#new videos (to me.) will always have a twinge of sadness but also a twinge of warmth. look at my guy
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blamemma · 1 day ago
daniel ricciardo climbing into his car during a seat fit in the 2023 season | 📹
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Hiii i'm here to request a matchup!
Fandom: Bungo Stray Dogs
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Zodiac/MBTI: Capricorn/INTJ
Appearance: i think i'm like 5'3 or 5'4, brown eyes and black hair that reaches my waist. I like to dye it blond occasionally. I have a tooth gap, but the gap is not super big and i like to keep my fingernails long.
Personality: i'm shy and it takes me a while to open up. Once i open up, i talk about just about anything and joke around a lot. I like to playfully tease others and i don't mind if they tease me back. However, i try not to go overboard since i wouldn't want to hurt their feelings, but if i do i always apologize. I like to give nicknames to the my loved ones and they're usually either sweet and cute or goofy and ridiculous. I'm a very patient person and it takes a lot to make me mad, sad or annoyed. I always remember little details my loved ones tell me and they get surprised bc they didn't think i would remember. I'm open-minded, loyal and creative.
Likes: analog horror (even though some make me paranoid at night, but thats ok❤️), chocolate, thunderstorms, south park, funny videos and memes, BUNNIES they're sooo cute!
Dislikes: spiders, naggers, bugs, lack of alone time, onions, tomatoes, nosy people
Hobbies: video games, shopping, listening to music (mainly 80s music and kpop), searching up new hairstyles and nail art to try, watching livestreams and youtube videos, dancing, reading
Extra fact: my love language is gift giving
Hi Anon! Thank you for your request! I hope you like your matchup!
In Bungo Stray Dogs, I match you with...
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Ranpo is the extrovert to your introvert! He loves it when you get comfortable enough to open up around him. He likes this more hidden side of you and enjoys listening to you talk about whatever may interest you in the moment.
Gets rid of spiders for you but will tease you about it. He can't help it, it's one of the ways he shows affection.
If it's a particularly large spider however, the jokes go out of the window (along with the spider). There's no ways he's teasing you when he's also feeling a few twinges of fear as well.
Chocolate enthusiasts! You guys know all the best places around town to go for sweet treats and the staff there know you both on a first name basis at this point.
I think Ranpo would enjoy going shopping with you. He's got a weird sixth sense for which places have sales on and what would suit your style.
Enjoys watching analogue horror with you. He's never really been into horror stuff since he can usually figure out the plot twists well before they happen but analogue horror keeps him engaged. He can never really be sure of what will happen next.
Lets you paint his nails. Just don't go too overboard with them; he doesn't mind colours but usually only a one or two different ones, not a different colour every nail.
Ranpo can be a bit nosy at times but he tries his best to keep in under control, especially when it comes to you. He knows it bothers you and he doesn't want you to feel like you can't trust him so he'll do his best to say out of your business.
At the same time, he loves it when you tell him things. It doesn't matter whether you're opening up about your past or just dishing out gossip you overheard, he loves all of it. Plus he's a really good listener so you'll always feel like what you say has value.
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dahliayoung · 9 months ago
The fact that she was having an actual conversation with Roman did not go over her head. She briefly wondered what alternate universe she had stepped into for this to be a thing that could happen in her life. She chuckled, his admission reminding her of the years she spent teaching herself the guitar from YouTube videos. “Oh, I bet. I know my dad kicked me out of the house more than once when my playing would get on his nerves,” she commented, smiling fondly to herself. Her dad was genuinely very supportive of all of Lia’s artistic pursuits, even if he didn’t always understand. Even a Saint had his limits though. 
Dahlia’s eyes widened at the mention of the Kerrang! photoshoot incident. She’d heard the rumors, of course, but hearing it from him added a layer of authenticity to the stories. “Well, you don’t seem like the kind of guy to do things without reason, so I don’t exactly blame you,” she nodded. His candidness was unexpected and exciting all at the same time. As he talked about wanting a custom Fodera bass, Dahlia smiled although she couldn’t help but feel a twinge of sadness for him. She could see how much music still meant to him and how much he had unfortunately lost. “That’d be fucking amazing. I’ve never seen one in-person, but they sound unbelievable.”
When Roman offered her the chance to play the Epiphone, her heart skipped a bit. “You sure?” she asked, glancing back and forth between the man and the guitar. She knew that was kind of the point of this section of Re-Chording, but it also felt like a new owner meant new rules. After a moment’s hesitation, she smiled, “Okay, yeah! Awesome.” She gently picked up the guitar, putting the strap around her and feeling it’s weight in her hands. She checked to make sure it was tuned, and then strum a few chords. The rich sound resonated and Lia couldn’t help but smile. She glanced up at Roman, it felt surreal to be playing in front of someone she admired so long. She couldn’t help the nervous twinge in her stomach at the thought. 
Music had always bridged the gap between her and the world – whenever she felt misunderstood, it was music that brought her closer to others. After a few more moments, Dahlia stopped and smiled at Roman. “Was I right, or was I right? Total dream girl,” she joked. She removed the guitar and returned it to its place, affectionately running her fingers over the instrument one last time. As beautiful of an instrument as it was, it also was more money that Dahlia could justify spending so playing it in the store would have to suffice. “Well, I should probably get going.”
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A lasting impact. You and me both, kid. Roman didn’t verbally comment, and decided to follow the young woman’s lead on changing the subject. “I found the bass line surprisingly difficult to learn, drove my housemates mad.” The housemates in question being Kaya and Antonio, the three of them shunned from the little bubble of Harrison and Eli during those days. Where Roman worked on the fucking bass line of that fucking song everyday to impress them. Perhaps it had been unintentional, for the lead singer and keyboardist to inadvertently ice everybody out, but it had been a feeling he remembered all to well, for them to make the other three think they had to constantly work on their craft, jump through hoops to impress them, make themselves feel like they had earned their place in the fold.
Truthfully, when it came to the whole ‘unapproachable’ thing, it was a double-edged sword. On one hand, people gave wide berth, and he was generally unbothered. On the other, he probably missed out on genuine fans who cared for the music and not just the YouTube clip of Harrison performing in a pair of too-tight jeans, or when he was approached, it was by dickheads who wanted to get a rise out of him. “Unfortunately everything you ever heard was true.” He admitted, couldn’t help but throw this girl a bone. “Including the whole me walking out of the Kerrang! photoshoot midway because the assistant director on the shoot got a bit arsey.” And considering that magazine’s reputation, something he’d do again.
His thoughts immediately went to Kaya as the girl waxed poetic about the guitar, but reprimanded his brain for going down such a path, instead forcing it back to the topic of instruments. “I always wanted a custom Fodera bass.” Eye-wateringly expensive, and now completely unneeded. “You can, uh, give it a go.” He nodded towards the Epiphone. “If you want.”
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delicrieux · 4 years ago
☆ミ 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚊𝚢 “𝚘𝚑”
emotions run wild when everyone is drunk and hardly coherent. quackity is always loud, but tonight is a full on assault on the senses (the ears, in particular). bretman simps for corpse too much for your liking. rae is happy for once. there’s a confession of love somewhere in there. sister james makes a very good impostor, but that’s old news, the real question is who gave you a knife? a new persona emerges that leaves the roaches quivering in their boots.
─── corpse husband x reader, a lil bit of everyone x reader (because she’s a queen) ─── soc. media + written fiction! ─── word count: a lil over 7k.
author’s note: it’s the way i can’t follow a fucking calendar for me. sorry guys, i swear to god i thought i had one more day before thursday . the idiot award goes to me and i accept it with pride. anyway, i was excited to write this for a while! quackity is in mexico, that’s why he drinks, too. my fic, my rules, he’s too funny not to include. im also working on an extra w dream and mr quack so look forward to that, too! hopefully u like this part ily xx and as always lmk wat u think!!
ultimate masterlist.  ҉  myso masterlist   ҉   previous. ҉   next.
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The outfit for today was picked with care and consideration. Hot, as always- you had forgotten your roots, your hoodie and sweats lay hidden in the bottom of your drawer never to be worn on stream again. You’ve changed. Clout really does that to people. Some viewers, naturally, find your hotness near insulting: how dare you rub your beauty in their faces, and so unabashedly, too?! If only you had a twinge of self-awareness, perhaps you would tone it down. But you don’t, and whether that’s by choice or not is the mystery the whole internet tries to solve (ARMY has been working diligently, and you admire their effort, though in the end their tireless labor brings no tangible results). 
You went from hot to hotter. In all truth, the fires eating away at California can be blamed on you. You carry this burden in stride, in your platform overpriced shoes some girl scammed you on Depop with, in your fishnets, in your skirt, in your corset, in your rings and necklaces and chains. You woke up today and chose violence. Decided your existence will be a plague to the rest of the populace, and meant it (that, maybe, you took inspiration from a certain faceless Youtuber that so happens to be your boyfriend or whatever). You feel powerful. Like you could step on the world and the world would let you. You decide that it’s the way it should always be. 
The smile on your lips informs of nothing good to your quaint, small audience of 40k. You change the lighting in your room from the soft cherry blossom pink to menacing violet. As fitting for a villain.
Perhaps California’s hellish sun has finally purged you of your bubbly, docile nature (arguably, you had never possessed it to begin with); perhaps it’s the forth mimosa you’re mixing as people slowly trickle into the lobby. Who knows?! Not you, definitely. What do all of those boring dead white European philosophers say? Embrace the unknown? Cheers, you’ll drink to that.
In stark contrast to your appearance, your room is a fucking mess. A war-zone of epic anime scale. Everything is scattered, well, everywhere. A perfect representation on what’s going on in your mind, always. You don’t like how people focus on your surroundings-- you’re the main attraction, hello? Are you not enough to sustain them? Must they beg for more?! Totally ungrateful. You shake your head in disappointment, as if a mother scolding her children. 
noooooo! mom pls forgive me i will never ask abt anything ever again T_T
yall looking at the room? lol couldnt be me
feels like im five and my mum just told me i cant eat a pretty rock i found on the pavement:(
You can’t contain your sly grin. Eyes twinkle with a purplish hue, appearing all the more menacing. You tricked them once again, oh how absolutely evil of you. In your blind delight you accidentally spill champagne on your lap.
“-Oop, fuck.” You snort.
why does she sound like goofy 
The scandalous drunk Among Us stream is about to start. You had been eerily silent through the greetings, and those that chose to approach you were met with a cold shoulder and minimal replies. All on purpose, of course. You wish to plant a seed of unease within them, and so far, it’s working. There are questions unanswered, jokes unsaid, Quackity unteased. It breaks your heart, but it must be done. You look into the camera, all vulnerable and devout, as if to say: I’m doing this for you, all for you.
pack it up yandere simulator
idk whats going on but i think im into it?
villain arc villain arc villain aRC VILLAIN ARC
“Hey, guys,” Corpse’s voices rings in your headphones, and not a blink later his astronaut appears in the lobby in a cloud of smoke, “Hi, Y/n.”
More sharp, excited hellos follow after. You merely hum, though give no further reply. As Corpse strays to your side, Charlie steps in in front of him, “BDA access only. You have a permit, bitch?”
“Y/n is being quiet-she’s being quiet, guys!” Quackity helpfully informs, as if the rest failed to notice your cryptic silence, “Don’t be sad Corpse, man, Corpse don’t be-she didn’t say shit to me either.”
“Y/n has decided to not waste her breath on the SDS.” Charlie voices, “And you know what? I actually agree with her for once.”
“SD-what now?” Dream questions.
“The Small Dick Society.” Charlie explains, noting Dream’s whine of protest, “Oh no, don’t give me that shit, weren’t you bitching about not being invited and not belonging to exclusive clubs? Congratulations, you’re finally part of one.”
“Wait!” Quackity interjects, “Am I part of it too?”
“Guess, Sherlock.”
“I’ll drink to that.” Corpse says. You nod to your audience, like he just spoke the God honest truth, and follow in his example. Your tentative sip unexpectedly turns into a greedy gulp, but you’re not complaining. The only slightly coherent thought that rings in your mind is drink tasty.
“Ignore them,” Rae chimes, “Y/n’s probably plotting something and using Charlie as a cover up.”
“I’d never.” The words slip past your lips before you can stop them.
“Well you sure are very quick to deny it.” You can hear her smirking, can hear the proud lilt in her voice, like she caught onto your silly little scheme, like she has you all figured out. Your eyes narrow dangerously. The night behind your window pools dark, with far away city lights glimmering before they, too, seem to dim. 
Your roommate is back on your shitlist. How her name was missed among the rest.
“I’m defending my honor.” You yelp, the playfulness back in your voice along with your sunny smile, “I can’t have my wifey slandering me online. At least do it in private, geez.”
If Rae’s such a good detective, you’ll give her a good chase. Perhaps you’ve been laying it on too thick. Made her too suspicious. She can’t out you yet--not when your plans are so grand, so fun. It would be a waste.
“Why weren’t you saying anything then?” Quackity questions.
“Do I need a reason not wanting to talk to you?” You shoot back. Your friends laugh and he tries to shriek something past their cackle. You lean back into your chair, the tension from Rae’s confrontation finally easing. You wink at the camera and bring a finger to your lips. The roaches swear to secrecy, elated by your wickedness. As appropriate, they spam devil emojis and various renditions of evil hohohos and hehehes. The apple truly does not fall far from the tree. You had raised them well. You raise your glass in solidarity. A few donations fall into your pocket, easily summed up as: make them suffer.
Muting the discord call, you give a single response, “Oh, I intend to.”
i hope this doesn’t awaken something in me
^already too late for me bro
As caught up in wreaking havoc among your viewers as you are, you miss Sykkuno’s entrance, though from what you can tell, Charlie gave a stern warning to back the fuck off to him, too. He’s playing into your plan so beautifully. Truly, you couldn’t do this without him. Back to stalking the chat you go.
Your eyes flicker to the game upon Bretman’s signature drawl and “Hi, daddy.”. You have no time to get offended at Corpse’s sweet “Hi, honey” back, because the next person to join the discord call and the lobby leaves you speechless. You knew, of course, you had been informed of the line-up, but still, you had never expected yourself to be so close to Jomes Chorles himself. You make a weird gesture with your hands, half wave half excited wiggle, as if you’re telling the audience to calm down, when, in fact, it is you that needs calming.
He goes saying his hello’s like doing a public service, name by name, before, lastly, uttering, “Hi, Miss Y/n. Loooove the vids.”
He’s a roach in disguise, who could’ve known?! Your audience is so diverse and unexpected, gosh, you’d shed a tear if the mascara wasn’t so expensive.
“Hi!” You reply with a grin, and it’s genuine this time, a glimmer of your old self, “Hi, I love your videos, too. It’s like, really cool to finally meet you.”
“Oh my God, you too!” Is his enthusiastic reply, “Okay, the energy in the studio today? Love it.”
“Is this all of us?” Quackity asks.
“Sadly.” James says with a note of disappointment.
“Okay, guys!” Ash chimes, “Let’s do this! Proximity Among Us, round one, go go go!”
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Luck does not shine upon you during the first round- you are stuck as Crew Mate, your life cut short by Bretman who had the audacity to bite your head off. You’re positive Ke$ha wrote her hit single Cannibal about him, and if she didn’t, she definitely had a That’s So Raven moment and predicted it. It’s also insanely suspicious as after you are eliminated he sticks real close to Corpse, feigning innocence (and this is a controversial opinion you do not endorse) better than even you. It wounds your pride, having been picked off so casually, so quickly, and now stuck a ghost you roam the halls of the dying spaceship, lost, confused, heartbroken.
Charlie runs past you, not once even glancing in your direction. “Brother...” You mutter sadly, “Do you not see me here? Do you not feel... the loss of your twin’s heartbeat...?" Damn, these mimosas really are making you emotional. You sniffle and take a sip to calm the storm within you. No rage, just sadness. You are still processing your own tragic demise.
Suddenly, a meeting is called. There’s a horrible red X on your astronaut. You are the only one dead so far, and of course the rest won’t vote out the fucker. How bitterly you sit! With your arms crossed over your chest and your glare sharp enough to cut through glass. Fuck the sad shit, now you’re just angry. At the very least, the second Impostor could’ve given you some company!
“I knew something felt off.” Charlie is first to speak.
“Who the fuck killed Y/n?” Corpse questions, and his voice ignites a whole discussion that lasts much too short. The others skip, having no suspect yet. It’s much too soon to start pointing fingers, but you still feel like they should have at least tried. Pouting, you fix yourself another drink.
“Stop drinking!?” You gasp, exasperated at your chats demands, “I’m dead! What else should I do, the tasks?! Nah, fuck that. I’m done. I’m out. Charlie better employ his fucking detective skills because if the Impostors win, I will literally quit the game--yes I will, no I’m not bullshitting, fucking watch me.”
Thankfully, Bretman was caught venting, and you didn’t have to end the stream prematurely. The second Impostor, your roommate (oh, the betrayal, Rae, how could you?!) was voted out due to Corpse’s suspicion. Victory to the Crew Mates! The game restarts and you find yourself back in the lobby.
“Miss Y/n,” Bretman says, “I am sooo sorry for killing you first, baby. It was just too easy. I couldn’t pass it up.”
Giggling, Quackity chimes, “Sister slaughtered.”
“Oh my God,” James groans, “shut up!”
“Yeah, Y/n.” Charlie speaks, and there’s an accusatory note in his calm voice, “Why the fuck did you allow yourself to be eliminated first? Real noob shit, I expected more of you.”
“HUH?!” You frown, “What’s with the victim blaming?! I literally was doing my task and Bretman snuck up on me. It’s not like I had a weapon to defend myself!”
“You have been avenged,” Corpse states, “and that’s all that matters.”
“Thank you, Corpse!” You say, “At least someone cares.”
“Hey, I helped, too!” Dream pipes up.
“No, you didn’t.” Corpse shoots him down, “I was the only one.”
“You were not--”
“Literally was. Isn’t that right, Sykkuno?”
“Uhhhh-” Sykkuno trails off, “Well, we-we all helped!” You can hear his shy smile, and you just know he’s bobbing his head up and down at this exact moment, “We all helped. Team work!”
“Team work!” The rest echo, save for yourself, Corpse, Charlie, and the two Impostors. Silence speaks more than a thousand words or whatever. You pray to any higher power willing to listen to finally assign you the role of the villain, the one you were born to do. 
Sadly, higher powers must have either shitty customer service or are in need of hearing aids, and you almost scream in frustration when your astronaut appears along with the others, the bold CREW MATE title chipping away at your master plan.
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“Hey, Y/n, hey! Hey, Y/n!” Rae finds you in Cafeteria, where you, metaphorically, are eating your feelings. Not that she needs to know, of course. She sounds chipper, a bit ditsy, and that must mean she’s sufficiently tipsy. You store that information for later, and forget about it as soon as you notice Dream and Sykkuno, like her very own personal bodyguards, trailing after her, “Wanna play a game?!”
“Is this Saw?” You inquire, somewhat lazy. You’d be lying if you said the alcohol wasn’t affecting you, it’s just instead of making you bubbly, it makes you mellow. This was supposed to be fun, you were supposed to terrorize everyone and laugh as they perished by your hand, yet here you are, wallowing in self-pity. The roaches start worrying. The donation jingle chimes.
BEATINGS & SLUTATIONS yns_fishnets donated 5$ mom just wait it out & dont worry youll get your vengeance soon lead them on!!!!
Your fishnets have a point! 
“Saw?--No, no, haa, no it’s a drinking game.” Dream sounds like he has had one too many rounds of this mysterious game, and naturally, you are intrigued.
“Where we drink!” Sykkuno clarifies. Right, well that explains everything! If you had any questions, you surely have none now.
“Okay, so, name a category, and you have to, like, say a word associated with it...Or something along those lines.” You hadn’t even agreed and Rae is explaining the rules already. She knows you too well. It’s both a blessing and a curse, “Can be anything! Okay, Y/n, Y/n, Y/n start!”
“Uhh--” If only your brain computed as fast as she spoke! “Song lyrics! Wait--who drinks?”
“You fail, you drink!” She hurries, “Choke me like you hate me but you love meeeeee. Syk, go, go go!”
“Uhm, ah, I don’t wanna feel like this, uh, fuck?” He laughs--it’s a raspy, embarrassed little sound, “I don’t...wanna look like this? Dream, now you!”
“Wait, we’re singing Corpse’s songs?”
