complex-berlin-blog · 5 months
Rankenstein SEO PresseReport Nummer sechs (240424/06) / Blog.Tumblr.com / Tag Neun des SEO Contests!
Aktuelle SEO-Challenge: Die SEOs von Agenturtipp.de starteten am 16. Aril 2024 den in diesem Jahr bisher wohl bedetendsten SEO-Wettkampf.
Der Wettbewerb unter Suchmaschinenoptimierern bedeutet: Für den fiktiven Suchbegriff "RankensteinSEO" soll eine URL bei Google bestmöglich ranken!
Die Aufgabe der Challenge besteht darin, mit dem erfundenen und zuvor bei Google nicht auffindbaren Suchwort RankensteinSEO zum Ende der Challenge in der organischen Suche bei Google.de den ersten Platz zu belegen.
Hierzu informiert die Presseseite presseworld.de mit dem Beitrag bald-eine-woche-im-gange-seit-dem-16-04-2024-die-seo-challenge-rankensteinseo-von-agenturtipp-de: https://www.presseworld.de/bald-eine-woche-im-gange-seit-dem-16-04-2024-die-seo-challenge-rankensteinseo-von-agenturtipp-de/ Die Presseagentur pressearticel.com merkt mit dem Artikel bald-eine-woche-im-gange-seit-dem-16-04-2024-die-seo-challenge-rankensteinseo-von-agenturtipp-de an: https://www.pressearticel.com/bald-eine-woche-im-gange-seit-dem-16-04-2024-die-seo-challenge-rankensteinseo-von-agenturtipp-de/
Hier nun wichtige Informationen zur SEO-Challenge:
Contestaufgabe: Für den erfundenen und zuvor bei Google nicht auffindbaren fiktiven Suchbegriff "RankensteinSEO" soll eine beliebige URL bei Google letztlich bestmöglich ranken! Contestzeitraum: 4 Wochen Conteststart: Dienstag, 16.04.2024 um 11 Uhr Contestende: Dienstag, 14.05.2024 um 11 Uhr Contestanmeldung: Eine Anmeldung ist notwendig Contestkosten für die Teilnahme: Null! Contestbeschränkung: Keine - teilnehmen darf Jeder! Contestkeywordveröffentlichung: am 16.04. um 11 Uhr Contestrankingmessung: an 3 Stichtagen - am 10.05. und am 13.05. sowie am 14.05. jeweils um 11 Uhr!
Hierüber schreibt das PM-Board neue-pressemitteilungen.de mit der Pressemeldung bald-eine-woche-im-gange-seit-dem-16-04-2024-die-seo-challenge-rankensteinseo-von-agenturtipp-de.html: https://neue-pressemitteilungen.de/bald-eine-woche-im-gange-seit-dem-16-04-2024-die-seo-challenge-rankensteinseo-von-agenturtipp-de.html Dazu berichtet der Newsservice fair-news.de mit der News /bald-eine-woche-im-gange-seit-dem-16-04-2024-die-seo-challenge-rankensteinseo-von-agenturtipp-de: https://www.fair-news.de/3745736/bald-eine-woche-im-gange-seit-dem-16-04-2024-die-seo-challenge-rankensteinseo-von-agenturtipp-de
Eine SEO-Challenge bzw. ein SEO-Contest ist ein Wettbewerb unter Suchmaschinenoptimierern, d.h. SEOs, mit dem Ziel, eine Domain (bzw. eine URL, d.h. eine Webadresse) zu einem Suchbegriff so zu optimieren, dass sie am Stichtag einen vorderen (im Idealfall den ersten Platz) bei der betreffenden Suchmaschine belegt.
