#next asshole to ask whats drs stands for is getting hit w a Whats a dco.
girldriveroscar · 2 days
people calling rpfers fake fans who only enjoy f1 for sexualizing the drivers meanwhile i am DEEP into FIA documents and research to sexualize these stupid f1 drivers
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“That one time Barnaby broke somebody’s jaw for going a little too far w/ insulting Wally & almost got expelled <3”
Full story please? <3
for those who are slightly confused, this is for 'my' modern human au! well. modern-ish!
okay so when they were in freshman year / 9th grade, Barnaby and Wally are soldily Bonded. they are a set, do not separate. they receive a lot of shit for this, because some kids are assholes and that's especially true for 14yr olds. and it's 2006. so Wally and Barnaby get teased/bullied a lot for their closeness. at this point they're kind of used to it. they met early in 7th grade and have been inseparable ever since. most of it slides off of them
but what is Barnaby was having an especially stressful week? one of those weeks were everything is going wrong, nothing is working out. so Barn is at the end of his rope, and then one of the main kids who likes to bother them insults Wally specifically, and badly. like it's some next level So Bad Its Almost Impressive shit. at present Barnaby is walking to his next class with Wally and Poppy. so Barnaby just kind of stops in place, mentally chooses violence, turns, walks up to the kid, and punches him as hard as he can. it knocked the bully out instantly and broke his jaw.
and keep in mind that at this point in time, Barnaby isn't the big strong guy he is later on. he hasn't had his main growth spurt yet. and he still packed enough of a punch to do Damage - which makes him even more intimidating when he Does hit his growth spurt and towers over practically everyone
the pros of this event: Frank and Julie were watching, and Frank respected Barnaby's response so much that he allowed Julie to bring him to hang out with the growing friend group at lunch / asshole kids were less inclined to insult Wally and Barnaby (or his friends) to their faces
cons: Eddie was also watching and was too scared of Barnaby for the rest of their school career to try and talk to him or his friends / Barnaby nearly got expelled but did get suspended, and that's a permanent mark on his record
so the kid goes down, everyone freaks out. Barnaby is still too angry to feel anything other than pissed off vindication. naturally higher Authorities (teachers) come to get the unconscious student to the (i almost said vet) nurse's office, and to bring Barnaby to the principle's office. they call Ms. Beagle and have her come pick him up. Wally has stuck like glue to Barnaby pretty much the whole time, except for when Barnaby was in the office to get chewed out / interrogated. when Ms. Beagle is done w/ her conversation with the principle, she takes Barnaby and Wally home.
there, Barnaby is still worked up, and as "punishment" Ms. Beagle has him do some menial tasks alongside his usual after school chores. Wally tags along, of course, and asks why the hell Barnaby did that. in a nicer Wally way of asking. this is what breaks the camels back. Barnaby just sits down and starts crying, to which Wally is like "oh no. oh fuck. what do i do." cue a solid minute of him just standing and staring in panic before awkwardly sitting next to Barnaby in solidarity.
when they go inside, Ms. Beagle already has Barnaby's favorite dinner whipped up and ready. She gives him a talk where she's essentially says "blah blah blah violence isn't the answer. however, good job for standing up to that kid. he's an asshole and deserved a good wallop." (listen im a firm believer in ms beagle having been a Wild Youth that would have thrown bricks at cops). Moods are lightened, they have a good dinner. The next day or so they need to go have a meeting with the Injured Kid's parents. that's when they find out Barnaby fully broke the kids jaw (he feels a little bad for that) and that the parents are pushing for his expulsion and also juvie. Ms. Beagle manages to whittle down the sentence to a long suspension and then detention for the rest of the year, as well as her paying the kid's hospital bill.
tl;dr Barnaby punches a kid for insulting Wally, gets a new friend out of it, nearly gets expelled, and gains a mostly unfounded Reputation that dissuades most from outright messing with him or his pals
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gingerwritess · 5 years
I was thinking of Loki being the little shit he is and stealing readers food just to see her get worked up and at one point maybe saying she looks cute when she’s angry just to piss her off?? I love you!!!!!
this was tough stuff right here but i like it and i hope you do too! big thanks to @avenging-blackwidow for beta-ing m w a h
part 13 of loki’s happy ending, and as always, masterlist in my bio!
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You’re turning out to be quite a pest of a human.
First with all the attempts to kill him when really, he’d made it perfectly clear when he’d have liked that, and now pestering him about the whole Chitauri ordeal…Loki would be lying if he hadn’t considered a muzzle.
You’re an extreme liability, and he knows. You’ve seen too much and definitely seen too much of him - not that getting a few ogles in the midst of dying was particularly detrimental to the whole operation.
Actually, it might’ve been…nice. But you didn’t hear that from him.
Breaking up the accidental relationship was a smart move. The best move, by far. The only remaining problem happens to be you, though.
You still…remain.
You still walk around the tower with your arms full of papers, heels clicking annoyingly along the vinyl floors, turning up your nose whenever you stride past his office.
He has a nicer office than you. By far.
Loki gets a window.
Most of the time, when you happen to have to walk down his hall, he leans against the open window and gazes out at the city as you walk by—a smug little grin on his flawless, fake jawline, knowing that the breeze ruffling his strawberry blond hair serves so kindly to piss you the hell off.
The one time you’d realised he’s doing it on purpose, you’d stepped into his office, smiled sweetly over to him at the window, and dumped your coffee on his precious floor.
And then you ran, cause he flipped back to Loki in a split second and lunged at you, snarling like a rabid animal as you shrieked and sprinted down the hall.
So…things aren’t exactly good between the two of you.
Which, of course, is why you’ve been avoiding him for the past couple weeks, sighing dramatically and saying “I’m just not ready to talk about it” when people ask why the two of you broke up.
You’ve been trying to avoid break rooms altogether. They’re just a hive for questioning, and you never know if you might run into him some accidental Thursday when you don’t have witty comebacks pre-prepared.
In other news, your bagels keep disappearing.
This is day four. The bagel is in your hand when you walk through the door, you set it on your desk, turn to set your bags down, and it’s gone.
Something tells you by day four that you’re not hallucinating carrying bagels into work with you just because you’re tired, so today you’re trying a set up.
You’ve got a hunch.
Sure enough, on day five, you don’t turn around to put your bag on the chair, and you watch your bagel seemingly melt into the desk.
“Get your ass out here, Loki.”
There’s a stack of green sticky-notes next to your computer, and a word being scrawled onto the paper catches your eye.
You rip off the paper, crumple it into a ball, and throw it in the trash.
“Stop taking my food,” you hiss in the empty room.
Again, the loopy handwriting appears on the next sticky-note.
You assume so much.
“Oh, sorry,” you snap, glancing at the door to make sure no one sees you about to scream at a sticky-note, “I don’t know any other magicians. Give me back my bagel.”
I’m enjoying it.
“You fucking dick - oh, hey, Nadine.”
You give a sheepish grin and wave at your coworker, setting down your scissors with a nervous laugh as she walks by.
The moment she’s out of sight, though, you take the scissors right through the stack of notes—and Loki, ever the saint, sends a spurt of black ink from the paper like some kind of inky blood, a muffled scream coming from the little stack of green sticky-notes.
“What the—”
“You wound me, darling.”
One leg thrown haphazardly over the arm of his chair, Loki grins and waves his fingers at you across the desk.
Ink drips down your arms.
Loki takes a slow bite of your bagel.
“Oh, fuck you,” you scowl, grabbing an eraser off your desk and chucking it at his face. “You owe me five days worth of breakfast, asshole.”
“Mm, no, I don’t think I do,” he hums, taking another bite. Then he decides to let out a very unsuitable for work groan, throwing his head back as he swallows.
You quickly blink and look away.
“At least you’re enjoying it,” you grumble and flop down in your chair. Fishing some napkins out from a desk drawer, you try to sop up the ink staining your arms, Loki’s gaze burning into your skin as you scrub furiously at the stains.
“That’s a lovely colour on you.”
“Shut it.”
The ink stains, but you at least get the liquid wiped away, fuming at the splotches that ruined your shirt, too—Loki and your clothes don’t seem to get along; first the coffee, now this?
He’s licking his fingers when you toss the napkins in the trash and glare back up at him.
His middle finger leaves his mouth with a pop.
“You’re quite…enchanting when you’re angry.”
“Fuck off,” you groan, and he just laughs, licking slowly along his thumb.
“One might even say…” he pauses, thumb on his lip, gaze floating to the ceiling in thought. “Cute.”
You stand up and walk to the door, holding it open without another word to the god smirking at you from your desk. “Get out.”
“Or what?”
“Or I taser you into oblivion again,” you frown, pointing out the door. “I enjoyed it the first time. I think I might get off on it the second time.”
Loki almost laughs—you catch the twitch of his mouth before he fizzles back into Dr. Laing—probably a good idea, considering you’re holding the door wide open.
“Banter,” he sighs, leaning back in the chair and draping a dramatic arm over his eyes. “Look at us, all this tension. Why did we break up again?”
“Because you were using me? You…keep threatening me and treating me like shit for trying to help you, that’s why—”
“Is that what you’re telling yourself?” He chuckles, and your forehead hits the door with a groan.
“That’s the truth, Loki. Please, get out.”
His arm lifts, just enough for him to peek out from under his elbow at you. “I’ve been thinking.”
“Oh, goody.”
“You pose a terrible threat to me,” he continues, ignoring your implying waves out the door. “And in the best interest of myself, I should avoid you at all costs.”
“Which is why you’re in my office.” You gesture at his lazed form, spreading across your chair. “Right.”
“Precisely.” He gives you a curt nod. “But…well, you have a phrase that puts it quite nicely—keep your friends close and your enemies closer?”
He lifts a hand towards you, lips curling.
“I can’t let you out of my sight.”
Perfect. Just what you needed, more clinging from the deranged—well, whatever the hell he is, cause at this point, you’re just confused—godly criminal.
“Look,” you sigh, leaning against the door, “I haven’t told anyone anything. I’ve lied for you, I pretended to date you, I haven’t brought up anything about your scars—”
“Oh, but you just did.”
“I—no, hold on—”
“See what I mean, darling? You can’t be trusted. That little mouth of yours tends to run whether you like it or not, and either I silence you once and for all, or you learn to control this little pity problem you seem to have.”
“Don’t,” you growl, grip tightening on the doorknob. “Don’t call me that.”
“Mm. How would you feel about having your memories altered?”
Loki stands up, wiping long fingers off on his thighs.
The air seems to drop twenty degrees and you gulp, stepping backwards into the hallway—better to at least be out of the office when you’re brainwashed by a god. Maybe, just maybe, Iron Man will happen down this hallway before your brain is fried.
Something tells you not to hold onto that hope too tightly.
“Just a quick little tweak of the mind,” Loki continues, slowly making his way towards you, hands clasped behind him. “In the interest of solely protecting myself. It’s not personal, I hold nothing against you.”
“That sounds pretty personal.”
“Oh, darling, I wouldn’t waste my precious feelings on the likes of you. You were simply in the wrong place…at the wrong time. You weren’t supposed to see anything in the first place.”
“Is this really about those cuts on your back? I haven’t - oop, h-hey.” Your back hits the far wall of the hallway.
“How cliché,” Loki hums, a small grin on his lips. “The tall, dark villain has you up against the wall.”
“I haven’t told anyone,” you remind him, hands coming up between the two of you—just in case. “You’re just scared of the possibility, right? Can’t we, um, make a deal or something instead?”
“Deals with the devil never end well.”
“I thought you were a god.”
Loki goes stiff, leering down at you as that patronising little smile turns cold, frozen.
His fingers press against your forehead in a matter of milliseconds.
“I don’t know what I am,” he whispers sharply, a hand slipping up to cover your mouth when you start writhing, muffled shouts for help falling short behind his hand. “And don’t pretend like you do.”
“Mmf—no, ‘oki, stop—”
“You know I can see in your mind. Do I make you feel better about yourself? Is that it?”
Your heart plummets when his eyes go red, flashing deep crimson for a split second before the hand covering your mouth starts glowing, the same golden hue that surrounded his body that fateful day he showered at your place.
Head furiously shaking no, you try to think an apology to him - not that you know what to even apologise for.
Helping him? Seeing that at some point in his recent past, someone lashed him to pieces?
Your mind does feel funny, almost…fuzzy. It’s a warm kind of fuzzy and you want to give into it, but his hand over your mouth and blue-green eyes boring into yours—
“Stop apologising,” he hisses, eyes narrowing as he presses his fingers harder to your forehead.
You fight it a moment longer.
I’m sorry, your thoughts plead, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry no one’s listening, I’m sorry you don’t know—
“I don’t want your pity.”