“Any song!” You urge him quickly, “Hurry! Or drink!”
“She say I kill her cat like I'm Luka Magnotta--”
“Hey! That’s cheating! You can’t use my song!” Rae protest.
“That wasn’t in the rules!” He counters.
“Y/n! Time’s running out!” Sykkuno exclaims.
“Oh, uh, will-will the real Slim Shady please stand up!”
“Ra-Ra-Rasputin, Russia’s greatest love machine--”
“All...All the other kids with the pumped up kicks better, uhh, run better run, faster...-faster than my gun?”
“Uhh, shit--fucking hell.” Dream laughs, and Rae practically screams at him to keep going, “Alright! Okay! I’m singing--uh, you’re so golden, na na na na?”
“I tell you what a woman loves most,” You chime gleefully, “it’s a man who can slap but can also stroke.”
finally, the mother mother representation we’ve all been waiting for
i aint exactly gay but i aint exactly not gay >:)
the bis won
“I steal a few breeeeaaaths from the woooorld for a minute--”
“Mitski?!” You question, eyes bulging, “Baby, who hurt you?”
Even if you can’t see her, you know she’s waving her arms around and shaking her head, “Not the point! Sykkuno!”
“Uh, I-I, uhm, I don’t--”
“Drinnnnk!” You all chorus. 
“It was a good concert,” You say, “Syk, I’ll drink with you.”
“Thank you, Y/n. That’s very kind of you.” He says softly, with a smile lining his lips. You grin.
“Oh, fine. Everyone, bottoms up!” Rae decides, and no one protest. A moment of silence passes, then, “Well, GG, GG, let’s do some tasks?”
Your enthusiastic Ariana Grande-esque “yuh” is cut short by the second meeting of game two being called. The first one to go had been Ash, voted out during a bathroom break as a joke, and you still feel a bit bad about that. Now, you notice Charlie has been eliminated. A sense of righteousness fills you--while you mourn for your brother from another mother and father and family tree, you feel like this is divine punishment for slandering you before the start of this round. Karma. Nothing much is discussed, and the meeting ends shortly with everyone skipping. 
You spend a good ten minutes wandering around with Dream, who’s mission appears to be convincing you to join his Minecraft server, and really, there was no need for him to try so hard. You failed to provide him with a concrete answer only because it would've been to humiliating to admit that you agreed instantly upon hearing the word Minecraft.
That’s when things get fucking weird. Another meeting is called whilst you’re in the middle of fixing lights, and once the board with the members appears you audibly gasp. There had been 8 living, breathing astronauts rushing around the map, and now only 4 remain. You, Corpse, James, and Alex. 
“What the fuck--what the fuck?!” You screech alarmed, noting Dream being among the perished crew, “I was just with Dream fixing the lights, I was just with him, what the fuck--”
“Okay, no one panic.” James says, “Let’s figure this out. Okay? Okay. Who else is close to Electrical?”
“I’m at Nav.” Quackity says.
“I’m at Cafeteria, but Y/n--” Corpse starts, “kinda weird that Dream died when you were with him?”
“I didn’t fucking kill him, I swear to God, Corpse, why are you accusing me?”
“Don’t be so defensive.” He says smoothly, “I’m just pointing out the obvious. We all have a reason to be sus, no? Considering you were right with him.”
“...It is suspicious.” James agrees, and a part of you dies inside. You understand their hesitance to trust you, but it doesn’t make it any less frustrating!
“Guys, I didn’t kill him, I swear. He invited me to play Minecraft, I wouldn’t do that to him, not after that!”
Corpse merely hums, and it brings no comfort what’s so ever. The situation is spiraling, and not in your favor. Trying to salvage your chances at freedom, you try again, “Wh-James, James, you called the meeting, right?”
“Yeah, I found Rae’s body near Medical.”
“So I couldn’t have killed her and Dream at the same time!” You latch onto that piece of information, hoping it will save you.
“You could’ve vented.” Corpse points out, “Plus, there’s no telling how old the body is.”
“Killing five fucking people? It’s the work of one person, or else the game would have already ended. As it stands, I am no way sober enough to think all of this out.”
A brief silence hangs in the air; your lungs constrict from tension, from spilling words so hotly. You grasp your glass, as if for emphasis, and take a shy sip. It taste sweet, a bit too sweet for your liking. Must be your nerves. You drink again to wash the taste out of your mouth, which, surprisingly, doesn’t work. You whine a little, stomping your feet like a child about to throw a temper tantrum.
“...I believe her.” Quackity says. You breathe out a sigh of relief.
“Alex, thank youuuuuu!” You gush, batting your lashes as if he could somehow see you and that would somehow portray your innocence, “I knew I liked you for a reason!”
He mutes his mic, his spill of words lost to your ears, but chat helpfully informs that he’s screaming because you don’t hate him. 
y/n out here collecting men like pokemon cards
Now all that’s left is to convince the others. You start with the one you know will work, “Corpse,” You address him in your sweetest voice.
“Y/n,” James warns, “don’t you dare--”
“Baby, I didn’t kill anyone, I’m crew mate, you gotta believe me.”
“She's innocent.” Corpse declare, thoroughly convinced.
“Oh my fucking God, you fucking simp!” James laughs, “She’s obviously manipulating you!”
“No, no, she isn’t. She’s innocent, I agree with Quackity. Now, it’s either you or him.”
“Could be you for all we know!” Alex accuses.
“Guys, time’s running out.” You mutter fretfully, noting the seconds tick by from white to red. 
“I’m voting Alex.” Corpse says.
“What?! Fucking traitor! Fine, I’m voting for you.” Alex hisses.
“Ugh, hate agreeing with Quackity, but I’m also voting Corpse. Sorry, hon, nothing personal.” James says. The VOTED icons pop up beside their characters and you panic, pressing your mouse idly but it’s too late, there wasn’t enough time, and you cry as Corpse is thrown into lava. The chat spams F, and it feels like salt on a fresh wound.
In a second you’re back in Cafeteria, shell-shocked and trembling, and Quackity cusses because the Impostor is still among you. His frustration doesn’t last long as you watch in horror as Jams Chortles, beauty guru supreme, murders the only other crew mate in cold blood and all you can do is gape and let his cheerful laughter fill your ears. The screen bleeds red, informing of Impostor victory, the second one being Ash. Looks like you voted her off for the right reason, but little difference did it make.
“Corpse!” You yell past the cacophony of voices, all in varying forms of excitement or anger, beelining for his in-game figure, “Corpse, I’m so sorry, I panicked, I tried pressing the button but I wasn’t quick enough--”
“It’s alright, baby. Don’t worry about it.” He’s so calming, so gentle, you might burst into tears again. What did you do to deserve him? You wish he was with you so you could smother him in a hug. Alas, all you can do now is say “I kith you, mwah!” and rush to the other side of the lobby, as if to hide from such a bold display of affection, even if it was a joke (it wasn’t).
yall say corpse simps for y/n but the reality is y/n simps for corpse harder
queen stop its embarrassing
bhaddies can simp!! i wouldnt but its her choice <3
More deliberations, commentary, and short breaks. Once everyone has returned, the countdown starts. You’re still reeling from the chaos of emotions, the five stages of grief you experienced in 1 second upon Corpse’s unjust demise, that it takes you a moment, a single heartbeat to realize what you’re seeing on screen.
The letters IMPOSTOR hang above your astronaut, with Dream standing just behind you as your newly appointed partner in crime. And suddenly, all the sadness and the tenderness and sympathy vanish with a curt exhale. You slowly turn your head to the chat, muting the Discord call, your soft chuckle of disbelief turning into a full blown laugh.
it’s happening!!!! 
omg omg omg omg
You slap your palm over your lips, trying to contain your wicked smile, to tone down your broken giggles, “N-No, I can’t laugh yet,” shaking your head softly, you look into the camera, “they’re all going to die.”
pack it up light yagami
this has awoken something in me.
^ same
The crew mates go their own ways, rushing to do their tasks like the diligent little workers they are. How adorable. Their grim fate is still miles away from them. The shit you’ll pull will be for the history books. Much like your outfit, which you picked keeping in mind your newfound thirst for blood, you had devised your plan of action with care and consideration. You had been mulling it over all day, drawing on paper like the absolute madwoman you are; hell, you even made sticky notes on who to go for first and what to say. Sure, being moderately drunk hinders your memory slightly (an understatement of the century), but you got a feel for what you’re going to do. It’s nothing short of evil.
Dream and you don’t exchange words, you merely nod at him-- which he, of course, can’t see-- but your criminal bond enables telepathic communication. You can hear his thoughts, ones that strangely sound like drink drink, drink drink. And really, who are you to refuse such an enticing offer?! As he fucks off to stalk his victims, or play pretend, you take a sip. The cocktail is still sweet, but this time it’s not the icky sweet you had tasted prior. You glance at your sticky notes, ones the roaches can’t see, and nearly spill your drink for the second time today as you jerk.
“Fuck!” You exclaim, shoving your headphones off and spinning in your chair. You hastily stand up, wobble -- the world is pleasantly funny right about now -- and giggle. Stepping past the mountains of abandoned clothes and pillows and blankets and anime plushies, you maneuver your way to your bedside table and yank it open, nearly taking out the whole drawer with you. In the mess of old diaries and bad drawings, pencils, jewelry, and stickers, you fish out something you should not be wielding in your inebriated state.
It’s a knife.
In midst of teenage angst you had ordered it off of Amazon with your mom’s credit card, all the while whining that it’s not a phase, mom, and it’s what all of my cool kid friends with fried hair have, and don’t you want me to fit in, don’t you want your daughter to be happy?! You think it’s about that time, the time of too much uneven eyeliner and black eye shadow, that she took to calling you little raccoon. Trash rabbit was your personal favorite, but she used it sparingly. When you presented your Macy’s outfit, holding up a fucking butterfly knife, to your dad, asking if it was a look, he glanced up from some boring business magazine all boring business dads read and said, with a bright smile might you add, “It’s a something!”.
Oh, how it gleams in the lilac light. You used to do tricks with it, back in eight grade maybe, and--what the fuck? Why did you parents allow you to buy it in the first place? Well, because you’re the only child, the only one important, of course they got it for you and clapped enthusiastically at your performances, because why wouldn’t they? The whining they’d face otherwise would’ve been harder to endure than a whole dance number to Panic! At The Disco’s greatest hits. Broadway looked so fucking shabby in comparison. Your mom said so, so it must be true.
Stumbling back to your extremely confused viewers, you take your seat, feeling a bit more grounded now that you’re not standing on your platform shoes anymore. Putting on your headphones, you grin at the chat that starts swimming, and not from too much drinking either. You do a quick flick of your wrist, one that thankfully doesn’t end in injury, and the sharp tip of the exposed knife points upwards, glimmering. It’s a rainbow colored one, because one, it’s pretty, and two, you weren’t hardcore enough for the jet-black or straight up military ones the other emo kids had. Cute and dangerous, just like you.
So you just sit there, holding it up, looking somewhat sly as the roaches capture this momentous moment with screen-caps. Someone definitely clipped you trudging past the obstacle course to obtain a weapon of mass destruction. You must be already trending on Twitter, though you can’t exactly log on and confirm your suspicions. You just feel like you might be, like you should be, because your audience wouldn’t let this slide. Thankfully, your friends don’t have time to check social media, or you’d be outed in an instant.
“Y/n?” Your roommates voice booms from your headphones, and you perk up with a stupid realization that you completely forgot about Among Us. Stuck at the start, at the lobby where Dream had left you, you see her astronaut waddling to you, “What are you doing here? Wait--Have you not moved from the beginning?” She can barely finish the sentence without giggling. 
You grin, “I was looking for something.”
Your voice is soft, too calm for your usual frantic spill. You gently set the knife down, hand coming to rest on your mouse, fingers idly, slowly, bouncing on the buttons.
“...What were you looking for?” She’s none the wiser, the numerous drinks consumed tonight numbing her sharp mind. She would have noticed. Your eerie composure would’ve given it away in a heartbeat, or at least hinted at something being objectively wrong. But she sounds curious. Poor girl, hasn’t she heard? Curiosity killed the cat.
“A knife.”
“A knife?!” There’s something about her tone that implies a mental clicking, the puzzle pieces falling together, “You have a knife?!”
You think it would only be appropriate that the random sequence of killing animations renders the backstabbing one. You grin, biting your lower lip with a quiet snicker.
i love women
if evil bad...why seggy?
You take your time leaving her there -- in true serial-killer-to-be fashion, you stick around for a bit longer, admiring your handiwork, or more like the chat singing your praises. You joined today with the intent of making an interesting stream. You have no doubt in your mind that now it will be legendary.
You move down the hallway, and you let your imagination wander: you can almost feel the stuffy air of your helmet, can almost hear your loud footsteps echoing in all this hush, can almost see your reflection in the spotless tile floor. It’s not long before your second victim makes an appearance, running circles in Cafeteria. You hear his voice first before you see him, recognizing Alex by his unhinged screech of “Let’s go, let’s go, let’s goooo!” 
“And what’s got you so excited?” How cool and collected you are, gosh, you barely contain the quiver of excitement that threatens to slip out. 
“Y/n!” He exclaims, rushing to your side like a lost puppy--he’s really making this easy for you, he’s not even trying, “You just missed--Oh my fucking God, you just missed James, he-he called me tall, he called me fucking tall! Let’s go, let’s gooooo!”
“Well, you are tall, aren’t you?” You chime sweetly, almost as sweet as the drink that lingers on the tip of your tongue, “Real 6′3 energy, no?”
“Yes, yes, exactly! You get it, you fucking get it--” Once again, his mic goes mute, and you glance at the chat for help.
hard to transcribe what hes saying but hes taking shots and yelling that he loves you good job mom
hey, queen! girl, you have done it again, constantly raising the bar for us all and doing it flawlessly
mom plz dont kill alex hes too cute hes all uwu rn
Oh, how you’re about to break his poor little heart. If you had any good left in you, you’d spare him. You don’t, and you’re not taking requests at the moment, so all you do is smile at your chat and they know. They just do. Hive-mind shit, you’re all two-faced little fuckers.
You giggle, and it sounds a tad fake, “You’re so weird, Alex,” You start, and he’s back in the call, a sound of confusion echoing in your ears, “but I get it, you know. You’re weird. You’re a weirdo. You don’t fit it, and you don’t want to fit in. I mean, really, has anyone even seen you without your stupid hat?”
“...Do--” He sputters, bellowing a laugh, “Do you have that whole fucking monologue memorized?!”
“Is it because you’re bald?”
“I’m not fucking bald!” His giddiness is quickly replaced by anger.
You hum, pretend to think, lastly barking a “Liar.” before you kill him. His scream is cut off, leaving only deafening silence at it’s wake. Unlike with Rae, you don’t stick around. You didn’t appreciate how little he enjoyed your recital.
You run into James near Navigation, most likely on his way to Cafeteria. He ends his song mid-note, and you breathe a sigh of relief, “Finally! Someone! I’ve been looking all over, where the hell is everyone?” You question, blocking his way, lest he accidentally stumbles onto the crime scene and easily pins it on you. You’re not done yet.
“Honestly? No clue. I’m searching for them myself, like, everyone’s scattered. I hope no one died.”
You smile. You tried not to, but you can’t contain it, “Me, too.” You echo the sentiment, urging him to join you, and he does. Too trusting. Everyone in this game is too fucking trusting. You lead him back to Nav, feigning that you have a task here. As you pretend to move the spaceship, you can’t help but ask, “Hey, James?”
“What’s your favorite scary movie?”
A beat of silence passes, “Oh no, fuck that, I don’t like this at all.” He states, about to spin on his heel and bolt like he should do, but you’re quicker-- killer instincts and all-- and he’s dead before he makes it out the doorway.
“See, after your No More Lies video, I figured you’d only tell the truth.” Yes, this is the part of the anime where the villain monologues, only the hero in this case is an astronaut cut in half, and not exactly alive to listen to you. You hope James’ ghost sticks around, “Case in point, why the fuck did you tell Quackity he’s tall?” You eye the chat, which’s mostly spamming W and comparing you to Ryo from Devilman Crybaby. “Such a shame...” You murmur, pressing the REPORT button.
“What?! How are so many people dead?!” Ash gasps, her kind voice tinted with fear and confusion. Your three kills, like military stars on an uniform of a distinguished officer, are displayed on the board. Dream appears to be slacking, having yet to take a life.
“Someone’s been real fucking busy.” Charlie observes. It’s true, you have been.
“I found James in Nav, but holy shit--” You begin, exasperated, “--what the fuck, guys, how did we miss this shit? Where is everyone?”
“I’m at Electrical.” Corpse voices.
“And I’m with Corpse.” One sentence is all it takes to figure out your next target: Bretman. Revenge for being killed first in the first goddamn round, and for spending so much time with your boyfriend.
Eep!!! Boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend!!! The word even makes you forget your thirst for blood, that’s how whipped you are. Sadly, it’s time to return to reality, to this grave situation.
“And what have the two of you been conspiring?” You keep your tone level, but that alone is enough to set everyone off. The unease you had planted within them before the game started is starting to bloom. However, if they suspect you, they don’t speak up, not yet.
“Fishnets, mostly.” Corpse says.
only partly a lie he was mostly talking abt u queen <3
corpse simping for y/n is the sweetest thing ever
the times corpse used y/ns name when talking abt y/n: 1. the times he used baby or my baby: infinite
“I’m wearing them right nyoooow.” Bretman drawls.
You hum, “What a coincidence. I am, too.”
“Wait--For real?” That seems to catch Corpse’s attention, because of course it does, you picked them with him in mind, after all.
“No peeping.” You tsk, obviously referring to his tendency to hop onto your stream unprompted. Whether he actually listens to your demands is beyond you, “Peeping means cheating.”
“For the love of fuck all, can we get back to the three dead bodies, please? Because I’m about to have a second coming of Christ moment and taste my consumed, digested beer for the second time.” Charlie interjects.
“I mean, anyone have any ideas who’d do this?” Dream takes hold of the conversation. Quiet, disappointed nos greet him. They have nothing to go on, no clues, not even a subliminal message. With everyone scattered, there is no way of locating the actual bodies and drawing a long red trail leading back to you. 
You’re too good at lying, and Dream is too good of a publicist. People tend to trust his judgement, which is his main asset (besides his calm demeanor of course). When the Among Us gods chose you as Impostor, they made sure you had every advantage. 
“Who-Who do you think it is, Dream?” Ash questions, “I trust you. I do. Just know that.���
“No fucking clue.”
“Y/n?” She tries again.
“Same. I’m a bit worried, though.”
“Let’s, uhhh, let’s skip?” Sykkuno offers. The consensus is to start voting at six. Your new mission is to make sure you dwindle the numbers down drastically before that can happen. You have no qualms about sacrificing Dream in order to meet your goals, either. Absolutely cold blooded.
Back at Cafeteria, there are words exchanged about Quackity’s body just laying there, forgotten. Blame is shifted: how come we didn’t notice sooner? Where’s Rae? And you mindlessly go along with their mourning, not really paying attention. Dream leaves with Charlie and Sykkuno, Corpse requests you stay with him and you sprout fake apologies. Not his time yet. Us girls need to stick together!, you sing, following after Ashley and getting further and further away from him, going deeper and deeper into the labyrinth of the spaceship.
You find yourself in Security with her, her cute astronaut pressed to the cameras, watching the live feed, “Let’s lurk here, okay? Maybe we’ll see something.” If only she saw who was standing behind her. 
“Who do you think is the Impostor?” You ask, standing in the doorway, “Or, more like, who are the Impostors?”
“Honestly?” She ends her word with a little sigh, “I think it might be Corpse and Bretman. I haven’t seen them at all this game.”
You smile, raising your brows, tilting your heard, and you sound so kind, like a dear old friend about to deliver a tender message, “...Have you seen me?”
Too late. In one smooth motion she joins the afterlife. You cut the lights, venting mindlessly till you spot Corpse and Bretman panicking in Weapons. Your existence is still a mystery to them.
“Fuck fuck fuck fuck--” Corpse mumbles, “Bretman, don’t you dare fucking kill me right now.”
“I’m not Impostor!”
“Okay, I’ll drink to that.”
They rush out of Weapons, most likely on their way to Electrical, and you trail after them like the Grim Reaper itself, biding your time till you can deliver the killing blow.
“Corpse?!” You call out, mild panic ringing in your voice, “Is that you?”
