#neverland pokémon rehabilitation centre
professor-fanalia · 2 years
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Professor Kryspyn: “Oooh, Here’s another one of my favourite photos! This photo was taken when an good friend of ours paid a visit to the Rejuven Archipelago to reunite with an old friend who he helped rescue a while back. This shot was after Pyre Challenged Ranger Rai to a battle.”  
“To provide an explanation. A Long while back, in some of our older log entries Professor Fanalia and I, had joined a expedition with a group of Pokémon Rangers in Sinnoh, to shut down a Fire-Type smuggling ring. We were contacted to help two particular Pokémon that were saved by Ranger Rai’s team. One was a little Magby with a cold and several lesions on his back, and a Houndour with severe facial lesions near his eyes n’ nose, and wounds with infections that needed to tended to immediately.” 
“It wasn’t a pretty sight, and certainly wasn’t easy. The Houndour was close to evolving. However; it seemed to be pain as if rejecting himself from evolving; refusing to take next step. From the reports Rai gave us, the Houndour was always alert and attentive to everything and everyone - whether just passing by or when they needed to give him something to drink and eat. We decided it would be best to have less people on watch around the Houndour since we didn’t want him to feel like he was surrounded. So it was left to Prof. Fanalia, me and Ranger Rai. We made sure to keep our distance, and work gradually on building that trust. Allowing him a place to run around to exert that energy he was holding onto. A slow progress to show he had freedom of choice on what he wanted to do.” 
“After so many days and some late night watches, the progression with the Fire-Types had been successful. It was thanks to everyone's hard work from the Pokémon Rangers. The young Magby had recovered, and was returned to Johto safely, back to his proper environment with other Fire-Types. And the progress with the Dark/Fire-Type, Houndour had also improved. His aggression had decreased enough to remain calm around other Pokémon and humans, nonetheless he remained dutifully alert and cautious of anyone new in the area, which is understandable behaviour. It can also be concluded the Houndour had calmed down enough to accept his close evolving stage, and stopped trying to suppress it.” 
“After that development, it was decided he would be transferred to the Rejuven Archipelago instead. In a more comfortable environment catered to his needs, without making him feel that he was being watch 24/7 we dubbed the newly evolved Houndour Pyre, because it seemed like no one put out his will. It wouldn’t be that many months later, that our dear Pyre met his future Mate Cersei, a beautiful Ninetales that came into our care. They had a litter of five, three Houndour sons and two Vulpix daughters.” 
“Though it seems something was on his mind, it took a while but we figured out Pyre had a ‘itch’ to pay back a certain Ranger for saving him. So we organised a date that Ranger Rai was free to come to the Island to meet up the Houndoom and his family on Ammolite Island. It seems Pyre had made his decision on his part to join Ranger Rai’s side.” 
“It was a wonderous sight to see that challenging smirk on Pyre’s face when battling the Ranger.” 
- Commission Art Done by @startistdoodles​
- Gift to @ask-pokemonranger-rai​
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prof-peach · 5 years
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Call Of The Wild Charity - Pre event
That morning during the professors stay at a local Pokémon centre, a spry mailman delivers them a package, a bold black and white seal down its front. Inside was a letter, amongst other things.
“Dear Professors,
You have been accordingly invited to the Call of the Wild Charity Event at the Neverland Pokémon Rehabilitation Centre on Rejuvan Island. Located off the central waters in the Southern Western seas of the Kalos Region, hosted by Professor Kryspyn and Professor Fanalia. To be apart and participate in the fundraising Charity Event to help disable Pokémon by Supporting/fundraising other Pokémon Rehabilitation Centres in other Regions.
Within this envelope you won’t just find one Guest ID Pass to the Island and a Boat ticket, but two Guest ID Passes and two boat tickets on Funtastic Cruises for your plus one. Funtastic Cruises will be your ride to the island from the Kalos port. From when you reach the docks of Rejuven island you’ll meet up with one of the Neverland team members who will be checked into the Guest Inn house and will be able to answer any questions you have about the Charity.
For this Charity do not forget to bring an overnight bag. With swim wear, riding wear and some winter wear.”
The professors both took differently to this, Grey being excited, he loved a good event, and thrived amongst people. Peach on the other hand was nervous almost instantly, large gatherings weren’t usually comfortable, but considering it was for a good cause, and they were all like minded individuals, she figured it couldn’t be a bad experience. Her face softened from concerned to accepting and calm again, taking a big sip of her coffee.
"this is amazing, we can see what facilities they have, maybe even learn more to improve our own set-ups at the lab!” Grey exclaimed, after skimming through a travel brochure that was also within the envelope.
“I guess so, should be an interesting little detour on our trip.” Peach knew a boat ride could be nerve wracking, she didn’t find it as peaceful to be above miles of deep unexplored water filled with huge Pokémon who may mistake a boat for a tasty snack. She shook it off. ‘C’mon,’ her mind tried to settle, ‘it’s just a boat ride, there’s nothing to be afraid of in the water, your not even going to be in it.’ She was somewhat convinced it would be fine, finishing her drink and packing the contents of the package back up, stuffing it in her bag.
This event is currently being run by @professor-fanalia, please go check it out, I will be doing responses to her writing, and so will many other excellent creators. There’s much more to come, of which I will reblog some to show you all, expect good things!
