with Nia’s guidance as to what was “hot” and “not”, he had a pretty equal balance. He was certain there would be a 100% chance this playlist would be the reason why the engagement party was a success.
Catering from not only the restaurant, but Big Belly Burger and Jitters was called in ahead of time. Food and refreshments were the easiest part.
J’onn was in charge of getting all of the guests. And with a pool pitched in from everyone, they sprung for the swankiest limo ever. When he pulled up, the party guest flowed in as follows: Sam, Ruby, Esme, Sara, Ava, Cat, Barry, Iris and Lois.
However…one thing did end up going wrong.
“Kelly.” J’onn had discretely waved her over.
“By the way you just waved me over…something fell through.” Kelly sighed, feeling her heart break for Lena.
“The Helicopter pilot Lena booked had accidentally double booked. I tried to convince him that tonight was important, but he wouldn’t budge.”
“Lena’s going to be crushed. But we can’t lose hope. I remember Alex telling me that Kara would always find a way to fix hiccups.” Kelly, forever the optimist.
As soon as she said that, Alex entered. “Okay, Lena’s dropped off. Kara should be showing up any moment. That’s going to be a ride over the city they will never forget.”
“About that…” J’onn began.
“What happened? I was only gone for an hour. Something can’t have failed already.”
“The Helicopter pilot double booked and wouldn’t budge.”
Alex had a light bulb moment, smiling to herself. “Kel, this might just be a blessing in disguise…and everything is going to be fine.” Leading them to their friends and Esme, they mingled to pass the time until the two Love Birds showed up.
*National City—Rooftop of the Lena Luthor Foundation*
Patient, but nervously waiting for Kara to arrive, Lena began to pace which was something she rarely did.
“Where the hell is this bloody helicopter? I swear if this idiot double booked…”
The rooftop door opens to reveal Kara in a black suit with flowers embroidered all over, cream colored blouse that made Kara’s tan glow as bright as the sun, her golden beachy curls pinned into a braided crown with a few strands framing her delicate yet chilled features, patent leather pumps, and the Celtic Tree of Life Lena had gifted her. To supplement her “glasses”, she went with a Smokey Amethyst eye look; she knew that would get Lena’s attention along with her outfit. Before even announcing her presence, she had to take a moment for herself to drink Lena in. There before her was the most beautiful woman in National City. She was also right about Lena being worried from before.
“It’s about time you sho—” Lena couldn’t even finish her misplaced sentence when she saw Kara. Having clutched her chest after feeling her breath physically leave her body at the sight of Kara, she couldn’t help but stare. “Showed up. Kara, you are an absolute vision.”
“You’re looking glorious yourself.” Beaming at her girlfriend, she crossed the helipad pavement to place a gentle peck to her temple before rubbing the small of her back. “So, what exactly are we doing up here? All you told me was it was a surprise.”
The exasperated sigh was all Kara needed to hear from Lena that the surprise was ruined. “Well, I wanted to do something special for our anniversary. And from the lack of noise of a whizzing propeller…The helicopter isn’t coming.”
“Woah, wait. You got us a helicopter?”
“I just wanted us to have a special ride over the city before we went to go have dinner and—”
Before she could even finish her sentence, Kara captured the rest of her worries with a kiss, then a kiss to her palm to reassure that the microscopic inconvenience didn’t upset her. “Lena, do not worry. The fact that you planned all of this, and kept it a surprise from me…the gesture alone means the world.” A touch to the forehead accompanied with brushing her stray hair aside was the final sign she could give to show it would be fine. “Besides. I have a better idea…”
“What do you—”
Kara started to float off the ground, sweeping Lena into her arms. “This is better than any ol’ helicopter anyway.”
Lena just stared in amazement. Her girlfriend wasn’t even bothered by the fact that part of the surprise was ruined. Instead, she offered a far more romantic way to travel. “Here I was, thinking I would be surprising you.” She fibbed. “Turns out you continue to surprise me every single day.”
“Keeping you on your toes is fun.” And she took off towards the restaurant where she would have the biggest surprise of her life.
