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flowstarvalveshop · 3 months ago
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Airsweep - Material Handling Solution - For any of your AirSweep or general valve enquiries please contact us on +44 01482 605750 or email [email protected] #flowstar #valves #valvesupplier #airsweep https://www.flowstarvalveshop.com/products/airsweep-material-handling-solution?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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hollywoodbrakingnews · 3 years ago
Usha Aerolux 400mm 54-Watt Pedestal Fan with Remote - Circulo (Black)
Usha Aerolux 400mm 54-Watt Pedestal Fan with Remote – Circulo (Black)
Price: (as of – Details) This product will be an excellent pick for you. It comes in a proper packaging. More oscillation degree for using,(30°,60°, 90°, 135°, 180°,360 °)0-8 hours timingLCD display, elegant and fashion3 speeds and 3 wind modes, enjoy conformable airSweep: 400mmNumber of blades: 5 blades
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365daysofclash · 5 years ago
[IDEAS] Fun Easter egg idea: make the weather vane turn faster when the airsweeper blows on it. https://t.co/GMpqO1OVfR https://t.co/cyl4GeDljw
[IDEAS] Fun Easter egg idea: make the weather vane turn faster when the airsweeper blows on it. https://t.co/GMpqO1OVfR pic.twitter.com/cyl4GeDljw
— 365 Clash Royale (@365daysofclash) July 6, 2020
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muckked-blog · 7 years ago
Clash of Clans: TH8.5 TH9 UPGRADE PRIORITY LIST & GUIDE (January 2018) ULTIMATE!!! [Part 3]
Welcome back guys. let's talk aboutthe king of the Queen because I mean, we've got all the elixir count accounted for with the phase 1 part 1 a part that we just talked about we got all the goldcalled for with all these traps andTesla's and our air defenses and stuffwe got the King what shop is alreadylevel 10 so you don't really have toworry about him for a while but you'vealso got the archer queen which I mean let's face it but before checkout this private server of coc by onhax (https://onhax.io). guys we got up we got toupgrade here a bunch of times to getcaught up with the King and thencontinue on with the guide so definitelypouring extra dark elixir into thatQueen but also you don't want to forgetthe laboratory because the laboratoryneeds to never stop you need to keepthat laboratory going non-stop in orderto continue improving your offensivecapability but let's say that youfinally finished all the buildings fromthe previous clip and this onewhat is next what about expose whatabout defenses taking them to town wholenine max aside from the Tesla airdefense which we've already maxed wellthe rest of the guide is determined byyour hero level so at this point farmingdark elixir be become very veryimportant and you're going to want toget your your king and your queen up asfast as you can so that you can put downthose new defenses but let's start outwith king and queen at level 10 phase 2is entirely based upon your hero levelso what that means as as I said beforeat levels 10 King and level 10 Queenwhich you shouldn't have to worry forthat King because he's already maxedbecause of tunnel eight right so you'vegot your Town Hall or your level 10 kingand queen now you can build your newdefences all the new defences everythingthat is awaiting in your buildingdevelopment button at the bottomright-hand side with the rednotifications now you get to put all thenew defenses in except for the expowhich as you can see is not listed herenow once your king and your queen gets alevel 15 then you get to upgrade all ofyour defenses to max level now before wemention the Expos I want to talk my waythrough the order in which this is doneand by the way just as a reminder we'vealready maxed our hidden Tesla and we'vealready maxed our air defense so that'swhy they weren't on the original tilebut I'll leave them there for now we'vealready maxed our tez left we've alreadymaxed our air defense now we need to maxour defenses so you've got your Archertower number one priority because of thepoint defense it's very powerful againsthogs very powerful against heroes verypowerful against air it's the bestoverall defense that's still remainingit needs to be upgraded the second isthe cannon because it does very verygood work against the Queen walk whichwill you'll start seeing it about middleof Town Hall 9 then your bomb towerwhich it is a Splash Damage defensewhich a rule of thumb is Splash Damageadds a lot of war weight to your base soyou want to you want to do your SplashDamage last not first so bomb tower isupgraded because it is good against hogsa lot of time attackers have to use aheal spell when they're dealing with abomb tower so it's a great defense youjust want to put it off until the veryend and then after that is the wizardtower for the very samereason it's Splash Damage but I likewizard towers because it defends wellagainst both ground and airhowever because hogs are so powerfulTown Hall not especially early Town Hall9 the wizard tower is prioritized afterthe bomb tower and then finally themortar which is up I mean I don't wantto say it's useless but in war you don'tsee a lot of mortars being prioritizedthere it actually they're put at theoutside the base to distract the todistract golem so I mean it's not reallythat important and then finally the airsweeper which doesn't do direct damageand a lot of the times is not even usedin a war defense so I mean that's whytheir last but that is at level 15 15king and queen we've maxed our defenseswe've put them down in the best orderand now we finally get to put down ourexpose guys so let's put one here andone here but we're not going to upgradethem we have cut our expose to level 1we've upgraded to max the rest of ourdefenses are wore weight is climbingbecause remember it's all about war waitkeep it down but in but still help youryour team help your clan defend in warand now that you've become afull-fledged townhall 9 with your exposeput down a level 1 you'll see asignificant hike in your rankings butthat is for Heroes level 15 15 wheneveryou get to hero level 20 20 you get toupgrade your expose to level 2 and thenfinally at Expos level 3 you're at herolevel 25 25 you get to upgrade yourexpose to level 3 and at that point youhave a max defensive townhall 9base now if you've got a max down homeline based on defense you are alsoincredibly strong good attacker