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NEW Damsel In Defense - Holla His Personal Alarm Keychain Flashlight Blue Hurry https://ebay.to/2CmnLxg
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Clash of Clans: TH8.5 TH9 UPGRADE PRIORITY LIST & GUIDE (January 2018) ULTIMATE!!! [Part 2]
Okay guys,,2nd episode of COC Private Sever is here ( https://onhax.io/coc-private-server-apk/ )Phase one is the first upgrades that you do you've finished your town hall let's put our townhall up here just to just to drive the point home okay..make sure to check more apps here: https://onhax.io) you got your town hall 9 it just finished your notification at the bottom right hand side has like 65 different things you can build what should you buildfirst all right well the first priority anytime you're upgrading a new base is your laboratory upgrade that baby to level 7 the second that you go townhall9 because the laboratory is the single most important building on any base ifyou upgrade that laboratory late in the game you are severely hindering youroffensive capability which in otherwords is hindering your attackingcapability and that's the last thing youwant to do ok so the second and this isnot any particular order these are allphase 1 buildings which means they aretop priority and need to be done as soonas possible ok the laboratories firstthe second would be your spell factorywhenever you upgrade the spell factor totown hall 9 max level 4 you unlock 2 newspell capacity that you can use whichmeans instead of just having 3 healspells with your mass Hogtown all eightnow your tunnel 9 you got 4 heal spellswhich is absolutelycredible and it also unlocks the freespell and the jump spell which is prettysweet the jump spell is very veryimportant for townhall 9 the third onthe list and again not in any particularorder is the dark spell Factory now thisone is not of incredible importancewhenever you upgrade this to level 3this is actually not a max you havelevel 4 for tunnel 9 but if you upgradeat level 3 you unlock the haste spellwhich is important for air attacks whichare pretty powerful right now but alsoif you upgrade in level 4 you unlock theskeleton spell so again neither one ofthem are super important but upgradingall offense buildings is part of phase 1and then after that guys the dark betthe dark barracks and the reason why youwant to upgrade the dark barracks andthe standard barracks is because it'sunlocking your next troops guys if youdo the barracks next let's say we swapthese two okay we put the barracks nextit's gonna unlock the baby dragon thebaby dragon is such an awesome troopguys I have seen it used as just afunnel troop but I've also seen it usedas a full-fledgedattack force and is super powerful soupgrading the barracks first is veryimportant and then the dark barracks youget two upgrades for both your darkbarracks is tell'em 9 first time you'regoing to unlock the witch which whichwhich is not very useful but the secondis the lava hound which again veryuseful for air in fact it's a stapletroop for air attacks now next thenumber what does that want 3 4 5 on thelist again not new particular order isthe clan castle because as you can seeyou now get 30 tube capacity in yourclan castle for clan castle troopsinstead of just 25 so you can hold agolem or a lava hound now or an extraballoon or whatever whatever you want tohold in there and then finally you'vegot the army camps you have for all ofthem get a new upgrade and you get tohold 220 troop capacity now instead of200 which is a significant increase toyour offensive capability and makes youopie to the max guys snap the last thingand actually forgot to put it downbecause it's not my notes for somereason is the archer queen guys thearcher queen instantly builds whichmeans it's a 0 second upgrade I believeit's like50,000 dark elixir so you need to makesure you've got max storages before youstart your Town Hall or before yourTunnel 9 finishes but putting down yourarch Queen will instantly increase thedamage per second of both your defendingand attacking by 50 damage per secondand of course you want to upgrade er asfast as you can with dark elixir as wellnow we don't want to forget that as soonas that laboratory is done you need tokeep that laboratory upgrading and alaboratory guide for tunnel 8.5 we'll begoing live very very soon if nottomorrow so be looking forward to thatif you want to see that but anyway guysthat is the first half of phase 1 let'scheck out the second half of phase 2which covers gold upgrades because rightnow you can see that on the laboratory Imean all of these are elixir upgradesexcept for the cannon I'm in the clancastle and the Archer Queen so what areyou supposed to do with all this extragold let's see it these second half ofphase 1addresses gold and you could have a lotof extra gold which is unusual fortunnel 9 so what you're going to bedoing with that extra gold is you'regoing to start out by putting down thenew hidden Tesla you're also going toput down the new air defense because youget a fourth one and you get 25 brandnew walls now this is where I differentfrom a lot of people who build 8.5 basesbecause they don't put down any newdefenses but I've seen townhall 8 point5s get three-star by mass dragon from atunnel 8 because they don't put the newair defense or their new Tesla alsoputting down the new wal like I havehighlighted there will add a lot of Basebuilding capability for you it's just agood idea guys so put down your newTesla your new air defense and all 25 ofyour new walls and upgrade them to theothers max level so Town Hall 8 levelmax which for Tesla's will be level 6this is max because that I've maxedtunnel nine base also air air defenselevel 6 and your walls to level 8 alsowith that extra gold I have one of eachof the six traps that are available toyou you get some new you have a lotexisting it is recommended because trapsdon't add very much more weight to youat allyou want to get these and you want tomax them as quickly as you canmosttypically you want to upgrade the giantbombs because they're still verypowerful against hog riders and hogriders are a crazy powerful attackstrategy at townhall 9 especially sensegiant bombs no longer do extra damage tothem so you want to definitely max outyour giant bombs including all the newones but primarily upgrade every trapthat you have on the base and max amountto townhall 9max level now do you do get an extragold storage and elixir storage as wellso it's recommended that you put thosedown quickly because there's a lot ofupgrades on the base for tunnel 9 thatyou will not be able to do unless youhave the new upgraded up storages I'vealso got the dark elixir storage onthere I believe you get an upgrade forthat as well and the too dark elixirdrills that you have are going to go allthe way to level 6 so essentially phase1 part 2 you're going to be upgradingthe tesla air defense and walls as wellas all the traps - max townhall 9 leveland all of the collectors storages minesdrills etc you want to get all of yourinfrastructure in as soon as you canbecause let's talk about this darkelixir drill guys it gives you free loot100 dark elixir per hour quick you getthose maxed the more free loot you'regoing to get and it's very importantbecause you have a lot of dark elixirthat you need in order to max out yourking in your queen...read the last part of guide here
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UPDATED!! 👍🏻 #newdefense #airsweeper #updated #coc #clashofclans
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New air defense: #AirSweeper #newdefense #clashofclans #clashon
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NEW Remington SOUNDMATE Personal Safety Siren PS-1 ~ Security Alarm Defense Be quick https://ebay.to/2vteBNn
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NEW Remington SOUNDMATE Personal Safety Siren PS-1 ~ Security Alarm Defense Click Now https://ebay.to/2vteBNn
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2 Womens Self Defense Silver Keychain "Foxy Lady" Brand New Act at Once https://ebay.to/2HjZrM7
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2 Womens Self Defense Silver Keychain "Foxy Lady" Brand New Act at Once https://ebay.to/2HjZrM7
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2 Womens Self Defense Silver Keychain "Foxy Lady" Brand New Best Ever ! https://ebay.to/2HjZrM7
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NEW Remington SOUNDMATE Personal Safety Siren PS-1 ~ Security Alarm Defense Best Ever ! https://ebay.to/2vteBNn
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2 Pack Safety Alarm Keychain Personal Emergency Self Defense Security Device New c https://ebay.to/2GZQVSi
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NEW Remington SOUNDMATE Personal Safety Siren PS-1 ~ Security Alarm Defense Act Now ! https://ebay.to/2vteBNn
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NEW Remington SOUNDMATE Personal Safety Siren PS-1 ~ Security Alarm Defense Click Now https://ebay.to/2vteBNn
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