The chapter before the BIG question! Chapter thirteen is a good one, enjoy! 🙏🏻
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supeherosunite · 2 years ago
Original Characters
Pax kent ( cousin of kara) ( Kryptonian cousin / adopted earth sister of Clark) face cam bailee madison
Edith Kent (sister of Clark Kent) face cam Heather Rattray
JaKari Kent (brother of Clark Kent) face cam Laird Macintosh
Lara Kent ( daughter of Clark Kent ) face cam Amanda Fein
Lulu Kent ( daughter of Clark Kent ) face cam Caitlin Fein
Gaia white ( Meta-human with nature powers ) face cam Georgie Henley
Uranus white (Meta-human with nature powers ) face cam Freddie Highmore
Yara smith ( mutant avenger ) face cam Bridgit Mendler
Amity Jones ( young S.H.I.E.L.D. agent ) face cam Drew Barrymore
Lilly Cullen (adoptive daughter of Alice and jasper ) (twilight) face cam Becky Rosso
Violet Smith (profiler) (criminal minds) face cam Haley Lu Richardson
Sammy Brown ( agent) (ncis) face cam Julia Butters
Senara Sohma (Zodiac member) (fruits basket) face cam Emma The Promised Neverland
Martha Kent
Clark Kent (Superman)
Jon Kent (Superboy)
Jordan Kent (Superboy)
Jonathan Kent (kon-El)
Lois Joanne Lane
Doctor Emil Hamilton
Tess Mercer
James Bartholomew Olsen
Chloe Sullivan-Queen (Watchtower)
Ryan James
Jonathan Sullivan-Queen (Speedy)
Kara Zor-El (Supergirl)
Alex Danvers (Director Danvers)
Mon-El (Prince of Daxam
Winn Scott (Toyman)
Nia Nal (Dreamer)
Lena Luthor
James Gordon (police commissioner)
Alfred Pennyworth (Penny One)
Bruce Wayne (Batman)
Selina Kyle (Catwoman)
Kate Kane (Batwoman)
Harleen Quinzel (Harley Quinn)
Terry Wayne (Batman)
Dick Grayson (Nightwing)
Jason Todd (Red Hood)
Tim drake (Red Robin)
Damian Wayne (Robin),
Duke Thomas (The Signal)
Henry King (Gotham)
Luke Fox (Batwing)
David Zavimbe (Batwing)
Minhkhoa "Khoa" Khan (Ghost-Maker)
Barbara Gordon (Oracle)
Stephanie Brown (Spoiler)
Cassandra Cain (Orphan)
Claire Clover (Gotham Girl)
Jean-Paul Valley (Azrael)
Julia Pennyworth (Penny-Two)
Tiffany Fox (Batgirl)
Harper Row (Bluebird)
Barry Allen (flash)
Iris Ann West-Allen (Eye in the Sky)
Nora West-Allen (XS)
Bart Allen (Impulse)
Wally West (Kid Flash)
Jesse Chambers Wells (Jesse Quick)
Jenna Marie West (Trajectory)
Joanie Horton (Joanie Swift)
Dr. Caitlin Snow (Killer Frost)
Ronald Ronnie Raymond (Firestorm)
Cisco Ramon (Vibe)
Harrison Wells
Dr. Harrison Harry Wells
Harrison H.R. Wells
Harrison Sherloque Wells
Harrison Nash Wells (Pariah)
Maya Wells
Allegra Garcia (Ultraviolet)
Chester Phineas Runk (Black Hole)
Hunter Zolomon (Zoom)
Julian Albert (Alchemy)
Hartley Rathaway (Pied Piper)
Green arrow
Oliver Jonas Queen (Green Arrow)
Felicity Megan Smoak (Watchtower)
William Clayton (White Feather)
Mia Smoak (Blackstar)
Thea Dearden Queen (Speedy)
Roy William Harper Jr (Arsenal)
Dinah Laurel Lance (Black Canary)
Captain Sara Lance (White Canary)
Rory Regan (Ragman)
Zoe Ramirez (Canarie)
Thomas Tommy Merlyn (Dark Archer)
Sara Diggle (Harbinger)
Emiko Adachi Queen (Green Arrow)
Titans/ Young Justice
Garfield "Gar" Logan (Beast Boy)
Koriand'r Kory Anders (starfire)
Rachel Roth (Raven)
Garth (Aqualad)
Karen Beecher (Bumblebee)
Jaime Reyes (Blue Beetle)
Billy Batson (Shazam)
M'gann M'orzz (Miss Martian)
Evelyn Sharp (Artemis)
Courtney Whitmore (Stargirl)
Mike Dugan (starboy)
Beth Chapel (Doctor Mid-Nite)
Yolanda Montez (Wildcat)
Richard Tyler (Hourman)
Henry King Jr. (Brainwave junior)
Joey Zarick (Zarrick the Great)
Cameron Mahkent (Icicle junior)
Beebo (God of War)
Zatanna (Mistress of Magic)
Leonard Snart (Captain Cold)
Ray Palmer (The Atom)
Martin Stein (Firestorm)
Nate Heywood (Citizen Steal)
Amaya Jiwe (Vixen)
Patrick "Pat" Dugan (S.T.R.I.P.E.)
Lisa snart (Golden Glider)
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)
Miles (Ultimate Spider-Man)
Gwen (Spider-Gwen)
Cindy (Silk)
Michelle (MJ)
Clint Barton (Hawkeye)
Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow)
Steve Rogers (Captain America)
Bucky Barnes (Winter Soldier)
(White Wolf)
Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel)
Scott Lang (Ant-Man)
Young Avengers
Kamala Khan (Ms. Marvel)
Doreen Allene Green (Squirrel Girl)
Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch)
Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)
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chairhere · 2 years ago
Alex is a mess. Lena is waaaay too hot in that fur coat. “Brainy, what are you doing in the closet!” Nia’s sister can go hop off. Good- this is not legal, wow. Girl WHAT FINALLY. LAMES IS OVER. KARA SIT UR GAY ASS DOWN. sometimes you just gotta suspend ur disbelief. DREAMER! Hell yeah Nia! The fuckin KID why. The eye make up that comes along with the suit is so funny this is the gayest fucking thing the Danvers sisters are a fruit basket. Lena!!!! I hate this. MANCHESTER? Oop she definitely still has her little buddy.
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echoes-of-the-land · 4 months ago
Chapter Four: The Harvest Festival
The crisp autumn air buzzed with the scent of earth and celebration as Chief Tamak prepared for the Harvest Festival. Vibrant colors of falling leaves surrounded the gathering place where the Lenni Lenape welcomed neighboring tribes to honor the season’s bounty. Their longhouses, adorned with intricate carvings, reflected their rich culture.
