#nevertheless… hopefully more artistry from me in the coming weeks …
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xxplastic-cubexx · 3 months ago
I saw you saying you know nothing about arcane so I have to inform you that one of the VAs portrayed charles xavier in fx's Legion!! i think it's only for a few episodes and I haven't seen the show yet but love finding random connections between things I enjoy and I heard the show was good so I have hope... anyway love you, your blog and your artistry, hope you find some time to rest in between marvel rivals and classes!
WOAH …….. i love finding VAs in other stuff thats epic ……..
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silver-elysium · 7 years ago
Hi :) I'd love to hear about your thoughts on the season so far. And also if possible your Worlds experience. Also very cool that you've been skating seriously since you were 7.
Hi! I’m so happy to receive this from you because you’re one of my favourite blogs out there and I’ve been visiting it since way before I created one of my own :) 
Thank you :) Skating has been an absolute roller coaster through all these years but also incredibly rewarding and I am so grateful for it.
I will make a separate post about my Worlds experience because it’s also going to be really long and to separate these two subjects, but I still have to edit that one, so it’ll be up sometime next week :)
Apologies for the late reply, it had been a while since I’d logged in last and then I wanted to write a semi-coherent answer to this because I have a lot of thoughts. I still think this is a mess of a text but didn’t want to drag it out even longer. Also wanted to wait until Cup of China to be able to cover more or less all top skaters. And wow, sorry this turned out so long. 
First of all, I hate how many recycled programs we have this year. I think it’s unacceptable when it comes to top senior skaters and especially medal contenders, because it sets an example of staying in your comfort zone and generally feels like they know they’ve come up with something good once and don’t think they can do it again. 
Now, I think ladies is pretty much clear. Medvedeva will most likely win everything she enters. I don't quite get her crushing Mao and Yuna's records, especially her very high PCS, but this is figure skating. I don't get her hype, but that's a whole other topic. I am interested to see Medvedeva vs Zagitova at Russian nats and (probably) GPF, though I don't think Zagitova can quite dethrone her on her first attempt if Medvedeva is clean (or falls once), I see her as the most likely challenger, especially next season. Kaetlyn Osmond is my current ladies love, and I am very excited because it looks like her mental game has become very strong and she looks very confident, which I think is the most crucial part to her skating, because she has lovely technique (swooning over her jumps every time). So if she's clean, she can definitely be top of [the rest of] the field (I consider Medvedeva currently untouchable, but personally, I would put Kaetlyn ahead of her). I am glad she went back to Piaf because she makes it magical, although I'm always against reusing programs when you've been a senior on a high level for more than a couple years. I think the American and Russian nationals will be the most interesting ladies competitions before the Olympics. I would not bet my money on any one of the American ladies to make the team right now, which is why this season is going to be very interesting in that regard. They all look a bit shaky at the moment? Then the Japanese ladies is also a very deep field. I am very impressed with Wakaba Higuchi, she's been beautiful and very consistent this season. I think she should have beaten Zagitova at CoC. While being only 16, she has very strong skating skills and relatively mature interpretation (I think she lacks that abandon but it'll come with experience I guess). I am also looking forward to every of Carolina Kostner's competition. She is one of the most beautiful skaters in history whom I've loved for years and I love her FS this year. I am also really looking forward to her getting that 3Lz on board and seeing what she could do vs Osmond if both are clean.
The men's field this year I think is going to drive me out of my mind. Quads left and right! Yuzuru's 4Lz I think is going to only get better and better, and if the others (like the jealous type 4Lo lol) collaborate, he might be unbeatable because he is probably the only one who gets PCS equal or even higher than Chiddy's? Don't quote me on that, because I haven't looked at protocols in a while. Nathan Chen looks to be getting more and more consistent and artistic, which makes him such a huge threat. Then there's Shoma Uno, who is probably the most beautiful skater after Patrick to me, and his speed across the ice and especially during spins is out of this world! Also, quads galore. So these three (in no particular order) so far seem the front-runners to me. Shame about Javi now not having a chance to make the GPF, but at least it's not a persistent issue he's been battling (from what I've heard he had a stomach issue in China?) Then my baby Chiddy I'm really worried about. I hope he can go out there at the Olympics and lay down two skates he's content with and handle the quads. I have been thinking that maybe the ISU should reconsider the factoring of the components scores now that the base values have gone up like that? Because the technical now outweighs the artistic, and I think they should be at least equal. Also, really want to see KRey's quad loop!! Hopefully he can land it the next competitions. Super happy for him at CoC FS. Boyang Jin I feel is the black horse that'll shine through if others falter? Because of his technical base, because components wise, I prefered his last year's programs. I don't like his SP this year yet but I do like the free. I just felt like PCS wise, he was not the same skater I adored at CoC last year?
