#ngl its rlly been Hitting its rlly been Slapping
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obsob · 5 months ago
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peachtober day one : daisy
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just-about-nothing · 4 years ago
death of an optimist review:
death of an optimist//intro: pretty rad, good intro, blends really well into in over my head
in over my head: what a FUCKING TRACK HOLY HELL i love this song it’s such a fucking mood. the chorus is a little clunky rhythmically but his flow?/singing style hides it well and it doesn’t annoy me like it may have in a different artist. i feel like a lot of tumblr will also relate to this song tbh
identity: this one’s been out for a while but i like it a lot anyway. i don’t have that many thoughts on it bc it’s been out & so first impressions are not super fresh. however, i love the video so much. i think it’s
left behind: this song slaps, i love it. it’s more rock-y almost? but still very distinctly grandson. the sentiments behind it are really bittersweet imo, and it’s certainly (yet another) song of jordon’s i relate to quite a lot
dirty: this is one of my favorite songs in general i fucking adore it it’s so good i’ve watched the music video so much i almost know how to dance like x. it made it onto my spotify wrapped i’ve listened to it so much since it dropped.
the ballad of g and x//interlude: twenty one pilots who?? blurryface whomst?? (no shade but this is so much more cogent than blurryface). the music and the lyrics are almost musical theater-y in their interplay with each other, with some of the huge arcs of music.
we did it!!!: wow did not realize ballad of g and x had ended that was a smooth transition. ngl am not the biggest fan of this song esp. right after ballad of g and x. i think there are more interesting dichotomies in this album and i’m not super fond of we did it! we didn’t. i don’t think that’s a super strong lyric but i like other bits of this song. mixed feelings.
WWIII: this is such a gen z and millennial feeling tbh. this song can stand on its own without commentary i think. you should probably just go listen to it. it’s a brilliant criticism of the us military meat grinder and the endless wars in the middle east. oh! here’s what i want to say: the dichotomy between the title and the content of the song is bloody brilliant.
riptide: i love this song So Much. i fucking love the line “i have done bad things, done them to good people” and the video is also rlly fucking good. again, i’ve listened to this song a lot but it, like dirty, elicits the same feelings over and over again. the sharp staccato beat through some of this song fuckin hit me where it hurts.
pain shopping: this kinda has the same vibes as zen? am i crazy? this is like the theme of my depressive episodes tho. esp. the line ‘i feel nothing’ with this intense music. tbh i did not understand a lot of the lyrics in this song over the music but that’s ok cuz i like the music
drop dead: this song reminds me of my father, but not him as a father, him as a person. the acceptance of the speaker’s faults but also the refusal to quit and the instance on keeping moving, even when it kills him. v my father
welcome to paradise//outro: again, this is almost musical theater in quality? idk there’s something about this song that, while it sounds like grandson 4 sure, there’s almost something steampunky about it? especially the chorus? this is a rlly good song but i can’t pinpoint its vibes... guess i gotta listen to it dozens of more times to get it down!!
final thoughts: wow. just wow. this album was so. good. i knew it was gonna be good but this is such a cohesive product and blows everything else out of the water imo. even the weak songs on this album aren’t bad, they’re just not as good as the rest of the album. as a debut album, this is phenomenal. as an album in general, this is spectacular. i hope so much that jordon is so proud of himself, he has all reasons to be! i’ll probably get more into the themes on later listens but like i said, the cohesiveness of this album is spectacular, and makes it real easy to walk oneself through that.
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onlyjihoons · 8 years ago
college! minhyung
a/n; inspired by a series of unfortunate events that happened to yours truly, and it’s my first time writing a college au so please enjoy:’)
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major: music and audio tech
mark really liked music and making music so when he heard there was a course for it he immediately signed himself up for that
and he’s in the school’s dance club,, a very underrated dancer
tbh he partially got in because of his looks
also an underrated visual in nct
but mostly because this boy got those sick moves and he does music too?? yes please
i’m not saying that he’s the campus hottie but that’s exactly what i’m saying
but he’s really low-key and just wants to pursue his passion in music
and do well
you and mark met through this thing where you get admitted early into a course you like
you,, chose communications and media management or mass communications, as you would like to call it(i shall refer it to cmm)
and mark was there for the early admission exercise too because he had it as a backup if he couldn’t get into music and audio tech
at first the whole room was super tense because,, cmm is fiercely competitive
and you needed more than just language to get through this whole thing
when you arrived, you took a seat at the back because,, isn’t that what students do
and then mark came into the room like a really awkward bean
literally bows to everyone while saying excuse me
and he takes his seat beside you(!!)
you were lowkey screaming because,, why would someone as hot as mark sit beside you,, an average girl who just wants to get into the damn course
and your school didn’t had guys like that
let’s take a moment to imagine mark in casual clothes, like that red lacoste polo tee and ripped jeans and black vans and a kanken?? did that made your heart race? because it made my heart do just that
ya’ll know exactly which pic im referring to
so you decided not to be a chicken and make friends w him
“i’m really nervous,, i’ve yet to internalize my script for the screen test later”
“same,, i’m more worried for the written test tbh” with that shy smile of his
ok b4 we move on there are 3 components of your early admission exercise thing
1. written test 2. screen test 3. interview
and basically you have to go through all of that lmao
ok let’s get back to the story
“i’m sure you’ll do well, uhm..”
“mark, yep”
“and you’re?”
