#ngl almost forgot ghiaccio existed for a moment
angry-geese · 3 years
Team Bonding
La Squadra x reader
Warnings: nsfw. This one is just kinda cursed. Gangbang, face fucking, handjobs, voyeurism, rough sex, unprotected sex. A little dub-con but not really but I'm tagging it anyway just in case. Fem!reader
Notes: Reader is responsible for a hit gone wrong, the other members aren't happy about that. this ended up being kinda long whoops
You've royally fucked up.
Really, it wasn't your fault. You were set up to be doomed from the start. Your stand wasn't the most compatible for this mission, being short ranged and not meant for that type of combat. You were the one they went to when a lot of people needed to be killed, not just one, as your stand could take out several targets within a short distance. But killing one and only one was hard, especially if you didn't want to alert anyone. The others had been dying to see you knocked down a few pegs ever since you joined. You had been hostile and combative ever since you were assigned to the hitman team instead of the guard. You made it clear you had no plans to be friendly. That really wouldn't bother Risotto, if it hadn't affected your performance.
It couldn't be the fact that they had all planned this from the start.
When you were dragged out to the conference room for a team bonding exercise, you half expected to die. You walk like a man being marched to his own execution. Making mistakes wasn't something you could do in your line of work and expect to live. You could only pray that Risotto would make it painless, seeing as no one else got hurt.
The look they give you is predatory. Their gaze makes you want to shrink back and hide, but your pride keeps you from doing so. All you can do it sit and pray. You weren't quite sure about what; nobody is going to help you.
Risotto's hands grip onto your shoulders from behind. His grip isn't very tight, buy you know it'd stop you if you tried to run. Prosciutto stands in front of you, saying nothing. You can't tell if he's just speechless, or he has something more dubious planned.
"Just what the hell do you think you're doing." You snap.
If you truly wanted to stop him, you would. Physically you may be weaker, but your stand could kill all of them before they could react. It might injure you in the process, but you could do it.
"Strip." Prosciutto says. Muttering a "good girl" when you awkwardly comply. As ashamed as you are to admit it, the action sends heat straight to your core. You rub your thighs together in an attempt to get more friction. You don't try to put on a show, only unbuttoning the top few buttons of your blouse, pulling it over your head. Although he's long since moved his hands, you can feel Risotto's gaze on your back. Next goes your skirt, maneuvering your hips so you can slide it off. You cross your arms over your chest but it does little to help the fact that you're half naked in front of all of your teammates.
You try to kick him away, but Prosciutto grabs your ankle, pulling you to him. He traps you in his strong arms, pulling you flush against his chest. He's just tall enough that your feet can't touch the floor.
"You really don't want to fight this." He says.
Illuso is next, feeling you up through the thin fabric of your underwear. He traces a long line up your slit, feeling your slick soak through your panties.
"You're matching, puttana, did you plan this for us?" He says. Your face grows red. He shoves your bra up, exposing your breasts. Something hard presses into you from behind. You're only let down long enough for Prosciutto to hook his arms under your thighs, your upper body hanging over the couch.
"You know, anyone else would be struggling a lot harder," Illuso says, pumping his hardening cock, "I'm starting to think you want this."
The two of them waste no time in freeing their cocks.
Prosciutto takes your cunt, working you open with his fingers. Illuso grabs you by the chin, shoving your face towards his cock. It's built like the rest of him, long, average. The hairs towards the base are neatly trimmed. Precum leaks from the head. He's able to fit entirely in your mouth, groaning loudly when he does. You bob your head, hollowing your cheeks so you can take him in further. Illuso laughs when you gag, forcing you down on his cock.
Prosciutto toys with your clit, tracing circles around the bundle of nerves. Although you're a bit preoccupied, he gets a good idea of what you like, turning you into a moaning mess in no time. In front of you, Melone gets down on his knees, using your bare foot on his cock. You'd find it strange in any other circumstance, but your lust-addled mind doesn't notice. Your thoughts are too hazy to register that Illuso is about to cum. He pulls out just before he does, spilling his seed all over your chest. It's a sight that makes Prosciutto's cock twitch, albeit shamefully so.