When it comes to the pairs, Sui and Han look like the current favourites. I loove their SP and their FS has this great build up of energy, which is always good. I expected to love Savchenko/Massot's programs more? Especially after their last year's programs were such favourites of mine. Nevertheless, I have been a fan of Aljona and Robin's for so so many years and looked up to her, and I really think she deserves that Olympic gold. Therefore I hope Bruno finally gets the citizenship because I'm getting worried about them being able to go at all! Tarasova/Morozov seem to be scoring high with their elements, so if consistent, they could place really high (not sure if they could beat S/H right now, guess we'll have to see more competitions). Duhamel/Radford I still look at carefully, because last season they also had a really strong SCI and it went downhill from there. Just feel like their programs this year are not bringing anything new (well obviously, when one is recycled). James/Cipres' programs also look like replicas of what they did last year (which makes sense, because it brought them success, but is a bit disappointing). I wonder if she'll land that quad throw this season? Because she seems to be double footing the fully rotated one just like she did one year ago. Speaking of what, SO MANY teams are doing quad throws? I am really interested in this, to see whether it is landed or scrapped.
Honestly, in dance, no one should come 30 points or less in the range of Tessa and Scott. Because they are giving the term GOAT a run for its money, and I honestly have no words to describe how I feel about them. Every littlest nuance, from turns and steps and speed, to interpretation and chemistry and musicality is out of this world. I might be a little biased, but I've shown their programs to completely non-skating people, some random, some professional dancers, and they all said the same thing. I am adding the turns bit from myself because oh my gosh nobody will ever have cleaner turns. They can do a three-step and it'll cover the whole width and half the length of an Olympic sized rink? PC are nowhere near them and everything is unfair and sad. I mostly hate the part about their "artistry" because she is literally making so many faces and it's pretty disgusting to me that people have the gut to call that good interpretation. It's very novice-like to me. Also, Papadakis should learn to straighten her knees. And also x2, what on earth is that sd lift?!! It looks so awkward and easy and it's not even that musical and makes me want to rip my hair out when I see their scores. Their SD makes me cringe so hard (especially the attempts at artificial chemistry) and their FD puts me to sleep. I will never get them. I was a little surprised with 2nd and 3rd place score at SCI. Hubbell/Donohue look so strong technically and constantly improving. I think if clean, they can be real challengers for the bronze. I want to see Weaver/Poje skate abroad to see how they're scored. I like their SD, but Je Suis Malade just doesn't do me anything and I wish they'd stuck with Spartacus because I felt like I was going to love that program as the season progressed (but it could be my bias against the music, they're beautiful skaters). Now this is my most unpopular opinion ever, but I love the Shibs. I go weak in the knees for their technical abilities to be honest. Whilst I am disappointed with them doing the same thing (even down to the costumes) for the third year in a row, I think that Paradise is a very Olympic program. The music is highly audience-friendly and they have a great cut. The build up in energy and music during their twizzles is so powerful. I think this program could be (not counting Moulin Rouge in this because bias lol) a fans' favourite and by fans I mean once-in-four-years viewers lol. I also will praise Marina as a choreographer every opportunity I get, because I'm crazy for how she uses every nuance of the music on either the man or the woman. I really really love her creations haha. I expected a different Imagine cut from Chock/Bates but my silver lining is that they left a few lines of John Lennon's voice in it. I like their SD sans the costumes. I am cringing over Bobrova/Soloviev's FD because of the quintessential Russian pantomime choreography, but I love some of their lifts and they're great skaters, so interested to see where Russia's top team plays into this season. Stepanova/Bukin have really grown on me and I loved their FD at Rostelecom. Hawayek/Baker are my babies and I love their Latin and their FD is beautiful. Really interested to see how the American dance nats will play out with all the newly turned seniors and H/B (and the top teams). It's gonna be a popcorn kind of event. Loved Cappellini/Lanotte's programs, can't wait to see them at NHK (add them to the list of skaters I have a soft spot for).
