#next on my list is re0. :) and then re4
gumheel · 2 years
i played re3 and it's not as fun as re2 was but i think i like the puzzles and map design of re1 and re2 too much. it's just so incredibly satisfying to figure out how to whittle a playthrough down to as little time as possible while still being conpletionist about it and re1 and re2 are both really evidently designed with that in mind they're both really particular about when you gain access to what. re3 is a much more straightforwaed game which honestly works a little to its detriment it's less fun to navigate :( less moments to go oh! whoa! that's so clever! i do like jill and carlos a lot though. and it's interesting seeing nemesis grow even if the in-fiction pseudoscience on thst one is.... bizarre
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rakkikuroba · 1 year
Some of the hardest boss in RE in my opinion and my experience.
No note for Neil or Alex because I struggled more with Pedro that with them lol
12. Mr X. I was too horny to really concentrate on the fight.
11. Lisa Trevor. Giving Barry his gun back for her to just punch him out of the platform made me so fucking angry. Also the Tyrant killed him during the last fight when I was trying to keep everyone alive :)))
10. 20h of gameplay to spent 10min on the last bad guy?? i didn’t like RE4. And I certainly didn’t like the fight against Saddler.
9. Wesker. I have something like 10 tries and 5 of them are me trying to figure out how im supposed to kill the fuckers while struggling with keeping ammos. Sheva was really fucking useless.
8. Jack Norman. Jack is in this because he is honestly the most fucked up BOWs bro could teleport and make illusion of him. Overall it’s was pattern recognition (thx autism) that beat his ass. Also he is terrifying? And Chris was absolutely useless.
7. The Haos. I didn’t have bullet anymore so I would wait for Piers to attack for me. It was long because the bot in RE6 are useless and they kept not healing me while standing right next to me?? And the Haos’s kind of the only memorable boss in RE6 because Piers dies right after :(
6. Jack Krauser this time. (To explain i played the og) COULDN’T THEY TELL ME SOONER I NEED TO USE MY KNIFE??? Leon went kaboom so much because of this
5. Nemesis. Not even going to specify which fight. The two last one. Carlos was useless "Careful more zombies coming" I KNOW IT’S THE 6TH TIME YOURE TELLING ME I CAN’T SHOOT NEMESIS WHEN HES RUNNING ON FUCKING WALL. And i couldn’t figure out how to shoot bro with the big gun.
4. Excella and the cadavers. GUESS WHO ALSO WAS USELESS DURING THIS FIGHT?? SHEVA!! (At least she helped with Jill because i just shot Jill without thinking lol.
3. William but only with Leon (?). Like i spent so long trying to correctly shoot him without him throwing shit at me and with Claire I did it in under 10min??? Then he beat my ass again in Darkside Chronicles. I didn’t feel very sad for him very long…
2. Alexia. Alexia is a pain in the ass. And a naked one. Im at the very end, I have 10 ammos left, Claire’s mourning, my health bar is red. And you’re in a very small space AGAIN. She sends little insects that one-shotted me and then when you finished phase 1 you get phase 2 where she fucking flies and you have to shoot her except she flies and dodges and sends fireball. Almost rage quit (then 5min after Chris get his ass whooped by Wesker)
Special mention for Pedro, ily you’re not on this list because i didn’t beat you with Claire the first time i played lol.
For the fat T-Abyss zombies. You were a pain in the ass because you could one shot me (the most annoying part was the hundred of other zombies who kept spawning)
Not special mention for Simmons. Because you just couldn’t take a hint and kept coming back in another animal, lion, t-rex, fly??? Not even the same animals group?? I can’t remember who else i fought in Re6 because it wasn’t rememberable.
For the little guy in re4, can’t remember his name. Annoying but kinda cathartic ?
And for the OG tyrant, eat shit. But good job killing Wesker lol
Who else did we fight? Do we fight a boss in RE0? I don’t think we did? I mean the plant but not really we exploded it. The plant? I can’t remember the name of the guy im too tired it will come back tomorrow.