“Shit, Y/n? Where are you?” He questions. Crew vision is so sad, so small, how can he not see you standing almost right next to him? “Where’s Ash?”
“I dunno,” You say, “when the lights went out I ran. Please don’t kill me.”
“I’d never do that, baby.”
Too easy. They’re all too fucking easy. You bite your lower lip, trying to stop the laugh bubbling in your chest, to stop the lightheaded dizziness that overcomes you with a rush of excitement. 
“Thanks, pretty boy.” You mutter, and it sounds a bit lower than you intended, a bit darker, something sinister lurking underneath cotton candy words. It instantly clicks in Bretman and he makes a noise, something like a whine, and you see him backing away, “I know I can always trust you.” 
Whether Corpse notices the odd shift in tone, he doesn’t show it, “I like it when you call me that.” Is all he says, and you hear the smile in his voice, the appreciation. The trek to Electrical is all but forgotten. You slowly make your way to Bretman, “Where are you? Come here.”
“Just a minute,” You say cheerily, “I just need to kill Bret first.”
“Holy shit.”
“N-” Your victim’s sentence is cut off in a second, and you can’t contain your manic cackle this time, because the screen bleeds red, the words VICTORY splattered on it, depicting yours and Dream’s sneaky astronauts. You’re still laughing as the voices of your fallen friends ring in your ears.
“Y/n, what the fuck, you’re an actual monster.” Dream says, but there’s no actual weight behind his words, each syllable punctured with a laugh.
“I knew the second she asked me about my favorite scary movie that I’d get the chop.” James states.
“Wait, Y/n, did you kill everyone?” Corpse questions.
“She fucking did!” Dream answers for you, “I got Charlie and Sykkuno, and barely at that. What the fuck.”
“I’ve been waiting so fucking long for this.” You admit, giggling, raising you glass, “I toast to you, Dream. My perfect partner in crime.”
“I didn’t really do shit, but cheers.”
Quackity heaves a heavy sigh, “Y/n, Y/n, you don’t actually think I’m weird, right? Right?”
“No, she does.” James chimes.
More commotion, more noise, and you just sit there, buzzed, snickering, reading the chat as the rest agree to play another round. You thank the people who donated that you had accidentally missed among the, you know, murder, reply to a few questions, bow dramatically to the many praises and invisible flowers you receive for such beautiful assassin work. When you look back at the screen, you throw your head back with a maniacal laugh.
Impostor again, only this time it’s with Charlie. Family bonds are often restored when united under a common goal. You’re so happy. So happy. You weren’t done terrorizing your friends yet.
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tags (in italics is those i couldn’t tag! make sure all’s ok w your settings!) : @littlebabysandboxburritos​ - @fairywriter-oracle​ - @tsukishimawh0re​ - @ofstarsanddreams​ - @bbecc-a​ - @annshit​ - @leahh19​ - @letsloveimagines​ - @bellomi-clarke​ - @wineandionysus​ - @guiltydols​ - @onephootinfrontoftheother​ - @liamakorn​ - @thirstyfangirl​ - @lilysdaydreams​ - @pan-ini​ - @mxqicshxp​ - @tanchosanke​ - @yoshinorecommends​ - @flightsandfantasy​ - @liljennyx3​ - @bingusmode - @unknown-and-invisible​ - @sinister-sleep​ - @fivedicksinatrenchcoat​ - @mercury–moon - @peterparkerspjsuit​ - @unstableye​ - @simonsbluee​ - @shinyshimaagain​ - @ppopty​ - @siriuslystupid​ - @crapimahuman​ - @ofthedewthesunlight​ - @mythicalamphitrite​ - @artsyally​ - @corpsesimpp​ - @corpsewhitetee​ - @corpse-husbandsimp​ - @hyp-oh-critical​ - @roses-and-grasses​ - @rhyrhy462​ - @sparklylandflaplawyer​ - @charbkgo​ - @airwaveee​ - @creativedogs​ - @kaitlyn2907​ - @loxbbg​ - @afuckingunicornn​ - @fleurmoon​ - @yeolliedokai​
more tags are in the comments bcs tumblr only allows me to tag 50 people max 💙
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7spaceace7 · 4 years ago
Secrets (A Donatello x Reader)
This is incredibly self-indulgent and was really just a fic for me to obsess over tesla coils, but my girlfriend convinced me to post it- so here it is! It got kind of long too, but I hope you enjoy! 
Word Count: 3236
Reader is given feminine terms in this one
Mild cursing (thank you Raph)
Absolute fluff attack, the sweetness will rot your teeth
Singing was your greatest passion. From a young age, you had been roped into music, the emotions it could represent with just a few notes and some relatable lyrics. It was happiness, it was sadness, it was anger and excitement, and it was everything you couldn’t express well enough with just words. Being a writer, sometimes that would get frustrating, but music helped you overcome the most challenging spots in a new piece or story. This is why you would constantly have earbuds in as you sang along to every song you’d memorized on your Spotify shuffle. 
And Donnie noticed this. Every time you would enter the turtles’ lair, he would see you unplug and pack-up your headphones. Hell, he was even able to detect your singing from the sounds of the sewer tunnels echoing with every step you took closer. He’d hear you talk about the music or soundtracks of your favorite games and movies, analyzing what every slight twinge or reprise would allude to. And he loved every part of it. He loved getting to see those moments where music was all you could focus on. Your heart rate rose exponentially in anticipation and excitement. Your eyes would screw shut while you broke into a grin. Your hands would mimic motions to the beat as you played on invisible drums, or strummed a nonexistent guitar. 
It was adorable to him, to say the least. But he never told you so. He never said a word, in case this might scare you off for coming across as “creepy” or weird. He knew most people probably didn’t pay this close attention to little things like that, but then again, he also knew that most people weren’t madly in love with you. 
Which Donatello was. 
He couldn’t tell you, because once he started rambling about you, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to stop. And if he didn’t stop, then he’d run the 89.07% chance risk of telling you how he’d been in love with you since the day they met you. That was way too high for him to be comfortable. No, he couldn’t tell you, no matter how badly he wanted you to know.
“Okay, so what if you just show ‘er you’re interested instead?” Raph asked, half paying attention to his brother’s predicament, half pounding the punching bag before him into the ground. Leo was in the dojo meditating, and Mikey was playing video games in the living room, which left the two middle brothers to their own devices. For Donnie, this was literally. His three-fingered hands fiddled with his latest electrical circuit. It was bound for sending the right amount of voltage into his inventions without needing four power strips and a generator all on their own. Unfortunately, he was too distracted to actually delve into its components, and settled for breaking and piecing it back together again.
“Show her? How would I do that?” Donnie’s voice trembled at the thought.
“I dunno, you’re the genius here,” Raph huffed, “There’s gotta be somethin’ in this place that you think she’d find cool. She loves music, right?”
“Yeah, like a lot, she even-”
“Rhetorical question, Don, heard the rant plenty,” His brother cut him off. Pausing his violent onslaught of the dummy, he turned to face him. “You’re nervous ‘cause you ain’t ever done somethin’ for a pretty girl before, I get it. So do somethin’ you know you’re good at. That’ll take the nerves off, your plan works, and then I won’ have to listen to you babbling about whatever new fuckin’ thing she did today. Win win.”
The younger turtle paused. “That was...actually pretty sound advice, thank you, Raph.”
“Anytime,” Raph nodded, a smug smile tugging at his lips from being able to help. Problem was, now he was invested. He’d listened to his brother’s rants and rambles and failed plans of possibly confessing for weeks now, what was gonna happen once he finally did it? Raph plopped onto one of Donnie’s bean bag chairs. He didn’t bother to pick up the training dummy. “So what ya gonna do, smart guy?”
Donnie blinked a few times, glasses twitching on his nose as he pushed them up. He didn’t know it, but you coined this his “brainstorming face”. He fiddled with the circuits once again.
“Uh...I’m not sure,” His tongue went dry. A million ideas fly through his brain each minute, and this decides to be the time that he can’t think of a single one good enough. Figures. “I could build her something? Maybe a new stereo, or upgrade the one she has.”
Raph made a noise of disapproval. “You can do better, any old fix-it guy could do that.”
“Fair. Maybe I could- ow!”
A short buzz of the air cut him off as his fiddling paid off. To the world’s great irony, a light bulb several inches away lit up.
“You good?”
“Yeah, I’m good, I…” Donnie trailed off. The purple-clad turtle’s eyes widened as he registered what happened. “I’m better than good, I just had an epiphany!”
“An epiphany, sudden realization, an idea!” Donnie flicked his goggles back down, enhancing his vision with the magnifier on it. Wires were tugged in and out, and a transmitter was displaced. With a snort of triumph, he raised it to the air for his brother to see. “This is the answer!” 
“A tiny board thing. Just what she’s always wanted,” Raph rolled his eyes, but Donnie was prepared for this.
“Not just a tiny board, a tiny board with this!-” With great haste, Donnie was next to Raph, holding the board out properly. “My side-side project, this little thing, look at the coil here, this is it! This is a tesla coil, capable of transmitting thousands and thousands of volts of energy surging through the air, powering anything within its radius, which is perfect and exactly why I needed to reconfigure it to power my lab and this one new machine I’m working on, but that’s not why this is the perfect idea!”
“Wow, please continue, professor, I’m dyin’ to know.”
“Glad you asked! Watch this!” One aux cord, T-Phone connection, and light-dimming later, the lab went dark in anticipation. And suddenly, with the press of a play button on Donnie’s shuffle, music started to fill the air. But it wasn’t coming from his phone. It was coming from the coils, surging and creating not only electric energy that was visible to the human eye as it sparked, but music. Sound. The beats and notes of the song playing sprouted out in the form of electricity.
Raph’s green eyes became transfixed on the sparks flying out. “Holy shit.”
“Holy shit is right!” Came the squeals of utter nerding out, “This is only a tabletop version of an SGTC circuit, my own type of it anyway based on Tesla’s original designs, but if I reworked it, made it bigger, made it lifelike and maybe four or five of them, I could create the most advanced musical performance this city has ever seen!”
“I’m gonna pretend I know everything you just said because clearly this is your nerd thing,” Raph started, utterly confused. Even still, a reassuring smile framed his features. “But this looks pretty damn cool. This right here? Exactly what ‘m sayin’, Don.  This is you.”
“Do you think she’ll like it...?” Donnie asked in a hopeful voice. He wasn’t just asking about the invention. 
“Course she will.”
A couple weeks had passed since that fateful conversation with Raph. He’d been in and out of the lab since then, but between patrols and the mandatory bathroom breaks, there was hardly a time he wasn’t working on his great new project. You weren’t even allowed to go into the lab, per his request, for all his time there.
However, he always made sure to make at least one movie whenever you’d come hang out at the lair from work.
Finally, one Friday night, the set up was complete. Pride swelled in Donnie’s chest as he looked at his creation: six symmetrically placed tesla coils sprung up from the ground and walls all around his lab space. The coilings wrapped around metal frames, spiraling into a beautiful arrangement of engineering, if he did say so himself. Mikey said it looked like the lasers out of a DC comic, which was also not a bad thing to be. He just hoped that you would like it. All of it was for you, of course, but over the weeks that he’d been preparing it, he found more beauty in the music of tesla coils than he ever had appreciated before. 
Donnie thought he might thank you for that, if he could get his nerves around it.
God, he was so nervous. Anxiety rushed through his body like the electric pulses he was perfecting. They were already done, but it was all he could do to distract himself while waiting for you to arrive. Maybe the frequencies weren’t in the right key. What if they sounded better this way? Or maybe the firing power wasn’t enough? Trajectory looked alright, maybe it just-
“Gh! Y/N, hey!” Stammered the surprised terrapin after knocking his head against the top of a coil. His goggles were on the setting of night-vision, but that didn’t account for night-spatial-awareness, it seemed.
“I got your text to come,” You tried to smile at him, but the dark laboratory proved to make that difficult. “How come it’s so dark in here?”
“Uh, well, that’s p-part of the surprise! Eheh. Gimme just a second-”
You waited patiently outside of his lab, vision still applicable, but grew concerned the more strange noises and clangs you heard coming from inside. This was definitely a whole new level of “Donnie Surprises” just by how nervous he seemed about it.
You yelped when his hand grabbed your arm and dragged you back inside the darkness.
“Okay, uh,” He started, before clapping his hands together for the lights to switch back on, “This is what I wanted to show you.”
Your gaze spun all around the lab. After adjusting to the light, you could clearly see giant mechanism after mechanism placed strategically around in a dome-like setup. Coils that protruded like round-edged spikes circled you both, and in the center was a metal cage. 
“Oh my god…” You almost whispered. A large grin broke out onto your face as you stared in quiet marvel at the scene. His plan was working, and Donnie lit up with an outstretched arm in presentation.
“These bad boys are called tesla coils-”
“Tesla coils!” You squealed in imperfect unison to what you assumed was the start of an explanation. “You made tesla coils, Donnie, holy shit!”
“You’ve heard of them?!” Donnie exclaimed, eyes widening behind his glasses.
“YES!” Your hands began to wave around excitedly, “Oh my god I used to be OBSESSED with these things! I heard about when I was a kid from that old movie, oh what was it, it was like the apprentice’s-”
“Sorcerer’s Apprentice!”
“THAT! Yes!” 
“I haven’t seen that movie in years!”
“Me neither! All I remember is that Hiccup’s voice actor totally nerded out and programmed his giant tesla coils to play music for the girl he wanted to impress, and it was the coolest thing because these giant machines were playing music, music out of nothing but sparks of electricity at different frequencies, which to be honest probably would have caused more of an energy problem than the movie suggested because goddamn do they take up a lot of power, but I was like six and didn’t care!” You laughed  in an energetic burst of word association, practically bouncing on the balls of your feet.
Donnie could have kissed you then and there for that alone. 
A grin crept onto his lips as he watched you ramble on about the movie, leaving all anxious thoughts to fall from his mind. For once, someone actually understood one of his passions. Better than that, she was explaining the process to him of all people! Sure, she was intuitive enough to know he didn’t need it, he literally had just built them after all. This was just out of pure excitement. Someone in his life was talking about science and technology like they were the most fascinating things on the planet, just as the purple-masked turtle believed it was. Well, second only to the ecstatic girl in front of him. 
“-And so, I randomly remembered it again not that long ago, so I looked it up and found so many videos on YouTube about it. I kid you not, I listened to tesla coils and tesla coils alone for a solid week.” 
You breathed heavily, a little winded after such an intense info-dump. God, he always loved when you got excited about something. 
“This is kind of surreal,” Donnie chuckled a bit, pushing up his glasses when they tumbled down his nose, “I had no idea you’d get what these were, much less have known so much about them.” Donnie’s eyes widened at his own panicked-fueled blabbering. “N-Not that I think you’re stupid! I just-- I mean it’s not-- common? It’s more of-”
“A niche interest, yeah. No worries,” You finished for him, signaling his stuttered words hadn’t fallen on offended ears. Donnie quietly sighed in relief. Time ticked by in seconds, but even that was much too fast for this martial artist to grasp. If he could have constructed a device to pause the fabrics of time, he would have long ago, simply to relish the moments with you that meant everything to him. It wasn’t your fault your eyes captivated him more than any element he’s worked with.
“So,” You began eagerly, startling him out of his thoughts, “Are we gonna listen to some zappy poles go brrr or what?”
Donnie snorted at your juvenile word choice. “Yeah, totally. Now, ah,” He walked over toward the large cage in the center, stepped inside, then poked his head out with a dorky grin. A large, green hand stood outstretched towards you. “I think you’d better step inside my cage.”
“If you keep quoting the damn movie like this, I am going to explode from excitement, and it will be your fault!” It was a wonder how you hadn’t caught onto his plan yet, honestly. You made no sense of hesitation before grabbing his offered hand (even though your hands were small enough that they hardly matched his palm’s size), and clambered into the cage in front of him. This was a great excuse for you to be close to him without it being weird. And now, with your back brushing up against his plastron, the butterflies in his chest told him it was totally a good call.
Donatello would take this secret to his grave, however.
“Put your hands on the rail here, yep just like that,” Donnie nodded after your hands found the safeguard rail. A couple buttons tapped into a laptop later, he settled his own hands next to yours. “Let the magic begin.”
Magic would have been the understatement of the year. A coil in front of you quickly shot out its first spark. Familiar music breached the sound barrier to your ears. The one behind you both caught it instantly. Spark after spark sent back and forth between the coils, soaring through the lab like the most incredible game of electric catch.
“Whoa!” You laughed when the sparks would bounce off the cage itself, pressing closer to the turtle behind you (much to his surprise every time). Your shining e/c eyes never left the electric bolts shooting out. “This is insane!”
“Heh, glad you like it!” Donnie watched you closely that entire time, more entranced by your excitement and wonderstruck self than anything he’d created. He could power up the tesla coils anytime of day, but this was a special moment he’d never be able to recreate in a controlled environment. This was no experiment, this was real and it was happening right now. 
The only thing left to do was tell you how he felt. 
“Y/N, I have to tell you something,” He began, stepping away to give you a bit of space. His heart rate was increasing by the second. The way you turned to look at him wasn’t helping, either. 
“What is it?” You spoke softly, somehow able to be heard over the music. Donnie could hardly meet your eyes, so he took your hands in his instead.
“I...I don’t know how to say this exactly,” He started, “I’ve been trying to do it for months, going over every possible conjuncture of words, something that would be heartfelt and honest, poetic even? But the truth is, words aren’t my thing, th-they never have been. I’m a science guy, I take things apart and put them back together again, I figure out what makes them work, I see life as a million tiny parts to analyze.”
He paused his quickened speech to take a breath. Your hands squeezed his larger ones as an offer to continue.
“And so, I’m...bad at feelings. I see it all as chemicals and components used by the brain to create action and reaction. But now I’m not so sure if that’s all they are, and really the only thing I am sure about is that it’s because of you that I’m questioning everything I ever thought I knew. Maybe, maybe life is more than atoms and chemicals, and instead it’s about..moments. Moments like this. Moments that...that I..that I really want to keep forever and play over and over again.”
“Donnie…” You spoke. This time he squeezed your hands.
“I know I’m rambling and I should really get to the point, so what I’m trying to say is,” He took another breath, steady this time. His gaze met yours again. “I want to live these moments with you every day. You’re special to me. You’re part of our family, but this is more than that, this feeling is-”
“Love.” You finished for him. Both of your eyes widened as you realized the other felt how you each did.  
Donatello nodded slowly, hesitant to be so certain, but knowing it was true. There were no more words to be exchanged after that, only actions, only movements so soft and gentle that the large terrapin was certain he’d break if they could fit in his hands. Your hands left his and instead reached up to grab the long ends of his mask, and tugged gently for him to reach you. He leaned down without a thought. A three-fingered hand found your waist this time. 
You kissed. Soft, human lips connected to his slightly chapped reptilian ones. The turtle had waited for this moment since he realized the attraction he felt towards you was not just powerful chemical reactions, but true feelings. It wasn’t biology, it was chance and fate and one-in-a-million all at once. As the sparks continued to (literally) fly, Donnie let his eyes close. This was the present. He was here, he was holding a great new adventure in his hands, and there was a brilliant future just around the corner. 
The song may have finished, but this is what would last forever. 
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ladyanput · 5 years ago
Adrien salt- the whole class are having a seminar on sexual harrassment where Chat Noir is being used as an example of a predator. Being in the role of perfect sunshine child he can't speak up or complain so he has to listen to how horrible his behavior has been. After the seminar is over the whole class is criticizing Chat with Marinette bringing up the Syren incident. Everyone goes crazy and Adrien realizes how his behavior truly is.
Adrien smiled as he settled in his seat in the amphitheatre, giving a smile to Nino as his best friend took a seat beside him, Alya and Marinette soon joining the pair.
"I don't really see why this is a required seminar." Alya spoke up, giving a shrug as she settled in her seat beside Nino, not to subtly making Marinette sit on the other side of Adrien. "Sexual harrassment is a pretty easy thing to spot. I don't support that kind of thing, it's nasty."
"Yeah, it's not really nice that people do that to others." Marinette whispered, trying not to turn beet red when Adrien's arm brushed against hers.
"Oh, did you guys see my latest post last night? Isn't this picture of LadyNoir to die for?" Alya grinned as she showed them a picture she had taken of yesterday's akuma attack. It was of Chat holding Ladybug in a passionate embrace as he tried to kiss her after the akuma had been purified and the victim had been taken home. The trio missed Marinette's scowled as they cooed over the photo of 'true love'. Adrien couldn't contain his grin.