Ps. I am sorry it’s so late, but I’m trying to catch up with responses, been a chaotic few weeks!
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professor-fanalia · 3 years
Fanalia’s Team - Harlow
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NAME: Harlow GENDER: Female   SPECIES: Haxorus   TYPING GROUP: Dragon Type   PATIENT MEDICAL NO. #019 POKEDEX NO. #612
DATE OF ADMISSION: 23. 08. XXXX DATE OF BITH: - 23. 08. XXXX ORIGIN RESIDENCE/TERRITORY: - Rejuven Archipelago CURRENT RESIDENCE/TERRIRTORY: Rejuven Archipelago – Rejuven Isle Facility
PAST OCCUPATION: - Egg Gift from the Dragon Village in Unova   CURRANT: - Apart of Professor Fanalia’s Team Division MARITAL STATUS: - N/A MATING SPOUSE: - N/A CHILDREN/BROOD: - N/A
ADMISSION TRAINER ADMITTANCE (Foster): - N/A WILD RESCUE: - N/A TRANSFERRED (Abused/Abandoned): - N/A PROFESSOR/RANGER: - N/A OTHER: - Was an egg gift from the Dragon Village of Unova, from the Neverland Teams trip to the Unova Region for the Pokemon Professor Convention.
STATUS: Permanent Patient ISLE REGISTER: Rejuven Island Facility POSSIBILITY OF ADOPTION: - N/A
MENTAL STATE: Stable PHYSICAL CONDITION: Healthy - *Abnormally large for said species, further investigation led to old Sinnoh ‘Hisuian’ records of Alpha classification, where a species is larger and stronger than their normal counterparts – Further research on behavior is required. DIAGNOSIS: - Categorized as Alpha Classification, colouration of skin is also taken into factor. Harlow is what Rejuven Facility now calls a ‘Royal’ Species; this is due to the melanistic colour variant in her gene. Further research is required. - *Suggested research further into Alphas and Totems* TREATMENT: - Just regular check-ups with Doctor Elias, to ensure her large size is not hindering her joints and muscles. Recommended dragon polishing on scales and armor regularly.
Haxorus among the Dragon Types species they are rather calm for one of the few known destructive Typings. However compared to their dragon brethren, they are usually reported with calm and kind personas, due to being seen adopting small or young Pokémon under their watch. But they can be relentless when defending their territory, challenging their foes with their tusks that can cut through steel. Their sturdy tusks will stay sharp even if used to cut steel beams.  The Haxorus species take their axe like tusks with pride and joy, It licks up dirt to take in the minerals it needs to keep its tusks in top condition
Note: Under first investigation Harlow, when first hatched as a Axew was suspected of carrying the melanism gene. Due to the dark-colored pigment melanin developed in the skin and armor being darker, however that was scrapped due to her green colour was more a lighter brown. – Professor Fanalia.  
Note*: Got in contact with the Dragon Village, and had inquired about Harlow’s family genealogy. Discovered they had one Shiny among their brood in the past, Harlow had seemed to activate the shiny gene from her Grandmother.  – Professor Fanalia
SIDE NOTES: Concerns grew during Fraxure evolution, Harlow was having aches due to abnormal size growth, and was having some aggression fits. Further investigation was put forth to ease Harlow, recent discoveries led to Old Sinnoh reports on Alphas. – Professor Fanalia 
ADDITONAL NOTES: Harlow was placed on a scheduled rotation, to ease aggression while further study was put into ‘Hisiuan’ Data on Alpha Classifaction by Professor Laventon. We are still studying into Alphas even after Harlow’s evolution into our gentle Giant Haxorus.  – Doctor Elias
SCHEDULED MEAL REQUIRMENTS: -   Breakfast: Dragon Type food Formula mixed with Haban + Mago berries Lunch: A bowl of Moomoo milk mixed with Nummy Honey  *Insert Minerals into Diet to ensure axe tusks are healthy*  Dinner:A Mushroom Medley Curry topped with slices of Fancy Apple.
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Art Commission done by - AnimeNest on Etsy 
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professor-fanalia · 2 years
Hello Team, I've heard you have experience regarding abused pokemon? Recently I've received from my boss a teddiursa, I believe this little bear is quite small. I don't know too much about it but it used to be abused. I don't have much experience with teddiursa..As normally I train poison types. Ya'll have any tips to help Teddiursa feel at home and possibly get along with my poison types?
Professor Kryspyn: "its a process approaching abused Pokémon, I will be honest and say its not an easy process. Though really I know this is achievable, I do suggest keeping a support structure with your Teddiursa my friend, with my experience they can be very gentle Pokémon but quick on their feet. Without much detail in the trauma experience, you do have to tread lightly to not stress them out too much. Enrichment is a another common thing I do, to approach and study what they value close. And in this case one hundred percent use honey! And I don't mean only bringing some to your Teddiursa but monitor their habits, its common for them to lick their paws constantly their paws always sticky with their own honey! But its a good sign to see how they are health wise if they aren't that's a case for concern but as long as they are licking their paws we should be fine my friend, if you offer honey of your own…"
"Be mindful as they do tend to hide it in places for later but allow it, it will bring that home feel for them. For your Poison types my friend you have to simply have them interact but its best not to force it, have them in the same environment but slow introduce itself there are any signs of fear its best to back your team off and give your friend space but importantly keep your self calm. Your low energy will keep both sides some assurance keep the process slow as many Pokémon integrate slow, it known I like to let them get to interact with something between them often just."
