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britts-galaxy-brain · 10 months ago
If you wanted to know what happened in the Lio Convoy and Hopeless peaches situation, Watch the live stream titled "The FCK Stream Part One" on lakamokolaka. (It seems to be the best in gathering updated information of the grooming situation)
To summary the entire situation, there a person named to Toasty (later called Ruby) ran a discord server filled with minors, the youngest being 15. Toasty and many commentators (Hopeless peaches, Miss ZiZi, Fushiabutter, Nezziemonster, and Madlibbs) would groom said minors on the server. They would encourage the minors to draw nsfw artworks, sent them nsfw artworks, or talk about sexual things. Hopeless peaches were grooming and said sexual things to a 15-year-old. They would also talk about their boyfriend's dick in the chat. Miss Zizi was openly talked about how fun being racist is, sent pics of her thighs to a minor after goading the minor to send theirs, and drew nsfw artwork of their persona. Dumbville, a friend of Fushiabutter, knew about the situation and did nothing about it since he is friend of Fushiabutter. Many members of the Senate, including Lumos and Lio Convoy, knew about it and kept quiet about for FOUR YEARS.
When Crystalflame (ex-member of the senate) heard what peaches has done, Crystalflame tries to confront both Lio Convoy and Hopeless peaches about the situation and believed that people need to know what they have done. Lio Convoy and other members instead try to protect Hopeless Peaches. Lio Convoy even made a video calling out Crystalflame. Akumu, a minor at the time and ex-member of the senate, would be the whistleblower of the grooming situation. He would spend months gathering evidence, chats, and audio recordings of the situation and the corruption of the senate. Lio Convoy and members were frightened by this which is why he was kicked out. Fushiabutter made a video involving inappropriate insults towards Akumu when he was a minor, which is weird for her to do since she is one of the groomers involved.
Akumu later on released a video titled "The FCK Server: Dengerate Art Hugbox" where he goes over all the chats and images found in the grooming discord and names of the commentators that have done the grooming. In response, Lio Convoy created a video. In his video, he lied about how Peaches didn't know the minor age (Peaches did knew the minor's age), how they were groomed at the time which affected their judgement (Doesn't changed the fact Peaches groomed someone), the responsibility should be on toasty (If that is the case, why didn't Lio Convoy do a video on Toasty four years ago), and Akumu is lying (without providing evidences). Doodletunes, one of Lio Convoy's friends, is also producing video to protect Hopeless Peaches as well and said that Akumu is lying as well (without providing evidence). Akumu would made responses videos to both Lio Convoy and Hopeless Peaches and include audio samples of the corruptions of the Senate being displayed. A few corrupted members that are included was Queen Serafina and Ponder Sprocket.
Hopeless Peaches, who was protected by Lio Convoy and his goons, decided to throw under the bus by creating the google docs. They did so to have all the hate towards him while avoid the consequences of their action. The doc explains who corrupted and manipulative Lio convoy was and how creepy he is. In detail, Lio Convoy created a family comprised of him as the father and many AFABs from the internet as his adopted children. One of them was Hopeless Peaches. The doc included audio leaked without the groom victim's permission. This caused Crystalflame to create in response.
Omni and their ex-partner Kei wes (two terrible people) released audio leaks of the senate berating a heavily disability woman with autism. Coyotelovely and Zaid Magenta was few of the corrupted members. Coyotelovely is celebrating the downfall of the senate despite being roommates with Zrcalo, a pedo zoo sadist.
There are probably more names involved but we still don't who they are and what role they had played. Also, we don't know the names of all the members of the senate.
...I encourage anyone reading this to do their own research. That being said...
Jesus H fucking christ....
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ephrom · 2 years ago
Are Lily Orchard's Stalkers In The Room With Us Right Now?
Lily Orchard has a surprising amount of stalkers. Not only that, but she's really good at determining who is and isn't a stalker on the spot. Here is her declaring two anonymous people on her tumblr stalkers in the last week--because they both called out her constant mention of vague "stalkers" as the reason everything bad happens to her in life.
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Now, I'm not going to say that Lily Orchard has never been stalked. However, Lily has such a vague definition of "stalking" that the term is basically meaningless. Back in the day (notice how I am admitting this was years ago), she used to label ForNoGoodReason a stalker--make no mistake, he was a dumbass and a creep, but not a stalker--for the crime of making videos talking about her. However, making videos on somebody--even obsessively and constantly making videos on somebody--is not stalking. Under that definition, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein were stalking Richard Nixon by covering Watergate for The Washington Post. This is a behavior Lily began engaging when I stopped watching her, and has only gotten worse since. Take this video Orchard posted three months (notice how I am very clearly saying when this video came out) at time of writing.
