#ngo india
bhumingo · 2 years
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helpneedypeople · 11 months
The Power of Purpose: Cause Marketing Partnerships
In the world of business, success isn't solely measured by profits anymore. Companies are recognizing the value of aligning with a higher purpose, and this shift has given rise to a powerful concept known as cause marketing partnerships. These partnerships are transforming the way businesses operate by combining their objectives with a commitment to social and environmental change. 
The Essence of Cause Marketing
Cause marketing is a strategic alliance between a for-profit business and a non-profit organization or social cause. Its primary objective is to promote a social or environmental mission while simultaneously generating financial benefits for both parties. This approach goes beyond traditional corporate philanthropy by integrating social responsibility into a company's core operations and marketing strategies.
Fulfilling a Greater Purpose: Cause marketing allows companies to connect with a purpose that transcends profit margins. It empowers organizations to tackle pressing global issues such as poverty, climate change, education, healthcare, and more.
Positive Brand Image: Companies that engage in cause marketing are viewed as socially responsible and caring. This positive image not only attracts customers but also appeals to employees and investors who want to be part of something meaningful.
Business Growth: Cause marketing can boost sales and customer loyalty. Consumers are increasingly inclined to support businesses that align with their values. Partnering with a cause can distinguish a company in a crowded marketplace.
Employee Engagement: Employees who are proud of their organization's commitment to a cause tend to be more engaged, motivated, and loyal. Cause marketing initiatives often result in a motivated and productive workforce.
Real Impact: Cause marketing is not just about symbolic gestures. It drives real change by directing resources and attention toward critical issues. This impact benefits not only the cause but also the company's reputation.
Inspiring Examples of Cause Marketing Partnerships
Vistara: On the 90th anniversary of JRD Tata’s maiden flight, we helped children from Smile Foundation take off on their #RunwayToDreams and enjoy the ‘new feeling’ on their first-ever flight from Delhi to Amritsar. This was followed by an airport familiarisation tour at Amritsar airport and a visit to Taj Amritsar.
Happydent India: Happydent teamed up with Smile Foundation to help underserved children. For every smiling selfie shared with Happydent Rs.5 was donated to Smile Foundation for the education of children through its Mission Education initiative– a national-level program of Smile Foundation committed to providing basic education and healthcare to underserved children.
Quaker: Quaker joined hands with Smile Foundation to provide nutritious meals to children studying in Mission Education centers. For each pack of Quaker bought, Quaker gifted a meal to the children of Smile Foundation. 
Cause-marketing partnerships have emerged as a force for good in the corporate world. They showcase the tremendous potential of businesses to drive positive change in society while achieving their financial objectives. By embracing a higher purpose, companies can differentiate themselves, engage customers, inspire employees, and address the world's most pressing challenges. Cause marketing is not merely a trend; it's a transformation in the way businesses operate, demonstrating that the power of purpose goes hand in hand with the pursuit of profit. As more companies join this movement, we can look forward to a world where business success is not just measured in dollars but in the positive impact, it makes on our planet and its people. Cause marketing in charity and cause-related marketing is a powerful tool that can transform the landscape of business and social change, creating a brighter and more sustainable future. Learn about Smile Foundation’s Cause-related partnerships here and enter into a partnership of real change, real work.
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The Chikupiku Foundation: Empowering Children Through Education and Culture
The Chikupiku Foundation is dedicated to enriching the lives of children by promoting education and preserving Marathi culture. Through engaging storytelling sessions, cultural activities, and reading programs, we inspire young minds and foster a love for learning. Our initiatives focus on empowering children, particularly in rural and underserved areas, to build confidence and stay connected to their heritage.
Support Child Education: Help us continue making a difference in children's lives through education and cultural enrichment. Donate Now
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naveensrikantaiah · 18 days
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Happy Teacher's Day!
At Kritagyata Trust, we believe that teachers are the guiding lights who shape the future of our society. Today, we take a moment to honor and appreciate all the incredible educators who dedicate their lives to nurturing young minds, fostering curiosity, and inspiring generations.
A teacher’s role goes beyond textbooks. They plant seeds of knowledge, empathy, and values that grow into a better tomorrow. Whether it's in classrooms, community centers, or even under the open sky, teachers transform lives with every lesson they impart.