"A Nursery door is best suggested, so they can hear each other and meet without provoking a battle. Oh! and if your Teddiursa does hide honey keep a clean up kit close by, Fanalia has never let me live down the clutch cushions being glued to the frame by honey stuck in between, its hard to get Honey out of fabric as it turns out."
Professor Fanalia: *Looks at Kryspyn with a raised eyebrow* "And I'll never let you forget it. Why do you think I ask every morning if you have your cleaning cleaning kit? Your lucky Grandma Rue now packs it regularly in case you forget num nuts."
*Turns to face the camera* "Hopefully this advice helps @graveyarddemon and have a little happy Teddiursa under your care."
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professor-fanalia · 3 years
(@ask-professor-cedar-pmd) Hello! In my research, I have come upon across a Thievul interested in my work! Though they have a scar across one of their eyes, should I be concerned for them? I admittedly haven't studied Pokemon biology as much as I probably should have. Their behavior and how they interacted always interested me more.
Doctor Elias: "Its fair to be concerned, I would monitor for pain while they're under your care, first thing I would do is observe, but really if its already scarred up then truthfully their body has taken care of it. Though if it looks like it is affecting its sight then its best to bring your friend to a medical professional nearest to you, for now it seems like its more of a case of you being chosen and now must concern with their care-"
Professor Kryspyn: "Oh! I must add. The one thing of concern is watching your plate! *Laughs* Thievul's are magnificently intelligent, really when they take in interest in your work, just keep in mind they tend to watch your every move and.... ehhhhh *Chuckles nervously* well they like to snatch things, seriously I have had wild Thievuls snatch many of my camping rations. Though they do make great trickster companions, Fanalia has yet to find her favorite book mark!"
Professor Fanalia: "I still haven't found it... that thieving little-"
Professor Kryspyn: "-GAH! I hope that answers your question @ask-professor-cedar-pmd!"
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professor-fanalia · 2 years
Have you or any of your staff had a Pokémon use helping hand them and for what?
Professor Kryspyn: "Yes! A chance to praise 2 of my biggest best partners in the Nursery, One My Charizard Mama, the warmest soul you'd ever meet, capable of mothering struggling juvenile Pokémon better than I could, without her natural ability I would still struggle with incubating many eggs in get in mg section of the facility, there's nothing but sheer respect for her, ooh another would be my buddy Tike not only the Mudkip that really started it all for me, but he's such a great Pokémon for being that playmate a lonely Pokémon needs, Little…well I guess my now not so little tike is the best partner to go to for aiding in socializing Pokémon in general, these or my two shining lights, though i have so much more we'd be here so long haha!"
Doctor Elias: "I can say with Certainty that I get lots of help in my portion, and they are all super helpful, in think one Pokémon what is with me pretty much most of the day has to be me and my Luxray, the ability to understand a quick check on the health of bones, makes checking physical injuries go much quicker so I can aid in a timely manner, and really its such a small portion of what's done. A big part of it though is if it weren't for my team I feel like I'd be truely nothing or at least lacking in efficiency."
Professor Fanalia: "I believe they were asking about the move Helping hand."
Professor Kryspyn: *Sheepishly smiles* "Oh, hehehe."
Professor Fanalia: "We rarely use it on ourselves, but when we do, its mostly to help with chores around the island, like collecting wood, planting trees, gardening and so forth. It's like gaining energy after a good long rest, or a good meal, but a boost. We also have a few assistant Pokémon that stay beside other Pokémon that require assist through their daily life 24/7. Just like how some humans have assistant Pokémon; some of our patient Pokémon have assistance too. They use to move to help elderly Pokémon."
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professor-fanalia · 3 years
Would anyone working at your facility be interested in adopting a polygon?
Doctor Elias: "Of course! my curiosity is in a buzz. I do apologize for the late response to your email @alexanders-pokemon-adventure Things have been a bit rough here lately at Rejuven, especially with the fall and winter slowly creeping in... not to mention a discovery was made by one of our Marauders that left them in a bit of a pickle. So that is still being sorted out."
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professor-fanalia · 3 years
Patient Files - NO. #013
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NAME: Hibiscus GENDER: Female SPECIES: Mimikyu TYPING GROUP: Ghost & Fairy Type PATIENT MEDICAL NO. #013 POKEDEX NO. #778  
DATE OF ADMISSION: 04. 03. XXXX – New Year DATE OF BITH: - N/A ORIGIN RESIDENCE/TERRITORY: - Alola Region - Ula'ula Island CURRENT RESIDENCE/TERRIRTORY: Rejuven Archipelago – Carnelian Key Isle
PAST OCCUPATION: A former partner to a trainer. CURRANT: - Living on Carnelian Key Isle, helps the crew of Casper’s Haunted house. MARITAL STATUS: - N/A MATING SPOUSE: - N/A CHILDREN/BROOD: - N/A
ADMISSION TRAINER ADMITTANCE (Foster): - N/A WILD RESCUE: - N/A TRANSFERRED (Abused/Abandoned): - There was a call from one of the Marauder Members in Alola who caught the end of a terrible abandonment between trainer and this sweet Mimikyu who was heart-broken. PROFESSOR/RANGER: - N/A OTHER: - N/A
STATUS: Temporary Patient ISLE REGISTER: Carnelian Key Isle POSSIBILITY OF ADOPTION: - She would like to be adopted; however, she is a worried she would be abandoned again for apparently a ‘cuter’ Pokemon.
