#new favourite fidget toy tho
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drasticemotions · 1 year ago
this is criminally hilarious
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I should’ve raided that whole 3d printing stall
don’t mind my dog being used as a table
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guykarat · 1 month ago
🔴 Do you like your name?
Actually, I do, and very much!
🟠 where are you from?
In a far far away land where they speak Italian...
🟡 gender?sexual orientation?
Male. Heteroflexible.
🟢 neurotypical or neurodivergent?
Neurodivegent, but the world isn't ready to allow me to be.
🔵 the color you love the most?
🟣 do you have any pets?
Nope, can't afford 'em right now. I'd love to have a black cat tho.
🔴 favorite flower?
Lilium. Obviously red.
🟠 tea or coffee?
🟡 favorite childhood book?
Uhm... I'd say the Animporphs series...
🟢 something you like of yourself?
My eyes. I like their color...
🔵 what was your dream job when you were young?
I wanted to be an English teacher...
🟣 favorite kind of candy?
Toffee candy 🍬❤
🔴 list your favorite comfort movies?
The Lord of the Rings ❤❤❤
🟠 what's your favourite season?
Autumn... 🍁🍂🍃
🟡 do you like it when it rains?
I love it. I sleep so well when I hear the sound of rain...
🟢 are you afraid of thunder?
Not of thunder itself, it's just the sudden cracking sound that startles me.
🔵 do you like your laugh?
I have no idea 😂
🟣 favourite stim toys?
Fidget cubes. This one is exactly the one I have.
🔴 what type of music do you like?
I listen to every kind of music really... but if I had to choose, I love soundtracks.
🟠 icecream flavour?
Pistachio and dark chocolate!
🟡 favorite cartoon from the 80s?
Ranma ½.
🟢 favorite cartoon from the 90s?
Batman: The Animated Series.
🔵 favorite cartoon from the 00s?
Tough one... It's difficult to choose between Naruto, Hellsing and Samurai Jack...
🟣 if you were an animal, what would you be?
I'll definitely, absolutely, unavoidably be a tanuki 😂😂😂
🔴 what's the last song you listened to?
It's not like it is a masterpiece nor do I like the game, but it's catchy and epic... here...
🟠 sweet or savory?
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🟡 do you have a favorite plushie?
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Sorry for the plastic bags. Dusty environment.
🟢 what is the most annoying sound for you?
Chalk against the blackboard.
🔵 what's your superhero name?
The Great and Mighty PATAMAN, the hero of all potatoes and everything potato-y.
🟣 what's something you're really good at?
Piling stuff up.
🔴 what's something you're really bad at?
Lying. You can literally tell by just looking at my face.
🟠 which emoji do you use most often?
It's basically my punctuation.
🟡 do you play video games?
Videogames are my life. Currently I'm hung up on this mf...
🟢 do you have a favorite fairy tale?
Not really...
🔵 do you like horror movies?
🟣 who's your favorite disney character?
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🔴 who's your favorite disney villain?
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🟠 do you believe in magic?
I'm not sure. Rationally, I can't believe in it. But sometimes there's stuff I can't explain and I feel something's magic about it...
🟡 halloween or christmas?
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🟢 do you collect anything?
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And these are just some of them... I have so much more and always buying new ones...
🔵 your favorite gemstone?
Even though my birthstone is the topaz, I really like rubies and sapphires.
🟣 show your latest doodle/drawing/collage https://www.deviantart.com/guykarat/art/Transformer-Raph-1048277551
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Let's get to know each other better! ASK GAME 🌼 ask/tag these questions to the last 5 people who liked and reblogged from you🌼
🔴 Do you like your name? if not, what name would you have liked instead? 🟠 where are you from? 🟡 gender?sexual orientation? 🟢 neurotypical or neurodivergent? 🔵 the color you love the most? 🟣 do you have any pets? 🔴 favorite flower? 🟠 tea or coffee? 🟡 favorite childhood book? 🟢 something you like of yourself? 🔵 what was your dream job when you were young? 🟣 favorite kind of candy? 🔴 list your favorite comfort movies? 🟠 what's your favourite season? 🟡 do you like it when it rains? 🟢 are you afraid of thunder? 🔵 do you like your laugh? 🟣 favourite stim toys? 🔴 what type of music do you like? 🟠 icecream flavour? 🟡 favorite cartoon from the 80s? 🟢 favorite cartoon from the 90s? 🔵 favorite cartoon from the 00s? 🟣 if you were an animal, what would you be? 🔴 what's the last song you listened to? 🟠 sweet or salty? 🟡 do you have a favorite plushie? take a picture : ) 🟢 what is the most annoying sound for you? 🔵 what's your superhero name? 🟣 what's something you're really good at? 🔴 what's something you're really bad at? 🟠 which emoji do you use most often? 🟡 do you play video games? if so, which ones? 🟢 do you have a favorite fairy tale? 🔵 do you like horror movies? 🟣 who's your favorite disney character? 🔴 who's your favorite disney villain? 🟠 do you believe in magic? 🟡 halloween or christmas? 🟢 do you collect anything? if so, take a picture of your collection : ) 🔵 your favorite gemstone? 🟣 show your latest doodle/drawing/collage
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feliciohno · 4 years ago
👋 and ✨
👋 – what are your three favourite stims?