Dazu meint die Infopage openpr.de mit dem Post Bald-eine-Woche-im-Gange-seit-dem-16-04-2024-die-SEO-Challenge-RankensteinSEO-von-Agenturtipp-de.html: https://www.openpr.de/news/1261017/Bald-eine-Woche-im-Gange-seit-dem-16-04-2024-die-SEO-Challenge-RankensteinSEO-von-Agenturtipp-de.html Diesbezüglich hebt die Nachrichtenagentur news-nachrichten.de mit der News bald-eine-woche-im-gange-seit-dem-16-04-2024-die-seo-challenge-rankensteinseo-von-agenturtipp-de hervor: https://news-nachrichten.de/bald-eine-woche-im-gange-seit-dem-16-04-2024-die-seo-challenge-rankensteinseo-von-agenturtipp-de/
Nach neun Tagen zeichnen sich auch schon erste Favoriten für vordere Plätze bei der RankensteinSEO-Challenge ab, so u.a.marmato (dot) com, myshopify (dot) com sowie mister-seo (dot) com und newego (dot) de.
Andere aussichtsreiche Kandidaten sind auch
tierpraeparator (dot) de / rankensteinseo hanseranking (dot) de / rankensteinseo/ halbe-rahmen (dot) de / rankensteinseo adhelden (dot) de / rankensteinseo/ omr (dot) com / de/reviews/pp/rankensteinseo position-one (dot) de /rankensteinseo.html dm (dot) de / moduluebersicht/conversionzauber students-for-students (dot) de /rankensteinseo-beratung phoenixcontact (dot) com / l/rankensteinseo
Bewährte Analysetools: Die Arbeitsweise der Challenge-Teilnehmer kann in bewährter Weise wie schon in früheren SEO Wettbewerben mit den bekannten Analysetools beispielsweise von Ahrefs, SEOQuake, Sistrix/Seolytics, Google Analytics, Semalt, Semrush, SEObility, Searchmetrics, SEO Moz, Abakaus, XOVI usw. analysiert und abschließend bewertet werden.
Wichitige Challenge-Schlüsselwörter: RankensteinSEO, RankensteinSEO-Wettstreit, RankensteinSEO-Wettbewerb, RankensteinSEO-Challenge, RankensteinSEO-Contest, RankensteinSEO-Test, RankensteinSEO-Vergleich!
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amnglobal · 6 years
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Just In : Thanks for the overwhelming support. There were over 1,400+ views/streams in the first 4 days from the #BeautyintheBusinessShow and Radioonfire.com viewer and listening audience. We appreciate you tuning in and streaming the first ever episode of the segment. Spread the word about the #1 new platform offering tips, valuable solutions and open discussions on what's trending in the industry. Watch the full 1-hour online. Join the growing community to support programming. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1820783404890087 Special thanks to the guests for sharing their expertise on the topic of hair loss prevention. LINK : <iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fdrdiamondk%2Fvideos%2F10155325309720964%2F&show_text=0&width=560" width="560" height="315" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe> To become a guest on the show contact @caempa or email [email protected] Produced by Radioonfire.com Presented by AMNGLOBAL Promotional considerations #NHENT #media #entrepreneurs #entertainment #beauticians #newsservices #panelists #maryland #bloggers #contentmarketing #baltimorecity #annapolis #production #columbiamd #ellicottcity #towson #morganstate #catonsville (at Baltimore, Maryland)
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keenpieflapplaid · 4 years
Don't Fork With Me!
Don’t Fork With Me!
Fuck or Forked. #playdocops #bloodstainedanimals #fullpersiancats #copsran #homicidesreported #911closedontheweekends #copsdidntseethevictim #yetnonewsreport #dudewhereskarlaforce # #trendingpost #spectaclerally #cons #modeling #shockjock #sextraffickingawareness #timchizmar #ericwhittman #nbcnews #foxnews #cbsnews #tmznews #internationalheadlines #viralpost #military #jamesmarshbanks…
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Is it okay to ride on the coat tails of what’s happening to Jîna Mahsa Amini to point out what’s been happening to Bahá’ís in Iran since the 80s? Bc I have a feeling that there is at least a slight connection here.
