#newsflash! he was a wag this whole time!
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feraltwinkseb · 4 months ago
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Fernando Alonso & Mohammed Ben Sulayem
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aegonbeingfakeisracist · 4 years ago
Just saw that person in the Martell tags. How the fuck are they arguing that Tywin wouldn’t order Elia and her children dead? It is literally known by pretty much everyone in the text and during the Reyne rebellion, Tywin killed kids. The Martells have the most valid claim for vengeance in the entire series. If you think the Starks and Arryns has the right to rebel after their family was killed without trials, which you should, you should also acknowledge that the Martells have the same right to justice for the murders of an innocent woman and her two children.
From what I remember, their argument was the same old stuff about Tywin having no reason to lie to Tyrion about Elia. Newsflash: Tywin is not a rational actor. He would absolutely lie out of pride and desire to hide how much he was affected by this woman he viewed as beneath him. Also, it would be stupid beyond belief to not think about Elia. She was the wife of the old crown prince. She was the sister of the Prince of Dorne. At the time of the sack, she was the mother of the new crown prince and out of the people in the Red Keep, second in rank only to the king himself. And she’d been standing in the way of what Tywin wanted for a long time. He had spent the time between her betrothal to Rhaegar and Jaime’s appointment to the Kingsguard hoping she would soon die in childbirth so Cersei could marry Rhaegar. A big part of his motivation in acting was to make Cersei queen, a position that would have been Elia’s. He explicitly ordered Rhaenys and Aegon’s murders. It’s a common argument that Tywin was telling the truth about not mentioning Elia, but that does not hold up under scrutiny.
People have to choose whether they think Tywin is a politically aware monster or an idiot with no control over his men or political understanding, because it’s one of those things.Either he was smart enough to realize Elia was important and horrible enough to order her murder, believing there would be no consequences whatsoever, or he was a complete idiot that did not realize her importance. He cannot both be intelligent and have not thought about her. Those two things are incompatible.
Honestly, what I hate even more than the stupid comments about Tywin not ordering Elia’s murder in those posts are the awful ones about the Sand Snakes and Arianne. Because how dare they care about their family, right? How dare they have any goals of their own? How dare they abide by the standards that set by the people that killed a baby they ripped from his mother’s arms? Everything they do has got to be done with the interests of the white characters in mind. This finger wagging bullshit is so infuriating. The vengeance argument exists solely as a way of condemning the Martells for responding to aggression. Like, “they’re blaming the Lannisters when they should be blaming the Targaryens!” “The Sand Snakes are stupid and bloodthirsty!” Fuck the whole way off, you idiot.
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rinnahtheskinchanger · 7 years ago
So....I’m gonna start off with the information that I am 22, 5’5” and 115 lbs. My dumbass coworker is a grown fucking man.
Mukkhi is a 70 lb. boxer, Watson is a 70 lb. golden retriever, and Artie is an asshole airdale
A couple of dogs were annoying each other in one pen, so I decided to switch some out. I put Mukkhi in with Artie and a couple other dogs. Everything was fine, they sniffed and wagged their tails. Artie is aggressive friendly (loud and pushy), and started barking loudly in Mukkhi’s face. Mukkhi was not comfortable, giving a fearful warning bark. I caught sight and immediately went to remove Mukkhi and lead him back into the pen I was standing in.
Normally a dog will leave it be, but not Artie. As I tried to lead a scared Mukkhi, Artie kept rushing forward and grabbing his leg to drag him back. Mukkhi, in turn, kept whipping around to fend him off, but I kept bringing him around. I managed to send Artie off, but Mukkhi was startled and fear-aggressive, leading him to snap at Watson.
Watson retaliated in self defense, and the two were on each other instantly, so loud that I had to shout their names. I got both their collars (after being bit on the finger) and held them apart the best I could.
I imagine you’ve heard a dog fight, and know how loud they are. I look over, hoping to see my coworker coming through the other pen gate, but he just sat there watching as I held two 70 lb dogs off each other as they snarled and snapped and growled. I shouted over them (my throat hurt from the volume) for him to “GET OVER HERE AND HELP ME!”
He finally moved (taking his damn time, but by the time he got in, I had managed to pull them apart completely, holding them at my sides.
He did not ask if I was okay, and looked confused when I told him to call for a greeter. (Which is standard after a fight to send the dogs to calm down, or any time that something happens like a sick dog or something)
After the handler I was breaking, came back, and I left, Jordan went to talk to Shane (another coworker) Apparently he told him that “I caused the fight by moving dogs I shouldn’t.”
