rosaxlunar · 5 years
☾ OPEN // MIA 
Horror, embarrassment, disgust, shock... these words were not enough to describe the myriad of emotions that were currently overwhelming one she wolf by the name of Mia Navarette. Worse still were the random bouts of arousal that would kick in. She just couldn’t stop blushing. When Carmen had asked her to join her out for a night of fun, this was most definitely not what she had in mind. Her only source of comfort being that Carmen looked equally shocked and uncomfortable, or at least that was the impression she had before she lost sight of her dearest friend. Which left her here now. In a state of panic as she looked for her friend. Walking into rooms filled with images she’d rather not be accosted with. At least it had felt a tad less, scandalous in the room filled with food. Gluttony if she remembered correctly, and truthfully the only logical name for a room filled to the brim with food. But Carmen was no longer there and she had no idea where to find her,
Mia walked into another room, squeaking when she felt hands on her and she quickly shuffled away. Her senses were being attacked, and with blooming horror she remembered that tonight was the night of the full moon. It wasn’t as intense for her as it was for the rest of her species, blessings of being a beta, however she could smell in the air the omega pheromones begging for the rut. And there was no question there were Alpha wolves present. Her eyes widened again at the implication of the mess she had found herself in. She was not supposed to be here. 
In a rush she walked towards the nearest bar, bumping into someone on the way for the liquid that would help dull at least some of her senses. “I’m so sorry!” she mentioned but not before downing a whole glass of wine. She turned around again, “Please forgive me, I didn’t mean to bump into you. How rude of me!” 
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dvrkprinces · 5 years
( CARTER &&. 𝓸𝓹𝓮𝓷 ) 
Carter didn’t particularly understand what he was doing here, truth be told; the rebellion had simply said they’d needed him, just in case there were any problems started at the party by any of the fallen angels or vampires present, but it still felt like a farce for him to be here. What if any of Mr. Deerling’s contacts saw him here? What if his cover got blown? Why wasn’t he at the Deerling estate, watching over Bunny and ensuring she was kept out of harm’s way? And why did he even care about that last thought, anyway?
He supposed he could go outside and participate in what guests were referring to as the “Wrath” court; a fighting ring set up in gladiator-style. But even that thought sat sour in his stomach, and so Carter had wandered until he’d come across a vacant room in the “Sloth” sector of the club, taking a seat in one of the plush armchairs and running his hand over the top of his hand.
“What a fucking mess this place is,” he muttered to himself with a sigh.
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ofmcxie · 5 years
If there was one thing Ada was good at, it was sin in all it’s forms. Being a gay woman since the thirteen-hundreds, her entire existence had been deemed as such during the backwards time period -- and it was something she’d leaned into willingly. Perhaps even exaggerated a little, purely to spite them all. As she first entered the Inferno, all done out in it’s diabolically delicious glory, the vampire couldn’t seem to help but feel at ease there. It was her scene; truly. Satisfied as the cat who caught the canary and smirking just the same at all the lingerie clad girls flitting about. Tonight was going to be fun. Her first stop before she’d begin exploring the rooms was the bar, ordering an Old Fashioned and turning to rest her forearms on the countertop. Leaning in slightly to whomever was closest, Ada supposed there was no harm in some small talk before engaging in the night’s festivities. “So, have you wondered into any of those rooms yet? Any recommendations?”  
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infernusvacua · 5 years
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EVENT #1: Of Virtues and Vices
ADONIS DEERLING attending The Inferno’s Dark Alliance celebration
After one of the most tumultuous weeks of Adonis’s life—and that’s saying a lot—the angel is giving up for a bit on trying to suppress his urges. He wants to wallow for a while, drown himself in sins right up to the edge of what is allowable for his species. Recently, he became aware of a place that would probably be exactly what he needs, although it would be quite a risk. The Inferno is about as deep in fallen angel territory as one can get, supposedly owned by two high-ranking members of that species. But the stories he’s heard paint a picture of the sort of place where all his worries, his fears, his guilt will be suppressed for a night in the most decadent of ways. There’s even supposed to be some kind of huge party tonight, which is the perfect way for him to try out the club’s services. He doesn’t even know what designer he’s wearing (it’s Gucci), he just picked a more muted green color so that he can go relatively unnoticed. Whatever The Inferno has to offer, Adonis is ready to sample it.
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bvggcds · 5 years
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Jane Sutherland arriving at the party at Inferno, 2020.