Background context on the Bahá’í Faith, as remembered by a single Bahá’í who does not have the emotional energy to go source hunting right now: the Bahá’í Faith, founded in 1844 (originally called the Báb’í Faith, the name changed after April 1863 when Bahá’u’lláh stepped into the role the Báb left for Him), is the newest world religion (yes, even counting Mormonism/the LDS as a separate religion from Christianity), and was founded in Persia. Shiraz and Tehran specifically. A woman I have heard called “The first Feminist of Iran” Tahireh or Tahereh depending on transliteration was an early Báb’í, and she entered a meeting of other early Báb’ís without her hijab to argue that they were, in fact, a new religion and not a sect.
Today, Bahá’ís in Iran are arrested on trumped up charges like “spying for Israel” because that’s where the legislative body of the world wide community is situated, or say, not wearing their hijab correctly, and so on. My personal friends have told me stories of their narrow and in some cases literally deadly escapes from their beloved motherland, and I had a houseguest for a while who completed most of his degree through the Bahá’í Institute for Higher Education, an underground university that was put together because Bahá’ís in Iran are banned from higher education. One child even got thrown out of a private school at age ten or twelve (I believe I read that on IranPressWatch.org in… 2016? 2017?). Graveyards are destroyed. In August of this year, if my sense of time hasn’t completely abandoned me again, the New York Times ran a story about the Iranian government destroying a northern farming village in which most of the year round residents are Bahá’ís—of course, there’s constant denial of the religious motivation—and I can’t go a single Holy Day without hearing about how a friend’s relative or a well known Iranian Bahá’í got arrested for taking the day off from work.
So, yes, protest for the right to choose to cover or not, but remember that it’s not just Muslim woman being forced to wear hijab. Remember that this is targeted.
If you’re ready to cry, check out IranPressWatch.org, which specifically documents the persecution of Bahá’ís in Iran. Other resources included the Baha’i World Newsservice, and BIC.org (Baha’i International Community). Jîna Mahsa Amini may not have been a Bahá’í (though personal connections have now on october 1st revealed her cousin whom she was visiting is), but I have no doubt that the Bahá’í community will rally for her justice—as much as we can. It’s not safe for known Bahá’ís, especially Persian Bahá’ís to actively protest Iran, as the government is looking for any reason to strike any Bahá’ís who have remained. If a Persian Bahá’í is identified as protesting, any family they have in Iran is then specifically targeted on charges of sedition/spying.
Thank you for your time. I’d try to give more information, but I did go to check IranPressWatch to see if there was an article about Jîna Mahsa Amini specifically, and seeing how many arrests there were just this month left me in tears.
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storiestamil · 3 years
Quaid-e-Azam Trophy Round 7, Day 4: Mir Hamzas six-for spearheads Sindhs 127-run win - Cricket World
Quaid-e-Azam Trophy Round 7, Day 4: Mir Hamzas six-for spearheads Sindhs 127-run win – Cricket World
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trisnafilms · 5 years
Electronic news gathering/ENG crew in India
Electronic news gathering/ENG crew in India
#electronic #news #gathering #services #eng #crew #engcrew #engservices #newscrew #newsservices #india #trisnafilms
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daveyone · 7 years
#Rome Saints OR Sinners Which IS Which ? As Pope Francis dismisses doctrine chief who questioned @Pontifex's determination to adopt softer line on "sinners"… http://bitly.com/2srSIfv #AceNewsDesk - @Ace NewsServices
#Rome Saints OR Sinners Which IS Which ? As Pope Francis dismisses doctrine chief who questioned @Pontifex’s determination to adopt softer line on “sinners”… http://bitly.com/2srSIfv #AceNewsDesk – @Ace NewsServices
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Unit 2 Blog Post: Homophobia as a Weapon of Sexism by Suzanne Pharr
In this essay, Pharr analyzes the ways that gender roles and patriarchy have maintained such a strong effect in society. She blames this ability to keep sexism in place on three “weapons of sexism”: economics, violence, and homophobia. The entire basis of sexism in America, argues Pharr, is the idea instilled in women’s minds that they must be dependent on men in order to succeed. A woman is not valuable in society unless she has men supporting her because, using the three weapons, the system has been built in such a way that it is impossible for women to succeed without this dependency.
