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charlesstrawn · 2 years ago
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"A mountain lion attacked a man in hot tub in Colorado, clawing his head. Always be cautious and aware of your surroundings, especially in areas with wildlife."
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onehourgameplay · 2 years ago
News of the week - A 16-year-old Minecraft gamer sentenced five years in colony. ▲One Hour Gameplay #Newsoftheweek #OneHourGameplay #gamenews #weeknews #weeklynews #gamesnews
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gabyglifestyle · 3 years ago
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#newsoftheweek #gabysdailynews #thesemonstersgottago #tohellwheretheybelong https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd34XFdvcZR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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vanekitanekita · 7 years ago
«Un incendio consume el Museo Nacional de Río, uno de los más antiguos de Brasil y del Mundo». La importancia de cada museo en el mundo radica en que todas sus colecciones, investigación y análisis no es exclusiva de la institución donde se realiza sino que, debe ser compartida y dada a conocer a todo el mundo. La tragedia que vive el Museo Nacional de Río, es algo que afecta y adolece no sólo a investigadores y hombres de Ciencia, sino, al mundo entero. El Museo Nacional de Río de Janeiro en Brasil es la más antigua institución científica y de historia natural del país, creado por el rey Juan VI en junio de 1818, cuando Brasil aún era una colonia de Portugal. El recinto tenía una colección de 20 millones de piezas, desde momias egipcias, adquiridas por el emperador Pedro I, al fósil más antiguo de América Latina, encontrado en Brasil, conocido como Luzia, de casi 12.000 años de antigüedad. #VanekitaNekita Leer más en: https://elpais.com/internacional/2018/09/03/america/1535935296_562657.html
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oneworldnews-blog · 3 years ago
Here are some fake news that grabbed our attention Circulation of fake news on social media platforms has become a new normal for most of us but what remains a task is to identify what is real and what is fake news. Here are a few most widely circulated news stories recently that turned out to be fake and misleading. From Modi being the last hope for the world to Dr. Swamy joining opposition, fake news that grabbed our attention
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nminyoureyes-blog · 8 years ago
Nessun titolo
E quando arriva la notte, resto solo con me, inizio a pensare, -quello che non dovrei fare in questo momento- e inizio a ripetermi che non c'è niente di meglio che vivere e aprire gli occhi proprio la sera, non c'è niente di meglio che vivere proprio di notte, quelle poche ore di buio che per te sono luce. Stare a sognare ad occhi aperti davanti alla luna, alle stelle e al firmamento, davanti al chiaro, davanti al mare, davanti al tuo cuore, che ormai ha solo bisogno di riposo, di silenzio, di una buona dose di Alchool e di ascoltare il buon vecchio Vasco, arrivando perfino a toccare le corde dell'anima, quelle che ti fanno emozionare. Chiudi gli occhi e fatti largo nei tuoi sogni, fa sentire il tuo cuore senza che te ne vergogni.
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adineroillustration · 6 years ago
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“Have you tried turning it off and on again?” As the holiday recess begins, the government is on the brink of a “Trump Shutdown” over spending for the inane wall. He lied about everything else, why should this promise loom so large? For a fascistic promise like ghettoizing our country, no “steel slats” barred... . . . . . . . . #thisweek #trumpshutdown #mexicowillnotpayforit #ghettoization #openborders #governmentshutdown #prioritiesscrewedup #newsoftheweek #politics #capitolhill #headlinenews #oped #editorialillustration #illustration #opinionart #collage #cutpaper #handmade #recycledart #adineroillustration #anotherone https://www.instagram.com/p/BrqVePjHdht/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1atmj226k1uqz
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slaynetworkuk · 7 years ago
Is Influencer marketing the new snake oil? - Influencer marketing is now at an all time high, a quick Google Trends search shows an extremely high
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blueinkdotng-blog · 7 years ago
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All the top news now on blueink.ng #blueinkmedia #blueinkdotng #addingvaluetoabujalifestyle #instagood #newsoftheweek #news #topnews #dailynews #newsblogger (at Abuja, Nigeria)
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coinsandconnections-blog · 7 years ago
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Now that’s not only love but also a money move!! 🤑what do you all think?? #coinsandconnections #cointoconnect #coins #patches #connections #pingame ##savingcoins #buyblack #rugrats #pinclub #patchgame #influencers #blackownedbusinesses #pinstagram #patchsagram #growyourbiz #brandambassdor #Makemoneyspendmoney #browngirl #saltbae #moneyhorscope #adulting #winning #adultlife #winning #fail #marketingmaterial #design #trending #rt #newsoftheweek
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quatrus · 8 years ago
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#newsoftheweek : 24 bronze axe heads found buried near Trondheim in #Norway from about 1000 BC - the article suggests they could have had some religious significance, but it seems more likely to me that these valuable objects were being used as a kind of money, and were buried as a form of savings account. click link in bio and scroll down for more about Northern Europe in the #BronzeAge, and about #bronze. #Norway #previking
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scmbrands · 7 years ago
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Happy Sunday everyone . . #ASDMarketPlace #ASD #SCMBrands #BrianBaccusBrands #schedule #calendar #show #meeting #symposium #congress #exhibition #trade #usa #vegas #pim #newsoftheweek #asdmarketweek #tradeshow #lasvegasconventioncenter #las #nv #international #fair #conference #forum #convention #event #showcase #directory (at Redondo Beach, California)
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afinozloanfinance · 4 years ago
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News of The Week!#news #NewsUpdate #newsoftheweek #newsoftheday #nirafinance  #personalloan #PersonalLoanBank NIRA Loans #FinanceNews #Afinoz
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jonathanmase · 7 years ago
The latest Jonathan Mase Daily News! http://bit.ly/2GcGjCb Thanks to @Justicegroupie2 @Destinbeach22 @EffieGib #news #newsoftheweek
The latest Jonathan Mase Daily News! https://t.co/Cuct7jk7DK Thanks to @Justicegroupie2 @Destinbeach22 @EffieGib #news #newsoftheweek
— Jonathan Mase (@JonathanMase) March 22, 2018
from Twitter https://twitter.com/JonathanMase
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matteobianchini · 6 years ago
The latest #social #marketing daily! https://t.co/PMtsykr0m0 #newsoftheweek #blockchain
The latest #social #marketing daily! https://t.co/PMtsykr0m0 #newsoftheweek #blockchain
— Matteo Bianchini (@matteobianchini) December 6, 2018
from Twitter https://twitter.com/matteobianchini December 06, 2018 at 07:20AM via IFTTT
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utwd · 6 years ago
via Twitter https://twitter.com/utwdesign
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