On this special day, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to every teacher for their unwavering commitment, passion, and love for learning. Your influence reaches far beyond the classroom, leaving a lasting impact on the lives of countless students.
At Kritagyata Trust, we’re committed to supporting educational initiatives that empower both students and teachers. Together, let’s continue to build a future where education is a fundamental right, and teachers are celebrated every day for their invaluable contributions.
Happy Teacher's Day! Let's recognize the difference that teachers make in creating a brighter, more compassionate world.
TeachersDay #KritagyataTrust #ThankYouTeachers #EducationMatters #EmpoweringThroughEducation #Gratitude
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bumblebeeappletree · 9 months
Every week, Eco India brings you stories that inspire you to build a cleaner, greener and better tomorrow.
A Goa-based NGO is helping to protect the marine environment with its adopt-a-coral scheme. Climate change, overfishing and pollution are destroying the area's reefs. The NGO Coastal Impact hopes to stop the decline with coral adoption.
Supervising Producer: Nooshin Mowla
Script and Field Producer: Bharat Mirle
Video Editor: Sujit Lad
Associate Producer: Ipsita Basu
Director of Photography: Mithun Bhat
Underwater Cinematographer: Ron Bezbaruah
Voiceover: Chandy Thomas
Production Assistant: Rebekah Awungshi
Executive Producer: Sannuta Raghu
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aahwahanfoundation · 2 months
Providing Education for Underprivileged Children
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Education is a vital human right, and it is our moral and social role to ensure that all children, regardless of background, have access to a high-quality education. India, as a growing developed country, has made advances in many major disciplines, but education, for example, is struggling. This conflict is obvious because statistics show that a large proportion of schools are unable to provide education to kids due to inadequate facilities and a restricted number of teachers. The situation worsens and serves as a potential excuse for the majority of pupils to stop their education or to avoid attending school altogether.
Read More: https://www.aahwahan.com/education
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aahwahan · 5 months
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lovelyfoundation · 3 months
Striving to Make the World a Better Place: The Journey of Lovely Foundation and Its Commitment to Sarbat Da Bhala
Originally Published by Lovely Foundation : https://medium.com/@lovelyfoundation/striving-to-make-the-world-a-better-place-the-journey-of-lovely-foundation-and-its-commitment-to-bc5adaa82b38
“May Everyone Prosper” is the motto of “Sarbat Da Bhala,” which our Gurus have always upheld. Following in their footsteps, we uphold the same credo in service to mankind. We begin our journey with the wish: “May everyone prosper, may no one sleep hungry, may the light of education illuminate every home, may no human stay deprived of basic necessities, and may our environment grow and glow till eternity.”
For us, Sarbat Da Bhala is not merely a doctrine but a way of life, as exemplified by my mother. Throughout her life, she followed a path of helping as many fellow humans as possible. Inspired by her selflessness, I, Sanbir Kapoor, established the Lovely Foundation to continue her legacy of service to humanity and Mother Earth.
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The Principle of Sarbat Da Bhala
The principle of Sarbat Da Bhala is deeply rooted in the teachings of our Gurus. It emphasizes universal well-being and prosperity, urging us to think beyond our personal interests and work towards the greater good. This philosophy inspires us to extend our hands to those in need, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to live a life of dignity and happiness.
My mother embodied this principle in every aspect of her life. She was always ready to help others, whether it was through providing food to the hungry, offering shelter to the homeless, or supporting education for underprivileged children. Her compassion and generosity left a profound impact on everyone she met, and her actions were a testament to the true spirit of Sarbat Da Bhala.
The Birth of Lovely Foundation
The Lovely Foundation was born out of a desire to honor my mother’s legacy and her unwavering commitment to helping others. I wanted to create an organization that would carry forward her mission of making the world a better place. The foundation was established with a vision to serve humanity and protect our environment, guided by the principle of Sarbat Da Bhala.
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Our Focus Areas
Communities and people may be transformed by education, which is a potent instrument. No matter their socioeconomic status, we at Lovely Foundation think all children should have access to a high-quality education. Our hard efforts are directed towards guaranteeing that children hailing from impoverished households are provided with the necessary tools and guidance to excel in school.