Your eyes widen above his hand. He heard you, that actually worked.
I’m sorry you’re hurting, I’m sorry, I’m sorry I saw, I’m sorry I tried to help—
“Stop that.” Teeth bared, his hand tightens around your mouth. “You have to stop that.”
You can trust me, I swear on my life, I won’t tell anyone anything about you, you have to trust me—
Then just like that, he pulls his hands away.
You gasp for breath and stumble away from him as quickly as you can, not noticing how he clutches his hand to his chest, eyes glistening.
“Just trust me,” you cough. “Just trust me, you don’t have to kill me o-or wipe my memory—”
“No,” he snaps, raking a still-slightly gold hand through his hair. “No, no, I don’t—I can’t do that.”
“I promise, Loki, seriously, you don’t have to—”
Footsteps down the hallway make your words fall dead in your throat. Loki immediately switches to Laing, grabbing you by the arm and hoisting you to your feet, a finger to his lips and a silent threat in his eye.
It’s Tony, sprinting, flanked by a small group of armed guards, and they come to a stop right in front of the two of you.
“What’s going on??”
“Loki,” Tony pants, bending to rest his hands on his knees for a moment, trying to catch his breath. “Decoy, clone, it’s a double in the cell, he’s—he’s out—”
Your heart drops to the pit of your stomach.
“Are you sure?”
Laing’s fingers curl around your wrist and squeeze hard.
“Yes, for sure, he just flickered for a good two seconds, it was a dead give-away to Thor. Now c’mon, we’re moving you to a safer location—”
Laing still won’t let go, jaw clenched so hard it looks painful.
“We know you’re one of his targets,” Tony says with an exasperated sigh, waving you after him. “Move, we’ve gotta move, the son-of-a-bitch is a god, we don’t know how much time we have!”
One of his targets.
The feeling of his palm over your mouth is still as present as it was not even two minutes ago.
His red eyes, those fingers rifling through your mind.
You wrench your hand from Laing’s grip and run after Tony Stark without a thought of looking back.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
feel free to send me ideas!!
if you enjoyed…what if i linked my venmo…haha no i jest…no obligations….just in case….u don’t have to ha ha…….unless… ??
~ masterlist link in my bio ~
loki tags: @bluediamond007 @himitoshi @drakesfiance @destiel1597 @dangertoozmanykids101 @archy3001 @jcalpha1 @yzssie @skullvieplu @forthesnakeofdragons @skulliebythesea @wegingerangelica @storiesfrommirkwood @agarwaeneth @adaliamalfoy @laurfangirl424 @paradisaicsam @fitzsimmons-is-forever @ladylokimischief @katelinwrites @tarynkauai @polaristrange @loavesofmeat @canadian-ravenpuff-multishipper @lou-makes-me-strong @holyn0vak @chocolatealmondmillk @swtnrholland @kenzieam @jessiejunebug  @catticas @the-republic-and-face-of-texas @doralupin01 @whitewitchdown @atomiccharmer @falconfeather23435 @babygirlicecream @avengrcs @vethrvolnir2 @bookgirlunicorn @wabisabigrl @myhealingstar @khaleesi-marvel @ei77777 @spacecrumbs @scarlettghost13 @rocks-are-pretty-odd @confessionsofastrugglingteen @easilydistractedwriter @arttasticgreatnessoftheawesome77 @fluffyllamaswearinghats @milktearose @lcyouinhell @h0tshotholland @dontmesswithmemundane @southsidesarcasticwriter @helnik-s @lilith-akemi @fire-in-her-veinz @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt @mischievousbellerina @kcd15 @mellowgirl01 @lokislilcaribbeanprincess @allthingzhiddleston @scorpionchild81 @lokixme @blue-automne @galaxycharmed @devilbat @kangaroobunny @end-up-well @planetariumx @sarcsep @mrfandomtastic @amaru163 @im-way-too-many-fandoms @caswinchester2000 @kybaeza @wester-than-west @vintagesunshinebitch @adefectivedetective @poetic-nikolai @moonduhsted @kerri-masson @iamverity @innaminitus @spnbarnes @narcissxblack @woohoney @anxiousamandapanda @padmeisgay @authordreaming13 @lokisironthrone @theunknowinglys @highfuncti0ningfangirl @epicfallenismine @stubby-toe-589331 @fandomnerdsarecool @retrofantasyland @arch-venus25 @forever-trapped-in-my-dreams @littleredstarfish @marshyrebelcloud @okie–loki @atterodominatus @stfxlou @pandacookieowo @tonakings @shinisenko @tinchentitri @nildespirandum @thefallenbibliophilequote @vodka-and-some-sass @highfunctioningfangirl19 @sadwaywardkid​ @lokioneshot​
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universal-kitty · 4 years
   I plan to return to my favored coping method when I need “I’m not me” time- roleplaying- but before I did that.... I wanted to talk about what happened. Why I’ve been so depressed. Why I’ve been quiet. Because for the first and last time....... I don’t have to worry about what my stepdad thinks of me.
TW: transphobia, misgendering, mentions of a lot of -isms (sexism, racism; stepdad is an ASSHOLE), mentions of suicide and depression
   TL;DR: I finally told Marshal- my stepdad- about being nonbinary. Not only did he react the way I knew he would, but my mom largely defended him before all of this and even said my pronouns were “confusing” to her. I had been hoping to have support from her, so this broke my heart. I officially don’t live with them anymore, but I struggle to find a single place to be in, due to my boyfriend’s dad being uncomfortable with me being home without Cam (my bf).
   ....Alright, let’s get into a bit of a doozy of a story...
   It started with another fucking day of Marshal being on his bullshit. The day previous (13th), he made a comment about how “and that’s why women shouldn’t be cops,” because, while he and mom were watching a true crime show, a woman police officer brought up an acronym. Mom guessed it, was wrong, and Marshal brought that out there.
   The day of, he was watching a kid’s movie with his daughters (the younger three; the movie was Hotel Transylvania) and he wanted to know if there was a derogatory term for Irish people. He was going with “potato eaters”, but wasn’t sure if that was right, or if there was anything worse he could be saying. (And he wanted to know so he could say it.) He tried to ask mom, citing a Jewish slur, but she said she didn’t know so he could shrug and go back to “potato eaters.”
   After they left to go to a birthday party, I overheard a video on his phone mention “...the hypocrisy of the left...” and decided maybe it was time I had enough.
   ....Except she defended him when I brought it up. “Oh, he’s half-Irish, so....” “We can’t change what he believes in. He was raised like that and the construction site reinforces his views. Even Google shows him more and more of that kind of thing.”
   I got understandably upset that my mom was defending him and didn’t understand why I’d be feeling unsafe around someone like that. I left to go back on the computer and talk to friends. Buuuut because I was in tears at that point, mom felt like it was time to pursue the issue.....by standing right next to me. The monitor was HUGE on the family computer. (My laptop wasn’t at the house due to it crashing the internet a lot.) So I felt even MORE cornered.
   In came a talk about MY GENDER turning into politics. How Republicans and Democrats don’t talk anymore, how the parties think of each other like family, and it just sucks, to her. I bring it back to the ACTUAL talking point..... Only to get the reaction I mentioned in the TL;DR: she thinks that singular “they” is weird and not viable for pronoun usage. No matter what I say or try to.
   My sobbing draws out Marshal from upstairs, who asks what’s going on. I decide to power through and talk about what’s been delayed for months, if not almost a full year... I’m nonbinary and want he/they pronouns.
   See, though... His mom had called him when I attempted “social suicide” on Facebook, coming out originally. Despite having explained myself and my gender/sexualities, miss grandma decided to tell this to Marshal as, “I think there’s something wrong with Rachel.”
   .....Which was then followed up with what I knew was coming: “I think there’s something wrong with you. I think you hate your body. You’re always going to be a beautiful girl to me.”
   Now, maybe it wasn’t a wise thing to scream. (Did feel good, though. Emotional turmoil calls for a good scream, even if I still wonder if I frightened our neighbors.) It was a less wise thing to hit myself... Though I also thought Marshal had left the room. He had not; instead hovering at the bottom of the stairs or on the stairs themselves, hovering over us.
   .....It’s an emotional situation, I do lash out in screams, and I’m not proud of it. But I do want to note that it’s hard to be autistic and talk about things like this when NOBODY ELSE is the mediator. (I talk about my dad a lot when it comes to this part. He took me being polyam very well, as though he didn’t understand it, he made sure to deescalate my panic and explain it more in-depth, so he could get a better idea of what it is I’m doing. Why it’s healthy, why it makes me happy... Stuff like that. Ending it with, “If it makes you happy, awesome.”)
   Mom? She....wasn’t doing much, at that point. Sitting in a chair and sobbing. Misgendering me- literally- behind my back. “She thinks you’re not accepting her.” (Because he isn’t? Duh?)
   Long story short of Marshal also trying to needle mom into saying something against him, as the only religious person in the room has decided he feels VERY attacked and wants to hear his wife say some shit, too..... Cam shows up to pick me up. I stumble out of the house in slip on shoes and a pair of ancient PE shorts.
   ....Went back later to pick up some stuff w/ him and a friend of ours in silence. Mom was still crying. She’d try to eventually use that against me to paint herself the victim and gaslight me into making ME feel awful for....... [checks notes] Wanting my gender to be respected.
   I made another semi-bad decision of making a FB post talking about my anger and mentioning LBGT+ suicides, because being perceived as only female was really putting a damper on my mood, on coming back every day (after hanging out with Cam) and dealing with depression. I was NOT happy in that house and it definitely was a rising factor in why I often felt hopeless and, well, depressed.
   I let my friends respond to family since I was gonna be out anyways and I also trust these people with my life. I very commonly mince my words or try to give some ground out of politeness, thus never really getting far when it comes to arguments. (Everyone always seems smarter than me and I end up feeling so stupid after....) Of course, that then resulted in my mom and Elo’s mom feeling targeted and attacked by my friends and boyfriend (who had EVEN MORE RIGHT to say shit), apparently the latter even going on to say this was a “family matter” and my friends (and boyfriend!!) had no place in it.
   ....Except I let them and the only negatives that came from that was my mom having to face facts that she WAS gaslighting me. Oh, and didn’t use my pronouns until AFTER a friend of mine called her out for it. But okay.
   At this point in time, I....definitely am bitter on how my mom has chosen to go about certain things- the gaslighting and a convo on Insta (that I have screenshotted) where she said “if you cut out all the people who have different opinions from you, you’re going to lose a lot of people”- but I’m not as mad at her as I used to be? (Or maybe it’s the gaslighting. I can’t tell anymore.) It just hurts a shitton to realize that the only reason I couldn’t talk this out with her.....was because of Marshal.
   She wanted to play both sides and that isn’t POSSIBLE when “both sides” are “choose between your LGBT+ child or the racist, sexist, transphobic breadwinner and father to 3 kids.” You know who she’d choose. And she did.
   (Also, consider that “different opinions” should REALLY mean “we agree on some things, disagree on others, but that open-mindedness keeps us close” and NOT “befriend a person who makes suicide jokes, thinks your gender is a fad/fake, and makes racist remarks, “but it’s just a joke, bro”.” Like?? Just me????)
   Definitely pissed at Marshal, though. That’s been a constant from day one of me realizing how garbage he is. Even a friend who defended my mom said fuck him, which really goes to show how awful the man is, without needing to know all of the other things he’s said before. (And he’s said a LOT.) And he’s also the reason that I’m not going back to the house. Why I’m going to try to be moving out.
   If it was just my mom, I’d consider it. I’d give it a month to think about things and what I want to do, where I want to go...but Marshal involved? No thanks. Never again. She thinks I’m going to “get a dose of reality” and come crawling back home? Nope. And if she keeps talking like that, none of my future kids are going to meet grandma. >:/
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bing-fucker · 4 years
I'm- ANON YOU ARE A GENIUS! A PURE *CHEFS KISS* GENIUS! I KNEEL BEFORE YOU! Okay, but no joke, I've had a similar idea for weeks and I love you now.
Oh! Also! The villain - Ivy - is inspired by Ivyplier (an ego stemming from the Unus Annus body painting video) and is basically just Poison Ivy but male and Asian.
Warnings: Aphrodisiacs, imrpoper usw of healing factors, rough sex, Jackie being Jackie, cum being used as lube. As always, ask me to add any necessary warnings!
Jackie was many things. But too proud to admit when he needed help, wasn't one of them. The villain was new, and Jackie had no idea what to do. He was arrogant, with green skin and red hair and an unfairly attractive face and body. He was also arrogant, and had covered downtown in giant, thorned vines.
At least, Jackie had thought the villain was new. Unfortunately (or fortunately, if Jackie wasn't being petty), The Silver Shephard had experience. Well. Silver had experience in many ways, this way just happened to be in fighting the villain.
