#nfl preseason 2023
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daminouspurity · 10 months
Houston Texans vs. New Orleans Saints | 2023 NFL Preseason Week 3 | Predictions Madden NFL 24
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masterandapprentice · 11 months
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I believe in you Kenny ❤️
(yay Steelers won!!! Here we go guys!)
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teamwilsonfamily · 11 months
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dalydose22 · 11 months
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glittter-vamp · 1 year
E.R Visits | J.B
Warnings/AN: mention of accidents. mentions of injurires. minor adult language. mention of medications. This is pretty longgg. Fluffly joe w/ a bit of angsty reader. sorry if i missed any mistakes.
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You rode in the ambulance to the hospital after getting T-boned on your way back home from work. A guy in a pick up truck had ran the red light and unfortunately had hit you. You were still conscious but in so much pain in your chest, head and arm. "We're almost there honey!" The blonde EMT says to you. This was not how you wanted to spend your friday. You were eager to go home and watch your Fiancé Joe play the last preseason game before the kick off game here in cinncy was had for the 2023 NFL games next week. Now you were worried that you had internal bleeding, severe head injury and broken bones. The ambulance finally makes it to the hospital and the nurses immediately take over and take you into a room where they check you out. They do a bunch of tests, take X-Rays and MRI's leaving you in a room in the ER. After a while of just sitting there your sister and mom come in running.
"Oh my god! Honey! What- What happened?" Your mom asks with tears in her eyes. "Some asshole ran the red light." You scoff. "Oh my god...where are the doctors?" Your sister asks. "They just took me in for X-Rays and an MRI. I have broken ribs and a broken arm." You sigh. "Knock- Knock!" You hear someone say and you see a doctor and nurse walk in. "Hey doc, this is my mom and sister." You say to her. "Woah, you three could be triplets!" She jokes. "So, good news, no internal bleeding, just a minor concussion. We're going to wrap up your arm and rib though and keep you over night for observation okay?" She says writing away on her clipboard while the nurse prepares stuff for the cast. "Oh thank god." Your mom sighs in relief.
After a very painful process of getting wrapped up and put into a cast they take you upstairs to a proper room. You meet the nursing staff that's going to look after you and you ask your mom for the time. "It's 7:14" She says checking her phone. "It's almost kickoff, can you tune into the game?" You ask your mom but when she tries to turn on the TV, it doesn't do anything. "Sorry sweetie." Your mom pouts. You didn't have your phone because it got lost somewhere in the wreck. "Okay...so I was able to to reach someone in Bengals management, they were going to do their best to get a hold of Joe because I tried calling him and he wasn't answering." Your sister says. "Yeah he leaves his phone in his locker an hour before the game." You say. "This fucking sucks." You sigh. "It'll be okay honey, the important thing is that you're still here." My mom says getting emotional. "Let's... go get a coffee." Your sister says to your mom giving you a look of " I got this." They leave the room and at some point you fall asleep.
You feel the door of the room slowly open and your eyes open slowly wondering who was entering. You see blurry the first few blinks and can only make out a tall large figure but your eyes adjust and you almost gasp when you see who it was. "Joe?" You say trying to sit up but your were met with immediate pain making you wince. "Hey woah...stay how you are. Don't go hurting yourself even more now." Joe says softly coming over to sit next to you. You couldn't believe he was here. 'How hard did I hit my head?' You think to yourself.
What the hell are you doing here?" You ask clearly still drowsy from the pain medication. "Well I walked onto the field just to be told my Fiancé was in a car accident and left taking the next flight out of Massachusetts I could find." He says looking at you. His eyes were red and full of worry and stress. "Sorry I ruined your game." You say. "You're kidding right?" He asks looking at you in disbelief. "Y/N... you were in an accident. That game was the last thing I cared about, plus it's a preseason game many QB's sit out on them." He says. You knew that was lie, football always came before everything and anyone. It even came before him but you just remained quiet not wanting to turn this into a fight.
