#new sideblog incoming
ultratired · 2 months
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i like them lots u see
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spicler-man · 1 year
i have 218 specifically mcu ideas and i dont want to write ANY of them help me
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aronora8 · 2 years
I’m thinking of making a blog for my OCs here to seperate them from my Flipline fanart
Still would upload OC art here too, but it just feels better to dump my OCs to one place.
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team-mavericks · 5 months
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[ Can I ask y'all for a favor? I tend to do this thing where I test the versatility of my icons with friends, but it confuses them every time we do it. So can y'all just... Send me asks to try and find a missing emotion? The mystery muse in question is not Pokemon related, but I will be giving them a Pokemon Verse. Anything is appreciated. Thank you. ]
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navybrat817 · 7 months
Like There's No Tomorrow
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader Summary: When you make a rash decision after you're passed over for a promotion again, Bucky encourages you to follow your dream. It's the start of an unforgettable journey. Word Count: Over 3.4k Warnings: Insecurities, impulsivity, reflecting, slight angst, slight feels (it's me), Bucky Barnes (he's a warning and the best, okay?). A/N: Writing this was very personal and therapeutic after my recent work experience. While I can't actually live this life, I know Firecracker and Daredevil will have many adventures together. Also for @the-slumberparty's Eight Types of Love Challenge (Ludus - Road Trip / Surprise)❤️ Thanks to the beautiful @whisperlullaby for the encouragement and @buckyownsmylife for giving this intro a look and assuring me it wasn't garbage, but any and all mistakes are my own. Divider by the talented @saradika. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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You quit your job on a Friday afternoon.
On paper, it appeared to be an ordinary day. Nothing different from your usual routine. You got up, brushed your teeth, showered, dressed yourself, gave your boyfriend a kiss, selected a caffeinated beverage, and got to work. While you wouldn't call your job your dream job and some of the tasks were monotonous, you were good at it and you cared about your teammates.
In fact, they were one of the reasons you stuck around for as long as you did.
“Just wanted to say you've done a lot for us and we wouldn't be where we are without you.”
“I’m so sorry. I hope this doesn’t get you down.”
“I wish there was something I could say to make you feel better.”
“For what it’s worth, they made a mistake.”
Tears filled your eyes as you looked through the messages a few of your teammates sent after the promotion announcement was made minutes ago. There was an overall mixture of surprise and confusion when they heard you didn’t get it. They knew how hard you worked to move up and how badly you wanted it. You wished you hadn’t gotten your hopes up since that usually led to disappointment.
Of course, you were happy for the candidate who got the job. It wasn’t their fault you didn’t advance. Their success called for celebration. It didn’t make it any easier for you though and it didn’t lessen the hurt that you were passed over once again for something you were more than qualified for.
You somehow held it together though, not wanting everyone around you to see you break. Crying was reserved for the bathroom, your car, and home. Plus, you had shown enough vulnerability to management during the lengthy process and aftermath. They didn’t deserve an ounce more.
Especially after you were told that the value you provided wasn’t enough.
“I know this outcome is disappointing, but this isn’t a setback. You still have a lot to be proud of,” your manager told you the day before when you received the email entailing that you didn't receive the promotion and why. “Take the feedback we’ve given you and use that to get to the next level next time.”
He was only trying to help, but who would want to try again when they’re told they aren’t enough more than once? If the intention was to fuel your fire, they snuffed it out. Then again, your feelings were so raw because you hadn’t given yourself enough time to digest the news. Being told you were just out of reach was salt in the open wound, stinging much more than it should have as you tried to figure out what you did wrong.
Because you had to have done something wrong, right? Were the words you wrote in your application not eloquent enough? Did you not display the right amount of confidence in your interview? Why were you always on the cusp of greatness, but never quite there?
Blinking the moisture from your eyes, you straightened up and began to type again. Personal feelings aside, you had a job to do. You needed the income. You also had to prove that they were wrong in overlooking you. Again.
But as the sound of your fingers flying across the keyboard became white noise in your head, Bucky’s words from earlier in the morning shimmered into your mind.
“Just quit, Firecracker. They don’t deserve you and you deserve better.”
Bucky Barnes, your boyfriend. The kind of man you didn’t think was real until he came into your life. Gorgeous, faithful, doting, protective - you thought men like that only existed in books. He supported and hyped you up every time you went for a promotion and wiped away every tear when you didn’t get it. Your crying and self-doubt broke his heart and this morning may have been the last straw for him.
Maybe it was the last straw for you, too.
Glancing around the office as you saw everyone else typing with minimal conversation, the room had never looked more lifeless to you. There was nothing about the place or the job that inspired you, so why continue to give yourself over to a place that didn’t give back to you in return? Why stay in a place that dulled your shine?
The sudden realization hit you square in your chest that you didn’t want to be there anymore.
“Have a great weekend, team. Good luck and thanks for everything.” You sent in a message before you could stop yourself.
You had never had an out-of-body experience before, but it was as if your spirit was beside you as you began to close the programs on your computer. Glancing at your desk after you set your phone to voicemail, you realized you had hardly any personal touches in your space. Except for the photo of you and Bucky.
He was your one bright spot in the building.