Newsflash: I have been working with animals longer than he has in his whole life (not just owning a dog, which he seems to think makes him just as qualified as the rest of us despite being here for a couple weeks) None of the dogs were no mixes, Artie greeted Mukkhi with a sniff and wagging tail. I prevented a more dangerous fight by recognizing danger and pulling Mukkhi out. (Artie would have actually intended to injure Mukkhi)
Regardless, he just sat there while two dogs fought, leaving me to pull them apart, and watched me struggle without so much as a word. (He also said that he “just thought I was moving dogs” which only serves to show his incompetency)
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beaniebaneenie · 6 years ago
I'm just gonna say it:
I don't give a shit what Shitty's real name is.
It has absolutely no relation to any of the half a dozen lingering plot threads, any of the on-again, off-again conflicts, the homophobia-that-is-only-present-when-it's-convenient-for-plot-reasons, or even Bitty's fucking thesis.
It's not a cool fact about one of the POC characters, or one of the female characters (we don't have any nonbinary characters or disabled characters or not-conventionally-attractive characters to give facts about, so that point is moot). Just another throwaway detail about another cishet rich white guy who hasn't been a main character for a year and a half of the comic.
Not knowing Shitty's real name is part of who he is. It's one of the very few things that make him stand out as a cishet rich white guy- he has this Thing where you don't know his actual name. It's a little mystique- it's fun. It's quirky.
And, speaking of in-verse logic? Shitty wouldn't *want* you to know his real name. There's a reason he doesn't use it. We don't have to know what the reason is, because (see above point) IT HAS NO BEARING ON THE PLOT OR STORY WHATSOEVER.
I really, really don't give a shit.
It's a totally meaningless throwaway carrot-on-a-stick, frosting-without-a-cupcake.
I want the plot back. I want to know how Bitty is handling being the first out NCAA captain when he can still apparently barely take a check, even though he's playing first line on a D1 team, and how that stress is affecting him (and his relationship). I want to know how his thesis is coming, because he is supposed to be at Samwell to get an education, not an MRS degree, and I'd love for him to be able to have something to fall back on if being a WAG doesn't work out.
I want to know why Coach is there without Suzanne. I want Bitty to address his father's casual racist microaggressions (because even if Coach is trying, and it does look like he is genuinely trying to connect here, you can still be racist when you don't mean to be).
I also want Bitty to start unlearning his own shit- because he hasn't grown as much as he thinks he has. He claims he's gotten so much more self-confidence, but he still has a pretty serious hangup on equating "People Eating My Food" = "People Love Me", and that's a problem. Especially seen in his total disregard and disrespect (that's right, I said it) for Whiskey's boundaries. Newsflash, Bitty: Whiskey has told you very plainly why your behavior bothers him, and instead of backing off, you doubled down. I'd be pretty upset too.
I want to see Bitty get called out for outing Whiskey to Jack.
Because that's what happened. And it was 5000% not okay, and Bitty had absolutely no right to do it.
I do want to see Kent show up again, but not if it's just to have Kent be the only one who apologizes and takes total blame for everything that went down. You will never hear me say that Kent didn't say some shit at Epikegster he shouldn't have, because he did. But who among us can truly say they have never *ever* said some mean shit, especially when we were hurting and angry? I know I have.
I want to see apologies from both Kent *and* Jack. Because before he started fucking Bitty, Jack said, "we both owe each other a lot of apologies." (After he started fucking Bitty, it changed to, "we hooked up a couple times and he never got over it." And that friends, is called Revisionist History To Make Me Look Better Than My Ex To My Current Boyfriend.)
Anyway, this got long. But yeah, I don't give a shit about Shitty's name. Because ultimately, focusing on Shitty's name instead of anything that could make this story as meaningful as it was (and could be again!) is a huge metaphor for the way the entire quality of the comic & story as a whole have completely tanked, and I'm just so *tired*.
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look i’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. we’re all sleeping on Barrington as shitty’s name. 
is this a raven cycle reference? ofc it is. 
doesn’t mean i’m not right.
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republicstandard · 7 years ago
The Guardian's Arwa Mahdawi Supports the Patriarchy and the Victimization of Women
Well friends, it is another day ending in 'Y' and that means there is another feminist moonbat screeching at the sky about guns. Actually make that two but Jessica Valenti doesn't count as newsworthy anymore. Sorry Jess.
Our kids are literally being shot to death by weapons of war, and the government continues to do nothing. ~ Jessica Valenti
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Yes, it certainly appears that after decades of creeping gun control and a Soros-funded PR blitz featuring Teen-Bop Against The Evil Guns that the mean ole gubbermint just isn't doing enough to restrict the rights of people to protect themselves. H.R.5717 is a figment of your imagination. Lex B from the Freebird Forum describes 5717 thus:
Over 10 states looking to institute risk protection orders which authorise the unwarranted seizure of firearms from “dangerous” individuals. People like ex-girlfriends, postmen, welfare agents, mental healthcare workers, family members and others can petition to have your guns remove from your possession without evidence for a minimum of one year and a maximum of a lifetime. This outrageous law is supported thoroughly by the NRA! A bill is being introduced to the federal government to disburse more funds to states which adopt this risk protection measure. Spread this to your family members, friends and acquaintances, whether liberal or conservative. This is one of the most dangerous laws I’ve seen in my lifetime.
