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Two Card Spread The bottom card represents me- The Human.. Crossed by The Zigzag Spider 🕷 The spider spins her web and then sits in the center - everything is connected- the web allows her to feel all the connections, and therefore actions can have ripple effects just as pulling one strand of the web can change the whole web.. Think about your intentions and their interconnections before you work on manifesting them..there is a yin and yang to everything, don’t forgetting look at both the positive & the shadow 📷 Illustrated Bestiary #illustratedbestiary #illustratedbestiaryoracledeck #livehappytarot #tarotjunkie #cardslinger #dailydraw #dailyoracle #oraclereadersofinstagram #oraclecards #ilovecards #nevertoomanydecks #ilovetarot (at Web of Life) https://www.instagram.com/p/COsEspPnDKo/?igshid=1sv514zo5zy6g
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Ooh ! My first reading with Postcards from the Liminal Space Energy for my week I feel that it’s time to step into my Magick and use my imagination and let it reign.. 📸Postcards from the Liminal Space #postcardsfromtheliminalspace #dailycardpull #inspiration #tarottribe #tarotcards #tarotdeckcollector #taroteveryday #tarotreading #tarotreadersofig #tarotforgrowth #livehappytarot #tarotjunkie #cardslinger #dailydraw #dailyoracle #oraclereadersofinstagram #oraclecards #ilovecards #nevertoomanydecks #ilovetarot https://www.instagram.com/p/CMLWFZlnj1x/?igshid=iklowpxid1ug
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Dream - Celestial -Soul path to live a more spirit centered life Reality - Uniqueness our differences are not flaws they are what makes each of us beautiful- it’s just a matter of perception.. Fear - Messages allow for healing - perhaps the fear is that this path is the right On my way! And I haven’t been listening.. Decided to do my morning pull with Oracle cards which I don’t normally do. 📸Universal Folk Oracle #threecardreading #universalfolkoracle #cardoftheday #cardslinger #dailytarot #dailydraw #divination #dailyoracle #oraclereadersofinstagram #oraclecards #ilovecards #nevertoomanydecks #ilovetarot https://www.instagram.com/p/CL6gvponYR5/?igshid=1szeaozgi08i2
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Aquarius Season Tarot Challenge What conversations need to take place before the end of Mercury retrograde? 7 of Swords there are perhaps things that have been unsaid for a while that need to be , perhaps they are secrets or may just things that i have been keeping in the bag .. I do good- this reminds us that honesty is always the best policy and maybe keeping things in the bag is doing more harm than good.. 📸 Moon Void Tarot & The Amenti Oracle @stefaniecaponi @moonvoidtarot #mytarotchallenge #livehappytarot #tarotjunkie #cardoftheday #cardslinger #dailytarot #dailydraw #divination #dailyoracle #oraclereadersofinstagram #oraclecards #ilovecards #nevertoomanydecks #ilovetarot https://www.instagram.com/p/CLWxIlpH4oW/?igshid=84kix0fwkbqr
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Aquarius Season Tarot Challenge 2/12 what small step can I take today towards activating and growing my intentions? Queen of Wands not the first time dying this challenge I have pulled this card🖤🖤 @bakaraw describes the Queen of wands as “somewhere between Daenerys Targaryen and Kris Jenner “ & I think this is perfect .. To take steps toward activating I can channel my inner Daenerys maybe before she went off the rails - so focus and purpose and no doubt those are the qualities needed .. 📸 Moon Void Tarot @stefaniecaponi @moonvoidtarot #mytarotchallenge #livehappytarot #tarotjunkie #cardoftheday #cardslinger #dailytarot #dailydraw #divination #dailyoracle #oraclereadersofinstagram #oraclecards #ilovecards #nevertoomanydecks #ilovetarot #moonvoidtarot #queenofwandsenergy https://www.instagram.com/p/CLMJgAtnhMR/?igshid=ild5g3idcw65
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Day 2 of #2021januarypower To me what does it mean to be powerful? The Chariot - to be powerful is to keep moving forward despite the real and imaginary obstacles. To keep working, moving towards a goal. To harness a balance of energy and to lead with compassion and love. @healer.josephine 📸 the star seeker tarot #2021challenge #tarotchallenge #thestarseekertarot #thechariot #whatispower #tarotforgrowth #personaldevelopment #livehappytarot #tarotjunkie #cardoftheday #cardslinger #dailytarot #dailydraw #divination #dailyoracle #oraclereadersofinstagram #oraclecards #ilovecards #nevertoomanydecks #ilovetarot https://www.instagram.com/p/CJi83nIHpoH/?igshid=l13i7xp2s8g4