"Where are my mom and sister?" You ask realizing they weren't here anymore. "They just left, met them downstairs. The security guy didn't want to let me in because it's after visiting hours, so your mom and sister went off on him. "Must be a browns fan." You say making Joe chuckle. "I'm so glad you're okay, I don't ever think I've felt that fear before after I was told you had been in an accident." Joe says and you look over to him. "You getting soft on me Burrow?" You tease him and he gives you a small smile. "You should go home and get some rest, I'll most likely get out of here in the morning anyway." You say. "I'm not leaving you." He scoffs. "Yeah you can't leave anyway..." you bite your lip and he raises his eyebrow at you. "I was in your car..." you say and he laughs. "I know, my insurance called me." He nods.
******************* "Okay... nice and easy..." Joe says as he helps you sit down on the couch. You were finally home. Your mom picked you guys up from the hospital and since you couldn't get up the stairs due to your broken ribs and aching body, Joe had set up the couch nicely for you with pillows and blankets. "Your sister should be here with the food any minute, I'm gonna run out to get her prescription. Do you guys need anything?" Your mom asks. "Can you bring oreos, double stuffed. Someone here ate them all last week." You say looking at Joe who just shrugged. "Sure thing honey, I'll be back." She says patting your shoulder.
"Don't you have practice today?" You ask Joe as he hands you the tv remote. "I told coach I'm going to be out all week." He says. "Joe, the season is about to officially start. You can't miss practice." You say looking at him. "You took off three weeks of work when I tore my ACL, what's the issue?" He shrugs. "Yeah my job that has two other people also doing my same job. You can't miss practice or the first game this week Joe. Yo have a whole team counting on you" You shake your head.
"Well, thankfully that's not your decision to make. Now just relax, I have to go call my lawyers and insurance company, apparently the guy was wasted so we're taking this to court." He says getting his phone out of his pocket. "You don't have to do all that, it's just a car- The hell I don't, Y/N. You could of been killed! This isn't about the damn car, now it's really making me upset how much you think I care more about football and the damn car than I do the woman I'm set to marry next summer." He says obviously upset and trying to maintain his voice down and not yell. He leaves you in the living room and you sigh.
You will admit you did feel like shit thinking this way about him now. You knew better than to think this way about him. You sit there channel surfing and you stop on a sports channel that was talking about Joe. They mentioned you and the accident and show a clip of the moment he gets told on the field about what happened to you. He immediately went pale in the face and you can tell by reading his lips that he said "don't fuck with me like that." And he ran off back into locker room.
"We've gotten word that he might be out this first game which could mean a possible bad start to the Bengals seas-" you shit off the tv and look down at your cast. "Hello, hello... I come with lunch." You hear your sister enter the house. "I'm in the living room!" You call out. Your sister makes her way in the living setting the bags of food and drinks on the coffee table. "Where is everyone?" She asks. "Moms at the pharmacy getting my pain meds and Joe's somewhere talking to his lawyers." You sigh. "Oh, good!" She says. "You're behind this lawsuit train too?" You ask as she hands you the burrito bowl you asked her to get. "Of course, you could of been killed? And not you definitely someone else. There was a group of high school kids walking to the football game at the intersection the asshole hit you." She shakes her head.
"Why are you so moody today?" She asks. " I don't know...I guess I feel guilty for fucking up Joe's start to the season. It's like he can't catch a break, every season something fucking happens. Plus I totaled his fucking Porsche..." you sigh. "Well you're being dramatic, shit happens it's life. We only care that you're here. We can replace a car & he'll have many other games." She says. "How kind of you." You shake your head. "I'm just being honest, you found a man that loves you and cares for you and you're gonna be mad at him for prioritizing his soon to be bride? Don't make me break your other arm." She says making you laugh.