With the utmost care, you put the photo in your bag once you shut everything down. Your heart sank as your gaze swept over your team, an uncomfortable pit settling in your stomach as you went to see your boss. Disappointing anyone always brought you a sense of dread and you didn’t want to let him or anyone else down, but you were thinking of yourself for once.
You owed yourself that.
“Hey,” your boss smiled as he glanced up from his desk before he noticed you had your bag. You shifted on your feet when his cheerfulness shifted to concern. “What’s up? Are you clocking out early?”
“Not exactly,” you answered, gripping your bag so hard your hand began to ache.
“Is everything okay?” He asked, leaning forward in his seat.
You didn’t know how to respond because it wasn’t okay and nothing he could say or do would change how you felt. You didn't want him to try and sway you to stay. The heartbreaking part was that he was, overall, a good boss. He taught you a lot and helped you better yourself. So did the team as a whole. They were rock stars. Each and every one of them.
But now they weren’t enough to make you stay and maybe it was a blessing in disguise that you didn’t go anywhere with your job.
So with a bittersweet smile, you uttered, “I quit. I’m sorry.”
You tossed your building key onto his desk and turned away before he could reply. Your mind raced as you put one foot in front of the other and ignored the stares of your coworkers who caught on to what had just transpired. It was hard to breathe, but your steps for once felt light instead of heavy. Your boss may have called out for you, but you didn’t dare look back. Not when you couldn’t stay in there another minute.
What you didn’t expect was for Bucky to be waiting outside as you went out of the door.
Your boyfriend managed to take your breath away every time you saw him and today was no exception. All 6’4” of him, he decided to cover his beefy frame with one of his favorite leather jackets, a fitting shirt, and tight jeans. His stormy eyes zeroed in on you as he pushed away from his old pickup truck and ran a hand through his chestnut hair. He was stunning.
He was yours.
“I’m so glad you’re here,” you blurted out as you raced toward him. “Get me out of here. Please.”
But why was he there? You didn’t plan to meet up with him until after work and your shift was only a little over halfway over. Did he want to surprise you?
He caught you easily with his large hands before you could stumble into him. “Whoa, easy. Get in,” he said, opening the passenger door and helping you in. Your hands trembled as you buckled yourself in, your body in flight mode because you had to get away from the office. He wasted no time getting in and peeling out of the parking lot, the building becoming smaller and smaller in the distance.
You weren’t even sure how far away he drove before he pulled over and stopped the car since you didn’t look behind you. Resting your shaking hands on your thighs, the high of walking out dissipated until it left you cold. Reality sank in. Would it pull you under?
“Talk to me,” Bucky urged, his voice calm and gentle instead of demanding. “Please?”
“I quit my job,” you whispered, your gaze set in front of you, but not seeing anything in focus. “I couldn't do it anymore.”
Bucky leaned over to turn your face toward him, sympathy and understanding filling his eyes. “Oh, baby, I knew today would be the tipping point. Waited most of the morning for you to walk out,” he said. You were about to question how he could possibly know that, but he could read you better than anyone. “Just a feeling I had.”
“I quit my job. I quit,” you said again, your breathing more shallow than before he engulfed you in a warm and grounding embrace. Your fingers twisted in his jacket as you breathed him in. Sandalwood and citrus were scents you now associated with love because of him. “What did I do?! I didn’t even give notice. I just tossed my card down and left. Fuck, I just burned my bridges with everyone there.”
You stifled a sob as you hid your face in his neck. You swore to yourself that you would never be that person who walks out on a job, but you did just that and screwed over your entire team. Would any of them understand why you did it or accept an apology? How long would it take for that guilt to go away since you essentially gave up after the words of kindness and encouragement they gave you?
“Breathe, baby. I’ve got you” he whispered, rubbing your back as you steadied yourself. “Yeah, you quit today. And maybe you burned a bridge, maybe not. But I couldn’t be fucking prouder of you.”
“You’re proud that I walked out on my team?” You asked, whipping your head up so fast you were lucky you didn’t get whiplash. “They don’t deserve to deal with that. Not to mention, I have nothing lined up.”
The thought of starting over again made your stomach drop again. The job market could be a terrifying and hopeless place. What if you couldn’t find anything? Or what if you burned through your savings by the time you did?
“I’m proud that you walked away from something keeping you down. After everything you’ve done for them, I’m sure most of them will get why you couldn’t do it anymore,” he assured you, the corners of his lips turning down when you sniffled. “And don't worry about not having something lined up. We'll figure it out.”
“We?” You questioned. Bucky was your boyfriend, but this wasn’t his problem.
“Yeah, we,” he said, pointing between the two of you with his forefinger. “You and me. I'm in this with you.”
Your heart melted before logic tried to take back over. “I should just go back there and apologize. I can say that I-”
He framed your face and pressed his warm lips to yours before you could say another word. He coaxed you to return the kiss with ease and you responded with parted lips and a sigh. His kisses left you lightheaded as sparks ignited, threatening to explode if you went much further. Which was why he stopped to let you catch your breath.
“No. You’re not doing that,” he said, his scruff tickling your forehead as he pressed a kiss there. He knew that was a weakness of yours and it instantly stopped you from arguing. “We're going on an adventure and we can’t do that if you’re chained to a desk.”
“An adventure?” You repeated with uncertainty.