"He goes by Ivy nowadays," Silver said, grabbing Jackie's arm before the older hero went flying off the vines the two were currently fighting against. "Dr. Ivan Song is his real name, but you're likely to get a thorn in your stomach if you call him that."
"Why does this matter?" Jackie growled, punching clean through a vine.
"I'm getting there," Silver replied, quickly moving the vine so it wouldn't fall and hurt anyone. "He's probably mad at some deforesting operation. We just need to get close enough to calm him down and he'll stop. Duck!" Jackie sighed unhappily and ducked as Silver jumped over him and kicked a vine.
"So how do we do that?" Jackie asked.
"Uh. We climb." Silver shrugged. "Or you get on my back, I flit us up there, and we get this over with." Jackie sighed unhappily and climbed onto Silver's back.
"You're still annoying," he commented. "Even if you are helping."
"Wow, annoying and a good fuck? I'm the whole package," Silver replied, laughing. "Hold your breath, we'll be up there in half a second." Jackie didn't even have time to hold his breath before Silver took off and then they were standing on top of the building Ivy was resting on. In the time it took Jackie and Silver to clear a path up to him, Ivy had moved to lounging on a beach chair and drinking some fruity alcoholic drink.
"Well, took you long enough," Ivy commented, looking over the top of his sunglasses and smirking slightly. Jackie swallowed thickly, his eyes drawn Ivy's long legs, revealed by the leotard he wore. Silver looked at him for a second, then sighed.
"You're useless," he sighed, shaking his head. "Ivy, it's over! Get rid of your vines."
"Fine," Ivy replied, smirking.
"That was easy," Jackie commented.
"Way too easy," Silver replied, frowning and stepping closer to the villain hesitantly. Ivy set his drink to the side and pressed his wrists together, offering them up to the heroes.
"I don't tru-" Silver was cut off by a big, yellow flower exploding pollen in his face. "Shit!" If the sputtering noises next to him were any indication, Jackie had suffered a similar fate. Silver panted heavily, pulling his mask off and glaring weakly as the pollen's drug already started making it's way into his bloodstream.
"It really is the best way to incapacitate you," Ivy commented, picking back up his drink. "You fall for it every time!"
"Ivy," Silver growled, looking over at Jackie. Jackie had fallen to his knees, obviously confused and in pain. Silver winced in sympathy- his first time had been intense, too. "Just give us the antidote."
"My dear, poor, annoying little Silver," Ivy sighed. "You know the antidote. Well. One of them." Ivy shrugged and flipped Silver off before stepping off the edge of the building and away from the two heroes.
"Fuck," Silver cursed, carefully going over to Jackie and touching his shoulder, groaning at the contact. Both of their suits were going to get very uncomfortable, very quickly.
"Jackie," Silver said, laughing breathlessly at Jackie's responding glare. "Hey. Uh. We need to get somewhere more private."
"Oh, really?" Jackie replied sarcastically. "Whay gave it away!? The fact that you took your mask off, or the giant fucking hard-on we're both suffering!?"
"Shit, Jackie," Silver groaned softly. "Just- both. Let's just go."
Jackie laughed faintly. "I forgot that you get off on that," he replied, grabbing Silver's shoulder and quickly pinning the other hero beneath him. "On me being rough with you."
Silver swallowed thickly, staring up at Jackie with wide eyes. "J-jackie, we just got hit with a really powerful aphrodisiac," he muttered, full-on moaning as Jackie pressed against him.
"I can tell, stupid," Jackie replied, smirking and grinding against Silver. Jackie gasped softly, strength faltering as he collapsed against the smaller hero. "Why does it fucking hurt!?"
"You-" Silver paused to bite his lip and hide a moan. "I-it's like a drug. The first time is always gonna be a lot more intense."
"Silver," Jackie whimpered, grinding against Silver's thigh. "I need you, please~"
Silver groaned softly, switching his and Jackie's positions rather easily. "How lucky, then, that your suit opens in the front." Silver licked his lips, slowly dragging open Jackie's suit.
Jackie groaned, gripping Silver's hips weakly. "Hey, how're you so much more put together?"
"How do you figure I'm more put together?"
"Because you have the ability to tease me, meanwhile I just came at the sight of you licking your lips."
Silver paused and laughed, hanging his head slightly. "That is... Wow. You really have an obsession with my mouth, huh?"
"Half the fuckin' city has an obsession with your mouth," Jackie replied, bucking his hips up against Silver. "There are whole blogs about it. People write porn of you, you know. Big long fics of how fucking incredible your mouth feels~"
"I-" Silver blushed brightly, stilling enough for Jackie to flip them over. "I-I suppose you've read these, then," Silver replied eventually, staring up at Jackie.
"A few,"Jackie answered honestly, quickly stripping Silver of his suit. "I bet they're all written by horny old men. Those old men in suits that you save from falling cars."
"Y-you're surprisingly attached to this idea."
"Maybe I just like knowing that the whole city thinks of you as a slut," Jackie replied, quickly jerking Silver off and relishing in how quick the younger hero was reduced to whines and pleas. "You never answered my question, you know."
"I-I've been hit with it before," Silver replied, crying out as he came.
"I see," Jackie purred, using Silver's cum as lube up his cock. "And who did you ask for help the first time?"
Silver blushed and closed his eyes, missing the possessive look Jackie gave him. "F-first time, I asked Doc. I didn't know what was happening, and he's a doctor. I figured it was the best idea I had-" Silver cut himself off with a surprised moan as Jackie savagely thrust inside of him.
"How many times have you been hit?" Jackie growled, pressing his forehead against Silver's shoulder as he immediately came when he thrusted inside of him.
"T-twice," Silver whimpered, hooking a leg around Jackie's waist. "Please, Jackie, move~"
"Who did you ask for help the second time?" Jackie growled, pounding Silver into the roof beneath them.
"W-wilford," Silver moaned, gripping Jackie's shoulders. "He was fucking huge. I couldn't walk for a week by the time it wore off..."
Jackie growled and tugged on Silver's hair roughly. "Shut up," he growled, tugging Silver's head to the side and biting and suck a large, dark mark into the side of his neck. "You're mine, you fucking slut. No one else gets to touch you."
Silver whimpered and came, arching his back and dragging his nails roughly down Jackie's back. Jackie squeezed his eyes shut as he came again, gripping Silver's hip with one hand in a bruising grip. Silver moaned softly and pulled Jackie into a rough kiss, their teeth clacking together and scraping against each other's lips. Jackie growled and pulled away, turning Silver over onto his stomach before pushing back in.
At some point, Jackie had the piece of mind to fly himself and Silver to the warehouse they'd established as a sort of reluctantly shared base. It took three hours after that for them to finally work out all of the pollen.
"Fuck," Jackie groaned, collapsing to the side of Silver and looking at him, exhausted. "Well, that was... an experience."
"You're fucking telling me," Silver replied, panting heavily and looking to the side at Jackie. They held eye contact for about five seconds before both were laughing.
"That was fucking insane, dude," Jackie laughed, absently pulling Silver to his side in a sort of half cuddle.
"Yeah, no kidding," Silver laughed, resting his head on Jackie's chest. "So, how was your first time?"
"Which one, bottoming or getting hit with an aphrodisiac?" Jackie laughed, referencing somewhere around hour two where Silver had managed to convince him to try bottoming.
"Both," Silver replied, absently combing his hand through Jackie's chest hair. "You should do some man-scaping, dude."
"Oh, shut up," Jackie huffed, slapping Silver's hand away. "Can't say I liked either, if I'm honest."
"Fair enough," Silver replied, looking at Jackie curiously. "Hey, when you said I was yours...?"
"I was completely serious," Jackie said, looking down at Silver seriously. "Look. You may he a shit hero, and I may be an asshole, but I happen to have ridiculously stupid feelings for you."
"You do?" In response, Jackie simply leaned down and gently pressed his lips against Silver's. It was nothing like any other kiss they'd shared. It was soft and loving and beautiful. Silver closed his eyes, gently cupping Jackie's face as he returned the kiss.
Jackie pulled away after about fifteen seconds, pressing his forehead against Silver's. "Let's get some sleep, love. I'll take you home later."
Silver smiled and snuggled closer to Jackie, quickly falling asleep. Jackie smiled despite himself and turned on his side, holding Silver protectively and falling asleep.
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sleepyfan-blog · 5 years
Recue Sci
fandom: Undertale multiverse AU
First part of this series is here. Previous is here. 
characters: SF!Sans, FS!Sans, Fell!Sans, Ink, Science!Sans, Dr. Alphys, W.D. Gaster
warnings: cursing 
word count: 3,152
Summary: The Fell Squad and Ink go to rescue Sci.
“Ink you better not have left the nerd in the ass end of some shit AU.” Red growled, his voice a low, bass rumble of protective irritation.
The creative guardian sighed a little bit and shook his head, before realizing that he was talking to Red on the phone and said “Sci should be fine. As far as I know, he's in his home timeline. I’ve gotten similarly irritated messages from Razz and Blackberry. Just what do you three think is going on with him?”
“... Did you not receive the text message from him less than five minutes ago asking for help? Or do you just not care?” Red snapped, irritated at how disinterested the bastard sounded.
“Hmm? Oh that. Yeah I saw that - I checked on him. He’s fine! I popped my head in to see where he was. He’s taking a nap on an exam table in Hotlands.” Ink answered with a shrug that the other Sans couldn’t see “He was probably just trying to avoid falling asleep - you know how he often overworks himself. There’s also a chance that he was trying to type something else and his phone autocorrected. He had it in his hand still.”
“... Is his Gaster still alive?” Red demanded after a moment, sounding even more worried than before.
“What does that have to do with anything?” Ink asked, curious and confused as to why that mattered at all. "But yes, he is."
"Because the Gaster I knew was an unmitigated bastard who experimented on me an' my bro for years before we managed to shove that old bastard into the heart of the Core? And the nerd's Gaster has decided that it's time to torture him? I know you have the whole 'I don't interfere with the running of timelines' thing but you take us in and out of our own and help each other with things all the time. And if Sci is all traumatized all to shit, then he's not going to be able to help you with science-y shit." Red growled "So come get me, Razz and Blackberry. We'll punch Gaster in the face for you and rescue Sci. All you gotta do is get us there."
"Hmm... In exchange for...?" Ink pressed, a small smile on his face, curious as to see if he could get anything out of the irritable monster.
"Ugh. Next time you gotta deal with Error's bullshit, call me up and I'll drop everything I'm doing to help you. No questions asked and no complaining." Red offered with a scowl.
Ink brightened up - getting this promise from Razz and Blackberry as well. He didn't necessarily need their help to deal with Error, but it certainly made the fight easier to contain the potential extra damage that Error could do to a timeline before they chased him off. And the fights didn't take as long before the destructive glitch decided that it wasn't worth his time to fight all of them at once - especially as the others had gotten so much better at dodging his strings. “Great! Thank you Red. I’ll be in your timeline in about five minutes or so - Razz and Blackberry want to see Sci as well. I’m sure he’s fine, and you three are overreacting a bit.”
Six minutes later, and the four of them were standing outside of The Labs in Sci’s timeline, with all three Fell Sanses glowering at the door. “So why didn’t you just ‘port us in to where you saw him last?” Red demanded.
“Ah, you see - while I was able to open a portal to see where Sci was, they’ve managed to rig something that keeps me from actually entering the labs without being allowed in first. I’m not sure if Dream’s portals are blocked as well, or if they’ve figured out how to keep just me from popping in whenever I want.” Ink answered honestly, shrugging a little.
“Wait… Since when does Dream have -you know what? We’re going to table that comment for later. For now we need to get this stars-damned door open.” Razz hissed, stomping over to it and banging on it loudly “I THE MALEFICENT SANS DEMAND THAT YOU OPEN THIS DOOR. YOU HAVE TEN SECONDS TO COMPLY BEFORE I BREAK IT DOWN.” He took two steps backwards, arms folded over his chest. Ten seconds passed by very slowly, and with absolutely nothing changing.
“VERY WELL. SINCE YOU’VE DECIDED NOT TO COMPLY WITH MY DEMAND-” He paused for a moment, summoning a blaster and aiming its’ maw at the door, the blaster’s destructive ruby magic collecting between it’s bifurcated lower mandibles “I WILL BE OPENING THE DOOR RIGHT NOW.” He gave the scientists another three seconds, in case someone smart and cowardly decided to act. When they did not, Razz caused his blaster to let out a short, quick burst of destructive magic - Red and Blackberry summoning floating bone attacks as well.His blaster destroyed the door and only a small portion of the outer wall. It scorched a bit of the white tiles and sent debris flying further into the building, but all in all it was a very neat, well controlled burst. Alarms started blaring as the four of them walked onto the first floor.
