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mydecorative · 2 years ago
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How To Choose The Right Windows And Doors For Your Home
Windows and doors play a crucial role in a home's functionality, style, and energy efficiency. Choosing the right windows and doors for your home can seem like a daunting task, with so many options available. This article will discuss choosing the right windows and doors for your home and offer tips for making the right choice.
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clear-spectrum-windows · 2 days ago
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See the difference new windows make! Upgrade your home with stylish, energy-efficient windows that brighten your space and boost curb appeal. Ready for a transformation? Let’s make it happen!
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westeckwindows · 1 year ago
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This week in Westeck News - Window and Door Retrofit Grants from the Government of Canada
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timshandyman · 2 years ago
Window Replacement in Braintree: Save Money and Improve Your Home's Energy Efficiency
Looking for a window replacement company in Braintree, MA? We offer a wide variety of windows to choose from, including vinyl, wood, and aluminum. Our team of experienced installers will ensure that your new windows are installed properly and professionally. Contact Tim's Handyman today for a free consultation!
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greedskill · 2 years ago
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WhatsApp unveils a brand new Windows client with improved call features.
WhatsApp has today launched the latest version of its Windows client which it claims brings enhancements in performance as well as better call features.
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mod-realty-okc · 2 years ago
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Spring is the perfect time to breathe new life into your home, and revamping your windows can be the perfect way to do it. If you’ve been dealing with drafty windows all winter, then you know how much of an improvement new windows could make in your quality of life. In addition to saving your money on energy bills, windows can also extend the life of your air conditioning and heating units. The savings definitely add up. Plus, buyers always love to see that a home has new, energy efficient windows, so revamping your windows is a win for you now and a win for later when you go to sell! Want more tips like this? Make sure to hit that follow button! . . . #windows #newwindows #kitchenremodel #designonabudget #designtips #homeupdate #weekendproject #homeproject #designgoals #homedesigntrends #homeownerhacks #cleanhome #cleanhomehappyhome #homemaintenancetips #PDSA #householdtips #modrealtyok #okcrealestate #okcrealtor #edmondrealestate #edmondrealtor #edmondokhomes #sellingokc #buyingokc #oklahomarealestate #buyingandselling #wannabuyahouse #okcliving #okclife (at Edmond, Oklahoma) https://www.instagram.com/p/CprCIRptV8M/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kjosy · 2 years ago
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We made it through the month of December in #minnesota without using the furnace! #newwindows and #newfireplace #energyefficiency (at Saint Louis Park, Minnesota) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnsAiAqJEuS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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miskmask · 2 years ago
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Nieuwe etalage met kleding van @juffrouw_nientje72 , @kiesfleurigfranka en @miskmask www.miskmask.nl #handmade #uniek #newwindow #steentilstraat46-1 #groningencity @miskmaskconceptstore @lutjelokaal https://www.instagram.com/p/CqN1cyNNnT1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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iamkenlee-blog · 2 years ago
유진 산도 & 밥 호프만
요즘 피트니스 클럽에는 첨 봐선 어떻게 쓰는지도 헷갈리는, 기기묘묘하게 생기고 비싸 보이는 장비가 가득하지만 '보디빌딩'을 '육체미'라 불렀던 예전엔 덤벨과 바벨이 있었을 뿐이다. 'Dumb = 啞 = 벙어리', 'Bell = 鈴 = 종'이다. 백과사전에는 수백 년 전 유럽에서 체력 단련을 위해 다양한 크기로 제작한 종을 활용했는데 소리가 나면 시끄러우니까 딸랑거리는 걸 제거했기 때문에 '덤벨 = 벙어리종 = 아령'이 된 거. 이게 관습으로 굳어지면서 종과는 무관한 케틀벨, 메이스벨, 바벨 등등에도 벨이 붙어 버렸다. 케틀벨은 페르시아에서 기원해 현대 러시아에서 도입해 세계에 알려졌고, 메이스벨은 인도에서 가다(Gada)라고 하며 사실은 유구한 역사가 있는 체력 단련 도구다. 바벨은 19세기 중반 조지 베이커 윈드쉽(George Baker Windship)이란 인물이 모래나 쇠구슬을 넣어 무게를 조절하는 방식으로 처음 발명했다. 오늘날 이런 장비를 이용한 운동법은 크게 역도와 보디빌딩으로 나눌 수 있다. 하지만 19세기엔 이런 구별이 있었을 리가 없다.
