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astermacguffin · 3 years ago
Hope you know that I think you're such an awesome person and am excited everytime I see you in my notifs or on discord and that I respect you a lot!
Rem this is EXTREMELY sweet omg 🥺😍😭 i hope you know that I very much appreciate you as well! ❤️❤️❤️
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angelinthefire · 3 years ago
Ignite your bones - chapter 10
Castiel/Dean Winchester, multi-chapter, WIP, rated E, MCD
“Huh?” Dean shakes away his impending dizziness. 
Cas is looking at him, a question in his frown, holding the phone away from his mouth. 
“Jody wants to know if we can drive up. She has something to show us.” 
Dean has to hide. 
He can’t hide. 
He’s done this stupid thing with Cas and now he’s stuck, unless he wants to break Cas for good. Because Cas will never give up on Dean, he’ll never save himself.
So Dean smiles as his insides wither. “Sure.” 
Chapter 10 of the Dean-kills-Sam-in-15x19 fic.
Dean, Cas and Jack visit a friend.
Let me know if you want on or off the tag list.
@restlesshush @yesitsterriblysimple @icefire149 @destieldisaster @autisticandroids @krill-joy @raouldechagnys @ayumidah @faithcastiel @rhystheceo @spuffy-destiel @itsanending @spriteofmushrooms @an-android-in-a-tutu @ineed-love-you @vividfaces @castielmydarling @finchnatural @kaiteymae @bluishorange @sixn1604 @angelicode @edelwaiss @icameoutonthetardis @stressedtaco @givemchel @meanstiel @fromthedeskofcripslock @castielmybeloved @1dnatural @glitterinlowgravity @spperditionn @goatiel @bedlund @sixohsixoheightfourtwo @poeobi @carzinization @moonshadecastiel @stronghopelovefaith @crossroadsdog @nerdy-duckling @madstropa @hellerstiel @sobernatural @castielsmidnights @deansacowboylikeme @casgape @nevergohome
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teenpregnancystiel · 3 years ago
You can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. put your favorite playlist on shuffle and list the first ten songs then tag ten people
tagged by @destielgaysex thank uuuuuu
homiesexual - tayla parx
who is it - michael jackson
we own the night - dance gavin dance
she wolf - shakira
work it - missy elliot
the sadness will never end - bring me the horizon
ride - lana del rey
(you drive me) crazy - britney spears
bleed the freak - alice in chains
blood on the dance floor - michael jackson
thx for tagging meeeeee <3 i tag @casgape @themauvesoul @nevergohome @gerardstiel and @pregstiel :)
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panque18 · 4 years ago
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@windy-poplars​ @milamirph​ @miente-me​ @bailacomojuanalacubana18-blog​ @scarecrows-dreams​ @lizroleplayer​ @kuortsmytumbler1​ @beyourselfcarrot​ @aboutthedream-blog​ @patchonfire​ @curcovein​ @fyeahriachbros​ @quinntanalover-blog​ @thickasthievesx​ @cherismyworld​ @memories-never-go​ @astrangebe​ @oneyellowride-blog​ @bolsillollenodeilusiones​ @she-is-an-underdog-blog​ @lookingattheskyonme​ @sp4nglish​ @soypelotudaymelabanco-blog​ @jonaticoboy​ @nojonasnolife​ @dazed-andc0nfusedd​ @hola-soy-dianola​ @imaginanickj-blog​ @nevergohome-blog​ @my-numb3r-nine​ @tuspapas​ @twentyfiveallmylife​ @desperdiciame​ @milangaconpure​ @themagicofthebooks​ @marijomslw​ @stylesnialler​ @aestheticgabby​ @befreelittlelady-blog-blog​ @istaywithmyjonas​ @fuckubitch26-blog​ @vogue-selena​ @summerliam-blog​ @like-different-stars​ @meetmeinparis-j​ @faithfulrauhl-blog​ @inceptionending-blog​ @lovekrisforever-blog​ @shattered-dreams-around​ @jonasfic-blog​ @regressiontothemean14​
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lightcnd · 7 years ago
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🛫💺 #wheretonext ? #nevergohome 😂😁 (at Minneapolis-St Paul International Airport (MSP)-Terminal 2)
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arsonistsam · 3 years ago
Listening to songs recommended by REM @nevergohome and let’s just say- I’ve been shattered and gutted and the like
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gilbertkingelisa · 3 years ago
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“Never in life Would I Have Friends Again, Like I Did When I Was 12” #Friends #StandByMe #BlackandWhitePhotography #PutYourFeetIn #MonochromePhotography #NothingButFun #SocialSkills #NotIt #Tag #FreezeTag #NoTagBacks #YouMissed #Adolescentes #ForTheSakeofRunning #2022Chooser #FairIsFair #ChildrenPhoto #OldSneakers #GetHomeBeforeDark #Noir #Colorless #YouCantCatchNobody #NeverGoHome https://www.instagram.com/p/CaQnnArJiaZ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lifblogs · 3 years ago
@evilwriter37 @nevergohome @indigostars @kckenobi
It's Show & Tell Time!