Red hit the call button for the elevator, having teleported over to it as soon as the smoke had cleared and there were no enemies immediately in sight. He froze for a moment when he thought he heard a nervous squeak from the half-floor above him, and then smirked. He teleported up and spotted a small yellow lizard-monster who looked like the Alphys of this world. He stalked towards her, knowing that he would loom above her and rumbled “Hey there Alph. Now unless you’re doing something wrong there’s no need to be scared. I just want to talk to you for a little while, understand?”
“I-I… Y-You’re really… P-Pointy?” The nervous lizard monster stuttered, scrambling backwards, edging for the other set of escalators, aware that there were other hostile Sanses and terribly confused as to what was going on. The only ones they’ve met before have been kind and curious beings “W-Why are you he-here?”
“We’re looking for your Sans.” Blackberry called out, casually wrapping an arm around her shoulders, resting his chin on the top of her head “Now, we’re well aware that most Alphys tend to be very shy and curious monsters, and while you can get drawn into awful and tawdry affairs, you generally mean well. The Sans of your world is a dear friend of ours, and you wouldn’t happen to know why he’s currently passed out on an examination table, would you?”
“I-I… N-No I d-do-don’t. Th-The last thing I-I know, h-he was going to b-be running some te-tests with… W-With another S-Sans.” Alphys stuttered as she went completely still, her eyes wide and terrified. Her breathing was fast and she kept clenching and unclenching her hands “H-He said something about the o-other being sick… Th-The other S-Sans I think was named… S-Something with a D? He was wearing blue and had ye-yellow gloves and a cape. Wh-why was he wearing a crown? I-Is that S-Sans royalty?”
“Ink! Get your apathetic ass up here right now. Did you know that Dream was going to be visiting Sci today? He’s here too, apparently.” Red yelled, his eye lights briefly shrinking to pinpricks. If that fucking asshole did anything to either The Nerd or the Adorable Healer, he was going to pay with his life. Very slowly and painfully.
The Creative guardian appeared in a flash of paint, a little bit of a frown appearing on his face as he stared steadily at Alphys, one of his eye lights a green circle, the other a violet question mark “What did you say about Dream coming here because he was sick? I hadn’t known that he was feeling off.” both of his eye lights turned into swirls - though they were in opposing patterns “Did any of you know that?”
All three Fell Sanses shook their heads, Blackberry speaking up after a moment “I was under the impression that it was almost impossible for him to get sick - like you - because he’s a guardian as well and a lot hardier than the three of us.”
Ink frowned a little bit and answered “As far as I know that assumption is correct he does get me here in timelines that have low positivity due to the nature of his being, but I've been careful to avoid such places while traveling with him after finding that out. I found Sci asleep in an empty room on an examination table. These three have rather… Unpleasant experiences with Gasters in the past and are concerned for Sci's and Dream's safety. Just where are they? I am also very much interested in where some my dear friends are.” He’s leaning on his paintbrush and has an easygoing smile on his face… But one of his eye lights is a purple exclamation point, and the other is a red target.
“I-I d-don’t know wh-where they m-might be o-other than in the l-labs down be-below. B-But Doctor Ga-Gaster wasn’t w-with them during the tests to s-see wh-what might be affecting your f-friend.” Alphys managed out, taking in a couple of deep breaths, clearly trying to calm down and succeeding to some degree. She was very clearly nervous of the four powerful and rather hostile monsters surrounding her.
As if summoned, Gaster called out from below after a moment, sounding incredibly confused and slightly disconcerted “Why is there a giant hole where the door to the labs used to be?”
The four Sanses teleported in front of the Gaster, the still slightly trembling and terrified Alphys in the middle of them. Ink’s smile - which seemed a little bit sharper than it had been seconds ago - broadened a little as he stalked towards the much taller skeleton - his eye lights are still purple and red - one of them has concentric circles, the other a larger target “Where oh where are Dream and Sci? I know that you wouldn’t have been able to resist the opportunity to study a being from a different universe - particularly one as unusual as Dream is… So, where are they?”
“As far as I know, Sci is still running tests on Dream. You are all aware of the fact that he’s been losing MP steadily despite not actively using his magic or battling constantly, yes? He’s not physically injured, and from what I was able to observe of his behavior, it is quite likely that he has some sort of soul damage - which he’s been suffering for months if not much, much longer.” Doc G responded, folding his arms over his chest as he stares down at the creative guardian. Showing fear would be a supposed sign of guilt, and he’s done nothing wrong.
All three of the Fell Sanses swear violently at the same time, and the royal scientist has to teleport to dodge their combined attacks, sighing a little and sending a pair of his summoned hands to grab Alphys - not wanting his intern to get dusted by an overzealous alternate of his older son due to a misunderstanding. Ink, however, simply grabbed his brush and spun it, the paint hitting Gaster square in the chest exactly where the other had teleported him to, the momentum of the deceptive liquid slamming the esteemed scientist into the wall with enough force to rattle the other’s bones. “That’s not what I asked, although it’s concerning that Dream may have gotten injured in such a way, we do fight an enemy who can cause pain to someone’s souls if he gets his strings on a person’s soul, so the idea that he could also damage a person’s soul is not out of the realm of possibility. Where are Dream and Sci?”
“Sci is right here, and very confused. What’s going on? Why are you attacking Da… The doc? When did you four show up?” Sci asked, looking incredibly confused as he ran over and reached out to Ink.
“You texted all of us for help… Is Dream alright? What does he need in order to heal?” Ink responded, one of his eye lights turning into a blue teardrop, the other a purple swirl. “Is he still in the lower portion of the labs, then?”
“I have no idea where Dream is. He hit me with a sleeping spell… And I… I promised that I wouldn’t tell you all what was going on. He did ask me to give you a message, though. Dream said that if he never shows up again, it’s not because he doesn’t want to, but because he has no other choice. Also, he mentioned someone by the name of Nightmare… Do any of you know who that is?” Sci answered, looking both very worried and concerned.
The Fell Sanses shook their heads, frowning a little “Huh … Did he say at all who this Nightmare was?” Red asked for a moment, curious and reflective.
“I… he did but I… I’m pretty sure it’s related to the thing that I promised Dream I wouldn’t tell anyone else about.” Sci sighed, rubbing his face a little
Ink paused for a moment, reflecting “Occasionally while he’s asleep, he’ll call out for someone named Night or Nightmare. Usually he’s pleading in his sleep for the other to stop doing something. I’ve tried to ask him about it but he always avoid the topic. The name makes him flinch and very unhappy, so I don’t push.”
Sci went very quiet for several moments, his eye lights dull. He cleared his nonexistent throat and asked “Err, Ink? Would you mind getting dad down and fixing the wall please? The royal guard patrol is going to be swinging by soon and uhh… I'd rather not have to explain the giant hole… Or all of you, because fully grown monsters just don’t randomly appear in the underground. Especially skeleton monsters.
“Oh! Yes, that would be rather difficult to explain - and I wouldn’t want to cause more disruption to this timeline than I already have.” Ink murmured with a bright smile, teleporting over to where the hole was, readjusting his grip on his brush as he recreated the door and parts of the wall, adjusting the color slightly to make sure that it looked indistinguishable from the original. He then went over to Doc G and freed the other from his magical paint, ensuring that the other’s lab coat wasn’t stained either. Ink was pretty sure that if Dream was there, he’d make them apologize for attacking an innocent monster… But as Dream was apparently off being mysterious and secretive, they didn’t have to. He really wanted to know what it was that Sci was keeping from all of them and sauntered over to the younger skeleton “Mind if we talk alone for a bit, Sci?”
“As… Fascinating as your visits are, Ink, I really must insist that the four of you leave - we are in the middle of working on a very delicate replacement part for some of the older sections of the Core, and I need his help in order to do so.” Doc G murmured, walking forwards and gently pulling Sci to his side. “I am unsure as to how long all of this will take, but once started, it will require his full concentration.”
Ink sighed, rolling his eye lights a little as they changed shapes and colors quickly. He could just fix whatever minor issue was wrong with their power supply on his own - and then he’d be able to talk to Sci about what it was that Dream was keeping from him - but the Gaster was looking really stubborn and probably wouldn’t take kindly to him messing about with such things and irritable Gasters were annoying to deal with. “Fiiiine. Good luck on your boring project Sci! I’ll pop back later to see how you’re holding up.”
“Thanks Ink.. Uhm… Have you ever been to Dream’s home timeline?” Sci asked curiously, as if unable to help himself but to ask the question.
“Nope! I’ve wanted to, though. But Dream says that I wouldn’t find his home very interesting.” Ink said with a shrug. “It’s another one of the things that he really doesn’t like talking about, so I don’t pester him about it. Mostly because if I try he hides for a while and I don’t like it when he does that.”
“... What and you never thought that was weird at all?” Red grumped, glaring a little. He didn’t like the rather ominous message that Dream had asked Sci to give to Ink. Why and how would someone be able to trap Dream in his own timeline, when the other had the ability to travel on his own? “... And are you sure you’ve never been to Dream’s timeline before?”
“Well, for the longest time I thought that he was an outcode, like myself, Error or… Someone else.” Ink responded, not wanting to mention Fresh’s name - as he didn’t particularly want to gain the parasite’s attention right now. Mostly because Fresh liked having strong hosts - and the three Fells he was currently with were fairly strong for mortal beings and he’d rather not lose one or all of them to Fresh’s periodic need to switch hosts. “But I asked one day and he said that he’s got a home timeline… Somewhere. But I’ve never found any other Dreams before so… I guess he’s from an AU where there’s only a singular iteration? Which I’ve never seen before. There are always copies, even if they are few and far between. It’s really fascinating! And a new concept, at least as far as  I know. Dream keeps more secrets than we’re all aware of, from what I can tell. Dream’s a fascinating puzzle I hope to solve.”
The four mortal sanses shared looks with one another, frustrated that Ink said something like that, but unsurprised. The other was a soulless asshole - but Dream being around made him a bit of a better person. Or at least he pretended to be, which at least counted for something. Blackberry just sighed and rubbed one of his temples a little and grumbled “We should probably get moving then. Thank you for your time and information, Sci… As for you, Doctor Gaster - the attack was a bit… Premature - but if you ever so much as think of harming a single member of this Underground I will personally make your last moments agonizing.”
“Duly noted.” Doc G responded. He looked like he was torn between saying something more and staying quiet, but Sci gently tugged on one of his sleeves and shook his head a little. The head royal scientist nodded and sighed quietly as he followed the other into the elevator into the lower levels.