MENTAL STATE: Stable - *Little weary around newcomers.   PHYSICAL CONDITION: Healthy – Light grey cloth material, with a red Hibiscus sitting on one corner of her ears. DIAGNOSIS: - N/A TREATMENT: - Just regular check-ups with Doctor Elias.  
Mimikyu lives its life completely covered by its cloth and is always hidden. People believe that anybody who sees its true form beneath the cloth will be stricken with a mysterious illness. People in the Alola region are convinced that you must never try to peek beneath its covering. Mimikyu's health fails when it’s bathed in the rays of the sun, so it prefers to stick to dark places. It’s rumored that the reason it covers itself with a cloth is to avoid sunlight.
Note: Like most other ghost-type Pokémon, mimikyu can in fact hover and float. However, most of them choose not to, to avoid exposing the underside of their rag. – Doctor Elias.
SIDE NOTES: Mimikyu parents knit or craft their babies’ outfits before they’re born so they have something to disguise themselves in when they hatch. Sewing skills are typically natural to a Mimikyu, but those that aren’t try their best. Some people give their Mimikyu a whole wardrobe of outfits to choose from, others pick materials that are shock proof, fire resistant or fantastic for resisting tears and puncture wounds.  – Professor Kryspyn
ADDITONAL NOTES: Mimikyu have trouble keeping their disguises clean. It’s easiest to wash the disguise when it is off, but Mimikyu is too insecure to remove it willingly. So, if a Mimikyu hands over its disguise to you to fix a tear or wash it, it means the Mimikyu really trusts you! – Professor Kryspyn  
SCHEDULED MEAL REQUIRMENTS: -   Breakfast: Fairy and Ghost Type food Formula + warm bottle of Moomoo Milk Lunch: Nummy Honey Drizzled Oran slices, Dinner: A bowl of Apple Slices
*Hibiscus is apart of the Open Spooky Event of Rejuven, Being part of the team of Casper’s Haunted Retreat, she loves helping behind the scenes rather then being the one who scares people. She will also be featuring in our Auditorium Lecture Show alongside Luna the Sableye
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professor-fanalia · 3 years
Patient Files - NO. #010
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NAME: Cepheus GENDER: Male     SPECIES: Torterra – Razz Berry Tree. TYPING GROUP: Grass & Ground Type PATIENT MEDICAL NO. #010 POKEDEX NO. #389
DATE OF ADMISSION: 29. 01. XXXX – New Year DATE OF BITH: - N/A   ORIGIN RESIDENCE/TERRITORY: - Sinnoh Region CURRENT RESIDENCE/TERRIRTORY: Rejuven Archipelago – Rejuven’s Greenhouse
PAST OCCUPATION: Alongside the other Sinnoh Starters, for Professor Rowan. However, he wasn’t picked – Romaine picked him up when she visited Sinnoh Region. CURRANT: - Now he’s retired on Rejuven Isle, and rests in the greenhouse -*He loves visitors MARITAL STATUS: Mated MATING SPOUSE: - Atlas the Dark Oak Tree Variant Torterra CHILDREN/BROOD: - 2x Daughters, 2x Sons – Turtwig variants *up for adoption.
ADMISSION TRAINER ADMITTANCE: - N/A WILD RESCUE: - N/A TRANSFERRED (Abused): - N/A PROFESSOR/RANGER: - Professor Rowan admitted Cepheus into Romaine’s Care. OTHER: - N/A
STATUS: Permanent Patient ISLE REGISTER: Rejuven Isle POSSIBILITY OF ADOPTION: - Was raised by Romaine Beauregard.
MENTAL STATE: Stable PHYSICAL CONDITION: Healthy - DIAGNOSIS: - N/A TREATMENT: - Daily check-ups with Elias, rub ointment on the joints, & morning exercise  
Torterras are a fascinating grass type, for centuries ago and even now people have mistaken groups of this Pokémon migrating in search of water for “moving forests.” Which is understandable, a purebred Torterra, with luck and health on its side, can live anywhere up to 400 years. The oldest purebred Torterra recorded was 563 years. Their longevity has sparked wild beliefs, as ancient people imagined that beneath the ground, a gigantic Torterra dwelled.
Note: Some Pokémon are born on a Torterra’s back and spend their entire life there. This is because small Pokémon occasionally gather on its unmoving back to begin building their nests. – Doctor Elias.  
SIDE NOTES: As stated by @prof-peach​ a Torterra’s lifespan, depending on health and luck can live anywhere up to 400 years, a variant Torterra A variant or hybrid is a different thing. Some last much longer, and some far less. Really depends on their genetics and lifestyle.