https://www.google.com/search?q=Eugen+Sandow&newwindow=1&tbm=isch "Eugen Sandow"
보디빌딩 역사에 유진 산도(Eugen Sandow, 독일식 발음은 '��이겐 산도프)란 인물이 나온다. 이분 경력을 보면 서커스단 소속이었던 시기가 있었다. ('유진 산도'도 이 시기에 쓴 예명이다.) 아마도 괴력을 선보이는 일종의 차력쇼 같은 걸 하신 듯. 그런데 정작 관객의 시선은 유진 산도 배에 선명한 씩스팩에 쏠렸던 것. 본인도 이걸 인지했는지 현재 남아 있는 사진 중에는 무지막지한 덤벨이나 메이스벨을 들고 있는 정상적(!)인 거 외에 나뭇잎으로 주요 부위만 가린 채 개폼 잡고 찍은 야시꾸리한 것도 꽤 있다. 당연히 아나볼릭 스테로이드가 발명되기 전이기 때문에 요즘 보디빌더처럼 거대한 몸은 아니다.
역도는 바벨 발명과 함께 생긴 종목이므로 의외로 역사가 길지 않다. 밥 호프만(Bob Hoffman)이 큰 영향을 끼친 인물로 나온다. 1932년에 설립한 요크 바벨(York Barbell, 본사가 미국 펜실베니아 요크에 있음)을 설립해 장비의 표준화를 이끌었기 때문. 또 '힘과 건강(Strength & Health)'이라는 잡지를 창간한 수완 좋은 사업가였다.
나는 바벨 운동을 좋아하긴 해도 정식으로 역도를 배운 적은 없고, (=기회가 없어서) 보디빌딩은 (춤과 마찬가지로 타고난 몸 비율이 좋지 않아서) 관심 밖이다. 요즘 이쪽 운동하는 애들은 소위 "3대"라고 하는 벤치프레스 + 데드리프트 + 백스콰트를 합해 몇 킬로를 들어 올리는지에 집착하는 것 같다. 나는 몸공부하는 사람으로서 고중량 + 저반복에 역행하는 저중량 + 고반복 운동을 한다. 나이 먹을수록 근파워라는 게 얼마나 덧없는지를 알았고, 상대적으로 지구력(=근력 + 호흡)이 훨씬 실용적이란 걸 깨달았기 때문이기도 하고, 몸공부가 체(體)와 용(用)의 균형 및 조화를 추구한다는 점에서도 그렇다. '역도 = 힘', '보디빌딩 = 몸매'라면 '저중량 + 고반복'은 이도 저도 아닌 어정쩡한 거라 상업성이 없다. 하지만 환갑, 칠순에도 골골대지 않고 잘 살기 위한 '생존 운동법'이라고 확신함.
문득 두 사람의 출생년도가 궁금해 검색하니 유진 산도는 1867년생, 밥 호프만은 1898년생이다. 분야는 다르지만 '알렉산더 테크닉'으로 알려진 F.M.알렉산더는 1869년생, 필라테스를 만든 조셉 필라테스는 1883년생으로 ���두 다 19세기 사람이다. '근대'는 유럽 놈들 관점에서 나온 용어이긴 하지만 어렴풋하게나마 '현대가 오기 전 여명기'라는 느낌이 있는 것도 사실. 내가 음으로 양으로 영향받은 운동법들이 알고보면 근대의 문화 유산이었던 거...
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dibelonious · 15 days ago
It's scary when artificial intelligence starts to solve the most complex Civil service exam questions with 100% accuracy and also explaining how to do it. In the near future, it is clear that artificial intelligence will do the work of public servants, including in positions of high responsibility, simply because it's much faster and precise. https://www.google.com/search?q=artificial+intelligence+in+public+sector&newwindow=1
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mydecorative · 2 years ago
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Eight Reasons Why You Need New Windows
There's a good chance that your home needs new windows. When you have older windows, it might be wise to upgrade for a number of different reasons. Double-hung windows can help to make your home look much nicer overall. Read on to learn about eight reasons why you need new windows.
