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dutchessofcaladan · 8 months ago
Ghostbusters: Soul Resurgence
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5! I'm back! Dan Aykroyd's birthday has revived my love for Ghostbusters so I decided it would be good continue this fic. As always, hope you guys enjoy and a big thank you to @phantomoftheparadise0002 for beta-reading this!
Summary: When the spirit of Sumerian sorceress Ahassunu, daughter of Vigo, possesses Alexis, the Ghostbusters must band together to determine the fate of the world
Translation for Sumerian: Seh...wam ana su.
You...care for her.
Arammu...inu ina naru mita summ daku lam sasm...ma asru.
Love...is the little death that kills us slowly...and painfully.
“So, you're telling me that you want me to basically scrap the PSD entirely in favor of building a canon to spray a psychoreactive slime that you guys collected from under the streets of New York back in 1989 after we give it a positive charge by playing Jackie Wilson?” Lars asked, attempting to understand the plan Ray had just explained to him.
“Yes.” Ray nodded.
“I love it.” The younger man smiled, clasping his hands together. “We'll get straight to work.”
After a few days, the canons were ready. Meeting at the Firehouse, Ray explained the rest of the plan.
“We'll use these the same way we did on Vigo. With enough luck, this stuff will separate the spirit from Alex.”
“How do we know this stuff is even going to work?” Phoebe questioned. “So far, there hasn't been any indication of a link between this spirit and Vigo.”
“All we can do is hope, my dear.” Ray responded.
“Ma me nekel, ma su petu inu sessu kunkkum, ma annitu, rabum girabum. Ma ina utu emu salmu kima labasu, ma ina nanna emu kima saleme. Ma ina tamtu samsum isatum ma ina elenu maqatu.”
As the ritual finished, Alex groaned, hearing the siren of the Ecto-1 echo down the street. Turning as the door slammed shut, she smirked at Ray.
“Raymond.” She sighed, her voice distorted.
Ray nodded.
“Alka.” She commanded.
Following her command, he was soon face to face with her.
Smiling devilishly, she lifted a finger, tracing his hairline, the shape of his ear, ending by lifting his chin to look directly into his eyes.
“Seh…wam ana su.” She whispered, slowly dragging her hand down his neck, over his shoulder, placing it over his heart, which was beating rapidly.
The rest of the Ghostbusters waited on baited breath, slime cannons at the ready.
“Arammu…inu ina naru mita summ daku lam sasm…ma asru.”
Ray lurched forward, tears springing to his eyes, feeling his heart begin to be torn from his chest.
“Now!” Winston shouted, slime shooting from each of the canons.
Alex's unconscious form fell into Ray's arms, which instantly pulled her close, as the spirit flew away, shouting “Mitu ma daltu. Adannu ma imow. An ase seru!”
“You guys alright?” Winston asked, panicked, as he jogged over to where Ray and Alex had fallen, closely followed by the rest of the team.
Ray nodded. “Yeah. We're fine.” He moved some of Alex's slime covered hair out of her face as she began to stir.
“You sure? You look terrified.”
Ray locked his gaze with Winston's, his face dead serious.
“That phrase the spirit said as it flew away. ‘Mitu ma daltu. Adannu ma imow. An ase seru.’ In English it means ‘Death is but a door. Time is but a window. I'll be back.’”
“That's what Vigo said just before his head died.” Winston grimaced.
“‘Before his head died?’ I feel like I'm missing something here.” Gary's eyes darted between Ray and Winston.
“Vigo the Carpathian was massacred before he died. He was poisoned, shot, stabbed, hung, stretched, disemboweled, and then drawn and quartered. That apparition was covered in runes and had black eyes. The fact that it quoted Vigo just before it left means there's a high probability that we're dealing with the spirit of his daughter, Ahassunu.”
“Ahassunu?” Callie questioned.
Ray nodded, taking a deep breath and holding Alex tighter. “A woman who nearly killed half of Carpathia when she took the throne who has now risen from the dead to reclaim that throne…and will stop at nothing to get it.”