Among our educational endeavors are the sponsoring of educational programs, school supplies, and scholarships. We work together with educators and educational institutions to establish a setting that is favorable for kids to study. We want to end the cycle of poverty and enable the next generation to realize their full potential by making investments in education.
Good health is fundamental to a fulfilling life. Unfortunately, many people in our society lack access to basic healthcare services. At Lovely Foundation, we are committed to improving health outcomes for vulnerable populations by providing medical care, health education, and support services.
Preventive care, early illness detection, and treatment are the main focuses of our health services. To encourage healthy living, we plan health camps, immunization drives, and awareness programs. We also offer financial support to people who are unable to pay for medical care. Our goal in tackling health inequalities is to guarantee that every individual may live a healthy and fruitful life.
Food and Nutrition
Nobody ought to starve to death. Sadly, food insecurity is still a major problem in a lot of places. By giving nourishing meals to people in need, Lovely Foundation works to end hunger and malnutrition. To make sure that no one is denied this essential requirement, we run food banks, community kitchens, and meal distribution programs.
We also provide teaching sessions on sustainable agriculture and healthy eating as part of our food and nutrition initiatives. In order to assist community gardens and encourage organic agricultural methods, we collaborate with nearby farmers. Our goals are to lessen the burden of diet-related illnesses and build healthier communities by tackling food insecurity and encouraging proper nutrition.
All living things depend on a healthy environment for their well-being. Our goal at Lovely Foundation is to preserve and safeguard our natural resources. We think it is our duty to protect the environment and make sure that coming generations may live in a healthy and sustainable setting.
Our environmental initiatives focus on reducing pollution, conserving biodiversity, and promoting sustainable practices. We organize tree planting drives, clean-up campaigns, and environmental education programs. We also advocate for policies that protect the environment and support renewable energy sources. By taking action to address environmental issues, we hope to create a greener and more sustainable world.
The Power of Community
One of the key strengths of Lovely Foundation is our community of dedicated volunteers. Our volunteers come from diverse backgrounds, united by a common goal of making a positive impact on society. They contribute their time, skills, and resources to support our initiatives and help us reach more people in need.
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Stories of Impact
Over the years, Lovely Foundation has touched the lives of many individuals and communities. Here are a few stories that highlight the impact of our work:
A Brighter Future for Neha: Neha, a young girl from a low-income family, had dreams of becoming a doctor. However, her family struggled to afford her education. Through our scholarship program, Neha received the financial support she needed to continue her studies. Today, she is pursuing her medical degree and is on her way to achieving her dreams.
Health and Hope for Ramesh: Ramesh, a daily wage worker, suffered from a chronic illness that left him unable to work. With no savings and limited access to healthcare, his condition worsened. Our health team provided Ramesh with medical treatment and ongoing support. He is now on the road to recovery and able to support his family once again.
Nutritious Meals for Rekha: Rekha, a single mother, struggled to provide enough food for her children. They often went to bed hungry, affecting their health and well-being. Through our meal distribution program, Rekha and her children received regular, nutritious meals. This support has given them the strength and energy to thrive.
Greening the Community: In a neighborhood affected by pollution, we launched a tree planting drive to improve air quality and create green spaces. Our volunteers planted hundreds of trees, transforming the area into a lush, green oasis. The community now enjoys cleaner air and a healthier environment.
Looking Ahead
We are always looking for fresh approaches to broaden our influence and reach as we travel forward. We’re looking into joint ventures with other organizations, utilizing technology to enhance our offerings, and recruiting additional volunteers to support our mission. Our objective is to bring about a beneficial transformation that spreads far beyond the people who directly benefit from our initiatives.
How You Can Get Involved
There are many ways you can support the Lovely Foundation and contribute to our mission of making the world a better place. Here are a few ways you can get involved:
Volunteer: Join our community of volunteers and participate in our programs. Your time and skills can make a significant difference in the lives of others.
Donate: Your financial contributions help us fund our initiatives and reach more people in need. Every donation, no matter how small, makes an impact.