As the sun set, the festival came to life. Drums beat a rhythmic cadence, drawing tribal members from afar. The Munsee and Unami, two Lenni Lenape subgroups, mingled with the Nanticoke and Shawnee, each tribe bringing its own traditions and stories.
The Munsee, known for their skilled artisans, wore colorful woven textiles adorned with feathers and beads. Chief Nahele, tall and proud, had eagle feathers in his long hair. The Unami, recognized for their spiritual connections, donned earth-toned robes. Their leader, Elder Nima, possessed wise eyes and a commanding presence.
The Nanticoke, renowned for their fishing skills, showcased vibrant fish-skin garments. Chief Welaunee, stout and authoritative, stood among them. The Shawnee, with intricate beadwork and painted faces, were led by Chief Kima, known for his fierce demeanor.
As festivities began, members danced and sang, celebrating the harvest that sustained them. Tables overflowed with roasted corn, squash, and fish, prepared with care. Laughter echoed as children played, weaving through the colorful crowd, while elders shared ancestral stories by the fire.
Among the bustling crowd, a lively group of young women helped prepare food, their laughter mingling with the drums. Nia, Chief Tamak’s daughter, moved gracefully among them, stirring pots of stew and arranging platters of roasted corn.
“Look at you, Nia! You’re like a whirlwind!” teased Tula, a close friend known for her playful spirit. “You’ll tire yourself out before the dancing starts!”
Nia chuckled, her heart racing. “I can’t help it! I want everything to be perfect for our guests!”
Tula spotted Kimo across the clearing, his tall frame standing out. “Speaking of perfect, there’s your brave warrior!” she said with a grin. “You should go say hello!”
Nia blushed, her heart fluttering. “He’s probably busy with his friends,” she replied, though her eyes revealed her longing.
Meanwhile, boys began a playful contest, racing to see who could carry the heaviest basket of corn. “You think you can beat me, Toma?” one boy challenged.
Toma laughed, determined. “I’ll show you! Just try to keep up!” The boys dashed off, cheers erupting from friends and family.
The festival’s main events unfolded as a large fire crackled at the center, where elders shared stories. Chief Tamak stood tall, addressing the crowd.
“Brothers and sisters! Today we celebrate the fruits of our labor and the bonds that unite us!” he called. “Let us remember the teachings of our elders and the strength we find in community.”
The crowd cheered, their voices mingling with drums and flutes. Dancers swayed, each step telling a story of resilience and unity.
Part II – Decisions Must Be Made
As the festival progressed, the atmosphere shifted. Chief Tamak, Chief Nahele, and Chief Welaunee gathered in a quieter corner, their expressions serious.
“We need to discuss the rumors that have reached our ears,” Chief Tamak began, glancing around. “The white men are encroaching upon our lands. They come with promises and gifts, but their true intentions are unclear.”
Chief Nahele nodded, concern evident. “We’ve heard similar tales. They will not respect our boundaries. I have heard of their ways”
Chief Welaunee crossed his arms. “If they continue to advance, our way of life may be at risk. We must decide how to protect our people. We are unprepared. They have weapons that fire stones. We have arrows and bows. We do not speak the same language or know their ways. They do not know the ways of our peoples. We want only peace. What do they want? We know not. What must we do to live side by side with them, keep our lands as they are and protect our the ways of our fathers and their fathers?”
“We need to unite,” Chief Tamak replied firmly. “If we stand together, we can confront this threat.”
Their conversation was interrupted by the festival’s lively sounds. As they returned to the celebrations, Chief Tamak’s mind remained heavy.
Later, as festivities peaked, Kimo approached Nia. She was busy with preparations, but her heart raced at the sight of him.
“Nia,” he said, steady yet nervous. “I would like to speak with your father about asking for your hand in marriage.”
Nia’s eyes widened, excitement and anxiety swirling. “You’ve thought about this?” she whispered.
Kimo nodded, determination clear. “I believe we can build a strong future together, but I need your father’s blessing.”
Nia felt pride and concern. She knew her father’s protective nature and sensed there might be reservations.
“Just be patient,” Nia encouraged. “He may need time to consider it.”
Kimo’s expression shifted. “I’m ready to prove myself.”
Nia squeezed his hand reassuringly. “Trust in him, Kimo. Our culture values family and respect.”
With a final glance at the festivities, Kimo stepped back, determination etched on his face. Nia hoped both the celebrations and their future would flourish amid the challenges ahead.
As evening wore on, children gathered around the elders, listening intently as stories of bravery were shared. “Long ago, when the earth was young, our people traveled across the great waters,” Elder Nima began. “We learned to live in harmony with nature.”
Tula nudged Nia. “Your father has quite the way with words,” she whispered. “He inspires us all.”
“I hope he feels the same about Kimo,” Nia said quietly, her heart heavy with anticipation.
As the festival continued, groups of men engaged in friendly competitions. Some challenged each other in archery contests, while others displayed their strength in wrestling matches, laughter ringing out as they grappled.
Among the competitors was Kimo, who stood confidently as he prepared for his turn in the wrestling ring. His friend, Toma, clapped him on the back. “Show them what you’re made of, Kimo!”
“Easy for you to say! You’re not the one wrestling a bear!” Kimo shot back with a grin.
As the competition began, the crowd gathered. Kimo’s opponent, a burly man from the Shawnee tribe, squared off against him. With a swift move, Kimo dodged and tackled his opponent, cheers erupting from the spectators.