“Yeah. We’re going to drive and see where it takes us,” he said, his lips touching your forehead once more before he started up the car again. “Just need to grab a couple of things before we go.”
“What about work for you?”
“It’s taken care of,” he assured you. He wasn’t the type of guy to lie, but when did he have time to plan this? Neither one of you had mentioned going anywhere.
Leave it to Bucky to do something impulsive to make you happy.
“Okay,” you said, trusting him and deciding to play along with his endeavor. “You said we need a couple of things. What do we need? Besides the essentials.”
“Your laptop. And a journal if you don't feel like typing.”
You refrained from rolling your eyes. “Yeah, yeah. I know. My laptop so I can apply for new jobs and pray that they don’t reach out to my now previous boss as a reference, right?”
“Oh, no,” he chuckled, a playful smirk on his face when you swung your head toward him. “The laptop is so you can write like you've always wanted to. And the journal if you prefer to write some of your thoughts and ideas down by hand.”
“Wait. You want me to write on this trip?” You asked, making sure you heard him correctly.
“Yeah, I do.”
Your eyes nearly bulged out of your head. You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. Your boyfriend was certifiably crazy, but you loved that about him. “Bucky, no. I can't just write,” you said.
“Why not?” He shrugged.
“Because it doesn't pay the bills or provide security,” you replied.
Writing was a silly hobby that you did from time to time to help you channel your emotions or escape from the real world. At best, it was a dream. Nothing more. He knew that. At least, you thought he knew that.
At the end of the day, it wouldn’t put a roof over your head or food in your stomach. How were you expected to hold onto dreams that wouldn’t take you anywhere? And at what point did you stop believing in them and yourself?
When did you start thinking so cynically?
“But working a job you're not passionate about just to provide safety is the better option? There’s a difference between doing something you love and doing something you’re good at when your heart isn’t in it. You’ve done the latter for years now,” He said with a huff as you inhaled. “That isn't living and you’re lying to yourself if you think it is.”
Your eyes narrowed as his words sank in, your shackles raising. “No, it isn’t living, but it’s the most practical thing I can do! And, yeah, I am good at my job because I worked my ass off!” You argued, taking a breath. You didn’t want to start crying or snap at him when he was right. “Or at least I was good at my job. And I would’ve done my best had I advanced, but I couldn’t even accomplish that.”
Which begged the question of why you applied. The higher title and pay would’ve been nice for recognition and comfortability. You believed you earned it. But was it what you wanted to do for the rest of your life? Was that your path when you looked toward your future?
You hadn’t taken into account your own desires and values.
“Hey,” he said softer than before. “I wasn’t trying to-”
“And say I do try and write for real. How can I even enjoy this adventure knowing I'm probably just going to fail again?” You asked in a small voice.
How many hits could you take before your armor cracked?
Bucky's jaw clenched. “And that's exactly why I'm glad you finally quit. You've had so many people over your head telling you that what you do isn't enough to achieve what you want. And now you believe it,” he said, his hands gripping the steering wheel hard enough that you feared he’d bend it with his strength. “Fuck that and fuck them for making you feel that way.”
Your mouth fell open as you stared, his fury for and defense of you making your chest tighten. “I…”
“Why can’t you be a writer, huh? Why not try? You’re talented and I’m not just saying that to make you feel better. That’s where your heart is and it shows with every word,” He pressed, knowing you put your whole self into your creative outlet. “And, listen, we have money set aside for the time being and more than enough for this excursion. So I don’t care if writing doesn’t pay the bills for a while as long as you’re happy and doing what you’re passionate about. We’ll have each other and that’s enough in my eyes.”
Contemplating his words, you had to give him credit. The job wasn’t something you did because you were passionate about it. You did it because it was safe and expected of you when in many ways it held you back. Besides, what did you have to lose at this point? If you didn’t try, you’d never know. You’d look back one day and regret it if you let the chance pass you by.
Why not do something impulsive?
Why not make the most out of the moment you were in?
“Okay. You’re right. I should try to write and we should go,” you nodded, taking a deep breath. “Let’s grab a few things and see where this trip takes us.”
“There she is,” he smiled over at you, making your heart swell. “There’s my Firecracker.”
The nickname would always warm your heart. “You know, this actually sounds a bit like that book idea I had the other day,” you said, excitement seeping through your veins. Your fingers twitched a bit, too, with the urge to write. “Do you remember? I told you about it while we were eating pizza.”
Bucky took one hand from the steering wheel to grab yours. “I remember everything you've ever said.”
“Flattery will get you everything, Daredevil,” you said, biting your lip to keep from smiling too wide. “So, we're really doing this. We're just leaving?”
“Not just leaving. We're taking a long overdue road trip," he says, bringing your hand to his mouth to kiss it. “You deserve it.”
“We both do,” you said, the uncertainty leaving your body more with each passing second. You even turned off your phone so you wouldn’t be tempted to look at any emails or messages. “We deserve to live today like there’s no tomorrow.”
“‘Like there’s no tomorrow’,” Bucky quoted back to you with a hum. “Sounds like a good book title.’
“I’ll have to write it down so I don’t forget,” you smiled, linking your fingers together. “And don’t forget your journal, too. I don’t want you to miss a thing.”