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adrl-pt · 2 months ago
Revolution Isn’t the Same as Civil War. Navalny Memorial in Lisbon. Electricity Aid for Ukraine.
You are watching news from the weekly rally at the Russian Embassy in Lisbon. Today is November 9, 2:30 PM.
Discussions continue about the future of Russia and potential paths to regime change.
On November 4, public figure Mikhail Khodorkovsky addressed fears surrounding the term "revolution" in Russian society on his channel, explaining why revolution does not equate to civil war. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3eGDh8I0g8
The same day, journalist Dmitrii Nizovtsev on the "Navalny LIVE" channel discussed issues of regional exploitation and suppression by the federal government. In the video, civil activist Lana Pylaeva from Komi clarified that decolonization—dismantling the hierarchy between Moscow and the regions—should not be mistaken for separatism. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yzckQ4Tn-Y
On November 2, in Iran, student Ahoo Daryaei protested persecution by stripping down to her underwear. Kian Habibian, co-founder of "We Are Iranian Students," shared details of the event with France 24 English. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ra_fbW4OcS0
Ahoo’s bold act inspired artists; you can find drawings featuring a girl in purple underwear. https://www.google.com/search?newwindow=1&q=%22%D8%A2%D9%87%D9%88+%D8%AF%D8%B1%DB%8C%D8%A7%DB%8C%DB%8C%22&udm=2
On November 12, at 9 AM, a memorial honoring Alexei Navalny will open in Lisbon at Rua Visconde de Santarém 71. Through his optimism and unwavering resolve, Navalny brought hope for a peaceful and democratic future to millions of Russians. We want his legacy of "not giving up" to inspire the eventual overthrow of Russia's fascist dictatorship. https://www.facebook.com/events/541622821913362/
Join us at this memorial on November 17 at 11 AM. We will march to Restauradores Square to the music of anti-war Russian musicians, then hold a rally against Putin, against the war, and in solidarity with Ukraine. This march stands with Russians opposing the regime, Ukrainians fighting the evil we failed to restrain, and political prisoners, detained Ukrainian soldiers, and civilians whom the Putin regime tortures and kills. https://www.facebook.com/events/985159740036440/
Our events are not for self-promotion or profit; we aim to support and encourage Russian activism against Putinism. Join us—success requires our numbers to increase a hundredfold.
On November 7, the UK Foreign Office announced its largest sanctions package since May 2023, targeting key components of Russia’s military-industrial complex. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/uk-strikes-at-heart-of-putins-war-machine
With most of Ukraine’s energy infrastructure damaged by Russian forces, this winter promises to be challenging. Anti-war activists in Spain have sourced portable power stations, officially requested by Ukrainian hospitals and schools, at wholesale prices. Together with associations in other countries, we’re raising the 100,000 euros needed. Time is short; temperatures are already dropping below freezing at night in Ukraine. https://antiwarcommittee.info/en/energy-for-life/
Please also support the Emile Foundation, formerly Orphans Feeding Foundation, which works to return Ukrainian children abducted by Russian authorities. https://www.every.org/orphans-feeding-foundation/f/help-us-return-the-deported
Proofs and links are in the description. Subscribe and help!
Schedule of our activities, 11 social networks in 3 languages and much more on our website: https://adrl.pt/en
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fortunewindows1 · 10 months ago
Why calcium carbonate is used in uPVC profiles
Why calcium carbonate is used in uPVC profiles
Calcium carbonate is commonly used in UPVC (Unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride) profiles for several reasons:
Cost-effective: Calcium carbonate is an inexpensive filler material, which helps reduce the overall production cost of UPVC profiles.
Strength and stiffness: It enhances the mechanical properties of UPVC, making the profiles more rigid and durable.
Heat resistance: The addition of calcium carbonate improves the UPVC profiles’ ability to withstand high temperatures without deforming or losing structural integrity.
Dimensional stability: Calcium carbonate helps in minimizing shrinkage and expansion of UPVC profiles during manufacturing and when exposed to varying environmental conditions.