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Noise in the Attic this Mother’s Day, May 14, helping families faced with cancer through The Beauty Foundation Friends
All interviews are conducted through social media messaging
articles published as written
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Jacob Schneck
Jacob Schneck of Edison turns 29-years-old Sat. May 13 (today), and we surely wish him a happy birthday as he enters into Sunday’s Noise in the Attic extravaganza.
“My father battled prostate cancer, so I've been around the struggle of supporting a family member who's trying to get better,” said Schneck, “Any organization that devotes the time people like that need is worth donating time to.”
Schneck is new to playing Noise in the Attic and says that it feels great to be playing his music for Noise in the Attic and at The Inkwell. “I’ve wanted to do this for a long time,” said the musician.
We are absolutely happy to have you Schneck—as excited as you are to play, we are excited to have you (FYI: we are probably more excited though).
Since this Saturday is the soak/blues/rock style musician’s birthday, he asks for one thing and he is surely going to receive it. “Doing an original show is all I want,” said the birthday human. What if I also brought you a Dutch Coffee with a candle in the whip cream? I’m feeling like that would be the icing on the cake and I am serving the show after all!
Speaking of more birthday’s, Schneck had the utmost pleasure of meeting his heroes and musical influence, Richie Havens on his sixteenth birthday. I’m curious to how you met Richie now—you must share, Schneck!
“The first time I’ve performed was for three-hundred people when I played the song “Freedom”,” said the performer. Schneck also mentions that he loves making music for its honesty, having the ability to tell the truth about his flaws, fears, and growth in a way that others identify with. Isn’t it beautiful when the world can empathize and see the other’s experiences as a reflection of their own? I know that I love Noise for the power of this reflection coming to life. Definitely be prepared for the audience, fellow musicians, and inkwell employees to feel all that you described. It’s going to be a rad night.
With this being mentioned, Schneck says, “This Sunday people can expect to think about themselves with a song stuck in their head for a few days lol.” I look forward to it. Also, Schneck may or may not be performing as a duo, if this is so, that’s pretty rock n’roll. Keep on keeping on, Jacob.
Keith Monacchio
“I always like to play shows that give back and helps people in need,” said 46-year-old Keith Monacchio from Hamilton, “My father passed away from cancer when I was very young, so charities that help people with cancer have a more personal meaning to me.”
This Sunday we are donating to The Beauty Foundation Friends that helps families facing cancer. Hopefully we give and help families that need some love and support for their loved ones, friends, and, or, family.
“I’m happy to play Noise in the Attic, and to also play at The Inkwell,” said Monacchio. The musician discusses that he has been a performer for very long, but has somehow never played at The Inkwell.
“…So this will be my first time,” says the Hamilton native. As said for Jacob Schneck, we are surely happy to have you. I am glad we could be a place you can rock your heart out with good people, for good causes, and good vibes.
Monacchio has played in rock bands since he was 20-years-old, having toured in his younger years, as well as playing solo acoustic for the last 11 years of his music career.
“I've released a bunch of records with my bands and 3 solo records,” shares the solo acoustic musician. His latest release is The Dust-Up, which was released this past fall.
Having written a lot of music, Monacchio goes on to say how many of his songs are autobiographical, while others are fictional stories. Although some songs are written as fictional stories, the long-time rock musician says that those fictional songs still have extensions of himself in them.
Inspired by anything from life experience, people, movies, books, and other artists, Monacchio says inspiration is everywhere and it changes with each year of his life. That is really a brilliant detail to learn about you, Keith. 
“You can expect me to play some songs from my latest release as well as some songs that I've been working on over the last few months.  You can expect my best self, whatever that is, that's for sure,” says Monacchio.
Jessie McCormick
Jessie McCormick, soon to be 23-years-old this May 17, is from Lincroft, and has been playing the ukulele for nearly five years now!
“I don’t have a particular style,” said McCormick, “A lot of music I play is pretty relaxed and the musicians I cover are people who inspire me.” McCormick says that she loves people like Julia Nunes and Dodie Clark, as she describes them as, “two badass women who write mainly on ukuleles.” (She also loves Frank Turner, who of which, is actually a big Inkwell favorite).
