#nevertheless asks
ivytea · 1 month
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recently I got to make some little items with vograce sponsorship!! I made white rabbit and odd fortune-cat epoxy charms, lanyard, & washi tape. there's a more in-depth writeup on my insta but it was so exciting to make merch in an object format, hope everyone will enjoy too :^)) these will be available in my webshop along with tortoise prints!
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daily-basil · 6 months
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hes one of the girls
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Please delete if you aren't interested but would you take prompts 😬 Dean is a very protective older brother and i vaguely remember an episode where he goes apeshit when sam is bullied back when they were kids (and then something similar happens in that episode). Dean is so so angry and sam is just like <i am baby 🥺> and they are very cute 😩😭
You continue to light my dash AND LIFE with just your existence thank you thank you thank you 😘😘😘
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My dear @l0vegl0wsinthedark !!! Sorry it took me months to answer but I just couldn‘t think of a good scenario! Hope you enjoy this one ✨🌻
Thanks for sticking with me through the years and fandoms 🫶
On this note: Thank all of you, who send nice asks and messages and reblog my stuff with hilarious and relatable tags I really appreciate every single one 💚 (super sorry I’m so slow at answering) but I hope I can brighten some days from time to time as much as your support brightens mine on a regular basis!
Have a fantastic week guys 💚🌻
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bad-traffic-smp-ideas · 6 months
Low life: the map has a ceiling, and the ceiling gradually lowers, forcing the players to basically go underground after session two. It already starts quite low like y=90 or something. Many dripstone kills ensue
May the tallest die first.
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whetstonefires · 5 months
Hello! For the reverse tropes writing prompts (if this catches your fancy) — murderbot diaries with fake amnesia and Really nice guy who hates only you
this is really not in the spirit of that second inverse trope, but for mb this was the only thing i could think of, and it was very funny.
"Gurathin," said Gurathin. "SecUnit, you know it's me."
"I don't think I know that," it said, pleasantly, in an okay but not excellent imitation of its creepy canned dialogue options. "Please present some identification, and we'll see."
Gurathin didn't bother sending his data over the feed again. Murderbot walked away, but left a drone eyeballing him. He resisted the urge to flip the drone off. "Come on," he told it, knowing SecUnit was paying attention. "Let me in."
He watched the SecUnit bend forward slightly to show two of Mensah's kids that it was paying attention to whatever they were saying, and then bend over further to help the toddler up onto a chair. It was just fucking with him now. On the other hand, if the prickly bastard started letting children hug it just to piss off Gurathin, who was the real loser?
It finished spoiling the children and moved over to smoothly de-escalate a brewing disagreement over the punch bowl. Gurathin tried to catch Pin-Lee's eye; she did not cooperate. Gurathin tried to walk through the open door; the hovering security drone took a potshot at him.
SecUnit got roped into conversation with Bharadwaj and her media colleagues. It said something that made everyone laugh. It wasn't scowling. It was faking looking people in the face pretty well; that was just creepy.
It went on like that; Gurathin had never seen it go this long interacting without pissing someone off. Presumably it was venting all of that impulse on him. Ratthi introduced it to his favorite cousin; zi was visibly charmed.
Gurathin goaded the drone into firing two more warning shots before the SecUnit circulated back over to him.
"SecUnit. Come on. You have known me for actual years. I helped you rob a place once."
"I don't recall."
"We met on that planetary survey mission, don't tell me you don't remember that one, it's the reason you're even here." That came out maybe a little harsh, but everyone was letting the SecUnit abuse the power of being entrusted with party security to bully him, he was allowed to be annoyed.
"Oh, were you there? That data must have been lost in a corrupted filetree," it said, with incredibly cutting blandness.
Gurathin groaned. "Okay! Okay. I'm sorry."
It technically counted as a reward when SecUnit stopped giving him the customer service face and switched to the hairy eyeball, which just showed how stupid this whole situation was. It was clearly not satisfied with just that.
"I'm sorry for using your personal name without permission. I wasn't trying to weaponize it or anything, it just slipped out, but I know that's not an excuse and it was a really inappropriate disrespect for your boundaries."
SecUnit kept looking at him. Gurathin knew two other SecUnits now, neither of whom was as supremely weird as this one; that was why he'd started mentally tagging it with its personal name, just to keep things tidy. Of course, if anyone else had done that and made the resulting mistake, SecUnit probably wouldn't have been half so mad.
Gurathin sagged.
"I'm sorry for going through your personal files and using your name against you back during the survey," he mumbled, wishing he kept drones around to control with his brain so he could watch SecUnit's extremely expressive face without having to look at it. "That was really shitty. Rim paranoia isn't a good enough excuse for refusing to see you as anything but a tool of the Company. Okay?"