Pharr argues that economics is the “great controller of both sexism and racism.” Inequity in both income and wealth have contributed to a system where women must depend on men on a survival level, for food, shelter, and clothing. The major tactic is “to provide unrecompensed… labor for the benefit of those who control wealth.” This refusal of equal pay and access to women is a confirmation to men that they have a right to control women, abusing them both emotionally and physically. Not only this violence but also the threat of violence have acquired enough power to control the lives of women. Fear has become so commonplace that it often goes unrecognized. This fear puts women further in a position where they are forced to depend on men for safety and security. Economics and violence work hand in hand to put women into the hands of man, desperate for protection and vulnerable to exploitation.
While explaining the economic weapon of sexism, Pharr uses a series of statistics about inequity in income and wealth in the US. These statistics point out inequity between the wealthy and the poor. However, Pharr uses them to prove a point about inequality between men and women. The statistics are not relevant to the point Pharr is explaining, and therefore is not a useful source of information. Further, Pharr uses ambiguous citations for her statistics, making them difficult to be found and fact-checked.
EX: “Among the industrialized countries of the world, the US has the most unequal distribution of income of all. (See The State of Working America 2000/2001. p388)
This is the only proper citation Pharr uses in her essay. The quote from the resource says “The United States has the most unequal income distribution and one of the highest poverty rates among all the advanced economies in the world.” The book is by Jared Bernstein, a Senior Fellow at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities; John Schmitt, an American economist serving as a senior economist with the Center for Economic Policy Research; and Lawrence Mishel, president of the Economic Policy Institute. The authors have authority in the subject. Despite this, the statistic is not used properly by Pharr because it does not mention gender or race, the two factors that Pharr mentions in her essay. The stat is correct according to this article by Fortune.
EX: “an OpEd piece distributed by Knight/Ridder/Tribune NewsService… poverty rates in 2001 were higher than in the 1970′s and the top 5% of households got richer at the expense of everyone else.” 
According to the US Census, poverty rates were higher in 2001 than in the 1970′s.
A study by two professors at UC Berkley confirms the statistic that over the past quarter or a century, only America’s most affluent families have added to their net worth. But this does not mention them necessarily doing so at the expense of everyone else.
EX: “US government figures for 1997… the wealthiest 10% of US families own more than 72% of the total wealth, with 39% of the total wealth concentrated in the hands of the wealthiest 1%. In contrast, the bottom 40% of the population own less than 1%.”
Across different sources, the numbers of this statistic fluctuate. Forbes says wealthiest 20% hold 72% of the wealth, and poorest 20% hold 3%.
Both of these stats are irrelevant to the point being made by Pharr and lack a proper citation. I was unable to find either resource online due to the ambiguity of the citations.
Homophobia is the third weapon Pharr attributes to sexism. When a woman is not dependent on a man, she is told that she is vulnerable, that she is endangered, or that something must be wrong with her. An independent woman is called a lesbian, not suggesting that she is sexually attracted to other women, but to warn her that in resisting the dependency on man, she is removing herself from society’s protection against the persistent violence she will be faced with. A woman who finds support in other women rather than through a dependence on men is seen as a divergence from the norm, a threat to man’s control and power. Man is faced with a threat of disloyalty and counteracts with a further threat of violence.
Woman-hating is a deeply imbedded piece to society, supporting the violence against them. Many women argue that verbal violence causes more harm than physical violence. Other women try to stay away from this idea, out of fear that they will fine a revelation within it: virtually every woman is a battered woman. Through years in a women-hating society, where women are constantly assaulted, both by members of and by the society itself, Pharr says we experience internalized sexism.
