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My gorgeous friend Chantelle is currently losing followers, so would you mind if I asked you to hit her follow button and ask her to check out your blog? Once you're done, message me for a blog rate. xo
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11 q’s and 11 a’s
Rules: 1. Always post the rules. 2. Answer the questions the person who tagged you in asked, then write 11 new ones. 3. Tag 11 people. 4. Tell them about the post. I was tagged by sunshine-bambi
1. Do you keep a journal? No, but I’m going to start for my creative writing class. :)
2. Favourite movie/movies. Definitely The Breakfast Club and Silence of the Lambs (and so much more but these are my all time favorite.)
3. Favourite piece of clothing. I have this sunflower maxi skirt from Pacsun that I have and I am in love with it.
4. Converse or Vans? Converse…because i own like 6 pairs…oops.
5. Something you’re scared of. Walking my dog at night…super creepy and weird…
6. Are you a morning person? Who is?
7. What’s your star sign? SAGITTARIUS!! *am I the only one who thinks all of the star signs sound like Pokemon?*
8. Do you want a tattoo? No, however I don’t really care if someone has a tattoo..it’s you’re body!! Do what you want!! :)
9. Do you believe in love at first sight? Yes…the first time I saw Dylan O’Brien I fell in love.
10. Rain or sunshine? Depends on what day it is.
11. What is your favourite thing about yourself? My freckles. 😊
My questions:
1. What’s your favorite song?
2. Thoughts on poetry?
3. What’s your favorite flower/plant?
4. Where is one place you want to visit?
5. A thought that has been on your mind for a while.
6. Favorite actor/actress?
7. Coffee or tea?
8. What’s your best personality trait?
9. Milkshake or smoothie?
10. If you could have one super power, what would it be and why?
11. One cool fact about yourself.
I tag: autunaium, plantgem, nhectar, phlants, nehrvy, frecklhes, plxntsy, svnflowher, zestei, beanleaf, dawwhn
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You can tell a lot about someone by the type of music they listen to. Hit shuffle on your iPod, phone, iTunes, media player, etc. and write down the first 10 songs, then pass this on to 10 people. One rule: no skipping.
I was tagged by Sunfluhwers
stolen dance - milky chance
like to love you - bean
hero - family of the year
fancy - iggy azalea ft. charlie xcx
wherever you are - bean
young folks - peter bjorn and john
state of grace - taylor swift
radio - lana del rey
in the room where you sleep - dead man's bones
tennis court - lorde
I'm tagging: funkyklub, bubbehls, twihnkies, nhectar, punkhie, quirkyyyz, genesisly, flauhra, puphy, and bubhlier :-) and i'm really sorry if this annoys you!
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what would you do if its the last day of your life??
oh god i don’t even know! spend the day with my best friend and make her make me laugh the whole day, go sky diving, pat and snuggle my dog, eat macaroni cheese, and yeah thats about all xo
b.r - 10/10 - i actually can’t explain my loveeeeee ! its so perfect petal
message me literally anything here for a blog rate and my opinion xo love you
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followed your instagram!! :)
yaay thanks cutie!! :)
url: meh | nice | cool | great | woah | PERFECTION
icon: meh | nice | cool | great | woah | PERFECTION
posts: meh | nice | cool | great | woah | PERFECTION
theme: meh | nice | cool | great | woah | PERFECTION
overall: meh | nice | cool | great | woah | PERFECTION
following?: no, sorry bby | i’m now | yes, always ♥ | UNTIL THE END OF TIME
follow my instagram and then message me for a full blog rate xx
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OMG annabel im your online bestie!!!! (◡‿◡✿) feel so loved thank you
of course you are hun!!! love uuu!! xxx
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Hi Chantelle and Ági! I just wanted to say hello and talk about your new network! It seems very cute and I'd love to be in your network to help find some friends who have similar interests as me! I'm a relatively new plant/nature blog and would love to meet some new people who enjoy nature, like me! Also, you guys seem super nice, so I thought I might as well try to get into the network! Thanks for reading!
By the way, I followed your blogs from my main blog, fifisnowbar, just so you know!
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Icon : okay | good | great | amazing |flawless | asdghjkl
URL : okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | asdfghjkl
Theme : okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | asdfghjkl
Posts : okay | good | great |amazing | flawless| asdfghjkl
Overall : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8| 9 | 10 | ∞
Following :yes | no, sorry | I am now | 5ever
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followers can ignore :-)
HII CHANTELLE AND LEA <33 i'm miracle, 14 and i'd really love to be a part of ur hella rad network, The Mean Girls Network omgg it was so F E T C H <3 idk but it would be so fun to meet a bunch of new rad ppl ;) lemme tell u a little fact about me, i really love pizza and ice cream it taste like heaven omg i love to fangirling about my fav band of all time aka one directione bc lyf <33 my fav movie of all time is clueless and mean girls for sure!!
so that's it ! :D hope u like me and we can be friends!
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4//23//28? :)
4. Are you easy to get along with?
I think yes except if you know me for a really long time haha
23. Do you have trust issues?
uhm no, I trust people quite easily but I never actually EVERYTHING
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
my sister
br - 8.7 followed ya :)
ask me these for a br!
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Always post the rules
Answer the questions the tagger sent you and make 10 new ones
tag ten people and link them to your post and let them know you tagged them
I was tagged by fawnwhispers
i was asked:
1. What’s your favorite book?
ooh boy probably It's Kind of a Funny Story because i relate to it so much and my copy is full of tabs and notes and marks and it's just really dear to me.
2. Do you have a crush atm? If so, write a lil bit about them!
only sorta, he's interested in someone else so i'm not gonna get hung up on it. he's tall and pretty and full of emotion and just really sweet and cute.
3. Is there anything in your room that you keep for sentimental reasons?
literally everything in my room is sentimental it's such a busy little room full of knickknacks and gifts i could never give away
4. Favorite song?
fav jam song atm: anything by nicki minaj
fav pretty song: girl in the war by josh ritter
5. What’s your desktop picture?
its a lion! my spirit animal is a lioness.
6. What’s the last movie you watched?
i watched Clue again with my best friend the other day
7. If you could speak another language what would it be?
I hope to be fluent in American Sign Language!
8. Who’s the weirdest person you know, and why?
Myself, I am constantly finding out more about myself every day along with new quirks and oddities.
9. Favorite way to pass the time?
Relaxing with my kitties and doing some witchcraft :)
10. Go-to snack?
chocolate-covered frozen bananas!!!
My questions are:
1. Where were you born and where do you currently live?
2. What's your favorite childhood memory?
3. What's your dream job?
4. Tell me about your favorite person (it can be yourself!)
5. What color best describes your personality?
6. Would you ever go sky-diving?
7. Are you a city or a small-town person?
8. List 10 things that make you happy.
9. What animal do you most relate to?
10. What book could you read over and over again?
i tag adorabletrees, beansprouty, deer-trembles, fawnbaby, nhectar, oregonfairy, ocean-breathessalty, perennialprincess, plaunt, and swagplants
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shit i love your blog
aww thank you bubba i hope you get gently attacked by fluffy dogs in the near future! uwu
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br+ba+bc for nhectar, my BOTW
br: ten ten ten
ba: you don't really need the "Stats" and "Social" updates tab x
bc: Your posts are amazing and I really like your theme!
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Isabella youre backkk!! LOVE your posts+blog and the crocodile on ur sidebar is sooo cute
aww ty qt xx
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What do you look for in a person? Like maybe ur friend or a boyfriend omg sorry if this question is confusing
honesty, patience, being positive!!!!
br: 100000 followed
ask me anything for a br to 12k+ :)
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