SecUnit was looking as pained as though Gurathin had stripped naked in its presence. "Yes, fine, you can come to the party just stop having feelings," it said, in its normal voice.
"Great!" said Gurathin. "The spinach puffs had better not be all gone."
"I don't pay any attention to the things humans consume," it said, moving out of his way and taking its drone with it.
"I know," Gurathin acknowledged, rolling his eyes and trooping after it. Ratthi waved enthusiastically at him and Pin-Lee raised her cup in a welcoming toast. Apparently SecUnit's relenting returned him to the ranks of people who existed again. "Believe me, I remember this about you."
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blackjackkent · 10 days
Ask prompt fill for @thedarkstrategist from this ask meme: Lord Huron Lyric Prompts
Shadowheart - "I had a name but they took it from me."
Some more Shadowzel for you, friend. :D Low-key kinda proud of this one.
Shadowheart sits on her bedroll next to the fire, slowly working her way through one of the larger bottles of ale from the camp supplies. She squints tipsily at Buddy, who gives a slow blink back at her and gives a sleepy hoot. 
Lae’zel, sitting nearby, looks up from the dagger she is sharpening. “You should rest, fynh duj,” she says with a touch of muted, dry amusement, having watched her lover’s slow progression into inebriation over the course of the preceding hour. It is, perhaps, not the best use of her time given that they make for the Wyrmway in the morning - but on the other hand, it’s the most relaxed Lae’zel has seen her since the House of Grief, so it’s hard to protest too much. 
“Hmph. Not yet,” Shadowheart grumbles. She takes another swig from the bottle of ale next to her. Then, with a grunt, she squirms off of her bedroll and across the ground, until her head butts up against the owlbear’s feathery flank and she can settle in against his side. “There. That’s better…” she mumbles contentedly. 
Buddy has grown considerably in the weeks since he joined the camp; Jaheira says he is almost full-grown now. This causes some trouble, for he still sometimes acts as if he is still the size of a cub, which has led to more than one crushed tent in the times they’ve camped in Rivington and the Lower City. But he’s grown mellow overall, enjoying nights curled up by the fire with whoever happens to be awake latest - which, tonight, is Shadowheart and Lae’zel. 
He still, sometimes, touches that fear of wolves and wild things that Viconia drummed into Shadowheart’s soul. But she is learning to move past that, to push it away, and to find comfort in the rhythm, muted chirp growl of his breath when he allows her to snuggle against him like this. 
She takes another overlarge gulp of ale and leans back into Buddy’s bulk, turning slightly so she can stare at the owlbear’s massive head with sudden intensity.
Lae’zel sets the blade aside slowly, curling her legs under her. “What are you thinking about?” she asks.
Shadowheart starts, as if she’d forgotten anyone else was there. “Names,” she says, slurring only a little on the end of the word. “Mine. And his.”
As if he can tell she’s talking about him, Buddy lifts his head slightly and gives another drowsy, questioning hoot.
“Yes,” she murmurs. A long silence. “I had a name,” she goes on after a little while. “But they took it from me.” It’s loud enough that Lae’zel can hear it, but seems to be directed more towards herself - or perhaps to Buddy, who has dropped his head back to rest on his paws, watching her with his beady, dark eyes. “They took it from me. And they gave me a new one. Jenevelle. Shadowheart. First one… then the other.” 
She frowns. “And you - maybe you had some other name, or no name at all… but now you’re Buddy. We gave you that.”
Her eyebrows knit worriedly and she looks towards Lae’zel with a flash of uncharacteristic anxiety, inner struggle stripped bare by the coating of alcohol. “D’you think,” she asks unsteadily, “he’d rather be called something else?”
Lae’zel raises one eyebrow slowly. It doesn’t even occur to her to laugh, despite the rather pathetically soppy nature of the question. Nuance is sometimes lost on her, but even she is well aware it isn’t really the owlbear they’re talking about. “Perhaps,” she says slowly. “We could speak to him and see. Jaheira has magic for this purpose. If he wishes to be called something different, something he was called before - he has only to ask.”
Shadowheart squirms uncertainly. “Yes,” she mumbles. A pause. She fidgets with the ale bottle, turning it restlessly in her fingertips “He had a mother… and she’s dead now, but maybe she called him something, in some owlbear way… That’s important, right? It matters…” 
She swallows. There’s a subtle dampness around her eyes, flickering where the firelight catches it. “But maybe he likes Buddy. Because… because that’s what he’s called here. With his-- with his friends.” She flushes, her eyes flicking to Lae’zel and then rapidly away into the fire. “With people who love him now… that’s important too.”