When they finally lay down and take their final long rest, their trees continue to grow, and eventually, the shell, bones and remains are lost to moss and plant life, leaving a strong tree on a small hill, these trees can no longer produce offspring seeds for the Pokemon, and instead become regular plant life, and go on to live even longer. Some trainers find this comforting, that their partners can live on in this quiet form. – Doctor Elias
ADDITONAL NOTES: Torterra are actually a collective of multiple organisms living as one, the Pokemon and its rocky growths, the microbes in their shell’s soil, and the tree and any plant life are all technically separate entities, and sometimes they reject each other or need replacing!  – Groundskeeper Romaine *Fact introduced by Professor Peach  
SCHEDULED MEAL REQUIRMENTS: - Breakfast: Oran berry and Magost berry slices. Lunch: Hibiscus petal, Lettuce and carrot salad. Dinner: Grass & Ground Type food formula + Moomoo milk.
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professor-fanalia · 2 years
I gotta ask what has been the most dangerous Pokémon to work with
Doctor Elias: "In general, all Pokémon can dangerous to work with. I'm not saying they frightening beasts, or as harmless as a strawberry. Its the fact they all have the capability to do some damage."
"However; much like my exuberant co-worker, This is one I have been dying to share, a good little joint procedure Romaine and I have. Specifically with one of the wild Pokémon within the confines of Agate Island. Its another one of the protected islands within the Rejuven Archipelago, only this is island is for Pokémon just plain not suited for trainers, either through complete rejection of a trainer or simply having no interactions with people. The island, truthfully, is important to what we do here, and example has to be for Kryspyn who values it himself due to the chance to see how to maximize enrichment for his nursery understand key needs in the environment and what may bring joy or aid in raising a juvenile Pokémon."
"In my case I get to see how wild Pokémon function in their natural environment, I get the chance to understand more that may help me with my medical advancements thanks to Agate Island. Its a important resource to have because really this protected island is our teacher. Usually the only ones allowed on the island are Pokémon who volunteered to protect the island, and help ease any disputes of the inhabitants since Agate Island is home to Pokémon who have no desire to interact with humans."
"We do have human ranger security, but they are to remain on the outskirts away near the port sides, while the Pokémon Patrol groups handled, and did their rotations. We don't keep the line too firm on staying away, though this exception is only due to emergencies. In this case lately, Romaine and I have a joint duty on caring for a Venusaur that lives on Agate, he had a rather tough parasitic problem, and with Romaine's background not only am I able to learn from my best friend here but she can also save me from any beatings from the large Grass/Poison Type.... for you see this Venusaur was very territorial, that's the dangerous part, me attempting any check ups alone put me in heavy danger. But Romaine is tolerated, no doubt its her understanding in Grass type Pokémon, but she is only tolerated its not the safest thing to work with a grumpy wild Pokémon. but things must be done to preserve what we have here."
Groundskeeper Romaine: “We’ve come to name the loveable grumpy Venusaur, Tailson.” 
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professor-fanalia · 2 years
Hey my zoroark volunteers here gardening at night and he Keeps bringing me the stuff he cleaned like weeds,rotten plants and dead plants etc for my garden is that okay with you? And if so can i bring stuff from my own garden for compost?
Professor Kryspyn: "Oh goodness! Might I just start by saying your Zororark is so well mannered, he is such a good comrade caring for things like that! I am pretty sure none of us would care at all in fact those weeds and such are being put to good use here for the mulching, and composting for the greenhouses really. I'm sure something could be worked out with Romaine on it, I'm not too sure what she would use weeds for but maybe she would be just fine with that too!"
Groundskeeper Romaine: "Thanks Kry." *Chuckles* "But Kryspyn is correct, your Zoroark Companion has been most helpful around the gardens and green houses here on Rejuven. With his shape-shifting illusions he can get to all sorts of crevices that others might have difficulty reaching. Volunteer work is a great way to support community or facilities; I'm guessing your joining the marauder division?"
*mumbles* "I think on one of the plans was to build a Marauder HQ and Volunteer facilities on Opal Crescent. I'll need to chat with the faculty members"
"Of course, it shouldn't be a problem at all!"
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professor-fanalia · 3 years
Patient Files - NO. #008
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NAME: Atlas GENDER: Female     SPECIES: Torterra – Dark Oak Tree. TYPING GROUP: Grass & Ground Type PATIENT MEDICAL NO. #008 POKEDEX NO. #389
DATE OF ADMISSION: 26. 01. XXXX – New Year DATE OF BITH: - 26. 01. XXXX ORIGIN RESIDENCE/TERRITORY: - Born on Fay’s Peridot Isle CURRENT RESIDENCE/TERRIRTORY: Rejuven Archipelago – Rejuven’s Greenhouse
PAST OCCUPATION: She used to live on Fay’s Peridot Isle apart of the inhabitants. CURRANT: - Now the old girl is retired on Rejuven Isle, and rests in the greenhouse. MARITAL STATUS: Mated MATING SPOUSE: - Cepheus the Razz berry Tree Variant Torterra CHILDREN/BROOD: - 2x Daughters, 2x Sons – Turtwig variants *up for adoption.