you'vepracticed a lot you've got heroes but alevel 25 25 you've been upgrading yourwalls do not forget your walls alwayspour extra loot into your walls don'tforget to laboratory which will alsosoak up a lot of extra loot and and thenyou're done guys I mean 25 25 heroes maxdefense then you you just had the lastbit of the wall grind which hassignificantly been decreased and made alot easier lately because of updates sothe wall grind to max level 10 wallswhich is whatwe have here on this Bay on this accountI've got about half and half level nineand tenso you want to get all of your walls thelevel ten max eventually that is alwaysthe goal but anyway guys that is yourtownhall eight point five upgrade guyjust a way to keep your wor weight downas you develop your offensive capabilitymake sure that you can three-star a basewith the defense that you want to buildbefore you build it as a good friend ofmine said one time if you can't three itdon't build it guys I'm gonna repeatthat because it's very very important ifyou can't three it don't build it andthe reason for that is because you donot want to be an offensive capabilityfor your clan you want to make sure thatyou are - that you're developingcorrectly so you can continue helpingyour clan so even if you hit thattwenty-five twenty-five mark with yourheroes and you cannot three-star a townhall nine base with level three exposeyou might want to wait you might want tohold off this guide is not set in stoneit is flexible based upon the player ofknown guys that didn't build exposeuntil they maxed their heroes I mean itjust depends on you this is a looseguide something you can follow you canadjust it when you need to but it'shighly recommended by everybody in myclans it's a good guide and it'ssomething that I personally will befollowing with my townhall 8 once I goto Town Hall 9 which hopefully will besoon so be looking forward to tunnel 9let's play but anyway guys that is goingto be it for me today thank you so muchfor watching like this video if youliked it subscribe if you're not jointhe class family and share this videowith your clans guys share this withpeople you know that plays because itcan help them it can make them a betterclass sure be looking forward to a townall 8.5 lab guide coming alive hopefullytomorrow and I'll also be doing 9.5 forboth the upgrade guides and the lab 49.5and also for 10.5 since we've got sometunnel evans budding in our clan andvery excited to cover that content aswell so guys that is it I love each andevery one of you thank you so much fortuning in and I'll see you guys againnext time
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bjdedase · 6 years ago
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#ibalongopening #airsweeper #unwindingtime 🙆💑👭 (at Legazpi Boulevard, Dap-Dap, Legazpi City)
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optimis-gaming-blog · 9 years ago
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New farming base XD ...................................... #clashofclans #phonegame #coc #game #pillage #territory #base #gold #crystal #canbons #airsweeper #war #farmingbase
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lexdiesel13 · 10 years ago
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#ClashOfClans #CoC #PostUpdate #AirSweeper #Number2 #DarkSpellFactory #Level4Dragon #StillWaiting
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chaiheartily · 10 years ago
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UPDATED!! 👍🏻 #newdefense #airsweeper #updated #coc #clashofclans
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flowstarvalveshop · 7 months ago
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Airsweep - Material Handling Solution - For any of your AirSweep or general valve enquiries please contact us on +44 01482 605750 or email [email protected] #flowstar #valves #valvesupplier #airsweep https://www.flowstarvalveshop.com/products/airsweep-material-handling-solution?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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saltoxblog · 10 years ago
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New air defense: #AirSweeper #newdefense #clashofclans #clashon
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flowstarvalveshop · 1 year ago
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Airsweep - Material Handling Solution - For any of your AirSweep or general valve enquiries please contact us on +44 01482 605750 or email [email protected] #flowstar #valves #valvesupplier #airsweep https://www.flowstarvalveshop.com/products/airsweep-material-handling-solution?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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flowstarvalveshop · 1 year ago
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Airsweep - Material Handling Solution - For any of your AirSweep or general valve enquiries please contact us on +44 01482 605750 or email [email protected] #flowstar #valves #valvesupplier #airsweep https://www.flowstarvalveshop.com/products/airsweep-material-handling-solution?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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flowstarvalveshop · 2 years ago
Do you ever get involved in material handling? If so, then we might have the product for you. AirSweep is a material flow solution which helps to keep your product moving. AirSweep prevents and eliminates hang-ups and blockages in your silos, bins, hoppers, and chutes with coordinated, 360-degree bursts of compressed air/gas. Once installed, AirSweep just works allowing you to focus on other parts of the business. Tens of thousands of these systems are in use worldwide in a range of different industries including food, agriculture, construction, mining, chemicals and more. It offers virtually maintenance-free performance and can easily be retrofitted for any application—even in temperatures up to 900°F (482°C). As the authorised UK distributor contact Flowstar today for a detailed AirSweep system proposal, engineered specifically for your application, on +44 01482 605750 or email [email protected]. For more detailed information about the AirSweep product visit https://www.flowstarvalveshop.com/products/airsweep-material-handling-solution.?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr #flowstar #airsweep #automation #engineering #productivity
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