“Perhaps,” Lae’zel agrees placidly. She shifts a little to one side so she can see Shadowheart more clearly, silhouetted by the flames rather than masked by them.
Shadowheart nods slowly. “It’s a good name,” she says, her voice lowering again until it’s almost inaudible. “He doesn’t have to be ashamed of it. Even if he had another…”
Lae’zel lets the silence stretch for a long time before she speaks again. “Who are you, fynh duj?” she asks, the rasp of her voice low and surprisingly gentle. “Who do you want to be?”
“Shadowheart,” Shadowheart whispers. “That’s my name. That’s who I am here, with you.”
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agentc0rn · 1 month
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Thoughts below:
I wanted to go with Metanoia (spiritual conversion) for the title but Retrouvaille sounded thematically stronger and fitting. It means reunion between loved ones who were separated apart for a long time. :)
The flowers shown in one of the panels are:
Lady's thimble (harebell/bellflower) = grief, submission
Teasel (dipsacus) = misanthropy
Pheasant's eyes (adonis) = sorrowful memories, I cannot forget you
Morning bride (scabiosa) = I have lost all
If you also are able to catch the reference in the last page, I applaud you!! You get a cookie :)🍪
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nevertheless-moving · 6 months
stormlight au number 35 (help me i'm lost in the sauce)
Jasnah, Dalinar, and Renarin (surviving Kholin Radiants) travel from End of World all the way to right after Gavilar's death.
Vengeance pact still happens, but plays out very differently. We don't need absolutely every man in the kingdom to join the army, alright Elhokar? And we're making sure Dalinar is there to accept their surrender, actually win in reasonable time frame and 'conquer' them (no Alethi want to live out there anyway, and as long as they send gemhearts in tribute we won't enslave them. actually elhokar, your sister wanted to talk to you about slavery—).
Honestly, just an excuse for:
A) Adolin to have a breakdown that his entire family has been replaced by voidbringers, before eventually accepting with relief that they're still his family, they've just become voidbringers, but its ok because he loves them and will protect their increasingly heretical actions with his life. Hugs his glowing red and green eyed little brother a lot.
Adolin: do I — should I also learn to read?
Jasnah: do you want to?
Adolin: not really, no.
Renarin: to be honest, it's probably for the best if you just focus on being, well, a good Vorin Alethi. One of us probably should be, if we don't have a desolation as a distraction.
Adolin: ok! sure! I can do that. Also thought id mention that if possible, I would personally appreciate *not* having a desolation.
Jasnah: it may prove necessary.
Adolin: I know, i know. Just thought I'd put my feelings out there.
Dalinar: and we'll need you to produce Kholin heirs. Neither Renarin or Jasnah are likely to, and I'm not remarrying a younger woman.
Adolin: Sounds good!
B) Kholin family to have way too strong a reaction to this random darkeyed surgeon in training when they visit Kharbranth, scaring the absolute shit out of said darkeyed surgeon. Adolin walks into a wall when he sees Kaladin. He doesn't even know about the Radiant thing, it's just that
C) Kaladin dresses really hot in this au. Ok. I lied. this is actually the main reason for this au. It — there's a whole chain of events. I – don't look at me like that. The character development works, alright?
A lot of it boils down to distracting people from groping the female medical trainees.
He realizes that breathing in a certain way, while it makes you focus better and move faster, it also makes you more...present somehow? people pay attention to you, for better or worse. Some of the ladies teach him that there are different ways to channel people's focus on you, if they're looking anyway.
And apparently, for the first few years Kharbranth medical students, light and dark eyed alike, have basically no protections from wealthy patients or Lighteyed chief's of staff who are a bit too interested in teaching you to use your safehand, and its not like Kaladin can challenge them to a duel - he doesnt know how to fight, and it would get him and the person hes trying to protect kicked out of the program. So much for honorable lighteyes being real.
But I mean. If wearing some eyeliner, and a gemstone in your hair, if taking your right glove off first after an exam, conspicuously leaving the left on while talking, if bending over to pick his clipboard up in a certain way... if it gets people to not focus on his friends...
...one could probably get pretty angsty with this concept, ngl.
The Stormlight understanding and oaths come in time. There might also be some Radiant Disguise Superhero hijinks, havent fully decided but it's not really a major stretch from canon to say that Kharbranth struggles with violent crime. Also Kaladin gets to learn about institutional racism in school. It's great. I have a lot of Kaladin thoughts but so does everyone in this au so its ok.