Advocate: Spread the word about our work and advocate for the causes we support. Your voice can help raise awareness and inspire others to take action.
Collaborate: If you represent an organization, consider partnering with us to amplify our efforts. Together, we can achieve greater impact and drive meaningful change.
Lovely Foundation’s path serves as a monument to the strength of dedication, compassion, and community. We work to improve the world little by little, guided by the tenet of Sarbat Da Bhala. We are improving people’s lives on an individual and community level with the help of our partners, donors, and volunteers. We are committed to fulfilling our purpose of assisting people and safeguarding the environment even as we look to the future. We can all live in a happier, healthier, and more successful society if we work together.
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donation-fundraising · 11 months
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chinmayeesahu · 3 months
Enhancing CSR Impact through Collaboration with Marpu Foundation
The importance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is higher than ever in the quickly changing business environment of today. Working together with like-minded organizations is crucial as companies look to improve society and the environment. The Marpu Foundation is one such collaboration that has a great deal of potential to increase the impact of CSR.
At the forefront of social change and sustainable development, the Marpu Foundation | NGO has established itself as a beacon of hope for communities worldwide. With a diverse portfolio of initiatives spanning education, healthcare, environmental conservation, and more, the foundation embodies a commitment to creating a better future for all.
"Marpu" - a synonym for transformation - was established by the respected National Youth Awardee, Mr. Kadiri Raghu Vamsi. Marpu Foundation | NGO focuses on harnessing the potential of individuals to bring about positive change in the world. With a team committed to effecting change and providing a supportive space for all, the Marpu Foundation earned the title of "The Best NGO in India" in 2020.
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Emphasizing employee involvement and volunteering is one of the main features of the Marpu Foundation's CSR approach. It has over 80,261 volunteers and over 10,245,120 beneficiaries operating from 39 locations in 15 states. The themes of their work center on environmental sustainability, economic development, social development, and partnership for the goals.
Partnering with the Marpu Foundation not only enhances corporate social responsibility (CSR) efforts but also significantly contributes to advancing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Marpu Foundation's projects are exemplary models of sustainable development, promoting social, economic, and environmental well-being. Here's how partnering with Marpu can boost CSR efforts and support SDGs, illustrated through some of their impactful projects:
1. Education Initiatives (SDG 4 - Quality Education): Marpu Foundation's education initiatives focus on providing quality education to underserved communities. Partnering with Marpu in these initiatives allows corporations to support SDG 4 by investing in programs that enhance access to education, improve literacy rates, and empower marginalized groups. For example, a partnership could fund the establishment of schools in rural areas, provide scholarships for underprivileged students, or support vocational training programs.
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2. Clean Water and Sanitation (SDG 6 - Clean Water and Sanitation): Marpu Foundation undertakes projects aimed at ensuring access to clean water and sanitation facilities, particularly in areas facing water scarcity and poor sanitation. Collaborating with Marpu in such projects enables companies to address SDG 6 by funding the construction of water infrastructure, implementing water purification systems, or promoting hygiene awareness campaigns in communities lacking access to clean water and sanitation.
3. Women's Empowerment (SDG 5 - Gender Equality): Marpu Foundation is committed to promoting gender equality and women's empowerment through various initiatives such as skill development programs, entrepreneurship training, and advocacy for women's rights. Partnering with Marpu in these endeavors allows corporations to support SDG 5 by investing in projects that foster economic independence and social empowerment among women, thereby contributing to creating more inclusive and equitable societies.
4. Environmental Conservation (SDG 13 - Climate Action): Marpu Foundation actively engages in environmental conservation efforts aimed at mitigating climate change and preserving biodiversity. Corporations can enhance their CSR initiatives by partnering with Marpu in projects such as afforestation campaigns, sustainable agriculture practices, or renewable energy projects. By supporting these initiatives, companies can align with SDG 13 goals and demonstrate their commitment to environmental stewardship.
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5. Healthcare Access (SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being): Marpu Foundation works towards improving healthcare access and promoting health awareness in underserved communities. Collaborating with Marpu in healthcare projects allows corporations to contribute to SDG 3 by funding medical camps, establishing healthcare centers, or supporting vaccination drives. By investing in healthcare initiatives, companies can help reduce healthcare disparities and improve the overall well-being of communities.