Joe comes back into living room thanking your sister for the food and taking a seat at the other end of the couch. "No problem, I gotta get going. Mom duties call." She says. "I thought this was a dad weekend?" You ask confused. "It was but he has a business trip so I gotta go pick up the kids today." She sighs grabbing her purse. As she was leaving your mom comes in. "Damn mom, you went grocery shopping for them or something?" You sister says bidding you all goodbye before stepping out of the house. "Mom, what'd you buy?" You sigh hearing the many plastic bags in her hands as you see Joe shaking his head chuckling. He knew better than to so say anything to her about buying stuff for a house she doesn't even live in, mostly because his mom is the type to do it as well. You couldn't turn to look at her but you could kind of see her in the reflection of the turned or tv.
"I noticed you guys were running low on some stuff so I grabbed a few things. Now here are your meds, take them." Your mom comes to hand you the bag and you open it reading the bottle first. You take one pill out but realized you couldn't reach the drink your sister has left for you on the coffee table. Joe notices and he quickly stands up and hands it to you. "Thank you." You say taking the medication with a sip of the iced tea and hand it back to him. You could tell he was just a bit upset from earlier and you wanted to apologize but now while your mom is here because you knew she'd insert her two cents in.
"Okay, you guys are stocked up. Do you need anything else? I can do any laundry- mom we're fine. Thank you for helping us out but we're good, go get some rest because I know you haven't slept." You say. "You sure? What if you need help using the bathroom or bathing?" She asks. "Well, I'm sure Joe could assist me better with both those things than you can mom." Your chuckle since your mom was a very petite woman. "Okay... you put those football muscles to work when you help her! I don't want my baby falling in the shower or anything." Your mom says to Joe and you roll your eyes. "Yes ma'am, football muscles have been activated." He says making you shake your head. "Okay well, I'll see you guys later. I guess I'll call you on his phone right?" Your mom asks. You still hadn't gotten back your phone and wasn't sure when or if that was possible. "Yeah or I have my iPad and can FaceTime you there." You say to her and she nods giving you a kiss on top of the head. She bids you two a goodbye and leaves out the door.
"Sorry about her." You say to Joe finally eating your food. "You don't have to apologize for her, she's pretty tame compared to my mom." He chuckles taking a sip of his drink. "I don't know, her basically wanting to bathe me kind of hit it of out the park." You laugh but wince as the pain in your rib. "Are you forgetting how my mom acted when I tore my ACL. She literally WALKED in on me showering when I was able to use the shower chair and hop in and out of the shower by myself. She insisted on checking up on me every 5 minutes to insure that I hadn't fallen and cracked my skull open." He shakes his head. "Oh yeah... I remember telling her that you'd be fine & was sure you knew what you were doing and she replied with 'I know my son' and proceeded to head to the bathroom. Which basically means... she called you clumsy." You chuckle and he shakes his head.
Once you finish your food Joe takes the trash and throws it away from you. You decided to pick a movie to watch and settle on a thriller. Joe comes back to the spot he was at you look over to him. "Why are you sitting so far away?" You ask and he shrugs. You pat the cushion next to you and he makes his way over to you. "Can I?" He asks signaling to lay his head on your lap like always. You nod patting your thigh with your good arm. As soon as his head touched your thigh you winced and he immediately say up making you laugh but the laughing it self actually making you wince in pain because of your ribs. "That's not funny!" he says looking at you like a father would their kid when they do something they're not supposed too. "Oh so it's only funny when you do it?" You raise an eyebrow and he sits there with a serious face knowing he did the same to you when he tore his ACL. He then slowly lays back down in defeat.
"I'm sorry for the way I've been acting by the way." You say to Joe and he turns to look up at you. "It's okay, I wasn't all that nice at first either after I had my injury., it's tough being injured" he says. "Yeah but this is different, I was being a bitch because you were actually being a good partner like what type of shit is that?" You shake your head. "I over heard you and your sister about feeling guilty about ruining the start to my season. You have no reason to feel guilty Y/N, it's not like you intentionally got into an accident. Plus... I can admit that in the past I might of put football over both of us, so I can see why you think it's weird for me to actually stay home and care for you...that's my fault and I need to work on that because the reality is football isn't going to be forever but you are." he says and you couldn't help but get a bit teary eyed hearing say that. "When did you become so mushy and good with words?" You say wiping away tears. "When I felt like my whole world ended getting the news you were in an accident." Joe says sitting up. He gives you a sweet tender kiss and wipes your tears away. "Love you." he smiles. "Love you too...now can you use that love and get me some oreos and milk?" You say making him laugh. "Sure thing babe." He says giving you one more kiss and getting up from the couch.