Soon everyone was in their seats and a beautiful woman stepped up to the podium, smiling out at the crowd.
"Good morning, students of DuPont, it is lovely that you all are attending this important seminar. Things such as sexual harrassment are often dismissed or ignored, so I'm so proud of all of you for wanting to learn how to help and protect these victims who have suffered or may suffer such harrassment."
Adrien smiled and settled back in his chair, planning on fully investing himself in this seminar. He listened as the woman continued on with her introduction, then her explanations.
"Sexual harrassment has a rainbow of different scenarios. Some can be extreme, some can seem incredibly mild and not worth looking into. It's the latter one that I moreso want to focus on today, as those are the ones that are often dismissed. To keep things simple; sexual harrassment is when someone keeps touching you, when you clearly do not want to be touched. For example, you have a friend or a classmate who is constantly touching you, grabbing you, getting into your personal space despite you clearly being uncomfortable, pushing them away, or asking them to stop."
Adrien's mind instantly shot to Chloé and Lila, but quickly stomped that thought down, feeling a twinge of guilt in his gut. Chloé was his oldest friend, of course she would be all touchy feely with him, she'd always done it, he should be fine with it. And Lila... Lila never listened, but she didn't mean any harm, right?
Adrien ignored that niggling in the back of his head as he kept listening to the seminar, about how victims often brushed off the minor cases of sexual harrassment, saying it was no big deal, that they didn't mean it in that way, ect. The niggling just got worst as Chloé and Lila filled his brain.
"I'm going to give you guys a popular example of someone who commits sexual harrassment almost every time we see them in the media." The woman picked up a tiny remote and pressed a button, going to the next slide of her presentation.
A picture of Chat Noir was dead center of the slide. Everyone sat in dumbfounded silence, but as people began to speak to, the woman held up a hand.
"Please, I know he is a hero of Paris, but please, his victim shouldn't be ignored, his actions shouldn't be shrugged off just because of him being a hero. He may not realize he's even doing this, but this needs to be addressed." The woman stated, and oddly enough everyone quieted down, though Alya looked like she was ready to spit fire.
"Chat Noir isn't an extreme example, he doesn't go fondling his victim, he doesn't make sexual innuendos or push for sex from her. But his actions towards Ladybug are far from acceptable." The woman pulled up videos, playing a few of them. First was the day of the statue unveiling by the artist Théo. A reporter had gotten the conversation between Théo and Chat Noir after the ceremony, where Chat Noir claimed that he and Ladybug were dating after he figured out Théo had a thing for Ladybug.
"What...?" Marinette whispered softly in horror, not noticing the confused look Adrien sent her way.
"As you can all remember, Chat Noir had gone around telling everyone that he and Ladybug are dating, but what was Ladybug's response?" The woman smiled thinly, and then played more videos. The students watched interviews, news footage, ect, or the many occasions that Chat Noir had claimed that he and Ladybug were dating, soulmates, hopelessly in love; followed up by Ladybug stating that they weren't. They were just partners, that she was a professional, she wouldn't treat being a superhero so lightly. Each one was more frustrated than the last, as it was obvious that this was a running trend. Some students laughed at the final one, the one of Ladybug practically shouting it, while looking close to tears. Adrien hunched in his seat, feeling the shame reddening his face. Surely it wasn't that bad, right...?
"Oh yes, funny isn't it? Funny that a person's feelings are getting ignored, because everyone thinks it's all one big joke. Ignore the fact that she is obviously frustrated, angry, that her words aren't being taken as truth. It's all funny, because that's how people brush off sexual harrassment, they think it's all one big joke." The woman stated, though there was obviously more ice to her tone. "Everyone treats the heroes as if they were some characters in some weird cartoon. Ignore the feelings of both parties and just ship them for the sake of it. I even have footage of Ladybug saying she's already in love with someone else, but Chat Noir completely disregarding the statement.
"But besides the point, it is also bleeding into the akuma attacks. Chat Noir is often seen flirting or trying to steal kisses from Ladybug during the attacks. It's sad, really, because when those types of things aren't happening, they're a perfect team." The woman clicked her tongue. Adrien burrowed deeper into his seat as many, many, many videos were played. One Alya took note of was when the video of Gigantitan was played, the akuma being held back by Ladybug as it marched right towards the Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie. Everyone watched as Chat Noir stepped up beside her, flirting and trying to steal a kiss instead of helping the heroine, while the akuma completely destroyed the upper level of the bakery.
"That's Marinette's room!" Alya cried out in horror, jumping to her feet. The entire room turned to look at the reporter, as she, in turn, looked towards her friend. "Marinette, were you in your bedroom when that happened?!"
Marinette sat there, looking like a deer in headlights, obviously struggling for words. Many took that as the affirmative.
"I'll kill that cat, he let you get hurt!" Alya rags, her face going red. Adrien felt that guilt twisting his gut again, bringing with it the nausea. He had gotten Marinette hurt..? He... He hadn't thought he had done anything wrong, he was just flirting, Ladybug knew that. They were soulmates, meant for each other. He loved her.
But then why did he feel so rotten and vile?
The woman quickly calmed everything down. She went over more material, but Adrien couldn't hear, because he heard a roaring in his ears as he felt lightheaded. Had he really been hurting Ladybug that much? Was he a villain, just like Hawkmoth?
"Now before you all go and try to crucify Chat Noir, I want you all to remember something. He may not even be aware he's doing this. I'll be honest, this is sort of the reason I am making this seminar mandatory in every school in Paris. If he is a student, as I believe he and Ladybug are, I want to show him. He night still just be a child, unaware of what he's doing. No one truly learns their mistakes unless those mistakes are pointed out and explained to them. Someone can either learn their mistakes and try and become better, or completely disregard the mistakes and criticisms and refuse to change."
The woman smiled, and gave a slight shake of her head.
"And I think Chat Noir would be willing to change. He is a good person, and I'm sure he'll be the best hero possible, if he's willing to learn his lesson."
And with that, she continued onto other examples, though none made quite an impact. Once the seminar was over, Adrien left it feeling as if he had been scraped raw. He knew that he had some apologizing to do.
That night, as he went out for patrol, he quickly caught sight of Ladybug making her way over Paris. He quickly joined her, meeting her on top of the Eiffel Tower.
Ladybug was silent, arms crossed as she stared out at Paris, her jaw set in a hard line.
"Chat-" She began, but was quickly cut off.
"I'm sorry." Chat's voice was raw, shaky. It sounded so broken that Ladybug turned to him, eyes wide
"I'm sorry that I hurt you. I'm sorry that I made you so uncomfortable, that I made you feel so helpless, so ridiculed." He couldn't stop the tears that welled up in his eyes as guilt washed over him. "I never meant to hurt you, Ladybug, I swear. I just.. I thought.."
He broke off and put his face on his hands, his shoulders trembling. For the longest time, Ladybug didn't speak, but then she embraced him tightly, gently stroking his back.
"I know, kitty, I know. I... I forgive you." She admitted, hugging him tighter. "I guess I should have sat down with you, has a more serious talk, or.."
Chat Noir shook his head and stepped back, wiping his tears away, and gave her a roguish smile, though it seemed forced.
"No, my l- Ladybug, you're always perfect to me. And I'll try my hardest to be perfect to you." He vowed, setting a hand over his heart.
Ladybug smiled, and she visibly relaxed, as if a big weight had been taken off of her shoulders.
"Silly kitty... Come on, let's get on with out patrol." She grinned at him and then took off. With a soft laugh, Chat Noir followed his partner into the night, awaiting a new dawn.
@virgil-is-a-cutie @sidessunnybumblebee @persephonebutkore @18-fandoms-unite-08 @suzen23smith @luciferge @theelventhgod @noirdots @space--butterflies @ghostglaceon @magicalfirebird @goggles-mcgee @chocolate1721 @minightrose @bookcrazybby @cupcakeandkisses @mewwitch @vixen-uchiha @ravennightingaleandavatempus @2sunchild2 @crazylittlemunchkin @bee-wrecker @souleateralicestein @loysydark @kceedraws @realrandomposts @alienjoyful
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thedepthsoffandomminds · 3 years ago
Collidescope hearts Part 13
Master list
No one could believe it, the days after the All Valley fire were strange for everyone. Seeing the Cobra Kai kids at school, they walked in a daze, hardly spoke and avoided you all.
Eli and Sam would be congratulated for their wins but it was always twinged with sadness. Teachers kept away from the subject, each one concentrating on getting you all exam ready. The S.A.T.s were coming up in a month. You felt fairly prepared for it.
After school you all went to the dojo at the strip mall. It had the eagle fang symbol across the top. The front had been decced out in a new sparing matt and the walls painted red with black stripes, like the gis worn by the students. The back room now had a large amount of gym equipment, including punching bags, tredmills and spin bikes. The room was warm and inviting with TV screens dotted around playing music videos. You noticed the bonsai trees dotted around the decor and it made you smile.
"This is amazing!" You said to Eli and Johnny.
"Hawk, this is your desk, we can't wait for you to start." Johnny said showing Eli into the office. The pride on Eli's face made you feel happy, inside you the baby reacted to your happiness and gave you a few kicks to the ribs.
Behind you the door opened, ringing the bell. You turned expecting to see new students. Your heart jumped into your throat when you saw who it was. The Cobra Kai students. Eli was standing beside you, his hand interlacing with yours helping to calm you.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Johnny asked.
Piper stepped forward.
"We don't have a sensie anymore. We thought..."
"You thought wrong. This is not the dojo you used to train in. Cobra Kai is dead here." Johnny growled.
"Look man we're sorry." Kyler tried.
"Sorry? You put Tory in the hospital! You hurt y/n and you think you can just walk in here? Think again." Eli spat.
"Al right, alright, we just want to belong somewhere." Piper said.
"Well it isn't here." Johnny stated. The Cobra kai's turned and walked away. You felt Eli's grip on your hand loosen as he relaxed.
"I don't want them anywhere near here." He breathed out.
"Come on lets just enjoy tonight." You said turning him towards the back and your friends, dragging Johnny along with you.
In the hospital Sam sat beside her mother and brother as Danny had some checks done by the doctor.
"Well you're looking good Mr LaRusso, just a few signatures and you can be on your way." The Doctor handed him a clipboard to sign before walking away. He had suffered from smoke inhalation and dislocated shoulder from a beam falling on him. Danny slid off the side of the bed and hugged his family to his side.
They were all walking down the corridor when he spotted an old friend, Julie Pearce was also signing paperwork. Her daughter lia and husband beside her. She was going to be working with him and Johnny Lawrence teaching a mix of miyagi-do and Cobra Kai to their students, that would be the legacy of Eagle Fang.
Chozen would be heading back to Okinowa in a few weeks having fullfilled his deal with Daniel.
Amanda couldn't help but feel like their happiness wouldn't last. Silver was dead that was the headline but no one had seen his body except Kreese. Who knew if he could be trusted. She held her husband's hand on the walk to the car.
No one wanted to talk about it.
No one would acknowledge him.
The lonely old man who would stand outside a closed dojo, four decades of memories lurking inside.
The one time great Sensie of Cobra Kai looked up at the symbol above the door with sad eyes. Eyes that on this day turned dark. He went inside the building not bothering to turn on any lights. Walking to the back room. Another man sat with his hands tied to the back of a chair. Kreese ripped the fabric bag from his head pulling at the hair.
"Terry, Terry, Terry, you never should have put me in that place." He laughed. "How are we doing?" He asked the shadows.
A blonde man stepped forward.
"I should thank you, Kreese, for looking after my little girl the last few years."
"Anything for Cobra Kai, Mike. Glad to have you back." The two laugh as Terry Silver watched, a gag in his mouth.
"We're gunna hurt you Silver, and we're gunna hurt other people too." Mike Barnes laughed.
part 14
Super short one, sorry but the next part is crazy.
@lulubutton34 @carliim @buckysdemonsimp @space-helicopter @slytherinroyalty16 @shotosgirl @hannyhoe @torynichcls @hurricanerex666 @sabrinablack1 @harulindao @sarcastically-defensive17 @peppamultifanimagines @1-fuzzy-squirrels
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coffeecomicsgalore · 4 years ago
A Little Rain, A Big Love Story
This is my submission for the @luckycharmzine! I hope you enjoy the Ladynoir Identity Reveal Scene.
Ladybug looked across the dark Parisian skyline, allowing the cool breeze to sweep over her. It was still fairly warm out, the heat of the summer day seeping into the night. The cool breeze felt welcomed against her exposed skin.  
Chat Noir sat beside her as they relaxed on their favorite beam on the Eiffel Tower. As usual, it was an easy night of patrolling. There was nothing besides a stray cat stuck in a tree and two young boys arguing over a pack of trading cards. They didn’t have to stress over an akuma or deal with police-solving issues. So, when they have nights like this – quiet, peaceful, and relaxing – it made their conversations quite comforting. 
While they couldn’t talk much about their civilian lives and risk revealing too much, they did enjoy giving each other a glimpse of themselves. It would only be little things, like favorite colors, snacks, or subjects. Things that were common enough that neither could guess easily, yet they still relished in those little tidbits of information. 
Trusting yourself in your partner without knowledge of who they were underneath the mask was a risk, but Ladybug would risk her life for him on any occasion. 
If he would let her, that is. 
“You know.” Chat started, continuing to look towards the skyline as he spoke. “You would really like my friends. We are so close. I don’t know what I would do without them.” He ended with a satisfied hum as his lips quirked into a small smile. 
Ladybug looked over to her partner and grinned. He looked so at peace tonight. It was a pleasant change to their last conversation where he seemed distressed and distracted. She missed it when her kitty didn’t ooze silliness out of his suit. 
“I know what you mean.” She looked back out to the skyline as he turned to look at her. “Do you remember that boy I had that major crush on?” 
“You mean the one that never gave you the time of day?” 
She scoffed and pushed his shoulder teasingly. “Chat!” 
He chuckled. “Alright, alright. Go ahead.” 
Ladybug side-eyed him for a moment. When she felt like he wasn’t going to continue teasing, she proceeded. “Well, over the last two years, especially after me trying to get over said crush on him, we grew closer. I consider him to be one of my best friends. Like so close that he is a close tie to my best girlfriend. But I won’t tell her that. I enjoy my life too much to succumb to imminent death.” They both laughed. “But anyways, he said something today and it reminded me of you. I think you two could be close friends.” 
“Why? Does he have amazing puns like moi?” He joked, bringing his hand to his chest as he mentioned himself.  
“Actually, yeah. I didn’t even know he could joke like that. But you would appreciate his puns. Sometimes I think he could probably out-pun you.” 
“Out pun the pun master? Never.” 
“I know of one other person that could probably out pun you, chaton. But I can’t mention who.”  
“I guess I will have to battle your friend in a pun duel then. I need to keep this knight and shining leather fighting by your side, puns and all.” 
Ladybug shook her head. “I have enough room in my heart for all three of my pun masters. No dueling required. I promise.” 
They sat in a comfortable silence for a moment before Chat noticed that her face softened, but her eyes meant she was a distance away. 
“You okay, bugaboo?” He inquired, just enough softness in his voice to allow her to talk her feelings through, but also enough to show her he wouldn’t pry. 
She sighed, but decided to tell him. “Even though he’s my best friend, a part of me will always love him. Do you know how difficult it is to force yourself to move on considering he’s constantly in my life? Of all the people that have come into my life, no one has caught my eye or my heart like he has.” Ladybug turned to him. Chat could see the sadness in her face. “Actually. There has been one other person, but it’s just not possible. At least not right now.” 
Chat eyed her with a mix of fondness and sadness. Seeing her feel like this broke his heart, and he knew exactly how she felt.  
“I know what you mean.” He looked back towards the sky, the last two years crossing his mind. The relationships he had made and lost were pressing against his heart and he ached from the pain. “Letting go of the one you love, especially when they’ve made a significant impact in your life, is hard. But love has never been easy. No matter how much you try to move on, it still lingers.” 
Ladybug turned to Chat and took his hand, squeezing the love she had for him through her fingers. “I love you, Chat, more than you can begin to know. But you have to understand, you were never meant to be second best. You deserve someone who will love you with their whole heart.” She looked down and laughed bitterly. “And unless luck is truly on my side, maybe the boy I love is really you beneath the mask. Once Hawkmoth is defeated, I want to know who you are. You will always have a place in my life and my heart no matter how this chapter of our lives end.” 
They gazed into each other’s eyes as her words etched themselves into the spot in his heart reserved for her. Chat was the first to break the gaze, looking back out into the Parisian skyline as a comfortable silence mingled between them. When Chat finally swallowed the strangling pain in his throat, he confessed. 
“You know. I’ll always love you, bugaboo. A part of me always had. It always will. I’ve tried to move on and date other people, but no one besides this one girl, my best friend, has ever caught my eye.” 
Ladybug looked at him and smiled even as a twinge of jealousy ran through her body. She shrugged it off and placed her head on his shoulder. Their fingers laced together as they enjoyed the small embrace. If she couldn’t love him in the way they both wished she could, she could at least love him like this. “That girl is lucky to have your heart.” 
They sat there in another comfortable silence before Chat scrunched his face and let out a breathy chuckle. 
“What’s so funny?” She asked, lifting her head up from his shoulder to look at him. 
“Well, it has something to do with that girl. You know, I don’t think anyone knows this, so I think I’m in the clear to say it.” Ladybug scrunched her nose, but then decided it would probably be fine. She gave him a nod to continue. “She became my first self-initiated friend when I started school. There was a huge misunderstanding. I almost lost her friendship before building one.” 
“That seems extreme. What happened?” 
“On my first day, she thought that I was trying to target her. She had always been bullied by one of my longtime friends, so she assumed I was the same way. Believe it or not, I’m socially awkward. I didn’t know any of the dos and don’ts of making friends.”  
Ladybug could see his face visibly soften. 
“It was raining and we were the only two standing outside as I was leaving to go home. I don’t know why, but something just compelled me to talk to her, to tell her that I didn’t have any friends, that everything was still so new to me. I almost left but then turned around. I told her I was sorry that I made her believe that I played a cruel prank on her. I told her that I only had one friend before that day and at the time, I didn’t want to lose that friendship either.” 
Chat continued to look out at the skyline, but Ladybug had caught on to something interesting about his story. It was one that was strangely similar to her own story. One that no one else would know of. 
“Once I apologized, I gave her the umbrella I had. I mean, my car was right there so it didn’t bother me to get a little wet. But I just didn’t want her to get soaked going home and I didn’t know how long the rain was going to be around for. I didn’t know where she lived and I didn’t realize that she lived so close to the school, but I couldn’t just let her get soaked.” 
He let out a lovesick sigh and let out a chuckle before looking down at his claw to examine his ring. “Honestly, I think that was the first moment that I started to fall for her. I just didn’t realize it because I was so infatuated with you.”  
Ladybug looked to him with such softness. Tears were welling up in her eyes and a blush donned her cheeks. Chat looked up at her and started to worry, afraid that he said something he shouldn’t. 
“That moment is a moment too beautiful to forget.” She said, wiping the tears that started to fall in front of her mask. “She is lucky to have such a caring person in her life, chaton.” 
Chat finally smiled. “Yeah, she’s so caring that I’m afraid to lose her. She’s shy around me sometimes. I’m afraid that she’ll reject me if I ask her out.” 
“I think you should ask anyways. I bet she’ll say yes.” 
He thought for a moment before asking her. “What about you?” 
“I guess since you told me about your bestie, I should tell you about mine.” She snickered. “Every time I tried to confess to him, something went wrong. Like this scarf I made him, or the valentine I tried to send him, or the doctor’s note I gave him instead of a love confession, the video love confession that got deleted. Oh, and the beret... it just never worked out before.” She shrugged. 
Guess it doesn’t matter now because she could finally confess without having to do it first.  
“You see. I fell in love with this boy who I thought was a bully. I thought he put gum on my chair and was a prissy rich kid because he was best friends with the girl who hated my guts. But then he apologized and handed me his umbrella in the rain. That simple act of kindness and his laughter after I accidentally pressed the close button on the handle filled my soul with so much love, that I couldn’t let it go.” 
Ladybug turned to Chat to see that he was wide eyed and jaw slacked. 