ADMISSION TRAINER ADMITTANCE: - N/A WILD RESCUE: - N/A TRANSFERRED (Abused): - N/A PROFESSOR/RANGER: - N/A OTHER: - Was hatched by Kryspyn in the Neverland Nursery
STATUS: Permanent Patient ISLE REGISTER: Rejuven Isle POSSIBILITY OF ADOPTION: - Was raised by Romaine Beauregard.
MENTAL STATE: Stable PHYSICAL CONDITION: Healthy - *Stiff joints and cloudy eyes.   DIAGNOSIS: - Despite reaching her prime, she still has symptoms of old age, cloudy vision and stiff joints in the legs. TREATMENT: - Daily check-ups with Elias, rub ointment on the joints, morning exercise with eye drops.
Torterras are a fascinating grass type, for centuries ago and even now people have mistaken groups of this Pokémon migrating in search of water for “moving forests.” Which is understandable, a purebred Torterra, with luck and health on its side, can live anywhere up to 400 years. The oldest purebred Torterra recorded was 563 years. Their longevity has sparked wild beliefs, as ancient people imagined that beneath the ground, a gigantic Torterra dwelled.
Note: Some Pokémon are born on a Torterra’s back and spend their entire life there. This is because small Pokémon occasionally gather on its unmoving back to begin building their nests. – Doctor Elias.  
SIDE NOTES: As stated by @prof-peach​ a Torterras lifespan, depending on health and luck can live anywhere up to 400 years, a variant or hybrid Torterra is a different thing. Some last much longer, and some far less. Really depends on their genetics and lifestyle. When they finally lay down and take their final long rest, their trees continue to grow, and eventually, the shell, bones and remains are lost to moss and plant life, leaving a strong tree on a small hill, these trees can no longer produce offspring seeds for the Pokémon, and instead become regular plant life, and go on to live even longer. Some trainers find this comforting, that their partners can live on in this quiet form. – Doctor Elias
ADDITONAL NOTES: Torterra are actually a collective of multiple organisms living as one, the Pokémon and its rocky growths, the microbes in their shell’s soil, and the tree and any plant life are all technically separate entities, and sometimes they reject each other or need replacing!  – Groundskeeper Romaine *Fact introduced by Professor Peach. 
SCHEDULED MEAL REQUIRMENTS: - Breakfast: Occa berry and Magost berry slices. Lunch: Hibiscus petal, Lettuce and carrot salad. Dinner: Grass & Ground Type food formula + Moomoo milk.
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professor-fanalia · 3 years
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NAME: Oath GENDER: Male SPECIES: Corviknight TYPING GROUP: Flying & Steel Type PATIENT MEDICAL NO. #018 POKEDEX NO. #023 – Galar Pokedex
PAST OCCUPATION: - N/A – Wild CURRANT: - Spending his days resting in Rejuven’s Aviary, sunbathing and being a part of the Flying-Type & Steel-Type Lectures alongside others. MARITAL STATUS: - N/A MATING SPOUSE: - N/A CHILDREN/BROOD: - N/A
ADMISSION TRAINER ADMITTANCE (Foster): - N/A WILD RESCUE: - N/A TRANSFERRED (Abused/Abandoned): - N/A PROFESSOR/RANGER: - N/A OTHER: - Was transferred to the Rejuven Archipelago from Galar to take apart of the Call of the Wild Charity, as a show of trust for the opening of Galar’s Borders.
STATUS: Permanent Patient ISLE REGISTER: Rejuven Island – Rejuven Aviary POSSIBILITY OF ADOPTION: - Was given as a sign of Trust from Galar, adoption is not open.
MENTAL STATE: Stable PHYSICAL CONDITION: Healthy* DIAGNOSIS: - N/A TREATMENT: - Just regular check-ups with Doctor Elias.  
Oath’s species reign supreme in the skies of the Galar region, their black luster of its steel body could drive terror into the heart of any foe. But its beautiful sheen is what makes it mesmerising, most of its plumage is a shiny black, with a purple or blue sheen on the crown, forehead, and secondaries, and a green-blue sheen on the throat, primaries, and tail. These dark avian of the sky are highly gregarious and are generally seen in flocks of varying sizes. In autumn flocks usually increase in size and birds congregate at dusk for communal roosting, with up to several thousand individuals gathering at one site.
Note: Corviknight’s with their great intellect and flying skills, these Pokémon very successfully act as the Galar region’s airborne taxi service. – Professor Fanalia. 
SIDE NOTES: Corviknights are monogamous breeders; they mate for life and pairs always stay together within flocks. They usually breed in colonies with pairs collaborating to find a nest site, which they then defend from other pairs and predators during most of the year. They nest in cavities in trees or cliffs, in ruined or occupied buildings, and in chimneys. Nest platforms can attain a great size. A mated pair usually constructs a nest by improving a crevice by dropping sticks into it; it is then built on top of the platform formed. The nest is then lined with hair, wool, dead grass, and many other materials.   – Professor Kryspyn.
ADDITONAL NOTES: Corviknights are active during the day and forage mostly on the ground in open areas and sometimes in trees. While feeding they use various methods such as jumping, pecking, clod-turning, and scattering, probing the soil, and occasionally, digging. – Doctor Elias
SCHEDULED MEAL REQUIRMENTS: -   Breakfast: Flying & Steel Type food Formula + Razz berry mush, sprinkled with sesame seeds. Lunch: A Toast Curry Share Dish Platter. Dinner: Nummy Honey Drizzled Oran slices + with Tamato Berry shavings.