Kholins visit Kharbranth:
Jasnah: you've been moping for days. Is your new fixation of the week not responding to your advances?
Adolin: I don't want to talk about it
Dalinar: son, you've clearly been in a mood—
Adolin: look, I'm not — the individual is not suitable for my station, alright? I'm not courting someone I could never actually marry, because that would be stupid.
Jasnah: while it would complicate matters, you know your brother and I have plans to alter the alethi codes around eye color, considering they're clearly a crude derivative of radiant mythologization
Dalinar: I thought we agreed that was low on the priority list
Jasnah: You said that uncle, Renarin most certainly did not agree, and his arguments are sound
Adolin: He's just some surgeon, alright! He's not just darkeyed, he's a darkeyed man. I said I'll get over it! I always do.
Dalinar: ah.
Jasnah: ...did you say surgeon?
Adolin: Yes? Why?
Dalinar: why does it —
Jasnah: how did you meet?
Adolin: He was — he was with this group of women at a winebar, and he was dressed like – but it turned out he just goes to protect them from - and it was so — why are you asking me about this?
Dalinar: Oh! A darkeyed surgeon. Protecting, you say? He sounds...honorable.
Jasnah: Very honorable.
Adolin: He is! He volunteers at this house for injured soldiers, and you wouldn't believe he'd never been to war, I mean his spear Katas — he's – it's like he was born for it —
Dalinar: He sounds like a fine young man. Perhaps you should bring him to meet us.
Adolin: I — while I appreciate that father, I really do, I thought I was the one who was supposed to well. I mean my role in...all of this is to produce heirs and look proper, right?
Jasnah: Hm. when you put it it that way...
Dalinar: I mean, Navani and I might be able to...
Jasnah: Don't be ridiculous. I'm perfectly capable of producing a child, should it prove absolutely necessary,
Adolin: Jasnah?
Jasnah: Provided the man you're courting is of worthy quality.
Adolin: We're not — I haven't been courting! I didn't think it was an option! I don't even know if he's interested! From what I can tell he has people throwing themselves at his feet all the time!
Jasnah: An abnormally honorable darkeyed surgeon, natural warrior, magnetically charismatic personality...yes that might make a worthwhile addition to the family.
Dalinar: I can write to Elhokar at once, recommend that he and Aseuden —
Jasnah: Uncle we've been over this — this is exactly the sort of thing that led to me insisting you come with me on this trip! If we cripple his ability to lead—
Adolin: Are we — are we moving into the discussing the future part of the evening, because I can go guard the door—
Dalinar: wait, when you say produce a child, you don't mean through soulcasting, right?
Jasnah: I don't see why I should answer that question.
Adolin: Yeah, i'm just going to go guard the door now
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sopuu · 6 months
there's no way mcsm director just reablogged ur art that's insane that means you are THE mcsm artist now
HUH i came back to a jumpscare in my reblogs i’m!! honoured that he liked it!!!
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ourdadai · 8 months
Hello, can you make song kang wallpaper? I love your tumblr💘
✿ song kang ꒰ ator ꒱ lockscreens !
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ckret2 · 17 days
Do you ever just- hoard fanart?
I hoard the oneshot fics people write for my fic and I'm wondering if you do the same XD
this blog is my hoard
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shallowseeker · 25 days
It’s kind of a gross misstatement to say Cas was simply a bad friend during the season 6 arc. Dean was also a jackass. He refused to even listen that Cas had his own problems to contend with in heaven and just insulted him (Baby in a Trenchcoat) or took him for granted and prayed when he needed some angelic boost like the time travel. It was only after months of this that Dean finally had a half-ass “Hey Cas, if you need any assistance with your heavenly war, let us know”. Dean and Castiel are both equally at fault for the initial breakup.
I'm not sure why I'm getting this particular question, but yup, I agree that the situation was complex.
One of Dean's legendary coping mechanisms/neuroses is to get prickly and mean when the going gets tough, and I love to talk a lot with regards to both the fighting/hunting and the parenting of Jack Kline.
For Dean and Cas, they're both deliciously Going Through It (TM) in season 6 in different ways, Cas dealing with paranoia via the fallout of Heavenly betrayal and Dean with his complicated feelings of displacement into civilian life.
I sort of miss the days of TV when people got to screw up this badly with one another, but not in such a way that it’s bludgeoning, mean-spirited cynicism, hehe. (((For example, I struggle to think of a modern era of SPN where Bobby's frustration and worry over Dean would boil out in this horrifying way: "You sorry--you're not a person," when in actuality, he's desperately begging Dean not to die, and it's coming out all wrong. Or Dean's indirect forgiveness of Cas, that Cas picks up on immediately by tone alone: "Bottom of the ninth...I'd rather have you, cursed or not.")))