“No wonder why I couldn’t let it go.” She smiled with so much love in her eyes that she could not contain the giggle that bubbled up within her. “I guess I was lucky after all.” 
“Marinette?” He said so quietly, afraid that the conversation would crack and leave them in a different world. 
“Hi Adrien.” She replied back softly. 
Chat cupped her cheek with his claw and rubbed his thumb against the line between her mask and her skin. “It’s really you. I fell in love with you twice.” 
“And I never stopped loving you. My love only grew.” 
He leaned in and nuzzled his nose against hers. She sighed at the contact, her eyes pleading. He leaned in and kissed her lips, slow and soft but full of love and want. When they pulled back, they looked at each other as rain started to fall around them, the clasp of thunder bringing them back to that very first moment that sealed their fate. 
“My lady. I love you.” 
“I love you too, my chaton.” 
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buckysnumberonegirl · 4 years ago
Flash Forward- Break Me Down
Part 6
Read parts 1-5 here
Word count- 1.5k give or take
Warnings: plot development, fluff, ANGST mentions of death and blood, language(not really but just in case)
Parings- past!Hugh Drysdale x Reader, reader x Gabe Jones
Hi hi everyone who's reading this, I’m so excited to post this and finally have some plot development, as always comments and reblogs are so appreciated. I hope everyone enjoys.
Word count 1.2k
You had been in England for a little over a year. Hugh had never come to find you, and you never heard from him after the night he left you at the bar.
Normally in a situation like this you would have been upset, but here now you were happier than you’d ever been.
You had gotten ahold of Mary and had her send you some of your photos, and some of the pictures from Steve’s house. And with Peggy's help, you had gotten a small apartment near base camp.
This was also helpful when one night after the band of Howling Commandos returned from a successful mission. A round of drinks went around and you found yourself dancing with Private Gabe Jones, who was surprisingly sweet to you.
He told you about growing up in Georgia and how he studied French and German not knowing how handy it would be. He made you laugh and he made you happy. Once or twice a week he would come over to get an escape from base and talk to you, at first it was just for friendship and company but as things do, it turned into something wonderful.
Your friendship with Peggy blossomed as well. She became the sister you never had, helping you with everything you needed and even getting you a secretary position so you could work alongside her, and keep up to date with where your friends were. You also gained a fondness for Howard Stark who decided he liked you and wanted to form a friendship.
Gabe came over, knowing he’d have to leave in the morning for a big mission. He would never tell you directly what they were doing but from what you did get out of him, there was going to be a train and some guy named Zola.
He had brought over a bottle of your favorite wine and a new record. The two of you danced and laughed all night when you finally sat down amazed. ‘Oh my goodness, it’s almost midnight. That is a citation for sure Private’ you picked up the two wine glasses and danced yourself into your small kitchen.
Gabe followed you, rocking on his heels. He pulled you into a hug “you know I love you right?”
You looked up at him and placed your hand on his face ‘of course, and you know that I love you?’ You pressed a kiss to his lips as if to confirm your statement.
He reached in his pocket and pulled out a small gold locket. “This is for you, I just wanted to say I’m really glad you came to England Y/N. And I’m really grateful that that asshole that brought you here well, was an asshole” he smiled sheepishly.
“This next mission we’re going on is a big one and if everything goes according to plan, I’m going to ask you to marry me”
You put on the locket, inside was a picture of the two of you at the bar dancing. ‘And if it doesn’t go according to plan’ you hugged him putting your head on his chest.
“Well, I think that it will. But if not then I’ll probably still ask you”
You smiled as he held you. When you woke up the next morning he had snuck out, leaving a note on your nightstand
See you in 2 days
Peggy decided that you should see a movie while you were out. There was a new piece out about the Commandos and she seemed very excited. You both sat and watched the film the camera panned onto Steve then onto a small compass that seemed so familiar. It zoomed onto the picture inside and you saw that it contained a new paper clipping oof Peggy . You looked over to her and saw she was bright red.
‘Red looks good on you Carter’ you teased, but you felt just a twinge of something else. Sadness? No it was more deep seated, jealousy.
The video showed Gabe and the others all laughing together Bucky had a huge grin on and Gabe waved into the camera and blew a kiss. Peggy whispered to you “that was for you sweetheart” you both giggled, getting a shush from someone else in the theater.
When the film ended Peggy asked if you minded running to the office with her quick so she could grab something. When you arrived you saw a post up, the men were coming home and they had secured Zola.
Next to it was another note Barnes- KIA
You picked up an empty coffee mug and walked back to Peggy. In all your time working with Steve’s small unit you hadn’t heard that before.
‘Peggy, what does K I A mean’ you had almost gotten to her desk when she responded
“K I A, is killed in action why?”
The mug in your hand fell to the ground shattering in a million pieces. The world went silent as you fell to your knees feeling the sting of the shards as the ceramic slices pressed into your skin. You saw Peggy run over to you and help you up with her arm under your shoulders.
You didn’t remember getting home. You knew Gabe was there for a little while holding you as you layed in bed sobbing. You knew you felt the sting on you knees as he cleaned the cuts on your knees. But you heard nothing. Eventually you found yourself alone, a note from Peggy on the table telling you to call her and a note from Gabe telling you he loved you and to call him if you needed anything.
You put on your jacket and walked to the bar.
It was dark and empty when you got there, a single light was on illuminating Steve.
‘How did he die Steve’ your voice sounded like you swallowed glass. Steve turned to you and gestured to a chair at his table. “He was protecting me… the side of the train blew open. I tried to grab him but.. I’m so sorry Y/N”
You looked to see him gripping the compass you had given him all those years ago.
‘Is the picture still in there?’ Steve flipped it open and peeled back the picture of Peggy just enough to see Bucky smiling for the camera. A tear rolled down Steve’s cheek as he took a long sip of his whiskey. ‘You know our parents used to joke around sometimes. Saying we would die for each other.’ You put your arm around Steve and placed your head on his shoulder.
The two of you sat there for a while, neither of you knowing what to say. When you finally stood up to go home you looked at Steve dead in the eyes ‘Steven Grant Rogers… I want you to do something for me’ he looked up at you “anything Y/N”
You felt rage pulse through you ‘take out hydra Steve, make those bastards pay, He deserves that’
You turned and walked away, deciding despite everyone there you’d go to the base to see Gabe longing for some small comfort. You wiped a tear from your eye as a car drove past. Flashing it’s lights at you almost as if a warning or a brief hello. You ignored it and continued your walk.
My only tag so far is @saiyanprincessswanie
If you’d like to be added to the tag list let me know!
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martinskis-lydias · 5 years ago
for i need your love
pairing: Scott x Stiles
word count: 1642
warnings: kidnapping but i don’t think it’s really that bad?? it’s not graphic and there’s no torture or anything
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Scott had fallen in love with Stiles gradually. So much so that he hadn’t even realized he was in love with his best friend until it was too late. He couldn’t say what made him fall in love, or when it had started. Perhaps he’d always loved him, or maybe it had just gone from platonic, brotherly affection to head-over-heels adoration over the years.
It didn’t matter, not really. He was hopelessly in love with Stiles and that was that.
The thing about Stiles was that he had always been there, always helped, always trusted him, never made him feel guilty about his faults or his mistakes. And Stiles wasn’t perfect, not by a long shot, but he was everything Scott wanted.
And as cliché as it sounded, he wasn’t sure if it was worth telling Stiles. Not because he didn’t think love was worth risking everything for, he was a big believer in love being the most important thing. But he was terrified of the consequences that could come from this change.
What if he told Stiles and Stiles didn’t feel the same? What if it ruined their friendship, or worse, ended it completely? What if Stiles did feel the same but they ended up breaking up later?
He was just scared of the possibilities, and while he knew some of those possibilities could be good, could work out, he wasn’t sure if his friendship with Stiles was worth the risk.
So he hadn’t said anything. He hadn’t dated, he’d controlled the impulse to growl at anyone that flirted with Stiles, and he acted like he always had.
He played video games with Stiles, they hugged and bumped shoulders (they had always been tactile, even before Scott was bit), they called each other when Scott was off on a lead about the Hunters or Stiles was working a case, and they had each other’s backs.
Everything had been going great, just as he’d planned, until it wasn’t.
Scott had been in a motel with Liam, Argent in the room beside them, when Scott heard them. The telltale sound of soft, careful footsteps, the smell of wolfsbane and gunpowder. There were Hunters outside their doors.
“Liam,” Scott had whispered as quietly as possible. “Stay quiet and calm. Leave through the bathroom window. Get help. Go. Now.” He would have texted Argent but he wasn’t fast enough to get out in time.
Liam hadn’t argued, though Scott knew he’d really wanted to. Liam had been doing this enough to trust Scott, to know when he should stay and fight and when he should bide his time and get back up.
Scott was proud of how much he’d grown in the past couple years.
Seconds after Liam was out of the motel, the front door had been kicked in and Scott had been ready to fight. But then he’d felt the sting of a tranquilizer dart and had blacked out before the Hunters even came in focus.
The last thought he’d had: Well, fuck.
That was how he’d found himself here: in a dingy warehouse, chained to a chair, and listening to a few voices arguing on the other side of the building. They were too far away to understand what they were saying but he knew what arguing sounded like.
“Nice of you to join me,” Argent said beside him. He sounded bored, like he frequently woke up tied to a chair and with the possibility of death or torture incoming.
“I think they went a little overboard with the tranq,” Scott answered. “I still feel a little groggy. Amateurs?” He asked, hoping Argent had gotten a better look at them.
“I think so. I woke up as they were chaining you up and they didn’t seem to know what was enough to restrain you. They sound like they’re new to this, possibly trying to gain a little recognition by catching a True Alpha and a Traitor to the Cause,” Argent was smirking, Scott could hear it in his tone.
“I warned Liam just before they busted in, he’s getting help. I would have texted you but I didn’t hear them until it was too late,” Scott told him apologetically.
“I know, I heard them. I knew I wouldn’t be fast enough to get away. It’s good you got Liam out to get help. I have a feeling these guys will be tracked relatively easily,” Argent said. Scott nodded his agreement.
A few minutes later Scott heard the voices getting closer. He straightened up a little and he heard Argent do the same.
He didn’t know what he’d been expecting of these Hunters, but he was a little surprised. There were three of them, but Scott could hear two more heartbeats just beyond the doorway they’d walked through. The lookouts.
The three he could see looked pretty average, two guys in their mid-twenties flanking a girl who looked no older than twenty. Scott knew that a lot of people had learned about the supernatural in the few years since Monroe had fled Beacon Hills but it still shocked him every time he saw someone his age that wanted to kill him.
“Scott McCall,” the girl said his name with a mocking tone. “No offense but you aren’t exactly what I’d expected.”
Scott snorted at that, as he’d just thought the same thing about her. “Sorry to disappoint. What were you expecting exactly?”
She tilted her head slightly, sizing him up. “More of a stereotypical jock golden boy. You look more like the kind of guy that people fuck around with in college, lots of tattoos, motorcycle, ripped jeans and leather jacket. They puppy eyes are in line with expectations though,” she told him.
Argent snorted. They both knew that the expectation was more accurate than his appearance. He may have gotten more tattoos in the last couple years, but he was definitely not someone who had casual sex or someone who people “fucked around with.”
“And Chris Argent. I’ve heard so much about you,” the girl said, turning to look at Argent with contempt and disgust written all over her face. “You used to be a legendary Hunter, stories were told about you. But now… Here you are, the last of your family, a traitor to Hunters everywhere.”
“Scott is my family. And my family would be proud of who I am if they were here to see it,” Argent replied evenly. “The family whose opinion I care about, that is,” he adds.
Scott felt a surge affection for Argent, a twinge of sadness. The way he always felt when Argent reminded him they were family, when he remembered Allison.
The girl sneered at Argent. “You are just a huge disappointment, siding with this monster, working against everything your father believed in.”
“Sorry, I never caught your name,” Scott interrupted. He was bored of the bad guy monologue, the same shit that everyone said to him and Argent.
“I’m Angelica Grace,” she announced to Scott, as though he should applaud or bow to her. Like she was royalty and he should know who she was.
“Ah,” was his only response.
Angelica’s expression darkened. “You’re saying you’ve never heard of me?”
“Sorry, should I have?” Scott asked.
Before she could start a rant that he could see building up, there were a few gunshots, shouts, thuds, and then silence from the room the lookouts had been. Scott couldn’t see what had happened but he could hear five or six heartbeats in that room now.
Looks like the cavalry had arrived.
The two guys who had been silently lurking behind Angelica turned, shotguns in their hands. But nobody had come through the doorway yet.
“Well, Angelica, this has been swell,” Scott said, smirking.
“But I believe our ride is here,” Argent finished. Scott then heard Argent smash his chair on the concrete floor, freeing himself and immediately rushing the henchmen in front of him. At the same moment, their friends burst through the doorway, overwhelming Angelica and the other goon.
The Hunters were outnumbered and easily subdued. Malia, Liam, and Theo took their weapons and restrained them, while Lydia checked over Argent to make sure he hadn’t been injured too badly during the capture or when he’d broken the chair.
Scott noticed all this subconsciously, but he only had eyes for Stiles. And yes, he’s aware of what a cliché he is. Oh well.
Stiles was rushing towards him, panic and anger written all over his face, slowly being replaced by relief. Before Scott could say anything to reassure his best friend though, Stiles’ hands were in his hair and his mouth was otherwise occupied.
Scott was caught off guard for maybe half a second before he was kissing back enthusiastically, straining against the chains locking him to the chair. He wanted nothing more than to throw his arms around Stiles’ waist, put a hand on his chest to feel his heartbeat, run his fingers through Stiles’ hair.
Stiles pulled back after a few seconds that had felt like a lifetime. His cheeks were red and his eyes were bright.
Scott thought that he’d never looked so beautiful.
After a few seconds of both of them staring and breathing heavily Scott smiled, huge and bright.
“I love you,” Stiles breathed.
“Get me out of these chains and I’ll show you how much I love you, too,” Scott replied. He could hear how rough his voice was, he could also hear Malia, Liam, and Theo fake gagging, but he was concentrating on the shiver that made its way through Stiles before he rushed to unlock the chains that Lydia had found the keys for.
Maybe Scott didn’t know when he’d fallen in love with Stiles. It didn’t matter, not really. He was completely in love with Stiles and now he knew that Stiles loved him back.
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cowboyshit · 5 years ago
Without Words
I wanted to write something for Hangman after my heart was so sad watching this week’s BTE, so I decided we’d revisit a FOC from a prior bte-inspired fic.  The FOC of choice is Stella, who was in The Cowboy Hat Stays On.  This is purely self-indulgent, but I just... needed it.
Ship: Hangman Adam Page x Stella (FOC)
Summary: (Takes place following the events from 1/8/20 Dynamite and 1/13/20 BTE) After wrapping up pre-show interviews, Stella discovers that her boyfriend, Hangman Adam Page, isn’t anywhere to be found backstage.  The few people she talks to let her know that, once again, he appeared to be drunk before everyone lost sight of him.  Worried for his well-being, Stella tracks him down and their love deepens when she learns how badly he needed her.
Rating: Teen (alcohol use and like one swear)
Warnings: Alcohol use, a bad word, also maybe guard your feels a little bit
Length: 3,918 words
Available below the cut or HERE on ao3
“Thanks Jack, that was great!”
“Anytime, Stella,” Jungle Boy smiled that honest, sweet grin he had and nodded before stepping away from the cameras and heading off after Luchasaurus and Marko, waiting in the wings.
“Are we good for the night?” Stella asked, glancing at the man who’d make the call. He nodded with a happy grin.
“Yeah, great stuff as always Stella.”
“Thanks!” Stella grinned and handed the microphone to a waiting PA before stepping off set. She’d always enjoyed being an interviewer, ever since she could remember. Growing up, she used to use her family’s video recorder to tape herself interviewing her stuffed animals and had made journalism her career focus when she attended university. An interview landed her a job in the world of professional wrestling, of which she had no experience. 
Stella remembered when she’d called her brother, panicking, and begged him to teach her everything he knew about it. Thankfully he was a fan and he’d done what he could, sending her YouTube video after YouTube video and handling her billions of confused questions that’d come after. He’d even directed her toward his favorite professional wrestling interviewers to give her an idea of what exactly she’d be doing. He’d begged her not to mess it up, but halfway through the interview she’d panicked and confessed that she’d barely begun cramming knowledge about professional wrestling in the two weeks waiting for her interview. The eyes of the company heads were pinned on her and she quickly promised to do everything she could to be the best interviewer they’d have. She’d learn everything she needed to know by the time they were ready for her, even if she had to tape her eyelids open to keep watching and never sleep.
It’d been Nick Jackson who’d broken the silence after her confession, grinning from where he reclined in the chair on the opposite side of the long glass top table. “What the hell? I say we give her a shot.”
Stella smiled, remembering that moment as she took off down the hallways, heels clicking against the ground and echoing on the cement walls on either side of her. By now she’d settled well into her job and was actually enjoying herself, too. Well of course you are. You’re dating Hangman Adam Page, after all. Stella bit down on the smile that wanted to spread wide and happy across her face. Friends since she started, it wasn’t until that drunken outburst of his and the subsequent confessing of feelings after that they agreed to start dating.
But lately he was worrying her. Thursday through Monday he was a different man altogether. Happy. Full of laughter. Relaxed. The closer Wednesday drew, the more tense he became. He’d always shrug her touch off if she laid it on his set shoulders and shake his head, blinking as if waking from a daydream when she asked him what was wrong. He’d laugh and assure her it was nothing before leaning in and giving her a sweet, loving kiss. He was believable enough for her not to press any further, but still… it nagged her.
Most Wednesday nights he didn’t meet with her after the show. After she was done with all the post show interviews, Stella would find out he’d already left and said he was going back to his hotel. She’d never thought Adam to be the cheating type, and still didn’t, but the further it went and the worse he seemed to get, the more and more concerned she was. Something was clearly wrong, but she didn’t know what. Was it her? Did he regret their moment of passion and wished they’d just remained friends?  If it wasn’t her, why wouldn’t he tell her what was going on? She’d decided she’d talk to him about it that night. She’d get it together, stop being afraid of driving him away and ask him what was going on with him.
She had an idea of what it could be if it wasn’t her…
“Kenny!” She’d just been thinking about him – well, about The Elite - and Adam’s current relationship with them. He turned around and looked momentarily relieved to see her, then glanced around her, noticed she was alone and looked disappointed.
“Hangman isn’t with you?”  He asked.
 “No… I was hoping you’d have seen him,” she said, worry creeping into her tone.
“Shoot,” he sighed and shook his head, “I was worried about him, I think he was drunk again.  I was going to make sure he got an Uber back to the hotel, but I had to wrap up something for the show and I-” he trailed off before his sentence finished and Stella felt a twist of anger in her stomach.
“And you let him go.” She couldn’t help the coldness that slipped into her voice and she didn’t take it back, either. She was too worried about Adam to care about hurting Kenny’s feelings.
“Stella, it wasn’t like that, I-” Kenny started, but Stella interrupted him.
“I don’t have time, Kenny. I need to find Adam and make sure he’s okay.” She turned away before he could say anything else and started walking faster, steady enough to power walk in heels from how often she’d had to wear them. After asking around to no avail, Stella headed for where she’d stored her purse and went for her cellphone, immediately dialing his number. It went straight to voicemail. Her stomach dropped. He never turned off his phone…
“Hey baby! I just ran into Kenny and he said he was looking for you? No one can find you or seems to know where you went off to. Where are you at? Call me back.” She hung up the phone and looked at it as the screen faded black. What if all these feelings were just her getting too inside her head and he was perfectly fine? Was she being a crazy girlfriend? 
She decided to give him a few minutes to get back to her as she gathered her things and called for an Uber. The only place he could have reasonably gone back to was the hotel, right? She knew the room he was staying in and could at least go knock on his door to make sure he’d gotten back alright. A few of the people she’d asked backstage said he’d been acting a little out of control - like he’d been the night he found her before Christmas… but different.
Stella had watched him mingling with the crowd after his match, and though she’d certainly felt flush, watching the beer dribble down his face and splash on his stacked, muscled chest, there’d been that ever-present twinge of worry. Again, she mentally chided herself, maybe she was being too paranoid. Maybe she was reading too much into things and anticipating the worst.