“that’s a pretty name ^^”
you swore your heart dropped
fast forward to the interview, you and mark were in the same group
and the damn lecturers had their radar on you bc wow reader you’re a catch
“so y/n, we saw that you write fiction in your portfolio, right?”
you broke into a sweat bc they ain’t gonna reveal that you write fanfictions in front of mark
“yeah i do”
“so could you please come up with a plot and characters for a current affair you know?”
you were pretty shook because fanfic ideas only hit you when it’s the right time(ff writers do you feel me)
so you were stuttering,
“i lost my childhood friend in a tsunami??”
and the lecturers literally cracked up at your idea
but they couldn’t blame you though, its hard to come up with an answer on the spot
at the end of the interview, mark was also lowkey cracking up
“omg i can’t believe you said that y/n, but i gotta admit it was pretty creative”
“i know right, why did i say that…” 
“i thought it was really creative and different though, i liked it”
there goes your heart
fastforward to the beginning of the school term
mark and you exchanged numbers on that day and when you guys received the results of the posting he wasn’t in cmm but music and audio tech
tbh you were rlly happy for him bc you guys were convenient friends from that day on and he was so excited and passionate about making music its just so so heartwarming
and well, the first assignment the lecturer gave was about a collaboration?? article
it can be between any student as long as its a different major
and it applies to every student on campus gdi
so the first person that came to your mind was mark
so after your lecture you ran straight to the block mark’s lecture hall was at
and as soon his lecture ended you ran up to mark who was busy chatting with his newfound friends
“mark! did you get the collaboration assignment?”
“yeah i did, why?”
“c-can i collab with you?”
and all his friends were all stunned like,, why is this girl suddenly coming up to mark to collab
“s-sure, why not?” with the mark giggle, you know what i’m talking about
“good, i’ll see you soon then,” you winked, leaving mark dumbstruck
and when you left your heart was leaping out of your chest and you mentally slapped yourself for winking at mark
anyhow, you and mark would meet up every other day to work on the assignment, with mark as your protagonist of your article
and mark makes a music piece, as you take part in producing the music piece
but the song is actually about you!!
basically mark talks about what he learns in the course, like making music and stuff
he also plays the guitar which is a plus
whilst you guys were collabing
mark gained attention for his insanely good looks, which he often denied and pushes the campus hottie title to taeyong,, his senior
and also his music making and lyric writing talent
have you seen his rap freestyle in snowball project??? like how did you even mark lee 
and you gained attention for your writing, one of the top cmm students in school with a bright personality and media sense
and rumour goes around the campus that the best students of both majors are collabing and are already scoring those As lmao
that rumour was true and everyone was looking forward to the finished products of the geniuses of the school
while you two were collabing you two got to know more about each other
and you know,, you,, like,, like,, each other its so cute 
you two keep sending signals to one another
for mark its adding smileys to his texts and a few hearts and like holding the door when you enter the recording studio and all those gentlemanly stuff ugh so sweet
for you,, its just more affection and skinship and playful slaps on the shoulder
the rest of the school; “pLEASE DATE ALREADY”
both of your friends literally could sense those signals but the both of you couldn’t
so on the last day of doing the assignment you and mark would show each other’s completed assignment
you showed mark your article of him, alongside with a candid picture of him working on the music you took secretly
“omg y/n,, this is so good, thank you so much”
“you’re welcome mark,, it’s nothing,, really”
and mark showed you his finished music piece and you were so proud of him because the song actually sounded legit and not by a college student
after the music ended, mark looked at you seriously and started fiddling with his hands
“you know,, y/n,, i’ve been wanting to tell you this in the longest time…”
“what is it?”
“that,, i really like you,, since the d-day we met, i really like how you are so passionate about writing and stuff… and how pretty you are and…”
“i like you too, mark, i really really like you”
and the you two hug and boom youre dating aAAAA so cute
dating college!mark would be the softest thing ever
he would memorise your favourite drink and buy it for you every morning without fail
you reckon mark would be broke by the end of the year from buying your favourite white chocolate mocha from starbucks every morning lol
and wait outside the girls’ dorm for you
and the main point is he looks good while waiting for you that sometimes you come down a lil later to just take candid pics of him waiting for you LOL
if mark’s lectures end earlier than yours, he would wait for you outside your lecture room like omg sweetest boyfriend ever
basically you guys are like inseperable
but he’s a lil shy with the pda during the first steps of the r/s so expect loads of blushy mark
but when he’s warmed up to it he’s like the clingiest baby ever
he does give you space tho,, which youre thankful for
and when he stays up too late to do his music assignment you would creep into the studio to bring him some snacks and coffee
and make sure he gets sleep because this boy can’t be stopped unless youre around
you joined the dance club soon after he joined an like you two are the literal power couple with the visuals and talents just,,, debut together please
when ya’ll did 1million dance studio’s All I Wanna Do choreography iT WAS LIT AND SLAYING EVERYONE WAS CHEERING
mark is generally rlly shy with compliments so you always compliment him so that people dont take advantage of his humility if that makes sense
like there was once he had a group project and je did most of the work and everyone was like “mark you did all the work!! this isnt a group project”
mark was like no omg my teammates did the work too
and his jackass teammate was like “oh mark only did half of the work and we did the most”
you were ready to fight that asshole and mark had to literally hold you back 
mark really likes it when you steal his hoodies and wear it to lectures bc you look so cute in them
and his graphic tees too this boy has gr8 fashion ngl
when the break rolls around you guys would go cafe hopping and eat till your stomachs were almost exploding
and also shopping for clothes and all that
mark was willing to be your human guinea pig when you buy makeup when your hand runs out of space for swatches
and when its time to pay mark just shoves his credit card to the cashier and youre like
“mark youre gonna be so broke thats $128 worth of makeup”
and you pouting and mark had to use his fingers to lift your lips up into a smile
“you’ve done so much for me for just being my girlfriend, babe, just let me pay for it this once”
and it was the 34th time he paid lmao
anyhow dating!college mark is all pure and fluffy and innocent
please give mark lots of love
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