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naturenocturne · 5 years
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Kael Endiron - Seven Deadly Sins Gala
As the second-in-command for the vampires, and a representative of the king himself, Kael has chosen to somewhat dress up for The Inferno for once. He had entertained attending in nothing at all (for there was much to do that evening and so little time for stripping repeatedly), however with Gabriel himself in attendance, Kael decided that restraint was likely the more diplomatic option.
That being said, the disappearance of his dress shirt halfway through the night isn’t entirely out of character for one of the top clients of the famous BDSM club.
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achromatic-morality · 5 years
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The night of indulgence and escape from the world, in all the questionable forms The Inferno has laid out at the feet of its’ guests, is bound to find Sydney doing his usual lurking and observing. He would just hate to be told he’s not putting up an effort, after all he’s already on Raphael’s radar, so maybe a little is in order. But just black? It seems a bit outdated, or at the very least he’ll leave it to the vampires for the night. Far be it for him to judge, of course, let them have their fun as well.  Maybe he’ll leave it to the actual staff for the night, the details, because there’s no doubt a shadowy, quiet corner and a drink that can take his mind off the usual paces. Might even be amusing to watch how Raphael and Luca’s little games unfold, he’s already decided he’s off the clock for the night. 
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shewvlves · 5 years
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☼ 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐞𝐧 𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞 // 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝟎𝟏: 𝐎𝐟 𝐕𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐬
The moment Carmen caught wind that there was going to be a party, she wasted no time in securing two tickets for the event -- one for herself, and the other for her closest and dearest friend Mia. While it took a little begging persuading on her end to convince the other she-wolf to accompany her, one look at Carmen’s puppy dog eyes and Mia was a goner. With Mia finally on board, the pair spent the afternoon and early evening helping one another glam themselves up for the party.
Carmen’s look for the night consists of a tasteful, orange gown that hugs the latina’s curves. A long slit runs up along the side, exposing the sun-kissed skin of her toned legs and the sparkly golden heels strapped to her feet. Her dark, luscious locks are twisted up and out of her face in an elegant updo. Carmen has kept her makeup look more natural, highlighting her lids with a bit of shimmery gold shadow and completing the look with a nude lip. The golden earrings dangling from her ears match the rings adorning her nimble fingers, which once belonged to her mother.
Carmen hopes to have an amazing night out with her best friend. The pair deserves to let loose and forget about their responsibilities, even if just for an evening. However, Carmen is incredibly unaware of just what kind of party she has dragged Mia too, and what salacious shenanigans await them.
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decoruspopulus · 5 years
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Party at the Inferno
Monty was told it was formal, he didn’t realize just how out of place he’d feel.
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rosaxlunar · 5 years
☾ Mia & Open
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it was the first time her instincts failed her. How did it come to this? How did she manage to lose sight of Nate? Of Kat and Carmen and everyone who tried to help her? How did it go from just being really uncomfortable to fearing for her life? Mia was frozen in her spot. Her warm brown eyes wide and wrecked at the sight before them.  People fighting to avoid shackles, others turning on one another at the first blood spilt. Vampires. Mia flinched as she saw fangs sink into bodies and drain them dry. She yelped with she saw the bodies carrying the dark wings on their backs crack necks and crush bones. What was worse, was that the humans and wolves blended right in with all the monsters before her. The guns and the violence, the bloodshed and the cruelty. They were all the same. 
What was this? Maldita sea, qué está pasando? No one had mentioned a raid, not even a whisper had gone by her office. But it was undeniable, the uniforms, the government insignias... It was the people she worked for, and they were endangering everyone. 
Standing in one place for too long proved to be a mistake, for it wasn’t long before panicked shoves led to Mia falling on the ground. The crowds moving in mass exodus to the nearest exit and she was the poor soul who got in the way. Mia felt the breath get knocked out of her as she felt a hit to her stomach. She curled up in a ball, sobbing as she felt various people stepping over her.  She tried to make herself as small as possible and prayed. Wishing her brothers were there. She had never felt so alone.
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dvrkprinces · 5 years
( CHRISTIAN &&. LILIANNA ) + @nymphcts​
Christian Bennet was a soft-hearted Southern boy who craved simple pleasures. Warm, yellow sunshine radiating down on him as he lazed out in a field overwhelmed with bird’s foot violets, the purple petals shimmering like amethysts under the warm morning Georgia dew. Christian thought of Saturday afternoons spent in the small kitchen of the home their parents bequeathed them, Emmaline standing on the small stool he’d erected for her as he stood behind her, showing Emmaline how to knead dough to make bread out of the little metal tin of recipes their mother had left behind for them. He remembered lying out under the stars with Emmaline on warm summer evenings, a tent erected in their backyard as he showed her the different constellations glittering in the sky and encouraged her to come up with names for them on her own, ranging from The Cookie Scoop to Mr. Fluffy Hedgehog.
