#new musci
nanisorezura · 1 year
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nalivaa · 1 year
there is no pain comparable to finding a youtuber that makes incredibly thoughtful video essays about one of your favorite topics that are the perfect length and in just the right talking speed and tone and then them deciding not to make videos anymore. i will never stop mourning i feel like shit i just want him (sideways) back 😭
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birdy-bird27 · 10 days
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What the hell is fucking wrong with me?
I guess there's no remedy, own worst enemy, I'm so terribly lost
If I keep this up
I think I'm gonna break down.
May 6th.//
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gastricotv · 2 years
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simplymmusic · 2 years
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lemonlinelights · 2 years
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musicarenagh · 2 years
Paul Cogley - "Deep Blue Sky"
Paul Cogley – “Deep Blue Sky”
Rock music has always been a polarizing genre, with passionate defenders and vehement detractors. But Paul Cogley’s new album, “Deep Blue Sly”, takes the listener on a wholly unique musical journey. From the heavy, thundering drums to the delicate and ethereal ballads, Cogley has created an album that is both challenging and engaging. The 12-piece album is an easy listen from start to finish, but…
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rainswhenyourehere · 2 months
also. if someone wants to help. (also btw hibi lore like. the most important part methinks)
how to "keep it casual" with. lets say hypothetically. if you came to a new school in seventh grade. and met a nice guy during swedish class and kinda connected with him immediately and. then you guys are like. best friends in your opinion and you guys hang out allll the time and you kind of have the biggest crush on him and. lets say. like. you love him so fucking much its borderline unhealthy? and like. then he starts sending you flirtatious gifs and texting you so. because youre in love. you send flirtatious gifs back and you guys basically call each other love and sweetheart and everything and !! you guys hold hands and he lets you listen to his music and gives you a plastic ring to match his and gives you gifts and treats and !! holds your hand btw !!!! and nearly asks you to kiss him during a truth or dare game like. implies it strongly . so then you !! decide to ask him hey. what are we. and he goes idk and you guys hve a littl etalk because yay communication !!!!! and hes like. so. i like you . like. thats out there now okay. i like you but i also like this other guy so um. idk so!! because youre in love and would wait like fifty million lifetimes you say okay ill wait for you its okay but then the romantic interactions disappear and its like . because you guys are in a trio right? theres this other guy too. so he starts maybe confiding in the other guy a littl enad you should not feel envious he can do whatever he wants its his life but . you do but youj also dont say anything so like. a year or smth passes idk and he goes. yknow what. tbh. i dont rly like you anymofre?? like i like this other guyu and i think ill always like him and ur kinda heartbroken and shit but you say its fine i was kinda over you anyways. so . that happnes and you stil l love him so fucking much but . you dont say it because youre happy he moved on and . youre probs not worth it anyways its fine and then a ruond a month later while ur eating at lunch hes like. haha can you go away for a while i want to talk abt stuff with person 3 in our trio and youre like. okay sure !!! and then you come back nd . find out he s in love or has a crush or wever on another guy. so . apparently he wouldnt love hte other guy forever but it doesnt rleally matter at least it shouldnt so you drop it its fine . enter grade eight your friend group grows and . theres these classes where you can pick and not everyone goes to the same on e right ??? so . the rest of your friend group goes to the musci class and you go to the . cooking class . which you enjoy btw!!! like!! a lot!!!! and you attend it with another classmate of ur s and boooom youre friends. wow . hooray like. currently youre probably closest to them which is craaaaazy liek. wow. but !! bcs u attned a diff class you get shut out of alll the fun things they do and you dont really feel like you belong and you also kinda feel dsicarded and not important and invisible because !!!! the guy youre in love with yes still kinda hate that !! treats you like air. so. then you ask him whats wrong right before you go on a month long trip on summer vacation without internet access. and when youj come back you find the messag eunread and !! you stressed abt this the whole summer btw. smth smth i dont even want you back i js want to know if ruining my sparkling summer was the goal /lyr ANYWYS. you . jask abt him awgain. on discord and he says that hes changed as a person and his interests have changed and this is fine btw!!! like. you totally understand yep. and then he says that youve beeen like . kinda really annoying recently and sometimes he feels like killing himself while hanging out with you so. that s nice and also !! not being with you has made his mental state like. get better a bunch so "thats just grand".
so. mmm. also by the way this is like. summer vacation after eight grade yeah?? well. just before the seventh grade summer vacation person 3 in ur trio asked you out. and you kinda dated them. even though you ddint really have feeling because they re nice the y treat you well and you had to get over him but then around like . a year later you cant really take it anymore and its not person 3s fault at all theyve been perfetct alllll around like. the most amazing human being ever but. you just cant . you keep choosing him over them and you can see its hurting them and this isnt working nahyways so . a round a yaer later you tell them hey. not your fault i was seeking approval and shit and im like. the jerk ehre but like. thank ou so much and its a whole essay and they go okay its fine but. now youve broken someones heart so . yay you and youre still not over him so . wowww good job.