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th3houseofleaves · 9 months ago
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you have seven days to make your choice!
welcome to DEATH'S DESIGN, a universe of my own creation, loosely inspired by multiple sources, including: death note, saw, final destination, and the ring.
death's design takes place in SEATTLE, washington and follows casimir anderson's time of taking the powers of death into their own hands in order to enact justice on a society they viewed as corrupt. as they gain a reputation, basil leroux, a renowned detective and security consultant begins working on the case to solve the mystery behind the true identity of the killer known as THANATOS. little does he know he's working in close proximity of the mastermind behind thanatos' crimes – casimir "call me cas" anderson inserts themself into the case, offering assistance in order to obscure their own connection to the deaths.
with what little evidence they have to go off of, basil tirelessly searches for answers. he spends hours watching and rewatching the videos that surviving targets received telling them to confess their crimes and beg their new god for forgiveness. he analyzes every bit of information that can find on thanatos and still, despite his skill, he finds no answers. only leads that go nowhere and a prime suspect innocently helping him organize papers and offering their own theories on the case.
the questions he most desperately wants answered are: WHO is THANATOS? and HOW do THEY KILL?
the events of death's design occur after casimir has a chance encounter with the personification of death itself. during this encounter they manage to acquire the book of the dead; inside it they find pages upon pages of names and dates and causes of death. at first they think that perhaps they have the diary of a murderer, a list of all their victims and the manner in which they killed them. but it quickly becomes clear that that is not the case as the flip through an impossible number of pages, finding entries dated for the future and entries from far further back than there would be any record of.
any theory behind the book's existence that they can come up with is impossible, yet they keep circling back to these outlandish thoughts, wondering what they might do if this book truly was a ledger of the dead. so, after some consideration, they found their first potential target — a man who's reckless driving caused an accident, taking the lives of six people. he was going to go unpunished, all because he had the money to afford a lawyer capable of twisting his crimes so that he escapes blameless.
it was irrelevant that the lawyer he was paying to get him off was casimir's estranged mother, that had very little to do with their choice. at least that's what they tell themself.
they found his name easily, the book opened to the page they needed, as if it knew what cas wished to do. they scratch out the day the man was supposed to die – a time many, many years into the future – and they write in the next day's date instead. they assume nothing will come of it, it was merely a silly experiment that would bring no results. when they woke up the next day and saw a report of the man's death on the news, it felt like the world stood still.
they had done that. a man had died because they willed it so. the power of death was their's to control. they alone have the POWER to RID the world of those who's crimes go UNPUNISHED.
this was the beginning of THANATOS, the dawn of a new age where casimir anderson was j u d g e, jury, and executioner.
additional links: carrd, pinterest, basil introduction, casimir introduction, thana introduction, & main account.
template credit: @jessource
psd credit: @kaijucatrph
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r3shram · 3 months ago
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#R3SHRAM. ind. iconless. private. RESHIRAM the yang, the positive, the hot, the ridid, the female. worshipped by kaddy. 21+ sporadic activity. heavily headcanon based.
temporary rules and about under the cut:
i'll keep this short. basic courtesy applies, do not godmod, if i see biggot behaviour i will block. i will only interact with mutuals. i prefer plotted threads, but will never say no to random things.
reshiram is very powerful, like every legendary, battle threads need to be plotted out.
i have seperate aus for both the b and w timeline.
the psd i use is SEAGLASS by calisources.
legends tell of a benevolent king who ruled over unuva together with a great, powerful dragon deity. the king had two sons, twins, though forever close in bond, the lads could not have been more different. the older twin, a stern young man, determined to follow the path of truth justly. the younger twin, a dreamer, saw the world only for what it could be.
one fateful day the old king died, the sons arguing over whose reign would be just. a familiar argument turnt war as the whole land was split into two. the old dragon's heart was broken, which twin should it follow? it loved both so dearly. and so, as was it's heart, the dragon's body followed - breaking itself into two equal halves.
the black dragon, taking on the name zekrom, was ideals incarnate.
the white dragon, named reshiram, was truth given form.
like their kings demanded, the two siblings fought each other in a battle that lasted decades; long after their original masters died. but even the two deities power was not infinite, eventually, after the land was reduced to a barren wasteland, the two dragons fell from the sky. zekrom turned into the dark orb, reshiram into the light orb.
with the gruesome war finally come to an end, the few remaining tribes of the land unifed - collecting the two orbs, building the fallen dragons shrines and renaming the land unova. over the centuries the wasteland returned to a prospering land. but with the war becoming a tale, and then folklore. the tragedy was forgotten and new heroes of ideal and truth sought out the two legendary dragons.
again and again, though their hearts bled, the two beasts clashed in merciless fights - for their masters demanded so. however in secret each dragon waited for their true hero to call them. for two chosen ones who realized that a world of ideals without truth was naught but wishful thinking. and a world of truth without ideals would make for a heartless one.