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askmyboys · 5 years
Name: Taz | Gender: Male | Age: Oh god who knows | Species/Race: Darkness (literally, he's just- a pitch black being of pure darkness) | Height: 3 inches tall (he can sizeshift tho, I mean, it seems only natural he can do that) | Appearance: See, he has a human form of his own that he takes on, he can sorta like, its like a copycat situation, any human he sees he could technically take a form of like a doppelganger but he has certain styles and bodies he fancies... BUT his actual human form that he has wears a lot of punk like clothing, leather jackets with spikes on them, pants with chains hanging on them, combat boots, he also has a circle beard, his eyes in his human form are a dull grey-ish kind of color, he also has razor sharp teeth, pointy ears, and claws but he does at least hide the claws with black gloves with spikes on them, oh and his hair is like jet black and p much just flows. His true form is literally just a shadow-y cloud of darkness, nothing too special bout it really except for his eyes, they are a red color (he can shape himself into someone's worst fear or really just whatever he feels like if need be, I mean it IS a cloud of darkness, its like a shapeshifter situation, yeah!) | Personality: Now THIS is a true bastard incarnate, like seriously, even tho he's probably an ancient being of pure darkness, he acts like a toddler when he doesn't get his way, he has somehow successfully managed to annoy even the OTHER beings of darkness, he's more annoying then scary but he can use that to his advantage, he has annoyed a human so badly they moved out and when he followed them, they just... kinda broke.... Which wasn't as fun, now if he puts his mind to it, I'm not saying he CANNOT actually be scary bc he can, oh my god he absolutely can if he puts his mind to it, but he just prefers to be the most annoying lil shit to people to drive them insane that way, its much more fun! (tl;dr: He's a bastard, like usually I joke bout that but nope, he is 100% bastard who will steal your food and drinks and toss them away bc he doesnt actually need to eat then he calls you a bitch, he'll steal anything he wants truth be told, he doesnt care- hell, he'll steal your fucking loved ones away from you if you mess with him too much, he has a short temper and can get angry p easily tbh, honestly he'll just do e v e r y t h i n g in his power to make your life a living hell and your mind? S h a t t e r e d- even tho its not fun anymore when they break but eh it happens every time) | Side Facts: Welp uh, it DOESNT happen every time, he's living with a human right now and they haven't been broken yet, they just seem tired and irritated all the time for no apparent reason, they always look like they haven't gotten a good night's sleep in ages which is probably true, there's also another being of darkness that was assigned to this human so Taz here is ALWAYS trying to one-up him, NO being of darkness is better than him after all! He has a bit of a narcissistic streak in him, I won't deny that- So anything he does to the human, Taz can ALWAYS do better! This other being of darkness, Aldrich- who's description you'll see in a second- Taz just, he doesn't seem to like him too good and for good reason, Aldrich is definitely a higher class than him, a higher rank, top tier even- He is absolutely above Taz, and that's what Taz absolutely cant STAND, nobody should be a higher class than him, anyone above him needs to be put in their place, the way Aldrich talks and just- his attitude towards things doesn't help, he's too classy n clean- So Taz gotta see to it he deals with this human before Aldrich does. Gotta prove that Aldrich isn't above him in any way, nope- not at all! He's actually secretly scared of Aldrich, yep, you heard me- a being of darkness is actually afraid of something, he just acts tough and not scared around him, but, secretly, he is ABSOLUTELY terrified of this being, Taz KNOWS what he's capable of, if he just so wanted he could plunge the world into eternal darkness, and who knows that might be his goals for the future, might not be, Aldrich can be a v e r y unpredictable being, ya never really know what he's gonna do next, but- Taz will NEVER reveal that he's scared, nope- Aldrich CANT find out, or else... Well let's just say something not good will happen... Ya know, there IS a reason Taz is like he is, even if he is a being of darkness, it was when he was... y o u n g, well to the other beings of darkness he was young, to a human his age would have still seemed ancient, but anyways, he actually did have a family, in fact, him and Aldrich both did but, eh, im not gonna reveal a n y t h i n g bout Aldrich's family just yet, for now its time to focus on Taz, his family ehhh well... they weren't the best, they weren't good at all- hell I wouldn't even call it a family, its more like just a gang where everyone fends for themselves, nobody helps each other, the weakest are always left behind to die or fade away. Taz, he was... one of the weakest, I won't say he was the weakest of EVERYONE of them bc he wasn't there was someone else but he doesn't... talk about them, he just sorta repressed his memories bout them, hell, probs for the best- their probably dead now... Or worse, but his family never did care for him, no affection was had for ANYONE, almost everyone was out for blood or something similar to it, if you even THOUGHT about asking for help with anything you were considered weak and affection? What kind of being of pure darkness needs that stupid shit?! That was VERY frowned upon in his "clan" yeah, let's call it a clan, he's pretty much had to fend for himself his entire life, nobody to help him, nobody ever showed him any love or affection, it'd have made him weaker than that other being, or that's his mentality, love, care, help, all of that, it makes you w e a k, pathetic, the only way to get by is to rely on yourself and yourself alone. His "clan" treated him like pure shit, at first when he was "learning" about the consequences of asking for help, it was horrid, he got picked on, called names and even got hit and beat up, by what humans would consider his "parents" even, his father and mother tolerated n o n e of that, no "child" of theirs is going to have any affection, help, etc- It'll make them weak and they. will. NOT. have. a. weak. member. of. the. clan... After Taz grew up, he definitely became stronger, for sure, he also became more.... chaotic, more unstable, and he'd do anything and everything he could to get attention, at this point he just began fucking CRAVING it, he'd act out, do anything he could to piss his "parents" and the rest of his clan off, never in his entire life has he ever gotten any positive attention whatsoever, so whenever he didn't have any attention at all, it.... he just began freaking out and throwing tantrums, he couldn't deal without having any attention on him w h a t s o e v e r. Essentially, like, even tho nobody cared for each other n shit, they did have some kinda mentality to stick around with each other, it was mainly just because, they did AT THE VERY L E A S T need their kids to survive, survive the baby stages, and grow on up so there could be more of their species/race, once they grew up though, they were all on their own, armies were an option of course if need be, but Taz? He didn't need anyone, he d o e s n t need anyone, he can take care of things himself, he can do what he needs to, after all, his mentality p much got fucked up so badly now that he thinks any being who needs an army, help, etc- just any of that is weak- His childhood, fam, its all wack yo- my fingers are tired and I cant think of a better way to describe this, basically, they are the cause of why he's so fucked up like he is, why he's so chaotic, a punk bastard, and just- honestly a fucking asshole in general- bc of the mentality they basically FORCED onto him.
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Interview/Panel #2
     “Hello Everyone!” The Speaker greeted warmly. The crowd warmed quickly, Sypha giving a big goofy grin as the full panel behind her waved lightly. “Joining us today is: The Tepes’ Family!” She said, gesturing to Dracula and his wifem their son sitting in between them. “Trevor Belmont !” The hunter waved, clutching a beer in his left hand. “The Demon Forgemasters; Hector and Isaac!” They simply nodded at their introduction. “ The Carmilla!”  “Boo.” Hector said suddenly, making Dracula crack a smile. Syphe simply continued herintroductions. “And Finally, Godbrand!” “Fucking yes!” The viking stood. “I made it on the panel!” “Sit your ass back down, You’re not special.” Trevor said quickly, taking a swing of his ale. “Now, we have a lot of ground to cover,” Sypha said quickly, “So let’s get this show on the road!” As Sypha spoke her grandfather appeared, wheeling in the basket full of questions on a cart. Sypha reached in, rummaging around before finally grabbing one. “The first question is for... Hector!” “What?” The forgemaster seemed caught off guard, blinking a few times to make sure he was really awake right now. “Oh, um, that’s great.” “Hector, @smolus-adorabilis would like to know... What is your favorite food?” “Oh..Well, goodness I never... Well, I’ve always really prefered vegtables and pasta, oh it’s so hard to pick a favorite. I every rarely eat meat.” Hector mumbled out his answer, Isaac sitting beside him and chuckling darkly. The young forgemaster struggled to even think of an answer, pissing off the hunter a few seats down. Trevor finally groaned, slamming his hand on the table. “Come on! It’s the first fucking question!” “Calm Yourself, Belmont,” Sypha warned. “Let him answer.” “The boy was always quite partial to beets.” Dracula answered. “Couldn’t get enough of them.” “I remember that phase.” Isaac added. Sypha simply took that as an answer, reaching in for another card. “Alright, Next question... Alucard.” The vampire smirked, shooting a look at Trevor who just rolled his eyes. “Do you sleep in the nude, or with clothes on?” “What-” Alucard was cut off by Trevor, laughing like a madman and wiping a tear from his eye.  “Well, go ahead, tell your adoring  fans how you sleep.” “Fine,” The vampire gave off a frustrated sigh. “H-Honestly The less I have on the better but I’ve never slept naked before.” “Try it, It’s very liberating-” “Belmont, no one asked you-” “Next question!” The speaker said with gusto. “It is for... Trevor! What is your favorite Booze?” “There’s this little bar outside of Craiova that I’ve taken a shine to, they make this mead with juniper berries in it-” “That’s an answer, Lets move on!” Sypha cut him off, Trevor lightly complaining as the others giggled at him. “Sorry Treffy, we have a long list.” She reached back in the basket, pulling out a card. “Another Hector question from Smolus-Adorabilus-” “Looks like you have a fan.” Isaac teased. “What is your favorite animal!” “Oh easy,” Hector said with a smile. “Dogs. I love dogs. They’re so sweet and loyal and you never have to worry about whether or not they love you... You just know.” Suddenly the table shook, a little zombie pug jumping on the panel table. It licked it’s masters face happily. Sypha smiled and reached back in the basket. “Our next question is for... Alucard.” The vampires mother patted his shoulder to congradulate him. “ Boxers or briefs?” “Are all my questions going to be like this?” He asked, raising a brow. His father simply shook his head. “Son, Tepes men are incredibly attractive. You must learn to deal with admirers.” “Anyway, I don’t really like either.” “So you just leave your cock swinging around?” Trevor slurred, taking in more alcohol. “That’s not safe-” “You’re drunk.” “At least I’m not freeballin-” “OUR NEXT QUESTION!” Sypha said loudly, “It is addressed to... Hector!” “Did I not get a question!” Godbrand complained, only for the hunter to lob his empty tankard at him, which he barely dodged. “Shut the hell up. You should be lucky they even allowed you up here.” “Hector, Do you sleep naked?” “W-What!?” Hector panicked, amusing Godbrand a little. “You heard her, Do you go to sleep with your dick out. If you do, Don’t be ashamed,” Godbrand started. “I do it all the time.” “That doesn’t surprise me.” Isaac said flatly. “I-I mean..Not often. My room is so high up in the castle.. it gets cold up there.” “So you have done it once?” Isaac asked suddenly. “You said ‘not often’“ “NEXT QUESTION!” Hector begged, the speaker scoffing at him. “That’s my line...but fine. Our next question is for... Both Vlad AND Lisa!” The couple gasped, reaching for each others hands. Adrian looked interested. “What is your ideal partner for your son?” “..Oh no.” Alucard said quickly under his breath. His mother let out a little squeal, tightly gripping her husbands hands. “Oh, My little Adrian.. He needs a good woman, someone highly fertile, wouldn’t some grandchildren be nice?” “She must be strong willed as well my dear, we want our grandchildren raised proper.” “Yes of course... oh and She should be sweet. The sweetest woman for my boy-” “Oh Man,” Dracula said quickly. “We merely say woman because we want grandchildren but... Son if you find yourself attracted to a man-” “Sypha, Please, Next question.” Alucard pleaded. “They could talk all day.” “Alrighty then. Alucard for you: What is your favorite human food?” “Well, I really like Shellfish, Mostly clams-” “didn’t he get that question before?” Trevor asked, “I thought he answered that-” “It’s not your turn, Belmont.” “Bite me-” “Your blood could get me wasted, no thanks.” He declined, simply waving it off. Sypha dove back into the basket, pulling another thing out. “The next question is for Alucard, Trevor, Hector, Dracula and Isaac!” “Not me-?!” “Be quiet Godbrand.” Dracula warned. “What is the question?” “Upper globes or lower globes.” Silence overtook the room and the men simply looked at one another. Drac turned to his wife but she was at a loss. Isaac, however, simply answered. “Lower Globes.” Isaac’s answer made Hector immediately look at him. “..Wait what does that mean?” “I don’t know,” The calm forgemaster admitted, “But I feel drawn to the answer ‘lower globes’ for some reason.” “Upper globes.” Trevor answered. Drac nodded in agreement. “I’m going to say Upper as well,” The vampire turned to his wife, “I’m unclear on the meaning but... I hope this answer is correct.” “I’m going to say lower.” Alucard said, “Also, very unsure what the question means.” “..I guess I’ll say Lower too then?” Hector asked, making Sypha sigh. “Someone want to explain to them what they just answered- you know what nevermind- Next question!” She changed the subject, digging back in the basket. “Our next question is for Hector and Isaac... this anon wishes to know if you would marry them.” “This is ridiculous.” Carmilla complained under her breath but she was undercut by Hector’s excitement.  “Um.. well.. If you’re nice and you genuinely care about me. oh and you have to be alright with animals.” “I do not plan on marrying.” Isaac answered. “It is a waste of time.” “Lighten up a little.” Hector complained. “There aren’t good enough people in this world to consider spending my life with. Dracula was lucky and managed to find the only rose in the desert.” Lisa put her hand to her heart and Drac nodded to his wingman, taking his wifes hand lovingly. “Alright then, Fair enough.” Sypha shrugged. “The next one is for Dracula and Lisa, It’s 2 questions on one card! Dracula, Who made the first move for...ahem, Consumating your marriage?” Alucard immediately put his hands over his ears, not wanting to hear this, While Trevor leaned in intently. “Well, Lisa. My Lisa has quite the insatiable sex drive-” “Vlad!” She scolded playfully, hitting his arm, making them both laugh. Trevor just watched Alucard sit there, his supernatural hearing making it hard to ignore the answer. “And Lisa, What would make you become a vampire? Would Grandkids convince you?” “Oh.. That is tempting..but Alucard doesn’t seem interested in children-” “Not at the moment, no.” He admitted, taking his hands off his ears. The move wasn’t helping anyway.  “I suppose I would become a vampire in my old age, spending my days with the love of my life...but before then, there is so much good I can accomplish and I need human advantages to do so.” “that’s beautiful Dr. Tepes.” Sypha swooned. “ Next question is for Hector! Where did you meet your dog?” “Oh. Caesar?” Hector asked, picking the pup up and cradling him. “Well, I found him in a cemetary.. his owners had passed and the poor thing stayed by their graves until he met his own fate..it was so cute and he had so much more love to give.. so I-” “BORING.” Godbrand complained loudly, leaning close to Carmilla who seemed disgusted with him. “Come on, When do I get my question!” “Wait until it’s drawn, Asshole.” trevor complained. “God this is a long night.” “The next question is for... Carmilla!” Sypha said, clapping a little. “Are you going to apologize to Lisa for calling her a breeding animal?” “Excuse me?” Lisa started, standing to her feet and glaring down the entire length of the table to the vampiress’s direction. Trevor held back a laugh, ready to see a human woman go off on a vampire. “Honey, Please,” Drac said sweetly, “Calm down.” “No,” She said suddenly. “I don’t.” “Excuseme!?” Dracula started darkly. Alucard stood and blocked his parents. “Mom, Dad, Please-” “Stake her in the fucking heart!” “BELMONT YOU’RE NOT HELPING!” “And one more question .” Sypha stated. “We actually had so many question, that we are going to hold a seperate mini panel one week from now to address them all. The last question for this panel is for Trevor and Alucard.” “Fucking finally.” the hunter complained. “Lay it on me.” “If your significant other gave you lingerie, could you pull it off and would you wear it for them?” Alucard was stunned but Trevor just shrugged. “Oh yeah, I’d wear it for them,” the hunter said casually. “Now, I don’t know if I could pull it off but... I’d try-” “I don’t even know how to answer that.” “Son, I think you could pull off lingerie-” “ Mother Please, never say that to me again.” Alucard begged. “Well, If your father can do it-” Lisa was immediately hushed when Godbrand failed to hold back a laugh, drawing attention to his end of the table. Drac’s eyes bled a sinister red as he stood, making the room glow with an eerie darkness. As Dracula made his way to Godbrand, Sypha quickly got the crowds attention. “And That’s all the time we have folks! Make sure to tip your writers and thank all of you for 1500 followers!” “I DIDN’T MEAN TO LAUGH-” “Pay no attention to the blatant murder occuring behind me!” Sypha said cheerfully. “WHAT I DO WITH MY WIFE IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS-” “I’M SORRY-” “Another panel will be held to finish up the follower question, as we had so many that we could barely use them all in one post.” Sypha explained, trying to block the view of Dracula lifting Godbrand off the ground. “Please stay tuned for that and I hope you all had fun here today!”