“I won’t forget it,” he promised.
“Bucky?” You asked, swallowing as he gazed over at you. “Thank you. Really.”
It felt like you could breathe again without a weight in your chest. You didn't feel perfect, but you felt good. All thanks to him. You didn’t know what you’d do without him.
“You don’t need to thank me, baby, but I should thank you for letting me take you away,” he winked, keeping your hand in his as he faced forward again. “Makes me feel like a real hero, even though you wouldn't let me storm the castle.”
Oh, he wanted so badly to go off on your manager, but there was no need. “You are a hero,” you said. He saved you without knowing. “But try not to speed, Daredevil. I don’t want us to get pulled over before we get started.”
He groaned, but nodded as he let off the gas. “I’ll try not to speed. Need to make sure I get you to where we’re going safely.”
“I trust you.”
You would find out soon enough that Bucky had a list of things written in his journal that he planned to do with you on this trip. Everything you had ever said in passing that you wanted to do or try, but never could because of work. Because he paid attention to you. And you were right.
You deserved to live today like there’s no tomorrow.
And he wanted to be by your side while you lived your best life.
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So, lovelies, where are they doing on their trip first? Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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genderisareligion · 3 months
@genderisareligion7 got termed for "harrassment" lol (didn't even do anything? Just replying to y'all and reblogging shitposts) so incoming for a new main blog attached to this sideblog
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Big Fan (part3)
chapter 3: where you go on a date....?
don't be shy, reblog, comment, like!
Enjoy, Cloudy
not beta read, english is not my first language. all mistakes are my own
tw: none,bad timing, petnames, bucky is a warning
serie masterlist
chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 3
If you don't want to miss any udpate, go follow my sideblog: @cloudysideblog
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This time, no business dinner, no café closing, Bucky decided he was going to invite you for a real date. He was done waiting for his turn.
Since your last encounter, you both texted each other almost all day, sometimes during the night. You even called him, saying it will be easier than typing.
Everything was going smoothly, too smoothly to Bucky liking, but he tried to let his pessimist voice in the closet.
From Y/N
So … I looked over my agenda, im free all weekend, so whenever you can, I’m down for the restaurant.
Did you realise it was a date? Bucky started to overthink and imagine you were just being friendly, not flirting with him, maybe he was to blind…maybe you were not interest.
From Y/N
I was even thinking…what about doing brunch on Saturday then go on a little walk and maybe…well we can see where that lead us? If you’re free of course… 😉
He smiled, the entire day together? Gosh, did he deserve to be this lucky.
From Bucky
This sounds amazing, I’m free all Saturday, going overboard on Sunday. JBB
You giggled; it was cute that he always ended his texts with JBB.
From Bucky
May I come and get you? If you’re not afraid of motorbikes.
“You have to say yes, that’s like super-hot”, interfered your best friend.
“Can you not read my texts?” You said in a fake annoyed ton.
From Y/N
Sounds even better! Let me text you my address… say around 10am?
“Well, finally you’re getting somewhere?” chimed Sam.
“Can you not read my texts?”
Bucky glared at Sam who was just smiling at him, innocently.
You were up since 6am, absolutely panicking. You were going to spend most of your day with Bucky, if last night you were impatient, right now, you wonder if it will not be easier to call him to say you were sick. Like if your best friend was in your head, she sent you a text:
“No, you’re not sick, it’s gonna be a good day. It’s your turn, love. Your time to live what you write about for all these years. Go leave your romantic novel. You got this!”
You smiled, grateful for her words.
An incoming call, Bucky, you anserwed:
“Hi, it’s me, I mean bucky…I’m a bit early, but the weather is so nice I thought… we could take the longer way to enjoy the ride? Is…is that okay?”
“More than okay, let me just put my shoes on and I’ll be right here.”
“Okay, doll, see ya!”
Did he just call me doll?
You shook your head and put your shoes and jacket on. Running down the stairs, you were meet with a nice view. Bucky was leaning on his bike, arms crossed, biceps bulging, and he looked…ravishing.
“Hey cowboy!” you cheered.
He chuckled and walked to you. “Hey there, doll…is that okay if I call you that? I just realise after the phone that…”
You shut him off with your hand on his left arm. “It’s totally okay, I’m just not use to have a nickname, old fashion one, use for me from a guy.”
“Cowboy is also new to me”, he smiled sheepishly, taking your hand carefully from his left arm, that’s when you realise.
“Oh sorry! I didn’t…I mean, tell me if your left arm is a no touch zone…okay?”
He kissed your hand. “For now, I prefer not. “
He led you to the bike and handed you a helmet. But before you could put it on, he’s phone ranged and he looked at it, cursing.
“What now ?...really…fuck now is not the time and you know it. Can…of course…but fuck Sam…yeah, you’ll make it up to her.”
He hung up and looked at you with the most puppy eyes you’ve ever seen.
“I’m so sorry doll…, but…duty is calling, I have to go early, the target has moved faster and…”
“I get it, go save the world and yes, Sam must make it to me” you smiled, a bit disappointed. “I really was looking for our day.”
“So do I…gosh, Y/N, I wish I could stay here right now.”
He held your hands and you came closer to him.