In conclusion, partnering with the Marpu Foundation offers corporations a unique opportunity to bolster their CSR efforts while making meaningful contributions towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Through strategic collaborations with Marpu, companies can address pressing social, economic, and environmental challenges, driving positive change and creating a more sustainable future for all.
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vishvva · 4 months
Amplifying Corporate Social Responsibility Impact: A Collaboration with Marpu Foundation
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In today's dynamic landscape of corporate social responsibility (CSR), businesses are increasingly recognizing the imperative of contributing to sustainable development goals (SDGs). CSR underscores the notion that businesses are not just economic entities but also social actors with responsibilities towards stakeholders, communities, and the environment. Strategic collaborations with organizations like the Marpu Foundation present a compelling avenue for businesses to maximize their CSR impact and drive sustainable change.
The Marpu Foundation, led by the esteemed National Youth Awardee, Mr. Kadiri Raghu Vamsi, epitomizes transformation and endeavors to catalyze positive change in society. Recognized as "The Best NGO in India" in 2020, the foundation envisions a future characterized by equity, compassion, and sustainability. Through various programs and initiatives, the Marpu Foundation addresses critical social and environmental challenges, emphasizing employee volunteering and engagement as pivotal components of its CSR strategy.
Employee involvement in CSR initiatives has been shown to enhance job satisfaction and morale while fostering a sense of purpose among staff members. With over 80,261 volunteers and more than 10,245,120 beneficiaries across 39 locations in 15 states, the Marpu Foundation empowers individuals to contribute meaningfully to environmental sustainability, economic development, social progress, and the attainment of shared goals.
The foundation's emphasis on employee volunteering not only benefits communities but also strengthens employee engagement and organizational culture. By providing opportunities for staff members to leverage their skills and expertise in impactful projects, the Marpu Foundation cultivates a sense of social responsibility among employees, driving positive change both within and outside the workplace.
Furthermore, the Marpu Foundation excels in facilitating corporate volunteering initiatives, tailoring opportunities to align with the interests and objectives of partner companies. From community clean-up drives to skill-building workshops for marginalized youth, the foundation enables businesses to engage their employees in purposeful CSR activities that resonate with their values and mission.
Transparency, accountability, and impact measurement are integral to the Marpu Foundation's approach, ensuring that every investment in CSR yields tangible and sustainable results. By leveraging data-driven insights and best practices, the foundation demonstrates its commitment to creating lasting social and environmental impact, thereby instilling confidence in partner companies and stakeholders.
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In conclusion, strategic partnerships with organizations like the Marpu Foundation offer businesses a pathway to maximize their CSR impact and contribute meaningfully to sustainable development. Together, businesses and NGOs can build a more equitable, resilient, and inclusive world for present and future generations. As the global community grapples with multifaceted challenges, the role of CSR in driving positive change becomes increasingly indispensable. With the Marpu Foundation as a catalyst for transformation, businesses have a powerful ally in their journey towards creating a better world for all.
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Top NGO for Women in Delhi
Tare Zameen Foundation works with the most vulnerable and marginalized members of our society to ensure they get the opportunities they deserve to improve their own as well as their future generations' lives.
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nirmala7210 · 10 months
Charity Donations: Transforming Lives and Communities
Charity donations, also known as philanthropic contributions, are voluntary acts of giving that aim to support a cause or organization deemed worthy of assistance. These donations can be in the form of money, goods, or services, and they play a vital role in addressing societal challenges, promoting social justice, and empowering individuals and communities.
The Significance of Charity Donations
In a world grappling with complex issues ranging from poverty and hunger to environmental degradation and healthcare disparities, charity donations stand as a beacon of hope, providing a means to alleviate suffering, promote sustainable development, and foster a more equitable society.
Charitable giving extends far beyond the immediate impact on beneficiaries. It serves as a catalyst for positive change, inspiring individuals and organizations to collaborate in addressing critical societal issues. The collective power of charity donations can drive innovation, mobilize resources, and amplify the voices of marginalized communities.