When he’d come to Amsterdam, Christian had been forced to leave a lot of his simple pleasures behind. The brutality of European winters were nothing compared to slick Georgia heat, and Christian felt both overwhelmed and out of touch with the world he’d entered himself and Emmaline into. But when life had grown terrifyingly complicated, he’d stumbled into Lilianna--and suddenly, parts of his life he’d never known began to bloom. Christian felt himself filled with purpose as something in his heart burst forth and took flight. Simple pleasures returned, reinvigorated and stunningly complex in nature. Christian thought of learning to celebrate the Lunar New Year with Lilianna under warm candlelight, her laughter tinkling across the room as they shared dim sum and the dumplings he attempted to eat fell through his chopsticks clumsily. The way it felt to have her body pressed against his, their legs tangled in bed as shafts of moonlight fell across their prone bodies. Christian memorized every single inch of her, the way her body angled against his and fit against the crooks and creases of his own form. He thought of tracing their names into her skin as his heated lips pressed against every inch of her, his heart beating directly against her own as she taught him how to sound out snatches of Mandarin. “我爱你. Wǒ--ài--nǐ. I love you.”
Lilianna wasn’t in his life anymore--not in the same capacity, at least--but he still felt his heart aching for her. Particularly on a night like tonight--the Full Moon, when his alpha hormones were raging and he was forced to serve as a guest at a club he felt entirely unfamiliar and uncomfortable with. The familiarity Christian had managed to garner for himself had slipped from his hands like sand, and now he was left clinging to the edge of a cliff, surrounded by terrifying, foreign faces and struggling to maintain a semblance of calm as he weaved his way through the tightly-pressed throng of bodies packed inside The Inferno. The coalition had made it clear that Christian was to attend tonight’s event, but just the thought of being this far away from Emmaline, when she might well be surrounded by hungry, virile alphas, filled his gut with a sense of dread. He needed to get out of here--and soon.
“Excuse me,” Christian mumbled, making his way through the crowd. The rooms and layout of The Inferno was confusing, and somehow, he had gotten lost as the crowd pushed and shoved from one pleasure den to the next. “Real sorry, but uh, where is--what’s in this room, exactly?” He asked a bystander, glancing around and desperately in search of a familiar face. Feliks? Mia? Even Carmen, Mia’s friend? 
Please, anyone.
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ofmcxie · 5 years
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Ada’s event outfit.
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bvggcds · 5 years
Jane had seen Baby and Luca arrive, dressed like the First Couple and the Orginal Sin, and she got a sinking feeling in her stomach. Jane was well aware of Baby’s feelings for Luca. Hell, anyone with eyes was aware of her feelings. Anyone but Raphael. Until now, Jane had been happy to let her lover live in the dark for his sake and Baby’s, but now she wondered if she should have said something. 
Perhaps Jane was just being overprotective. No, she was definitely being overprotective, but she felt it was warranted.
Jane hadn’t said anything to Baby all night, they’d been pulled in separate directions pretty immediately, and she hadn’t been able to catch the girl’s attention. Jane was lying on a couch in one of the Sloth rooms. She had one hand on a glass of champagne, and another flung over her face to cover her eyes. Frankly, Jane was about to fall asleep, the music helping her relax. She was well fucked and sore and happily about to drift off when she heard the patter of little feet and soft sniffles behind the closed door. Jane got up and across the room at lightning speed, opening the door to find Baby there. 
“Sweetheart, what’s wrong?” The girl was clearly upset, Jane knew the signs by now. “Are you hurt? Did one of the guests bother you?” It was the most logical conclusion, some guests didn’t understand that dancers weren’t there to be touched. Unless an arrangement had been made. Jane pulled Baby into the room and closed the door behind them. “Tell me what happened, darlin’.” @nymphcts​ 
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naturenocturne · 5 years
@nymphcts​ - Tatiana
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It had been a gamble, to follow the lead that Natalie had given him. Though The Inferno had been open to all, there were an untold number of eyes and ears in these sorts of establishments. Any number of factors that could turn a rescue into a tragedy if the wrong person caught wind of his presence in the city. But she had told him that this was a place where women were trafficked, and it matched the information that Ronan had received from their mutual friend among the fallen. There were no other reports that came his way that seemed even remotely close to matching his sister, and so he ventured to the club, in hopes that the rumours were true.