The more recently serious ukulele musician states she has become a musician on accident. The energized heart that is McCormick explains that her music sort of manifested out of the Jersey Shore music scene.
McCormick goes on to share: “Then one night, I came to the Inkwell when it happened to be an open mic night. I was talking to Avery after she got off the stage. She had just sang "Bike Song" with Fern, and I wanted to know who sang it.”
The musician was introduced to the most encouraging Matthew Fernicola (A.K.A. Fern) by the very sensational Avery Mandeville. Sharing that she plays the uke, Fern emboldened McCormick to get up on stage at that weeks following open mic night and perform… and so she did!
“It all snowballed from there. Fern kept encouraging me to come to open mic night, which turned into other open mic nights, which turned into singing with his band, and now I've made a bunch of new friends and connections that I never thought I would! It's awesome. I couldn't be more thankful for the scene and everyone in it, including my Inkwell open mic night fam,” shares McCormick. 
And we are thankful for you too, Jess! It is always a beautiful sight to hear and see you play with a smile, Jess. You always have a smile to shine and a hug to give and you should be sincerely proud of the strength you have in your sound and artistry.
With this all being said, Sunday’s Noise in the Attic is Jessie McCormick’s first show with us and we are certainly proud to see her and maybe some of Fern and his Foes! 
“It's my first show ever! I'm mainly excited, but also really nervous. I've only ever played at open mics with two or three songs, or sang back up for friends where I wasn't front and center.” The up and coming musicians said that it is weird being a feature, but nevertheless, that she is proud and has seen herself come far in the music scene in a short period of time.
Right on Jess, you keep on keeping on and feeling the pride you do in your heart.
Additionally, McCormick discusses the importance in giving to the The Beauty Foundation Friends: “I'm excited that I get to give to a great cause! I used to be heavily involved with my friend's family's charity, Breast Intentions, which is a charity that supports families affected by breast cancer struggling with bills or groceries.” She adds that this cause is quite important to her… I am happy you have this chance to play for a cause that means so much to you, Jess.
Let’s Rock n’Roll tonight!
MACK (Mackenzie Brown)
“Playing a show for a cause like this is so humbling and it gives me a new perspective on what music can do and what I can do even as a local artist,” said 23-year-old Mackenzie Brown, known under the moniker, MACK. Brown says that being a part of something contributes to the health of a family is inspiring, hoping to do more shows like the one we are hosting under Noise in the Attic.
It is indeed Brown’s very first time playing Noise in the Attic, so we shall give her a warm welcome on this gorgeous spring evening. “I was so happy to be added to this show,” said the West Orange native, “I’m really looking forward to it.”
Right on! So are we MACK! It is always a pleasure having new music coming in and out of Noise in the Attic. We are pleased to share the love.
Brown has an intriguing style, as she describes herself as Paramore meeting Fleetwood Mac. I would say a brilliant pairing… I am a huge fan of Fleetwood Mac and, of course, Paramore! This is exciting. I think you are going to shake things up, MACK!
“I like upbeat, belty melodies, but I also have a lot of classic rock roots in me that naturally come to me just by listening to it my whole life,” said Brown.
I would say that the power you describe music to have takes  hold of our styles and inspirations. Like you even said in the embracing of your classic rock roots—you’ve listened your whole life… I think that totally does do something to your art and how you manifest it.  
Discussing this power, Brown says that music has the ability to affect so many parts of a person, continuing on, “It triggers memories, relationships, emotions, all of your senses, etc.; it can heal many situations, and I'm so thankful to be around it so often and experiment with making my own music as well.”
The artist is inspired by the people around her that invigorate and teach her to be a better artist. “Without the support of my friends and family…” continues Brown,  “…I don't think I'd be growing into the artist I am today.”
The audience can expect an intimate performance from MACK as she will be fitting her Paramore meets Fleetwood Mac style to fit the acoustic set up of Noise in the Attic. Brown says, “I'm so excited for this show and to listen to the other performers as well!”
We are excited for you too MACK and I am positive that the other musicians are just as stoked to witness you perform as you are them… I find that quite beautiful. Welcome to the party!
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