“Come back fast, okay? We can have maybe… brunch at my place, I make the most perfect banana pancakes.”
He cupped your cheek with his right hand, stroking your cheekbone. “I’ll do my best; I’ll text you when I’m on my way back.”
You nodded, putting your hand on his chest. “Be safe, cowboy.”
“I will, I have a reason to come back now.” With that he kissed your forehead and left without looking back.
When he was out of sight, you called your best friend.
“My life is a fucking joke…”
If you don't want to miss any udpate go follow my sidebloge: @cloudysideblog
update of this fic, every monday (at least i will try)
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stardustvanfleet · 9 months
sappy words incoming: i am so unbelievably grateful to have joined the gvf tumblr community in 2023. i’ve been a stan for over 2 years now and it took me until a few months ago to finally get up the nerve to make a sideblog….. and literally, in these past few months, i’ve made friendships that i swear are going to last a lifetime and, honestly, coming on here to say hi and hang out with all of my gresties is always the highlight of my day. without fail. i love all of you so much.
special shoutout here goes to my best friend, my love, the moon to my sun, @sinsofstardust ….. court baby, i’m so glad that GVF brought us together. we have so much in common and spending my days talking with you about everything and nothing is seriously one of the things i look forward to most. i love you so much!!!
i’m also sending my love to all of the mutuals who i’ve been so so so lucky to get to know this year. i’m SO grateful and happy that you’re all in my life and i CAN’T wait to see our friendships and love grow in 2024 yall 🥰🥺❤️ i hope this year brings every single one of you all the peace, joy, and love that you all deserve!!!! i love you all!!!! so so much!!
@sparrowofthedawnsworld @losfacedevil @heavens-hearken @jakesguitarsolo @texas-bbq-pringles @mountain-in-springtime @iheartjakekiszka @tommie-gvf @runwayblues @babygirljake @gold-mines-melting @kenobicoffee @hsfallingsky @shutupdevvie @sacredjake @goldminesandsunshine @the-starcatcher @kiska-enthusiast @jaketsparrow @earthlysorrows @rhythm-of-space @alwaysonthemend @freyjalw @godly-sinsx @songbirds-sweet @via-fm @way-to-go-lad
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trashprinceward · 7 months
I'm going to talk about the history of Tumblr, the current state of Tumblr, and why you should get out.
And you can call me a hypocrite, sure. But as an artist who depended a lot on commissions and art sales, I only came back to Tumblr because this is where the audience and active fandoms are. If it weren't for that, I wouldn't be here.
So, you've probably heard people calling tumblr "the queerest place on the internet". Probably more ironically that sincerely, lately. But the reason for this is that, at one point, it was true. Tumblr was synonymous with gay shit, all over the internet. That was this site's reputation. To the point that what the right wingers call "woke" these days, used to be called "tumblr shit". Tumblr was the BIGGEST resource for LGBT+ communities, information, advice and connection. That was here, on this site. Ask boxes thrived with friendship and fun games, artists got regular commissions and their work was shared. And, as much of a cliche as it may be to say this, Tumblr was a 'safe space'.
Then everything changed in 2018. I don't know how many of you were here for that, but that's when all this started. That's when we had porn bots. They'd start reblogging random posts, adding pictures of straight up porn. Naked people, straight up fucking. No tags, no warnings. Just uncensored porn and those stupid "click here to fuck me" captions. They were everywhere, constantly. And staff did nothing about it. No moderation, no kind of adding verification or new accounts. They just let the problem fester. Why should they care? Until they were threatened with being kicked off the app store, at least. Then they moved to do something about it.
So, instead of pulling together a human moderation team, or temporarily limiting new accounts, or doing any kind of intuitive policing of these spam bots, they just decided to make a blanket ban of all NSFW content, the enforcing of which would be carried out by AI bots. This, as you can probably guess, was a monumental failure. Anything that remotely looked like naked flesh was tagged as mature (a particularly infamous example features a picture of sand dunes being tagged as mature). And perhaps most tellingly of this failure, it didn't get rid of porn bots.
What it did get rid of though, was artists. Myself included. I was a mature artist. I had a NSFT sideblog. I sold commissions, I made money. It wasn't exactly career level, but I made enough that commissions helped me to eat when all my money went on bills. Then that was gone. Even SFW art wasn't entirely safe, because if the bot decided that your art had too much "skin" in it, you were flagged. (And at the time, I drew a lot of Jojo art, so I was screwed on that front.) So I had to leave. To find a new site where I could post my art, and try to continue selling commissions. The problem with this? Only a handful of people followed me offsite. I had roughly 300 followers on here. About 5 came with me to twitter. And then about 2 came with me to pillowfort. I had lost everything. Artists all over lost their following, lost their support, lost their income. All because people couldn't be bothered to boycott their funny fandom website.
But that wasn't all. Because now staff saw they had an opportunity. This bot they had created, was going around flagging anything mature, sometimes outright deleting posts or banning blogs that were too 'NSFT'. So... What group is often inherently seen as NSFT or sexualised? Yep, you guessed it. The queer community. And so that's what they did. They struck it all down. The biggest LGBT community on the internet, and they used the "porn ban" excuse to start flagging and deleting blogs. Never touched the nazi blogs, or the white supremacists, or that one blog that would doxx gay people in homophobic countries. Nope, they were left alone. But the most prominent, notable and well known queer blogs were gone. And again, the majority of the userbase was ok with this. They stayed.