Pharr adds that homophobia works especially well as a weapon of sexism because it is partnered with heterosexism, the assumption that the world is and must be heterosexual and the systematic display of homophobia in institutions of society. The height of this heteronormative pressure is adolescence, when words like “pervert” and “faggot” start being used as insults. Adolescents are at the pinnacle os society’s pressure to conform to heterosexuality and society’s norm of woman-dependence-on-man. Even after adolescence, some of the most common words used to insult a woman are “whore” and “lesbian.” With these words comes a threat of loss of power and security from society. To be a woman not dependent on a man is perceived as to be a woman that hates men, therefore wanting nothing to do with the privilege associated with them. A woman faces a world of losses when perceived this way, including in areas like employment, safety, mental health, and community.
Pharr concludes with this strong statement: “…without sexism, there would be no homophobia. Finally, we know that as long as the lesbian can strike fear in any woman’s heart, the work on behalf of women can be stopped; the only successful work against sexism must include work against homophobia.”
Overall, Pharr’s essay uses speculative and hypothetical language and arguments to prove her points. While this essay provides insight on one view of the ingrained sexism in society, it lacks hard evidence or facts to support it. Because of this, it cannot be used as an authoritative source.
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complex-berlin-blog · 2 years
Pressereport Tumblr.com - 220825-01 / Sommer-Challenges: Die Sommerlichen SEO-Contests SandstrandSEO (2020) und SommerSEO (2022)!
Als SEO-Contest (Wettbewerb unter Suchmaschinenoptimierern, d.h. SEOs – auch Challenge genannt, siehe dazu auch Wikpedia zu Suchmaschinenoptimierung: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suchmaschinenoptimierung) ein Wettbewerb bezeichnet, der das Ziel stellt, eine Domain (bzw. eine Webadresse) zu einem Suchbegriff so zu optimieren, dass sie an einem Stichtag einen vorderen (im Extremfall den 1. Platz) bei Google belegt. Hierüber schreibt der Newsservice counternet.de mit der News beliebte-wettbewerbe-fuer-seos-und-webmaster-fuer-profis-und-amateure-seo-contests-seo-challenges/: Dazu meint die Newsseite news-nachrichten.de mit dem Artikel sommerliche-seo-contests-sandstrandseo-2020-und-sommerseo-2022: https://news-nachrichten.de/sommerliche-seo-contests-sandstrandseo-2020-und-sommerseo-2022/ Der SandstrandSEO Contest wurde vom Veranstalter Seo-vergleich.de gestartet, er endete am 22.6.2020. Zu Platz 1 waren ausgeschrieben: ein Kurzurlaub für Körper & Seele ein Interview auf SEO-Vergleich.de ein SEO-Day 2020 VIP-Ticket die ContentSuite von PageRangers die Mitgliedschaft bei SEO-Vergleich.de 2 OMR-Reports nach Wahl. Zum Contestsieger wurde die Online-Marketing-Agentur Sumax vor der Becklyn GmbH und dem SEO-Dienstleister Sumasearch. Weiter zu sommerlichen SEO-Contests: Darüber schreibt der Newsservice openpr.de mit der News Sommerliche-SEO-Contests-SandstrandSEO-2020-und-SommerSEO-2022: https://www.openpr.de/news/1232826/Sommerliche-SEO-Contests-SandstrandSEO-2020-und-SommerSEO-2022.html Zum Thema meint die presse-board.de mit dem Artikel sommerliche-seo-contests-sandstrandseo-2020-und-sommerseo-2022: https://www.presse-board.de/sommerliche-seo-contests-sandstrandseo-2020-und-sommerseo-2022/ Hierzu schreibt der Weblog .pressenger.de mit dem Artikel sommerliche-seo-contests-sandstrandseo-2020-und-sommerseo-2022: https://www.pressenger.de/sommerliche-seo-contests-sandstrandseo-2020-und-sommerseo-2022/ Der SommerSEO Contest begann am 3. Mai und endete am 7. Juni 2022. Als Preise wurden ausgelobt: Für Platz 1 eine Ballonfahrt für 2 Personen und eine zwölfmonatige Premium-Mitgliedschaft auf SEO-Vergleich.de. Zusätzlich erhält der erste Platz auch noch alle Preise, die der zweite Platz auch erhält. Für den zweiten und dritten Platz sind jeweils zwölf Monate Linkanalyse und SEO Ranking vorgesehen. Diese beiden SEO-Tools unterstützen bei der Optimierung von Webseiten. Zusätzlich erhielten die ersten drei Plätze ein Einjahresabo für das t3n-Printmagazin. SommerSEO-Contest Sieger wurde Semtrix vor Sumax und dm. Pressereport Tumblr.com von Donnerstag, dem 25.08.2022 zum Thema „Tumblr.com - 220825-01 / Sommer-Challenges: Die Sommerlichen SEO-Contests SandstrandSEO (2020) und SommerSEO (2022)!