back to eight grade summer vacation?? you dont really text anyone else except from cooking class friend and person 3 and you dont want to text in the group chat because hes the most active one and you really dont want to intrude his space and . now 9th grade is statrgint in 8 hours and you just saw a message from him . saying asking you to "keep it casual" so the teachers dont come after you guys or something. so . somoene tell me how to keep it casual?? like. do you just stand next to the other guysf rom the friend group?? are you . suposeced to interact with them ???? can you still eat w the guys?????? oh and . 9 th grad eis the most inmportant year academically so i also have to get good grades from everything and actuallly focus on studies so . theres that.
tut on how to keep it casual pls okay love u guys <3
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drhoz · 4 months
#2214 - Campylopus capillaceus
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Once the ground is too hot for even Geothermal Kānuka to grow, Geothermal Moss (C. holomitrium) dominates - although holomitrium is a synonym for capillaceus. The latter means 'hairy', whereas holomitrium refers to the cap on the spore capsule. Holomitrium is also its own genus of mosses, which doesn't help. Campylopus comes from the Greek campylos, meaning curved, and pous, meaning foot, referring to the stalks on the capsules, which curve downwards.
The taxonomic issues seem to be well known, at least in bryology circles - apparently some workers are notorious for naming new NZ species based on trivial differences. Campylopus capillaceus was originally described in 1844, in 'Musci Antarctici; being characters with brief descriptions of the new species of mosses discovered during the voyage of H.M. Discovery ships, Erebus and Terror, in the southern circumpolar regions, together with those of Tasmania and New Zealand. London Journal of Botany 3: 533–556. The type specimens came from the Bay of Islands.
Campylopus is a large genus containing an unknown number of species - taxonomic issues again - but they're found in all parts of the world except polar regions. Most species growing on acidic or nutrient-depleted soil, so the centre of the geothermal fields is ideal.
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Various authors put them in the Dicranaceae or the Leucobryaceae.
Craters of the Moon, Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
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I’m not sure if you heard of this already but apparently there is a “part 2”/longer continuation of the piece of my world op, which u can hear in the background for one of the ads. I’m assuming they haven’t released the full song bc it contains spoilers for the Diasomnia chapter. I knew that the little musci break version released back in Halloween 2020 wasn’t the full version, but I mean better late than never (I hope)
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Yes, I’m aware! I keep my ear to the ground for any and all TWST related news! ^^
For people who may not know, in one of TWST’s short ads (more specifically, Cater’s), we can hear the beginning to a new verse of the game’s opening song (Piece of My World) as the ad comes to an end. This is significant because it has been nearly three years without a full version of the song being released 😂 (and us fans are getting really desperate for it). The closest thing we got to a “full” version was a dance performance put on by the Night Ravens (the irl group behind Piece of My World).
Eeeh, personally I don’t think the later verses will be super specific to the events of episode 7. It feels like it would be “unfair” to the rest of the 6 episodes who don’t get explicit references in the first verses. At most, I can see the latter half of the song being very focused on “time” as a general theme to represen concluding the main story rather than referencing specific events that will happen in episode 7.
Alternatively, there could be a very innocuous reason for holding the full song from release; for example, it could be a grand way to have the main story end with the full song playing for dramatic effect 🤷‍♀️ Or maybe TWST just wants to have a better repertoire of songs out first (so they could maybe sell an album as a merch item)??? We basically only have Piece of My World, Absolutely Beautiful, and Everyone Yahoo right now.
… You know what else I want to hear besides a full version of Piece of My World though???? 👁 👄 👁 Individual character songs, sung as though it was the character in question singing the lyrics. I have no clue if there are any plans for that, but I want to will them into existing 😭 TWST already teased us with Leona singing, only to have him be interrupted so he doesn’t actually do it…
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freddiemercurydaily · 10 months
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12 November 1977, Queen performed @
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This is almost certainly the longest show Queen ever played, clocking in at nearly 2 1/2 hours. They play thirty songs in all, including eight from ‘News Of The World.’
“A Royal Quartet Rules The World of Heavy Metal Rock”
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Boston — By New York or even Philadelphia standards, Boston is a generally sedate town, although an an outsider on hand last week at the Boston Garden would be forced to reassess any such generalization. Indeed, the more than 13,000 young rock fans who packed the Garden on the evening of Nov. 12-provided. an awesome example of mass hysteria, as the British rock group Queen unveiled a new stage show of such epic proportion and sustained excitement that there seems no way to adequately describe its impact.