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Collective Card Pull for January 1 Ritual - Self devotion - You may be wanting to rise above your fears and Negative habits you can be an inspiration to others, but this requires a self devotional practice so that you don’t project negative thoughts or self-limiting doubts. Meditation, connect ting to spirit, journaling are all calling to you. Where is the greatest opportunity for light ? Page of Wands this is a card of high energy, today is a day to get things done . Where is the greatest opportunity heal shadow in the situation? 2 of Pentacles reversed- it’s time to find some balance , things are feeling out of tune. You may need to slow down and find focus. Shadow and Light Spread by @pixiecurio 📸Self-Love Oracle & The Light Seers Tarot #collectivetarotreading #tarotandoracle #collectivecardpull #tarotdeckcollector #taroteveryday #tarotreading #tarotreadersofig #taroteverydamnday #livehappytarot #tarotjunkie #cardoftheday #cardslinger #dailytarot #dailydraw #divination #dailyoracle #oraclereadersofinstagram #oraclecards #ilovecards #nevertoomanydecks #ilovetarot #selfloveoraclecards #thelightseerstarot https://www.instagram.com/p/CJgZNJLneSv/?igshid=1r04sd59jl215
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Collective Cards for December 30 4 of Wands it’s time to celebrate all that you have accomplished so far this year.. Our Lady of Creative Choice, this card reminds us that no matter what is happening in our lives we have the ability to make choices. It’s through the smallest choices, that we create our world. Together these cards speak to the many choices we have made and those we continue to make, they have gotten us here today. Think about the path, celebrate your wins, big and small, and continue to move forward with authenticity and love. 📸 Hush Tarot & Mother Mary Oracle #collectivecardreading #collectivecardpull #tarotandoracle #tarotandoraclecardreading #livehappytarot #tarotjunkie #cardoftheday #cardslinger #dailytarot #dailydraw #divination #dailyoracle #oraclereadersofinstagram #oraclecards #ilovecards #nevertoomanydecks #ilovetarot #mothermaryoracle #hushtarot https://www.instagram.com/p/CJa30ATngiP/?igshid=5eusvjd05ieu
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#2020decemberchallenge Day 5 a message for wellbeing 10 of Pentacles- all is well, you can relax and look at the flowering of your hard work. The perfect message for this prompt, tarot is so synchronized like that. @montana.spirit @tarotencounters 📸Hush Tarot #tarotchallenge #tarotcommunity #tarotchallenge2020 #taroteverydamnday #livehappytarot #tarotjunkie #cardoftheday #cardslinger #dailytarot #dailydraw #divination #dailyoracle #oraclereadersofinstagram #oraclecards #ilovecards #nevertoomanydecks #ilovetarot https://www.instagram.com/p/CJYQK50nbdk/?igshid=1udz4rpgi7pa1
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Collective Cards for December 20 Harpy Eagle-this is a sign that something needs to change in your life- take a look at what is out of balance.. Our Lady of New Vision- feels us it’s time to create a new vision, let go of your small dreams and open to something else. Together these cards suggest a new dream, a new vision is building in your heart, it’s time to run away from your doubt and fear and step into your power. Let your intuition and heart guide you, let go of the old and into the new. 📸 Dreamscape Oracle Deck & Mother Mary Oracle #oraclereadingforthecollective #oraclereadersofinstagram #oraclecards #dreamscapeoracledeck #dreamscapetheoracledeck##mothermaryoracle #cardslinger #cardoftheday🔮 #deckcollectorsofinstagram #deckcollection #nevertoomanydecks https://www.instagram.com/p/CJBew6snk8W/?igshid=q25vdhrks8rq
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Collective Cards for December 16 Death & Our Lady of Creative Choice How interesting! I pulled Our lady and realized I had already pulled this one a few days ago, re shuffled and pulled it again..so.. Death- this is the end, things are changing for you. Big things- it feels like a transformation, and it may feel very hard, it this is temporary. Our Lady of Creative Choice reminds you that you have choices here- it can feel scary and hard and you can fight Agatha changes and hate every moment of it, or you can lean into them and see this death as the chance also for renewal. These card compliment each other, in Death we have something big changing and Out Lady of Creative Choice reminds you that you have the choice here on how you view what is happening. “ your responses to your life circumstances are your choices to make, and a source of great power within.” Alana Fairchild from the guidebook. 📸The Fox Tarot Pips edition &Mother Mary Oracle #deathandrebirth #choiceisyours #youhavechoices #itsallhowyouseeit #tarotandoraclecards #tarotandoraclereading #deckcollection #deckcollector #nevertoomanydecks #mothermaryoracle #thefoxuniversetarot (at Somewhere in the Universe.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CI2zbZDHAQo/?igshid=gd37cmq8gfhg
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Day 32 or Learning Lenormand the Moon- subconscious, emotions, intuition Heart/ Mistletoe- love, forgiveness, charity Fish abundance wealth Your heart and intuition will lead to abundance.. You already know what you need for success follow the ❤️ 📸 Yuletide Tales Lenormand #learninglenormand #lenormandreadersofinstagram #yuletidetaleslenormand #lenormandreadersofinstagram #readinglenormand #lenormand #deckcollectorsofinstagram #nevertoomanydecks https://www.instagram.com/p/CIxsFyJHJDS/?igshid=18zcgm4tobgnx