The rest of the week Joe spent taking care of you, from cooking (and by cooking you meant calling his chef to make all your favorites) to helping you shower to getting dressed to getting upstairs and downstairs or in and out of bed. And it just made you realize you couldn't wait to spend forever with him. 
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seeminglyranch87 · 9 months
Taylor & Travis Timeline
August 2023
August 2 - in an interview with Andrew Siciliano and Michael Robinson on NFL 'Inside Training Camp Live' Travis is asked
"Did you really have your phone number ready in a friendship bracelet to give to Taylor Swift?" To which Travis replies " I said what I said and I meant what I said when I said it" ""you shot your shot, hey man?" "It is what it is, Im not gonna talk about my personal life..." "Has [Taylor] reached out yet?" Travis responds, while smiling, "And that’s gonna wrap it up here"
There is a noticeable shift from his willingness to talk about Taylor previously to this desire for privacy which is likely indicative that sometime between July 26th and August 2nd Taylor reached out and contacted Travis at the very least. (x 4:40)
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Chiefs IG report Travis sporting coach Andy Reid style moustache (x)
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August 3 - The Eras Tour ~ SoFi Stadium, Los Angles, Show is filmed.
I Can See You (guitar), Maroon (piano)
August 4 - The Eras Tour, SoFi Stadium, Los Angeles. Show is filmed.
Our Song (guitar), You Are In Love (piano)
August 5 - The Eras Tour, SoFi Stadium, Los Angeles. Show is filmed.
Death By A Thousand Cuts (guitar) , You're On Your Own Kid (piano)
Erin Andrews and Charissa Thompson petition Taylor to date Travis on their podcast Calm Down with Erin & Charissa Ep. 166 (x 33:30) and on their IG (x). Travis later thanks them (see Oct 15, 2023) and Taylor wears an Erin Andrews Chiefs windbreaker (see Oct 12, 2023)
August 6 - the Chiefs post a tiktok asking the players who their celebrity crush was growing up? A teammate responds for Travis (x)
"Who's mine? Mine was..." says Travis
"Taylor Swift" responds team mate Marquez Valdes-Scantling 
"Haha alright now" says Travis
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August 7 - The Eras Tour, SoFi Stadium, Los Angeles
Dress (guitar), Exile (piano)
August 8 - The Eras Tour, SoFi Stadium, Los Angeles
I Know Places (guitar), King of my Heart (x Piano) - interesting combination! Check out the huge smile on Taylor during KOMH. She had to be thinking of Travis here!!!
Ryan Reynolds follows Travis on instagram and twitter. Travis follows Ryan back.
August 9 - The Eras Tour, SoFi Stadium, Los Angeles
Taylor announces 1989 (Taylor's Version) (x)
Taylor hints at announcement with BLUE costumes for the Speak Now, Folklore & 1989 eras and acoustic set.
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New Romantics (guitar), New Year's Day (piano)
August 14 - Chiefs v Saints, 29-24 NFL preseason
August 17 - Chiefs training camp finishes (x)
August 19 - Chiefs v Cardinals, 38-10 NFL preseason
*Did Travis visit Taylor in NYC some time between Aug 20-23?
August 24 - Taylor arrives in Mexico
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August 24, 25, 26 & 27 - The Eras Tour ~ Foro Sol, Mexico City
I Forgot That You Existed (guitar), Sweet Nothing (piano)
Tell Me Why (guitar), Snow On The Beach (piano)
Cornelia Street (guitar), You're On Your Own Kid (piano)
Afterglow (guitar), Maroon (piano)
August 27 - Chiefs v Browns, 33-32 NFL preseason.