-Mod Alucard.
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j0ebay · 6 years
Spiraling Ch 4
Peter Parker x Stark!OC, platonic!Loki x Stark!OC
Warning(s): light swearing, jealous!peter, holy fluff
Word Count: 2241
A/N: IT’S UP I’M SO HAPPY! So, this basically takes place after infinity war assuming all the dead people come back. I’m really stoked this chapter is finally out so enjoy and feedback is deeply appreciated!! 💙💙
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“You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams” -Dr Seuss
The night before school started for Geneva Stark was hectic to say the least. She paces around the lab with excessive questions like
“What if I’m not caught up enough on the curriculum and fail everything?”
“What do I do if everyone hates me?”
Tony lets out a heavy sigh “Those two questions alone can be answered with one sentence. You’re a Stark. You’re smart because the rest of your family is smart and nobody is gonna hate you cause you’re a Stark.”
Unfortunately, her angst didn’t go away. “But am I actually gonna be there as ‘Stark’ or am I going as ‘Starr’ cause I’m fine with either but I don’t wanna mess that up. And what if it freak out and use my abilities again?”
There’s a silence before Tony gulps and says “If you want to go as Stark, that’s fine with me and if you feel you’re starting to freak out, just take deep breaths and count to 10”
She inhales and exhales until her nerves settle. The two hear a loud thud, jolting their heads to the right to see a table come crashing down from the air. The two turn their heads back at each other and couldn’t help but laugh.
Unfortunately, that pep talk only helped a little bit as it runs through Geneva’s head at 1:00 in the morning. Turning to lay on her stomach, once again as Brooklyn Nine-Nine plays, softly on her TV, distracting her from all her problems. She flashes back to memories with Peter.
“Okay Gee. Fuck, marry, kill. Peralta, Jeffords aaaaaand” He pauses and scratches his chin, in pretend thought. She lets out a small giggle and throws a pillow at him.
“Boyle? Yeah let’s go with that. Peralta, Jeffords, Boyle.”
She lets out a long groan. Peter knows how much she hates Charles Boyle’s character.
“Umm,” She trails off and ends with another nervous giggle
“Fuck Jeffords, marry Peralta and kill Boyle?” He looks at her with wide eyes
“You wouldn’t marry Jeffords?” She shakes her head
“He seems really sweet and all but he’s already got a wife and kids and I can’t mess with that.”
Peter nods and turns his attention back to the TV. Geneva, however looked at him for a while longer, sat on her bedroom floor in the early stages of night. She knew he would have to leave soon and it made her worried sick. She hates seeing him all bruised and bloody, especially when she’s the one patching him up.
Geneva snaps out of her thoughts but holds onto the feeling of his curls on her neck whenever he hugs her. She remembers how it felt to be held close to him at night and wished for the same thing to happen again. Eventually she found it harder and harder to keep her eyes open.
She wakes up to her phone alarm blaring the intro to Iron Man by Black Sabbath and looks at her phone.
“Almost five hours, not bad” she mumbles to herself as she rolls out of bed. Trudging to the kitchen, she pulls open the fridge door, taking out the bag of bagels and the pitcher of iced tea.
“Damn you for being so loud” She silently cursed at the plastic bag, while putting the bagel in the toaster and pouring herself a glass of the caffeinated beverage.
“Well good morning to you too” She hears from the couch. Geneva jumps in surprise and sees Loki sitting, watching The Office and laughing.
“Yeah, sure, whatever” she mumbles “Why are you laughing?”
He just smirks and says “It’s just funny to see you rush around so early in the morning”. Needless to say, Loki got hit with a bagel.
Next part in Geneva’s new routine was makeup. Of course she knew what she was doing. Occasionally, she’d have to get some information or access to things out of people’s nephews or sons and the only way she really knew how to pull that off was to make herself look pretty and flirt like there’s no tomorrow. She does the works, a bit of concealer, some eyeshadow, a little bit on the eyebrows to even them out and next, mascara. This is a delicate process. One false step and she gets a whole lot of black on her eye. Gently, she brushes the product on her right eyelash. Success. Next, left. Right as she was almost done, there’s a loud bang on the door, causing her to jump and get the makeup all over her orbital bone. She hears laughing from the other side of the door as she screams
“You said she started today right?” Ned asks. Peter nodded, keeping his eye on the door. His hands were fidgeting with the string of his backpack. He was worried out of his mind.
‘What if she sees how overall nerds people consider us as? What if Ned outs my crush on her?’ Peter was snapped out of his thoughts by Flash walking by and loudly saying
“Awww is little Penis Parker waiting for his imaginary Geneva Stark? Face it, she isn’t real, nerd. And even if she was? She wouldn’t go for you.” while laughing. Peter’s phone buzzes
Geneva Stark✨ So where exactly are you guys? Happy just pulled in, I have my schedule on my phone and I wanna look like I know what I’m doing
“Believing in Geneva Stark is like believing in ghosts,” MJ butts in out of nowhere
“Some people don’t believe in her. The others are just fucking crazy”
Right on cue, Geneva walks through the door checking her phone to see what Peter had said.
Peter Parker🕷 Walk straight. Ned and I are by the lockers towards the left.
She instantly looks up and sees the two boys, waving at them and walking over.
“Holy loads of people. God, I do not miss public school” She says laughing.
“How have you guys been?” She excitedly asks while pulling them both into hugs.
After comparing schedules it turns out that Geneva and Peter have 6 out of 7 classes together and Ned and Geneva have the class that Peter doesn’t have with her, plus some others. All was well for the first few. The three stuck close together but next was chemistry. The problems being, Ned not being there, Peter’s web fluid drawer and chemistry being the first class Peter had with Flash.
“No one sits by me in this class so if you want to hang out with me you totally can.” He says to her, quietly.
Her eyebrows raise and the blush creeps on her cheeks
He nods and the two of them sit together and steal glances at each other the whole time.
During passing time, Gee goes into the bathroom to check her makeup and clean herself up. She looks at herself in the mirror trying to roll out her insecurities & imperfections by using the magic of makeup. She sees a girl with black, curly hair and black clothes approach to her left out of the corner of her eye. Geneva continues to touch up her makeup.
“Hey” says the other girl “This might be really weird for me to ask but, you’re Geneva Stark right?
Gee smiles and nods, asking “Yeah, why?”
The girl moves the hair from one side to the other
“Ah, well I kinda told this kid you didn’t exist”
There’s a pause between the two.
“Peter Parker?”
The two girls both look at each other and laugh. The girl holds her hand out
“I’m Michelle, most people call me MJ”
The rest of the day went by fairly smoothly and now, at the end of the day, Geneva stands by her locker, putting notebooks in her bag and waiting for Peter.
“Hey, Geneva can I talk to you?”
She turns around to see Ned behind her and smiles
“Yeah! Sure what’s going on?” He scratches the back of his neck
“You can’t tell Peter I told you any of this but, Gee, he-”
“Peter!” She quickly says after catching glimpse of the boy, cutting Ned off while quickly whispering
“We’ll talk about this later”
Ned nods as Peter approaches
“Hey, I’m still walking you home right?” He asks while looking down, trying to hide the blush creeping up on his cheeks.
“Y-yeah is that cool with you? I know you usually uh, how do I phrase this without spilling anything?” she asks while looking at Ned and then back at Peter.
“Oh! No, it’s fine he knows about the whole internship thing” Peter says once he catches onto what she was talking about.
“Oh, okay cool! I just, I thought that you did patrols and stuff after school ‘n whatever. But if you actually want to do homework like you talked about, I wouldn’t mind your company, if we’re being honest here. Plus,”
She says, pausing to put a hand on his shoulder and giving it a light squeeze.
“You could use a break from being a superhero, or Youtube guy, or whatever you wanna call it. Let the cops do their job for once” The three teenagers laugh and start to walk out of the school.
Eventually, Ned goes in a different direction leaving Peter and Geneva to walk the majority of the way to Stark Tower with each other, stopping to get churros of course.
“Hey what did you say that one asshole’s name was?”
“Who? Flash?”
“Oh! Yeah that guy. Was he there today?”
“Uh,” Peter gulps “Yeah, he was there today. W-why do you ask?”
She laughs
“I seriously doubt anyone in that school is dumb enough to come up with a nickname as stupid and cliché as ‘Penis Parker’ but, that’s just a personal opinion.”
As if he was summoned by the light mention of his name, Flash pulls up to the two in a car yelling
“Penis Parker! Who’s the pretty girl that’s walking shockingly close to you?”
Gee laughs and says
“Well, I stand corrected. I’m Geneva”
Flash’s eyes widen.
“G-Geneva S-Stark?”
She laughs even harder
“Yeah! And I guess you’re um,” she snaps her fingers like she’s trying to remember something.
“Flash? Flash Thompson? I think we have chemistry and PE together?” He cuts her off, somewhat shocked she doesn’t recognize him.
Her eyes widen in an attempt to mimic realization
“Oh yeah maybe we do!”
He laughs and says
“So what are you doing with a guy like Peter? You need a ride somewhere?”
She looks at Peter and then back at Flash
“No, no. Peter’s walking me home. Home being Stark Tower, of course and he’s got internship stuff to do. Right, Pete?”
She looks at Peter again, subtly intertwining her hand with his.
Peter feels the blush dusting his cheeks again
“Y-yeah, internship stuff”
Flash raises his eyebrows
“You sure, Geneva? I mean, you’re way too pretty to be hanging out with someone like Penis Parker over here.”
She lets out a small giggle and says
“Maybe. Once you think of a better name than ‘Penis Parker’. Then come talk to me.”
They approach Stark Tower as she continues
“This is our stop. Uh, bye Flash”
After getting inside the tower and into Gee’s room. The two were discussing homework and just general gossip about school.
“I think today went better than I expected” Geneva says, trying to make conversation.
“Cool” Peter replies, obviously deep in thought.
“I met MJ today” She continues, trying harder to get some reaction from him.
“That’s great” He responds, still looking at her floor.
She smirks and says
“I’m pregnant”. Peter doesn’t direct his gaze up but just says
She sighs, gets up and sits in front of him, putting her thumb & pointer fingers on his chin and tilts his head up to meet her gaze.
“Hey,” she says in a soft tone “What’s going on with you?”
His eyebrows knit together in confusion.
“What do you mean?”
“Don’t give me that, Pete. Something’s up. Spill.”
“Stop reading my mind, Geneva” He quickly snaps back
Her eyebrows raise.