“Look at him go!” Nia shouted, her heart swelling with pride.
After several matches, Kimo emerged victorious, breathless but beaming. He made his way through the crowd, eyes searching for Nia. When they met, a smile broke across his face.
“Did you see that?” Kimo exclaimed. “I think I’m ready for anything!”
“You were amazing!” Nia replied. “But maybe you should take a break.”
“Not a chance,” he said, eyes glinting with mischief. “There’s more to come, and I have something important to discuss with your father.”
As the festival drew on, a sudden chill swept through the air, reminding everyone that winter was approaching. Chief Tamak called for the tribes to gather around the central fire. “As we celebrate today, we must prepare for the winter ahead,” he said. “We will find warmth in our traditions and each other.”
The tribes nodded, expressions thoughtful. Elder Nima added, “We must share our resources and stories, ensuring no one faces winter alone. Our strength lies in unity.”
As the meeting concluded, Nia felt a mix of excitement and trepidation. Kimo was ready to approach her father, and she hoped their future would be bright amidst the challenges looming ahead.
Part III – Decisions Withheld
Kimo took a deep breath and approached Chief Tamak, his heart pounding. The vibrant sounds of the festival faded into the background as he mustered the courage to ask for a moment of the chief’s time.
“Chief Tamak, may I speak with you?” Kimo asked, his voice steady despite the flutter in his chest.
The chief regarded him thoughtfully, then nodded. “You may have a moment, Kimo. What is on your mind?”
Kimo felt the weight of the moment pressing down on him. “I come to seek your blessing to marry your daughter, Nia,” he said, his voice firm but respectful.
A flicker of surprise crossed Chief Tamak’s face, quickly replaced by a look of contemplation. “Kimo, this is a significant request,” he replied slowly. “I appreciate your intentions, but I have reservations. You must give me time to consider this.”
Kimo’s heart sank. “I understand,” he said, trying to mask his disappointment. “But may I ask what concerns you have?”
Chief Tamak shook his head, his expression unreadable. “There are matters I cannot discuss at this time. It is a decision that requires careful thought.”
Feeling a mix of frustration and uncertainty, Kimo nodded. “Very well, Chief. I will await your decision.”
As he walked away, Kimo’s thoughts swirled. He found Nia near the fire, her radiant smile momentarily brightening his spirits. But the weight of the chief's response lingered in his mind.
“Nia,” he said, his voice low. “I spoke with your father.”
Her eyes sparkled with hope. “And? What did he say?”
Kimo hesitated, his heart heavy. “He withheld his consent for now,” he admitted, disappointment evident in his tone.
Nia’s expression shifted, concern filling her gaze. “What do you mean? Did he express any reason?”
“No,” Kimo replied, frustration bubbling beneath the surface. “He just needs time to think.”
Nia nodded, her excitement fading. “I’m sorry, Kimo. I know how much this means to you.”
“It's just... I thought he might support us,” Kimo said, clenching his fists. “I’m ready to prove myself, but his hesitation feels like a wall between us.”
Nia reached out and took his hand, squeezing it gently. “We’ll figure this out together. My father cares deeply for our traditions and wants what’s best for our family.”
Kimo looked into her eyes, feeling a flicker of hope amidst his frustration. “I want to build a future with you, Nia. No matter what it takes.”
“Then we’ll wait,” Nia said firmly. “Together.”
As they stood by the fire, the warmth of their bond felt stronger than the challenges ahead.
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alienaiver · 7 months ago
for @6okuto for their fruits basket event 🧡✨
i have a typed version below, too!
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🧡 NIA 🧡
i wanted to write smth back by hand, too! but i dont have my tablet rn, so its on paper irl, instead! mentally sending this to your address afterwards !! 🧡
DGM !!
im so happy to have met someone new who loves dgm !! (ive been telling my IRL friends about it...) PLEASE always bother me with dgm thoughts !!!
thank you for the nice words omg genuinely sobbing 🧡🧡 im glad to add some awareness and visibility !!!
snøfle thinks youre perf too!
thank you for your lovely letter! it made me so, so, so happy!! ✨🧡
✨ NIA + NOHR 2K24 ✨
(would like your answers to these, too!) 🧡
- i prefer soft beds! ive heard firm are healthier but i just cant get comfy...
- none in particular, but ive started to enjoy christmas with my found family!! we decorate the tree on the 19th and make baked goods!!!
- ive done the 'traveling' (plane, etc) solo to-from destinations, but never a whole trip alone. i theory id like to try it, but i think id be unable in practice!
- thats so hard !! but i think id go with reever, and take him to a place thats casual and with his comfort food. then id surprise him with a blanket fort and a cuddle nap to end the date 🧡 he needs rest !!!