But if we're talking about season 6, Cas is controlling most of the means of communication from the get-go, and the power is definitely weighted in his favor. He sets the tone for it as soon as his big heart leads him to abruptly flit from the car to go and rescue Sam. BUT it's also no accident that Dean's narrative nickname for Cas is SUPERMAN. A perfect, invincible superhero. Dean took him for granted, hero-worshipped him, and conceptualized him as perfect... something Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets reflects back in an off-key manner: "I thought he was perfect...he was a monster (and hurt my child)." The truth with Dean and Cas is not either extreme, however. ("That nifty metaphor has holes:" Cas was trying to save Sam from the get-go, on multiple occasions.) It's the humanity that's in the middle.
It's lovely! And to me, it feels so real, too. Maybe someone else can chime in, but I don't have any huge, complicated feelings about this except that I really, really like the disillusionment period on both sides!
“We think that the point is to pass the test or to overcome the problem, but the truth is that things don’t really get solved. They come together and they fall apart. Then they come together again and fall apart again. It’s just like that. The healing comes from letting there be room for all of this to happen: room for grief, for relief, for misery, for joy.” - Pema Chödrön
Love isn't baggageless perfection. It's understanding, forgiveness, resilience.
DEAN (in the dream state, to MARY): I hate you. (Deans voice breaks as tears run down his face) I hate you. And I love you. 'Cause I can't – I can't help it. You're my Mom. And I understand...'cause I have made deals to save the ones I love more than once. (Mary continues to look away but seems to hear him) I forgive you. I forgive you. For all of it. Everything.
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chaoticfandomthot · 2 months
Okay so (super late to the party) but i've been hearing a lot about six of crows and Shadow and bone and while i do think i would enjoy six of crows, what i've read and heard of shadow and bone does not seem appealing to me at all.
So my question to you guys is
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fannyyann · 2 months
Matthew is in managermyles instagram story
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so much throattttttt
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lunabug2004 · 1 month
I think that some stuffs wouldn't make sense if Mike was in fact straight. For example, I wouldn't understand why Mike behaved differently with Will but also with others based on whether El is around or not like it's almost like Mike loses his personality and his determination to do things well when El is around. We also wouldn't understand his awkwardness towards Will in the airport when he is supposed to be his best friend.
Also if Mileven is an endgame then you could wonder why Stancy isn't since Stancy and Mileven are the only couples who spend their time kissing,... Rather than doing stuffs together, having convos,... They are also the only couples who made a big deal out of an ily when the others never even pronounced that sentence. The reason why Steve and El needed that ily is because they simply don't think the other likes them romantically. One may say that it's just insecurity but tbh I don't think El and Steve struggle with insecurities about themself. They just have a feeling that the other likes them but doesn't love them.
I completely agree with all of this, Anon!
There are tons of things that wouldn't make sense if Mike is straight or if Mileven is endgame!
Byler endgame!
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marimayscarlett · 10 days
I had this thought today, have we ever seen or heard any of the guys having the hiccups? 😂
I've never actually experienced anyone from their generation getting the hiccups, but I think it's quite funny to think about.
I bet if it happened to any of them when they're together, it would probably end in a whole lot of teasing and trying to scare whoever's affected.
For some reason I would love to see them like this. Probably because it's something that makes them human.
Just imagine any of six guys all of a sudden going... hic...hic... 😂🥰
What do you think would be their individual reactions to you getting the hiccups? I imagine something like this...
Till: He'll either scare the shit out of you or be really caring, no in-between
Paul: He'd tickle you to the point where you can't breathe or almost pee yourself. When he finally stops, the hiccups will still be there
Schneider: Proper cinnamon roll. He'll get you a glass of cold water and tell you to hold your breath as you drink it, while he rubs your back soothingly
Flake: He'll turn to Dr. Google and then hand you a spoonful of sugar to eat while explaining exactly why your hiccups started in the first place
Olli: Doesn't acknowledge your state at all, then when you least expect it, he makes you jump so bad you exchange the hiccups for a heart attack
Richard: Probably really caring as well. Will tell you to hold your breath while slowly counting to 20, which will be quite easy, because the way he's looking at you, has you breathless in the first place
Hi 👋
This is so random and yet quite delightful to read, and also somehow very fitting for each of the guys 😅
Now I'm just imagine Richard staring at me 👁👁 the next time I'm suffering from hiccups 🤞
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