“I wasn’t reading your mind, dumbass. I literally told you I was pregnant and all you said was ‘mmmhmmm’. You didn’t even look up so there’s gotta be something wrong. If you don’t wanna talk about it, that’s completely fine with me but at least tell me please.”
He looks down, avoiding her gaze
“It’s just, I-uh, you’re not into Flash are you?”
Your eyebrows raise
“What?” she asks
“I mean, he was flirting with you kind of a lot a-and it just kinda pissed me off y’know? Cause you deserve so much better than some asshole like him.”
She lets go of his chin and looks away, smiling.
“You really think so, Pete?”
He nods
“I mean look at you! You’re smart. You’re funny. You’re absolutely gorgeous. You’re extremely caring and you put everyone’s needs before your own! What’s not to like about you?”
She lets out a small giggle with a hint of nerves and says a soft
“Thank you, Pete” She leans forward and gives a quick peck on his cheek before getting up and saying
“C’mon, let’s watch a movie or something”.
Peter sat in shock, rubbing the spot where her soft lips met his rosy cheeks. He turns around, sitting on her bed right next to her and wrapping an arm around her shoulders.
EVERYTHING: @og-baby-ob14 @were-all-gay-down-here @softiespidey @saturn-aka-six
SPIRALING: @upsidedownparker @baglebites @spidergirl192327 @theasexualbunny  @nerdofthehighestcalibre @james1730
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Child of Love Chapter 1
Author’s Note: Here it is! The long awaited Carrison has a baby fic! I would like to give a huge shoutout to @purple-roses-words-and-love for helping with the aspects of birth and being my cheerleader when I needed it. She was a huge help when it came to the birth. So thank you, thank you, thank you!
Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher had hit it off from the moment they met. While they had grown up in completely different backgrounds, and had led vastly different lives, something had clicked between them. She was 19 and he was 33, but that made no difference.
Harrison was married, but he and his wife had no children. Carrie was just out of a relationship with a boy from college in London. Carrie thought that Harrison was attractive, but she was also somewhat intimidated by him at first. He had the quality of a movie star, and she was nothing of the sorts. After getting to know Harrison though, she quickly realized he was an interesting, wonderful, caring person.
Harrison had felt the same way about Carrie. Things with his wife hadn’t been on the best of terms and here was this beautiful young woman who seemed to understand him. While she didn’t challenge George on decisions, she wasn’t afraid to joke around with Mark and himself or have a good time with them. He knew that there was more to her than meets the eye. She was so much more than her parents lives and legacy.
When they started their affair, they never knew it was going to end up being so intense or that they would fall in love. They made each other feel something that neither of them had ever really felt before.
After the filming and press junkets to promote Star Wars had ended, they didn’t get to see as much of each other. They tried to call at least once a week, and see each other as often as they could. Harrison’s marriage kept getting worse and worse, and finally they decided to give up trying and call it quits. While his marriage was deteriorating, he had confided in Carrie, and they had gotten closer emotionally. They found out they were filming a second Star Wars movie and were so excited to be able to be with each other for more than a a few hours.
After the dissolution of Harrison’s marriage, they decided to give an actual relationship a shot. They already loved each other, so they figured it was time to make it an official thing. There had been complications along the way. Harrison was away filming his Indiana Jones movies, and this caused for issues because Carrie was afraid he was going to find someone else. Harrison got her to see that she was the only girl for him. They were both stubborn as all living hell, and fought like there was no tomorrow, but they were also so passionate. They had come close to calling it quits a couple of times, but the thought of being without each other hurt more than anything that was said between them.
After they finished filming the last Star Wars movie, Harrison thought it would be a good time to take their relationship to the next level. They had been in love with each other for 6 years and in a committed relationship for 3. They spent 18 months planning and preparing for their wedding, Carrie had wanted to plan the event herself and not just hire a planner. This was special to her, because it was her first, and if she had it her way, only marriage, and she wanted everything done right. They also had to work around filming schedules for both of them.
The happy couple finally tied the knot in November of 1983. Because of Carrie’s parents and Harrison and Carrie’s own celebrity factor, the wedding was quite large. Now 17 months later, the couple was getting ready to welcome a new member into the family.
Carrie had gone into labor 3 weeks early, and she and Harrison were trying to remain calm. They had been aware this could be a possibility, since the pregnancy had been difficult on Carrie. They were happy to have made it this far, and now it was time to meet their child.
Now here they were at the hospital. Four centimeters hurt like a motherfucker. If this is how much it hurt already, Carrie wasn’t going to make it. Early labor had been mostly a breeze, some pain but it felt like she just had really bad menstrual cramps, and Harrison’s hugs and forehead kisses worked better than any Midol that she had ever known. But this four centimeter shit hurt, and any other human voice beside Harrison’s made her wanna scream. It didn’t help that her doctor was a prick either. Carrie was sick of him telling her that she could manage the pain just by breathing. If she could then it wouldn’t be called labor, and on top of that the asshole also kept trying to tell her not to be so dependent on Harrison. There was a child coming out of her vagina, she was going to be dependent on whomever she wanted. Especially the love of her life.
“Harrison I don’t think I can do this. It really fucking hurts.” Carrie whined as she felt another contraction coming on.
“I know you can sweetheart. You are a strong, resilient woman. Don’t let a little thing like childbirth stop you.”
“I would love to see you push a watermelon out of your penis and then tell me childbirth is a little thing.” Harrison couldn’t help the chuckle that started to escape his lips, but quickly stopped it when he saw the death glare he was getting from his wife.
Harrison rubbed Carrie’s back and whispered into her ear, “Come on sweetheart, come on. You’ve got this.”
Once the contraction was over and she started to relax, a smile grew on his face and he squeezed her shoulder. “Good job, you did it sweetheart. You got through your first painful contraction, and both of us are still alive.”
“Well this is only four centimeters, I have plenty of time to murder you yet.” They both let out a laugh, then he leaned down to kiss her on the forehead.
Six centimeters was proving to be a bitch for them both. Harrison pushed the call button in hopes that someone would know of a way to make Carrie more comfortable.
A nurse finally answered their call what felt like seventeen hours later, but in reality was ten minutes. She suggested filling a tub full of water for Carrie to sit in, and explained how the water’s ability to make someone feel weightless could help take off some of the pressure and pain from Carrie’s body. After a few moments of consideration, the couple agreed to try it.
Once the tub was set up, Harrison helped Carrie in and then removed his clothes, entering behind his wife.
“Does this feel any better honey?” Harrison asked, as he wrapped his arms around her as best he could given their position.
“I guess, I mean I haven’t had a contraction yet, but one likely will be coming any time now.”
“Lean back against me, and close your eyes. Take a moment to relax before it happens.” Carrie laid her head against her husband’s chest. If it wasn’t for the sounds of the hospital and the lingering awareness that a contraction could come at any moment, this would be peaceful.
Carrie loved skin to skin contact with Harrison. There was something about it that made her feel better.
Their moment didn’t last long however. Dr. Warren gave a quick knock before walking into the room. The already surly look on his face increased tenfold when he noticed Harrison in the tub with Carrie.
“What do you think you’re doing in there with her?” Dr. Warren demanded, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Oh ya know, just having a nice brunch and a stroll through the park. What does it look like I’m doing?” Harrison rolled his eyes at the ridiculous question. Normally he wouldn’t be so rude to a doctor, but this one had been causing them issues since they had arrived.
Dr. Warren, not amused by Harrison’s answer, just lifted one of his hands to the bridge of his nose as though he had a headache. “I mean,” he began through gritted teeth, “why are you in there?”
“Because my wife needed me, and I’m going to do whatever she wants. She is bringing my baby into this world, and I figure she deserves as much comfort as I can bring.”
“If it’s even your baby.” Dr. Warren mumbled what he thought was low enough for no one else to hear him.
Unfortunately for Dr, Warren, Harrison heard and that was the final straw. He gently pushed Carrie forward enough so he could stand, and grabbed one of the towels to cover himself with, and another to place on the floor so he didn’t fall on his way to beat this guy’s ass.
Harrison made his way over to the doctor and got right up in his face. “Don’t you ever talk to me and my wife that way again. If you have a problem with it, I suggest you shove it up your ass, and waddle the fuck out of here. We will find someone else to help us deliver this baby.”
After telling the “good” doctor off, Harrison turned around to see his wife in the beginning of another contraction. He rushed over to the tub just as the contraction truly became intense.
Carrie, for her part, realized rather quickly she didn’t like the feeling of being surrounded by water when she was having a contraction. She almost felt as though she were drowning and it scared her.
When he looked into her eyes, he realized immediately how uncomfortable she was. He also understood it wasn’t purely because of the contraction itself.
“Drowning, I’m drowning.” Carrie gasped, clawing at Harrison’s arm for something to keep her afloat.
“You’re alright, I’ve got you. Do you want to get out?” All Carrie could manage was vigorous nodding as she continued to grasp at him.
Understanding immediately the severity of the situation, Harrison chanced moving her during a contraction. He lifted her out of the tub, pulled her into his body, and carried her to the bed awaiting them across the room.
While the contraction still hurt like a son of a bitch, not being in the water was ten thousand time less overwhelming for Carrie than any pain relief the water provided.
As the contraction dissipated, she was finally calm enough to speak.
“Thank you… so much for being here.” Carrie leaned into Harrison’s embrace.
“There is no place I would rather be, sweetheart. Being here with you, as you bring our little girl into the world. I should be thanking you.”
Carrie was now eight centimeters dilated, and it was really taking a toll on her body. The pain was becoming more than she could handle, and the frequency with which the contractions were coming was unrelenting.
She and Harrison were laying on her bed and Harrison was talking her through another excruciating contraction. She looked up at him and there were tears in her eyes.
“I need to push. My body wants to push.” she cried to him.
“You can’t push yet, it’s not time.” Harrison tried to soothe her, but knew his attempts weren’t much use. “How about I tell you a story to keep your mind off of pushing? How does that sound?”
“Fine, I’m willing to try anything at this point.”
“Do you know how beautiful you looked our wedding day? You looked like an angel, and I could have sworn I had died and gone to heaven. It took everything in me not to burst into tears. I know you wouldn’t have minded, but I have a reputation to maintain.” He shot her a wink, and she chuckled.
It didn’t last though. Another contraction made it’s way through Carrie’s body. “I need to push, Harrison.”
“Wait how about that time you made Mark parade around set in your white jumpsuit from Empire. That was pretty damn funny, and I still have the pictures for blackmail. Oh or the floral robe!  That was a good one. Still think you should have forced him to put on the bikini. Imagine the kind of shit I could hold over his head for that.” Harrison snickered to himself, but Carrie couldn’t do much more than pant.
Harrison was getting worried about how hard this was on her body. She was a small woman, and the kid wasn't taking it easy on her. He hoped like hell that this would be over soon.
It was finally time for Carrie to push. There new doctor, Dr. Neal, who would be their child’s pediatrician was at the end of the bed. The kind man was all to willing to help when he noticed Harrison trying to explain to the nurse at the front desk the issues they had been having with Dr. Warren.
Joining Dr. Neal at the end of the bed was a nurse who was there to assist the doctor if necessary.
“Alright Carrie, it’s time for you to push.” Dr. Neal instructed her.
Carrie just shook her head. “I can’t. I can’t do it.” She tilted her head back to look at Harrison who was sitting behind her. “I don’t know what I’m doing and I’m going to hurt our baby. I can’t do this. What were we thinking? I can’t do this.”
Carrie was becoming hysterical and Harrison was trying to remain composed for her, but inside he was almost just as much of a mess as she was.
“Carrie, you are going to do great. You have already made it this far; I know you can do this.” Harrison reassured her running a hand through her sweat soaked hair. “Now on three you are going to push until the count of ten.”  he told her.
Carrie just nodded, trying to follow her husband’s guidance. “One… two… three.”
Carrie pushed and the pain she was feeling was like someone set her vagina ablaze. Once Harrison and Dr. Neal reached ten, Carrie stopped pushing and fell back against her husband.
“Good, that was great. Now when the next contraction hits, do that again. Alright sweetheart. It shouldn’t be much longer.” Harrison whispered into his wife’s ear. He wanted this to be over soon, because he knew it was all becoming too much for the both of them.
Carrie pushed through several more contractions, and there was no major progress. The baby’s position was still high and seemed to want to be stubborn like her parents.
“I can’t do this anymore, nothing is working.” Carrie cried, exhausted. She felt like her body wasn’t doing what she needed it to do, and she just wanted the baby to be out already.
“Come on sweetie, you are doing fantastic. Just a few more pushes.” Harrison told her, trying to lift her spirits.
Several contractions later the baby was finally crowning. Carrie gave another strenuous push and she heard to doctor inform them that the head was out.