*OR Did Travis visit Taylor in NYC some time between Aug 28-29?
August 31 - Ep51, S2 of New Heights airs, Travis says he doesn’t remember what he had been doing the month leading up to recording the podcast, saying “I think I was up in New York”. (x 28:40)*
Travis also mentions that if he wears a hat and glasses no one recognises him. (x)
(x 37:20) Jason Kelce asks
“Have you found out what Taylor Swift thinks of your moustache?”
To which Travis blushes and smiles, saying
“Um yeah we’re not going to bring up Taylor Swift... but something tells me she’s gonna like it”
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Return to the timeline
Go to previous update -> July 2023
Go to next update -> September 2023, part 1
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the-football-chick · 11 months
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Yes, the preseason opener between the Jets and Browns was full of little known names and backups but it marks the long-awaited return of NFL football as the 2023 NFL season officially begins.
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The Browns scored two unanaswered touchdowns in the second half under the helm of QB Dorian Thompson-Robinson (27) to top the Jets, 21-16.
IG: nfl & clevelandbrowns (8/3/23)
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meangene-2024 · 17 days
Sports Kings Show
"live" from Frankie's downtown Dallas
Friday August 25, 2023 Hour #1
MeanGene hanging out at one of our favorite places in Dallas, Frankie's Bar in downtown Dallas Texas. Steve Paul my former producer of the Sports Kings stops by to catch up, Steve is the grandson of the late Gabe Paul, Gabe Paul was an executive with the Cincinnati Reds in the early 70's, Mr. Picks Jeff Lambert Sr. gives us advice on betting on the NFL preseason and the regular season. 
follow the Sports Kings on twitter @sportskings
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usalatestwebstories · 2 months
'Hard Knocks' 2023: Times, dates, how to watch, stream Aaron Rodgers and Jets in training camp
The New York Jets have commanded more headlines than most this offseason. And now they’re commanding the cameras. Despite public disinterest in doing so, the Jets are appearing on this year’s edition of “Hard Knocks,” with the NFL set to spotlight New York in HBO’s annual preseason reality show — and Episode 2 is tonight. HBO and NFL Films debuted the five-episode 2023 series on Tuesday, Aug. 8,…
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View On WordPress
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daminouspurity · 10 months
Cincinnati Bengals vs. Washington Commanders | 2023 NFL Preseason Week 3 | Predictions Madden NFL 24
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insidethestardc · 4 months
Overshown looks to shore up Cowboys' backups at linebacker 2024 Roster Review: Backup Linebackers – Part 14 of 17. Click here to view all articles in this series. The Dallas Cowboys did not have a good year regarding their linebackers in 2023. They lost... #DallasCowboys
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ledenews · 5 months
An OPEN LETTER to …  The 49ers’ Colton McKivitz …
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Dear Colton: You learned THE lesson, didn’t you? Nothing in the NFL is guaranteed. And you displayed your education before the 2023 preseason began when you told journalist Josh Dubow, “It builds confidence that the front office and those guys have confidence in me to be the starter. It’s my job not to lose it.” And you did not. It was #68 who started all 17 regular season games and both postseason games at right tackle for the San Francisco 49ers, and now you’re going to start in Super Bowl LVIII. But you had to learn THE lesson quickly, didn’t you? You were drafted and in THE LEAGUE, and then, after your rookie season, you got cut. You were waived and unwanted with one option. Practice squad. But you fought back, got back, and now a championship is a single win away. You’ve always made us proud as an all-stater at Union Local and All-Big 12 as a Mountaineer, but Colton, your determination and your grit are inspirational on every life level, and we want you to know we are damn proud of you. Go get a ring. Sincerely, Your People Here at Home Read the full article
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laresearchette · 7 months
Tuesday, December 19, 2023 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
NBA BASKETBALL (TSN4/TSN5) 12:30pm: Hornets vs. Raptors (TSN) 7:30pm: Grizzlies vs. Pelicans (TSN/TSN4) 10:00pm: Celtics vs. Warriors
NHL HOCKEY (SNEast/SNOntario) 7:00pm: Wild vs. Bruins (TSN4) 7:00pm: Leafs vs. Rangers (SNWest) 7:30pm: Oilers vs. Islanders (SNPacific) 8:00pm: Canucks vs. Predators (SN1) 8:30pm: Avalanche vs. Chicago (TSN5) 9:00pm: Sens vs. Coyotes (TSN3) 10:30pm: Jets vs. Sharks
HOME ALONE (CBC) 8:00pm: Accidentally left by his Paris-bound family, an 8-year-old (Macaulay Culkin) makes mincemeat of two burglars (Joe Pesci, Daniel Stern) in the house.