"Pesci! Take her mouth." Prosciutto says. His thrusts grow sloppier as he nears his own release.
The younger man is hesitant, and far more gentle with you. He mutters apologies as he presses against your mouth, sliding in to the hilt. He's a bit thicker than Illuso- not by much. You run your tongue along the sensitive ridge where the head meets the shaft, making him cry out. His hands bury in your hair, nails digging into your scalp.
Formaggio uses your spare hand to stroke himself, groaning loudly, while Ghiaccio takes the other. Despite his normal temper, he seems too focused on you to speak. Sorbet and Gelato busy themselves with each other's company, seemingly uninterested in you. Risotto only sits back and watches, palming himself through his striped pants. As the leader of the team, he could've had you first. Nobody would admit to it- especially not around him- but Risotto liked having you all fucked-out and covered in the other's cum.
You're getting close to your own orgasm as Prosciutto gives a few more sloppy thrusts before spilling his hot cum in your unprotected womb. You whine when he pulls away, so close to your own release. He quickly zips himself up, standing behind Pesci to bark orders at him.
Formaggio lines himself up with your cunt, groaning at the warm feeling of it. He gives you a moment to adjust to his size, but between how wet you are, and Prosciutto's cum, he slides right in.
"You're enjoying this, aren't you puttana?" He laughs, the noise coming from deep in his chest. There's something sinister about his voice. You can only moan in response.
He settles on a fast pace, digging his fingers into your hips hard enough to leave bruises. Pesci cums without warning, spilling down your throat. You don't really have an option besides swallowing.
With a grunt, Melone cums in his hand, and all over your foot. His spare hand moves to toy with your clit, rubbing circles around the bundle of nerves. The friction is enough to send you over the edge, crying out, and clamping your legs around Formaggio's waist. He nears his own release sooner than he'd like to admit.
The two of them would fight over who made you cum for weeks.
Ghiaccio moves to take Pesci's place, his hands wrapping around your throat. He hisses a "fuck!" the second he presses against your lips. Just to piss him off, you lick a long stripe across the tip. Your eyes only lock with Risotto's for a moment before Ghiaccio is gripping your chin, forcing you to look at him.
"Look at me, slut!" He says. "Not him."
The pace you set isn't fast enough for him. Ghiaccio grabs a handful of your hair, shoving your face down on his cock. He fucks your throat with brutal force. You know you'll be sore in the morning- if you make it that long. If this is what the others can do to you, you'd hate to see what Risotto was capable of.
Formaggio pulls out, giving himself a few pumps before spilling his seed all over your stomach. By then, cum has pooled in the valley between your breasts, dripping onto the couch, staining it. Ghiaccio gives one last thrust before cumming down your throat, spilling down the front of your chest.
"Gross, dude." Formaggio looks the two of you up and down, seemingly in a moment of clarity. Your mind is too hazy with pleasure to realize how wrong this is, you were content being their little cumdump.
You're only given a moment to breathe before you're being hauled over into Risotto's lap.
Risotto mumbles hushed praise into your ear as he guides you onto him. The sight of you all covered in the others cum makes his cock twitch. Even after being prepped, it stings as he enters you. The stretch isn't necessarily painful, but it takes you a moment to get used to his size. He's bigger than all of them- around ten or so inches, and thick, with silver hairs towards the base. You're practically swallowed by his hulking form. His hands knead at the soft flesh of your ass, working their way up to your breasts.
You don't even get the chance to ride him. His large hands grip onto your thighs, guiding you up and down on his cock, using you like a fleshlight. Your second orgasm approaches quickly, the coil in your stomach winding tighter and tighter. You try to steady yourself by gripping his shoulders, but you're just so small compared to him.
When he cums, he cums hard. He sinks his teeth into your shoulder to stifle his own moan. It's enough to send you over the edge, the coil in your stomaching tightening to the point where it comes undone completely. You feel something warm and wet dripping down your inner thighs, staining the already ruined couch.
He lets your shaky form rest against his broad chest, carding his hand through your hair.
"I really hope you've learned your lesson." He says.
"I don't think I have..." You say.
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