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sentofight · 2 years ago
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ooc. found her old blog now copy paste her info hoho. ofc some info will be tweaked since this was written like ...four five years ago. an yes seo is her fc. i need to remake her icons. i like them but ...i dont have the psd ;;; the wings will stay cuz dark wings hooho~
Basic Info:
Born Name: Naomi JalalStageName: AidenNickname: Ace; by the Katz
Birth Date:ND2000 on Ifritday,Ifrit Decan 1
Tuesday, first of May.Hometown:Isle of FeresResident:Nam Cobanda IsleClass(es): Spear UserWeapon:Twin Spears
For standered bio please refere to THIS
About her
   Naomi is the only child of the Jalal family and the only survivor. Her dad managed to carry her over to the shore, but sadly died due his injuries. Naomi used to live in the Isle of Feres before the Hod war broke, when she was just two years old. Later that tragic day, she was adopted by Noir and the gang as part of the 459 orphans that they picked up around the globe, and since that day she lived in the Nam Cobanda Isle. For this reason, Naomi does not know both her name nor her family because nothing was left for her to trace back to her origin except that she is from that tragic isle, but who is she and who is her family is a mystery. Therefore, she adopted a new name given to her by Noir—Aiden, meaning little fire.Naomi works in the circus part “The Black Dream” as an actor and performer. Usually, she helps around the shops when needed. Her role tends to be either the main protagonist or the antagonist of the performed play. Although, she always preferred villain roles saying that there is more than what meets the eye when playing such roles.(Plus their costumes are way cooler~) Aiden was not aware of the thieving that the Dark Wing do. The truth was slipped out when one day York came back with heavy injuries. The girl kept on questioning what happened to her friend, until Noir asked her if she really wants to know; knowing the truth might hurt her, and without hesitation she accepted. At first, it was shocking, but then she begged the older woman to join in as she admired out-laws who do 'bad' things for the sake of good cause--unsung hero!Naomi looks up to Noir because she is badass (as she describes her). For her, Noir is a strong woman, who led all these people; giving them hope and new life. York and Urushi are both considered trust worthy people. She likes to preform alongside with them.
 Naomi, being an actor, knows that people wear masks to hide their true colors. The young woman is cautious when meeting new people, but never being hostile to them; unless she was attacked first. Naomi is impatient and seeks results immediately, making her to take shortcuts leading often to bad consequences. This might be the result of her getting excited about something. The girl dislike manipulating people or using what she learned from Noir ‘the art of trickery’ to manipulate someone; unless the situation demanded a certain level of persuading. Though, the idea is very tempting to play a person like the puppets of her show. After all, Aiden is not a hero, nor she will be. An actor, that's what she is all about. Naomi is a hard working individual, who likes to finish what she started. Often it is the reason why the inhabitants of the Isle seek her to help them in their work. Being around many people with different talents, she learned a little bit of everything. Therefore, she gained the title Average Skillful because she can both learn fast and practice what she saw quickly. Though, some skills are out of her liege for example: sewing, organizing, and budgeting.
Positive Traits
confident  || cooperative || Earnest || Hardworking || Venturesome || Sympathetic || Spontaneous || Sporting ||
Negative Traits
Impatient  || Thievish || Vindictive* || Shortsighted || Vain || Disorderly || Obsessive || Narcissistic *Even though she promised Noir not to seek revenge herself, part of her--the dark side that she thought she tamed is willing to kill the responsible people for the Isle destruction.
The Score:
 ND2002: The Isle fate was sealed as the score predicted that it was going to be destroyed due the war. Naomi was only 2 years old, so she doesn’t remember much from that day; but some vague memories of the ocean and her parent’s voices.  As she grew up, Naomi learned about what happened to her hometown, and that’s the Order of Lorelei stood without taking any counter measurement to prevent the catastrophe. For a child, to know that somehow her fate and life might have been different if someone saved the Isle, she had so much hatred that she swore to kill anyone from the Order. Thankfully, her hatred was controlled by Noir when she provided for her a new life and a new reason to live on. Though, revenge is not something to be forgotten easily and Noir knows it. The leader of the Black Wings warned Aiden that once she kills someone, then she will be the same as them; guilty and evil. With time, Aiden managed to control that urge, and sought to be someone who can protect rather than kill. Although, if killing is a solution to protect someone, then she is not afraid to taint her hands.