It was only the second performance of the quartet’s current 27-city American tour (which touches down here at the Spectrum for shows Wednesday and Thursday nights), but it was a clear enough indication that Queen has blossomed into the leading practitioner of heavy-metal rock drama, With British kingpins Led Zeppelin temporarily out of the touring picture (due to the sudden death this past summer of singer Robert Plant’s young son), Queen literally reigns, thanks to ah impressive new album — “News of the World” (Elektra Records) — and the sort of non-stop, three-hour, no-opening-act show pioneered by Zeppelin in the early 1970s.
Queen’s triumph — after about five years of increasing popularity and one smash hit single (“Bohemian Rhapsody”) — derives from a wise and welcome change in musical/theatrical direction. Originally a busily theatrical “glitter” band reliant on a multitude of costume changes, smoke, strobe and fire effects, Queen has considerably toned down its flashy excess. With the exception of one major costume change — from stripes to sequins — on the part of lead singer Freddie Mercury, a modicum of smoke and flare, and a massive, 5,000-pound lighting rig in the shape of a queenly crown, the group’s theatrical impact is almost exclusively tied to its music. Noticeably phased from the current repertoireare the rococo, operetta-like tunes of an earlier period, and in their pIace is a masterfully paced program of eruptive yet polished hard rock
With such boldly articulate new, recent and old Queen songs ” We Will” Rock You,” “Keep Yourseif Alive”, “Liar,” “We Are the Champions”, “Tie Your Mother Down,” the group brillantly sates the mass appetite for the surefire basics of modern pop rock: soaring tenor lead and harmony vocals, pungent electric guitar lines, driving yet sophisticated rhythms, evocative Iyric:s and rich melodies.
“I suppose we’ve been leading up to this all long. It certainly feels like the breakthrough we’d never quite made” admitted Freddie Mercury after the Boston Performance. Mercury is tall, dark, muscular yet lean, retiring yet intense in terms of eye contact, and possessed of a rather pronounced overbite. He’s a gifted showman of genuine grace and relentless energy, a first rate vocalist and songwriter, and quite lucid on the subject of Queen.
“I think it got to the point with us where the theatrical tag began to take over our image, but it was only a matter of time before the musci began to come into its own. That’s what’s making the difference on this tour”, he reflects. In a near chair, bassist John Deacon – quietly amiable – nods in agreement.
“What bothers me so often when people discuss rock ‘n roll is their tendency to label it,” continues Mer­cury. “Either it’s ‘glitter’ or ‘punk’ or progressive’ or whatever, and these tend to obscure the fact that you’re really talking about a kind of entertain­ment that often touches on a lot of styles. The last thing l’d want to do is limit our music to a label.”
Speaking of labels, though — and of “punk” rock in particular — one can’t help but note that one of the group’s new tunes, “Sheer Heart Attack,” affects the piledriving intensity of today’s “punk” sound.
“I suppose it does, now that you mention it,” agrees drummer Roger Taylor, who wrote the song. Blond and blue-eyed, Taylor is very much the pretty boy of the band. “But even so, I wrote it a few years back and we only just got around to recording it. I do think, though, that the punk rock scene is still very nascent, and you’re going to see a lot of these young bands making a lot of crappy music before the good stuff comes along, i suppose it has to be that way”.
The nucleus of Queen — Mercury, Taylor and guitarist Brian May — met up in London in 1969 and rounded out in 1971 with John Deacon. Previously, Mercury had been with a group called Wreckage, while May and Taylor had been members of one called Smile. All four are in their late twenties, and each has a college degree, Mercury in graphic design and illustration, Taylor in biology, Deacon in electronics and May in astronomy.
The most accomplished academic of the four, May not only taught astronomy but published a few papers in British scientific journal before forming Smile with Taylor in 1968. Tall, leather Jacket and sporting an abundant mane of curly black hair, May could hardly look less a scientist.
“I was doing research on cosmic dust”, he explains, ” and I really did enjoy my work, in fact I still keep up with the latest developments”.
By now, the party has thinned down and it’s quite late – 3 A.M. – as May and I share an elevator to respective floors. he shakes his head, dazed and happy. “You know”, he odfers, “we’ve played a lot of places, but everytime I hear an audience roine crazy like they were tonight before we even got onstage, I get such a feeling inside, and I know I could never feel that way doing anything else…”
Source: The Sunday Bulletin
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coralmorphologic · 1 year
Greetings, Earthlings! Today we offer a special #EarthDay Coral City Camera Mix from Animal Collective. Tune into http://www.coralcitycamera.com/ to jam the 23rd CCC Mix, 'Dream Stuff’ 〰️✨🌎✨〰️
For the 23rd CCC Mix, 'Dream Stuff', Deakin and Geologist of Animal Collective present a two-hour water magic mixtape that gently segues from golden hour meditations to gauzy twilight jams.