- i both draw, paint, read, crochet, make cosplays and play music !! my disability makes some of them a bit tough, but i love doing them all!!
love, nohr 🧡🧡
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it got a bit cramped !! i wish id made it in my bullet journal instead as a spread, but i just think these papers are so cute! i never get around to use them, so i thought itd be a nice opportunity !! i collect stationary stuff and wanted to have penpals for a while but i dropped the ball on the planning with some people </3 but now i could use some, so that was really nice !!!
here are some other dgm stickers thatre too big to put on the letters but that i still wanted you to see 🥺
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the komubak one is made by @/wasongo !! and the yulma stickers are from a zine project called mayosoba from a few years back !!! 🥰 the yulma washi type on your letter is also from the zine !!!! 🥺🧡
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satorisoup · 8 months ago
! AM HERE! ask revival rahhh!!
do u prefer buying things like art prints and posters, or figures and collectibles :o
!! ur anniversary with the fave of ur choosing is coming up!! what do u get and plan to do with them ?
anndddd it's road trip time! u have space for six (6) people to join u, characters or otherwise! who are u inviting (don't need all 6 if u don't wantsies.), and where are u sitting for the long ride! >__<
EEEK PRECIOUS PETU-NIA !! ◝(´ᗜ` )◜ hello hello my love !!what a delight it is to see you in my inbox teehee !! :3 WITH MANY WONDERFUL QUESTIONS YIPEEE !! >//<
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TEEHEE i’d definitely have to say collectibles and figures !! i fear i’d have no where to put the posters </3 my shelf is begging for mercy at this point WATERRR !! WATTTER LENE WATERRR !! ( spongebob reference ) i just can’t stop… i see something yuji related and it’s in my hand on the way to the checkout T^T self control does not exist when figures exist methinks !!
EEEK i am choosing kou !! i am making him a yummy box of pastries, and buying him a red scarf with penguins on it that he’s really been wanting !! he’s so silly <3 we are going on a nice little brunch date to eat, and then visiting an aquarium !! bokuto just has to see the penguins & of course, he wore his scarf inside !! >//< ( i headcanon bokuto to really like penguins… i’m not sure why but it just fits HELP )
OMIGOODNESS this one is such a good one methinks !! i have made a chart with explanations !! :3
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so starting with aki in the drivers seat, for some reason i feel like he’s a really safe driver ?? he’s also there acting as a calm pillar for all of the craziness in the back HELP poor aki </3
of course me & kou are sittin’ next to eachother 🙂‍↕️ it wouldn’t be a road trip without him at my side !! he would probably start singing that “ 99 bottles of milk ” jingle and aki would shut it down before he got to 98 i fear… he’s such a silly guy T^T
suo ( wind breaker ) is there purely for his commentary :> i feel like he’d definitely keep things entertaining with his jokes & he’s also very smart !! even if he is sarcastic at times i just had to bring him along <3
kyo ( fruits basket ) was a bit of a wildcard for this one… it was between him and bakugo but i think he’s the calmer one compared to him & i definitely don’t want the car blowing up !! i just couldn’t leave him behind </3 i feel like he might get along with suo since he likes to fight and suo is a martial artist !!
tanjiro is there for directions & in case we find ourselves in trouble !! he knows how to get around, and if something were to happen he’d be our rescue <3 he’s very good at adapting & knowing where to lead us just in case !! he’s also such a kind person so i feel like it’d be a delightful experience having his cute self there >//<
yuji is there because i know he’d get along very well with tanjiro ( they are best friendsies in my head ) and i feel like he’d make things fun !! he’s very good with conversation so it’d be a blast talking with him !! my cutie patootie yuji T^T
i’m in the front !! i’m a bit of a backseat driver and i get uncomfy when i can’t see the road </3 i also get carsick so !! i must go there !! YEOW !!
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UWAHHH thank you soso much for asking these wonderful questions nia !! ^_^ excuse my rambling… i could talk for hours i fear </3 i hope you’re doing well & m’ sending all of my love to you along with a big hug !! MWUUUAH !! <3 🍓
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someawesomeamvs · 1 year ago
Warning: Flashing lights
Title: GUY.EXE
Editors: Baker, Sipmyanxietea, Afct.Kiwi, arcoua, shadowsamv, Uvi.FM, ikaici, Tordoxi, J6ger, Sunfloyyer, Crysakaa, febs, iridescvnt, Therealdani.jr, Riuss.FM, Pqtku, Yukivz, Bakuqhou, yuu, Etherxal.FM, Nia Alexopoulos, Kataato, Scxrios, Kiuyji, Luckieh
Studio: fm studios
Song: GUY.exe
Artist: Superfruit
Anime: Ensemble Stars!, Hypnosis Mic (multimedia franchise), Akagami no Shirayuki-hime, Haikyuu!!, Mob Psycho 100, BJ Alex (webtoon), Fruits Basket (2019), Ao no Exorcist, Noragami, Bungou Stray Dogs, Shokugeki no Souma, Kuroshitsuji, Heaven and Hell Roman Company (manhwa), Gangsta, Aoharu x Machinegun, K Project, Akatsuki no Yona, True Beauty (webtoon), Owari no Seraph, Hunter X Hunter (2011)
Category: For fun
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ultraericthered · 2 years ago
Anime Update V2 46
Hunter x Hunter - With Team Genthru now possessing 96 types of restricted slot cards, Gon, Killua, and Bisky are invited to form a team with other players aware of the danger in order to prevent Genthru from beating the game. They head to Soufrabi to monopolize a card Genthru’s missing, but will have to deal with Razor in the next event.
Fruits Basket - Lots more revelations regarding Haru and Rin, why they broke up, how they feel about each other, and where Yuki fits into all that. Poor Tohru also had an emotional breakdown about her dead parents and ailing grandfather, as Kyo manages to calm her down before they go back home. Shigure continues to be shady AF.