If you were under any doubt that the gun control agenda is going ahead full steam, Trump or no, #MAGA or no, this is your wake-up call. The Guardian columnist cries out in pain as she strips your rights.
Staying with the Guardian, Valenti's compadre Arwa Mahdawi describes herself as a Palestinian-Brit in New York; three intersecting aspects of identity that would lead most sane people to be avidly pro-Gun if they had any sense.
British: Strict gun laws don't stop acid attacks, global jihad and criminals using guns.
Palestinian: Having no guns to shoot at the Israelis with is proving a problem.
New Yorker: self-explanatory.
I won't even go into Greater London without at least a fully licensed concealed carry soup-spoon. It's that dangerous these days.
So, what is Arwa's burning issue?
I wrote about how feminism is cynically being used to sell guns https://t.co/ZqEvupaUvG
— Arwa Mahdawi (@ArwaM) May 18, 2018
Yes, it's the heinous reality of all-American babes openly expressing their love for the Second Amendment (and by crimminy it is a beautiful thing- but we'll get to the ladies later). The bee in Arwa's bonnet is that pure, innocent and beloved feminism is being used -used!- to sell guns. Heaven forbid that a cult which has no problem selling pussy hats and infantilizing coloring books be co-opted by women with a different opinion about what a self-determined woman means in 2018.
We begin with the unfounded conflation between "women" and "feminism". It's very easy for feminists to then claim that they speak for all women when they use this simple rhetorical trick. Note: Feminism and women are not the same thing. Will Wheaton is not a woman as far as we know, but he is undoubtedly a feminist. So is that guy who just jumped the shark with Star Wars VIII, you know. That guy who will never know what credibility or talent is. There are probably other male feminists out there too, but who cares.
Firearms, it would seem, have become a feminist issue. Second amendment proponents and the gun industry are using female empowerment, and even the #MeToo movement, to sell their products and fight back against gun control.
Ladies, through feminism you can become empowered! So empowered. Just not empowered enough to take responsibility for your home and your person, because that is actually being exploited by the gun industry. Could you imagine the look on Harvey Weinstein's face if he pulled out his piece and Rose McGowan had pulled out a piece of her own, with a thicker barrel? If we take Mahdawi's view, it is probably for the best that she was raped by one of the most powerful people in Hollywood; because you just can't allow women to become too good at not being raped by the literal physical and financial embodiment of the patriarchy. Maybe I'm a bad feminist, but I fully support the right of all women to shoot rapists square amidships.
When faced with examples of actual rape, the feminist mentality is forced into a paradox. What comes first? The victim, or the ideological need to subvert the dominant paradigm? In her own article, Arwa Mahdawi writes:
Shayna Lopez-Rivas, 23, who recently graduated from Florida State University, also bought a gun after being attacked. Lopez-Rivas grew up in an anti-gun household and always had a negative view of guns until she was raped on campus in 2014. “I had pepper spray, he had a knife,” she said. “I wasn’t fast enough or strong enough.” The first time she picked up a gun, Lopez-Rivas felt empowered. “As much as women are equal to men in every other way, the truth is that in a biological sense we’re not equal. They’re bigger, faster, stronger. We need to find something that is an equalizer. And for me that equalizer was a firearm.”
Arwa's response? Pure feminist sophistry.
It’s important to listen to women like Lopez-Rivas, who have found guns to be empowering. It’s crucial we don’t dismiss their experience. Nevertheless, it’s also crucial that we don’t let gun rights activists cynically exploit women’s rights to sell more guns. While firearms may empower some women, they kill a whole lot more.
Some wags out there might accuse Arwa Mahdawi of literally exploiting someone's rape to make her point in this very excerpt, but that would be uncouth. Correct, but uncouth. In the mind of the feminist, guns are simply part of capitalist patriarchy. There is no question that they are evil, and must all be destroyed- for the women. Actual rape victims like Ms. Lopez-Rivas who have been through hell on Earth are dismissed with a handwave; that they shouldn't be dismissed but, actually, dearie, even though if you had a gun you might not have been raped, the fact that guns also kill women means that you really should be quiet. Sisterhood, Yeah!
