#nexo knights merlock
starrbee · 1 month
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A small Nexo Knights peice I did
I love this show, and have already read most of the fanfics that caught my eye, and that feels terrible (I have SO many tabs open.) but truly Jestro, Clay and Robin have captured my heart so I might make some art of them on stream tomorrow...
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Merlock then proceeded to never tell him
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I wrote 3,4k of Moorington family angst centered around Merlock finding Clay as an orphan. Voila.
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spicyicymeloncat · 2 years
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Have some nexo designs.
They’re kinda lazy just bc I’m tired lol. I didn’t properly colour the knights bc armour is so tedious man. (I didn’t even colour clay’s book oops!) But yeah nexooooooo knights!
Edit: forgot to clean up the pattern in Ava Oof
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knightly-bastard · 2 years
I made a concept doodle for Swap season 3-4 Clay/Merlock and-
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I think this is hilarious
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figs-oliomedley · 1 year
Lance Richmond was flanderized since Episode 1 and I’m kinda miffed about it
Lance fans I’m calling you out, tell me all his redeeming moments, every time he made a peasant joke I immediately forgot them all
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nervouswreckhere · 2 years
my favorite half-siblings, wana and merlie! 
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[click on the pic for a better resolution]
i am still learning how to draw beards so merlok will not grow his beard out until i get better at it 
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stellarwaffles · 2 years
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This is how Ava finds out she’s the green ninja in my Nexo Ninja au
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yoshimickster · 1 year
Okay so...Merlock is...just a wizard version of Sensei Wu right? Friggin Lego.
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rashobeast · 2 months
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S5 JESTRO!! Finally finished this after 2 weeks of procrastination. I drew my headcanons for s5 jestro for my silly au/fan season/ headcanons for nexo knights. Basically at some point during s3/4 Jestro finds out he is distantly related to Monstrux which is why Monstrux was so determined to use Jestro as his scheming buddy. Magic in thr Nexo Knights universe is a genetic thing- you either have it or you dint and genes can also play a role in what type of magic you can use. Monstrux comed from a long line of necromancy and while necromancy itself isn't inherently 'evil', it can become evil. Nexo magic is kind of like an anti evil. It can be used to clense evil magic of its negative energy. Although with the forbidden powers it can be corrupted, although this is hard to do.
In s5 Jestro begins to practice his own form of necromancy, which im thinking his little monster fellas could be like puppets and ventriloquism?? Since Monstrox zapped him it kinda activated his magical abilities like Clay. But cuz of his previous corruptions it's still kinda evil on its own. He and Clay combine their magics together and wait for it... Nexomancy!! Clays magic can be controlled without using a weapon or a staff etc but Jestro uses an old staff he and Merlock found when they were researching the origins of necromancy. He doesnt have a shield because he didn't actually graduate from the Knights Academy but after he proves to knights that he doesn't want to be evil any more he becomes an Honorary Nexo Knight. Yes this is literally just me brainrotting Jestro being magic WHAT OF IT?? HES MY FAVOURITE CHARACTER SO I GET TO DO WHAT I WANT WITH HIM!!!
Also Jestros little family crest is a crow. He doesn't actually have an official one cuz orphan and he don't wanna be associated with Monstrux- he already has a few of his characteristics e.g sharp teeth and cat-like eyes. Clay designs him a family crest when he finds out Jestro is gonna be made an Honorary Knight. Why a crow? Crows can symbolise transformation and change, which is kinda symbolic of him changing himself froma villain to helping the knights. Also crows are often associated with death and evil which i think kinda resembles his magic in a way (necromancy is associated with death). Also Claystro both have matching bird crests yayy!!!
Probably will ramble about this au more in future/when i actually have a solid plan for a plot and ruina/clay lore figured out cuz IDK!!
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starrbee · 1 month
I need more images of merlock drawn over those wizard memes.
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Imagine if merlock adopted clay instead of just letting his nephew be an orphan
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Posting this without a comment before Ao3 auto deletes my only draft. Ok Byeee.
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spicyicymeloncat · 2 years
Ohhh man. I just finished nexo knights. Goddamn that sure was something. There’s definitely a lot of potential in this show and it’s a shame it wasn’t renewed. Expect doodles later!
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knightly-bastard · 2 years
Nexo Knights Swap Au?
This is my personal take on a Nexo Knight swap au as I REALLY love swap aus in all the fandoms i’m in. However I just wanted to keep all the characters personalities the same, I don’t see that much unfortunately, maybe I don’t look hard enough idk.
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Monstrox obviously swaps with Merlock, I like to think of this Monstrox more of a dad to Jestro here. Kinda he just found this little jester and decided to adopt him as his own. He probably is still feared across the kingdom due to his pervious use of necromancy and dark magic. In order to not be banished, he had to renounce his old ways and to not use this kind of magic again. He may break the rules a bit just to play some pranks though, typical chaotic Monstrox fashion. Though due to his vow, he can’t summon his monster children, so he has to talk to them in their little book prison. That’s till Merlock was free...or whatever Merlock is at this time. Basically stealing the monsters and uses them against the kingdom.
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Merlock probably turns cruel due to corruption a very long time ago. Monstrox while being immune to the horrid effects of necromancy, Merlock wasn’t and he ended up becoming evil. I don’t know what Monstrox trapped him in, right now i’m thinking like a sword or something due techcaliber, and all his magic is split up in some evil crystals that they have to break open...idk. Like canon Monstrux, the dude emotionally manipulates Clay into thinking he will never be worth it as a knight.
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Clay and Jestro are swapped, however Clay is still a wannabe knight and Jestro is still a jester of some sorts. Jestro only wears armor cause Monstrox is a little protective, the dude juggles weapons for pete’s sake. He is still the nervous wreck like he always was, however he had to take a stand once clay became evil. He became a knight in order to protect the kingdom/ save his friend. He ended up becoming the leader of the nexo knights somehow, probably by some knowledge about battle formations Clay often rants about.
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Something terrible most likely happened during graduation (I have no ideas for it) that caused Clay to turn to the dark side. Probably something so bad that made him feel dishonorable and not deserving to be a knight, not deserving to have his shield. He ended up running off and eventually found whatever Merlock is. If I do keep the sword thing its probably going to be like the whole thing with Dark Choco cookie (if you are a cookie run fan, you’ll know what i’m talking about). With him as a villian, he’ll fight the knights head on way more often. I’ll probably do the other knights soon enough, this is what I wanted to doodle today
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