  Naomi has a dark brown short hair with a low pony tail. Distinguished feature in her hair is that she got one golden lock on her bangs. The golden lock is hereditary from her mother. She took her father's teal sleepy eyes. As for her body, it is slim figure.
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dacutiehart · 5 years ago
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color palette meme » lucaya + what is love
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zorkaya-moved · 4 years ago
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𝘞𝘖𝘙𝘒𝘈𝘏𝘖𝘓𝘐𝘊.  a hidden side, a true path to success.
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drcylewis · 6 years ago
from this
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to this
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kara-luthors · 7 years ago
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Kara glancing at Lena's chest
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samanthamulder · 3 years ago
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GILLIAN ANDERSON as DSI STELLA GIBSON in every episode of The Fall [6/17]
2.01 These Troublesome Disguises (2014)
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princesadeasturias · 7 years ago
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Gala Dinner at Guildhall on the second day of the Spanish State Visit to the United Kingdom (13th of July 2017)
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nockeddown-archive · 4 years ago
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〝    hey,    avengers  ?          where's  the  cake  and  brass  band,    huh  ?                                 HAWKEYE’S  BACK  !    〞
𝚖𝚞𝚝𝚞𝚊𝚕𝚜  -  𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢   𝚌𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚝  𝚋𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚘𝚗  /  𝚑𝚊𝚠𝚔𝚎𝚢𝚎.     𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚌  -  𝚊𝚍𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚍,    𝚖𝚌𝚞  -   𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚕𝚢.
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archedsmile · 3 years ago
rewatching fs , who wants to plot fs shenanigans 
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naivefrenzy-a · 4 years ago
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“ i'm  O B S E S S E D , i'm embarrassed                 
i don't trust no one around us
                              i'm a  M E S S  for your love, it ain't new “
susie colson / the legion from bhvr's DEAD BY DAYLIGHT, penned & adored by abi !
psd & template credit ♡
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zettaflarc-aa · 5 years ago
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dialing noises
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oc-challenges · 3 years ago
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Yeah, it’s me again, don’t cream your pants. So partly in honor of the premiere of Stranger Things Part 4 Vol. 2 but mostly in spite of Gas Toe, I’ve decided to present you with a Stranger Things OC Challenge! This challenge will go on from July 1st to July 7th. Special thanks to @richitozier for some help! Now, eggo to our Challenge Voyage, right after I present you with the paddles to do so;
Friends don’t steal!
Be nice to everyone, except GASTO and OFCA mouthbreathers.
Tag #ostc2022 to have your content posted on this blog!
That tag is for reblogs and recognition.
Day One: The Latest Passenger To Join Us On Our Curiosity Voyage (July 1st)
A new season of Stranger Things means only one thing... new Stranger Things ocs. Or well, for those of us who aren’t making any super new ones, just make something for the newest of your ocs.
Day Two: Joy Division, Bowie, Television, The Smiths... (July 2nd)
For day two we’re looking back on all those classic old songs our parents used to listen to, and making something to a song off the Stranger Things soundtrack!
Day Three: Who’s Who At Hawkins High? (July 3rd)
Okay, so this one is a little bit of self-promotion and also just me looking for something I want to see content-wise... But for today, we make a Yearbook edit for our Teen Crew ocs! Find a psd template I made HERE.
Day Four: Who’s Who At Hawkins Middle? (July 4th)
Yep, another shameless self-promotion... Today we make a Yearbook edit for our Kid Crew ocs! Find a psd template I made HERE. Btw these two are inspired by this book. 
Day Five: You’re Beautiful, Nancy Wheeler (July 5th)
Recreate or make a poster inspired by the official Stranger Things posters!
Day Six: Now Can We Play D&D? (July 6th)
Inspired by the likes of Will Byers and the iconic Hellfire Club, make something for your oc using D&D as inspiration! A character sheet? Their class traits? Whatever you’d like!
Day Seven: And Get Him To Swap Our Places (July 7th)
What would happen if Eleven “died” at the end of season one instead of Brenner? Or if the bad men got to Eleven before Mike? What if Max died instead of Billy? Who knows for sure, but I bet there’s a bunch of canon x canon fics about it! 
That’s not what today is for, today is for our own role reversals. Have an oc who's never been to the Upside Down? What if they were dragged there! A superpowered kid who escaped the lab? What if they were just normal!
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kara-luthors · 8 years ago
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SuperCorp & 'That's what friends are for.'
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