Tag your favorite fic author!
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smilerface-blog · 4 years ago
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@yaki-1989​ @z0mbified-em0tions​ @forgiiveness-blog​ @ipromiseiwillneverforgetyou​ @holesofpaininmyheart​ @iswendyclear-blog​ @a-beauty-half-betrayed-blog​ @emilllymeow-blog​ @takearidetothesky​ @ilove1dliampayne-blog​ @nevergohome-blog​ @millenniumbridge​ @youneedalittlemagic-blog​ @ohmypotato​ @a-world-of-butterflies​ @calilovesavril​ @danhanyakida-blog​ @likeavasitoblancoo-blog​ @itsapinkworld-blog​ @misguidedghoststravelers​ @oswinmpossible-blog​ @bellasrn-blog​ @dos-minutos​ @crossedestinies​ @kingsoftomlinson-blog​ @ayejonasbitches-blog​ @unicorn4evah-blog​ @closeyoureyesandwishmewell-blog​ @fattyleaf​ @agusmad90-blog​ @i-never-wanna-diie​ @titanide​ @littlethings-darling-blog​ @everyday-feels-like-a-monday​ @littlewalkinthesun-blog​ @ibang-niall-blog-blog​ @n0thing-remains​ @anaimontes-blog​ @livinunderapapermoon-blog​ @adrianabaltar​ @onedirectionwag​ @unscrupulousdreamer​ @hxrrylife-blog​ @adventurelanda​ @peckhas​ @its-micaela​ @itsadirectionersthing-blog​ @thevampsmexico-blog​ @ladadida-di-blog​ @yours0ulwillcaptureme​ @eclipse-s-0-l-a-r-blog​ @stayuntilthend​ @gooddriddance​ @hopeforthebestbutspecttheworst​ @ourprettysong​ @stupidobsessive​ @aunlosigoamando​ @w3arediemonds-blog​ @what-ab0ut-sec0nd-breakfast​ @hellofashionist-blog​ @descolocarse​ @polaroiddelocuraordinaria​ @baarbswag-blog​ @miracle-t-blog​ @iron-max-blog​
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angelinthefire · 2 years ago
Ignite your bones - chapter 11
Castiel/Dean Winchester, multi-chapter, WIP, rated E, MCD
The back yard looks over an empty lot, the patio umbrella of Jody’s closest neighbour visible over two rows of fences and hedges, but otherwise creating a sense of distance and privacy. To the west the sky is clear, the sun just beginning to pool against the horizon, the sky still a delicate shade of blue. 
Jody cracks the bottles open, leans against the deck railing, and offers one to Dean. So damn casual-like. Like nothing has changed. Like Dean’s the same guy he was that morning. Like he hasn’t changed since Jody still had a son and a husband, and Dean still had a brother. 
He takes the beer. Feels the cool glass against his lips, the yeasty drink wash over his tongue. It’d take a lot of whatever domestic lite beer it is that Jody’s drinking to get Dean tipsy, but the familiarity of the action is soothing. 
Dean leans next to her, overlooking her lawn. The ends of the grass are turning yellow and rough. 
“So…” Jody starts. 
Dean braces himself. 
“I’m not gonna make you talk if you don’t wanna,” she says. “But I’d really like to know how you’re doing.” 
Chapter 11 of the Dean-kills-Sam-in-15x19 fic.
A nice family dinner.
Let me know if you want on or off the tag list.