She fidgeted the entire way from the convention center to the (thankfully) nearby hotel and practically ran from the loading area the driver dropped her off at and into the lobby. A few curious eyes pulled her way and she reminded herself to calm down and pace herself. She glanced back down at her phone. No returned call. She tried him again, but once more, the call went straight to voicemail. Stella made for the elevators and pushed the button for his floor, two above the floor her room was on, and waited.
He hadn’t been acting like himself lately. He’d been shrugging it off every time she tried to bring it up, but it’d always left unease in her gut. She figured it was something he was working through and he’d tell her when he was good and ready. She had to give him that amount of trust, at least. But this? Third week in a row he’d all but disappeared, said to be drunk, and this time his phone was off. If he’d at least texted her and let her know he was going to be okay…
The elevator doors swung open and Stella moved out of them in a rush. Her breath was coming in short gasps, but it was because her heart was pounding the closer she got to his door. She stopped in front of his room and steadied herself before raising her fist and knocking.
“Adam? It’s Stella!”
Silence. Stella glanced down either end of the hall and knocked again.
“Adam? Are you in there? I tried calling you, but your phone went straight to voicemail.”
Fuck. If he hadn’t come to the hotel and he hadn’t been at the convention center, where had he gone? Stella glanced around the empty hallway again as if her anxiety would magically manifest him and everything would be okay. He didn’t appear, and Stella was left standing in front of his closed hotel room door, wondering how crazy she’d sound if she asked the person working the lobby desk to give her a key to the room. Maybe he was sleeping? Maybe he’d turned his phone off by accident?
She frowned and looked back at the closed door. Okay. New plan. Stella decided she’d return to her hotel room and try calling his hotel phone a couple times, hoping the ring would wake him up. If that didn’t work – she decided as she got in the elevator and pressed the button for her floor – she’d get ahold of Kenny and see if he’d heard anything. Maybe they’d found Adam somewhere. Maybe they’d be able to get her access to the hotel key card to check his room.
The doors slid open and she stepped onto her floor. Already she was tactically planning who she’d contact to keep this as under-the-rug as possible. The last thing she wanted was to blow the whole thing out of proportion and have one wrong person overhear the ordeal and run wild with it. Adam was a grown man, she reminded herself, he was more than capable of taking care of himself. Wherever he was.
She turned the hallway and stopped short. Just a few doors down, in front of her hotel room door, sat a blond, curly-haired cowboy in a grey-and-black flannel long-sleeve, dark-wash jeans and ostrich leather boots. His head was bent, eyes on his hands, which he had lying in his lap, palms up.
“Adam?” Relief in her voice, his name echoed down the stretch of the empty hall as she hurried her steps to get to him faster. Adam’s head shot up and he blinked a few times as if adjusting to the lights overhead. He looked disoriented, as if he didn’t realize where he was.
“Stella?” He asked, looked down the hall behind her and frowned, lifting a wide palm to flatten for support on the doorframe as he shakily got to his feet. His body lurched and swayed, the way it had the night they’d been walking in the park outside to try and help sober him up. Stella’s heart sank.
“Adam… are you okay?” She couldn’t help the way sadness draped itself over her tone.
“Yeah, I’m alright.” Knee-jerk, gut reaction. He was so used to brushing everyone’s concern away and wanting to put on an appearance of having everything together – now more than ever since he’d decided to leave The Elite – he said it before he’d thought about it. Adam kept one hand on the doorframe to hold himself upright and glanced down his barrel chest at her.
Heartache in those blue eyes of his. Vulnerability. He wasn’t okay. The sight of his sorrow stung her so swiftly, Stella had to suck in a sharp breath, as if all the oxygen had been sapped out of the hotel hallway.
“Adam…” She said gently, stepping to close the few inches of distance between them, and lifted her hand to gently hold his cheek. The short hair of his blond beard scratched her soft palm. Adam leaned his head into her hold and closed his eyes, taking a deep, slow breath. His low brow furrowed. He was trying not to cry, but when he opened his eyes again, Stella could see the soft sheen of tears glossy in his eyes. “Oh, Adam,” she said again, and slipped her hand from his face to instead wrap them around his soft, yet firm midsection. Stella pressed her cheek against his chest, listening to the beat of his heart, and held onto him a little tighter than necessary.
Adam’s large arms wrapped around her and pulled her in just as close, his head bent, and his face buried in her wavy, dark hair. His breaths were low and warm against her neck.  He breathed a shaky breath that she felt the tremor through his whole body.
“Shhh, it’s okay,” Stella whispered, fighting the emotion swelling inside her and the way it tightened her voice and made her eyes burn with tears. “I’m here.” His arms tightened more. “I’ve got you.”
Adam’s wide back, which Stella gently rubbed her hand up and down in a comforting, calming way, shook beneath her touch. With his face hidden in her hair, with her arms wrapped around him, he let go. His tears were wet against her skin, dampening the neckline of her dress.
“Fuck,” he whispered and gasped, and held tight to her still as he cried.
The tears that’d waited in her eyes slipped over her cheeks, but Stella remained steadfast, holding him, comforting him, whispering gentle, sweet words of love and affection. Whatever he needed in this moment, she was there. She would be his light when everything else around him seemed so, so dark.  She was his strength.
“I’m sorry Stella, I-” he started to say in a rough, emotion-raw voice as he finally slipped his arms away from around her and reached to wipe the tears almost angrily from his eyes.
“No, no,” she started almost immediately and grabbed his hands, pulling them away from his face.  Her fingers curled and squeezed tight around them.  Adam’s eyes refilled almost immediately with tears, the edges lined red. And oh, how her heart broke to see him sad. She’d always teased him about having the perfect puppy-dog face with the soft, natural down-turn of his brows, but looking at her now his face was twisted in an expression of anguish and it made a sight she hoped she never had to see. He should be bright with smiles, always. Those sort of smiles he had that ate up his whole face and pushed his round cheeks into his eyes, making the edges wrinkle.
“Baby, it’s okay. You have nothing to apologize for.” Her voice gently reprimanded his feelings of shame for breaking down in front of her. “Come on,” she let one hand go, but kept a tight hold of the other. “Let’s go in my room.”
The last thing he needed was someone from the company coming back to their rooms and catching sight of him drunk and in tears. Quickly, Stella reached into her purse for her keycard, swiped and opened the door. She went in first, Adam close behind, the hold of their hands not breaking until the door closed with a steady click behind them. She looked over at him and gave him a small, kind smile as she kicked off her heels and reached for his hand again.
“Stella, I’m sorry, I don’t even know how I got here… I didn’t mean to ruin your night I just-” He tried to start again, voice a deep, pitiful mumble as he fought through high emotion and the haze of drunkenness to get a grasp on himself.
“Adam, stop.” Her voice was a little firmer this time and it made him blink in surprise at her. “Come here,” she added more gently, tugging his hand and leading him toward the hotel bed. Their grasp broke again so Stella could climb onto the bed, putting her back against the headboard and sitting upright. Adam tilted his head and a frown gently pinched his brow. She smiled and gently patted her lap. “Lay your weary head down, cowboy.”
Barely a turn of a smile at the corner of his lips, but it was something. He shifted to lean his weight onto the bed.
“Ah- wait!”
He froze and blinked at her as she arched a brow and eyed his feet.
“No boots on the bed, you know the rule.”
This time he did smile and even though it was brief, it was enough to lift the heavy weight seeing him in tears had laid across her heart. Stella adjusted herself as Adam crawled onto the bed – boots off – and laid himself down, placing his head in her lap. His forehead wrinkled as he raised his brows and looked up at her. Gently, Stella began to rake her fingers through his soft mane of blond curls, massaging his scalp as she did. He made a soft noise and closed his eyes, sighing out a long, low breath. For a minute that’s all it was, just Adam laying with his head in her lap, eyes closed, and Stella gently brushing her fingers through his hair. She didn’t press him to talk and didn’t care to, either. This was for him. They could have gone on like this all night as far as she was concerned.
His chest rose as he took in a deep breath and deflated as he slowly released it. His eyelids blinked open and he looked up at her again. No tears in his eyes this time, but the evidence of what he’d already cried remained. Stella could see the gentle shimmer on his skin as it caught the hotel lights. She carefully wiped their trails away and smiled a small, reassuring smile down at him. Adam reached to catch her hand before she could return to gently brushing his hair. He pulled her down as he lifted to meet her in a soft, quick kiss before he released her and settled back in her lap.
It was quiet for a little longer as Stella returned to playing with his hair.
“I talked to Jimmy for a bit after the show,” he started, and Stella could tell he was trying to work through what’d brought him to her hotel room door and left him to tears. He’d been excited to see his old wrestling coach the minute they’d announced he’d be a part of it. “He told me…” his voice tightened, and he cleared his throat. “He told me I – uh –” a deep breath that seemed to shake in his lungs, “he told me I have a lot to be running towards.”
“He’s right,” Stella said, but her voice was soft. She knew better than to force him into the realization everyone who truly cared about him could see. He had so much potential laid out in front of him and he was so much better than he gave himself credit for. The more the crowd swelled in volume the moment they saw him, or when he moved around the ring preforming his heart out, the more his confidence grew. It just needed to be strong enough to push the voice of doubt that had remained ever steadfast in his mind, ready to poison any victory he had and tell him it still wasn’t enough. Stella believed in him, believed he’d get there…
But he needed to believe in himself, first.
Adam made a noise in his throat to avoid outright agreeing or disagreeing with her.
“Hey, look at me,” she beckoned, bringing those sad blue eyes her way. “You are one of the most amazing people I’ve ever met, you know that?” Stella didn’t let him pull away from her compliment, her hands gently framing that handsome face that made her heart skip when she saw it. “You have so much to offer. Everyone can see it Adam, but you need to see it too.”
The vision of him blurred as tears suddenly rose in her eyes. She cared for him so much, that the emotions were too strong to control completely.  Stella tried to blink them away and cleared her throat. It was too early in their romantic relationship to say those three little words, but she knew she felt them.  She loved Adam, and she’d already loved him as a friend, but this new venture of theirs together was filled to a depth like she’d never known.
“I’m going to be here every step of the way beside you, and I’m going to be here to remind you how amazing you are, and that when tens of thousands of people are shaking the convention center chanting ‘cowboy shit’, they’re doing that because of you and because they support you. Because you won them over and you keep winning them over. You have so much potential, Adam, but you can’t seem to see it.”  She gently brushed a strand of his blond hair and tucked it behind his ear. “I believe in you and I’m not going to stop complimenting you until you believe in yourself, too. Your coach saw it tonight. Everyone sees it every night. You’re destined for something great, Adam. But you have to believe it for yourself… or this self-doubt is going to eat you alive.”
Stella had a feeling it already was. And she was quickly realizing he was feeling alone, isolated by the worries circling in his head. She needed him to know he was there. She needed him to know he wasn’t alone and he was never going to be.
Adam took a low breath and lifted himself up on the bed, out of her lap. He cheated his body to face her, and those large, calloused palms lifted to gently cradle her cheeks. The bed sank against the weight he pressed into his knees, rolling her body into his as his mouth crashed hard and needy against hers. They kissed until they were breathless, chests heaving when they pulled apart with a loud smack. Adam’s breath washed across her face and he held her, blue eyes on hers. His thumb gently skimmed her cheek.
Emotion was a raw, open wound exposed between them. His insecurities on display and more that hadn’t quite been said, but they both knew. He was so desperate for family, so ready to blame himself for any shortcomings, that he wasn’t letting himself believe it was The Elite who’d wronged him versus his own losses. But stepping from their shadow turned more and more eyes on him, and the crowd rallied. The crowd loved Hangman.
The silence stretched softly between them.
“Could you… maybe hold me a little longer?” He asked, his voice small, but the vulnerable need clear as day across his face. She knew it wasn’t an easy thing to ask, or an easy place to be. The trust in her he showed in that moment lifted her heart, but the fact that he needed it – just to be held – made her determined to do everything she could to constantly remind him how loved he was, and how important he was to those around him. Briefly, she was angry at anyone who’d ever made him doubt his worth.
“Of course, baby,” Stella sighed with gentle relief, and they situated themselves on the bed so she could wrap her arms around him, gently and comfortingly running her hands along his body, showing him all the love she had for him without ever saying the words.
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whinemcm · 5 years ago
7 PEOPLE I’D LIKE TO KNOW BETTER. rules:  fill this up and then tag 8 people you’d like to know better !
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one / ( alias / name ):  sonny! two / ( date of birth ):  october 30th. three / ( zodiac sign ):  scorpio. four / ( height ): 5′8″!! five / ( hobbies ):  writing, video games, cosplay, drag... six / ( favorite color ):  white with a strong love for red. seven / ( favorite books ):  i don’t really read unfortunately :( so probably the percy jackson series tbh.  eight / ( last song listened to ):  under the table from miss fiona apple’s new album fetch the bolt cutters streaming now on spotify xx nine / ( last film or show watched ): it’s always sunny in philadelphia  ten / ( story behind url ):  actually my good pal ambrosia came up with the url when i was like i can’t think of one. but general whine and wine being homophones and both applying to mary. mcm being mom. whine mom. yeah u know.  eleven / ( inspiration for muse ):  oh god SO much. i tend to watch gone girl and big little lies help me jumpstart muse if i need that. i also listen to a lot of music, i have like 8 different mary playlists on my spotify for different things lol, so im usually constantly listening to those. specifically i gravitate to lana del rey and her latest album norman fucking rockwell. generally lots of my inspiration and aesthetics are inspired by some of like old hollywood glamour, and norman rockwell-esque depictions of the american dream. nostalgia twinged with sadness really is the mary mood. i have a specific mary pinterest board for mary stuff too so i go there to get inspired.  
TAGGED BY:  @pristinette​ TAGGING: @quelled @herbounty @killypool @waterfrd​ @wlkrbait​ @amontilladont​ @prkered​
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candyshua · 6 years ago
Intertwined | Chapter Three - Bad Timing
Kim Mingyu was your best friend, your knight in shining armor, your crush, your everything. But sadly, you were not his.
After getting his girlfriend pregnant in his fourth year of college, the two of them moved away to America after graduation. And then, you were all alone.
Meet Yoon Jeonghan, your current best friend. An aspiring video game designer, he has been your rock for 5 years. He helped you through so much drama. You would be surprised to learn that he was madly in love with you. What happens when Mingyu comes back to Korea?
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Word Count: 2,733
Warnings: Foul Language, drunkenness, suggestive language.
Everything was falling into place, for once in your life. Work was fine, and your side-hobby of singing was also fine. Your view had gotten about 500 views within two weeks, and even some comments! People were complimenting you, and it felt good. You had decided to make a new video.
Something you hadn’t noticed, however, was that Mingyu had not passed your mind once these past two weeks. You had postponed your trip with Jeonghan, mainly because you got busy with work. You would go this weekend instead.
It was Tuesday, and you weren’t waiting for the week to end anymore. Albeit you were excited, you allowed yourself to relish in your newfound contentment. No, you weren’t happy, not quite yet, but you were getting there.
Things felt great. Clarity had returned to your life, and now everything wasn’t just one hazy mess. After work, you had decided to go to a local cafe in the heart of Seoul, since you were in desperate need for a coffee. You had a project you wanted to finish that night, so a coffee would really hit the spot.
After ordering and sitting down, you heard the bell attached to the door ring, signalling a new customer walking in. You wouldn’t have even looked up, things would’ve been completely and utterly fine, but you heard his voice.
Mingyu’s voice.
His voice was extremely distinguishable. You would recognize it anywhere.
So, you looked up. Low and behold, there stood the 6’2 giant that you were once in love with. He looked...great.
His hair was black, which you weren’t used to. He always had it dyed some cool color.
He wore a blue t-shirt, which showed off his toned arms. He looked much more muscular than the last time you saw him. He even had a bit of a stubble, which shocked you beyond belief.
Then, it hit you. It was like being slapped in the face by reality.
You were seeing Mingyu, your childhood best friend, your first love, again. For the first time in over five years.
The air from your lungs had dissipated. You couldn’t breathe, so you elicited a huge gasp, which caused him to look your way.
The moment you had locked eyes, you knew you were done for. All of those feelings that you had suppressed throughout the years of not seeing him came back in one huge tidal wave. The love, hatred, resentment, adoration, everything. The feelings consumed you, and you didn’t know if you’d ever be able to feel anything ever again.
Then, he smiled. It was a sad smile, but he still wore a grin. Okay, you would feel again.
He walked over to you, with apprehensive and wide eyes. “Y/N.” He had stated, his voice as soft and silky as honey, and you wanted to collapse into yourself.
You internally debated on what to say, whether it would be a simple greeting or an insult.
“Long time no see.” You whispered, feeling a lump in your throat starting to form, because oh my god, it was Mingyu.
He was here, right in front of you. In the flesh. You wanted to cry, no, scratch that, sob.
Mingyu sat down at the table, right across from you. After the two of you basked in an unsettling silence for a bit, you broke.
“What the fuck!” Was all you could murmur, bringing yourself to bury your face in your hands.
“I’m sorry.” Mingyu said, with nothing but sheer emotion protruding from his tone. What the hell were you supposed to say? It was fine? It wasn’t fucking fine!
“Just explain this to me.” You demanded, your tone thickening. Authority soon consumed you, as you fixed your posture and gave Mingyu a confused scowl.
Mingyu looked a little lost. He had expected you to cry and laugh, he had expected you to be in a glorious state. Instead, you looked really fucking pissed.
“I’m back, Y/N. Isn’t that enough?” Mingyu asked with a wince in his tone.
“Stop spewing bullshit and tell me why you’re back!” You shouted, calling attention from the workers and the two other customers that were there. You didn’t care though, you just wanted to know what the fuck was going on.
“Jieun and I divorced, okay? She decided to move back to Korea with Junghoon, and I came back because I didn’t want to be away from him.”
“Junghoon?” You mumbled.
“My son.”
Oh. Suddenly, pain poured into your heart. It was like an overflowing dam, and it turned into a waterfall. You were being attacked by grief and confusion, wanting nothing else but to wake up and redo this entire day.
If you were able to redo the entire day, you wouldn’t have come to this stupid cafe. It would’ve been fine.
“Were you even going to text me? Call me? Let me know that you were back?” You asked, feeling
your icy exterior crumble. The authority and power you had once possessed was crumbling before your very eyes.
“Of course! I still have your number.” Mingyu reassured, but you only felt the overwhelming forlorn feelings in your heart deepen.
“Then why didn’t you call me?” You mumbled, earning a lost puppy look from Mingyu. You got him there.
Mingyu had a very cut and dry reason, but he just couldn’t bring himself to tell you.
Not yet, at least.
“I just...couldn’t.” Mingyu murmured, and you scoffed while crossing your arms.
“I gotta go.” You bitterly spewed, huffing a breath of frustrated air. Mingyu debated letting you go. Yet, out of intuition, he grabbed your wrist and looked up at you with pleading eyes.
“Please.” He said. That was all he needed to say, with that one sad word he made you crumble.
“Let’s go to my place. I don’t want to cause an even bigger scene.”
You had expected the walk back to be awkward, but it wasn'’t. You grew up together, you knew one another. You would travel to Seoul, coming from Anyang-si almost every weekend together. You two had a few friends in the city as well, so it was an enjoyable time.
One night, he had refused to let you walk to your friend’s house by yourself. You didn’t want to be a burden, but you were a bit tipsy and it was late at night. You remember how your heart swelled when he just grabbed your hand and walked you to your friend’s house. You two were silent the entire time. The only thing that could be heard was the beat of your heart.
“Mingyu,” You began, while you two walked down the streets you grew up on, “how the hell did you get by in the States?”
“What?” Mingyu asked, dumbfounded, but a little bit offended.
“You sucked at English.” You deadpanned, and it resulted in a huge laugh from Mingyu’s end. You let yourself bask in the smooth sound of his laugh, since it was the first time in over five years that you have heard it. You couldn’t help but laugh a little too.
“I studied a lot when I was there. We were in New York, so there were some ESL classes for Koreans.” Mingyu explained. You looked up at him, your skin being illuminated by the city lights and moon.
Mingyu thought you had looked beautiful. He felt the familiar twinge in his heart settle back in, the twinge that signified that he could never have you.
You two had finally arrived at your apartment. You had made more small talk on the way, but now it was time for the truth to be unravelled.
You both sat down on your plain couch, but not before you got a beer for him and you. “So,” You began, fiddling with your fingers.