I left this site for 5 years. And I tried to make it work elsewhere, I really did. I went to twitter. But over there nobody retweets work, nobody comments on your art. I only had like 2 regular supporters. I haven't gained followers in YEARS. Literally the only reason I still post to twitter is because Airdorf retweets FAITH fanarts. I tried going to pillowfort, which is honestly like a BETTER version of Tumblr. But, it was empty. Nobody was there. I even offered to give out free invite links to pillowfort so other people could join up too! Nobody ever responded to me. So I gave up. After 5 years with almost no interaction, almost no commission sales. No friends, nobody to talk to, nothing to do, nowhere to go... I came back here. And interaction is so much better (even though it's still a struggle to get people to actually talk to me). But I hate being here because I know what this site is like.
Also I know how complacent people are. The things they did back then, they're still doing now. Flagging trans women as mature, straight up banning them for no reason, spreading around campaigns of hate. Its STILL happening. And you're all still here sitting "oh this is awful, this website is transphobic" and then go back to reblogging memes. I saw a poll recently that asked what people would do if tumblr closed down or kicked them out, and the majority answer was just "give up social media completely" and it's like, really? There are plenty of alternatives out there. Artists and creators, and LGBT activists and whoever have been BEGGING you to join us, but you just wont. People would rather sit in this sinking ship till it goes down than make the leap and follow us into the lifeboats.
And I'm saying this again now because there have been talks about tumblr making a deal with midjourney. Because they want to feed all our art, our selfies, our hard work into the AI slop machine. So history is repeating itself again, and once more artists will be begging you to please come with us. Please get off this site. Please come to a place that isn't actively trying to get rid of us.
Me... I'll be staying here as long as I'm able because this is the only place I have any kind of audience. But if you can, if you care about friends, if you care about artists, if you care about queer people. PLEASE come with us. If the worst comes to it, then I'll be leaving for pillowfort. Please, PLEASE come with me. I have invitations, I can send you one so you can join. Send me a message and ask me. Just please, don't die with this place.
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no-psi-nan · 7 months
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🥺🥺🥺 not 2 be sappy on main but omg I actually started off in Deviantart ages ago, that was the closest thing to social media for me until the tumblr migration lol. But I never really interacted with people on there, and even upon moving to tumblr, never really interacted with people here too often either. At first I had my main blog which was meant to be more professional since I was selling art to get a little college income, so I didn't really make too many irrelevant posts. Then I decided that I wanted to be able to reblog art and support other artists, so I made a side blog where I carefully curated and tagged the posts I reblogged. I made a few original posts but no one ever interacted, and eventually I realized that people only ever sent me asks there if I tagged anything wrong. Also I found out that adding stuff like series and character tags to a reblog on tumblr is basically useless because the op will pretty much always tag those things which makes it searchable on your own blog even if you don't tag it yourself. And if op DIDN'T tag it those things, your tags will make the post searchable on your blog but NOT in the general search, so it doesn't give op any more of a boost than just reblogging it tagless. So I made another sideblog, which I still have today, and I just rapidfire reblog literally anything I find shareworthy lol. Not any interaction there but at least I'm not wasting my time meticulously tagging strangers posts hsfjdlshfks. Since I was best friends with a big name fan in my main fandom (we became friends when I left a long emotional comment on their fanfic btw <3), I helped run some small fandom events and met more people as well. When I switched fandoms, it was a fandom event that gave me a new friend too, my posts never got any traction. Large fandom discords didn't really work for me either. But on this blog I was lucky, and for the first time people started like actually responding to my comments and posts, and get conversations going! And genuinely that's what's kept my brain rot so powerful I think, because bouncing ideas off each other and joking around and shitposting is genuinely the most fun I've ever had online!! I have to thank desta and oatmeal for the fun times especially, and hillbilly---man left really nice comments on my first few fics that really encouraged me, and I always have fun trading ideas with alienn, saikikthoughts, and crookedlyinnernightmare, plus everyone else who's on here, that's too many people to type out. AND I TYPED UP A BUNCH MORE STUFF BUT TUMBLR FUCKING DELETED IT!! Are you shitting me.... Well I think I remember saying that even if it's been getting kinda quiet and boring lately so my attention is starting to wander (I've pretty much posted all of the meta that's not deep fanfic hc at this point and my drawings take me a long time to make), I'll never delete this blog and I'll still be putzing around online until the day I die probably. And I'll always remember these days fondly and hope to find another great community like this one. And also I highly encourage everyone to post, reply, interact, and play with fellow fans! I've made lifelong friendships over blorbos and even if we don't have the same blorbos any more, we're still friends. Obviously stay safe online, never send money to strangers, probably wait like a year to start shipping each other stuff but still, reach out because you never know who you might meet! I've been lonely irl for most of my life for various reasons, and my online friends have been a lifeline honestly, they're all really important to me. Two of my best friends today come from fanfic comment sections!! Also I need to get around to archiving my meta on AO3 lol (yup, it's for meta too!) but that's gonna be a lot of work so -_-U).