UUUHHH i make animal noises a lot and I dance in place when I'm in the drive-through window at work a lot of times ill just start dancing lol I also twitch a lot and where its not like a fun or interesting stim i think its funny when people see me do it cause they look at me like I just got electrocuted and its hilarious
  ✨ – do you own any stim toys?
YEAH! i have a fidget cube a chew toy (I need a new one tho) and a fidget spinner i keep in my car 
Autism/ADHD ask game! 
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crowned-ladybug · 5 years ago
(Same anon here) I'm really happy u liked my idea :D I love finding people with the same/similar ideas I have :> also I love your writing and I like the scenario you mentioned about Joseph and Caesar, that could lead to some angst and fluff :0
Hi I am So Sorry that this is so late, I’m not even gonna list the reasons why, I’m just. so sorry.
It’s so nice finding other ppl who enjoy the same hcs I do and getting to Talk About Them!!!
As for the plot idea - part of me wishes I could make this a proper fic but alas, I already have too much on my plate and no time/energy to write most days. It still ran away with me a bit tho so under the read more it goes!
So this is still back on Air Supplena and Caesar and Joseph are just. hanging out. Caesar is trying to Read but emphasis on Trying actually bc he’s been rereading the same damn line for the past two minutes just not comprehending any of it bc Joseph won’t stop messing with his goddamn clackers and Making Noise and it’s Distracting and Annoying and Caesar is getting real fed up with it
(Maybe if he actually Said something in a civil manner then Joseph would’ve stopped doing that and let him read instead of leaving Caesar to fume without saying Anything just expecting things to change on their own but I digress)
So eventually Caesar groans: “Jesus Christ, why do you have to be so Annoying, just Stay Quiet Already,” and he reaches over and yanks the clackers out of Joseph’s hand. “I’m taking these. There.”
And he’d be ready to just go back to reading with the clackers dropped on his lap and Joseph finally Quiet bc for all Caesar cares he can stalk off to sulk elsewhere as long as he’s Quiet about it
Joseph is not quiet about anything
The clackers, as already established, are his stim toy. His favourite at that. He’s had the dang things for a while now and they’re Perfect and he uses them so often that they’ve become His Thing and since he can use them for fighting also he doesn’t have to feel weird about having them on hand all the time
And he’s grown up with almost every adult besides Erina and Speedwagon, as well as a lot of not-adults, telling him that everything he does bc of his ADHD is weird or wrong or stupid. He’s been yelled at to stay still in school so many times and had his stim/fidget toys taken and told off for stimming (and poor volume control, and memory issues, and infodumping, and so many other things that are just Natural to him) and told to just grow up and stop acting so childish and embarrassing and annoying, that everything he ever does to make himself comfortable and happy is actually gross and immature and should be stopped-
And now Caesar just told him the same thing and it hits differently from all the other times he’s called him annoying, and he took his fuckin clackers too and he’s acting like it’s just Okay to Do and-
Joseph sees red.