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professor-fanalia · 3 years
Patient Files - NO. #017
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NAME: Hearth GENDER: Male SPECIES: Noctowl – Barn Variant. TYPING GROUP: Normal & Flying Type PATIENT MEDICAL NO. #017 POKEDEX NO. #164
DATE OF ADMISSION: 12. 02. XXXX – New Year DATE OF BITH: - N/A ORIGIN RESIDENCE/TERRITORY: - Rejuven Island Local CURRENT RESIDENCE/TERRIRTORY: Rejuven Archipelago – Rejuven Aviary
PAST OCCUPATION: - N/A – Wild CURRANT: - Spending his days resting in Rejuven’s Aviary, sunbathing and being a part of the Flying-Type Lectures alongside others. MARITAL STATUS: - N/A MATING SPOUSE: - N/A CHILDREN/BROOD: - N/A
ADMISSION TRAINER ADMITTANCE (Foster): - N/A WILD RESCUE: - N/A TRANSFERRED (Abused/Abandoned): - N/A PROFESSOR/RANGER: - N/A OTHER: - Was Born Local of Rejuven Archipelago
STATUS: Temporary Patient ISLE REGISTER: Rejuven Island – Rejuven Aviary POSSIBILITY OF ADOPTION: - A very comedic bird who wants to spread laughter with a companion.
MENTAL STATE: Stable PHYSICAL CONDITION: Healthy* DIAGNOSIS: - N/A TREATMENT: - Just regular check-ups with Doctor Elias.  
Hearth is much more a slimmer and paler compared to his Noctowl brethren. He has more of a with a heart-shaped facial disc. Its upperparts are light grey with blotches of rich buff, covered with tiny, black, tear-shaped markings. Its underparts are white, cream or buff with fine, dark-brown streaks. But much like his brethren, he’s has earned his title as a ‘Emperor of Dark Nights,’ his eyes are specially developed to enable him to see clearly even in murky darkness and minimal light. This is because Inside of an Noctowl's eyes, there are a large number of structures called rods. Rods are sensitive to light, so many rods help owls see at night. Which make Noctowls phenomenal nocturnal hunters.
Note: Noctowl never fails at catching prey in darkness. This Pokémon owes its success to its superior vision that allows it to see in minimal light, and to its soft, supple wings that make no sound in flight. – Professor Fanalia.  
SIDE NOTES: They usually nest in deep hollows in old trees, but some may nest in caves, cavities beneath rocks or even mines, and some may nest in cavities in buildings. Females incubate the 3–6 white eggs, and she broods the nestlings, while the male hunts for food to feed them, which he passes to her in the nest. – Professor Kryspyn.
ADDITONAL NOTES: When it turns its head entirely upside down, you know it’s troubled by something. If you don’t leave it be, it will peck you. When it needs to think, it rotates its head 180 degrees to sharpen its intellectual power. – Doctor Elias
SCHEDULED MEAL REQUIRMENTS: -   Breakfast: Flying Type food Formula + Side dish of seeds. Lunch: A bowl of sliced Nanab Berries. Dinner: Homemade porridge concoction – Moomoo milk, chopped Razz berry, & walnuts.
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professor-fanalia · 3 years
Patient Files - NO. #016
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NAME: Blaise GENDER: Female SPECIES: Talonflame - Northern Eastern Variant TYPING GROUP: Flying & Fire Type PATIENT MEDICAL NO. #016 POKEDEX NO. #663
DATE OF ADMISSION: 17. 03. XXXX – New Year DATE OF BITH: - N/A ORIGIN RESIDENCE/TERRITORY: - Kalos Region – Wild Mountain Range CURRENT RESIDENCE/TERRIRTORY: Rejuven Archipelago – Rejuven Aviary
PAST OCCUPATION: - N/A – Wild CURRANT: - Spending her days resting in Rejuven’s Aviary, sunbathing and being apart of the Flying-Type Lectures alongside others. MARITAL STATUS: - N/A MATING SPOUSE: - N/A CHILDREN/BROOD: - N/A
ADMISSION TRAINER ADMITTANCE (Foster): - N/A WILD RESCUE: - There was a call from one of the Marauder Members in Kalos about a Territorial Talonflame causing a ruckus at the northern points of Kalos, near Dendemille Town. TRANSFERRED (Abused/Abandoned): - N/A PROFESSOR/RANGER: - N/A OTHER: - Rescued and Retrieved with Marauder Division in Kalos to transport to Rejuven Archipelago.
STATUS: Permanent Patient ISLE REGISTER: Rejuven Island – Rejuven Aviary POSSIBILITY OF ADOPTION: - She doesn’t want to be adopted.  
MENTAL STATE: Stable PHYSICAL CONDITION: Healthy - A black hooded plumage covered Blaise’s head, wings, and most of her chest and back before tapering off into a flame pattern that was blue-black in shade. Her underside and hindquarters were creamy white which was finely barred from the breast to the tail. The tips of her long, tapered pointed wings were black giving off a straight trailing edge in flight. While black spots speckle her underside. Large yellow talons extend from the shaggy feathers on her legs.