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Collective Card Pull for December 5 The Emperor & Delve deeper into self The Emperor energy is one of structure and strength, discipline and responsibility. The Emperor is masculine authority and maturity, who knows what must be done and will make delegate authority, but in the end, understands that the buck stops with him. Today is a day for discipline and checking off things on your to do list.. what needs to be done and how can you get there? Delve deeper into self- this card asks us to understand ourselves, if you have trouble with getting things done, why? What are your distractions? What makes you motivated? There is no right or wrong here.. don’t allow yourself judgement, instead it’s just a deeper connection to self. 📸 Journey of the Sacred Bee & Tiny Rituals Oracle #journeyofthesacredbee #tinyritualsoracle #collectivecardreading #collectivecardpull #oracleandtarotcombinations #oracleandtarotreader #cardslinger #deckcollector #deckcollectorsanonymous #nevertoomanydecks #tarottribe #todaysreading https://www.instagram.com/p/CIa7PAFnHWX/?igshid=xt7jql0grxu4
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Today, Tomorrow, The Weekend with an Oracle clarifier.. I pulled all majors.. which is a little scary to me.. Today:Justice weigh the pros and cons and make sure you are not reacting with drama today. Be logical and grounded. Tomorrow: The Hanging Spirit you may need to look a things from a different perspective or maybe you just need a moment to be introspective.. notice what is happening The Weekend: The World.. All things are coming together and you are complete. After a lot of hard work and perhaps struggle you have attained the place you wanted to get to.. allow yourself to enjoy it. Oracle Card - Village As the saying goes it takes a village to raise a child- don’t try and go it alone, don’t be the martyr ..things never turn out well for them, instead ask for help when you need it and give help when it’s needed, we are all in this together.. things coming up may feel like they are dramatic and maybe you need to stop and regain perspective but in the end all will workout the way it’s meant to be. #oracleandtarot #oracleandtarotspread #whisperingspiritstarot #catlandoracle #3cardspread #tarottribe #tarotreadersofinstagram #thisistarot #ireadcards #ireadforgrowth #tarotforgrowth #tarotforinspiration #deckcollector #nevertoomanydecks #tarotfortoday https://www.instagram.com/p/B96Uzj-nfHP/?igshid=1pziqswo7f3c7
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Creative Mix of Oracle and Tarot Feel -Think- Do for the 3 card pull Gat back to Nature and Reconnect to Your Hippie Roots - I will always think this is a great idea we should all spend time in nature everyday it reminds us we are all part of a whole and there is beauty and wonder in nature.. Feel Daughter of Swords- feel and name what it is you’re feeling, you are unique and beautiful allow your authenticity to come out thru you today. Think Father of Swords he looks like he’s thinking.. think carefully about how you communicate with others and what energy this brings into the world. Do- Judgement .. this card is not about judging others but coming to judgement day.. There is a transformation here. Allow yourself to spread your wings and when the light is upon you , be true to yourself but also make sure that you have done good. So that in the bright light you can be proud of who and what you are. #shineoraclecards #shinefromtheinsideout #thewayhometarot #creativetarotreading #oracleandtarot #oracleandtarotcardstogethet #deckcollection #deckcollector #nevertoomanydecks #tarotfortheday #tarotforinspiration #tarotreading #tarotreadersofinstagram #dailytarotreading #dailytarotpull #3cardpull #indiedeck #tarotofig https://www.instagram.com/p/B9G68n8HEtz/?igshid=icj5d5a41qk0
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Playing with Pulling From Multiple Decks as presented by @tarotmap The base is an Oracle card from #shinefromtheinsideoracle “today holds unlimited possibilities to see beauty in life” Then I drew three Tarot cards for morning,afternoon, evening, from #themoonchildtarot and then finally pulled three more oracle cards to go with the Tarot cards, these are from #theuniversehasyourback The amazing part of tarot is how you can pull from three different decks and all the cards we really connect together and a little story about your day or your life. To me these cards are telling me to see the beauty in all things and connect with others to feel and create abundance, that it’s important for me to feel grounded and maintain my spiritual practices so that I can move forward with my dreams and plans for my future. That walking my true path will lead me to prosperity. #tarotcards #oraclecards #creativetarotreading #multipledeckspreads #multideckspread #nevertoomanydecks #ilovetarot #tarotforpersonalinsight #deckcollector #deckcollectorsanonymous #tarotreadings #beauthentic #beyourself #dreamyourdream #surrender #surrendertotheflow https://www.instagram.com/p/B9F9QJhn6U8/?igshid=12mtwkvvhve3t
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