Date A Live S4 - Best Girl Kurumi is back, baby! And it seems she’s finally decided to give Shido a chance to seal her own powers, but with the condition that if he falls for her rather than the other way around, she’ll take his Spirit powers, which will kill him. And if that’s not enough of a threat to Shido’s life, Ike Westcott orders Ellen and Artemisia to assassinate him, even creating an army of artificial Spirits called Nibelcolle, to help them. Thankfully Mana is there to fend them off, and she even gets help from Kurumi and her doubles. Nia finally reveals that Kurumi had visited her for information on how to kill the Spirit of Origin, and the episode just kind of stops as Shido and Kurumi begin their date by playing around with some stray cats.
Fate Zero - Got to see the remaining two episodes of the series and wow, one helluva finale it was. So much pain and tragedy in the final outcome of this Holy Grail War, but in way that made total sense given all the set-up for it and aligns with everything that had been established in Fate/Stay Night, retroactively strengthening that show. Saber is left broken and jaded by the lack of triumph or closure after her master seemingly betrayed her and she’d slain Lancelot for nothing, Irisveil dies with the Grail and Ilya is left orphaned, Kariya meets a depressingly miserable end, Kirei fully embraces what an evil man he truly is and stays in alignment with Gilgamesh, and Kiritsugu pays a heavier price than expected for his vision. The parts that got to me was seeing Kiritsugu’s emotional response to saving at least one person, the young Shirou, from the fire he’d started, and the conclusion for Waver’s arc being the sole purely positive one.
Re:ZERO - So at last, the Shaman who cursed Subaru and has legions of beasts out to kill the villagers has been revealed, and their identity is something so bananas that at first I was wondering if it was a fake out, but no...the stray puppy dog in the village is the Shaman! He curses Subaru by biting him every time he goes down there and plays around with the kids! So Subaru has Rem accompany him to fight this threat, and we get to see Rem as she truly is on the inside: a demon. An absolute feral menace. But one with a heart and senses when it really matters, which is what’s needed for a fight like this.
Symphogear G - The tipping point in the story has transpired. Miku’s still alive, rescued by Maria right before the explosion, but now she’s being held captive by the F.I.S and by the end has been brainwashed by Dr. Ver into fighting for their side. Maria seems fully intent on committing to the self righteous terrorist path she’s been on and gives Dr. Ver full control over the group’s activities, while Kirika and Shirabe are questioning their part in this and whether one of them may be the true heir to Fine’s power. Hibiki, Tsubasa, and Chris are now in for a showdown with not just their enemies, but with Miku!
MAR - Alviss VS Hamelin in the next match. Not much more to say except that obviously, Alviss won and clinched another win for MAR.
Gintama - Skipped over the beach episode and instead watched the silly paranormal haunting episode where the Shinsengumi yet again has to work together with Odd Jobs Gin in order to find out if there really is a ghost haunting them and how they might exorcise it. While Gin and Hijikata’s interactions were easily the highlight, I also loved the continued clashing between Kagura and Okita, and some jokes like the ‘gorilla’ bit and Hijikata’s obsessive need for mayonaise. And the “ghost” turning out to be a mosquito alien was...sure a choice.
Talentless Nana - Finally continued with the episode to bring a temporary halt to the conflict Nana had with Jin, though he’s still around and following his own agenda, and got more adorable bits with Michiru and Nana being actual girlfriends, with Nana clearly having very genuine fondness for Michiru even as she tries to stay in denial and not get too attached to an “enemy of humanity.” I have to call bullshit on Nana’s backstory since I’m sure it didn’t happen exactly the way she described it, and the constant references to Yuuka Sasaki bother me ‘cause they almost position her as the more important character she wasn’t allowed to be. A really intriguing point to end it on, though - that Jin’s words about Nana’s murders drawing out a true psychopath among the students who also murders others seems to have come true. Both Nana and Kyouya are clueless now!
Don’t Toy With Me Miss Nagatoro: 2nd Attack - Finished the season and have to give my closing thoughts, which are...meh, it was just fine and there were episodes and character moments that were enjoyable, but on the whole, Season 1 was better and will stick with me more. I feel like the first half of this season had a lot of tepid material and weak plots that were done no service by the show opting to drop the “two stories per episode” format, but at least the main characters relationship was still endearing and their antics amusing. I think only episode 3 and episode 5 really worked for me. Then the second half had a lot more improved material, but the issue was, shockingly, with the two leads. I’ve said before that I’ve never felt any need for their dynamic and thus the whole series and its narrative to go blatantly romantic, but goddammit they went there and it just wasn’t landing for me. I don’t buy that Nagatoro and Senpai have been through enough to make a strong romantic loving connection with each other yet. Also, while the final episode ends on a really beautiful, heartwarming final scene, it kind of doesn’t fit with the rest of that episode and thus feels unearned and out of nowhere compared to the end of Season 1. I’m glad that 2nd Attack happened since I don’t think it’d be fair to leave Nagatoro-San as a footnote anime, but it’s more dime-a-dozen RomCom than what came before.
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6okuto · 7 months ago
"you know i can see your listening activity, right?"
gn!reader | first version is sillier, second is comfort!! ^^
🧺 for @reverie-starlight from my fruits basket :3
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playlist link is just for one of mine Lol. THANK U FOR JOINING REV!! 🥹🩷 haven't done texts in Ages.. couldn't pick which idea to do so u get both!! also idk why memi message mirrors reacts sent from u.. surely imessage doesn't do that.. ?? well. whatever i guess. not for me to know. will work on ur other fruits soon.. wehehe...