The Impact of Charity Donations
Across diverse sectors and causes, online donations have a profound impact on lives and communities. Here are a few examples:
Education: Charity donations support educational initiatives, providing scholarships, funding teacher training, and expanding access to quality education for underprivileged children.
Healthcare: Donations fund medical research, support healthcare infrastructure, and enable access to essential healthcare services for those in need.
Environmental Protection: Charitable contributions support conservation efforts, promote sustainable practices, and raise awareness about environmental issues.
Disaster Relief: Donations provide immediate assistance to communities affected by natural disasters, offering food, shelter, and medical aid.
Social Welfare: Charity donations support organizations working to combat poverty, provide food assistance, and promote social welfare programs.
Types of Charity Donations
Charity donations can be made in various forms, each with its own advantages and considerations:
Monetary Donations: The most common form of charitable giving, monetary donations provide organizations with the flexibility to allocate funds to their most pressing needs. Online donation platforms have made it easier than ever to make secure and convenient monetary donations to a wide range of causes.
In-Kind Donations: Donations of goods, such as food, clothing, and medical supplies, can provide direct and tangible support to those in need. In-kind donations require careful coordination and logistics to ensure they reach intended beneficiaries effectively.
Volunteerism: Volunteering time and skills is a valuable form of charity donation, providing organizations with human resources and expertise. Volunteer opportunities exist in diverse areas, from mentoring and tutoring to fundraising and event management.
80G Tax Benefits in India
In India, charity donations are recognized for their positive impact on society and are encouraged through tax incentives. Donations made to specified charitable organizations are eligible for tax deductions under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act.
80G deductions reduce an individual's taxable income, thereby lowering their tax liability. This tax benefit serves as an incentive for individuals to contribute to charitable causes, supporting social development and empowering organizations to make a difference.
Making a Difference Through Charity Donations
Every act of charity, no matter the size, contributes to a larger movement of compassion and collective action. Individuals and organizations can make a difference by:
Choosing Reputable Charities: Researching and selecting reputable charities with a clear mission, transparent operations, and demonstrated impact.
Donating What You Can: Contributing what is financially feasible, whether it's a small monthly donation or a one-time gift.
Spreading Awareness: Encouraging others to donate and support causes they care about, amplifying the impact of charity.
Volunteering Time and Skills: Sharing time and expertise to support organizations directly, making a personal contribution to the cause.
Charity donations, in their diverse forms, are a powerful tool for positive change. By supporting worthy causes, individuals and organizations can contribute to a more just, equitable, and sustainable world. The act of giving, whether through monetary contributions, in-kind donations, or volunteering, is a testament to the inherent compassion and collective spirit that drives positive transformation. As we navigate the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century, online donations will continue to play a pivotal role in shaping a brighter future for all.
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Online Trademark Registration Fees, Process, Documents
Trademark registration distinguishes your brand from competitors and help in identifying your product & services as source. Trademark could be a Name, Slogan, Logo or Number which a company uses on its business name, Product or services.
Registering a trademark could be a time taking process as brand registration could take minimum 6 months to 24 months of time depending upon the result of the Examination Report, that's why Professional Utilities provides Brand Name Search Report to get a fair idea about the turnaround time for registration.
Once a Trademark application is processed with the government department, applicants can start using the TM symbol on their mark & ® when the registration certificate has been issued. The registration of the trademark is valid for ten years & can be renewed after ten years. (Read More)
NOTE: If you are a manufacturer then you should also read about EPR Registration
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heealsorg · 1 year
Todays! mental health workshop was all about how peer pressure is an important factor in determining healthy and unhealthy choices in adolescents .
Need Support From CSR / Companies and Philanthropist For Our Project. Donor Please Contact Us At : [email protected]
Whatss app 079823 16660
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levipensieven · 1 year
Hii! Every Kind soul!
I'm volunteering at Mushkurahat foundation. They give quality education to under privileged children. I will be attaching a pdf from where you could know about them.
If you after reading, like the initiative and find it beautiful. Please donate any amount you like from 50 to 100 to 1000, each amount is in benefit of those children.
Thank you for giving your time to us. If you are interested please message me personally! It will be greatly helpful for the children.
You can find out more about the foundation on google!
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