1. THE FUCKING TYRANT IN CODE VERONICA. MY SWORN ENEMY. THE VIDEO GAME ENEMY I PROBABLY SPENT THE MOST TIME TRYING TO BEAT. Im not even kidding it took me 3 days to beat his ass. I was in tears when i finally pushed his ass out of my plane. He’s the fucker i don’t want to see in the Remake lol.
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owlixx · 1 year
Wii Games List
I had so much fun putting together a list of potential GBA games to play yesterday, that I figured I’d write up all the games I can currently play! Im starting with the Wii games I have physically as well as digitally on my Wii U. RIP eshop, although I am the kind of person who is not super affected by it, let’s just say.
This is mostly self indulgent and just for posterity but feel free to provide recommendations.
* Mario sonic Olympics - mostly for quick multiplayer
* Wii sports resort - same, pick up and play
* Mario Galaxy 1+2 - currently halfway through each
* mKwii - for cowards who fear modded Mario kart
* Mario sluggers - decent story mode
* Mario strikers charged - still haven’t booted this one up despite loving the GameCube version as a kid
* Skyward sword - I am SO bad but I still want to vanquish this foe one day
* Mario party 8 - every time I play this game, it goes poorly for me, but I still wanna see all the boards
Virtual Console:
* Mortal Kombat Armageddon - this game is so dumb and goofy, haven’t tried this version
* Mk Wii modded - it’ll be a while before I’ve played every track of this
* DKC Returns - I prefer the 3DS version but the multiplayer is only here
* Lost in shadow - Wii only had 3 RPG’s
* Pandoras tower - and this is one of the other 2
* Kirby return to dream land - just beat, maybe hard mode next time
* Kirby epic yarn - just beat, maybe collect everything next time
* Mario sports mix - good for multiplayer
* Super paper Mario - been meaning to try
* Metroid prime trilogy - I love MP1 but stopped on it after losing some progress to space pirates and having to redo backtracking (a double crime) and then just barely started 2 (beat all 3 a few years ago)
* Metroid other m - beat using 360 controller but been meaning to try with real Wii remote
* Pikmin 1+2 - tried 3 but haven’t played 2 since kid and never tried 1
* Poke park - mostly as a joke
* RE4 - I did wanna play/replay RE0-6 before getting 8 and the remakes, and this might be the version of RE4 I most want to play
* Umbrella chronicles - I did get a zapper
* Sin and Punishment 2 - does this work with zapper?
* Xenoblade - I got a good many hours into this one and then stopped AFTER beating a tough boss so I should definitely pick back up, maybe use Wii remote and nunchuck instead of gamepad this time
* Red steel 2 - the premier Wii motion plus game! Besides Wii sports resort and skyward sword
* Excite bots - I hear this one is underrated but haven’t tried yet
* Rhythm heaven fever - I already stan rhythm heaven, just need to play this one more
* Zack and wiki - always heard this was a cute point and click game
* Wii play - played, cute enough
* Wii party - played but not all modes yet
* Boom blox - player and enjoyed, lots of content
* Sonic riders zero gravity - I need to come back and play this on my own sometime
* Sonic colors - despite beating relatively recently, this one is even more fun on real hardware
* Klonoa - definitely play this over the original
* Golden 007 - Ehhh kind of a novelty
* Ghost Squad - zapper game
* Gunblade - zapper game
* Elebits - need to circle back and play on my own, much easier than when I was a kid
* Dokapon kingdom - need to try
* Epic Mickey - need to try
* Dead space extraction - zapper game
* Bomberman land - need to try
* Wii music - lol
* Prince of Persia forgotten sands - maybe after I beat PoP trilogy on PS3
* No more heroes - ehhhh maybe just play PS3 port
* Nerf - zapper game
* Kororinpa 1+2 - need to try 2
* Wario land shake it - I was waiting to beat previous wario lands
* Warioware smooth moves - tried, need to play more
* Brawl - classic
* DK jungle beat - need to try to compare to Mario Galaxy
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