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The activity for this sideblog is literally so funny to me. It'll be so slow for weeks and then BAM. NEW LIFE SERIES INCOMING.
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ghosttrickortreat · 1 year
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What is "Ghost Trick or Treat"?
A Halloween event that is essentially virtual trick or treating... with a Ghost Trick theming!
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How to Participate
On the days of (or prior to) GTOT, either: A) Dress up one of your current blogs
or B) Make a new sideblog
Whichever you choose, change/make your blog's appearance to match any Ghost Trick character you want! Whether it's the character's general aesthetic or what you think that character's Tumblr blog would look like, that's up to you!
This dressed up blog is like your Halloween costume!
So... Where's the trick or treating then, huh?
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A house is a blog that has signed up to receive incoming trick or treaters!
If you'd like to sign up to be a house, please fill out this form linked here so we can add you to the House List when the time comes!
What happens when a trick or treater comes to a house? The house owner can respond with whatever they want (within the rules)! They can give out jpgs of candy, knock knock jokes, art, rickrolls, etc. (House answers do not necessarily need to be in character with their costume, but it can be fun to do!)
Houses, please make it clear how you want people to trick or treat at your blog! (Maybe you want people to say trick or treat while reblogging your pinned post, or to send an ask with their favourite candy emoji, etc.)
Feel free to use the tags "#ghost trick or treat" and/or "#gtot23" on your posts for the event!
Also, houses may choose to participate in a special contest with prizes! More on that here!
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Trick or Treaters
Anyone can be a trick or treater! No signup needed. Your blog doesn't even need to be costumed. And YES, house owners can go trick or treating too! Yay!
Visit as many houses as you want from the house list! And have fun!
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--- Back to Links
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sanssouci-sims · 1 year
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Those of you who have been to my main blog in the past year or so might recognize these familiar faces. The little girl is Karin Fjellvik, a character from the game “My Child Lebensborn” (I call it “MCL” for short), and the woman is Karita Omdahl, my MCL fan character/self-insert and Karin’s adoptive mother. I’ve made a few posts about them both on my main blog as well as my sideblog which specifically focuses on my OC x canon relationships, so take a gander if you’d like to read more about them! 
I’ll probably mention a bit of the game as I talk about them in this post, so minor spoilers ahead!! Also, fair warning if you do decide to check out the actual game for yourself: it’s based on real historical events (specifically having to do with the end of World War 2) and involves prejudice/racism and violence towards a child (among other things). Needless to say, it’s quite emotional, and let’s just say that by the end of my play-through, I wanted to punt quite a few people into the shadow realm because of what they did to my poor daughter. 😭
While MCL was originally set during the aftermath of World War 2, I imagine my sims counterparts live in the modern day. Funnily enough, the developers of MCL are currently working on a sequel which will take place in a more modern setting! I would think the sims versions of Karin and Karita moved to this new place in Willow Creek after they’d gone through similar events that happened in the original game. All they wanted to do was to just... get away from their old town, from Karin’s old school, from everything their cruel neighbors had done to them.
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Karin and Karita would start their new lives in this modest but pretty one-story home with a small outdoor area for the two to sit and for Karin to play. In the game, you happen to make contact with Karin (or her male counterpart Klaus)’s biological father, who wires you money to help you move out of town. I imagine Karita used much of that money to pay off this new house. They started with only $200 in simoleons, which was a nod to how you would start off with 200 coins (? - dollars? Or whatever they used in Norway during that time? I don’t think the game actually specified what that actual currency was lmao) in the original game.
As money is tight in their household, Karita knows they’ll need it only for the most important items, and she’s made sure Karin knows that. There are times where Karin wishes she had the newest toys or clothes like the other kids have, and she’ll get upset when she can’t have them. Karita promises she’ll buy them one day for her, just not today. After all, it’s better to be selfless than selfish. Karin recently received a whole mini art studio set for her birthday, and she LOVES it! She plans to create lots of artwork to display in her room, and she even uses it occasionally in the middle of the night when she can’t sleep. She even says she hopes to help her mother earn money by selling her best artwork. 🥰
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On certain days of the week, Karita works as a manual laborer as a way to bring in some stable income (I thought this was the closest to some kind of factory work, which is your/the parent’s job in MCL). The catch to this, though, is that she currently works during the weekend, which means Karin is left at home alone in the morning. :( Karita knows how much her daughter hates being by herself, so once she returns home from work, she makes sure they spend plenty of quality of time together. Their favorite activities include fishing (they can catch something to eat or Karin asks to keep one as a little pet), reading books, drawing pictures, cooking, and watching television.
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See the little fish next to the television? Karin caught it and wanted to save it from being eaten!
Other than Karin’s idea to sell some of her artwork in the future, the two also already have creative ways to earn extra money on the side (or when they really need money fast). For one, Karita happens to enjoy gardening and has made a habit of exploring her neighborhood and harvesting wild plants to grow around their home. She may keep some to use as fresh ingredients/food, but most of the time, she’ll sell them when they’re fully grown.
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Being experienced in manual labor, Karita isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty by digging for things as well. She’ll sell the majority of her finds along with things she catches through fishing.
Karin is also a keen explorer and likes to look for frogs. She’ll keep them as pets, too, but once she catches a new one, she knows she’ll have to sell the old one since multiple frogs is... kind of a lot to deal with in such a small home, lol.