CATERING CHRISTMAS (CTV Life) 8:00pm: Fledgling caterer Molly Frost is hired by perfectionist Jean Harrison for the renowned Harrison Foundation's annual Christmas Gala, but things get complicated when she falls for Jean's nephew.
ESPN 30 FOR 30: THE GREAT HEISMAN RACE OF 1997 (TSN3/TSN5) 8:00pm: Peyton Manning stunned the sports world in 1997 by deciding to return for his senior season at the University of Tennessee and spurning the NFL, making him the Heisman front-runner as he set his sights on an SEC Championship. But while Manning was the preseason favorite, other candidates arrived during the season including Washington State quarterback Ryan Leaf, Marshall University’s wide receiver Randy Moss and Charles Woodson from University of Michigan.
'TWAS THE TEXT BEFORE CHRISTMAS (Super Channel Heart & Home) 8:00pm: A text message mistakenly sent to Addie leads to a friendship with the sender, a Christmas tradition with the woman's family, and a budding romance with her son.
THE LAZARUS PROJECT (Showcase) 9:00pm: While the Lazarus team are trying to find their way back to 2012, Janet is already there working with Dr Gray, having been sent back against her will to fix the faulty time machine.
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clifton60 · 8 months
1) Woman of the month Cheryl Miller 2) Woman Executives of the week Kenyatta Bynoe 3)HBCU Volleyball Championship updates (CIAA, SIAC, MEAC, SWAC) 4) NCAA D-1 Woman's Preseason All-American team 5) WNBA Lottery 12/10/2023 6) HBCU Football updates 7) NFL updates 8) NBA update 8) Remembering Hall of Fame Basketball coach John McClendon
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nfliplnews · 8 months
[ad_1] Getty Images The 2023 NFL season is a little more than halfway complete. Every team in the league has played either eight or nine games to date, and the playoff picture is starting to become clearer with each passing day. With that in mind, we are running back our preseason predictions, and updating them for the halfway point. How will things shake out through the rest of the regular season? We're glad you asked. We gathered our panel of experts (senior NFL writers Pete Prisco and Will Brinson, and NFL writers Ryan Wilson, John Breech, Jared Dubin, and Tyler Sullivan) to re-predict the order of finish for every division, the wild-card teams, and which team will both win and lose the Super Bowl. Here are a few notes before we get to the predictions: As you might expect, there is much more agreement in this version of the predictions than there was back in the preseason, when our panel was as divided as ever. We have a unanimous winner for every division except the AFC East and NFC South, and there are two divisions where every panelist has the exact same order of finish. We have 11 consensus playoff teams: the Dolphins, Ravens, Bengals, Jaguars, Chiefs, Eagles, Cowboys, Lions, Saints, 49ers, and Seahawks.Teams with only one or two voters picking them to make the playoffs: Texans, Steelers, and Falcons. Only two of our experts changed their Super Bowl winner, while just one changed their Super Bowl loser. As a result, we have vastly different Super Bowl matchups and winners, with very little agreement to go around.  The only teams that multiple voters picked to reach the Super Bowl: Ravens (2), Jaguars (2), Eagles (2), and 49ers (2). Both experts that picked the Ravens also picked the Eagles, but the voters were split as to which team would win, while neither team that picked the Jaguars to reach the Super Bowl had them winning it.Alright, let's get to these predictions. 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