Caesar has no time to react before they’re both on the floor and all he can do is try to dodge and block Joseph’s fists as he yells at him to give him his fuckin clackers back. And it’s scary beyond just. fighting someone who’s v strong and knows how to punch (bc ofc so does Caesar), it’s scary bc Joseph is v obviously Genuinely Upset?? This isn’t an impromptu wrestling match on the floor over something dumb and petty that they’ll call truce over in just a bit and go back to teasing each other. No, Caesar has somehow Fucked Up even if he doesn’t realise How nor how to Fix It
This all goes down in the span of seconds btw before Joseph like. catches himself and realises what he’s doing, which is. trying to beat his best friend into the carpet for taking his Stupid Childish Toy that he shouldn’t even Have bc what kind of Idiot gets so attached to some dumb Toy and makes Constant Annoying Noises with it. And Caesar is reaching up tentatively to put a hand on his arm to try to placate him or snap him out of it or Something and that’s when Joseph just Bolts
Like. clackers forgotten and everything, he just. utilises his favourite secret technique and runs for it
“It” being his room. He locks the door and sits on the floor next to it for a while trying to catch his breath and collect himself. Eventually he manages to get up and get his scarf to fumble with it to calm himself better bc the scarf is also Important like the clackers are
He’s fucked up Big Time. Now Caesar knows he’s weird no matter how hard he tries to save face, bc even if he doesn’t Say anything, even if he never gets his clackers back (oh god, where are they, did he leave them with Caesar, oh fuck-) his strong reaction to Caesar taking them will Definitely betray to him that Something Is Up. Caesar is a smart guy, Joseph can’t expect him not to catch on to Something being off anyway even if he doesn’t exactly know What bc it’s already enough evidence that Joseph is Weird and Childish in all the ways that are Undesirable
Caesar goes after him bc ofc he does. He wants to figure out how he fucked up and Fix It and also lbr. if this Was something Joseph would want to just be left alone with, Caesar wouldn’t really realise that until he got punched again. So he takes the clackers and goes looking for Joseph (which takes him some time bc he doesn’t Know what’s going on and thus that Joseph would be in his room where he can dig out his favourite scarf or bury himself under a pile of blankets bc that’s Comforting, and as small as the island is, it’s Full of good hiding places)
But he eventually comes up to Joseph’s room and knocks. “Jojo, you in there?”
“Go away.”
“…do you actually mean that?”
And okay that’s unfair bc even buried under three blankets (pressure is Good but his weighted blanket is at home in New York and he is here in positively Not New York) and feeling like the world is overall a v shitty place, he still likes Caesar. Even if he knows that it’s dumb to want comfort from the same person that hurt him in the first place.
And then Caesar adds: “I still have your clackers.”
And it’s not like. blackmail or anything, more like “hey I wanna give these back tho” and that’s what does it bc Joseph wants his clackers back and so he v bitterly decides that if Caesar thinks he’s gross and weird now then Joseph can just punch him and they can go back to hating each other like they had back in Rome
He hates that possibility tho
He allows Caesar in and sits up in his bed while he’s at it so that he can have at least Some dignity left. Caesar sits on the bed with him tho he does keep a larger distance than he usually does and Joseph Really hopes that’s “I don’t wanna freak you out again” kinda distance and not “you’re just gonna punch me for no reason again aren’t you” kinda distance
Before he does anything else, Caesar gives the clackers back and Joseph just. puts them down on the bed on the Caesar-free side of himself bc he’s Very Consciously trying Not to Act Weird
He doesn’t look at Caesar’s face tho bc that’s a lil too much for him rn
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.”
Joseph just shrugs. “It’s fine, it’s…dumb.”
“It’s not dumb if it made you upset.”
And that’s so fuckin sweet and Honest and Caesar sounds like he genuinely feels bad for messing Joseph up so much but also Joseph doesn’t know what to Do with that when Caesar doesn’t even Know what he’s talking about, bc ofc it’s Dumb.
“No, it…it is dumb. Don’t worry about it.”
I’d say Caesar operates like 80% on Pure Spite so if you tell him not to worry about something he Will worry about it just to be an asshole but tbh it’s mostly just bc he loves Joseph in this case
“Can I ask why though?”
Joseph doesn’t expect whatever that is so much that he actually looks at Caesar for a moment. “Why what?”
“Why you got so upset. Or why you think it’s dumb,” and when Joseph doesn’t look convinced he continues. “I mean, we fight all the time, sure, but it’s never Serious…right?”
He genuinely looks Uncertain there for a moment and that’s a Big Fuckin Ouch bc of Course it’s never serious, ever since they took turns punting each other into that fountain in Rome none of their fights have been actually serious. They spar for training and they have joke-fights bc it’s fun to rile each other up and gain bragging rights but it’s never about Hurting and in face of real danger they’d protect each other over themselves in a heartbeat
So Joseph just nods, and Caesar carries on.
“But back there you got. really fucked up over what I did and. I guess I just wanna know Why so I know not to do that again?” and with that even He thinks he’s done but then he adds: “You’re my friend.”
And that’s such a fuckin clumsy way to end it bc he can’t say the rest of it, the “I know this here isn’t about comfort but I want you to be comfortable anyway” and “the world is shit and I don’t wanna be another person who hurt you” and “I love you.” So he just leaves it at that.