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This is her latest find, a spotted leaf frog!
So that’s basically how a typical day would go for Karin and Karita! Karin goes to school during the week, of course, and since Karita doesn’t work on weekdays, she’ll usually spend those days building her skills and doing the many things she’s already come up with to earn extra money.
Currently, Karita is hoping to save up for some renovations, including expanding the interior of their home so she will able to build a little writing studio! She wishes to write about her and Karin’s experiences and to send a message to the world to be kind to each other - something among those lines.
I like playing wholesome families like this, and I think the added challenge of reduced funds not only ties into the original game where the characters came from, but it also makes playing this household a lot more fun and interesting.
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Oh, I forgot to mention, guess who came by their household while I was taking screenshots of them for this post?
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a wild rose appears lmao
also i just realized you can spy one of dina caliente’s sons in the background
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cas-rolled · 1 month
hi hello welcome
hi! I'm cas (he/they), I'm pursuing my bio degree and finishing up my thesis (undergrad honors program, not a graduate student). This is a sideblog for me to sequester my academic-related chatter
The following is what I'll be updating on here and there throughout the next few months. follow along if you like :) go to desktop view to navigate to my tag system post; it's linked in the sidebar. you can also check the tag "patch notes"
Plant Morphology lecture + lab
Visual Ecology
Environmental Sustainability
Philosophy of Science
thesis writing course
job responsibilities
in-center writing tutoring
available for in-person writing tutoring of new STEM students on a semi-regular basis (scheduling being finalized)
begin developing two more scientific writing workshops for the spring (very casual/minimal this semester)
climate change education internship (application pending!)
mentoring my cohort of incoming honors students
completing fellowship responsibilities as needed
participating in lab meetings and activities
completing my thesis paper and presentation
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So, I know I said a couple weeks ago I'd be more active here and I have not been. The BG3 RPC has been occupying most of my time. But I did something over on my multis over there which helped me be a lot more active with my writting, so I'm going to do it over here as well.
This blog is being switched to a hub for sideblogs for my HH/HB muses. I'll be reducing the amount of muses I have as well, so I don't overwhelm myself too much. I'll be going down from 8 to 4 or 5. Blitz, Angel Dust, and Velvette are all definitely staying, but I need to decide on the others and whose voices are strongest.
Today is my birthday as well, so I'm not going to be stressing myself out with doing all this blog remaking today. I'll be doing it throughout the week, though, and post the new sideblogs when I've got them ready. Hopefully I'll be ready to do some actual writting here by the end of the week.
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jgyapologism · 2 months
tag game 🫧
tagged by @icouldhyperfixatehim - thanks for thinking of me <3
1. why did you choose your url?
i don't even remember what my url was before this honestly wow. umm so about 4 years ago i was introduced to the untamed by a close friend and we binged all 50 episodes in a week and then i proceeded to be obsessed with it for like. a year and a half after. i chose THIS url b/c [untamed spoilers incoming] jgy = jin guangyao, who is by all accounts a little meow meow who has done nothing wrong ever *wink* and who i will protect against the haters at all costs. jgyapologist didn't have the same ring to it, and i have MULTIPLE apologisms for him so. jgyapologism was born
2. any sideblogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
i used to have a fandom one but deleted it in a fit of rage back in 2012. no i will not divulge which fandom it belonged to.
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
this blog specifically since 2016 i think, but i've been on tumblr since 2010.
4. do you have a queue tag?
honestly i've never much gotten into queuing. i should. i should do that
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
i mean. because tumblr
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
ah yes. my current hyperfixation is bnha and he (bakugou katsuki) is one of my favorite characters.
7. why did you choose your header?
cherry blossoms!! it's a shot from bnha again. and cherry blossoms signify new beginnings in japan. i think it's sweet.
8. what is your post with the most notes?
i am tumblr illiterate, despite how long i've been on here. i don't really make posts, and i don't often check how popular they are. so, idk. i'm just here for the posts man.
9. how many mutuals do you have?
no idea. room for more?
10. how many followers do you have?
i am but a meager blog. a tiny ant in the sea of crumbs searching for its place. (198)
11. how many people do you follow?
219. so my follow/follower ratio is actually pretty level.
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
idk probably. who hasn't?
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
how often do i pick my nails? how often do i yawn? how often do i walk into a room in my house and forget wtf i went in there for? <<< keeping this b/c it's too perfect of an answer
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
hahahahha on a side blog once yeah. all the time. i've been here for over a decade. have you truly experienced tumblr if you haven't been in a blog war?
15. how do you feel about 'you need to reblog this' posts?
i've done it. you've done it. we've all done it. you do you, man.
16. do you like tag games?
i do!!! they're fun and i like that people think of me when they're tagging people to play them. it makes me warm and gooey inside.
17. do you like ask games?
same as above! i feel honored that anyone would want to grace my ask box
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
ummm i know of one that's pretty well known but idk their follower count so how can i truly know whether anyone is tumblr famous?
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
all of you ;)
20. tags?
you get a tag! you get a tag! you all get a tag! otherwise @muqingapologist @original-robin @autisticbokutoenthusiast @jimmysea @burnsuncomet @khaostache
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