Processing benefits: It aids in the extrusion process, improving the ease of manufacturing and maintaining consistent product quality.
Calcium carbonate plays a crucial role in the production of uPVC profiles, and its use in this context offers several benefits. Fortune Windows, a leading manufacturer in the industry, understands the significance of incorporating calcium carbonate into their uPVC profiles.
One primary reason for using calcium carbonate is its ability to enhance the physical properties of uPVC profiles. By adding calcium carbonate as a filler material, it increases the stiffness and strength of the final product. This makes uPVC profiles more durable and resistant to deformation, ensuring they can withstand various environmental conditions.
Additionally, calcium carbonate helps improve the thermal stability of uPVC profiles. It acts as a heat stabilizer by reducing heat transfer within the material. This property is especially important when it comes to applications where uPVC profiles are exposed to high temperatures or direct sunlight.
Furthermore, calcium carbonate aids in achieving cost-effectiveness without compromising quality. As a widely available and cost-efficient material, it allows manufacturers like Fortune Windows to produce uPVC profiles at competitive prices while maintaining excellent performance standards.
purchasing uPVC windows from Fortune Windows is a wise decision for your home. uPVC windows provide a range of advantages that improve the comfort, toughness, and aesthetic appeal of your home, including exceptional quality, energy efficiency, low maintenance, sound insulation, and customization options. uPVC windows have several advantages over outmoded window materials. Find the best uPVC windows and doors near by to make your home a chic, environmentally friendly sanctuary.
For more information about our products and services, please visit our website at
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contact us at : 091166 31603 Message Fortune on WhatsApp.
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rooferscorkcity · 11 months ago
Roofers Cork City: A Comprehensive Overview of Ireland's Premier Roofing Company
Roofers Cork City stands as a beacon of excellence in the roofing industry, boasting a rich legacy of 20 years of experience in delivering top-notch roofing solutions to clients across Cork and its surrounding areas. As the leading roofing company in Cork, they have earned the trust of customers by specializing in roof replacement and new roofs for diverse property types. Here, we delve into the details of what makes Roofers Cork City the epitome of reliability, professionalism, and quality craftsmanship.https://rooferscorkcity.ie/
Phone021 237 7809AddressRoofers Cork City12 S Mall,Street,StateCork,ZipT12 RD43CountryIrelandGMBhttps://maps.app.goo.gl/HNwEeT2w4X7NCjMU8Google Business Sitehttps://roofers-cork-county.business.site/Google Maps CID URL-https://www.google.com/maps?cid=802352772264764500Embed a map URL -
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Roofers Cork, Roof Repairs, Roof replacement, Drone Roof Inspections, Flat roof repairs, Chimney repairs, Gutter repairs, Attic Insulation, Chimney Flashing, Commercial Roofing, Copper Lead Roofing, Epdm Roofing, Fibreglass Roof, Flat Roof Installations Repairs, Gutter Cleaning, Gutter repairs, Roof Installations, Roof Restoration, Skylight Installation, Skylight Windows, Slate Roofing, Tile Roofing, Emergency Roof Repair, Roofing Services CorkKeyword
Roofers Cork, Roof Repairs, Roof replacement, Drone Roof Inspections, Flat roof repairs, Chimney repairs, Gutter repairs, Attic Insulation, Chimney Flashing, Commercial Roofing, Copper Lead Roofing, Epdm Roofing, Fibreglass Roof, Flat Roof Installations Repairs, Gutter Cleaning, Gutter repairs, Roof Installations, Roof Restoration, Skylight Installation, Skylight Windows, Slate Roofing, Tile Roofing, Emergency Roof Repair, Roofing Services Cork
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rehearsallsforreasoning · 1 year ago
https://www.google.com/search?newwindow=1&sca_esv=601903426&q=rehearsallsforreasoning&nfpr=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj87OSsx_yDAxVmUaQEHZSuBSIQvgUoAXoECAgQAw&biw=1280&bih=577&dpr=1.5                War - The World Is a Ghetto 1972 Full Album (my vinyl collection)
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sema-69 · 1 year ago
Discover the transformative power of new windows through our expert installation, enhancing the aesthetics and functionality of your space. #NewWindows #HomeRenovation
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