“I missed you so much.” Mingyu blurted, resulting in a dumbfounded look on your part. You had never expected him to tell you that, mainly because you felt unwanted. You were pushed aside, because Mingyu had somebody else.
But you, you had Mingyu.
“Gyu…” You croaked, feeling the pace of your heart quicken when he shifted slightly close to you. You felt 18 again. The familiar feeling of being so helplessly in love with somebody that would never love you back rose to the surface again. You had expected to hate it, but you didn’t. You were already very well acquainted with unrequited love, so it didn’t hurt as much anymore.
“Y/N,” Mingyu began, “remember when we went away? Right before I left?”
“Well, kind of. I was drunk most of the time.” You said, cowering in embarrassment.
“Exactly. So you don’t remember confessing to me, do you?”
What did he just say? No, that couldn’t be. That couldn’t possibly fucking be. You would remember that, wouldn’t you? You would remember some a monumental and important moment from your youth!
Mingyu remembers the moment like it was yesterday. The two of you were outside, on the front porch of the beach house your parents owned. They had let you two go down to their beach house for a week over the summer, since they couldn’t afford to bring you anywhere else that summer. They were struggling financially.
Graduation was close. You would both be full functioning adults soon. No more staying at your parent’s house, you would be making lives for yourselves in the real world.
On your nth drink, you walked outside to the front yard, finding a hammock to settle in. Mingyu amusedly watched you fumble with the seemingly foreign device, and soon he heard a plop. You had fallen, and Mingyu was laughing uncontrollably at this point.
He jogged over to where you lied. You giggled drunkenly, basking in the smooth grass of the front yard. “Hey Gyu!” You greeted, smiling profusely.
“Hey, Y/N!” Mingyu mimicked. This was something Mingyu absolutely adored about you, your drunk side. You were absolutely adorable when drunk, and you were entertaining as well. You were just yon amplified when drunk.
Soon, the two of you were lying in the hammock, swinging softly. You lied your head on Mingyu’s chest, feeling your heartbeat pump at its maximum rate. It was an intimate and lovely moment, being able to be entangled with Mingyu like that. You even forgot that he had a girlfriend, and you pretended he was yours, even if it was just for a little bit.
“Mingyu…” You slurred, causing his eyebrows to raise in curiosity.
“I love you.” You lamented.
“I love you too, you big dummy.” Mingyu giggled.
“No, you even bigger dummy, I love you. I’m in love with you. Whenever I see you, I get happy. But then I’ll remember that I’m not yours, and you’re not mine, and then I get really fucking sad.”
“What?” Mingyu croaked. At this point, you were standing up, watching him lie down on the hammock. Despite being the one in the vulnerable state, you felt bigger. Stronger.
“And whenever you bring a new girlfriend around, it really fucking hurts! I know you’ll never love me like that, and I’ve known that ever since high school. Yes, high school, when I first fell in love with you. It’s been years, Gyu, fucking years. It’s like I’m being sucked into this huge black hole, and--”
You were interrupted with Mingyu’s lips crashing on yours. Had you expected it? No, of course not! But did you enjoy it? Hell yes!
You immediately reciprocated the kiss, even if you were in a drunken shocked state. You felt the electricity you always felt around Mingyu multiply by the millions, and the feeling of his hands on your body only excited you.
You were melting under his touch, you were nimble and controllable, but you liked it that way.
Mingyu soon pulled away, resulting in you frowning.
“I liked it.” Mingyu whispered.
“What?” You blurted.
“The fucking kiss, Y/N! I liked it. No, I fucking loved it! Shit! I have a girlfriend, Y/N. Why now?” Mingyu rambled, and you just confusedly stood there, feeling tears start to well in your eyes.
“You know what? You’re really drunk. Just go to bed, alright?” Mingyu said, and all you could do was nod in drowsiness. You stumbled all the way to your bedroom, and you didn’t know if you were more drunk on alcohol or if you were more drunk on Mingyu’s lips.
“You mean...I said that to you? All of that?” You murmured, completely and utterly dumbfounded. Not only that, you felt humiliated and extremely anxious.
And then it had sunk in. That night, Mingyu had kissed you. He kissed you.
“Jieun’s pregnancy was just really bad timing. If she had never of gotten pregnant, who the fuck knows what would’ve happened?”
“Yeah,” You began, “who knows?”
The silence between the two of you was thick and tense. You felt like vomiting after hearing Mingyu’s story.
“Did you, um...Did you love me back?” You whispered, biting your lip apprehensively.
“Yes, I did. I mean, do.” Mingyu answered, scratching the back of his neck.
You nodded, letting his words sink in. He was still in love with you.
“Why did you get divorced?” You asked. You knew the answer, you had just wanted to hear him say it.
“Because I was still in love with you.”
There we go. Bingo. Those words made you feel relieved and burdened at the same time. You were the reason that a marriage fell apart, and said couple did have a kid together…
But on the other hand, the man you were in love with for years had loved you back. Reality wasn’t always a slap in the face. Sometimes it was a firm pat on the back, congratulating you. This was your reality, and you didn’t exactly know how to deal with it.
You really wanted to kiss him. But something deep inside of you was stopping you.
And then soon, you thought of him. Of Jeonghan. Why would he stop you of all people? Wouldn’t he encourage this? He had set you up with people before, but for some reason, it felt different now.
And to think, if you hadn’t gone to that stupid fucking coffee shop today…
“I think you should go.” You suggested. Mingyu’s face fell immediately.
“W-why?” He questioned.
“Because I need time, Gyu. I need a lot of fucking time, because it has been five years, and you got divorced because of me, and you have a fucking son named Junghoon, and--need I say anymore? Because we both changed! And we can’t go back to the way things were, because we’re not young anymore, Gyu. We’re getting old, and we can’t live our lives based on one childhood fantasy!” You yelled. You had expected to leave Mingyu speechless, but unlike him, he retaliated.
“It wasn’t a fucking childhood fantasy, Y/N! It was us, it is us. We don’t have any time to waste, do we? So let’s just fucking do this!”
“Just go home, Gyu.”
He looked at you with angry eyes, but he would do anything to appease to you.
So, he was about to walk out the door, but then you let your impulses control you, like you’ve never done before. You always thought your way through things, never taking huge risks or living on the edge. But now? Fuck it, where the hell has thinking and living on the safe side of life gotten you?
You grabbed Mingyu’s wrist, turned him around, and fervorously pressed your lips against his. You pulled away after a minute of heated kissing, and both of you were blushing.
“Can you go home now?” You smiled weakly.
Mingyu nodded eagerly, and soon he was out of your apartment, and there you were, all by yourself. Now you only had your thoughts to listen to, not Mingyu’s silky smooth voice.
And then suddenly, you had wanted to call Jeonghan.
You then checked the time, and realized it was 1 AM. You and Jeonghan both had work the next day, so you decided not to bother him.
The excitement was over. Now you had to relish in the reality of what just happened. You loved Mingyu, sure.
But, for some reason, your head wasn’t so sure of it. Because you couldn’t help feeling guilty when you thought of Jeonghan.
You had a lot of shit to sort out.
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stevenuniversallyreviews · 6 years ago
Steven Universe is a show about solving problems with healthy communication instead of violence. It’s also a show so centered around fighting that our main characters have signature weapons that act as literal extensions of themselves. 
Not every episode has an action sequence, and not every action sequence is a fight, but this series is no stranger to glamorizing combat. For all its talk about how true strength means more than physical might, the use of physical might to hurt others isn’t always frowned upon, even by our peaceful hero. To compensate for this dissonance, fights that would normally leave fatal wounds instead end in a process so harmless that they called it “poofing.” 
Our ninety-eighth episode begins not with a title card, but a dramatic-looking scene that’s soon revealed to have no stakes, capped with Steven bemoaning that “dying a bunch in video games is emotionally exhausting.” The temporary nature of death is ingrained in his life—his very existence involved his mother not quite dying, but becoming half of him—and while the show at this point has acknowledged that violence can scar the body and soul, the only permanent consequences we’ve seen precede Steven’s existence. Shattering, the Cluster, and Corruption are ancient history, and were actions taken by the villains our heroes rebelled against. We’ve never had to deal with the moral implications of ending a life, and because this is a kid’s show there’s a chance we never would have, because the game isn’t quite as fun once permanent consequences are in play.
After a comedic foray into Lion’s mane, Steven pops a mysterious bubble we saw all the way back in Lion 3, flies back into his room, and shouts that he’s made a horrible mistake. And after the initial reaction from the other Crystal Gems, we linger in the room to get one last message from his television screen before he jumps back in:
Game Over.
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“We are the Crystal Gems!”
I love everything about the title reveal of this episode. I love that we have to wait for it, so we’re forced to pay extra attention when it arrives. I love the not-quite-still shot of our two leads sizing each other up as the name of our episode and new character slowly fades in. And I love the chill but chilling music that sets the stage for the life-changing story ahead of our hero. 
Aivi and Surasshu give characters distinct instrumentation, Peter and the Wolf style, but folks like Rose, Greg, Connie, Lapis, Peridot, and even Lion also have distinct motifs (sometimes a few, in the case of Rose and Lapis) using these instruments. The four main Crystal Gems are unique in that they’re defined mainly by their sound: Garnet is the bass holding everything together, Amethyst is the drumkit keeping up the tempo, Pearl is the piano accompanying others, and Steven subs out a traditional main instrument for chiptunes (many people have pointed this out, but I think this video does the best job of exploring it). Garnet as a concept eventually gets a motif that largely appears when fusion is involved, but the principle of associating these four main characters primarily through instruments holds true throughout the series.
Bismuth is a Crystal Gem, too. And whether it’s intentional or not, I love that this is shown by her lack of a distinct theme song, leaving her represented by her instrument in the same way as our big four. And the instrument we get for a heavy metal stuck in the past is a reverse electric guitar.
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On the subject of sound, we just started and I've already waited too long to talk about Uzo Aduba. Bismuth is beautifully animated and has a stunning design, and the extra large crew for this two-parter did wonders on her facial expressions and body language to breathe life into the character, but all of it would've fallen short without a magnificent voice actor tying it together. This is a complicated and ambiguous figure, who laughs hard and burns hot but knows how to keep quiet, and Aduba hits every emotional beat with ease. 
Aduba is especially talented in humanizing Bismuth’s rage, balancing loud shouts with twinges of sadness and jolly war stories with drops of venom. Her monologue in the Forge is one of many examples of Aduba’s greatness: after building up fervent momentum as she works with burning lava, she lowers her voice to a triumphant but menacing whisper when revealing that she chose to create weaponry. Aduba made a splash by finding a real person in a character reduced to the nickname “Crazy Eyes” on Orange is the New Black, and while Bismuth might not be as extreme of a role, she’s made great by an actress who refuses to dumb down angry women.
Bismuth is a zealot, but why wouldn’t she be? She faced the same oppression that drove the other Crystal Gems to rebel, and is mentally right in the thick of it while Garnet and Pearl have had thousands of years to move on. The leader that inspired and encouraged her to build weapons not only refused to use the Breaking Point, but fought her, bubbled her, and lied about it. We see it in Bismuth’s face the moment Rose is first mentioned around her, and even though this could be read as concern over her leader’s whereabouts, our knowledge that Rose’s version of events clashes with Bismuth’s hiding place sets off early warning bells. 
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Bismuth’s wordplay here is perfect for a character who often means multiple things at once: “Rose really is something else” works as a commentary on how strange Rose was, as a reference to her physically becoming something else, and as another hint of Bismuth’s true feelings about her leader’s betrayal. Her clever use of language soon becomes ingrained as a character trait: we obviously get the triple pun on her name (not three puns, but the same pun three times), but I’m a bigger sucker for the phrase “upper crust” playing off her disdain of Gem elites with geological terminology. It’s great to see such cleverness when characters with massive frames and aggressive attitudes are so rarely graced with wit.
Bismuth is angry, but she’s more than her anger. It’s balanced by (and caused by) her huge heart. She gets along famously with Garnet and Pearl, and cares deeply for her fallen friends, but she’s just as warm with Amethyst and Steven. An underrated element of Bismuth is that it doesn’t forget that Amethyst is in the middle of a major arc: even though she’s not the focus of the episode, she’s still reeling from her fight with Jasper and is uncomfortable around another huge interloper in her life, this time someone whose existence furthers the notion that Amethyst isn’t a “proper” Crystal Gem. So Amethyst is awkward at first, then sows seeds of suspicion when Steven is entranced. It speaks well of Bismuth that she treats Amethyst as an equal worthy of respect without question, and Amethyst soon comes around when Bismuth praises and upgrades her whip. This giant-sized episode is the clear product of long-term planning and collaboration, but it still remembers to tell a quick Amethyst story to keep us invested in her ongoing development.
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But it’s Bismuth’s relationship with Steven that makes up the bulk of the plot, and as dumb as it might sound, the character she reminds me of most is Tim Curry’s version of Long John Silver from legitimate classic film Muppet Treasure Island; yes, Long John Silver in general works for this analogy, but Tim Curry is the definitive version, fight me. Bismuth isn’t as treacherous as old Long John, but they share the tightrope act of being at odds with young protagonists that they earnestly like. There’s nothing fake about their moments of bonding and pseudo-parental advice, and while both are angling to convert a child hero to a questionable cause, it’s done in part to maintain a friendly relationship. Again, Silver is more of an outright villain—his lust for gold lacks the nuance of Bismuth’s well-intentioned justification of extreme violence—but these are gregarious antagonists that our heroes build meaningful connections with, and ultimately learn lasting lessons from. 
Steven is all in on Bismuth’s ardor at first, grinning with shared passion after she rallies the team to keep fighting Homeworld. He’s a little less on board upon seeing Amethyst’s weapon upgrade, and his unease grows during the sparring session, but for all her intensity, Bismuth is fine with him not wanting to fight. She welcomes his own “rituals” with glee, and even though our first look at this sees her spiking a birdie into the sand so hard that the beach explodes, the montage otherwise shows her fitting right in. Even the foreshadowing of Bismuth’s views on weapon lethality during Lonely Blade is lighthearted, with the bonus of showing us how far Pearl has come in regards to fiction since Steven the Sword Fighter.
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It all comes together in a poignant discussion about Rose. This is the last time she’s ever spoken of in a purely positive light before the story of her shattering Pink Diamond comes out; not every conversation about her is negative after this reveal, it’s never quite the same. We focus on Rose as a champion of differences: this is the Rose who said a servile pearl could be a warrior, who accepted a new fusion when nobody else would, who told a runty amethyst she was perfect the way she was. Bismuth is telling us what we already know, but personalizes it, showing how inspired she was by it, and Steven reacts to this umpteenth version of the Rose Was Great speech by admitting his fears of not measuring up for the second episode in a row.
Bismuth’s response sums up the entire lesson of Steven’s original series arc, and it’s such a moving affirmation when paired with Change Your Mind:
“You are different. That’s what’s so exciting. You don’t have to be like Rose Quartz, you can be someone even better. You can be you.”
The tragedy is that this hopeful message is undercut by Bismuth’s idea that a “better” Steven is one who uses deadly force. And the speech as a whole is further marred by a subtle hint of Rose’s mendacity: Bismuth mentions that she was “just another quartz soldier, made right here in the dirt,” but even before the Pink Diamond reveal, we already know Rose is from Homeworld from earlier episodes like Rose’s Scabbard. Retrospect enhances the sensation, tinging the uplifting speech with the kind of gray that we’re going to see a lot more of in the future.
There’s an awful inevitability to the ensuing fight as our heroes descend into the Forge, coming right of the heels of Bismuth telling Steven they need an alternative to fighting fair. Steven repeats his progression of reactions towards Bismuth all at once: first confused, then super excited, then gradually realizing something isn’t sitting right. But this time we can’t end with a day at the beach.
(The mood is ruined a little by the adorable commercial transition, and the summarization of the scene upon cutting back from commercials in a way this eleven minute show has never dealt with, but fortunately the bulk of the scene goes uninterrupted.)
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Steven obviously isn’t going to use the Breaking Point, and we get a prolonged shot of them standing at odds in mirrored positions from their title card encounter before Bismuth’s hand tightens into a fist. To her, this isn’t a fight with Steven, but a continuation of her fight with Rose, and her anger at her deception is fueled further by the not unreasonable assumption that Rose is still lying as Steven. In Bismuth’s mind she isn’t attacking a child, but a veteran warrior who for some reason took the form of a small human, so she goes all-out.
Steven has been called “Rose” plenty of times by Jasper, and this will continue in our very next episodes, but it’s gotta sting harder when the person doing it just told him that Steven was enough. And the fight itself is no joke, which is a relief after the brawl in Steven vs. Amethyst was all joke. The hits land just as hard, and we get the same awesome choreography showcasing Steven’s floaty powers and spiky bubble in action, but Bismuth isn’t kidding and Steven is on the ropes. His sandal melting away is as graphic as we’re gonna get, but it’s still a great sign of what will happen to him if he falls. His shoelessness also allows for a neat reversal of Bismuth closing her fist to begin the fight: after limping on the other foot to avoid the heat, the first we see of him after the second bubble of the episode pops is a close-up of his bare foot steaming on the ground. He’s forced to hurt both himself and Bismuth to end the fight.
We’re on the cusp of learning the “truth” about Pink Diamond, but the beginning of Rose’s souring portrayal is right here. If you squint hard enough, Rose’s actions in the past could have been justified by her not wanting to shatter anybody, and by Bismuth being an extremist who left her with no choice. But as she stands impaled by the sword she once forged, Bismuth’s rage can no longer hide her grief. Even if Rose was right, and that’s hardly a sure thing, it’s twisted and terrible that she never told the other Crystal Gems the truth. It doesn’t matter that we eventually learn that this was a lot more complicated than it seemed because Rose was Pink Diamond, because in the moment, the person who just tried to kill Steven is saying that Steven’s mother did an awful thing, and despite everything the show has told us until this moment, she’s making a good point. Steven has no time to dwell on it before the other shoe drops (hopefully not into more lava), but it’s telling that Bismuth only acknowledges Steven as himself again when he says he’ll be honest.
When Bismuth gave Steven his pep talk in the living room, the audience didn’t know her full story, but she did, so she still loved Rose despite everything. She was hurt by her, and was willing to fight her, but she looked up to her leader despite it all. So it’s a real turn when she uses same language that encouraged Steven moments ago to make a new point: he could be better than her because of his potential to be spectacular, but also because she set the bar low by doing horrible things. Bismuth is all about that wordplay.
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I’ve got a lot to say about my problems with Bismuth’s story after Bismuth (or rather the lack of one) that I’m including in my giant-sized features section below, because a giant-sized episode merits giant-sized features. But within the episode itself, I think silence after the fight is the right choice. Steven has been in danger before, but this is the hardest a person has ever tried to kill him, and it was one of his friends. A new friend, but a friend.
Bismuth marks the beginning of the end of this era of the show, an era when Steven’s series-long arc to fulfill his mother’s legacy was relatively straightforward. In yet another example of Bismuth’s wordplay, his life story swivels around a Breaking Point. The core of Steven Universe may not change in the way it does in Bubble Buddies and Mirror Gem and Catch and Release, but the core of Steven Universe is forever affected. His imminent guilt complex begins with stabbing Bismuth, and despite the hardships to come, he becomes a better person for surviving it.
But at least he doesn’t shatter her. That would really do a number on the guy. Can’t imagine how guilty he’d be if he one day did shatter an imposing zealot from the Gem War days with a history of confusing him for Rose Quartz...
Future Vision!
This is normally a section that lists small bits Fragments of foreshadowing, but because Bismuth is a double episode with tremendous impact on the shape of things to come in ways I already talked about in the review proper, I want to use this space to talk about the elegance of Steven Universe’s structure. I’ve referred to the fifty-odd episode chunks that make up the story on numerous occasions, but I think it’s about time I buck up and call them Acts. 
Act I of Steven Universe is the first season, Act II is the second and third season, and Act III is the fourth and fifth season (with the movie and Steven Universe Future as epilogues), and I think viewing the series through this lens really makes the structure shine. There are many examples of repeating themes and moments that this interpretation makes clear, and as an example, I want to talk about how a recurring phrase signifies a turning point towards the endgame of each act. 