Viktor searched high and low, going from room to room with a terrified fascination with the level of sheer sin so proudly on display. But to his increasing despair (and slight relief), he did not see her among the dancers in the golden cages or the bottle girls flitting from table to table. But as he stood in the hallways between rooms, debating if he would find her somewhere in the gambling den they called the Greed room, he caught a scent that reminded him so much of home that the werewolf had to do a double-take. Amidst the overpowering scents of musk, sweat and blood, there was just the faintest hint of something sweet, like marshmallows or candy. The Alpha scanned the hall again, and there, just across the way, he could see a petite woman.
He barreled throught the crowds, uncaring of who he knocked over or interrupted in the process. Viktor didn’t care about the yells or the indignant shouts as he cut across the room; all he could see was her. His poor sister, who had been spirited away from their home and forced to...to...he didn’t know, but if she was in a place like this, then certainly terrible things had happened. But Tatiana was alive, and that fact alone made all his sleepness nights of searching worth it. 
The werewolf managed to make it to her, a flurry of Russian escaping him before he could think to avoid it. “Tat'yana, eto pravda ty? YA ne vizhu veshchey, ne tak li? Ty v poryadke, sestra?” Viktor reached out for her, feeling the sting of tears prickling the corners of his eyes as he brought the young lady into a crushing embrace. “I thought I lost you. Thank God, you’re alive!”
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achromatic-morality · 5 years
[Sydney & Open // Event001 Starter]
It looked as though the full sum of the supernatural crawling the streets had slunk into The Inferno that evening, but that was no surprise given how much work had been put into dressing the place up. On its' best behavior The Inferno was still  the bastard lovechild of Raphael and Luca and it certainty took after its' parents in hunger for sinful depravity, on its' worst it was a selfish demon that devoured those not cautious enough to know the cost of sweet promises dangled between sharp claws. Tonight the feast was all laid out in countless beckoning spots and enticing acts, the full moon was a spotlight watching those tangled in lust and drowned in alcohol. It was likely wishful thinking that every hapless soul might make it out alive, but that was something of a silent contract signed by passing through the doors; risk was part of indulgence after all. 
Sydney didn't have the same seeming joy for it as many of his brothers and sisters, a fact he shrugged off as either some shred of his old life still buried somewhere inside or too many centuries seeing the best and worst of the world so often they blurred together; but had decided he was taking a break that evening. He doubted there were too many thoughts of murder around the place that night, not when the undertone of lust was practically humming in every inch of the club. If it all went to hell before the morning, well, that would have been almost fitting and he wasn't cleaning that mess up. 
The thought was likely the sway of the drink in his hand, on his third of the night and quite comfortable in the spot he had claimed. Sydney knew, despite the assumptions of others, that sloth was not his personal sin of choice but it was a pleasant one. The plush chair and his legs propped up on a table before him was a good vantage point to people watch, off the clock but still scrutinizing, old habits were hard to break. He shrugged it off and lifted his glass again, soaking in things around him; he'd resolved to not give a damn about anything until the morning and the heat in the pit of his stomach from bourbon was a good start 
He only lifted an eyebrow when a body in motion paused, his mind too busy with internalized thoughts to note at first if they were familiar, or it could have been the general haze that had seemed to slide through The Inferno that evening. "Yes?" He finally questioned when he realized they had stopped purposely.  
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shewvlves · 5 years
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☾ 𝗡𝗮𝗱𝘆𝗮 𝗞𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀𝗹𝗲𝘆 // 𝗘𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝟬𝟭: 𝗢𝗳 𝗩𝗶𝗿𝘁𝘂𝗲𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗩𝗶𝗰𝗲𝘀 
Clad head to toe in black, Nadya’s ensemble for the night is sleek and nothing short of badass. Slim fitted slacks cling to the arm’s dealers long and shapely legs, resting high on her waist. The sheer lace of her top shows just enough skin to be frustrating. Hidden underneath the black blazer that completes her look and tucked into the thick belt cinched at her waist, is a small pistol. While the she-wolf is more than capable of handling herself without a gun, the cool metal rests against her lower back comfortingly -- a precaution. To finish her look, a slim black watch and silver wristband are fastened snugly against her left wrist, and two thin necklaces hang delicately from her neck. 
Nadya’s objectives for the night are simple. Stay under the radar and mingle. Gather as much intel as she can for the rebellion without blowing her cover. 
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