“Amazing job Princess, she’s almost here.” She could hear the tears in Harrison’s voice
She had never felt pain like this before in her life, and she wasn’t sure how she was going to push out the rest of the baby after this. She was so tired, all of this felt impossible.
“One more big push and you’re done.” Dr. Neal told her.
Carrie gave it one final, unrelenting push, and she felt an absolutely searing pain as though she were being split in two by the baby’s shoulder blades as she did so. She then felt the rest of the baby slip free into the waiting world.
After a moment, she and Harrison heard their baby’s first cries fill the room.
“It’s a girl!” Dr. Neal said with a smile on his face.
Both parents gave in fully to the tear of joy they had been holding back as they saw their little girl for the first time.
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animationnut · 6 years
Piece By Piece: Final Chapter
Fandom: Red vs. Blue Rating: T (to be safe) Summary: Platonic Soulmate AU. Grif spent most of his life without soulmarks. He tried to convince himself that he didn’t care. He had his sister. She was more than enough. After all, what were the odds he would find his soulmates in the army? 
                                                     First Chapter
                                                   Previous Chapter
The morning light filtered through the gauzy curtains of the infirmary. It seemed ludicrous to Grif that the thick, bullet-proof glass was draped with such decorative cloth, but he supposed there had to be some cheer existing in the middle of a war. He wasn’t usually awake to catch the first rays of sunlight. But he could make out the yellow splashing across the tiled floor in ripples through the thin fabric of his blankets.
The only reason he was up at such an early hour was because he had an unshakeable desire to contact his sister. He had tried to ignore it, at first, tossing and turning restlessly until he finally surrendered. Dr. Grey was bustling around her office, moving so quietly Grif wouldn’t have known she was there if he hadn’t already been awake when she walked in. He called out to her and she was by his side immediately, ready to inspect whatever pain ailed him.
She wasn’t at all irritated when he requested her to bring him a tablet so he could call his sister. While most of the soldiers were discouraged from making personal calls due to the strict rules on outside communication, Kimball and Doyle had a soft spot for the Reds and Blues.
Dr. Grey returned ten minutes later with a slim black device. She warned him to keep quiet before disappearing back into her office. To avoid disturbing the few slumbering patients, Grif yanked the blankets over his head and hooked it to the metal bed post, creating a blanket fort.
Though it was morning on Chorus it was approaching afternoon where Kai was, though it didn’t really make a difference in the never-changing environment of Blood Gulch. “Yo bro!” she greeted enthusiastically, answering on the first ring of the video call. “Wassup?”
“Not much. Currently lying in the hospital wing after being shot in the neck.”
Not fazed in the slightest by this revelation, Kaikaiana said in awe, “Cool! Do you have a sweet scar?”
“I don’t know. Dr. Grey won’t let me take off the bandages. But I do have Carolina’s soulmark.”
He recounted the story for her and she listened with rapt attention. An envious glint shone in her eyes. “Lucky.”
Grif felt her longing and loneliness flow through their soul-link and he frowned. “Hey, don’t be like that. You’ll get Wash and Carolina’s soulmarks before you know it.”
“I don’t know about that,” she said with a raised brow. “You guys are taking forever to win this war.”
“Oh, please,” said Grif with a scoff. “I’d like to see you do better.”
“You’re on. I’ll be on the next plane.”
Though they had had this conversation several times, it was difficult to tell whether or not she was joking. Grif took the safe route by saying sharply, “Don’t even think about it. The second your ship comes into Chorus’ atmosphere Felix and Locus will have it shot down. If you happen to survive it and they figure out who you are…”
He didn’t continue, as imagining what the two mercenaries would do to Kai if they ever got a hold of her was too unpleasant to contemplate. Sensing she had agitated him, which she usually took joy in, Kai felt sheepish.
“I know, I know. It just sucks. You left me here all alone.”
Flinching at that, for Kai still harboured genuine hurt for being left behind, Grif could only shrug. “I’m sorry, Kai, but you know there wasn’t anything we could do. Command gave us orders and…well, I’m pretty sure the consequences of disobeying Command are pretty rough.”
“You could have at least told me where you were going,” said Kai with a huff.
“I did,” said Grif. “I told you we were going to Rat’s Nest.”
Kai blinked at him, the corners of her lips turning down slightly. “Ooh. That’s a place? I thought you were making fun of my hair.”
“That explains why you punched me,” muttered Grif, the memory of Kai unexpectedly decking him in the face bringing back a phantom pain.
“Lemme see.”
Kai had a tendency to jump rapidly between subjects in a conversation. Grif paused to mentally backtrack before coming upon what she might be referring to. “What, Carolina’s soulmark?”
Grif lifted the edge of his blanket, careful not to unhook it, and peeked out. Some patients were awake while others slept on. Dr. Grey would be out soon to make her rounds, but Grif doubted she would check on him. She had already given him a clean bill of health—the extra twenty-four hours of hospital stay was a precaution more than anything else.
“Fine,” he said, letting the blanket fall back into place. “But if Dr. Grey catches me, I’m blaming it on you.”
He rested the tablet against his knees and picked at the white bandages wrapped around his neck. Kai watched with eager eyes as he peeled it slowly off of his skin, eventually revealing the cyan handprint curled around his neck.
“How did it feel?” she asked.
“Nice try,” said Grif with a smirk. “You’re going to have find that one out for yourself.”
Kai flashed him a rude gesture that caused him to break into laughter. The blanket was suddenly ripped away and Grif’s laughter turned into a startled scream, instinctively flinging the tablet at the figure who had intruded upon his space.
Tucker grunted and stumbled backwards as the tablet slammed into his chest before clattering to the floor. “Ouch! What the hell, man?”
Dr. Grey strode into the infirmary, radiating displeasure. “What did I just say?” she asked frostily.
“We were quiet as a mouse with socks on!” protested Sarge. “He’s the one jumpin’ like a jackrabbit!”
Dr. Grey’s eyes zeroed in on Grif, specifically the exposed wound on his neck. “And what do you think you’re doing?”
Recoiling at the dangerous tone, Grif said meekly, “It’s not my fault. My sister wanted to see it.”
Clicking his tongue, Dr. Grey grabbed fresh bandages and rewrapped the wound, using a bit more force than necessary. When she was finished, she regarded the observing group and said, “Like I said, you are welcome to stay, but you must. Be. Quiet.”
“Yes ma’am!” they chorused.
Lips forming a fond smile behind her helmet, Dr. Grey made an ‘I’m watching you’ gesture before starting her work for the day. His heartbeat returning to normal, Grif gave Tucker’s stomach a shove. “What is wrong with you?” he snapped.
“What’s wrong with you?” returned Tucker with a laugh. “Irritated that I interrupted private time?”
“You’re disgusting. How did you convince Dr. Grey to let you all in here?”
“She is a nice lady,” replied Caboose.
“She is,” agreed Simmons. “And soulmates have priority visiting.”
“Yeah, but there’s also a cap at three visitors at a time,” said Grif. “Isn’t that why you came to see me in pairs yesterday?”
“Yeah, but only because we weren’t sure if she’d let all of us in at once while you were recovering,” said Donut, easing himself into the chair by Grif’s bed. “Once you were better, she said we could all see you when visiting hours were open!”
“Turns out she’s never had a patient with eleven soulmates before,” said Doc in amusement.
Kai was an absence they did not miss, especially for Washington and Carolina, who were astutely aware of the unfilled yellow mark on their bodies. Remembering that he had been mid-conversation with Kai before Tucker unintentionally scared him, Grif cursed.
“Kai—damn it, Tucker.”
Washington bent down and retrieved the tablet. “Nice reflexes, by the way.”
“Thanks,” said Grif, accepting the device.
“If only you moved that fast everyday,” said Sarge with a sneer.
“Oh, shut up.” The tablet began to trill and it was Grif’s turn to answer on the first ring. “Sorry Kai. Tucker’s an asshole.”
He flipped the tablet around so she got a clear picture of their soulmates huddling near his cot. Brown eyes sparkling, Kai said cheerfully, “My babes! What’s up?”
“Trying and failing to keep your brother out of trouble,” replied Church, flickering over Caboose’s shoulder.
“Aw, that’s nothing,” said Kai dismissively. “We’ve been in worse scrapes when we were kids.”
“I don’t recall ever getting shot when I was a kid,” said Grif flatly.
“No, but you did get run over by a motorcycle when you gave that dude the finger.”
“Oh.” Grif’s brow furrowed. “I don’t really remember that.”
“You hit your head pretty hard. I had to take you to the hospital on the back of my bike. You left a trail of blood the entire way!” When the others gaped at them, Kai asked defensively, “What?”
“I know you guys had a wild childhood,” said Simmons in disbelief, “but seriously. How are you still alive?”
“Not a clue, dude,” said Grif.
“I’m amazed the base is still standing,” said Lopez flatly.
“Of course the base is still standing,” said Kai with a huff. She was the only one with the ability to fully understand Spanish, though she was awful at speaking it. “Well, one of them, anyway…”
“Wait, which one?” asked Church and Sarge in unison.
Apprehension crossing her features, Kai said hastily, “I don’t remember.”
“What do you mean you don’t remember?” demanded Church. “I swear, Sister, if you burned Blue Base to the ground—”
“I didn’t do anything,” interjected Kai. “One of the raves got a little out of hand, that’s all.”
“You’re still doing those?”
“Of course I am. A girl needs company! If I spend too much time alone, I’m going to go crazy.”
Kai tried to stay upbeat, but the sadness rose in her chest and settled like a heavy weight. She missed them and she knew they missed her.
“Don’t worry hon,” cooed Donut. “You’ll be here before you know it. Promise.”
“I know it’s hard. It’s hard for us too,” spoke Doc. “But we will reunite.”
“We definitely didn’t expect to be detoured for so long,” said Simmons regretfully. “We’ll make up for lost time.”
“Even if we have to soak this planet in the blood of our enemies, we’ll make sure this planet is safe for your arrival,” said Sarge gruffly.
“We will win this war,” said Tucker confidently. “You do have two more soulmarks to fill in, after all.”
“And you have two soulmates who can’t wait,” said Washington feelingly.
“Getting the chance to meet you face-to-face is part of what keeps me going,” said Carolina sincerely.
“What’s the other part?” asked Sarge with a smirk.
“Caboose,” deadpanned Carolina.
“Yay!” he cheered. “I’m her favourite!” Directing his attention back to Kai, he said earnestly, “We will have a party when you arrive!”
“I like parties,” said Kai, perking up. “Can there be alcohol and strippers?”
“Hell yeah,” said Tucker immediately.
“Hell no,” shot down Washington.
“Why are you such a cop?” asked Kai, disgruntled.
“I’m not a cop,” said Washington in exasperation.
“You sure act like one.”
“Sue me, I like order. Raves are the exact opposite of order.”
“They’re not that bad,” said Kai dismissively. “Sure, someone got a bit wild with the fireworks and set Red Base on fire—”
Sarge’s vicious swear caused Kai to cut herself off, a stricken expression on her face as she realized she accidentally spilled the beans. Simmons let out a horrified squawk while Donut lamented the loss of his perfectly decorated room. Lopez and Grif remained unaffected by this news, the latter rolling his eyes at yet another one of his sister’s antics.
“You careless useless tramp—” began Sarge furiously.
“It’s being rebuilt!” Kai said hastily. “Soon. I think. Uh, love you got to go!”
She hung up amongst Sarge’s rambling and Church’s hysterical laughter. Caboose gave a despaired Simmons an encouraging pat on the shoulder. “Don’t worry. I can help you paint when we get back!”
“That’s the last time we leave her alone,” grumbled Sarge.
“Oh well,” sighed Donut, resting his chin against his hand. “It’s always good to redecorate every once in a while.”
“Sucks to be you,” snickered Tucker.
At the scowl on Sarge’s weathered face, Grif smirked and said, “She apologized.”
“She’s real torn up about it,” he scoffed.
Indeed, Kai’s amusement hummed through their soul-links, remorse over the accidental destruction of Red Base non-existent. Grif settled back against his pillows, the grin spreading across his face as love, affection and ire rolled through him. The soulmarks on his body seemed brighter in the fluorescent lighting, standing out proudly against his skin.
Church could not stop laughing at Sarge’s misfortune and Dr. Grey, brimming with exasperation, kicked them all out. They bid Grif farewell, with the promise to see him later on in the evening, and departed quickly under Dr. Grey’s supervision.
Grif felt them, all of them, their emotions humming through him. It was the best sensation in the world, to have what no one else did. To be permanently linked with his eleven soulmates, to experience their negativity and positivity, and be so emotionally attached that it was sometimes difficult to bear.
He felt whole. He felt completed. And it had been worth every second of anxious, desperate, torturous waiting.
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