In Act I, the slow-burning mystery of where the Gems came from begins at the midpoint, Mirror Gem, and escalates in Warp Tour with the introduction of Peridot. But we’re still doing regular episodes throughout, because Steven’s life is bigger than his past and there’s no pressing need to address his alien heritage when it isn’t directly affecting his life. It’s not until Marble Madness when this story ramps up, with Peridot's discovery of our heroes hurtling us towards a finale that sees Steven come into his own to defend his friends against old foes from beyond the stars who thought them long dead. The turning point is marked by Pearl taking a stand to proudly declare:
“We are the Crystal Gems! We're still alive, and we're still the guardians of this planet and all its living creatures!”
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Jumping to Act III, the slow-burning mystery of what Rose did to Pink Diamond is actually solved with some time to spare. Things seem to be wrapping up at Garnet’s wedding in Reunited, especially because we’ve reached the same episode count of the other two acts. But then Blue and Yellow Diamond crash the party, bringing together the entire main cast in opposition. As in Act I, this shifts us onto the path towards the finale, this time one that sees Steven bringing the Diamonds together to heal the damage they did on Earth. This turning point was a bit less subtle:
“This is our home! Our planet! Our friends and family! We are the Crystal Gems!”
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Act II is more stable than I or III, chronicling the period after Steven becomes a competent Crystal Gem but before everything is turned upside-down. He has adventures befitting his role and helps his friends and family as he grows more comfortable with his mother’s legacy, but unbeknownst to him, it’s the calm before the storm. Through it all, that legacy and that group are the bedrock of Steven’s life, and Bismuth begins to unravel his sense of security, leading to a finale that destroys our hero’s comfort zone. The turning point comes as Bismuth shatters not an elite Gem, but the fake image of one, and roars a battle cry that shows that there are some missing pages in the story of Steven’s happy family:
“Listen up, you Homeworld upper crusts...”
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“We are the Crystal Gems!”
If every pork chop were perfect, we wouldn’t have inconsistencies…
Likewise, this is normally a section that lists plot elements that don’t add up, and I can’t imagine reviewing Bismuth with addressing Bismuth’s treatment as the show continues. There aren’t many other places to write about it until Made of Honor, as the most notable element of this discussion is her absence, but it’s a flaw beyond this episode itself, so it’s going here.
First, I understand from a storytelling perspective why Bismuth is bubbled again. She’s a major new element that couldn’t realistically be sent to the barn like Peridot and Lapis, and is so at odds with our heroes that it would mess with the direction of the series. In particular, the reveal that Rose shattered Pink Diamond would go from being a story about Steven coping to a story about Steven and Bismuth coping, because Rose shattering someone goes against the whole reason she fought Bismuth in the first place. The simplest solution to not having Bismuth dominate the upcoming story is putting her away until the plot demands. And we do eventually get some lip service to why she was bubbled again for so long: she did, after all, try to shatter Steven with the Breaking Point at the end of their fight. She seems cool with it, and it’s not as if she was suffering in there, popping back out as if no time had passed and integrating well with the team afterwards.
But it is baffling that there isn’t any conversation about trying to talk with her instead of keeping her locked away. We don’t need a proper trial, but the idea that this team wouldn’t allow Bismuth to make her case and wouldn’t try to help her work towards a mutual understanding is not only cruel, but cruel in a way that makes no sense for these characters. I’ve called the underuse of Malachite the show’s greatest blunder, and I stand by it because Bismuth’s treatment is much more than a “whoops.” Communication is everything to this series, and the idea that Bismuth was too dangerous to be reasoned with is, to me, Steven Universe’s greatest sin. 
Garnet and Pearl in particular never mention any alternatives, or even bring her up to a meaningful degree. This is supposed to be one of their best friends. And after we learn about Pink Diamond’s shattering, it’s bewildering that Steven doesn’t consider the Bismuth of it all outside of her factoring into his guilt complex in Mindful Education and a brief mention in Storm in the Room. On both an emotional and logical level there’s no reason to not include her more in Act III. Like, let’s say in the worst case scenario she’s freed and furiously attacks Steven: he already defended himself by himself against her, in a lava-filled arena where she had a huge advantage, so obviously with the other Gems he’d be safe. And let’s say Steven is traumatized by nearly getting killed. Understandable. Even if Pearl also nearly got him killed a few times, it was never with murderous intent. Except that if that’s the rationale, I feel like Bismuth deserves to have that explained by him at some point during her imprisonment. He could tell the Gems, he could confide in Connie, whatever, this is something that needs to be said out loud. If we’re going to have her locked away indefinitely, there needs to be more than stone cold silence about why the Crystal Gems came to such an extreme solution, seemingly without a second thought. There was more discussion about the ethics of bubbling Peridot than Bismuth, and Peridot was a full-blown opponent at the time. There was more discussion about the ethics of rehabilitating the Centipeetle, a being corrupted into what seemed to be an unthinking monster, than a fully sentient ally who did a bad thing.
I’m not gonna knock this episode down any pegs for this in my rankings, because it’s not really the fault of this episode. Yes, it could have included Steven’s conversation with the other Gems, but this story was already full to the gills and there was plenty of time in future episodes, particularly episodes after the shattering story comes to light, to address it. Bismuth works fine on its own, but demanded further stories that it never got. Made of Honor does a decent job of bringing Bismuth back, but that’s after over fifty episodes of a misguided but heroic and loyal friend being imprisoned without any attempt at mediation.
I get that it would’ve been a lot of work, and that the bubble method was more convenient. But making a character this great only to treat her this way is a disservice to both Bismuth and the Crystal Gems as a whole.
(Also, less importantly, this episode was marketed as 100 thanks to the inclusion of a few combined shorts as numbered episodes. But yeah this was totally episodes 98 and 99.)
We’re the one, we’re the ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR!
I ended on a bummer note there, but like I said, Bismuth by itself shouldn’t be held culpable for not having a Too Short to Ride or Alone at Sea for Bismuth down the line. It still doesn’t make my top fifteen, but it does make my top twenty, which matters because the list is expanding next time to account for our actual hundredth episode.
Top Fifteen
Steven and the Stevens
Hit the Diamond
Mirror Gem
Lion 3: Straight to Video
Alone Together
The Return
The Answer
Sworn to the Sword
Rose’s Scabbard
Mr. Greg
Coach Steven
Giant Woman
Beach City Drift
Winter Forecast
Love ‘em
Laser Light Cannon
Bubble Buddies
Tiger Millionaire
Lion 2: The Movie
Rose’s Room
An Indirect Kiss
Ocean Gem
Space Race
Garnet’s Universe
Warp Tour
The Test
Future Vision
On the Run
Maximum Capacity
Marble Madness
Political Power
Full Disclosure
Joy Ride
Keeping It Together
We Need to Talk
Chille Tid
Cry for Help
Keystone Motel
Catch and Release
When It Rains
Back to the Barn
Steven’s Birthday
It Could’ve Been Great
Message Received
Log Date 7 15 2
Same Old World
The New Lars
Monster Reunion
Alone at Sea
Crack the Whip
Like ‘em
Gem Glow
Arcade Mania
So Many Birthdays
Lars and the Cool Kids
Onion Trade
Steven the Sword Fighter
Beach Party
Monster Buddies
Keep Beach City Weird
Watermelon Steven
The Message
Open Book
Story for Steven
Shirt Club
Love Letters
Rising Tides, Crashing Tides
Onion Friend
Historical Friction
Friend Ship
Nightmare Hospital
Too Far
Barn Mates
Steven Floats
Drop Beat Dad
Too Short to Ride
Restaurant Wars
Kiki’s Pizza Delivery Service
Greg the Babysitter
Gem Hunt
Steven vs. Amethyst
Cheeseburger Backpack
Together Breakfast
Cat Fingers
Serious Steven
Steven’s Lion
Joking Victim
Secret Team
Say Uncle
Super Watermelon Island
Gem Drill
No Thanks!
     5. Horror Club      4. Fusion Cuisine      3. House Guest      2. Sadie’s Song      1. Island Adventure
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saccharinedanganimagines · 7 years ago
Hello! I loved the zombie apocalypse au, and was hoping that you could write hcs for Hajime, izuru, nagito, chiaki, and mahiru and their s/o surviving in the apocalypse. Thanks!
Hey there! So, I still haven’t gotten the hang of writing for the girl cast for Danganronpa properly (Since I mainly focus on husband material) but I decided to try to write them. They may be a bit OOC!
I feel like the bloody sprites were being underused -so here’s one of them!
~ Mod Ouma
Hajime, Izuru, Nagito, Chiaki, and Mahiru and their s/o surviving in the apocalypse
Help-me Hinata 
He faints the moment they tell you both that the apocalypse is over.
When he wakes up, he’ll scurry to make sure you’re okay.
He’ll go Low-key-Ultimate Counselor Mode and try to hunt for any signs of mental strain or trauma in you.
He’s a natural-born worrier, so it’ll be hard for him tor relax still.
But he visibly seems more relieved even though he’s still attentive to his surrounding.
You two team up to help other survivors who are suffering from PTSD or minimal injuries 
Hajime becomes somewhat of a therapist and a leader, always checking up on others. 
Sometimes he still feels like he’s in the apocalypse whenever he does inventory and welfare checks. 
But, he’ll snap out of his funk when he sees that you’re okay. And still with him.
He feels despair over the past, but hope for a future with you and him in it.
Izuru Calm-u-kura
He gives no reaction.
At least, that’s what he thought he was going to do.
Until he sees a plethora of emotions, your usual face filled with despair turn into hope cross your face.
Being submerged in so much tragedy made him forget it’s counterpart, hope.
… Oddly, he feels a twinge in his of a long forgotten emotion in heart as his expression softens.
He glares at anyone who gets too close for comfort to you two, whether that be other survivors or the military. 
He keeps you as far away from any gore, corpses, or injured people as possibly. 
He’ll distract you if you try to help with the aftermath. So that you won’t have to strain yourself anymore.
“Hey. S/O. Can you braid my hair.”
“S/O. We ran out of fruit loops. Can you help ask around for more.”
He’ll help with the aftermath, so he speeds up the process.
Within a day, he’ll clear a full ward of corpses and danger with minimal help from the military.
It’s a small gesture, but it hugely contrasts his apathy for everything.
Nagito Komaeda
“The hope of a new day… The rise from the calamity of despair… S/O, we made it!”
There’s a glimmer of delirious glee in his eyes as he embraces you.
Anyone would flinch from his behavior, from his insanity. But he always ignored it.
But.. it didn’t seem like you were as optimistic as him.
“Hey. Things.. Will be alright from now on, S/O. We survived, didn’t we?”
He tries really hard not to even mention hope.
What’s important is your state of mind right now. How could trash like him forget that?
He makes sure you’re okay if and when you’re suffering from mental trauma.
He keeps your new home together as neat as possible to maintain a sense of safety and mundanity.
He adapts better than anyone else, and tries to make both of your lives as normal as possible.
But.. Even he will be suffering trauma.
He will maintain the hope you’re feeling. No matter what.
Chiaki No-no-mi
She lets out the longest, most relieved sigh ever.
She tears up a little and clings to you the whole time the military tells you that the apocalypse is over.
No more days where she has to replay the worst-case scenarios in her head.
She doesn’t have to think about the tragic endings of video games she’s played before. 
No more thinking about how those characters with sad endings could be the two of you.
But she won’t allow herself to cry any longer. 
You two confide in each other and try to help out in any way you can with the military.
She’ll also get really desperate if things aren’t going well. She’s willing to do anything to keep everyone happy. You’re going to have to remind her that she should care for herself too, she becomes overly selfless and may even skip meals to feed other people.
She brings a sense of normalcy with her as she nerds out about her favorite video games. 
Whenever the group of survivors become lethargic, you two work to find an activity to get them going.
Somehow, she’ll find really old Nintendo 64 console and a few games to play with everyone.
My-hero Koizumi
She bursts into tears. But she tries to stay strong in her posture as she allows a hopeful and brave smile bloom across her face.
She keeps up the moral among survivors.
She’s like a mother, heartily taking the initiative in a less than upbeat atmosphere. She gets people moving by nagging.
But, she’ll often break down when you two are alone.
She takes a lot of pictures of you two and the survivors.
Progress pictures of newly-rebuilt shelters, of successfully cleaned rooms, or little mundane stuff.
She makes a scrapbook filled with positivity and keeps adding to it. It reminds you both that the apocalypse is behind you guys and that you can only go up from here on out.
She’s the best with children. She distracts them from bad thoughts.
You two become sort of the parent-figures them and run a make-shift daycare in the shelter.
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lordsicheng · 7 years ago
JBJ Break Up/Make Up Series: (1/7)
Kim Donghan
word count; 1,885
a/n: the other series (holidays w/ jbj) is on queue so yes i’m putting this up first as well as an intro wew
He couldn’t believe it; the rush of anxiety flowing through his body the moment he had arrived in the apartment, face slowly looking pale as he looked around. All your belongings, your clothes, your presence… gone. He ran towards the bedroom to see no sign of any of your items, frantically opening the closet and noticing all your clothes had been removed. His heart started to beat faster, running back to the living room to see any note from you, and then off to the kitchen, and yet he could not find any.
“What have I done?” he thought, comprehending his fault from the night before.
A mistake he had made that he knew he will regret for the rest of his life. His own self, enraptured mindlessly over another woman he had only met months before. Only to be caught by his one, true love; blinded by his slip for too long. His guilt had risen up in a rush, unconsciously punching the wall with his bare knuckles out of anger. Despite his hand becoming sore from his blow, he did not feel the pain. Instead, he felt a different kind of pain. He had lost the only person he had given his entire world to.
He had lost you.
No single call. No single text. Nothing.
You looked at your phone and stared at the photographic memories you have had with Donghan, heart throbbing in twinge because you could not accept what he had done. He had cheated, in the most unexpected way. In your mind, he must have known that what he was doing will get him into consequences. But what was done, is done. You have had enough of his lies and his selfish ways. He may have treated you like the usual and yet in your conscience, it was not the same as it was before.
You stopped at a video you took of yourselves, laughing while playing with an app where you both had animal ears on. A video you took during your last anniversary.
“I love yooooou y/n!”
“Shut up, Donghan!”
“Say it back or I’ll kiss you!”
“Do it, then!”
You paused the video the moment his lips came in contact to yours, a smile plastered on his face as he leaned in. You bawled your fist in anguish, slowly realizing that you had loved him. So much. But what he did to you was hard to forgive, and you had enough. You took a deep breath and slowly let it out, looking at your thumb shake and not able to press that one button on your screen. You thought, otherwise, and realized that you needed to move on.
And in one click, the video was gone.
In Donghan’s mind, he clearly knew he made the biggest mistake he could. He was restless, afraid of contacting you for he knew you were broken up inside. And yet, he found it difficult to put back all of it. He had broken your trust, and he definitely lamented over it. It had been three days and he had not left the apartment. He was remorseful, often silently crying to himself as a force to sleep and try to get rid of any memory with you.
But he couldn’t.
He loved you. He wanted to be with you. He always cherished you and he was very happy that you had come to his life. He may sometimes become cold for no reason, but deep down in him, he always cared about you even if you least expected it.
A knock was heard from the front door, but he didn’t move. He only stayed in his seated position on the sofa, not caring to even answer the door. Several knocks were heard after, and yet he still did not look. One swift push of the door swung it open as his friend saw him looking much most distressed before, immediately closing the door and running towards Donghan as he crouched down to look him in the eyes, Donghan only able to blink twice in a daze
“What the hell happened?”
His friend asked, but he didn’t answer. His friend looked around and saw that most of the belongings in the apartment were gone, taking notice that you were already gone. He stood up and bit his bottom lip, looking down on Donghan in pity
“How long since she left?”
“Three days…”
Donghan replied faintly, voice hoarse from not speaking for the past days
“How long since you have not left this place?”
“Three… days….”
Donghan felt his heart drop at the realization that you were gone. It may had only been three days, but he longed for you every single day. His mood was always up whenever he saw you when he got home, even better when you greeted him with a smile. He needed your touch, your hugs, your kisses. It was his happiness to be with you all the time. And yet he ruined it with a fault that possibly could never be forgiven. His friend grabbed him by the collar, shook him and tried to snap him out of it. Donghan’s eyes started to tear as he looked at his friend, instantly penitent with embarrassment
“I don’t know what to do, Sanggyun…” he whispered, feeling his body weakening
“You should be ashamed of yourself. If you loved her you should not have done this.”
The words his friend uttered became repetitive in his mind, suddenly infuriating him all of the sudden. He rapidly threw a punch to his friend, making him fall to the ground and hold his jaw in pain. Donghan suddenly grabbed a wooden stool from the side and threw it to the wall, breaking it as a frame was also hit, falling and breaking its glass to the floor. His friend understood how he felt and could only look at Donghan, slowly standing up before he started to speak
“I’ll help you. Whatever it takes.”  
It had already been two weeks since you had left Donghan, crashing in with your best friend while you were still on a hunt for a new place. You sat by the window and watched the water from the rain drag down, not feeling anything particular. As your friend continued on cooking, she heard the doorbell ring and paused everything to open it. Her eyes widened the moment she saw Donghan, all wet from the rain as he looked back at her with sadness in his eyes
“I know she’s here.” he sighed as he shivered from the cold
“She doesn’t want to see you.” she fired back, remaining on her stance
“Please, just this once..” Donghan begged, trying to catch a look inside the apartment to try and look for you
“Go away or I’m calling the police!” your friend yelled, startling Donghan from his search
“It’s alright. I’ll talk to him.”
You stood from afar, looking at your friend and then to Donghan. Your heart dropped at how weak he looked and you knew it was because of you suddenly leaving. But you remained calm, knowing he had made a mistake that you couldn’t grasp on and absolve. You slowly walked towards the door and looked at your friend, her only able to groan and give Donghan a stink eye before leaving.
You slipped yourself out of the apartment and closed the door behind you, leaning on the door without looking at Donghan who stood right in front of you, in a slight relief that you were alright. You both just stood in silence, wanting to say many things to each other, but you were afraid you were gonna end up in fury once again.
“I’ve made the most horrible mistake.” he admitted, looking at you with plead, but you didn’t respond back
“Please speak to me.” he pleaded again, and yet you still had not given a response
“I can’t take back what I have done. I know I’ve broken you. But please, at least tell me why you left without a word.”
“Put yourself in my shoes, Donghan. How would you feel if you were cheated on by the love of your life?” you looked up at Donghan in anger, and he could only look at you blankly
“I’ve done everything. I’ve sacrificed so many things to be with you. And yet you still aren’t satisfied?” you bawled your shaking fists, preventing yourself from screaming
“I’ve had enough, Donghan. It could have been the slightest mistake, but you’ve searched for another. And I can’t bring myself to forgive you.” your voice weakened as tears started falling from your eyes, Donghan’s heart aching in pain from the sight of your breakdown
“Y/n, I know you won’t forgive me easily. But please, give me a chance.” he took a step closer to you and gazed into your eyes; a gaze that you’ve been longing for the past weeks, hitting your heart as you had missed him so much
He leaned in and kissed you as he put his hand on the door to your side, deepening as he had missed your soft lips in contact with his. You let him kiss you and shook a bit, admitting that you also felt the same. But a hit in your gut told you that this was wrong, everything was getting wrong.
He did wrong. You couldn’t bring yourself to forgive him. He had never explained to you why he did such a thing. You were blinded by his actions that tried to hide everything.
You pushed him away, making him confused as to why you did so
“I’m sorry but I can’t do this anymore. It’s over, Donghan. Goodbye.” you opened the door behind you and immediately closed it, leaning back and slowly dragging down into a seated position
You try to get yourself to love him back the way you did before because what he had done was something you were afraid of happening. And yet, it did happen. You coughed out in pain, breaking into a sob that made your friend run out of her room and towards you, crouching down to grab you into her arms to calm you down.
But how can you calm down when you had been deceived for too long by someone you loved with all your heart with?
You felt your world shatter into pieces the moment you found out and you couldn’t help but walk away, afraid to face him in the end. He definitely knew what he was doing, you thought. Realizing he had done wrong, he broke every contact he had with the other woman; but it was too late. His ego got to him and he shattered your relationship in one blow, difficult to put back.
He heard your cry from outside as the rain began to pour harder, him not able to move. He was done with waiting for you to come back to his arms. He couldn’t bear hearing your bawling, so he turned to the rain to walk away, not caring if he were to get sick since he knew he deserved it. He deserved everything that had happened to him for the past two weeks. But one thing in his mind came up, that he knew he didn’t deserve.
He didn’t deserve you.
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