From their inception, the four members of Animal Collective: Deakin, Geologist, Avey Tare and Panda Bear have created music as primal as face paint and as expressive as the yells they first fed into their sampler. Every new record is a change in direction on a journey undertaken without maps. The destination remains the same - the Collective consciousness, where formulae and rules can never be applied.
00:00 - Lia Kohl - or things may be dropping 05:06 - Extradition - A Water Song 09:30 - Shabaka - Ital is Vital 13:51 - Laraaji - All Pervading (excerpt) 22:15 - Marconi Notaro - Oh. Greedy Life 25:48 - Pierre Henry - Etudes transcendantes pour un piano imaginaire: No. 4, Étude à l'accordage 26:20 - Monoton - Singsang 28:59 - Mary Hopkin - Ocean Song 32:48 - Eric Vann - Bubble Snail 35:00 - David Casper - Dream Journey 39:29 - Roberto Musci - Water Music 41:20 - Brian Hodgson, Delia Derbyshire & Don Harper - Liquid Energy (Underscore Version) 41:53 - John Martyn - Small Hours 50:10 - Zomes - Improvisitions No. 2 (excerpt) 58:35 - Kendra Smith - Iridescence 31 1:11:26 - Branko Mataja - Da Smo Se Ranije Sreli 1:14:24 - Daphne Oram - Phensic 1:15:17 - Caterina Barbieri - Fantas Variations 1:21:54 - Bendik Giske - Cruising (Laurel Halo Remix) 1:28:15 - Lifted - Best (feat. Panda Bear) 1:33:15 - Markus Guentner - In Moll 6 1:38:54 - Francesco Fonassi & Marta Solagni - Deriva 1:42:50 - Patricia Wolf - Under a Glass Bell 1:47:10 - Peter Lind Hayes and Tommy Rettig - Dream Stuff
@anmlcollective www.instagram.com/anmlcollective/ www.discogs.com/artist/207958-Animal-Collective
Mix art by @coralmorphologic Mix art direction by @vacationsnyc
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melissa-titanium · 1 year
puting on my head phones and lstiening to musci is aweome but at the same time its like adding a whole new layer to Fear . What if some one walks in while im reading this cringe ass fan fiction or while im drawing and i dont hear them even though i ALWAYS hear them or see them i always am aware but what if im NOT AWARE ENOUGH WHAT IF THEY SNEAK UP ON ME WHAT IF SOME ONE COMES INTHE HOUSE AND FUCING KILLS ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND I WAS LISTENING TO MUSIC AND IDIDNT NOTICE THEY CAME IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what if the final thing i did on this planet was listen to Homestuck Vol.8 - 10 Davesprite for 7 hours on repeat and draw metamorph curled up on the floor. what if i never got to finish all my friend birth day art whatr if i missed art fight because i DIED. THEN WHAT,...
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Havingn favorite musical artists is amazing cuz i will have a long day of listening to new artists to try and find new musci and no t liking anyof them and then going back to ur fav and almost tearing up ebcause finally...Goodmusic
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burlveneer-music · 1 year
Kundan Lal - Power of Ra
Gathering a cult following amongst people like Den Sorte Skole or DJ Marcelle with his previous releases, he is now set to sail new shores. There is a sense of wanderlust as he opens his box of field recordings, collected on his many travels. From the buzzing streets of Alexandria, early sunday markets in Tafraoute or a crackling bonfire down by the banks of the river Ganges. Each track takes you places. Kundan's second album is a captivating blend of dubby beats, collages, and exotic instrumentation. Drawing from classic tools like the Roland 808, SC7 and the famous Space Echo, Kundan has created a unique and minimalistic sound that is sure to captivate listeners. At once nostalgic and experimental, "Power of Ra" is a must-listen for both electronic music purists and fans of adventurous soundscapes. Compelled to work from home on his computer during lockdown, Kundan dusted his pawnshop e-piano, downloaded some orchestral soundkits and started to digitize almost forgotten field recordings. The "Power of Ra“ came to him. It is hard to put your finger on his style or genre. You can feel Kundan Lal‘s DIY spirit in his production, carving his own ethnic genre. For enthusiasts of Roberto Musci or Muslimgauze, this avant-garde album is one for your collection. Keep your senses open and let the Power of Ra pass you to another world.  all field recordings made by Kunsaf Halil between 1999-2005 in: unknown city, Egypt (1)+(6) * Marrakesh, Morocco (2) * Alexandria, Egypt (3)+(8) * Varanasi, India (4) * Hampi, India (5) * Tafraoute, Morocco (9) sampled sound of Bedouin coffee grinder in Jordan desert recorded by Deben Bhattacharya (5)+(6)+(8) * word by Greta Thunberg (5) * voice cuts from the movie „Aas Paas“ (7) front photographed by Tomas Berger in Kathmandu artwork by Manekineko
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