She still had a pointed crest atop her head, but it was slightly curled forwards. White-and-blue replaced the black-and-yellow mask-like markings around her eyes. However, her black beak remained hooked with a yellow cere. Unlike the long black tail feathers that were marked with three yellow V-shapes, Blaise’s tail was longer and much more pointed with three white V-shapes. Before her tail ended in two points and had another feather sticking out of the base on each side, resembling of the fletching on the end of an arrow. DIAGNOSIS: - N/A TREATMENT: - Just regular check-ups with Doctor Elias.  
Blaise’s colouration is due to the environment she had to adapt to in colder climates and a change in diet, Blaise’s beautiful colours mostly adapted into melanism which causes Flying types or other Pokémon to have an excess of dark pigmentation and is generally caused by a genetic mutation but can also be a result of certain diets. Some species have a naturally occurring melanic form or ‘morph.’
Talonflames are elegant when flying to an extent, due to which how they soar with long wings held at a dihedral, which is an upward angle from horizontal in a fixed-wing aircraft or bird wing from root to tip. And their long two forked tail twisting as it changes direction, but as you can see here Blaise is a rather different. Normally Talonflames have long black tailfeathers marked with three yellow V-shapes, where the tail ends in two points and has another feather sticking out of the base on each side, resembling of the fletching on the end of an arrow and show off their beautiful brightly flame like colours. But as you can see Blaise is greyer in colour, this is because Blaise is a North-eastern Variant, despite a change in colour she remains a Flying and Fire Type.
Note: Living mostly along mountain ranges, river valleys, coastlines, and increasingly in cities in the Kalos Region. Talonflames are truly speedsters of the sky, reaching speeds of up to 310 miles per hour, its tough wings even don’t allow fire to pass through them. – Groundskeeper Romaine
SIDE NOTES: In the fever of an exciting battle, it showers embers from the gaps between its feathers and takes to the air. Even during hunting it can reach high speeds to finishes its prey off with a colossal kick. – Professor Fanalia
ADDITONAL NOTES: Its tough wings don’t allow fire to pass through them. A long time ago, firefighters’ outfits were made from Talonflame wings. – Doctor Elias
SCHEDULED MEAL REQUIRMENTS: - Breakfast: Flying & Fire Type food Formula + Side dish of seeds. Lunch: A bowl of slightly frozen Rawst Berries. Dinner: Homemade porridge concoction – Moomoo milk, chopped Razz berry, & walnuts.
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professor-fanalia · 3 years
Patient Files - NO. #009
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NAME: Neptune GENDER: Male       SPECIES: Kingdra TYPING GROUP: Water & Dragon type PATIENT MEDICAL NO. #009 POKEDEX NO. #230
DATE OF ADMISSION: 03. 02. XXXX – New Year DATE OF BITH: - N/A ORIGIN RESIDENCE/TERRITORY: - Coastal Waters of Johto CURRENT RESIDENCE/TERRIRTORY: Rejuven Archipelago – Tourmaline Isle 
PAST OCCUPATION: He was poached to be sold on the Black Market. CURRANT: - N/A - swimming in the coastal waters of Tourmaline Isle MARITAL STATUS: Mated MATING SPOUSE: - Leviathan / ‘Levi’ the Dragalge CHILDREN/BROOD: - 4x Skrelp Daughters, 3x Horsea Sons - *up for adoption.
ADMISSION TRAINER ADMITTANCE: - N/A WILD RESCUE: - N/A TRANSFERRED (Abused): - N/A PROFESSOR/RANGER: - N/A OTHER: - Collaboration rescue with the Detective force in Johto.
STATUS: Permanent Patient ISLE REGISTER: Tourmaline Isle POSSIBILITY OF ADOPTION: - He doesn’t want to be adopted.
MENTAL STATE: Stable - *Still a bit cautious around humans PHYSICAL CONDITION: Healthy - *He has a deep blue colouring to his scales, a scar along the side of his mouth and over his eye. DIAGNOSIS: - N/A TREATMENT: - Regular check-ups with Doctor Elias.
Kingdra are highly adept in the water, using its dorsal fin to swim in any direction while facing forward. It can use its tail as both a balance and an anchor when caught in a strong current. In safer environments, it uses its tail to play with other members of its species. Kingdra live at extreme ocean depths that are otherwise uninhabited. It has long been believed that the yawning of this Pokémon creates spiralling ocean currents.
Note: Scales shed by this Pokémon have such a splendorous gleam to them that they’ve been given to royalty as gifts. – Groundskeeper Romaine
SIDE NOTES: Kingdra see scars as trophies of their battles, especially from battles against Dragonites. We found this out when Neptune met Leviathan or Levi as we call her, Neptune had started an interesting courting dance that showed off his scars for visibly to the female Dragalge – Professor Fanalia.
ADDITONAL NOTES: Just because Kingdra lost most of its barbs when it was a Seadra, doesn’t mean it’s lost its poison. Its venom is toxic enough to induce fainting in humans but is prized among practitioners of traditional medicine. – Doctor Elias
SCHEDULED MEAL REQUIRMENTS: - Breakfast: Slices of Watmel sprinkled with Oran shavings. Lunch: Water and Dragon Type food Formula drizzled with Nummy honey Dinner: Apicot and Pecha berry salad.
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