Joseph automatically wants to go “that’s easy, don’t take my clackers then, dipshit” but like. 1, Caesar is being v v nice so he Won’t be mean in return and 2, there’s so much more connected to his Weirdness that could set him off the same way besides his clackers being taken. So instead he just really appreciates the sentiment and Caesar in general and decides that it’s all a too big a can of worms for him to wrangle and he’d rather just weather the painful parts as they come
“It’s fine, you wouldn’t get it anyway, it’s fine.”
“I dunno, just no one gets it! Whatever, it’s weird shit.”
“If you think I don’t get it, fine, then explain it to me!”
And Joseph doesn’t know what to fuckin Say to that bc no one besides his family has ever asked him to do that. It was always just being told to put his stim toys away and stop moving too much and oh fuck just shut up already, never Why.
He makes a vague noise bc he forgets how to Words for a moment bc of that, and Caesar takes it as a question.
“Jojo, we’re gearing up to fight a bunch of gods with ancient magic so that we can get two rings of poison out of your body, and you really think I can’t handle ‘weird’? Because I can, thank you very much, and it’s You, so I don’t Care if it’s weird anyway.
(He ignores the huge fuckin implications of that and just keeps talking.)
"So, will you explain so that I can understand?”
And he’s Smiling and how Dare and oh fuck when did Joseph even manage to look at him again. He stares for a lil too long bc What The Fuck before he goes “Okay.”
And Caesar’s smile grows into a grin like he really is just. genuinely happy to understand this part of Joseph and make sure he doesn’t hurt him again, and Joseph braces himself for an awkward conversation with Hopefully a happy ending.
(And Joseph ends up being right bc Caesar doesn’t Understand, he can’t really fully understand.
But he Tries and more importantly he Listens and he Learns and is v adamant about the fact that Joseph isn’t Weird and Wrong when it comes to these things. So he doesn’t take away the clackers again and he finally connects the dots about why Joseph always lets him lean too much of his weight on him even if he risks toppling the two of them over and so he keeps doing it. He learns Joseph’s hyperfixations and how to prod him into talking about them to make him happy or distract him from shitty things, and what it looks like when his RSD kicks in and how to act around it.
Maybe he doesn’t Get It but it’s part of Joseph, and he loves all the other parts of Joseph too. And also tbh he’s a decent fuckin human being, even if he didn’t love Joseph so much he still wouldn’t act like an asshole about this stuff.)
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merchantsprobably · 8 years ago
stim questions
from here!
slime: do u prefer fluffy or clear slimes? fluffy! clear is pretty but its more sticky and i cant do sticky >_<
kinetic sand: favourite tactile stim? personally i enjoy anything with nice textures. right now i like my fidget cube, because i can play with it while doing other things, but i also enjoy stuff like kinetic sand and nice fabrics!
frosting: favourite sweets/tastes? cake batter ice cream is a big favorite of mine rn, and also birthday cake ice cream~
floam: favourite sounds? fire, rain, thick heels on old wood floors, high heels on hard surfaces in general, being underwater, nice heavy wind... as for music tho, i have a thing for nice melodic exciting beats or simple acoustics with passionate singing and someone banging on random objects as makeshift drums...hard stuff to replicate lol
bouncy ball: favourite IRL stims! (hand flapping, rocking, bouncing, etc) bouncing, simple dance-y movements (i call it my “white person dancing” lol), tapping lightly, sometimes talking to myself
slap bracelet: any stimmy jewelry u want? a chewie necklace...
aloe vera: are u into Cleancore? yes but apparently not typical stuff...I really enjoy hospitals and watching people clean obvious dirt/grime off or out of things. It’s really refreshing...
soap bars: favourite stuff 2 chew on! why is the title of this question something ur not supposed to chew on uhh anyways, i dont get to chew much cause my teeth are suffering, and when i do its stuff like my own tongue or fingers. sometimes i dont even do that, i just clench my jaw and i dont notice until my teeth are aching >_<
deco: favourite visual stim? looping gifs, stuff that shimmers (not glitter bleh), glowy stuff, watching someone clean or cook
vanilla: favourite smells? i have the weirdest ones lmao...everything about cats, skunk (not weed), diesel, cigarette smoke on cold nights, burning wood/paper, burning hair, burning meat, 
fur: favourite textures? rly smooth stuff like marble, silicone, polished stone, and chemistry lab desks. also soft stuff like fleece blankets, real fur, new toys...umm and also latex gloves...
plushie: are u into Kidcore? ye!
orbeez: do u love orbeez or hate orbeez? never tried them but they look fun! i have some inactive ones somewhere...
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