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nia-rarita · 6 years ago
The day came, the day where we can finally watch Fruits Basket new episode, but first, so yourself a favor and grab some tissues, popcorn, a good beverage and comfy clothes, cause today we fest like gods!
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catpeople-tournament-2023 · 2 years ago
This is a tournament bracket run by @softichill dedicated to catpeople characters and characters with (almost) all forms of kittycat swag!!!!
The main tournament is over, and Nepeta has won!!! However, there's a bonus round ready if you still wanna get your vote in!!!
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Submissions are now closed!! The rules will stay up tho for anyone curious abt how each character was chosen
No characters that are just talking cats (so no warrior cats, Judds, or any talking cat that walks on four legs)
Can have cat ears + a tail, be dressed similarly to a cat or w/ a cat theme, or be a fully anthro/furry cat
Can't be your oc sorry :(
Also; please be nice!! I know it's fun to get excited about characters but that's no excuse to be tearing each other up. This is all just for fun
Characters that are already here are under the cut!!
Nepeta Leijon (Homestuck)
Diona (Genshin Impact) (OUT)
Neferpitou (Hunter x Hunter) (OUT)
Kitty Cheshire (Ever After High) (OUT)
Cat Noir (Miraculous Ladybug) (OUT)
Nekomura Iroha (Vocaloid) (OUT)
Captain Amelia (Treasure Planet) (OUT)
Clawroline (Kirby) (OUT)
Magolor (Kirby) (OUT)
Blaze the Cat (Sonic) (OUT)
Seam (Deltarune) (OUT)
Candy the Cat (Five Nights at Candy's) (OUT)
Valerie Oberlin (monster prom) (OUT)
Toralei Stripe (Monster High) (OUT)
Kitty Katswell (TUFF Puppy) (OUT)
Ranulf (Fire Emblem) (OUT)
Saturn (Pokemon) (OUT)
Catwoman (DC Comics) (OUT)
Neil (Dreamtale comic) (OUT)
Wild Wild Pussycats (My Hero Academia) (OUT)
Kyo Sohma (Fruits Basket) (OUT)
Catra (She-Ra and the Princess of Power) (OUT)
Lady Bernkastel (Umineko) (OUT)
Nia (Xenoblade Chronicles 2) (OUT)
Black Cat (Marvel) (OUT)
Kawaii-chan (Aphmau Minecraft Diaries) (OUT)
Jake's human (warrior cats) (the only exception) (OUT)
Mad Mew Mew (Undertale) (OUT)
Che'nya (Twisted Wonderland) (OUT)
Ichigo Momomiya (Tokyo Mew Mew) (OUT)
Niko (oneshot) (OUT)
Morgana (Persona 5) (OUT)
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februaryflowers-main · 4 years ago
🍓...? (i'm kinda late to this omg ;-; pls take this basket full of other fruits as a mini apology: 🧺🍊🍋🍒🫐🍌🍇🍎)
hi nia!! you’re all good no worries :3
you’re so warm and supportive i really appreciate you 🤧 and you’re so talented gosh your writing makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside fubwiefn i always have a smile reading your works!! i’m happy we’ve met and i hope we can still get to know each other more <3
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nia-rarita · 6 years ago
Let alone that, the relationships that are coming next, + the reveal of the gender of You-know-who
oh my god i just realized i have to relive hatori and kana with the reboot i don’t think i can handle that
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theartoflovingthomashunt · 5 years ago
The Bogart Diaries #5: Happiness is Cold Watermelon
Masterlists: [Hollywood U] || [Red Carpet Diaries]  || [Baby Hunt]  || [Love & Scotch HWU/OH]  ||  [#HollywoodHacks HWU/LH]
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Characters: Alex, Thomas Hunt, Bogart Hunt (puppy)
Prompt: Prompts: @choicesjunechallenge: Summer; @wackydrabbles "Just lick it" (in bold)  ; Word Count: 540
Setting: Thomas and Alex are having a picnic. Clearly, this is Alex’s idea, because you know Thomas didn’t agree willingly!
Synopsis: Bogart enjoys a new summer treat.
The Bogart Diaries: [#0] [#1] [#2] [#3] [#4] [#5] [#6] [#7] [#8] [#9]
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“Was packing a picnic basket really necessary?” Thomas complained as he finished spreading out the blanket on the plush, green grass of their backyard. “We are less than a hundred feet from the house.” 
“Yes.” Alex brushed a kiss on his cheek, the rough hair of his beard tingling her soft lips. “It absolutely is necessary!” 
She knelt on the blanket and began unpacking their lunch. “Sit.”
He quirked his eyebrow at her command. “Are you talking to me or the dog?”
“Well, one of you followed directions better than the other,” Alex smirked, running her hand over Bogart’s head. He sat on the edge of the blanket, his little puppy feet getting bigger by the day. “Who’s a good boy? Yeah! It’s you!!!”
Thomas rolled his eyes, but took his place beside his wife.
She turned to Thomas, handing him one of the stainless steel travel tumblers she had taken from the basket. “I think this will help make the picnic more bearable.”
“Wine?” He asked.
“This is wine.” She took a sip of her Rosé of Sangiovese. “And while I know you appreciate your wine, I also know your heart and palette belong to scotch.” 
His fingers caressed carefully across her cheek, brushing back the strands of hair blowing in the breeze. “Thank you.”