Live. Speak. Stand. Run. Carry with Confidence. Ladies, chances are your assailant is gonna be bigger, stronger and faster and that’s why you have @alexoathletica for your gun, your mace, or even your phone. Yeah, you’ve got it covered. #TeamTomi #alexoathletica #NotYourAverageGunGirl
A post shared by Tomi Lahren (@tomilahren) on Mar 22, 2018 at 5:54pm PDT
Hey, it's that Tomi Lahren girl from the TV who says stuff. Seems like she entirely agrees with the assessment of Ms Lopez-Rivas that according to the most horrifying field test imaginable, men are stronger than women and shooting a rapist is a good tactic that may prevent your rape. Mahdawi's response?
Much of this messaging seems to echo the NRA line that guns empower women.
Well Arwa, maybe -and I mean, just maybe- you could consider the possibility that the NRA are right, just this once? It is a very poor piece of thinking indeed to assume that your enemies are always wrong; not only is that almost certainly not true (except in the case of the Green Bay Packers) but it betrays a certain arrogance in that you consider your own position to be unassailable. Is it so far beyond the pale that the National Rifle Association might have a point?
In the aftermath of this year's school shooting in Parkland, Florida, Loesch also defended guns by arguing that arming women would help them defend themselves against sexual assault. Framing gun rights as a feminist issue feels disingenuous and exploitative when there is a huge amount of research that shows women are more likely to be killed by a gun than saved by one.
Here is the crux of Mahdawi's case- it's one that has been drip fed into the cultural zeitgeist by virtually every liberal media outlet available; and generally it comes down to this utter mess of an assertion. Women are more likely to be killed with a gun than to save themselves with a gun. Therefore, guns are bad for women.
NEWSFLASH. Guns are bad for everyone. That's what guns do. That's why you want to be a competent gun owner when faced with someone with a gun or some other weapon who wishes to do you a mischief. The data this claim comes from appears to stem from this study by the anti-gun Violence Prevention Center. In it, the claim is made that a woman is more than 100 times more likely to be killed with a gun than to save herself with one. The message is clear; save the ladies, get rid of your guns.
Fortunately, it appears that the women of America are smarter than gun-grabbing feminists.
I have no apologies for my graduation photos. As a woman, I refuse to be a victim & the second amendment ensures that I don't have to be. pic.twitter.com/5CKmQobrMb
— Kaitlin Bennett (@KaitMarieox) May 15, 2018
I don’t take normal college graduation photos... pic.twitter.com/eI1NvLFYHs
— Brenna Spencer (@BrennaSpencer) April 7, 2018
Further, Mahdawi recognizes this truth. Female gun ownership is on the rise, and they are buying guns for self-defense. Even with the flawed comparison of all women killed by gun versus all women saved by gun on the table, the result is not less guns, in reality. It is more women making the smart choice that, in a world in which feminists have demanded equality even when there is none, self-defense is a personal responsibility.
According to a 2017 Pew Research Center survey, women are more likely than men to say that the only reason they own a gun is for protection. While 27% of women say protection is the sole reason they own a gun, only 8% of men say the same.
Wyoming: 53.8% of people own Firearms Gun Homicide rate: 1.7 per 100k DC: 25.9% of people own firearms Gun Homicide rate: 18.0 per 100k https://t.co/VtRvV733Bp
— Andrew Quackson🇺🇸 (@AndrewQuackson) May 21, 2018
One might speculate that the breakdown of the nuclear family may have had something to contribute to these figures, which gall Mahdawi so much but please me immensely. It is my suspicion that perhaps if feminists had not been quite so keen on demonizing men and all we stand for that, perhaps, we may see far fewer spinsters needing to defend themselves with firearms; that would be a husband's job, after all.
The gatekeeping by the feminista media denizens is nothing short of anti-woman, anti-liberty hypocrisy. Of course, Mahdawi doesn't give a damn about rape victims, murder rates or women at all. This is a one-hundred-percent ideologically-driven poop-fling from the cheap seats; because it cannot be allowed to stand that pretty girls can responsibly promote responsible gun ownership in an era when pretty girls are kidnapped and murdered by MS-13. In the United States. In liberal Houston. By El Salvadorean Dreamers! It must be that the NRA hates women!
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Ok, let's wrap this one up. Mahdawi has in the past published overtly racist and misandrist articles, whatever this is:
Latest column is on frugality porn, LinkedIn broetry, and condom snorting https://t.co/NfhG0BiDP4
— Arwa Mahdawi (@ArwaM) April 4, 2018
And, of course, literally subverting other people's businesses that she is paid money to do a serious job for with SJW-lite nonsense.
am currently freelancing at an agency, drafting corporate manifestos. have amused myself by peppering manifestos with Black Panther quotes ('build bridges not barriers' etc). unfortunately this has now been found out...
— Arwa Mahdawi (@ArwaM) February 22, 2018
Now I feel bad about picking on Arwa. She clearly can't help it, the Kool-Aid is just too damn strong.
Go buy a gun today, ladies.
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