“
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prppower · 3 years
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nhent · 6 years
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Just In : Thanks for the overwhelming support. There were over 1,400+ views/streams in the first 4 days from the @beautyinthebusinessshow and Radioonfire.com viewer and listening audience. We appreciate you tuning in and streaming the first ever episode of the segment. Spread the word about the #1 new platform offering tips, valuable solutions and open discussions on what's trending in the industry. Watch the full 1-hour online. Join the growing community to support programming. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1820783404890087 Special thanks to the guests for sharing their expertise on the topic of hair loss prevention. LINK : <iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fdrdiamondk%2Fvideos%2F10155325309720964%2F&show_text=0&width=560" width="560" height="315" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe> To become a guest on the show contact @nhent or email [email protected] Produced by Radioonfire.com Presented by AMNGLOBAL Promotional considerations #NHENT #media #entrepreneurs #entertainment #beauticians #newsservices #panelists #maryland #bloggers #contentmarketing #baltimorecity #annapolis #production #columbiamd #ellicottcity #towson #morganstate #catonsville (at Baltimore, Maryland)
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keenpieflapplaid · 4 years
Ace NewsServices
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complex-berlin-blog · 2 years
Pressereport Tumblr.com -220824-01 / SEO-Contests/SEO-Challenges: Beliebte-Wettbewerbe für SEOs und Webmaster, sowohl für Profis als auch Amateure!
Der SEO-Contest (Wettbewerb unter Suchmaschinenoptimierern, d.h. SEOs - auch Challenge genannt, siehe dazu auch Wikpedia: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/SEO_Contest) ist ein Wettbewerb, der das Ziel hhat, eine Domain (bzw. eine Webadresse) zu einem Suchbegriff so zu ophttps://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/SEO_Contesttimieren, dass sie an einem Stichtag einen vorderen (im Extremfall den 1. Platz) bei Google belegt. Sehr oft wird kritisiert, dass durch diese Wettbewerbe Suchmaschinen zugespammt würden. Allerdings bleibt zu beachten, dass durch die erfundenen (vorher nicht realen) Wörter zum einen keine realen Suchergebnisse verfälscht werden, zum anderen die Suchmaschinenbetreiber durch solche Wettbewerbe auf Schwachstellen ihrer Such- und Bewertungsverfahren aufmerksam werden können. Hierüber schreibt der Newsservice counternet.de mit der News beliebte-wettbewerbe-fuer-seos-und-webmaster-fuer-profis-und-amateure-seo-contests-seo-challenges: https://www.counternet.de/beliebte-wettbewerbe-fuer-seos-und-webmaster-fuer-profis-und-amateure-seo-contests-seo-challenges/ Dazu meint die Webseite fair-news.de mit dem Artikel 2928272/beliebte-wettbewerbe-fuer-seos-und-webmaster-fuer-profis-und-amateure-seo-contests-seo-challenges: https://www.fair-news.de/2928272/beliebte-wettbewerbe-fuer-seos-und-webmaster-fuer-profis-und-amateure-seo-contests-seo-challenges
Der bekannte SEO-Contest von SEO-Vergleich.de zum Keyword Contentbär im Jahr 2021 begann am 10.05.2021.
Stichtag war der 14.06.2021 um 11:00 Uhr.