“I thought you might enjoy that,” she winked, leaning into his touch. 
“What else do you have in there?” he wondered, peering into the open basket.
“Now you’re interested?” She nudged him. She retrieved a bowl of fresh, fruit salad she had made. “Cool, refreshing, and perfect for enjoying the warm summer sun!”
She plucked out a grape and popped it into her mouth, the tangy juices playing on her tongue. 
“Is there still a wedge of watermelon in the fridge?” Thomas questioned as he looked at the bowl of fruit.
“Yeah, why?” Alex nodded, but before her husband could answer, he was headed back to the house. She patted her leg and Bogart came and laid across her lap. She giggled as he rolled into her, enjoying all the attention and belly rubs. “I know, I love you too!!!”
When Thomas returned he placed a large wedge of seedless watermelon on the grass beside the blanket. Bogart watched curiously, tilting his head to the side. “Come here, Bogart.”
Bogart happily jumped out of Alex’s lap and went to investigate the new item with his dad. 
“Just lick it,” Thomas offered as Bogart circled the fruit sniffing it intriguingly.
The puppy pushed the wedge with his nose, barking at it as it wobbled back and forth. As it came to rest again, his pink tongue licked across the juicy, sweet surface of the fruit. His tail wagged faster and faster as he licked the chilled treat. He ran circles, barking and licking, and eventually, his sharp little teeth pierced the watermelon. He pranced happily back to his parents laying on the picnic blanket as he sucked on the chunk of watermelon he had retrieved for himself. 
Alex took a picture of Bogart enjoying his first taste of summer, then leaned against Thomas, who happily drank his scotch. The warm sun caressed their skin as their first picnic together went off without a hitch.
☆  ☆   ☆   ☆   ☆
Perma tags: @lilyoffandoms ; @raleighcarrera ; @mfackenthal ; @the-soot-sprite ; @virtuallytakenby ; @zeniamiii ; @kaavyaethanramsey; @choicesobsessed; @xjustin-ethansgirliex ; @caseyvalentineramsey; @trappedinfandoms​; @anotherbeingsworld​ ;  @tyril-nia-kaya​
Thomas Tags: @alleksa16​  ;    @flyawayboo​    ;  @alj4890​  ;  @twin-skltns​   ;    @ab1901​ ;   @riseandshinelittleblossom​  ; @hopelessromantic1352​  ;   @thearianam​  ; @zodiacsign1​ ; @curiouslittlefreak​ ; @sharrybh20​ ; @princess-geek​ ; @awkwardambition ; @jodibo ;
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selenecrown · 4 years ago
It’s Been A While Since I’ve Been Tagged! But Here You Go!
I was tagged by @misteria247! Thank you very much! It’s been some time since I’ve been tagged! 
What do you prefer to be called name-wise?
Selena or Nia, if you guys don’t mind.
When is your birthday?
June 9th!
Where do you live? 
The US, as most could tell by me reblogging so much US election and voting stuff a few days ago. 
Three things you’re doing right now?
Listening to music, trying to relax and typing this tag out!
Four fandoms that peaked your interest?
Hmmmm. I’ll say Twisted Wonderland is the one I’m most interested in right now, as you can tell if you know I have a TWST side blog. Other than that, I’ve gotten back into the remake of Fruits Basket, the Scarlet Pimpernel, and Good Omens.
How has the pandemic been treating you?
All things considered, everything’s okay for me. I have been affected financially and mentally, but I haven’t lost everything and everybody I know IRL is doing okay from what I know, so I consider it a pretty good.
A song you can’t stop listening to recently?
Wait A Minute! - Willow Smith (Namely this slowed down version I found)
Miss Jackson - Panic! At the Disco (Also a slowed down version I found)
They’re Only Human - Death Note Musical Cast
Madame Guillotine, The Creation of Man and Into the Fire - The Scarlet Pimpernel Musical Cast
Recommend a movie?
I recently rewatched the Emperor’s New Groove recently. I think it’s pretty funny. 
How old are you?
School, university, occupation, etc, - 
I mean, I’ve been through my country’s education system besides college, which I'm saving up for currently. Currently in training and looking for a job.
Do you prefer heat or cold?
Heat! While I grew up in a cold area, I really appreciate warm weather and rain.
Name one fact others don’t know about you!
I used to be insecure about having big boobs because most of the peers I was close with had small boobs, so I guess there’s one stereotype broken for those who stuffed their bras. It also made my first encounter with guys who like boobs at my middle school and learning society and and some people online saying they liked big boobs suuuuuuuuuuper weird for me. 
Are you shy?
I’m shy because I’m socially anxious! But, yeah. I am. Especially around new people.
Preferred pronouns?
Biggest Pet Peeve? 
I don’t usually think about it, but I guess it’s just hypocritical people in general. 
Favorite ‘Dere’ type?
Rate your life from 1-10 -
I don’t think i can do that from an object standpoint, as I’m super emotional and really not the person who knows everything about my life. But, I’d say compared to others, it’s a 5. I think I live an average life.
Main blog?
You’ve found it! It’s @selenecrown!
Is there something that people need to know before they become friends with you?
I’m kinda of a walking pile of emotional garbage, so I may say or do things at others might see as jumping the gun, but I have good intentions, or that’s what people say, I promise!
Tagging, IF YOU WANT TO!: @gayangryspacedorito @dascanadiansparkle @ayahoes @memeticallyengineered
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