@restlesshush @yesitsterriblysimple @icefire149 @destieldisaster @autisticandroids @krill-joy @raouldechagnys @ayumidah @faithcastiel @rhystheceo @spuffy-destiel @itsanending @spriteofmushrooms @an-android-in-a-tutu @ineed-love-you @vividfaces @castielmydarling @finchnatural @kaiteymae @bluishorange @sixn1604 @angelicode @edelwaiss @icameoutonthetardis @stressedtaco @givemchel @meanstiel @fromthedeskofcripslock @castielmybeloved @1dnatural @glitterinlowgravity @spperditionn @goatiel @bedlund @sixohsixoheightfourtwo @poeobi @carzinization @moonshadecastiel @stronghopelovefaith @crossroadsdog @nerdy-duckling @madstropa @hellerstiel @sobernatural @castielsmidnights @deansacowboylikeme @casgape @nevergohome @pattywinchester @glamrockcas
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donnafayewrites-blog · 8 years ago
My #truenature never fit into their ideal of how I ought to be. If I had fit their narrative, would I have ever left in the first place? And why, with the hard-earned and vast expansion of my mind and capabilities, would I attempt to cram myself into that narrow viewpoint? #fittingin the #military was much easier than #civilianlife. You Can #nevergohome - a story about #Veteran #reintegration
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panque18 · 4 years ago
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@windy-poplars​ @milamirph​ @miente-me​ @bailacomojuanalacubana18-blog​ @scarecrows-dreams​ @lizroleplayer​ @kuortsmytumbler1​ @beyourselfcarrot​ @aboutthedream-blog​ @patchonfire​ @curcovein​ @fyeahriachbros​ @quinntanalover-blog​ @thickasthievesx​ @cherismyworld​ @memories-never-go​ @astrangebe​ @oneyellowride-blog​ @bolsillollenodeilusiones​ @she-is-an-underdog-blog​ @lookingattheskyonme​ @sp4nglish​ @soypelotudaymelabanco-blog​ @jonaticoboy​ @nojonasnolife​ @dazed-andc0nfusedd​ @hola-soy-dianola​ @imaginanickj-blog​ @nevergohome-blog​ @my-numb3r-nine​ @tuspapas​ @twentyfiveallmylife​ @desperdiciame​ @milangaconpure​ @themagicofthebooks​ @marijomslw​ @stylesnialler​ @aestheticgabby​ @befreelittlelady-blog-blog​ @istaywithmyjonas​ @fuckubitch26-blog​ @vogue-selena​ @summerliam-blog​ @like-different-stars​ @meetmeinparis-j​ @faithfulrauhl-blog​ @inceptionending-blog​ @lovekrisforever-blog​ @shattered-dreams-around​ @jonasfic-blog​ @regressiontothemean14​
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smilerface-blog · 4 years ago
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@yaki-1989​ @z0mbified-em0tions​ @forgiiveness-blog​ @ipromiseiwillneverforgetyou​ @holesofpaininmyheart​ @iswendyclear-blog​ @a-beauty-half-betrayed-blog​ @emilllymeow-blog​ @takearidetothesky​ @ilove1dliampayne-blog​ @nevergohome-blog​ @millenniumbridge​ @youneedalittlemagic-blog​ @ohmypotato​ @a-world-of-butterflies​ @calilovesavril​ @danhanyakida-blog​ @likeavasitoblancoo-blog​ @itsapinkworld-blog​ @misguidedghoststravelers​ @oswinmpossible-blog​ @bellasrn-blog​ @dos-minutos​ @crossedestinies​ @kingsoftomlinson-blog​ @ayejonasbitches-blog​ @unicorn4evah-blog​ @closeyoureyesandwishmewell-blog​ @fattyleaf​ @agusmad90-blog​ @i-never-wanna-diie​ @titanide​ @littlethings-darling-blog​ @everyday-feels-like-a-monday​ @littlewalkinthesun-blog​ @ibang-niall-blog-blog​ @n0thing-remains​ @anaimontes-blog​ @livinunderapapermoon-blog​ @adrianabaltar​ @onedirectionwag​ @unscrupulousdreamer​ @hxrrylife-blog​ @adventurelanda​ @peckhas​ @its-micaela​ @itsadirectionersthing-blog​ @thevampsmexico-blog​ @ladadida-di-blog​ @yours0ulwillcaptureme​ @eclipse-s-0-l-a-r-blog​ @stayuntilthend​ @gooddriddance​ @hopeforthebestbutspecttheworst​ @ourprettysong​ @stupidobsessive​ @aunlosigoamando​ @w3arediemonds-blog​ @what-ab0ut-sec0nd-breakfast​ @hellofashionist-blog​ @descolocarse​ @polaroiddelocuraordinaria​ @baarbswag-blog​ @miracle-t-blog​ @iron-max-blog​
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panque18 · 4 years ago
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@windy-poplars​ @milamirph​ @miente-me​ @bailacomojuanalacubana18-blog​ @scarecrows-dreams​ @lizroleplayer​ @kuortsmytumbler1​ @beyourselfcarrot​ @aboutthedream-blog​ @patchonfire​ @curcovein​ @fyeahriachbros​ @quinntanalover-blog​ @thickasthievesx​ @cherismyworld​ @memories-never-go​ @astrangebe​ @oneyellowride-blog​ @bolsillollenodeilusiones​ @she-is-an-underdog-blog​ @lookingattheskyonme​ @sp4nglish​ @soypelotudaymelabanco-blog​ @jonaticoboy​ @nojonasnolife​ @dazed-andc0nfusedd​ @hola-soy-dianola​ @imaginanickj-blog​ @nevergohome-blog​ @my-numb3r-nine​ @tuspapas​ @twentyfiveallmylife​ @desperdiciame​ @milangaconpure​ @themagicofthebooks​ @marijomslw​ @stylesnialler​ @aestheticgabby​ @befreelittlelady-blog-blog​ @istaywithmyjonas​ @fuckubitch26-blog​ @vogue-selena​ @summerliam-blog​ @like-different-stars​ @meetmeinparis-j​ @faithfulrauhl-blog​ @inceptionending-blog​ @lovekrisforever-blog​ @shattered-dreams-around​ @jonasfic-blog​ @regressiontothemean14​
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