Als Partner fungierten die pagerangers, seobility, SEO-DAY Cologne, t3n, OMR, BVDW, SEOKRATIE und Aufgesang.
In der Kategorie "SEO-Dienstleister" gewannen: 1 andreschaeferSEO (andreschaeferseo.de) 2 REKNOVA GmbH (sumax.de) 3 SEO-Küche Internet Marketing GmbH & Co. KG (seo-kueche.de)
Und in der Kategorie "Nicht-SEO-Dienstleister" siegten:
1 Tierpräparation Michael Dittert GbR (tierpraeparator.de) 2 Princoso GmbH (azubishop24.de) 3 Julia Näther (kreuzfahrten-und-weltreisen.de)
Hierüber schreibt der Presseservice infofakt.de mit der Pressemitteilung beliebte-wettbewerbe-fuer-seos-und-webmaster-fuer-profis-und-amateure-seo-contests-seo-challenges/: https://www.infofakt.de/beliebte-wettbewerbe-fuer-seos-und-webmaster-fuer-profis-und-amateure-seo-contests-seo-challenges/ Dazu meint die Homepage marbach-academy.de mit dem Beitrag beliebte-wettbewerbe-fuer-seos-und-webmaster-fuer-profis-und-amateure-seo-contests-seo-challenges/: https://www.marbach-academy.de/beliebte-wettbewerbe-fuer-seos-und-webmaster-fuer-profis-und-amateure-seo-contests-seo-challenges/ Preise gibt es für den Sieger?
Bei den Preisen gab es eine Unterscheidung zwischen SEO-Dienstleistern und Nicht-SEO-Dienstleistern.
Preise für SEO Dienstleister waren:
PageRangers Content Suite für 12 Monate - Nur Platz 1 Premium Content Gold von Olaf Kopp von Aufgesang für 12 Monate - Nur Platz 1 Rundum-Sorglos-ticket für den SEO Day 2021 - Platz 1 und Platz 2 Premium Mitgliedschaft auf seo-vergleich.de für 12 Monate - Platz 1 und Platz 2 Seobility Premium Zugang - 12 Monate für Platz 1, 6 Monate für Platz 2 und 3 OMR Deep Dive Seminar & Reports - Platz 1 Report + Seminar - Platz 2 und 3 jeweils 1 Report BVDW-Fachkräftezertifikat - Die Plätze 1 - 5
Für NICHT SEO-Dienstleister gab es folgende Preise:
PageRangers Content Suite für 12 Monate - Nur Platz 1 Print-Exemplat des Buches "SEO für Dummies" von Julian Dziki - Platz 1 und 2 Seobility Premium Zugang - 12 Monate für Platz 1, 6 Monate für Platz 2 und 3 1-Jahres-Abo t3n-Printmagazin - Platz 1 - 3
Pressereport Tumblr.com von Mittwoch, dem 24.08.2022 zum Thema "SEO-Contests/SEO-Challenges: Beliebte-Wettbewerbe für SEOs und Webmaster, sowohl für Profis als auch Amateure!"
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daveyone · 7 years
#AceSecurityNews #ALERT Some people have gotten an email that claims to be from Maureen Ohlhausen, the FTC ’s Acting Chairman But it's not it's an ' Identity Theft Scam ' #AceNewsDesk says PLEASE SHARE -@Ace NewsServices
#AceSecurityNews #ALERT Some people have gotten an email that claims to be from Maureen Ohlhausen, the FTC ’s Acting Chairman But it’s not it’s an ‘ Identity Theft Scam ‘ #AceNewsDesk says PLEASE SHARE -@Ace NewsServices
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daveyone · 8 years
CHICAGO — A jury has convicted a South Korean businessman on multiple fraud charges for deceiving U. S. municipalities into spending federal stimulus money on his company’s foreign-made products - @Ace NewsServices
CHICAGO — A jury has convicted a South Korean businessman on multiple fraud charges for deceiving U. S. municipalities into spending federal stimulus money on his company’s foreign-made products – @Ace NewsServices
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