In this video, she lists six people as stalkers--none of whom she says by name, by the way. Yeah, despite this video serving the purpose of "drawing attention to her stalkers," she doesn't actually allow people to know who these people she wants to draw attention to are.
I'm still fairly new to the Lily Orchard drama sphere all things considered, so I'll break this down the best I can by telling you what she names these people and who they really are.
Karen is @britts-galaxy-brain
Carol is both Jess and Zena
Katie is @segasister
Ellie is Lizzy Orchard, her ex-fiancé
Skylar is Patchwork Hearts
Val is Cypher from @whyyoulyinglily
Mark Twain once said that no man has a good enough memory to be a liar, and Lily is such a liar she is unable to remember her own story from paragraph to paragraph. Within the same minute, Segasister I mean Katie I mean Segasister hates Lily both because she said Voice of Reason was wrong regarding My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and because she called out pedophiles in the brony community. Jess and Zena I mean Carol I mean Jess and Zena are grifters trying to content farm her one minute, and the next they're nothing more than aggressive Vaush fans.
Of course, if anybody knows even the basic facts about these situations, we can find that Lily is just lying at various points. For example, the content farming Jess and Zena I mean Carol I mean Jess and Zena were engaging in actually amounted to two videos before this came out.
Meanwhile, Brittiany I mean Karen I mean Brittiany is so transphobic that when they were friends Brittany was actually encouraging Lily to pursue a transgender identity despite fears that actually becoming a woman would be unrealistic. Oh, also, Brittiany began talking about her experiences with Lily between five and six years ago--I'll admit, I can't remember exactly when--not eight years ago, I know, I was there when it happened.
This isn't even getting into the number of claims she makes without the slightest amount of evidence--again, because the nature of the video demands she not use any or else risk shining a light on the people she made this video to shine a light on. For example, she claims out of nowhere that she has a hunch that Patchwork Heart I mean Skylar I mean Patchwork Heart was celebrating her being raped in 2018. If this claim were true, that would make Patchwork Heart I mean Skylar I mean Patchwork Heart a terrible human being--and Lily just throws out this guess without giving it any kind of support. (For reference, I have since talked to Patchwork Heart and she does not seem like the kind of person who would celebrate somebody being raped.)
However, what have these six stalkers done with all their years of harassment? Not much, according to Lily. You see, despite being obsessed with her to the point where they want to show up to her house, Lily has to admit that these people have done nothing to her other than stress her out. She even says she can't sue them for defamation because they haven't done enough damage to her. Remember, it wasn't one of her stalkers who found her address, it was a fan who did that to send her a Nintendo Switch.
Side note: This video is great because Lily spends basically the last seventy five percent complaining about her stupid and obsessive her fanbase is. We all know that if her critics acted like this, she would talk about this constantly. Meanwhile, the people who criticize her are supposed to be the biggest sources of stress in her life?
In fact, can we just talk about how Lily talks about her fanbase in this video more generally? This is a topic for another post, but Lily saying her fans "can't take no for an answer" just shows you what kind of community she fosters. Lets not forget that this is the same woman who said that she told her fans she was fine with NSFW art of her OC because she thought that would mean they'd make less of it.
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This should go without saying, but if you have to play reverse psychology regarding sexual boundaries--that's not exactly a good thing. Again, why is it that Lily keeps talking about the damages her critics keep doing--which she admits are basically non-existent--when her fans are doing shit like this?
In another post, she says that her fans are morons who cannot do the most basic forms of critical thinking and expect her to figure things out for them.
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It's funny that in that video, she says that online cults cannot form. Even ignoring the fact that this is just wrong, it seems like a good chunk of her fans want a cult leader.
Anyway, I have no idea how to end this post--so here's a funny tweet from Nezziemonster, somebody with a very funny Twitter that you should follow.
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mramazingva · 6 years ago
the artist that made this awesome comic is @mintprints go check them out and show them some love^^
Link to the comic: http://mintprints.tumblr.com/post/181930871670/deviceconnection-part01-part01
Voices Kris by @vampiricstudios Susie by @nezziemonster Ralsei by me @mramazingva
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nezziemonster · 6 years ago
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Hello there! I’ve got an announcement for a casting call for a parody of “A Guy That I’d Kinda Be Into” from Be More Chill using characters from Steven Universe! For more info check out this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZPWZNvt9C4
DevianArt: https://www.deviantart.com/nezziemonster-mouse/art/Be-More-Chill-Lars-790919567?ga_submit_new=10%3A1553436314 Audition here: https://www.castingcall.club/projects/a-guy-that-i-d-kinda-be-into-steven-universe-parody
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dubtale-productions · 8 years ago
We have another cute Undertale comic dub for you guys. This comic is brought to you by a member of Dubtale Productions, Nezziemonster-Mouse! Go check out the video and we hope you enjoy it! @nezziemonster
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